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>most of the tripfags finish desolation
>I'm retarded and forget the subject the first time
>formerly starts up misty's game and becomes a mormon
>leon sweeps hardy in desolation
>rg continues work on modifying reborn
>orion beats alannah's dad in empire
>adolf renews his hatred for terra in reborn

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Empire (don't play this shit)

Reborn Allgen
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No, context doesn't make this make any more sense.
>empire (don’t play this shit)
>link it anyway
We're trying to make the community more inclusive.
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Honestly pretty sweet
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this however makes no sense
I remember El's time travel adventure actually being pretty neat, but it makes no sense that they just let him chill at the bar after all this
but if I complain about people getting to come back who really shouldnt I'll be here all day, at least El gets some good moments later
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What a wretched fight. You basically just get tossed around until you're on your last mon (and fish for paras with Jiggly's body slam in the meantime), set up 3 Minimizes, and pray to the metronome and disobedience RNG gods that you pull through.
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he’s in disguise, and he’s still an elite four member
>he’s still an elite four member
which also makes no sense, but again I know I got to stop dwelling on it and move on
he peaked in sinnoh
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>Shit I didn't like
The game uses the same "run through a really long tunnel" joke a few too many times. The final fight with Tracey is also beyond obnoxious and extremely tedious.
>Shit I liked
This game's presentation is in a league of its own. The amount of detail put into the spritework, the sound design, the animations and everything else is phenomenal. The jokes are (mostly) well-varied and have good comedic timing and there's no shortage of weird shit to find by clicking A repeatedly on everything.

>Final Thoughts
You might find the humor cringe, you might find it hilarious, or some weird middle ground but this is definitely something I recommend to the bros here just for the sheer absurdity of the experience. Would touch butts with this game/10
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Got lucky with the 6v12 fight here I think, managed to get Mega Lopunny boosted by Pyukumuku and killed one side as it came out and tanked the rest
Also, it would be neat to see a different talking pokemon in one of these games sometime
Misty orange
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I'm beginning to remember why I didn't bother completing the post game first time I played.
I hate this meta shit, the quests are mostly boring slogs and puzzles, I dont care about any of the stuff I can catch
I'm going to power through to see the endings this time but man it really sours me on the game
Doubt the creator will ever see this but maybe they could implement a NG+ thing where beating the game once gives you speedup and the ability to save anywhere, as I know there's a few alternate paths and jokes you miss out on and it's a pain to replay all those "long hallway" bits I imagine
The reason for there not being menu saving is that he wants to implement more horror sections and doesn't want those messed up, which is understandable desu

Also should implement a fucking hardcap or not even bother at all, jesus
Also GG, sorry
>click the pokemon empire link
Plus you'd think he'd be smart enough not to believe Julia. Unless that shit's being used as an excuse to be on your side all of a sudden..
Yeah, fitting
It's just that the certificate expired and they don't bother renewing it until they release an update, the site itself is (probably) safe
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I choose to believe my MC bags the Ringmaster at the end of the day
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Releasing those two cunts back into the world is too much of an atrocity for me though. I'm putting it off for as long as I can, so I've just been grabbing whatever shit is in these mountains.
Problem with this though, is I've been at the level cap for so long now. And that's with leveling all 9 Eeveelutions. The last one hit the cap sometime before Blake, so someone who only needed a team of 6 would've been capped much earlier. I don't think any of those grunts can be avoided either.
And to make it even worse, T*rra jews you out of a level cap increase. So you're still capped throughout the whole water treatment shit full of Meteors, plus the gauntlet, plus Ciel. That's a hell of a lot of wasted XP.
Now, even these HM caddies I've swapped in are almost capped. Or they'll probably hit the cap in the water treatment shit, I dunno. I guess I could save looting the mountains until after Ciel, but that means freeing Cunt and Cuntier already, fuck.
Forgot to say I had to get that Lapras today, because it's only available on Fridays ffs
>MC bags ringmaster to get away from terra's growing black hole of autism harem that she begins forming at the end of postgame
truly the most noble of causes
it's so fucking joever bros

>hop onto empire server
>type from: noah
>307 results
ugh its a windows game, i thought it was a ds rom
When I get back to it tomorrow I'll do the surprisingly kino time travel quest with elias
in the mean time, you guys want to shill any legendaries I should try out for the rest of reborns post game? I hardly ever use them so I have no idea which are fun
Zeraora is probably pretty good due to Plasma Fists setting Electric Terrain
Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus also probably is really good
Magearna, Marshadow and Darkrai all probably are really busted if you can get the right sets

Meloetta and Zygarde can both stay in their alternate forms which sounds pretty fun to experiment with, especially Zygarde due to how strong Complete is. Zygarde also goes very well into the final boss as it can basically solo the first fight in that
Thanks bros.
Could I get a link to the Ashen Frost download? I'll probably start it this weekend most likely.

GG I found this to be one of the harder ones before the final few postgame fights.
Zeraora, Landorus, Magearna, and Marshadow are incredible. Darkrai is good but also not as good as you'd think due to being both frail-ish and grounded on New World despite being able to fire off ungodly powerful Black Hole Eclipses. Shaymin-S can exploit everything else being slower on New World fields for maximum flinchfaggotry.
Suicune is incredibly underrated if you run a fat Rest+Calm Mind set. Lunala is also exceptionally good on most of the fields you'll be fighting on coupled with Shadow Shield making it a solid near-universal check to anything that became an issue. I can see Kyurem White being really good for a few fights as well.

