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Why does SV's story filter so many people?
It's not time travel, it's imagination.
The story is shit
>T. He got filtered by SV's story
These """People""" you talk about are subhuman retards with literacy problems so bad they can't even understand a toddler game story
media literacy??
Because I'm stupid
>/vp/iss so stupid they can't even understand a child game's story
No wonder people make fun of you all the time KEKW
>it's time travel
>it's imagination
>it's dreams

>not understanding the point is it's not supposed to make sense and is deliberately missing context

It's literally all of the above, Jesus Christ.
>Written by the pokemon company

Not wanting to engage with something bad isn't being filtered, retard.
The Prism Tower in ZA will be the imagination machine. Have faith.
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>Why does SV's story filter so many people?
It's a combination of three different things: Bad translation, unintuitive mechanics and hopium
>Bad translation
One of the main reasons that people became so confused about what was going was because of how the game was translated into English. Based on what we were told, Paradox Pokemon come from the ancient past/distant future and were being brought to the present thanks to the aptly named Time Machine, which was presumably being powered by Terapagos in some unspecified way. That's all well and good, until you start to think about how this fits into the Pokemon world

One of the neat things about Pokemon is how most of the creatures are based on real world creatures. Take the Fossil Pokemon for instance: All of them are based on the real world fossils we've been able to find and preserve. The Paradoxes, however, completely fly in the face of that design philosophy. Aside from Roaring Moon, none of the Past Paradoxes feel like real ancestors to existing Pokemon, but rather just those modern Pokemon with a cartoonish, Flintstones-esque prehistoric twist. Similarly, the Future Paradoxes also make little sense in terms of evolution. What would cause all the known Pokemon in the world to turn into robots with metallic skin and no Steel typing? It doesn't make sense... unless you're playing the Japanese version

As it turns out, the Japanese version doesn't use the term "time travel", strictly speaking. Rather, the term used is closer to "time and space". This term is also used in the Sada/Turo encounter in Kitakami after beating the Indigo Disk DLC, where it was properly translated into English as "alternate universes". The English translators fucked up this small but important detail when translating the text for The Way Home, which lead to a lot of confusion as to the origins of the Paradox Pokemon
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>Unintuitive mechanics
Ultra Space in the Gen VII games was a seemingly complex, but in reality very easy to understand, mechanic: It's a weird dimension that connects to other universes via distinctive portals, allowing people and Pokemon to pass through. These universes can be whatever the designers want, including an alternate universe version of your world ravaged by big screaming black things that fucked up your neighbourhood. France, in other words

The Time Machine in SV, meanwhile, is very vague on a lot of the important details, and in some cases simply never explains anything and leaves it to autists on /vp/ to endlessly debate what they meant by it:
>What is the true nautre of Terapagos' power? While it's explained that it can produce a lot of power that allows for the creation of things like life-like robots and Spacetime Machines, it's also show to be capable of affecting a Pokemons typing as well as bringing things to and from either points in the past/future or alternate universes altogether. The game never properly explains this
>What's the deal with the Beast/Muskiteer Paradoxes? Where did they come from? Why do Walking Wake and Iron Leaves only show up in Tera Raids? How could they have been brought to the present if the Time Machine was already shut off? Why do they look so strikingly similar to the sketches made by the artist of the research team who, by his own words, completely made them up?
>Why did the Professor want to bring past/future Pokemon into the present anyways, especially since most of them were clearly hostile? If the Professor had good intentions behind trying to do this, why does the AI act like such a cartoonish villain about it when taken over by the PPP?
All of these could be chalked up to shitty writing, but in the end they're still a lot of questions that demand answers. Ultra Space and the story surrounding SM/USUM doesn't have these kinds of issues, due to how simple they are in terms of storytelling
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Despite being half-baked, the plot of The Way Home was easily the most interesting part of SV's story. It raised a lot of interesting questions, and since we knew for a fact that there would be DLC to explain this, there was more than enough reason to speculate as to what would happen and what it could all mean. While the game says it's all time travel, a lot of those little details simply don't make sense based on that explanation. Combined with the new DLC coming soon, there was plenty of reason to suspect that things weren't as cut-and-dry as it seemed, that there was some other hypothesis that answered all these questions

And thus, Imagination Theory was born, the theory that there actually was no time travel and that the "time machine" was, in actuality, a machine that turns the dreams of whomever uses it into a reality using Terapagos' powers. The Paradox Pokemon were basically tulpas that could only be given lasting physical form thanks to the "time machine". Terapagos, of course, needed to convince people to build it for them for whatever reason and did so by implanting that knowledge into whomever stepped foot into Area Zero

