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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: What tarot card would your OC be?

>Thread task: Draw a tarot card for your OC.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56199081
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>Speed. I am speed.
Good dodge build
I hope I haven't misplaced Hali's model at all.
I'll che k on Thursday when I'm home.
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Read Ruka's first adventure here:

Watch Luke make spelling errors while writing Chapter 5 in real time here:
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Continuing from last thread I got Pluton as a potential name and a fun parallel of a shutin recluse and an Alien learning about the world.
Now you're cooking.
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Breloom has seen some shit or he's on shrooms
Breloom has seen some shit posts.
It's going to be a productive day, I feel it in my liver.
That's not a liver, that's a welt!
Same difference, both are fixed with a splash of Jameson.
You know it’s always nice seeing trainers freak about real animals. Also great work!
He'll be very happy to hear that.
Any chance this is getting reuploaded?
just went to work after posting that. wished I had the chars I promised already to populate the scene to make a proper happy birthday scene.
It still cool though. Nice job.
Wrote the lead up to the first fight between Luke and his rival. Trying to remember the order of events is tough, but I think I'm getting like 85-90% accurate. Can't really be 100% or it wouldn't do a good job of translating from table to word doc. Just interesting what has to be left out and added/changed.

>Trying to remember the order of events is tough, but I think I'm getting like 85-90% accurate
I know your main goal is to archive the story for your own group, but truthfully you could write anything in there and the rest of us would take your word for it. Chalk up the discrepancies to "artistic license."
Bump. Kinda ended up stopping at the 12k word mark for today on chapter 2. At first I was digging for more references and music but then my friend wanted to play some Dota and I had the gaming itch anyway. But ideally I should have this chapter finished in under a week even with my stints of SLIGHT procrastination.
Hey, that's still more progress on top of what you've already been doing. Your productivity has been improving, I hope it sticks.
Current word count: 6,658.
Current progress? Eh, about halfway there. Hard to gauge, you'll understand why.
Ruka anon thread question:
>What Regions has your OC been to
Ruka anon thread request
>Draw the different kinds of outfits your character might wear in different regions (based on the culture/weather.

Answering myself, Ruka was born in Kanto and travels to Johto by train. Afterwards she vacations in Alola (japanese people love vacationing in Hawaii) and then going to Kalos for the fashion and studios. Afterwards she probably returns to the "japanese" regions, traveling around Kanto-Sinnoh as a wandering Champion. She may eventually go to other places but these are the ones that make the most sense to me.
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As a complete aside, writing this series has absolutely ruined me on Scraggy and Scrafty. All the talk about hoisting up its shed hide has forced me to confront an uncomfortable truth:
it's a fucking foreskin monster, dude.
There's really no avoiding it. Scrafty is the Foreskin Pokemon.
>then going to Kalos for the fashion and studios
You think we'll ever see Blair make a return appearance?
Scrafty is also a nigger monster. It's primarily orange, what else is orange? A prison jacket. Its scales are black, and it's also an asshat and highly territorial, a reference to hood nigga turf wars. And we both know what the baggy "pants" are referencing.
Gonna answer this one and then go to sleep;

Emily has been to Unova cause she was obviously born there. She has gone to Kanto a few times on a summer vacation as a kid with Mawlie, and she ended up going to a festival-- which is where she met Mari-- as she has also traveled to Kalos once in the wake of the Plasma Incident to learn about Mega Evolution and get on the path to control her energy and Mawlie's Mega Evolution better, and then she ended up in Orre for a few months and began exploring the deepest reaches of it's desert and diving through ancient ruins found out in it and finally ended up in Kalos again to deal with this stuff the fic I am working on is detailing.
Right, but that much was always obvious, and I still love my little nigga regardless. It's not until you get into the detail of really envisioning it as a living creature that you're confronted by how gross that shed skin is to describe. It would be one thing if they were just baggy pants that it was always grabbing onto and pulling around. But it's not. It's loose skin.
>What Regions has your OC been to

Zatch: Born into Unova but has spent time in the smaller Johto cities. Secretly wants to head to Kalos one day for the sweets and the vibes after seeing an ad for it
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>Scrafty is the Foreskin Pokemon
Wasn't this common knowledge already? They're still cute, with or without foreskin.
Have you ever seen that cute picture of a gecko shedding who looks like he's wearing a onesie? https://cdn.hk01.com/di/media/images/dw/20210321/450354917475880960570439.jpeg/fETHapxFHIK2cUit0qeSZ4UWkR_SppnsX0kcI19JHCM?v=w1920

