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>current OP count: 102
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Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown)

Untitled fic (deceptive Zoro GF)
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sex the fox
big mane
Do y'all think a zoroarks seek big manes? Like the size of a mane being a fertility indicator or secondary sex characteristic? Mane size is proportional to how many zorua one can carry and care for.
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It's quite likely; a full coat is a sign of good health and nutrition.
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Used to seeing Akari in imminent danger when hzork is around.
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>tfw zoroarks are canonically 5'
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I wouldn’t turn down a taller one
I wouldn't either. It saddens me I would be taller than most zorks.
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Zoroarks could look like this in canon, using their illusions to hide their true forms, and we would never know.
Where are her claws?
Alpha Zoroark are 10'6".
She's hiding them with the power of illusion. That or trimmed. Maids need to be proper.
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Or, maybe that's how they naturally look
And weighs 175.2kg
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>All that hefty fluff
>Carrying around kids in her mane too
Imagine the muscles
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Even a regular sized one weighs 178lbs
Hair is unironically heavy.
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That one's going to be weighing even more than that soon

I never realized how dense zoroark is. Must be hard to swim with with that density and the big mane.

probably more
>underneath this fur is all muscle
Square cube law: double the height means 8x volume. If normal zoroark is 81kg, then the alpha will weigh ≈650kg, 1400lbs!
I need to lift some weights so I can bridal carry my alpha zork
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>Alpha Zoroark bench presses your car to woo you over
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>Alpha Zoroark enters a eating contest to woo you over
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I guess you could say he's peRUSing through the fridge!
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Ow. Well played, but ow
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there was this one green posted here a few years ago about anon and an alpha sized Zork cuddling together in bed after a power outage
was it ever continued?
i never heard about that story, but that sounds adorable
I never thought someone would actually remember that. It definitely could've been written better, but I tried to spruce it up a bit. Enjoy.

Aww, that was too cute. Great story, anon.
Big zorks are the best, though really I'm just a sucker for size difference.
D'awww. Love me some Zork GF stuff.
Glad you all still like it.
If you've got another one in you, I'd love to read it
Originally I wasn't, but now I've got a sequel in the works that might come out tomorrow or the day after. Funny thing about that green was that I wrote it before PLA came out with Alpha Pokemon. I guess it's time to bring it full circle.
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I love it. It was really cute. Wish it was easy to find big female Zoroarks in SV. Especially shiny ones.
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>And among them - worst of all - your heating.
As a civil engineer I gotta say that's the most retarded thing I ever heard
Who the FUCK designs heating powered by electricity in freezing temperatures?
Gas lines are a bitch to repair after some dumbass pops Magnitude and rolls a 10, wood fired is architecturally and economically inconvenient, and the tech's plenty advanced enough for 500% efficient heat pumps that make the bill trivial.
In the Pokemon World, it makes very little sense to develop sprawling infrastructure unless it's low impact when in place and when it's damaged, because there's a lot of wild dwelling people out there who are going to destroy stuff if it pisses them off, but are pretty happy to leave well enough alone unless they cause an accident.
Not to mention all the Fire-types.
Just imagine cuddling with a Ninetales or an Arcanine.
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Very cute
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>visit /ruse/ after a fuckton of time
>ask if year old story was ever updated
>awaken og writeanon from their slumber
>they're making a sequel
it's like Christmas morning
god bless you anon
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Don't like chubby cheeks
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Always nice to relive your childhood
Mega Ruse Anon here. The weekend was a bit busier than usual for me, so unfortunately I won't be able to finish the next chapter by tonight, so I'll just dump the first half here and finish it tomorrow for sure. Buckle in, it's going to be a long one. Enjoy.

Awesome. Is our Big Zork and Pal about to add a vengeance-ghost-babby to their little family?
I don’t quite understand what’s happening in this part:

"I'll drop your stuff off first, and then head to the new place."
"I'm gonna start walking and get out of this pollen."

"Maybe you can have that big ol' Zoroark of yours to ride home with!"
"You'll get home much faster that way!"
Now that's a thought.

Do the parents know about Z or not?
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It might take some effort.
They do, but as far as they know, the relationship is strictly professional. Thanks for bringing that up, I'll add a line about that later.
Thanks for clearing it up. I thought it was completely a secret, thus putting her in the ball and having her turn invisible to sneak out.
I keep seeing this particular Zoroark mage every now and then. Where's she from?
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It's complete now. Might want to warn you all, this will get too long for some. Next writings will definitely be shorter in scope and back to simpler things. Sorry for the wait, let me know if there's anything wrong for me to look at tomorrow. Enjoy.