Regardless of your thoughts on this theory, its propogation was entirely the result of the potential that The Way Home set up, a potential story that, for many, could've answered all of the mysteries it set up. In reality, of course, the answers were never that grand. Area Zero, Terapagos, and The Way Home were all just one big Mystery Box. Endless potential that, when revealed, is almost always disappointing compared to the tantalizing mystery. Pokemon fans fell for the bait, headcannon'd a bunch of explanations for the inhumanly shitty writing and then spent the better half of a year bitching endlessly about it. In the end, both sides were wrong: It wasn't tulpas nor time travel, it was just a shittier version of Ultra Space

The fandom played itself
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>it was just a shittier version of Ultra Space
Leave it to GF to take a perfectly serviceable idea and make it shit in the future generation
Because for one they made the mistake of purchasing and playing it
People are still struggling to understand gen 1 story and you want them to get gen 9s?
>As it turns out, the Japanese version doesn't use the term "time travel", strictly speaking. Rather, the term used is closer to "time and space".
Its time axis.時間軸
"time and space" would be 時空

> This term is also used in the Sada/Turo encounter in Kitakami after beating the Indigo Disk DLC, where it was properly translated into English as "alternate universes".
It was translated as different timelines

The actual translation issue is that the same expression had two different translations.
Its like you read there was a translation issue and made up a whole story around it.
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Good summary but yes >>56221546 is right. The way the AIs dialogue was phrased in Japanese was kind of ambiguous due to unique language quirks such as the lack of plurals, but this wasn't properly translated in other languages (probably cause the translators didn't consider the ambiguous nature of the original text and didn't expect a Pokémon game to have deeper lore implications)

Anyway, overall I really loved SV's story, even if the finale of ID was pretty underwhelming and kinda raised more questions about Area Zero than it answered, which sucks. However, the postgame scene with the prof at the lake did kind of blew my mind and kind of made up for the lame ending.
>mfw for several days, thinking about all the implications about what happened
Hoping the anime will shed more light about what the stupid turtle exactly does.
Thinking it's bad because you can't grasp it is literally what filtered people say.
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Because I can't tolerate seeing parentless characters being able to function in society with little to no developmental problems.
No I'm not an orphan, I just hate people successfully raised in broken/foster homes for some reason.
>probably cause the translators didn't consider the ambiguous nature of the original text and didn't expect a Pokémon game to have deeper lore implications
Its true they aren't focused on the details but its something as simple as giving the same term the same translation as any other actual translator, including pokemon's in 99.99% of the cases, do.
Every other issue comes after.
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Well, it is a Pokémon game, they can't make the story TOO dark. I mean all the implied shit is already honestly horrible if you think about it.
Realistically, Arven is definitely a little too well-adjusted for what he is, but I think he would maybe be too much of a depressing character otherwise to be featured in a game for toddlers. And I think it adds to his character depth because it implies that he works hard to not become like his parent. He loves the outdoors, eats healthily and keeps his things very clean and organized. We never really meet his parent but from their background story and their in-game workplaces, we know they basically lived the opposite way: they barely left their lab, there's packages of instant ramen and their workplaces are all really cluttered. It's interesting how big the contrast is between them.