Go ride your hog Shawn
Shaun crying extra hard today
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>Rin continues to infiltrate the hall of fame
She's from Yuru Camp, so she's not OC. Just a C.
But we'll roll with her being canon to the tog universe now I guess.
Just Hoenn, but he's pretty much dressed for all weather and just delayers when needed.
Maybe a cliche Alolan print shirt when he gets there.
A rival to Bibi's sunshine.
Throwing my question in the ring as well:
>Is there any well thought out idea you haven’t put in your fic yet due to time or pacing?
Follow up
>Which mechanic out of these 2 do you think your OC is best with: Mega evolution or Z-Moves?
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>>Is there any well thought out idea you haven’t put in your fic yet due to time or pacing?
I weep.
Grym VS Giratina theme
Gimme your thoughts. It's an instrumental track with piano, guitar and drums. It's Grym facing off against Giratina with new resolve in her heart.
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Pretty good!
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only recently started thinking about how neat tarot decks are

is that true...?
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Those first few notes sound very familiar... I think it needs more kick from the 1:30--1:54 mark.
Oh, don't worry, I'm slavic. My blood doesn't run properly until after the first few bottles. This has been well-documented within the general.
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Non burger reporting that I haven't been here all day. I've been ranking on PUBG, and tonight it won't be any different.
I was just passing by to say hi.
I picked The Hermit, since making The Magician would be hard to do in AI. But anyway, I guess those two cards are a good representation of his character: self sufficient, self reliable, and a bit of a loner. At least he is happy to share his wisdom, and learn from others.
And, like many men, dreams to become "The Lovers".
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Am I seriously the only one with absolutely no knowledge of tarot cards?
google Tarot Card Meanings Explained or something and pick the one you think relates to your oc best. i chose the tower to represent lily because the tower is supposed to represent danger and distress, and when inverted represents carelessness and negligence
No. I had to look up what they meant and I went with Death for Alex but then someone told me that the Tower would fit more based on its meaning that I had no idea about. So I switched it to the Tower.
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right here >>56199112
went over why i chose death for bibi, but there were a lot of good choices, her happiness, confidence, and self image were all being built up on false premises and flimsy foundations, so getting her shit rocked in area zero was the collapse of her psychological tower of babel, likewise, the star, directly following the tower chronologically, represents hope in the wake of disaster as she takes lessons learnt the hard way to heart while looking forward to the future, plus there's the fact that she modifies the team star grunt uniform for regular use and loves terastallizing, chariot and strength were also options. alto would be the hermit, tesoro the devil or maaaaybe the emperor, and nyx the lovers or the empress in reverse
bibi's been to kitakami and paldea, which is why she has almost a whole team's worth of kitakami mons. if she had the choice to venture elsewhere she'd pick alola for the island challenge or kalos to meet diantha. alto went to galar as a little kid where he found his zigzagoon and fell in love with rock music, tesoro's been to unova, kalos, and hoenn, though both live in paldea. nyx never set foot outside hoenn.
have some festival of masks bibi! hair done up courtesy of kieran's grandma
don't speak that name, that anon's art was cute and i miss it
i love it. i hate it.
cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute, love the beams making her look radiant
google is your friend! the fun part about all this mumbo jumbo is that there aren't any concrete meanings, pick one that seems thematically relevant and go wild with the interpretation
oooh i REALLY like the choice to black out her silhouette
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>the fun part about all this mumbo jumbo is that there aren't any concrete meanings,
then pewish (´・ω・`)
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How funny would it be if that's literally the last post he ever makes?
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heartbreaking: cool aesthetic choice was directly influenced by homestuck
this is so sad. alexa play crystalmethequins
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Did someone say Tarot?
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Yo, what up.
Ooh it reminds me of Card Captor Sakura. Super adorable!
>Thread Question
Probably either The Chariot or The World
>Thread Task
I personally lean more on the Darksider 2 rendition of The World than the traditional one.
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Welp, back to the ol' grind.
Circe would most likely be the Empress arcana.
Bugger, Empress is taken.
Perhaps Priestess, then.
Knowing emilyanon he'd probably give Emily the universe or worl-- oh never mind
oh the border design is lovely! she and her skiploom are super cute
it's fine to pick one that's already been said, empress suits circe well
Dibs on Fool
Alexception: https://pastebin.com/5XChzfAV
The first image he shows: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/eidotd9.png
The second image he shows: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/uxi46a.png
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Ladies and gentlemen: He finally did it.
Seems like Archivist isn’t the only one who likes to jump onto terrible ideas. This one is the last story in a collection of four short stories that I’ll be posting hopefully soon. Each should only be about as long as the one attached to the Azelie Gaiden.
>Serperiority Complex: A few people were interested in seeing more of the dynamic that Alex has with his Pokemon, so I chopped off the battle pet and reworked what I had into Alex speaking to Serperior in his hotel room.
>The Dossier Declassified: This one is a bit difficult to call a story, as it is mostly just the notes that Alex took in files P, F, and A.