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Someone needs to put this in the OP next thread. It's pretty good. Will she eventually join his small team?
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Oh no, she's sad :(
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>best girl turs out to be a boy AGAIN
I hate it when that happens, fuck you Joey - but not in a literal sense, cause I know you'd want it!
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What happened
If it's going to go in the OP, I'll need to combine the chapters into one rentry then. And don't worry, this won't be the last of her.
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>>56206888 (ayyy trips)
Just updated the link again and gave the story a proper name now. All future additions will be in this link from now on.

Fucking knew nothing good would come from OCs
He had no tits and his name was Joey, for God's sake.
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love sinister zorks!
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I also love sinister Zorks, but submissive ones are good too
>Zoroark wearing a collar and begging like a puppy
>you ignore her one too many times
>”Remember Anon, I act this way because I enjoy it. Do you actually think you’re strong enough to force your will upon me?”
>she caresses your face with a single sharp glowing claw reaching from cheek to chin
>you immediately start scratching her behind her ear
>”I love you so much master!”
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I want a zoroark to threaten me with their big sharp claws.
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Zork was a stand-in for Anon
Holy shit, cute!
>I've just noticed how that thigh-gap can be easily mistaken for a puss-puss.
That's what I get for uploading shit just from shrunken thumbnails.
Am I really this stupid and blind?
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Alternatively, that’s exactly the Zoroark’s kink and she’s sweating because that’s what she wants to do.
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>Zoro-wife can tell your kids apart thanks to smell, and minor differences only she seems to notice.
>Mother superpower, she calls it.
>You... Well, you struggle.
>All your kids look the same at a glance.
>And with their developing illusion powers, it's getting even harder.
How do you style and dress your ruselets to make sure you can tell them apart?
Bows, bands, other accessories, and their hobbies
Different types of bell. The girl with the cowbell will either be flat or a tittymonster, with no in-between.
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>see neat Zorak OC on Google imagesearch's related tab
>90% of content featuring it is gay porn (and he's a bottom bitch)
I should've expected that from the start in the CurrentYear™
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You can never trust an OC that doesn't immediately show its colors, and it's a damn shame.
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>Rused even by OC Zoroarc
It is really in their nature, isn't it?
Fuck the ending of the Rusefox GF.
Rusefox GF Anon, pls come back and fix
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Oh, fuck, I didn't realize that was still there. Deleted it.
Yeah, I didn't like that snippet and ended up drowning it halfway through. Didn't fit the tone, and it felt mean to write. Was practice for character conflict, but there's not much character to begin with, given all the blurbs I've written were meant to be slice of life.

Haven't contributed in a while because I'm writing something else. And also got a better job and moved this past month.

Holy based.
Fun read, Anon. Keep up the good work.
Congrats on the new job! Thanks for getting rid of the bad bit. If you can get back to it, I'd still love to see more!
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>Noticed by THE Rusefox GF writeanon.
>He likes my shit.
You've got me feeling like >>56197129 just now. Glad you're enjoying it too, and I hope you do well with your new job after your move, man! I'm actually waiting to hear back from an internship application myself. No rush on the story, and come back to it when you want to. We'll be right here when you're ready.
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That Mega Lucario's got me thinking: will there be a Mega Zoroark in the new Legends game? What would that be like, and would it apply to Hisuian Zoroarks?
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>Making such a strong bond of friendship with a vengeful revenant that you can Mega Evolve them
Absolutely based
Remember to give your zoroark a summer cut in these hotter temperatures!
Wasn't there an entire snippet in Rusefox GF where she didn't want a haircut?
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Yep. I just read the first third.
delete this
>Traineranon runs a show
>Main star(Delcatty or some cutemon) out of commision
>Rusema! You're our only shot at success! Transform!
>It works!
>Gets addicted to people showering her with cutemon compliments
>Identity theft ensues
>Trainer walks in on 2 of his cutemon claiming they're the real one.
Why yes I do love identity crisis stories.
Punch them both to find which is real
Thank you for changing that! Felt like (you) should trust her more than that given your history and (depending on the universe the story is written in) genetics for what could happen are probably not that well studied, so who is to say it isn't possible?
Also, I haven't read the rest yet, but maybe you could have Something about a trusted doctor who makes sure everything turns out safely. Seems like loving your pokemon is taboo your story but how much so? I could see them having supporters given how communicative Zoroark is. Only other feedback I have for you is that I am surprised Rusefox is not once referred to by a human name. Given her childhood disquise for many years into adulthood, surely she would have one. (You) would most certainly refer to her by her name or a petname. Felt odd to me how (you) almost accidently call her "Zoroark" in public.
Will still love her
Their body; their choice.
Men always leave their wives after the cancer diagnosis, it's so sad to see.
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Delete it, why?
Are you a Zoroark?
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Anyone know if there's a gallery of this guys zoroarks anywhere? I tried his twitter but it's 95% food and videogame posts.
Including when you hit the Media button?
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My grandpa didn't.

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