He does still have pretty severe abandonment issues with how much he's clinging to the MC and acting almost aggressively towards people who compete for the MCs attention/affection. Plus he's a little socially retarded since he had no clue what Carmine meant when she asked him if there's any "special feelings" in the Paldea group. He's definitely not "normal" and still a surprisingly tragic character for a Pokémon character.
It ripped off Made in Abyss
I understand the story I just think its dogshit
Only visually and slightly thematically
It should've ripped it off more desu, would've been a cooler story
Prove it
I've only watched Alpharad's lets play but the story seemed simple enough to me. The professor went to do science one day and died, her robot asked (You) to fix shit for her, her programming forces her to fight you, you win and she goes to the past to fuck dinosaurs. I don't remember any lore about Teracrystals and I'm sure it isn't important, if the cute turtle makes Teracrystals exist then the cute turtle makes Teracrystals exist, simple as.
OP is talking about the turtle lore and the DLC story, you didn't see the part that filtered people.
>all this shit happens because uhhhhhh theres a turtle okay??????
its trash
You did not understand it, got it
Watch this
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>all this shit
Such as?
>but muh turtle!!!!!!! its actually so le complex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arguably they ripped off the plot considerably too
>Major character's sole parent abandons their young kid to venture down to the deepest point of the magic crater in the earth to research and explore and probably die because they place their ambitions over parenthood
>Said character decides to go down there once they're older with their friends to find their missing parent and they all either almost die or get injured several times at the hands of the dangerous creatures in the aforementioned magic crater
Sada seems like a jerk. She knows her son is lonely but neglects him anyways, she says "I didn't ask" when you tell her about Koraidon being your partner and she demands your book.
inception has a more complex plot than this nonsense trash
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Yeah, that's what I meant with thematically
But all the background lore and explanations about Area Zero and Tera Crystals are pretty lame and mundane, they should've gone more eldritch like in MiA
>crazy ass Nolan movie for adults is more complex than Pokémon game for kids
No fucking shit dude lol
>he doesn't understand infinite regress
It's ok anon it's pretty complicated but you'll get it one day, don't give up
Because it's blatantly unfinished. Half the story takes place in a single optional post-DLC cutscene.

Sun and Moon still has the best story in the 3D era
infinite regress is not complicated lmao, pokebaby
sv would have been be better if it was more graphic like made in abyss
area zero was the best part of the bland ass story because it finally felt like there was actually some weight and it was still a big nothingburger desu
it would have been fixed if your pokemon were at risk of permadeath or you straight up had badass death cutscenes for losing to the scripted paradox pokemon fights but clearly gayfreak hates sovl and money
0/10 no mutilated lolis getting eviscerated by dinosaurs/robots
>what if you dream... in a dream??
>and if you dream in the dream time is slowed down!
>and you can even dream in a dream in a dream and the time is even more slowed down!!!!
>what if it was still a dream... but you stopped caring? whoa!
It's needlessly convoluted to a ridiculous degree
It's not complex per se but it's stacked on top so much that it demands more brainpower than it deserves
Either way, you are still comparing a movie for adults or older teens to a game for literal little kids which is retarded

Actually now that I think about the plot and how you try to compare the two, you might just be a bitter imaginationschizo lol
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>cozy sexts
Then why are you failing to understand what the turtle does?
good for finally admitting its all just about le epic turtle
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good that you finally admit that you don't understand shit because you are out of arguments, lol
At least you're honest in not having played the game.
>partner left them shortly after their son was born (probably cause they were insane)
>instead of leaving the kid with the other partner, keep son themselves and neglect him his whole life
>instead of taking care of their own flesh and blood, they try to make their autistic childhood dream real, not even anything that contributes to humanity, just their own selfish dream to live alongside dinosaurs/robots
>haven't seen even fucking seen Arven since he was probably 10 or something
>built a machine that transports literal killer machines / murder dinosaurs to Paldea, keep doing so despite their objectively thinking AI companion warning them that they'll destroy the whole country
>on top of that, integrate a fucking failsafe that makes it impossible to shut down the machine, even if you have their stupid childhood book they worshipped so much for the lock
>fucking die because their prioritized a cool lizard to their own life and their family
>for two years, Arven had no clue if they died or just abandoned him for good, and when he tried to find out his Mabosstiff, which was the only thing he still considered family, almost died