>Up Close and Personal: A short, brutal championship fight between Alex’s Lokix and a Scizor. Suggestions for any prominent, non-Mega Scizor trainers are welcome.
>Alexception: I already posted this one, but the compilation version will have a bit more polish and a bonus that makes it a lead in for ABBITNS
Of course The World would be picked. It symbolizes completion/fruition and new beginnings among other things. And she's constantly going from one adventure to the next in pursuit of self perfection and transcendence-- in the combat sense anyway.
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Lovely Kiss wouldn't proc Sucker Punch, you FOOOL
I don’t adhere to game mechanics as strictly as my posting would suggest, if you look at Alex’s profile his Pokemon clearly know more than four moves. Sucker Punch is just normal priority in my writing, and “priority” gets translated to “the move just gets executed really fast”, I don’t see a reason why Sucker Punch would need to be triggered especially since in the real world most sucker punches are usually the first strike as opposed to a response to a strike. I had the idea that it “locks on” to the energy of an attack and is only usable then but scrapped it because I thought it made the move too convoluted. Plus, even if it’s status, it still makes direct contact with the enemy. If some spell casting babbling humanoid resembling a crazed niggerwoman came at me, I would sucker punch it too.
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first try at mimicking the gen 1/2 sugimori watercolour style.
how do you guys get into writing? i want to let my cringe self be free to write fanfic but i never know where im supposed to start. pointers? prompts? hopes and dreams?
I say you should stick with developing your art. You're a fairly good artist, trying to get into writing would make your art skills plateau much sooner than they reasonably should. Or do whatever, I'm not your dad
I’m with >>56216502. If you’re not a natural writer already, or you’re not a natural artist, it’ll present a struggle because you’re trying to develop refine two skills at once.
Bery naisu, the watercolors suit her well.
My advice is Mount Gay Black Barrel rum to start with a single scene. Does not matter if it's in the beginning, the middle, or the end--we can fill those details in later, just write a proof-of-concept scene to prove to yourself that you can do it. We're not going for length or girth, it's just about being able to show what you can do with this character.
Introduce their personality to the audience, narrate a Pokemon battle, showcase their morning routine, tell us about the moment it all went wrong. Anything to hook the audience on what this character is about.
To toot my own horn, read just the first section of Eons in Flux episode 1 in the writefag folder. Initially, that one scene was going to be it, period. No sequels, no prequels, nothing else, yet it got enough buzz to inspire me to write the rest of it, and now I am cringe incarnate.
If anon wasn't interested in learning how to write, they wouldn't be asking about it, now would they?
great job with the sugimori style! you mimicked the water color look really well, i'm jealous. i'm also not huge on writing myself but there are "interviews" with question written by one of the board regulars, vega anon, in the pastebin, featuring their characters vega, raphael, and rana, i think those are actually pretty good for helping you figure out what your character would talk or act like, and a lot of the hard work is done for you in terms of setting up a scenario for your oc to find themselves in, so unless you really wanted to just write up something 100% original it's a fun start
>writing advice
Well we'll start with the first thing you asked. Where to start. This one is admittedly as simple as it gets. Do you want to start from her humble absolute beginnings or do you want to throw together an implied backstory and start somewhere later down her timeline like I did? This one thing alone decides where to really put your focus. If you start from the very beginning it's admittedly a heavier workload cause you have to completely detail her ENTIRE backstory from the beginning of her journey to whatever you consider the "real meat and potatoes" of it and onward. I kinda skipped Emily's Unova and other mini-arcs in favor of not having to go over those in full detail so I can just get into the real crux of her journey starting in her second venture out into Kalos.
I like Vega, but she's as far from a "board regular" as a recurring user can be. She only arrives here about once a month.
This is actually good advice for once, if a bit basic.
Oh yeah, it also took me way too long to realize that the Pokemon that Franco was talking about in The Dossier was Urshifu-Rapid Strike.
>Oh, and Mister Franco?
>Urshifu-Single Strike is better.
Piggybacking off of this, I think one of the most important things you can consider is why your character is the way they are. I'm on the extreme end of this, Alex is a bit of a character and his story starts all the way back at 10 years old, and will follow him into adulthood over several arcs. I want his strength to feel meaningful, so that's why I'm taking such a scenic route, I want to show how and why he gets so skilled by the time the Meat and Potatoes gets going.
Probably a wise way to go about it but I will admit I lack the patience on my own end to do the same with Emily's stuff. Solo writing is comparatively less fun than RPing with a partner. And if I was doing the latter I'd more likely cover Emily's childhood and her involvement in the Plasma Incident more thoroughly cause it'd just be more fun.
If you want my honest advice, I'll say only one thing: roll with the bad idea.

Now, this doesn't mean make a bad story. This means that maybe you should investigate every interesting possibility around. When you see many generals in 4chan, with greens and fanfics, you realize that some stories are stupid. But stupid fun.
See the archivist. He said "nah, one and done". And here we are, with 5 chapters and 4 spin off stories.
See also this >>56216371. Anybody would say that reading about a man with a loose set of morals is bad, but is interesting to see how it bounces off with people who are not better than him. In fact, the irony is that the amoral youngster is probably the only "good" guy.