And of course, as wagie said, Zygarde-C is godlike being able to stay in his big form.
>Darkrai is good but also not as good as you'd think due to being both frail-ish and grounded on New World
fair, was mostly thinking of the potential of 85% accurate dark voids, especially for the final battles

also, you know, thinking about it especially since 'dreams' have been a major concept in all 3 games that there hasn't been a dedicated 'dream' field where dark void is 90 or 100% accurate or whatever nonsense. i guess desolation might pull such a thing in later versions when they need a field for the dreamscape
>goes from mono electric yang intense to Virtualization
kek, I respect the suffermaxxing at least
Thanks for Ashen Frost. The premise is interesting at least.
Darkness Field already makes Dark Void 100% accurate according to the wiki.
I've been dragging my feet too much, I feel like
my absolute favorite new feature is sleep always lasting 2 turns like rest unless you committed the abhorrent sin of being slower than your opponent and then it eats 3 turns every time
Assuming you're playing All Gen, the Paradoxes are really damn fun, Raging Bolt and Iron Thorn I found to be really cool in their own unique ways, otherwise, Magearna is really solid throughout all the Postgame, Hoopa is neat, Zeraora makes fields fuck off and Registeel surprisingly was pretty good on my end last time around.
Nice satanic trips as well.
The game is very kino at the start, but it degrades very badly around the second half, also since D*m*ce was allowed to fiddle with the game, you can expect some major bullshit.
Speaking of Suffermaxxing, it's time to finally finish this shit so I never have to touch it again
>also since D*m*ce was allowed to fiddle with the game, you can expect some major bullshit.
What am I in for? Total TM death? Complete removal of all boosting and/or recovery moves?
Wear a scuba suit before snorkeling in sewage.
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>someone asked if virtualization is good
i really hope this attracts more retards kek
>the guy in virtualization's chat who was doing a playthrough hasn't posted any images for a month
yeah, will be interesting to see your thoughts
especially when this is apparently what the devs look like, which gets reflected pretty well in the 'cultural messaging' of the game
>Dark Void 100% accurate
oh, my bad, though that was only in rejuv
don't worry, this and the next chapter of emp*re are an extreme slog
it gets a little better once you get to the city i guess
just annoying ass fights mostly, but yeah i remember the TM distribution being handled really fucking gayly
h-haha...guess i might as well join you
Looks like D*m*ce did the AI, but I don't think that's all.
Nothing like multiple tile errors withing the first five minutes of gameplay
Trying to align myself with the revamped city, it's not working, of course kek
I did build a uber team to deal with bullshit at the end of the last episode, so hopefully I won't have to deal with too much faggotry
A scuba suit won't be enough
Checked, and godspeed
I am so sorry you're putting yourself through this again bro.
Shit gen 9 mechanics fucking with everything and the devs not accounting for that, gay accuracy buffs and other invisible buffs that make some fights absolute fucking dogshit, like a Blissey right at the start of the game spamming 100% accurate Sings nonstop, TMs are handled.....meh.....it's not THAT bad but I do recall many of them are stuck a bit too late for no good reason, there's also absolutely horseshit boss fights that come out of nowhere and they're a pain in the ass, some of which are obligatory to progress, others which are not but give you nice rewards for beating them.
Finally found the story kek
Also forgot to mention that Fly still doesn't work, both the HM item or fly itself, even though there's a region map now
>Red Wrestler
Better than Green Pincher, I guess? I think that's what the last one's name was kek
>load up hell again
>it's already bugged the fuck out
i hope this is a consequence of me fucking up the download or extract or something

thanks bro...
>city now uses GDC tiles
i think he took it personally when i said the city got 'modernized' by a bunch of ugly orange arches everywhere
feel like he just, didn't need to bother trying to 'modernize' it (making it easier to navigate would have been an actual improvement)

we fighting the mario bros or some shit? fucking kek
oh okay LMAO

yeah i think my download got fucked, i don't think even vince is incompetent enough to think this looks ok
...i hope...
...what's with the fascination with wrapping
Yeah, it doesn't need grand dream shitty's tileset, it needs fast travel (preferably fly) kek
kek, I wouldn't be surprised if something fucked up from you "jumping" a couple of mini versions ahead desu, hopefully not though
I still couldn’t get Fly to work, even with tinkering with healing spot and what not on metadata.

Not sure how the map looks screwed, but it was fine for me when running MkXP
>gay accuracy buffs and other invisible buffs that make some fights absolute fucking dogshit, like a Blissey right at the start of the game spamming 100% accurate Sings nonstop
If the game is literally outright cheating, I will feel no shame in debugging in whatever I damn well please to make the experience more enjoyable. Perhaps it's time for the adventures of Detective Suicune?

>the city got 'modernized' by a bunch of ugly orange arches everywhere
Fucking McDonalds as far as the eye can see.
ok, just redownloaded the game and it works now, i'm guessing it didn't replace all of the Data files

why are there so many tables here....?

>literally huge long lines of tables stretching up and down the sidewalk

kind of makes me think how we'd like to wrap this game up huehuehuehue
it's 'just' a 20 or 30% accuracy buff to enemies on hard mode, iirc
i also remember we couldn't get debug to work last time, but probably can now
would explain the tables
thought this was supposed to take place in k*los, not fatmerica
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this wasn't all that terrible
beware mauled most of his team after a couple of attack boosts on a sleeping target until he went down to chip damage and pignite
from there opponent just spilled spaghetti and rolled over for me
best of luck
at least it was just a single line over a black screen and not 10 minutes worth of them even with text speedup

the MAD BVLL approaches...
>skimming through flashback cutscene on speedup
>suddenly 6 billion tauros
pfft ahahahahahaha
>it's 'just' a 20 or 30% accuracy buff to enemies on hard mode, iirc
>Fire Blast/Hydro Pump always hit
>Focus Blast/Thunder/Blizzard/Stone Edge now almost always hit
>Powders almost always hit
>Zap Cannon/Inferno now hit at almost pre-buff Focus Blast accuracy
>High Jump Kick has no drawback
I'm sure De*i*e can be trusted to not use these powers for evil, right? ...This sounds awful.
>only a single trainer and 6v12 on route 4
vinceGODs...natVre is healing...

was pretty funny, a year or so back someone said that the BVLLs raped the redhead in that cutscene
Now I remember why I was debugskipping these faggots
>get the option to tell cowboy guy that I did it
>he immediately arrests me and I'm sent back to the continue screen
>now I need to skip through all that text again
>takes a full 30 seconds even on speedup holding the skip button the entire time because of all the pauses
yeah it's not that funny any more

NO SHIT I'm not telling you something, the game won't fucking let me
nice water tiles bro

also nice post-final boss rewards, really feeling these

honestly, what i felt more the accuracy buff retardation was demice being an extremely petty faggot in specific scenarios
good example is a lategame fight that requires you to fight a maushold, and originally there was a sidequest right outside the building that would let you get a rocky helmet. demice being an ubernigger moved the helmet to well after said fight, because obviously the funny detective game needed to have weird tryhard design

also in general grinding sucked fucking dick and basically forced you from doing the majority of sidequests because you couldn't get any money (it got so bad that they charged 20k for a shitty audino team in lategame that would only give you 1 or 2 levels, basically forced you into using a single team). i think they fixed this, thoughver
kek, the one faggot i just fought had a bunch of sturdyniggers
great 'enemy design'
>pointlessly looping through arbitrarily lengthened lines using these ugly fucking tree tiles
vincebros we are so fucking BACK