Yes anon, they are a fucking terrible person, that much was always clear even before that scene. They are maybe not evil, but they are extremely misguided and selfish.
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>incapable of understanding kino
Stay mad kek
>Crusty 3DS era graphics
P-Please... just one good game...
It is a good game. Good graphics don't make a good game. If you want to play games with good graphics, you need to play a different game. GF is never gonna make a good looking game.
>where it was properly translated into English as "alternate universes".
You should have stopped at this point because they never mention alternate universes.
Yeah, but it runs like ass, and there's graphical glitches, and dexit...
Anon.... watch >>56222215
They might fix the performance in the next game. Maybe even graphical glitches. Wouldn't count on it, though.
Dexit is not a problem unless you have autism. You do not need over 1000 Pokémon in every single game. 400 is more than enough.
>the conclusion to SV's mystery plot was so disappointing that the only person who still talks about it is one guy who keeps making the same bait threads
>You will have no nat dex and you will like it
>ctrl+f universe
Don't partake in discussions occurring in English if your English is so poor that you think universes and timelines are the same thing.
How do people still make that mistake?
Oh you were just being pedantic.
Listen dude, in the context of SV's story, the difference is irrelevant. I know they're different things in metaphysics, but literally what fucking difference does it make here? Don't be nitpicking cunt, it's not contributing anything. Thanks.
>noooooooooo it’s kinoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! im not an easily impressed simpleton nooooooooooooooo stop saying that!!!!!!!! look at muh turtle it’s gonna blow your mind!!!!!!!!!! its complex!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im smart!!!!!!!!!!!!! muh turtle!!!!!!!!!!!
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Gonna be honest, I'm barely following this story but she clearly says she might be from an alt timeline here.
Yes. Nat dex literally does not contribute to the game's quality or fun. You do not need all Pokémon.
Don't bother, he's gonna go on a rant about how timelines and universes are totally different when they are functionally the same in the context of SVs story. The difference literally does not matter.
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Imagine seething so hard because of a little retard baby turtle
is turtle okay?
Anon, you're saying that while going on a rant about how they're different without actually explaining how they're different.
You're not exactly any better.
But I *want* all pokemon
It harms nobody and (you) can use your favorites without having to switch to a less modern game
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it just makes no sense to have your rival trying to defeat you in the middle of a Team Rocket crisis like dude??? if we both get weaker battling each other on a random floor we will get caught
More often than not it's just because they're a little dull with a inflated sense of self.
That said, if it were multiple universes the story wouldn't be able to take place as it did since not only does the story rely on time travel as the cause for many events but it was outright stated in the Japanese text.
Alt timeline =/= alt universe
I don't understand infinite regress, explain it to me
I dunno, those are both fictional. It's like getting pissy about calling psychic powers magic.
>time and space are fictional concepts
NTA, but it very much does. We're effectively getting less for more with each instalment. Having the National Dex would at least provide some padding for the current state of SV, because I'd rather play a rushed piece of crap with a full team of Pokémon I like than a rushed piece of crap with half a team. Have it behind DLC even, or as post-game only. Just something to abate the fact that Gamefreak keeps taking one step forward then two steps back every time they make a new game.
>muh favorites
I always use mons I never used before. Skill issue.
NTA but fictional or not if there's a difference between them it matters.
That's like saying psychic powers and magic are the same even though they say one is blocked by a tinfoil hat and the other needs a stick to wave.
>if there's a difference between them it matters.
List the difference
I'm not gonna explain how they are different cause it's irrelevant. They are functionally identical in SV.
>We're effectively getting less for more with each instalment.
I don't like being that guy but SV has the most pokemon available in any game to date.
The solution isn't less returning mons
It's less introduced ones altogether
We wouldn't have dexit if they never hemorraghed 100+ shitmons per gen to artificially inflate the dex count, because now we have creatively braindead filler like gholdengay, the forgettable ice kaiju pseudo and the paradox mons
I mean, not really. You can't even say that because alternate universes don't come up in SV, they've only ever come up in gen 7 and technically platinum where they worked completely differently.
Guzzlord's world in Ultra Space is an alternate timeline version of Hau'Oli City after the crack epidemic
Alternate timelines are absolutely alternate universes
>yet no lopunny
no fair i want hi res textures on the sexo bun
Alternate timelines come up in SV. They are functionally the same.
>Alternate timelines come up in SV.
Yeah, but not universes. That's why no one is considered a faller.
It really doesn't matter. We have no reason to consider anyone a faller.
Alternate universes have a bigger scope than alternate timelines meaning you can land on a universe similar to another but it wouldn't be an alternate timeline.
I mean, guzzlord doesn't even exist in the main universe and ultra ruin is it's native universe
Except for the professor who's pulled to the future.
Who isn't a faller.
You mean the AI? We don't see what happens to it. Also, it's a robot. Why would it be considered a faller?
A faller is anyone pulled from one universe to another since that causes them to soak up ultra energy.
The professor is pulled to present day kitakami from the past and there's nothing to say they were pulled from another universe, just through time.
You haven't played the dlc, have you.
Also, there would have been a totem paradox or two if the time machine was a actually a universe travel machine since totem pokemon absorb and use the same energy that makes someone a faller.
>You mean the AI?
NTA but watch this >>56222215
>there's nothing to say they were pulled from another universe
That is incorrect, we know that were not from our timeline/universe because they trade their book away for the white book. The professor that died before the events of the game did not do that, we know that because we used that book and put it into the machine. So they got the white book without trading it.
It's 100% not the same professor, so it's not the same timeline.
I have (twice even), but I misread your post, I thought you said "from the future" which would obviously be incorrect for the lake professor. My bad.
Why does the distinction between faller and not faller matter? They aren't even that different. Both experience memory loss. The main difference is that the SV "fallers" just return to their origin point while the others stay where ever they ended up.
Ingo, for example, is also a faller, but has nothing to do with ultra beasts. That was also just time travel, but permanent.
>we know that were not from our timeline/universe because they trade their book away for the white book.
Anon, this is irrelevant to your argument since it doesn't confirm an alternate universe nor does any version of the game specify it.
You're simply attaching it to the idea of an alternate timeline just because you want to be right because it's easier for you than learning something new.

