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Pokémon is unmatched
Pokemon is a merch franchise with a vestigial anime and video game attached. If you wanna know why the series is so bad nowadays, that'd be it. Little girls begging their parents for Pikachu plushes earn Game Freak more money than every other part of the franchise combined.
Any successful franchise is going to make a large part of their profit from merchandise, this isn't anything new.
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Consume Product
Eh, it's still better than it was in the DS days.
One of these companies is making specifically games.
The other is shitting out literally all kinds of products and is player in dozens of niches.
It's actually huge L for TPC that their greater scope of business barely reached number equal to that of very specific company that mostly do things in single category. Don't get me wrong - Nintendo is creating some merch and misc goods and services but their focus always was in games while for TPC games are an afterthought and necessary evil.
Only an idiot would think those are game sales/revenue.
And don't let me even start on retarded ass "retail sales". That means absolutely nothing, it's a non-factor.
What is important is actual profit. That 10.8 Billions is worthless if they spent 8 billions to produce their Chink-level future landfill.
came here to post this.
>Little girls begging their parents for Pikachu plushes
you're delusional
most kids don't even know what pokemon is nowadays, all they care about is tiktok, skibbidi toilet, brainrot videos and that sort of thing
pokemon has reached the stage MLP has where the only people left are the ones who used to know the thing when they're younger so they just continue to do it
That line of thinking only works on game sales, everything else can be mass produced without too many mouths to feed beside the assembly line
Even if you retardely ignore actual assembly work, you still need designers, materials, tools, packaging and distribution you faggot. These things don't appear out of thin air on shelves of your Walmart.
Didn't Mario Odyssey and BOTW mindbreak gamefreak?
Nigga, even a Renpy AI gay furry VN would mindbreak Gamefreak by the massive differential in talent and care.

Pokemon is shit because Game Freak can get away with it by just selling a gorillion plushies, keychains, backpacks, lunchboxes, panties, bedsheets, and etc.
> the franchise is bad because children like it
No, anon, the franchise is made for franchise. You think it is bad because you are a grown up who should have moved on start acting your age instead of liking stuff made for kids.
> but before it was also made for kids and it was good
No, before it was made for kids from the 90's/00's. You were one of those kids - and pretend to still be -, now it's made for the 20's kids, who like different stuffs.
It is not good vs. bad, it's things kids liked then vs. things kids like now. And caught in between a bunch of grown ups demanding their own dead childhood should still be the focus.
Ah, so the way to save Pokemon is to lobotomize all women so they only serve the biological function we need as a species!

how much do you think TPC is spending on their products?
>most kids don't even know what pokemon is nowadays
You're funny, anon.
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That's a whole lot of cope. I never bought Pokemon merch as a kid (unless the Pokemon cereal counts). I was always primarily concerned with the video games, and I still am to this day. If I wanted toys, I got something good like Bionicles, YGO, or Settlers of Catan, not a fucking plushy of Chikorita.

Games from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s were less concerned with what kids liked and more concerned with making enjoyable games, which were games kids liked. Nintendo by and large still operates on that principle. Super Mario Wonder is a genuinely fun game for both kids and adults. Modern Pokemon is only enjoyable by children and manchildren.
Can still attract new adults I didn't watch mlp when I was in school even though I liked the look of it because I was scared my friends would bully me for it but now I'm a man and don't give a fuck. Pokemon can attract that audience kek
Sure, that'd help reduce merch sales, but little boys also buy merch.
>unless the Pokemon cereal counts