>getting kicked back to the title screen
haha...sure hope you don't get tired of that anytime soon
you are going to want to save a shit ton next chapter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Two pokemon
"Yeah so basically those earrings turned out to be powerful artifacts and we found a bunch of data, research, hypotheses, etc. in the OriGen building when we went sneaking around in there (yeah she was going to go on her own so I stuck with her to keep her safe and all) so chances are they're the ones involved in this not mentioning the magic artifact that I have that lets me see the past and showed me exactly what happened."
erhm, bro...?
Aren't you so excited for Gallade?
>you are going to want to save a shit ton next chapter
damn, I'm pretty bad at remembering to save shit
I had to redo maybe half of Illyria's total playtime worth of content because I would fight some shitty trainer who was wandering around in the 800th unexplored area of the map, I'd get wiped because my team is unhealed, and then I'd reset because I didn't want to pay the fee and have to redo a bunch of shit because my save was way back
>Hoenn rehash was the peak
Nah, that shit made me stop watching
bro please do not tell me i need to go to all of these FUCKING towns

i don't remember where half of them are

i can just tell you
from now on the game will get addicted to things 'killing' you (like demetrius does if you say you killed cheyenne) which sends you back to the title screen
the next chapter is by far the worst of it
>that's exactly what it is
>you don't get any convenient warps back to those towns because teehee fuck you

where the FUCK is dendemille
i don't even know where that is in regular x and y
time to bust out debugwarp
very epic
eat shit
I got a bit of a taste of it with the whiteout thing for the adventurer's guild
>Hey there, boy! Go explore the slopes but remember not to save on them!
>I'd better save before heading out, luckily I have an escape rope but I'd still better be safe...
It's like when you come across a real sharp turn on a road with 50 flashing signs, a fuckload of skidmarks on the road, and a scuffed up barricade/bumper
It makes you wonder just how many people had to fuck up their games at that point to warrant this kind of thing?
>>>>>>molten area
So Chapter 4's friendly companion is getting tossed into the volcano, then?
>Room 1 and 2 has 2 trainers
>Room 3 has 4
oh no...
>he includes a free teleport on the last one
fuck you faggot

just out of spite i'm going to reject and debugwarp there instead

well, i don't think anyone's ever gotten softlocked there specifically, i imagine they just wanted to introduce and highlight their heccin epic death mechanic. they don't bother really warning you for other potential softlocks later on
>getting tossed into the volcano
nah, don't worry about that you're the one who's going into the volcano, repeatedly
haha..time for the 50+ fights..
>the 'villains' are anti-smogonfags
seems fine to me

>gym building isn't even properly marked and looks no different from anything else
but remember, complaining about such things is 'trivial jank'
also kek at 'only' having to fight 4 faggots, wasn't there some shit like 9 6v12s for the last gym
A-at least it was only 13 kek
>good example is a lategame fight that requires you to fight a maushold, and originally there was a sidequest right outside the building that would let you get a rocky helmet. demice being an ubernigger moved the helmet to well after said fight, because obviously the funny detective game needed to have weird tryhard design
Very gay. Does the game give you early access to Garbodor/Fling/Thief? Did DemICE go out of his way to rewrite Fling's code to fix this funny exploit?
very, uh, interesting name for the lord


f-for now..
i remember you can get garbodor and the monkeys early, but i don't remember when fling and thief are, or if the trick even works (i know they finally managed to patch it out of rejuv, so could be the same case here)
>you can't walk by the snorlax because 'it might be pancaking me'
vince, bro, have you, just out of curiosity, played any decent games in your life
Of course Jan is a nigger enough to vibrate over the thought of someone going out of their way to get free items (and making boss fights way harder in the process of setting up the robbery) that he'd rewrite Fling/Recycle.

I can honestly say that setting up the robbery in some of the fights in Deso was legitimately harder than 6-0ing them because several of those bosses give you no breathing room on their fields.
I'm not sure how busy I'll be this afternoon because my boss is constantly bitching at me to do chores, but I guess I'll continue with Rejuvenation for a bit.
Besides the accuracy shit there's some fights later in the game were opponents straight up cheat and get massive boosts on their Pokemon, legendaries too btw, because D*m*ce is a hack who hates it when players have fun, cunt supposedly beat Ashen Frost with a monoice team, not sure if I believe him.
The game also loved to violently assault your wallet in the most Jewish way possible, supposedly some of that has been remedied, but there's still a late game section that steals 20k from your pocket no matter what as a requirement for progression because of a stupid fucking joke.
Garbodor and funnily enough respawnable Muchlax carrying leftovers are available incredibly weirdly, though I never tested if thieving worked on Ashen Pozz, I do recall Fling being available kinda early, don't remember if Thief was the same story.
>Astral Barrage gets the sound move field boost in caves
I don't know how you'd go about legitimately getting Shadow Rider, but fuck does it makes this shit tolerable kek
>rocky field that isn't yang
i sleep

>jan removes all the glitches beneficial to the player while keeping in the glitches that randomly corrupt your savefile at any point

there used to be an infinite money glitch in ashen frost that i'm 100% sure has been patched out, but hopefully money isn't as ridiculously tight (maybe the fucking bank system won't wipe out your entire account and wallet for literally 0 reason this time)
>Field of Cinders
>The type chart is altered as follows:
>Dragon resists Fighting and Steel
>Electric deals neutral damage to Dragon
>Fire and Steel deal super-effective damage to Ghost and Dark
yeah so uh we like buffed dragon because it uh wasn't strong enough
>0 direction where to go after beating the grunts in glittering cave except 'go through coastal kalos'
the more things change, the more they stay the same

he did actually upload the videos of his monoice run to youtube, i think
dunno how much RNG bullshit like freeze or flinch he had to rely on by abusing F12
These changes are so random I can only assume they're a reference to some pop culture thing.
it's kamalaginning