>It's 100% not the same professor, so it's not the same timeline.
It's the same professor, being pulled into the future and trading books created a new timeline.
Gladly, although I am very tired but I'll try my best
In its basic concept, infinite regress can be visually explained with the world turtle. The belief that the world is carried on the back of the turtle comes with an inherent question: what is underneath that turtle? One possible answer is "another turtle". Which would mean there is another turtle underneath that one, and so on. An infinitely tall stack of turtles
You may already have noticed, Terapagos Stellar Form also alludes this: Terapagos is in the middle, on top is a little crystal version of the non-combat form, and below it is a dome with a shell-like rim and 4 "legs". It's a stack of 3 turtles

Now comes the part that a lot of people have trouble understanding
The game also has a plot that features infinite regress, in fact it explains all the weirdness and paradoxical shit. After you catch Terapagos and go to the lake in Kitakami, Professor Turo/Sada suddenly appear shrouded in mist. They came from the past, which is not just obvious from the fact that they aren't dead (lol) but they also don't "recognize" your Raidon. Anyway you talk a bit to them, and then they notice your white book. (That book was written by Briar and describes the shit that happened to you in the depth with Terapagos if you don't know). They insist on trading it with their copy of the Scarlet/Violet Book
Now comes the most interesting part: in the depths, even before you face Terapagos, you can read a journal entry from the professor that says that they suddenly found themselves at the Kitakami lake and received a white book from a child there. So what happened here?

The key to all this is that the professor that (You), the player, meets, trades their book away. The professor that died prior the events of SV did NOT trade it, we know because they used the book as the key to disable to time machine. We hold that book in our hands, so it's not possible that they traded it. Yet they said they got the white book.
>Both experience memory loss.
Memory loss doesn't occur with time travel at all and it happens infrequently with Fallers anyway. That's enough to chalk up any instance of memory loss as an accident that happened.
Anyway, the thing you should be focusing on is the fact that Fallers attract Ultra beasts while time travellers don't.

>Ingo, for example, is also a faller, but has nothing to do with ultra beasts. That was also just time travel, but permanent
Which should tell you that time travel and universe travel are two different things and that Ingo isn't a faller since he doesn't do the one thing Fallers are known to do.
>Ingo, for example, is also a faller
Are you just pulling shit out of your ass? Ingo was never, at any point, considered a faller.
So how is that possible? It cannot be a time loop where this event caused the events of the game before. Their book is gone, so things cannot play out the same way we saw them happen
The answer is infinite regress.
Just to recall for clarification
>What is underneath the world turtle?
>another turtle
>And under that one?
>another turtle
>And under that....

And with the book it's the same thing
>How did the professor who died get the white book?
>from another child from another timeline
>And how did the professor from that timeline get it?
>from another...
Etc etc
We don't know what the origin (or ending) point is, but it might've occurred many, many times already. Some shit like this probably also happened with Heath, as he got that page in his handwriting he doesn't remember writing and was also shrouded in mist.

This is all illustrated in the OP pic so if maybe that will help if you still have trouble understanding

My explanation was kinda ass but I am really fucking tired lol, I tried
>It cannot be a time loop where this event caused the events of the game before
Timeline 1 influences timeline 2, timeline 2 then influences timeline 1 which causes the events that led to influencing timeline 2 in the first place. And that happens infinitely.
The only problem is that we don't see timeline 2 but it doesn't matter
>We don't know what the origin (or ending) point is,
That's the point, there is no beginning or end, it's infinite.
It's obvious, they overcomplicate it because they want to sound more knowledgeable than they are, I mean just look at this shit
It's just text walls and headcanon across all of these posts and some of them say the dumbest shit to justify it
>it doesn't confirm an alternate universe
It absolutely does. The events of the game cannot happen without the book. The professor trading it away means that their future will be different from what we know. It's literally that simple.
>being pulled into the future and trading books created a new timeline.
There is literally no difference between a timeline having been separate the whole time or splitting from that moment.
I don't exactly consider if proof, but since the professor we meet at the lake was completely unsuccessful in his research despite Arven being old enough to be left alone hints towards a separate timeline. From the AZ journals, we know that the professor succeeded retrieving the Raidon around the time Arven was born. That suggests that the lake professor's progress is considerably slower. Also, there must be a reason why they traded the book away, while the prof on our timeline did not do that. The reason might lie within the MC, but could also lie within the prof.