So, yeah, roll with the bad idea. Who knows what happens when you give the first step, and where will it end. If anything, it will be a surprise to look back and say "wow, that was dumb. But it was awesome!".
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>How do you guys get into writing?
Personally I just think of Ruka and her personality. That personality determines what kinds of pokemon she would use, where she'll go and how her adventure goes. Since your character is more of a gym leader you can go one of two routes
1. How did she become a gym leader? What lead to her attraction to poison types? What allowed her to establish herself as a Gym Leader. How did she get so strong? etc.
2. As a gym leader, What kind of responsibilities does she have. What's her battle strategy? Based on how you think she'll battle, what would be an interesting opponent for her? how does she respond to victory? How does she respond to loss. How is her relationship with her pokemon.
The questions force you to create answers. The answers establish character. The character drives story, the story creates narrative.

For Example with Ruka, the Erika battle was based on
1. Ruka was born in Celadon City.
2. Ruka's and Jynx have a love of fashion and Erika is the only kanto gym leader who wears a Kimono.
3. Jynx's typing completely counters Erika's gym.
4. It's Ruka's first gym battle and she's inexperienced.
And from there I built a story around that. I don't know if it's "good" per se, but it was fun to write!

>Ken Sugomori Watercolor style
It's a hard style to mimick. One thing I had to learn is howhis style is both "soft" and "hard". With Blended colors softly blending into each other contrasted with HARD contrast. Especially for whites which just break the figures apart. Honestly even though I'm proud of this picture I know I played it too safe with the highlights.
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Kind of ridiculous but I thought this would be a fitting bladed weapon for Alex. Don't know exactly when he would need to use it, though. He mostly just carries a Karambit that I can't decide on whether it will be gold or black.
>Don't know exactly when he would need to use it, though.
Sounds like that detail should come first.
Well, I had the idea that the final fight of his "main story" (Part 4) starts as a gunfight, then when they run out of ammo it turns into a Pokemon battle, and then after a mutual KO it turns into a knife fight, and then they manage to mutually disarm each other and it turns into a fist fight, with BBEG ending up dead. I'm just not sure when and where he would get it.
The idea behind this is that it's like an actual final boss fight, it puts every combat skill that Alex has learned to the test against an enemy that he's encountered before, but not actually faced head on.
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I get it, baby, I get it. Trust your audience.
>Get into writing

Do NOT care what anyone says. First start with what you want to write then make a rough draft. Then improve and edit until you get your final draft. Afterwards read a few novels and go back to what you wrote. If you like it cool! If not, use it as a benchmark to improve and better yourself.

Writing is very much something everyone can improve on and enjoy be it on paper or typing. Just start and don’t think about lore for starting out for now.
Go ride hogs Shawn
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You won't be laughing once you get hit by a 4X effective U-Turn
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Maybe in your dreams, little man.
How many OCs (strictly for Pokémon) do you have? Do they know each other or are they all the stars of their own fanfics?
I have 2 for normal Pokémon (David and "x"), 1 that I made for the Edgyverse ("Judgement"), and 1 for the Kayda thread (Biker Dirt, with many proofs of concept).
And they technically don't meet each other. One works as a cameo/easter egg. The only exception is both normal Pokémon OCs. One has the classic "Pokémon Master" story, and the other meets him as a side quest: David becomes a hermit, and X finds him. Both become friends, and David passes his knowledge of Ultima Evolution onto him.
Considering giving Grym a Lampent to add to her team.
I have 4, two of which are also being used for my project (Grym and Circe)
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I consider each game playthrough I do to feature its own unique protagonist, along with personalities for all their teams. Thanks to the Bank service, most of them are at least aware of each other. Beyond that, I have my "literally me" take on what I would be like in-universe, NPC characters I like to make for fun, characters I haven't gotten a chance to use yet, entire what-if regions...
I do a lot of thinking.
>David has been here for three generations of OC threads now
That's wild to me.
More like just two, Edgyverse and Kayda released and also died around the same time iirc
Eh, I don't mind rounding up. That's still two more than I've ever been here for.
I may swap him for a successor, but maybe around Gen 11. Considering he is some sort of "Self Insert", I feel like retiring him at Gen 10 would be a good place. Specially since we take the fact that many guys who played Gen 1 are the fathers who will buy Gen 11 to their kids.
That'd be cute. Any chance of David Jr. having a goth phase?
I just pass Emily and her sisters around between different verses.
>I just pass Emily and her sisters around
I'll see how the new games go, but I feel this story will be more of a reboot. A new story for a new guy.
In fact I doubt I'll make a reference to David at all. Just a new beginning.
Don't make it into something weird when it's not.
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It's your genre, I'm just reading the story
What does that have to do with what was said?
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Prior to making Ruka I played around with making a Jynx OC who's character was based around being jealous of Gardevoir's popularity, named Rouge. I kinda just morphed her into Ruka's Jynx, though I toned down the jealousy aspect into being more of an inferiority complex.
(actually might keep the name Rouge for her, now that I recall it. It's cute.)