>this guy got renamed to 'peter'

anyway, rg, if you're lost yourself, there's some dude in...ambrette town i think it's called, the city before the gemmy cave, he was standing outside of one of the buildings on the north end of town and isn't anymore

yeah, the whole chapter is a heccin epic dark souls reference
>yeah, the whole chapter is a heccin epic dark souls reference
That was going to be my guess, but since I'm straight I don't play FROMshit so I wasn't sure.
seems like it's some dark souls thing with the whole
"bearer of the curse" and "soul retrieved" thing
it's not even a proper one because electric is only neutral against dragons instead of super effective against them
>xatu just has magic bounce because fuck you
yeah real cool
wish this fucker would stop putting so many battles in what's supposed to be the hub
Nah, I've just been actually battling all the shitters, against my better judgement kek
oh boy...just what this game needed
i usually just played my own music last time, but holy fuck this battle theme used for petral, peter whatever the fuck is so grating
legitimately fucking awful and repetitive
i can't believe i said this game's music was a positive point last time

that's just how every town is like, haha...
since there's no real routes or anything like that, anyway
ah, kek
i've only really been fighting boss fights
it's kamalover
>>>>>>>Field boosted Double team spam
i don't even get it bro, couldn't he have used the mirrors from serra's gym or something? why'd he use the fucking mirrors from narcissa's gym kek
It is a reference to Japanese-Jewish Common Ancestor Theory.
A very handy item
I might just use it when I'm finished with the game
woah, i didn't know that jan was the final villain of this game
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This scene would be cute if it wasn't just Melia being a massive Mary Sue as usual.
That's kinda hilarious if so considering how many trannies on Rebornevo and it's shitcord believe that using F12 is basically cheating, and yet they worship him still.
>gimmick here is that every trainer uses 6 mega evolutions

demicexixxies....urmumium CURIE is no longer the GOD of mega evolution spam....
hahah..yeah...all that mega evolving i did....

>no custom text here if you never got the mega ring

even funnier is that moto himself is the one who thinks F12 is cheating
>moto is an asexual tranny who thinks you're a fascist if you're anywhere right of marx
>demice is probably conservative n*rdic aryan white male
so far apart, yet so similar...
Why does Ashen Frost have discord API hooks in its main folder?
>Wise Glasses Mewtwo-X
>Fug doesn't mega unlike all the others
Sasuga Vince sama
GlitchShitty's awful remix of Arven's theme is a travesty, it's actually starting to give me a headache despite the fact I've only listened to it for a few minutes, might say just say fuck it to Rejuvenation again and play a bit of Ashen Pozz to get accustomed with any changes.
This world has gone so deep into clown hell that I wouldn't even be shocked if that was the case.
Play Misty Orange first to immunize yourself against the poz with a chudgame kek. I'm almost certain the dev of Misty Orange is /ourguy/.
>final fight here is just a shitshow against 6 'mega' legendaries

he got it for me, for some reason
chalk it up to shitcode
just to show off all your friends on shitcord that you're playing the epic leftist detective game and not just 'RPG MAKER XP', i suppose
can't wait for other progressive and BIPOC friendly games like vanguard or rejuv to implement similar

what an (((interesting))) thing to say.

it's so fucking over
>Forgot to remove the le finished the episode bit
The gym leader was ez, Astral Barrage being a sound move is funny, I assume it's because it was copied from Hyper Voice
It'd be funny if it's because I mega'd my fug kek
That's only gonna make it more painful when I jump into the poz again, Ashen Frost's start isn't faggotry dialed up to 11, it's the halfway point that starts violently shoving it into your face, I wouldn't be shocked if the Misty Orange dev was an anon.
man could you imagine me telling myself back in 2015 or whatever when i struggled with samson that a 6v12 on big top with legendary and megaspam would be easy as shit
>you can catch arceus if you go back to where the final boss was
lol? ok

yeah, he probably ctrl-c/v'd it and kept whatever variable makes the move sound
kek, I know right
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As it turns out nothing was fixed.....I'd argue it got even more gay..........considering they desperately want you to like a character with a Jewish surname in this game.....it makes me ask certain pertinent questions....
where do you even go after fighting the shalour fag? the blockade to the rainbow ship or whatever is gone but there's nothing there
I'm pretty sure we're heading to the league now
Reopening the game after pressing F12 feels slower, much slower.
Victory Road, so you go through Route 22 and head east from there.

Not many trainers there (only 7) as I’m running out of steam of theme teams, so the Pokemon they used is just like the original victory road in XY.

And Wagie asked me if I’ve played any decent games. Haven’t as I’ve stopped around 2015. Last mainstream Pokemon game I’ve played was ORAS.
i guess, i think i just got jewed by the variable for that blockade being 'v14.2 story'
>that's the same variable for a blockade in victory road
thanks game

>>>>>>>>basculin at higher levels than the cap

yeah, probably should just give it a break before we start proper to not spoil
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>nate (as in the BW2 protag) was our father all along
i guess that's a plot twist of all time

kek'd and check'd, fitting satan trips
i'd recommend playing vampire the masquerade bloodlines or super metroid or something, don't play p*kemon
>the final villain is...you
i clapped
Sure, I’ll see if I got some free time to explore other genres…if it weren’t for me already brainstorming stuff for making Virtualization II.
Wow, a 12v12
>Sneed sets TR in Dimensional field
That's terrible enough to make me want to stay on Fairy tale, holy shit
I recall RG says something like “imagine he pulled that degenerate Fairy Tale **** on the Steel gym” (filled with all Magical Seed spam).

Yup, that just happened.
Fair enough, I'm just testing the changes they made and seeing if anything is different, haven't noted anything so far.
>it's a "seedspam zamazenta and zacian on fairy tale" episode for a steelnigger gym
i'm tired
>game crashed and i can no longer use the cheeky debug shortcut for some reason

just play actually good games instead dude
woah guys this is just like my heckin pokemon desolation

>i passed up the deso multi LP for this

there's a lot of small changes i think that are more apparent over the course of a full playthrough
at least he resets his own TR constantly?
>Niggersnapper constantly targeting the sneedfaggots
>final battle of the story is against a basic 6v6 monodark team that's probably easier than whatever the 6v12 darknigger gym was

end it

a-at least you can actually set up sticky web this time without pulling teeth? h-haha.
is it...?
Okay I'll be starting Phoenixstein Wrightberg. I got no option for password input so I set it to hard mode since I do want the team design and AI to be tougher than normal, but I will absolutely be leveling the playing field against outright cheating with debug. Shame there's no option for just tougher teams/better AI/slight level bump without all the gay dem*ce autism, but I'll make do.
>i passed up the deso multi LP for this
yeah, no, not like this shit would ever fucking end

nice, hopefully can join you soon in a much better fucking game
>it is actually the end
>the final battle was just some shitty misty terrain fight against some shit fairies
i even saw some gayshit like an E4, but i guess that's not anything
>You can always start another adventure!