>Memory loss doesn't occur with time travel at all
The game very strongly suggests it does, through Heath. In the book, he said he had a dreamlike encounter and then got a page in his handwriting, but doesn't have any memories of who he was talking to or what the page is about. This seems to be the exact same thing that we experienced at the lake, so the memory loss is very much implied. Plus, the MC also wakes up in their bad after meeting the prof and doesn't say anything about their encounter to Arven, which also implies memory loss. Not really proof, but definitely a heavy implication.
>Ingo isn't a faller since he doesn't do the one thing Fallers are known to do.
He's pretty much functionally the same though, isn't he?

You know, I thought the game said he was one, but that doesn't seem to be right. So I guess I gotta take it back.
Functionally, they are still extremely similar. The only difference is the energy bullshit, yeah?
If you'd played the game and/or didn't speedread, you'd know these people are just correctly retelling the plot.
Anon there's a guy claiming that the paradoxes don't make sense because they're devolved/futuristic pokemon in a game about fucking time travel while trying to retcon gen 7 lore to make space and time travel the same thing.
Sit down and shut the fuck up because none of that shit is accurate.
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There's more than 2 timelines though
Yeah that exactly
It's turtles all the way down
Those discussions are just pointless pedantry and don't change the game's plot though. It doesn't fucking matter if it's accurate or not as long as it sufficiently explains the game's plot
>It absolutely does. The events of the game cannot happen without the book. The professor trading it away means that their future will be different from what we know. It's literally that simple.
Yes, that's time travel.
Not universe travel.
Essentially you have two different instances of the same universe crossing over through the use of time travel in an infinite loop.

>There is literally no difference between a timeline having been separate the whole time or splitting from that moment
Just because you're denying the differences doesn't mean they don't exist, just look at what you're doing in your other conversation, Ingo being shunted to the past isn't the same as Anabel being shunted from the non-mega universe to the mega universe both in terms of lore and functionality since Anabel being a faller was an important part of the Ultra Beast hunt.

It's okay to be wrong anon.
>It doesn't fucking matter if it's accurate or not as long as it sufficiently explains the game's plot
Which is exactly why you're being filtered by a game made for fucking four year olds. Words aren't superficial you fucking dipshit, they have meaning and you can't just change them because you don't like what you're hearing.
There are minor differences but they really don't matter that much. If someone says alternate universe instead of alternate timeline, there is no reason to go "UHM NO AKSHUALLY it's TIMELINES not UNIVERSES, get it to together!!1" because from the context, it's usually clear what is being meant. It doesn't contribute to the conversation in this case.
Same with Ingo and Anna. Yes, her being a Faller makes a bit of a difference because of Ultra Beast bullshit, but that's literally the only thing that matters. Without that aspect, Ingo is basically the same. So it is wrong, but it usually does not matter because it's not relevant. You don't gain anything from pointing out the mistake other than making yourself feel superior I guess.
It is ok to be wrong, and I was indeed wrong about something. But that doesn't change the fact that being needlessly pedantic about it doesn't contribute to anything, except maybe your own ego.
You don't even know if it's entirely separate timelines or split timelines either, my dude. So why discuss whether they exist or not? They are functionally the same because we don't know enough to determine which one it is. There is no solid proof for either, we just know something is different.

And why on earth would the game for 4 year olds require you to understand the difference between parallel universes and alternate timelines? Hm? Yeah. Thanks for proving my point.
As long as you understand the basic plot ("there's an infinite loop happening") it doesn't fucking matter if you understand metaphysics. It's not relevant to understanding the plot correctly. It's maybe relevant for trying to understand if there's a different between Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokémon, but not for understanding SV's plot.
>The game very strongly suggests it does, through Heath
No it doesn't given the professor remembers everything.
>While investigating the hidden treasure, I found myself transported to a great height, near a lake that smelled of sulfur. Based on temperature and humidity, I believe it to have been the eastern lands I've read about before.
>And there, a child gave me a white volume
Like I said any instance can be chalked up to an accident since there are far more instances of being just fine mentally when going through either one.
The professors
The Gen 7 protags
The HGSS protags
The entire Ultra Recon Squad

While only Mohn, Anabel and Ingo have lost their memory, the difference between the ones listed above being that their trips were all accidental.

