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what makes rom hack players seethe like this
Go back there.
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I'm genuinely curious what xer's problem is, link?
you have the name of the sub and the title of the thread. find it yourself.
probably played a game that's anti infinite rare candies
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Based rom hackers. Optionslop is killing video games.
>no Sound Test menu
both shit
That shit is dumb, being anal pained that people are cheating a single player game is beyond autistic
I caved in and found the post. It only mentions two things.
Anti-speedup features, which some devs apparently justified by saying it's there so you won't skip the dialogue.
Manually walking to the pokemon center after fainting, which apparently at least one romhack did.
It's Sonic the Hedgehog. You have to input a cheat code on start up to access the Sound Test menu.
Playing a non-difficulty hack for the first time.
>Anti-speedup features
I don't have a horse in that race, but it's funny how upset people get over not being able to ADHD their way through a game in an hour.
>Having to do a walk of shame each time you fuck up
hey guys im back i was eating tuna
yeah this was basically it and if i had to guess they played Pokemon Noon
I think a romhack intentionally disabling emulator features is kinda fucked up. I play on a flashcard though so I don't really have a horse in that race unless they do something that breaks console compatibility.
>Manually walking to the pokemon center after fainting, which apparently at least one romhack did.
This is kinda based but doesn't really matter as long as the player has save states.
Cheaters gonna cheat. It's why people gave in and just allow for infinite rare candies now, because ecelebs will cheat anyway.
I've played enough pokemon that if I can't speed it up it's not worth my time
Anti cheat measures please anyone else but Pokemon players break down.
Option A until you finish the game then option B.
It's Reddit, we have no idea how to use that website retard.
>skipping tedious level grinding is cheating
Let me guess, you also hate the EXP Share.
Kill yourself, yawnfag.
Not that anon, but if the game was designed well enough you wouldn't need to grind in the first place. Nuzlocke/challenge runs are self imposed challenges and designers shouldn't bend over backwards to appease the people that need to be at "level cap" to beat gym leaders that don't even have EVs.
you first, ywnbaw.
Thank you for your sacrifice. I thought they would be mad that every rom is a difficulty hack but he's just mad he can't cheat. Pretty funny.
Based pokemon clover devs to mogs the shit out against cheaters.
radical red(dit).
Sorry I've played a dozen pokemon games and want to skip the most tedious parts
There are no tedious parts, just win the battle.
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You're retarded if you legitimately can't win without exp share.
>bought a twitter subscription to write a faggy wall of text about how he doesn't want people to fast forward through his reddit hack
Same, anti-speed up means your game is dead on arrival to me, at best it means zero replayability
you have to pay elon to make longer posts lol?
Twitter Blue users need to be rounded up and
>Manually walking to the pokemon center after fainting, which apparently at least one romhack did.
What's the point of this? Seems like a lot of effort to program just to waste the player's time.
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Surprise - Pokemon players don't like playing Pokemon games but still will do everything to look like they play Pokemon games because they want to be part of "teh community". Social media ruined their minds.
I've played romhacks where you had to spend 3-4 hours grinding between gyms or be seriously underleveled. Fuck that noise.
You can for example use revives and potions on your fallen team members, which I guess is useful if you're stuck in the middle of a dungeon or route that you really don't want to go through again.
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Ironic how unskippable dialogue/story is one of the main complaints of current official games yet some fangames want to force the same thing
>nooooo I can't win while underlevelled even though I'm the only one with EVs!!!!
Reminder that no one on this board legitimately beat gen 2
Me when I juice for my local pickup game.
Rom hacks have garbage design like making you grind 6 mons to level 25 just to fight the first gym leader who will usually have a fully evolved Salamence with Dragon Dance and Outrage. It's fun to play for the first 10 or so minutes but so much of the design just kills your enjoyment.
> Anti-speedup features
More hacks should do this. The actual games weren’t designed with a zoomzoom speed up in mind. It’s funny that tards are raging over having to experience a Pokemon game if they supposedly like the gameplay that much.
>speeding up is zoomer
Emulators have had speed up options since forever so you're either living under a rock or a zoomer yourself.
Difficulty romhacks need speedup. If I'm fighting the same boss for the 5th+ time I should be able to fastfoward the fight.
>le get le good
Balance your games better. There's a middleground between Pokemon X/Y and having the entire game be 6mon boss rushes.

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