well, i didn't have any pleasure beating this, so thanks vince
now, if you excuse me, i'm going to mix some battery acid into my gin and tonic
Fitting, you are technically are the true villain for subjecting yourself to the game.
Bros? Something's weird with my Delibird but I can't figure out what's wrong.
I will be going for maximum funposting this playthrough if I have to suffer hebrew nonsense both in and out of battle. If anyone else playing along ends up having trouble getting debug working, check the "settings" ruby script stored in plaintext and at the very top you'll see the dev left a note to themself to disable debug for the final release. This is easily reverted by uncommenting that line and setting it to true.
Very true. If I wasn't warned about the poz ahead of time, I'd even say based.
The robo-delibird does not have any firmware installed to feel shame for existing.
Literally the second trainer in the game is spamming minimize and clicking stored power.

This game deserves to be funposted to hell and back with debug.
Fucking dogshit fight, fucking dogsht partner, fucking dogshit sylveon forms
gg bro, may we never have to suffer shit like this again
Fucking dogshit game
Name my pozzed hotel, /vp/.
But it doesn't matter anymore
It's finally fucking over.
GG? I think? I have no context for what you're going through. Virtualization is just surreal to experience second-hand through scattered screenshot fragments, it's very hard to tell what's going on.
That's a shame I was hoping this was a prompt to name the hotel.
I don't think anyone's going to stop you, green buddy.
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Are you ready bros? haha...
Thanks, the less you know, the better off you are
G motherfucking G dude.
We're both finally free
Never goddamn fucking again
>>>>>you can start another adventure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you can start another adventure
I'm going to have nightmares about that line tonight
I looked up "gay hotels" for the joke and found plebbit threads asking what hotels "were accepting of LGBT folx"
It really must suck for 10% of the population or whatever it is to be perpetually stuck in 1940s Germany, too bad the rest of us can't live there also
Yeah as cool as you were, maybe you shouldve told me you were going to jump? You just kinda, left me up there on my own. Thank God Baron decided to launch me off the side instead of having Hydreigon vaporize me
Nice, do you have any idea what's the number of the variable and I can open ruby scrits with RPGMaker right? I'm really not very used to messing with code yet.
GG you two, hopefully we never touch this game again.
gg, you're truly free now
>>>>>>you can start another adventure
You can now play as Luigi. The ride never ends.
tfw no qt fräulein to get a house with in the countryside and start a family with.
Pokemon Ashen Frost\Data\Scripts\001_settings.rb
Literally just open it with any text editor, no need to overcomplicate with RPGmaker. What you're looking for is near the top. You can change any number of other mechanics that you see fit in here as well.
Do NOT try and make a shortcut with the debug command in it or it'll try and compile on load and break stuff.
I think the only thing that's tough if not impossible to get around is you need truffles 24/7, the game isn't happy if you try and glitch it out of your party
Wait....where the fuck is Truffles?
Noted and thanks, I'll try turning it on in a sec.
Don't worry, I was the first to try that out last time around, I know it bricks everything.
isn't she back at the apartment for the first case
>"Baron, you killed them!"
Scarlett, sweetie, you JOINED him. Of your OWN FREE WILL (presumably). What the fuck did you expect? How do you justify that?
thanks bros. end of an era, truly
tried this but still got jewed by the compiler. can probably just comment out compiler.main, which i'll try in a second
technically, you could just get around this by going into rpg maker and editing the events that require truffles
but truffles is a good pokemon anyway, no reason to not use her
I just noticed the sheer amount of hints to later plot points, sidequests and characters dropped around the first area and I'm actually kinda impressed.
I don't have her and I'm worried something went wrong.
I find it funny how every single fangame character we see that is from Sinnoh is at least mildly retarded.
>Recurring nog petty thief
BIPoCxisters, this isn't the representation and inclusivity we wanted!
>Teenage girl has no immediate sense of accountability for her actions
Say it ain't so.
Weird, worked for me with no issues. Had you previously tried anything with that iteration of the files being unpacked? I cleared my folder after tripping the accidental compile on my first attempt with the shortcut trick.
worked like a charm

not sure why it didn't compile for you, ashime, but for anyone else

you'll want to go into Data > Scripts > 999_Main
and then under where it says def mainFunctionDebug either comment out or delete the 'Compiler.main' line
can provide images if anyone needs

suck my fat fucking cock, michael, ekat, demice, and every other niggertrannyfaggot that worked on this game
What, was the ship we were on going to collide with Cellia and kill the entire city or something?
I'm enjoying the story a lot more than rejuvenation I'll give it that, but having the game also start with a terrorist attack on the ship you come in on makes something like this so much more retarded. If Im meant to see them as bad guys instead of a viable second option, then fine but it still ruins something like Scarlett switching sides as she has seen nothing but their heinous acts. She fucking CRIED over the death of Ava, which was caused out of pure selfishness and nothing more by this man.
It's almost like reborn and rejuvenation are terribly written games and you shouldnt rip off plot points from them just because you're inspired by them
Opened with the ruby file with a text compiler and weirdly enough it's set to true on my end, yet debug isn't seemingly working, the heck?
rolled grass/water, should (hopefully?) do better than the fire/rock i did last time

>you shall not pass
>the 'thingy'
trannybros...our response?

if you see a # in front of the debug=true, that means it's commented, which means nonfunctional
just delete the #
yeah, cleared my whole folder
debug should be forcing open the compiler automatically unless you get rid of it, maybe you just got a personalized copy kek
>debug should be forcing open the compiler automatically unless you get rid of it, maybe you just got a personalized copy kek
I opened the file you edited to remove the compile function on my end and sure enough it was still set to true. I have no earthly idea why it didn't run. Either way, I "fixed" it on my end so that future debug loads should be consistent and not reliant on whatever fluke this was.
Perhaps tabbing out to shitpost here while the game's loading halts certain non-essential commands? Who knows.
i wonder what would happen if sneedvester would question as to why bibi netanyahu received more than 50 standing ovations from congress yesterday
A team skull remix for people with this design is a bit, weird. The remix leans into the western thug aesthetic with the police sirens while the black foxes are clearly eastern in design. It's not a bad remix, at least on a first hearing, but its not the most fitting
>sandshrew user is a retarded nigger runt who's also a thief
bringing down the reputation of sneedshrew users everywhere...