>but definitely a heavy implication.
There's no implication at all, not to mention the player wasn't even the one who travelled so it wouldn't make sense for them to lose their memory.

>He's pretty much functionally the same though, isn't he?
No, not really. Narratively, yes, he plays a similar role to Anabel in gen 7 being someone thrown through a tear in spacetime but functionally no they're completely different with one being flung into the past and one being flung into a parallel world.
If it helps you understand look at this graph, Y represents time and X represents universes.
>And why on earth would the game for 4 year olds require you to understand the difference between parallel universes and alternate timelines? Hm? Yeah. Thanks for proving my point.
Gee, maybe because it's relevant to the fucking plot. And you're acting like time and universe travel isn't done in every single kids show ever and you know what they don't do? Act like they're the fucking same but clearly you skipped out on that part.
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>Terapagos is in the middle, on top is a little crystal version of the non-combat form, and below it is a dome with a shell-like rim and 4 "legs". It's a stack of 3 turtles…

A counterpoint, related to my linked image, is that the design of Terapagos is based on the story of Urashima Taro, a small baby turtle that was saved by the fisherman, a larger turtle that took him to the timeless Dragon Palace, the gift from the Turtoe Princess, a Tamatebako, or Jewlery Casket, that held within it the missing years that when opened killed the fisherman, and in early versions it was a three-tiered box that holds a crane’s feather, the smoke that made him age, and a mirror that transforms him with the feather into a crane to be reunited with his Turtle Princess.

There is much more in the design than saying it’s three turtles stacked on top of each other, when only two exist. A better concept is the Feng Shui Turtle-Dragon of prosperity, where it sits in its hoard of coins and has a turtle on its back, the “Lucky Dragon”.

Your argument for the Infinite Regress, falls flat when compared objectively.
>there is no reason to go "UHM NO AKSHUALLY it's TIMELINES not UNIVERSES, get it to together!!1"
Of course there is, because it would cause major plot holes if they were interchangeable and change what paradoxes are into pseudo ultra beasts.

>Without that aspect, Ingo is basically the same.
The problem is that attracting ultra beasts is the defining trait of a faller because they absorbed the energy of ultra space. You can't brush that aside.

>You don't gain anything from pointing out the mistake other than making yourself feel superior I guess.
It's about discussion anon, not superiority. If you hadn't launched into this rant against multiple anons and just accepted you didn't know something it wouldn't have gone so wrong for you.

>You don't even know if it's entirely separate timelines or split timelines either,
It's very clearly time, since you as the player don't travel through time or universes but the book in area zero was altered. If it were another universe it would have stayed the same.

Stop getting so mad and just play the game.
>No it doesn't given the professor remembers everything.
Not really. They can't remember who exactly gave them the book ("a child") and they didn't remember where exactly it was. So their memories aren't perfectly clear either.
But yes, it's not consistent. Same with Fallers. Sometimes they lose memories, sometimes they don't. They probably just do whatever is the most convenient desu.

>not to mention the player wasn't even the one who travelled so it wouldn't make sense for them to lose their memory.
We don't know if Heath was the "travelling party" either. We don't know exactly how this shit works. There is no such things as "wouldn't make sense" because you don't know the exact effects. It's all just implications, don't pretend like you know more because you do not. Either of us can only imply things.

>Narratively, yes
Yeah, exactly. Again, I get it, metaphysics, blabla. But it really doesn't matter much outside of plot details that are not relevant right now.
Good summary. Didn't the DLC also had different writers than that of the base game?
>In the end, both sides were wrong: It wasn't tulpas nor time travel, it was just a shittier version of Ultra Space
Good TL;DR.
>because it would cause major plot holes if they were interchangeable and change what paradoxes are into pseudo ultra beasts.
Is that so? What plot hole would that cause?

>The problem is that attracting ultra beasts is the defining trait of a faller because they absorbed the energy of ultra space. You can't brush that aside.
I mean, it's not relevant 24/7 of the character's existence, but fair enough.