I'm not sure if Ruka herself would ever get a gardevoir. I should maybe make a rival character with one.
>Ruka's Jynx doesn't like Gardevoirs
>Emily's sister-- Mari-- has a Gardevoir
Oh no.
She didn't knew, at the time, when she was making Emily's twin tails.
Back when I lurked I had 4 but for others types of fics (2 for a pirate run DND, 2 for Yume Nikki). I have plans for editing them and writing them into my own story much later since they’re just collecting dust now.
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Silas's mimewire account from the thread question you know like 20 threads ago.
skinwalker jinbei bibi emerges from the forest and blends into the local summer festival
Would marrying into the Herriot family be a good/bad idea. Get a potential sweet piece of a conquered Pokemon region as a dowry.
Skiploom the political puppetmaster. Any rebellion is met with a sentence to the Grass Stone mines.
Do we know her full team? I've seen Weezing and Scolipede so far.
Is this evidence of Ruka's Jynx having the Forewarn ability?

Silas anon thread question:
What ability does your trainer OCs ace have? Does it pair with in game mechanics, custom homebrew, or none?
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i posted this one last thread, but shes also got a muk that she can bring in for a full 6 if necessary. weezing is her star but using this team on showdown has shown me that toxapex gives people wayyyy more trouble
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>TQ What tarot card would your OC be?
>TT Draw a tarot card for your OC.
Honored to be featured in the OP, but it should've been Bibi's death card baka bibi-anon was the originator of the question/task.

I didn't end up making one for Miko (cuz fuck drawing circles) but he would be the Wheel of Fortune card

aw love seeing everyone together like this
Ivy's Unova born and raised, but went to study abroad during her college days in the Kanto region. She landed a job at the Blueberry academy soon after she got kicked out, and through that job she visited Paldea before. She would love to go to a tropical region for vacation though a la hoenn or alola.

Miko on the other hand is a bit more well travelled. Born and raised in Paldea, he spends almost every summer in Johto with his grandpa. He's also visited the Kanto region via train from Goldenrod (has some cousins there) and he's been on vacation in Galar too (specifically Circhester to watch a live gym battle). He's also been to Unova (Blueberry Academy).

When visiting Circhester or other wintery areas (like the glaseado mountains or if he were to ever visit Sinnoh) Miko has some winter gear to keep warm [picrel]

Super cute
Woah love this, glad we're being fed a lot of Lily art
You're not alone. I kinda just looked up the major arcana cards and went with what looked fitting.
I know bibi is based on the SV protag, but I always love to see the little spins you put on their outfits. Love the accessory in her hair and as always your characters expressions are top notch.
absolutely adorable. I feel like skiploom is pretty underrated and it looks so adorable here.
This came out so great! I got inspired to start writing after reading all of the amazing work that came out of tog. Sometimes someone will come along a post an interview that you fill out as your OC and those are really fun and a great way to get started too.
I dig it.
>Would marrying into the Herriot family be a good/bad idea.
She seems like a pretty nice girl, but holidays with the in-law(s) would be a drag.
>I got inspired to start writing after reading all of the amazing work that came out of tog.
That's all I ever wanted to hear.
But the question is what it'd change upon knowing it
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>>56218503 cont.
I saw this gem in the archives before and always wondered about the character on the left.
Gold feels more fitting for Alex, but Black is definitely more edgy.
I've actually posted some other OC's on the random trainer sheet threads that would pop up a long time ago- one of the first being picrel. Funny how Miko ended up a bit similar in terms of gambling and voltorb line, but Somber is actually an OC I came up with many years ago as a kid. He was originally supposed to be a rival/antagonist. And also maybe a terrorist? idk There's also a firefighter OC I have in my pocket that's a part of his storyline.

I already have 2 OC's I post about on these threads but I'm kind of tempted to make another- maybe something a bit self-inserty. I don't have any solid designs or story lines in mind to do so though. We'll see.