kek. well, in either case, as long as the game doesn't freak the fuck out with broken pbs files
i wonder who made the decision to exclude pbs files from the game for the sole purpose of fucking people over who are trying to use debug. i actually doubt that was demice's call
My duotype rolled para/dox.
I agree with that sentiment. It's probably one of the outlier 'bad' music choices in Desu.
>this character's first appearance is him harassing what's likely an underage girl
really is (((foreshadowing))) for later

Please dont tell me you're about to rip off smt4 too, please just let it be nothing more than a name
i forget if this gag ever actually pays off

lilith isn't just an SMT thing kek
but yes, it's just a name
Thanks bros
I might break out H-Lilligant from Demice's seethe chamber and use that at some point t b h, why he seethed at her more than Sneedler will always puzzle me
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I'm not sure if I'm gonna go with a dualtype, I rolled Dragon/Steel funnily enough, my fucking luck for rolling one of my favorite types is incredible, granted I always give myself 2 rolls to avoid headaches, first roll was Bug/Flying.
Noted, thanks bro
They used to have an older song that was remix from a track from Pokken, forgot the name of the track but I think it was the Magikarp one.
man, orevald really is right about the foreshadowing
this game is well written, when it's not meandering or up its own ass

probably victory dance? if that's even a move you can get in a timely manner
I know it's not she's an actual biblical figure, but with the fact the game already took some shit from rejuv I figured it was about to also rip a point from that game too
Magikarp Festival? That sounds like it'd be infinitely more fitting, wonder who decided to change it
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How careful do I need to be about avoiding spoilers? I assume all the tripfags here have played this already?
>I might break out H-Lilligant from Demice's seethe chamber and use that at some point t b h, why he seethed at her more than Sneedler will always puzzle me
It's a jewish game so you gotta break both out of jail because he's paying you back good mons with interest.
Whiteouts: 1
debating whether to even count it, but bleh

also, ashime, the game really doesn't decide to be hard at all until about the end of case 3, if you don't want to turn on the bloodbath mode using paradoxmons just yet

yeah, i wouldn't really compare desolation to what rejuvenation is, like, at all
i know the ptsd is a bit hard to wear off kek
this is 100% wrongful termination, the fuck?

we all have yeah, as long as other anons don't join on, i guess
>Hand chopped in vent
>Crushed by random bolder
>Slip into lava
There are a lot of ways to die in that place worst when you haven't saved in a while and lose everything

yeah, you really need to save a lot kek
the biggest ones are
>the game doesn't stop you from walking onto a lava tile and kills you
>any shadow on the ground is a boulder that kills you
Lilith is a biblical name, it is no different then Samson, cain, able, eve, Adam or what ever story you want to read.
they are common and sound cool
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I won't have any Steel types available for quite a while, so I decided to just spawn a form of a Pokemon you get right at the start a la Desolation, why is he piss? What the fuck is a super shiny?
Don't worry, Deso doesn't sink to the same depths, if something seems strange or nonsensical, don't worry, there's things going on the background that won't make proper sense without later context.
Yeah I think it was Magikarp Festival, I don't mind team skull's theme T B H, but it doesn't fit the yakuza foxes very well.
Lilith doesn't actually appear in the bible, she is more of a jewish mythological figure like golems
Majority of my bible "knowledge" comes from Isaac so MB
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Is this nigger the 'tagalong kid' trope now?
>vanguard has so thoroughly conditioned me to its garbage city maps where you're only allowed to walk in the crosswalks on the road
fucking hell
how the FUCK did ayrei play this game, and odyssey, and then make that ABORTION of a project

anyway, my 'starters', h-haha..
you can use debug on truffles to toggle her being 'unable to store' under the 'set discardable' tag, but will just have to toss her back on during the required parts
ffs gookmoot fix your website, my entire last post got eaten.
>if you don't want to turn on the bloodbath mode using paradoxmons just yet
The bloodbath will continue until my salt for the second trainer being minimize spam+stored power has settled. I don't plan on using the EV slider until the heat picks up though and I'll probably be adding team members very slowly due to how powerful each individual addition is going to be. If Truffles is forced, I'll just play with a party of 5 + cute mascot swinub.
>What the fuck is a super shiny?
A thing gamefreak tried to implement in Gen 8 where some shinies have a different sparkle effect that makes them rarer than others, but they shitcoded it and the 'rare' effect was more common than the normal one instantly devaluing it. The normal one wasn't special either because any imported mon had the normal sparkle by default.
(((old money)))

I see. We can't call it what it is in le heckin' leftist game, so we'll have to read between the lines instead.
It's funny how leftoids and rightards hate the same group for the same reasons, just under different names.
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Game don't fucking tempt me to spawn an Iron Threads.
It's impressive that without brand recognition, no one would even remember Gamefreak ever existed.
>calling a black guy a 'sorry excuse for a man'

kek, fair enough
there's also (minor spoiler, but still) regional forms if you plan on using any of those
>We can't call it what it is
eh, i don't think it's that, they're just frenc-
>In the 21st century, France has the largest Jewish population in Europe and the third-largest Jewish population in the world (after Israel and the United States). The Jewish community in France is estimated to number 480,000–550,000, depending in part on the definition being used.
never mind. carry on
>Minimize + Stored Power
I think this happened last time too kek
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You forced my hand game.
I will only bring him out in case of degeneracy like this.
I'll be off for a bit, gotta go make dinner.
The Gaza/Israel thing last october was the single best thing to happen to political discourse, ripping the 'jews are morally untouchable' mental bandaid off of leftoids. I don't know what or if anything could do the same for quasi-zionist rightoids, but I'll certainly take what I can get for now. It probably won't be long now until you have lefties naming the jew, even if they do so under the pretenses that they're fighting ""white supremacy"".
umm, just use the move that delibird doesn't even have to beat the evasionnigger clefairy, bigot! it's not that hard!
Truly the horseshoe is closing.
Might actually give Slaking a try, never really bothered before thanks to Truant
You can always just give Vigoroth an Eviolite and enjoy an above-average sleep-proof normal type.
How far into the game is Eviolite?
>J-just don't use drill peck on clefairy, chuddie!
>Meanwhile I still got BTFO'd (twice if I count the multi lp) by clicking Ice beam the whole time
one could say almost say that he's 3/5ths of a man, from another point of view

