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>rivals then
>"Hey loser, I'm gonna kick your ass. Whatever, I wasn't even trying. Smell ya later!"
>rivals also then
>"omigosh hiiiiii neighborino! we're totes besties, take this HM!"
>rivals now
>"why, Anon? why can't I defeat you? this is my dream and you're crushing it... all my life I've put up a cheerful mask but every loss a bit of it is chipped away..."
I feel kinda bad. Can we go back to mean rivals or friendly rivals instead of mindbreak rivals?
>anon discovers diversity
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we already did
This. SV basically had all those archetypes, and that's a good thing.
Blame Gen 3
Man SVfags are fucking delusional lmao.
I wish their designs were good
There is no delusion there.
Carmine is the first type.
Nemona is the second type.
Kieran is the third type.
None of these generic and bland shitters feel like rivals.
I love RSE to death but yeah the Hoenn rivals are fucking terrible. Blue & Barry are the best rivals in the mainline series. Blue is hands down the best "rival" rival and Barry the best "friendly" rival. Blue still takes first place though. His battles were actually challenging and it always gave off the impression that he was one step ahead of you.
I still don't get why people don't like them, they just look like Pokémon characters to me
What the problem?
I dunno, that "double" battle where Barry sends out a useless Munchlax while you fight 1v2 against Galactic grunts is pretty hard.
They don't look like Pokemon characters at all
how does nemona not feel like a rival
her whole deal is that she's obsessed with battling and wants you to become stronger than her
What is a Pokemon character meant to look like? Arven in particular looks like a 10/10 design while the other two are bogged down by too much details and trinkets.
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How? They look way more like Pokémon characters than this ugly fuck.
the only good one was Arven
Gamefreak thinks Silver and the like are too hot for Nukids
>diversity is shit
but it was supposed to be our strength
But people are really horny for Kieran tho
>ugly amorphous fatass with a pile of shit on his head looks more like a Pokémon character than a pretty tomboy in a sporty school uniform
All right bro.
>friendly rivals instead of mindbreak rivals

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