Absolutely adore this ruka-anon. Jynx is my 2nd favorite Pokemon (1st is jigglypuff) so it's always such a treat seeing your drawings of her like this.I especially love the one of Jynx doing her makeup. I'd love to share some of the art I've made of Jynx but I'll have to refrain for now lest I accidentally dox myself lol

mimewire is so good. I'd listen to the fuck out of Passho Pit.
>A Jynx named Rouge
>A gyaru called Rouka
>Change name to Ruka
>Rename her name as Rouge

This is like some meta cycle.
>Is this evidence of Ruka's Jynx having the Forewarn ability?
She does! I kinda portray it as a nebulous kind a clairvoyance that she can share with Ruka telepathically through a mental link. But it's an ability neither of them realizes she has until later in her storyline.
It's cuz Jynx's name is "Rougella". Which is why Rouka's name was spelled like that. But I realize "Rou" is pronounced differently in japan and that long "Ru" sound like in "Rouge" would be spelled "Ru" which is why i changed her name.
Any other creators here been in both the Kayda and edgyverse oc threads?
I reckon Medley has been in the oc threads for a long time.
Wow, your art sure has come a long way since then.
Who's Medley.
>Kayda and edgyverse oc threads
Sorry for the stupid question but what's Kayda/edgyverse?
One thread started complaining about Dragon pokémon not being "Dragon" enough. But OP, instead of using a Wojack, used a MSpaint cutie. Said thread spiraled into cute/lewds of this girl and her "friends".
Kayda is a Dragon Tamer who is angry that Dragon Pokémon aren't "Dragon" enough. This isn't easier to resolve because her younger sister Rioko loves wacky Pokémon with Dragon type. And her mother is also a Dragon Tamer who is also a bit lenient on that point, mainly because "if it has Dragon, I can tame it".
The main joke of those threads were OCs focused on monotypes, and sex jokes. It kinda died down when content started to drought. Also a diaper OC, but nobody mentions that.

One day one anon made an OC thread, kickstarting it with Grym Darkwood, edgelord extraordinare equiped with Thanatos, the blood thirstiest Tyranitar. Many anons took the piss on their edgyness, and how "Speshul" he wanted to be.
Some guy started the beatdown when he said "wait, if True Dark means Dark with no weaknesses, is bullshit because Tyranitar is still Rock! A Breloom with Mach Punch can take him out one hit."
Jokes on a silly innocent hero who uses "shitmons" was born: Brendoom. This also got a flame going on because the artist got a hold on, and made 2 extra new forms to make Tyranitar more OP. This was useless because one was defeated by Ferrothorn, and the other gets straight raped by Minecraft Golem.
Some other dude found out about Nyantcha's edgy Pokémon universe: Zirca 2036, posting images of the E4 and Champion.
It was basically a thread about enjoying edgy content. Anna was born here, and Hasumi and Tweny appeared.
>Who's Medley
She's the empress arcana
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Of all the lies told by man, none have yet surpassed the heinous declaration: "This will be a short one, I promise." 15,000 words, three more scenes to go. Goodnight, lads.
Oh! Sorry, I never caught her name.
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Took a break to make the former chief of Taigiri old Pokemon team before he got killed. For the heck of it, what does his team say about him?
Well, I can see Xatu and Braveary due to the "unovan" roots. Pidgeot as well. Skiploom and Venusaur means he probably passed the time in green fields. The Taigiri must've had a beautiful prairie.
Eevee..... well, everyone likes a cutemon, so is fine. Not being evolved means he liked nature taking it's time, I guess.
What happened to these pokemon after he got killed?
That’s an interesting question I can answer: Zatch’s Mother secretly has Eevee as the family pet to honor the chief, Skiploom, Venusaur, Pidgeot and Xatu were killed in the dragon attack. Braveary is STILL alive but no one has seen it in years but it still in Unova

To show their friendship, Lychee has plans on looking for it in secret once she learns about it.

>>56219279 trains of thought are in the right direction as well
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Alright, so going into more world building for how Pluton's adventure around the Pokemon World will go I ran into something to consider. At the current moment, how does the world view Deoyxs? Should this be a post game world where there is a new champion for the region, should it be post Delta Episode, or should there be little to no knowledge of Deoxys after it made its fist presence known and no one has been able to closely document the Legendary? As for an antagonist I was considering Tobias searching for Deoxys to capture and just add to his team.
You could make it as an investigation trip. He heard rumors of areas where Deoxys has been last seen around Hoenn, then find a small clue in Far Away Island, and maybe using that red gem in Mosdeep, accidentally calling Deoxys who only looks at him curiously before leaving again with the gem.
That would be a good starting point.
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I like that idea; it leads into the whole "I volunteer to go out to the other regions and report on their findings!" route. Pluton goes on to learn more about Deoxys. I have been thinking of which region he has to go to first, I really want it to be a shock how different it is from Hoenn, so I'm thinking either Unova or Galar.
Well, I'm off to bed. Non burger, clocking out.
Would now be a good time to mention that Thanatos was never actually intended to have multiple forms? It was complete 4chan fanfic and his actual bio doesn’t state that Tyranitar has multiple forms.
I'm glad we have a vastly superior Grym
Good. For a moment I thought they were the same character
Well, that can go in interesting directions. Unova of course has both intentionally manmade Pokemon in Golurk and unintentionally manmade Pokemon in Klink. It also has extraterrestrials in LGM and BEM. Galar, conversely, has... I don't actually know. But its big draw is having the mac daddy alien in Eternatus that had been jimmyrigged by man into becoming a battery for an entire country, so it might be worth looking into while investigating Deoxys.
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Thanks! I used to draw a lot in that sort of MS Paint-y style. I even have a drawing of Miko like that in his earliest design before he was fleshed out to be Miko. This was from a couple years ago.