it won't really matter either way, thanks to the entire american political body being very aware of the fact america is a vassal state for the longnose clan
when netanyahu brings entire suitcases of dirty laundry just to have cucked government workers clean them, you know this country is fucked
even if 90% of voting americans were anti-jew i don't even think it'd matter for at least another 50 years
unfortunately, very late, post 7th badge (of 8)
this game's distribution for things like that is not great
I can hate bethesda for many things but at least you don't have to modify the game files to access the command line
I hate this piss stain so much, every time I think I'm getting too bullheaded and riled up over nothing they manage to prove me fucking wrong, fuck kaizofags, sincerely.
Things like this are why the longnoses have gone overboard with trying to violently push for their degeneracy as hard possible, they know their Neo Weimar Republic era is dangerously close to ending just like it did last time around, so they're trying to delay and buy as much time as possible by using every single dirty trick under the sun.
Very late for whatever reason like Wagie said, but you can steal items in this game via the Fling/Recycle/Thief glitch, so that's a massive positive over Rejuvenation.
Based fluffy tyranitar
Depends, are you garbodor-pilled? If not, you'll have to wait a while. Nobody will care if you just debug it in if you don't want to deal with all that autism.
>Just reset until you get Hustle+an illegal move to clear the second fight in the game
He already lost me.
That's the problem; the system is designed so that you can't actually change its underlying architecture no matter how hard someone vooootes and even if it could the results can be arbitrarily rigged anyway. I think it's really going to come down to how competent the inevitable militia organizers are when the bread and circuses inevitably run out. The biggest whitepill I've seen personally is ex-Afghanistan vets getting ZOGpilled on how they were used as disposable cannon fodder.
To be entirely fair to demice it's not him that said it, but the Alex Prime/Icyalex faggot I see quite a bit on rebornevo whose mouth is permanently latched to demice's sphincter anyway, so same difference kek
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I'm gonna try and run a detective themed team. truffles is the trusty companion, pikachu is a detective himself, I might add in porygon because of cyber crime or just searching things in general, that kind of thing. I might change things if it gets too impossible but this seems like a fun idea for now
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I forgot to give myself thundershock instead of present
Kek. Does anything happen if you beat the Gengar?
Sometimes reasonable men have to do unreasonable things if the (((system))) has failed, Sylvester.
>The shop in the training center crashes
How'd they fuck that up kek
>Depends, are you garbodor-pilled?
Well people do tend to tell me I have garbage taste for liking it, so I may if I can get my hands on one. Never heard of thief glitch before though
>reach the dreaded clefairy
>even with it being confused and attracted to pichu it lands both hits without fail
what the fuck
You're honest about it, so that immediately puts you above Nova and then Crescents as a whole in my book by a wide margin. I'll take a group that's simply just evil and selfish, plain and simple any day
I think my favorite feature of the dogshit dork soles field is the opponent just outright ignoring the curse effect but still getting healed (beacuse uhh it has le solar power! praise da heckin sunarino!)
So basically if you steal an item by any means (covet, thief, magician, switcharoo, trick, it doesn't matter) the item you steal comes to you with a flag that says it should disappear at the end of the battle. However, if you use Fling specifically (because Fling always removes the item permanently even in fights where items are reset at the end of battle), Fling will clear the flags off the item but you're no longer holding it. From there you just use Recycle and the item is back in your pokemon's hands with no flag that removes it on battle end as long as you don't get Knocked Off before the fight ends. Garbodor naturally learns Recycle and can be taught Thief and Fling with TMs along with being very bulky making him a great candidate for this kind of strat.
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Still cooking up my fish stew, so I'm gonna be a bit sporadic with my posts.
I'm really growing to appreciate the sheer of "oh shit I get it now" moments in retrospect.
I think one of my first big redpills was seeing a veteran who used to make videos about classic games randomly ranting about some of his time on Afghanistan and letting it slip how hard jewtube was cracking down on his content back then and how hard the government was fucking him over, that was back in 2013 I think.
Fair enough.
You get either a few full restores or 3 max revives, really don't remember very well right now.
>mordecai's main pokemon is a ground type
man I'm stupid
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First time around I really thought her and Sylvester would have a thing, the undertones of romance are there, it would be pretty kino for a detective story of an old hardened detective to eventually find some warmth in his cold and lonely life.....sadly this game is too pozzed for that.

>even if it could the results can be arbitrarily rigged anyway
kek, fair
curious to see when the real people in charge spin the wheel which candidate they decide gets to sit for 4 years in the white house
not because it'll actually affect much of anything in terms of real policy, but it will decide how annoying culture will decide to get
the iv decrease shop? not getting a bug myself

debating whether to post some of the truly deranged shit about this character from the AF discord, it's not pretty

could just debug on surf, kek
gave myself swift and got lucky with attract and sweet kiss, but I always forget just how bad pichu is. evolved it to pikachu afterwards kek
anyway, got the team mostly operational

surprised demice allows you to have le heckin busted poliwag which can set rain anywhere, t-that seems too strong chuddy
will try and use mons i'm not too familiar with instead of the usual ludicolo or swiftswimspam i'd usually use on water teams

>the exp grinder now either sells overpriced exp candies or fights you with a normal team for free
i genuinely don't understand the fucking point
WHY is it so hard to just make it like it is in every rebornlike or reasonably made game where you can fight a breeder for free and then get exp candies on beating them?
it's not even like the point of this now is to starve you of cash, since you can just grind for free, it's just a pain in the fucking dick
I'm glad I checked now
>Paradox Musketeers and Paradox Beasts don't have sprites in Ashen Frost
>The sprites are in a different format than AllGen's
oh no. It should be as simple as just slicing the allgen image in 4 and naming them the correct things I hope.
man I forgot how good the special battle theme is, too bad it's fighting him in the alleyway
What the fuck, Iron Leaves clearly doesn't work right here, but in battle it works fine?
>debating whether to post some of the truly deranged shit about this character from the AF discord, it's not pretty
Do it.
Looks like it's actually that and the exp faggot for me kek
You on the latest patch? It seems to be the thing fucking up my shit
I should donkey kick this stupid faggot into the water
would clauncher be a good pokemon for a detective's gun? he's also from kalos so it fits the frenchie
all you just have to do is type from: any person on the server and then "luciano". don't say i didn't warn you