>If you hadn't launched into this rant against multiple anons and just accepted you didn't know something it wouldn't have gone so wrong for you.
I did accept it multiple times though? I still defend the point that making a distinction between parallel universes and alternate timelines is totally pointless and pedantic. This is not just about wrong or right, it's more about "it doesn't matter if it's not 100% right in this case".

>It's very clearly time, since you as the player don't travel through time or universes but the book in area zero was altered. If it were another universe it would have stayed the same.
What do you mean? Nothing was altered.

>Stop getting so mad and just play the game.
I'm not even mad. And I told you already, I played the game, twice. I love SV. I might even play it a third time.
It's both, though. It's also why the Terarium had 4 parts, like the palace with 4 side, one for each season
>Your argument for the Infinite Regress, falls flat when compared objectively.
Okay, and why the fuck can't it be both? You didn't disprove anything, it's still deliberately designed to look like a stack of turtle
Things can have several sources of inspiration anon
Anon it's Pokémon, you know they would never do shit like that
You gotta consume other franchises for graphic and mature content
It's already surprising how gruesome the story was in some details, like how the prof was literally mauled and bled to death or how Arven was not just heavily neglected but has also been an orphan for quite some time now
But this is probably as far as they can go, mutilated lolis are never gonna happen
But I do choose to believe that the Paldea group did weird sex stuff down in the crater because they are all traumatised and/or mentally ill teenagers
My problem with infinite regress is that it doesn’t make sense from a narrative standpoint, when you actually figure out that Terapagos’ power is not time travel, but overarching ‘Balance’, like that brought about via Feng Shui.

Terastal energy is ‘Soul’ energy, Area Zero is Mt Horai of Chinese legend, full of it. Heath is replicating an main character of an expedition to this mountain for it’s secrets. Terapagos is the immortal that conjures ‘illusions’ in Paradox Pokémon.
Herba Mystica is Traditional Chinese Medicine, combined with Feng Shui to improve the body’s ‘soul’ energy, which we see in the Raidon’s and Mabosstiff.
Feng Shui is about energy in the world that spans multiple dimensions, including time, to determine its quality through the earth and water. Area Zero’s Earth and Kitikami’s Crystal Pool’s water is used to complete the Blueberry Academy’s Terarrium energy sphere.

The professor’s time machine unnatural disrupts this balance, bringing forth what is meant to be impermanent, such as in the case of Heath encountering Paradoxes like fleeting illusions, and making it permanent and detrimental to the balance. And yet as it has always occurred, and will continue, Terapagos brings the Professor forward and returns the book to us; what was once lost with the AI is now returned and restored to the present.

A paradox? Yes, but one that doesn’t need an answer like everyone is searching for.
Schizo post
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>People getting mad for not understanding a story
>Retard schizo troll getting mad at infinite regress
>Assblasted time travelfags getting BTFO
>Dead imaginationschizos
This is what not understanding a pokemon game story does to /vp/erdents
This. Much like SwSh, the big picture story and lore is absolute dogshit. The good parts of the story in both SwSh and SV are the more small-scale people-focused and growth-focused story elements through individual character arcs, developing friendships, the gym challenge, etc. Both games have pretty solid rival and gym stories, decent dialogue, and good human moments. So the first 3/4 of the game has a pretty good story because they aren’t dealing with the poorly handled world saving story elements. Both SwSh’s Rose/Eternatus/New Darkest Day story sections and SV’s Area Zero/Paradox/Professor story sections are dogshit.
Fire Force's story sucks too, Lol
I felt like it was the other way around for SV. I really only gave a shit about Arven and Mabosstiff, the rest of the early game was lame and forgettable howeverthoughbeit. Area Zero was where I finally had a level of investment and engagement akin to prior entries, it had that endgame-that's-actually-midgame feel to it and you could tell that's where development on the game peaked. That being said this is still a modern title we're talking about and thusly is shallow and retarded and narratively bankrupt storywise, but it was a step in the right direction compared to SwoShit which was actual shovelware kusoge
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I agree with all that about Arven, and also "muh injured doggo" never stops feeling cringe - despite how you get to understand that his Mabostiff is the sole tangible remainder of his parents' past physical interactions with him he has left besides the robot mom/dad copycat (that your gang basicly destroys).
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*blocks youre path*
where is the pic above the one with Stellar Terapagos attacking Ogerpon Heartflame from?
That sounds like your personal problem desu. It's a Pokémon, it doesn't really matter that it's canine looking.
The anime

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