He seemed like a kind and patient man. I feel like this team encapsulates Taigiri culture quite well so nice job.

You could also maybe consider the Sinnoh region, it wouldn't be so much of a culture shock as it would a climate shock going from tropical to cold. It also has the meteorites in Veilstone that are related to Deoxys so that could be a plot hook too. Excited to see where Pluton's story takes him.
This anon also brings up a really good point. Unova also has the great chasm that you could play around with. Galar on the other hand also seems super industrialized if you want to go forward with the manmade route even more and has some aforementioned pokemon like klink and other manmade-esque pokemon like trubbish too.
Alex attempts to come up with Francoisms for the Paradoxes

Ancient Forms
>Great Tusk: Abbadonphan (already known)
>Scream Tail: Bigglyruff (already known)
>Brute Bonnet: Venatorguss
>Flutter Mane: Misterius (already known)
>Slither Wing: Mothbrawl (already known)
>Roaring Moon: Salamace
>Walking Wake: Steamcune
>Gouging Fire: Embertei
>Raging Bolt: Raicloud
>Koraidon: Herrscherzar

Future Forms
>Iron Treads: Donphorb
>Iron Bundle: Robobird (already known)
>Iron Hands: Handiyama
>Iron Jugulis: Hydreitausen (already known)
>Iron Moth: Volcarobot
>Iron Thorns: Electritar
>Iron Valiant: Androgarde (already known)
>Iron Leaves: Viribot
>Iron Boulder: Terraton
>Iron Crown: Cobaliton
>Miraidon: Fugazar
That brings up another interesting point too: the difference between naturally-occurring Pokemon, Pokemon made by man, and Pokemon influenced by man.
Trubbish came about as a chemical reaction among toxins. In a monkeys-and-typewriters situation, it's possible for that reaction to occur in nature. But Garbodor straight up would not exist if the regions it inhabits weren't filled with enough litter and trash for Trubbish to pick up and sculpt into a mech suit.
Heh, synched.
I also considered Solarona in the spitballing stage because of its solar panel wings, but Volcarobot doesn't need any squinting or head-scratching to understand.
>white haired gremlin seething in the distance cause her Volcarona is nicknamed Solara and it treads too close to her own thing
I feel like Moth would be the only Future form that Alex is genuinely interested in. He doesn’t like the names that Occulture or Franco gave it so he would probably just call it “Mothra”. Solarona sounds cooler but Volcarobot is more blunt and given that Franco unironically calls Bundle “Robobird” that’s probably the angle that he’ll be taking.
>Solarona proceeds to Sludge Wave Solara to death
I was one digit away from getting quad dubs. Also, I forgot Sandy Shocks, which should be “Magnestone”
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More like
>Solarona gets Psychic'd into every wall it can find until it's a flattened metal pancake by Solara
Solarona is faster and has higher SpAtk and SpDef, it can get off two Sludge Waves before Solara can get off two Psychics (both moves are guaranteed 2KOs)
Pure coincidence, goyim. :^)
Verdict's still out on Iron Hands, it's a dilemma that has haunted me nearly every single day this year. Alloyama? Hariyametal? Hariyohma? Hariyameter? Harilectric? It's very awkward trying to play around an engrishization of a Japanese name, nothing really rolls off the tongue with any natural flow.
Do you really have to compete for attention all the time? I can acknowledge two of my children at once without them trying to bite each other.
Sounds about right
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Even then
>Quiver Dance once
>take a Sludge Wave but now Solara is faster and will OHKO the moth bot
>Who is stronger, you or her?

>If Solara used Psychic, she might cause me a little trouble.

>But would you lose?