he is the taka of this game at least to the discordfaggots
probably better written than taka doe

i'm just on whatever the version in the page i linked was, idk if it's patched with 1.1.1 (i mean it should be, but who the fuck knows with these faggots) but it is at least version 1.1.0
dude haha YOU DIED! PREPARE TO DIE bro this is just like when you fight the heccin asylum demon, you have to run past him! it's GENIUS bro
you know if he was going to adapt dark souls he could've adapted the fun parts instead of the lava hell second half of the game that even the biggest fromsharts don't defend
That or Galarian Slowbro.
>Not even in a poison swamp
This reference is shit and I don't even Dark Souls.
right, can't forget that as d*mice is one of the devs they need to play this faggoty little game with gyarados

you do actually get it in a pretty reasonable way well before the end of the game (around the 60% mark iirc), at least
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I just ate shit to an HP breeding trainer's level 33 Driftblim clicking Shadow Ball.

Jesus christ how horrifying
I am truly dreading even imagining what said shit is considering I've even seen some of the fanart from this game and was traumatized by it-
Good enough I'd say, Galarian Slowbro comes up a bit later too as a good detective assistant who's a bit too triggerhappy.
Dear gods.......
the worst thing about this joke is that you explained it to me you actual niggerfaggotcunttranny


thankfully most of the fanart for this game is pretty shite, i'm guessing you got traumatized by the fact i've seen 9th graders draw better
good point I like that idea better, especially since syl did quit the force to play by his own rules and slowpoke is always good anyway
Bros I'm not actually convinced early game Scream Tail is LE BONKEN it gets fuckall for level up moves early. Don't get me wrong, the defensive profile is useful but right now it's basically just a Singbot.
I accidentally crit the first one and upon reloading...
Slowpoke is based and any opportunity to use him must be taken.
Yeah nevermind, I'm a colossal retard and somehow lost the updated download and have been trying to use the base download I had laying around from the multi lp kek
ain't she a beaut

i'm going to use just this mon for a while and see how she does

i think on some level the devs reined in some of demice's autism and made him make some concessions for pokemon quality early on
poliwag, gastly, mawile, ferrosneed, magnemite, shroomish, and some others are available really early when they're obviously the bane of the average reborndev
other than the shitty gyarados thing, i can't think of any pokemon placements that feel outright malicious
Is Cynthai a ground type?
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Every time I hear hmphs now I get a fuzzy feeling, I already miss Ayrith.
Mostly yeah, I have never seen uglier.
oh yeah, and can't forget the hoenn starters if you go back to the hotel at the start of the game

gumshoos also probably might not be a bad idea, other than the funny trump meme it is supposed to be a detective pokemon
kek, happens to the best of us
I really wish it wasn't...

How many cases are there? I'm thinking I'm going to expand my paradox team by 1 per case in (roughly) ascending order of power.
>I already miss Ayrith.
If Ava were here she'd suggest beating up everyone until someone confesses. I miss her bros...
>truffles doesn't break the game if you don't have her in your party for certain investigations
i remember the one crash i had after the end of case 3, so i'll test there as well

20 of 24 are in the current version
Whiteouts: 2
>Tries to do the hotel owner fight with just Galarian Meowth
>His piece of shit of a Sneasel gets 7 crits in a roll
>Have to rely on Iron Threads to beat this fight and still nearly lose because the AI was getting crits on literally every single fucking hit, I counted 21 crits across my two attempts
>Meanwhile my Iron Threads misses Rollout 6 times in a roll
I am trying to justify not using my cool robot elephant but this game is truly pissing me off again.
I really miss her, I would gladly welcome Amelia as well.
barely got through that with thunder wave luck and shoving a burger in pikachu's mouth, beat up does more damage then I remember it doing
kaizoxixters, our response?
I'm sure this'll matter later. I also expect I'll fall way further behind you guys since I have no idea where anything is and am avoiding the walkthrough like the plague for the mystery game.

Bros, I'm suspecting the police are extremely corrupt and hate le heckin' innocent dindus in this lefty game based on the foreshadowing I'm seeing.
Literally any girl from Deso would be an acceptable companion in Ashen Frost.
you gonna give it dragon dance for maximum power?
Since I'm kinda fucked outta choices due to how expensive the gatcha shit in the lab is and there being almost no Dragon or Steel types this early, you guys think it's fine for me to use Sceptile? It's Mega ain't available sadly but still.
The worst part is that every single Beat Up was a crit hit as well, I used a burger on my Viking cat and it was still not enough.
don't worry, it's for a pretty basic puzzle you'll see in a little bit
the cases don't become too complex until later on
>403 Error
don't see why not, you can also just debug the cash in for the gacha
i'll use it 'normally' to see how le broken it is, and just get DD whenever it hits the level
Don't try and pin this on Hank Hill.
>you guys think it's fine for me to use Sceptile?
Only if you debug in the mega ring and megastone to make any trannies lurking the thread even angrier, of course. You know we don't care bro.
>i'll use it 'normally' to see how le broken it is, and just get DD whenever it hits the level
Did it naturally start with waterfall? I know in older gens it's stuck clicking bite on things for a while after leveling up until it gets Aqua Tail and Ice Fang.
yeah, it's gen 9 learnset is weirdly strong early on
even gets ice fang at level 8, whenever i need to abuse the heccin 10% freeze/flinch chance like the one rejuvfaggot

anyway, i'll bake
actually, you know, i don't actually remember mega evolution being a thing in this game at all, funnily
still, i imagine they didn't remove the code so you could probably change its form to 1 or hack in the ring
This took me a solid 37 attempts to perfect Amelia, and the only reason it worked this time is because she randomly decided to throw out Lycnaroc instead of Milotic despite nothing being different from all the other times I finished Crobat in that state, and then crit'd Milotic. I think my rage at the RNG I was putting myself through manifested in that crit
For context, if Aevis overperformed at all (Critting crobat, cursed body procing first drain, killing it before tailwind wore off at all) the perfect was forfeit. Cursed body was bad because she'd use Poison Fang, which without fail always poisoned. There was more beyond that if I didn't get lucky, like having to barely survive scald and potentially needing Lycanroc to miss rockslide
Mega Ring can easily be debugged in.
>Plok boss theme and London March
This is amazing

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