>Nah, I’d win.
Wrong >>56221256
Favourite to least favourite anons
Explanations as to why is completely optional
shauny-baby doesn't count as he doesnt even have an oc to contribute and is a bad troll
Even with the exclusion of Shaun, you're shit-stirring by making this post.
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Dangerous question...
Favorite: Voltorba anon
Least Favorite: (You)
>Booster Energy activates Quark Drive, guaranteeing Solarona outspeeding Solara
>Firey Dance first turn, SpAtk boost guarantees OKO with the following Sludge Wave
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Sometimes I forget how much of an absolute JOKE the in-game Pokemon meta and the people who subscribe to it's line of thinking in their writing actually is.
>this Pokemon and all the other Paradox Mons get an item that INSTANTLY gives them +2 for no good reason and just win most matchups that aren't the hardest counters humanly possible for free :^)
Evening lads, finally home.
A fun Grym fact for you.
She absolutely HATES the taste of licorice. (And I don't blame her, horrid stuff)
Her favourite food that ISN'T pancakes though are Danish pastries. Or whateve the Danish equivalent in Pokémon is.
Oh boy and on top of that, Iron Moth also gets crazy good coverage of a move pool. How fair and balanced that a Pokemon with a +2 providing item ALSO gets a diverse movepool to answer a plethora of threats with. God I hate this medium in terms of the games so much sometimes.
what's the +2 item?
Booster Energy.
Actually I think it's only 1.5 but that's still 1.5x FOR FREE with ZERO CONDITIONS ATTACHED + a diverse move pool. What a joke.
Pretty sure that only boosts their highest stat by not even +1, unless it’s speed then it’s just a basic +1
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A free +1 to Speed on a 110 base speed Pokemon with Timid nature and a diverse movepool. Certainly nothing can go wrong here!
Yeah it’s a 30% increase to a stat instead of 50% (unless it’s speed) and the trade off is that it takes up its item slot to activate an otherwise useless/conditional ability once
Do NOT look at the base speed of Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant
I know those 2 are even worse, but this is about the moth bot
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This hurts just reading it

Medley sure is a boomer ass OC. I remember her in the 2020 threads
Probably not.
This is the best option, but we already have an Alloy Pokemon so
Why don’t you just make a poll about it
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Many, I'm just posting Luke though since he's the only one I've actually been able to play. The rest are NPCs since I'm the forever GM.
Favorite: anyone but you.
Least favorite: you.
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>since I'm the forever GM
Wait.... Is Luke a DMPC?
I am shocked.
We can still place our trust in professional wrestling.
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No, one of my players actually took the helm and I was able to make a character. So, he's like my first ever PC. Now I patiently wait to play him again as he works through burn out and figuring out what to do next.
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Though, with the fact That I've run an entire game and a half before his last haitus ended. I have little hope of playing Luke again. At least we stopped playing on a good place to stop and not a cliff hanger
Hoggy hoggy
same dude
Stop ban dodging and ride your hogs.
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>think about working on fic today
>mulling details over
>realize I left a bunch of holes in this section of the plot
>think of how to fix them
>realize I have to go back and edit the changes in now
>he plans his writing
NTA but I plan my writing but I realized that today that my planning is basically a first draft in third person omniscient instead of limited.
Heh, that's a interesting way of going about it. Like a dress rehearsal.
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Made a team for Alexa.
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And a back up team.
Now those teams are really neat.
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>stuck between sleep-deprivation and espresso purgatory
I had such big plans...
A small nap should fix you up. Don't worry about the writing. The text is there, just don't forget to save it.
Midnight club, represent!
Non burger reporting, triple dubs. Happy Friday Night.
So question for the night:
>Can your OC handle horror movies and if so, light on or off?
David can handle them relatively well. Saw a slasher film, saw all of them.
He likes more the psychological horror ones (when done well), and the ones that are so bad that they are good (Gingerbread Man and Thankskilling).
Lights off, obviously.
Emily handles horror movies just fine but she finds them boring.
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there's not a single thing i don't love about this image. back when i made that sheet with the playlist a gorillion threads ago i realized there probably should've been more welcome to the infernal parade tracks given the subject matter even if i'm more of a dragon cheers for sweet revenge guy.
>blending into the summer festival
behold! the closest tog has seen yet to a creepypasta!


....i can't sleep so i spent the past hour and a half throwing this together, were i not half dead and capable of planning i would've made the final jumpscare something more. pokemon-ish. i'm glad you picked up on the sort of eerie vibe i was going for with the jinbei though. and neat thread question! skeledirge almost always runs unaware because he's a tanky dude and runs a healing move so blaze doesn't proc often. ribombee usually runs sheild dust but if bibi has reason to believe an opponent will have a pokemon with a pain in the ass ability, she'll use an ability capsule to switch it to honey gather so ribombee can give them something useless via skill swap. while i would make abstractions if i actually wrote shit i personally find it appealing to stick to game mechanics for the most part
>fuck drawing circles
real shit. his winter gear is absolutely adorable and i like that it somehow has his face even more covered up than usual
>bibi is based on the SV protag
it's endlessly amusing to me that you all would've been spared my autism if juliana/florian had any drip whatsoever. thanks for the kind words as always
bibi is the kind who is simultaneously terrified and enraptured, covered in goosebumps but can't turn away, tesoro can watch them without flinching but definitely considers them low brow entertainment, nyx, for all her anxiety, loves them, and the only way to get alto to not run out of the room screaming is to have a pretty girl there that he wants to impress
Now that was spooky. Reminded me of old RPGMaker horror games.
This movie question reminded me of that time we saw a movie together. Was fun.
Also, that it was a long time since I ate popcorn. I guess I'll make some when I wake up.

See you in a few hours, guys. Non burger out.
You did all that in an hour and a half, huh?
Bibi-sama, I kneel.
Let's be someone else's nightmare today, /tog/.

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