It does.
That's food, not merch.
Does the box the cereal is in count as merch?
As much as the box the games come in count as merch.
That's just not true. There were better selling video games last year. You think they made anywhere near as much money off of merchandise?
kek, harsher than the Sonic one
This is cope, plenty of children's media is enjoyable for adult people too, especially video games. Pokemon is just low quality.
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You have to be a drone to believe this. Pokemon is one of the only child friendly series where people just say "who cares if it sucks, kids will like it anyways". The gold standard is making a product that kids can enjoy while also being enjoyable for adults. That's why Nintendo has such a huge market share across the age spectrum.
As much as Pokémon? No of course not, but I would imagine that the franchise would still have considerable portion of the revenue being from merchandise.
> The highest grossing franchise in the world is the highest grossing franchise in the world.
I'm shook fr fr on God no cap
Pokemon is not best selling video game series since God know how long. It's largest multimedia franchise but specifically it's games are selling just okay.
I was talking about the merchandise part, I never disagreed with the game sales.
there will never be a good one ever again
I wouldn't say never. Pokemon will likely go on for several more decades. Eventually all of the old lazy fucks will be replaced by series fans that grew up playing and enjoying Pokemon and will make good games again.
This franchise in a nutshell
This isn’t a good thing btw.
This is why gamefreak gets away with literally everything.
Without the threat of failure, companies have no need to try to make things better. They know that what they're doing is working. They're not desperate for sales or new fans, they know they have plenty.
The only way Pokemon changes is if the next games are such an objective disaster that they start losing sales on a noticeable scale, and that won't happen because people will buy it anyway. I hate that that phrase isn't just a meme around here.
>twitter thread
saged and hidden
You know they've been replacing them slowly but surely since Gen 1, yeah? Half the old Gen 1 team fucked off by Gen 4, replaced by the Gen 3 new hires, they went out and hired a whole second team to start on HGSS, they amalgamated 2/3rd of Genius Sonority for Gen 5 and since 2017 have been advertising for college graduates yearly.
Problem is Tajiri ain't going nowhere, there's grunts like Morimoto and Ohmori - long-termers still invested in the thing training the new staff and impressing the studio's values and ethos to the new hires (Ohmori got the job in the Big Chair, as Tajiri and Masuda both agreed he understood the universe in much the same way they did, so just as Masuda got promoted to series lead director, creative force for the studio's future games output Ohmorui got afforded the same as Masuda knew he was getting old and too boomer to be able to keep it up).
But do think they'll suddenly fuck out everything that brought the series success just to suck your dick. You going to be crying in the nursing home over this shit boy?
>This is why gamefreak gets away with literally everythin
Nah, the reason why gamefreak "gets away" with what they're doing is because they're doing way more than other monster tamer devs.
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>because people will buy it anyway
That's because most are parents buying it for their kids and the rest are adults at ease with being adults playing a kid's game.
We are never getting a remotely high quality game again from Pokémon
Just like we didn't get one to date?
Yeah? Fucking where?
Oh, so which one of the kiddyshit games, that lagged years behind their peers made with less effort than said peers would you class as "high quality pokémon game"?
Because Game Freak never crunched. Tajiri had respect for his friends so when it came to make the studio serious and actually act like a game studio instead of a bunch of college-age people pissing about in an apartment, he decided to not operate like the video game industry in Japan at the time. They got weekends off, could work flexible shift hours (Masuda stated he and the other technohead in the team at the time would take the 10PM shift, to allow themselves to blast techno music loud and long without annoying the other staff in the office), had public holidays off, 4 weeks holidays - most of the shit they offer as their benefits package today started off from the days in Hightown apartments. But that also means they as a studio were keyed to only doing the mandated office work and not following the rest of the industry's standard of overtime, weekend work and no holidays whatsoever, because "your arse is ours and we want this shit out tomorrow"
It's amazing how people who probably never found success once believe they know better what makes a franchise successful than the ones who are literally doing it better than anyone for decades.
Pokémon is most profitable franchise in the world for over 20 years. They know what they are doing, they know who to target, and they are doing it right.
Pokémon is not "bad because it's for kids", otherwise kids won't like it. You just label it bad because it's just for kids, so obviously is not trying to please you. But still you keep sucking it like a tick.
I'm surprised jews haven't bought the franchise yet, with how much influence they'd have with the biggest franchise in the world.
people label it bad because the graphics, gameplay, and other aspects of it are lacking compared to other games that make a lot less, and despite the first generation to play Pokemon starting to become grandparents, the franchise still pretends adults don't exist.

How they do things is lucrative, nobody is arguing it's not financially successful, and trying to reduce it to that is dishonest.
You think more of Call of Duty's profits come from merchandise than from game sales?
>because the graphics, gameplay, and other aspects of it are lacking compared to other games
On the contrary, they're calling it bad because they don't compare it to other games. Why do you think you never see anyone who hates pokemon make direct comparisons?
It's because once you do you'll see how much pokemon does that other monster tamers don't even in this "dire" state.
What do they do that others don't? Last I checked, they don't even make the battle cutscenes skippable. Each battle is like a minute long. It's practically unplayable. I remember trying to get through X/Y and losing interest halfway through, specifically over that exact problem. These games would be in the bargain bin if not for having the name "Pokemon" attached to them.
One thing I love about Digimon games is being able to speed up the battle animations. You still make your actions per turn, but you can doubletime everything after until it comes back to your turn.
See what I mean, you're not even trying to compare it to another monster tamer. It's almost as if you've only ever played pokemon so you want me to make your argument for you.
That said let's go with something basic, why don't you tell me how many monsters are in the most recent SMT, Digimon and Pokemon games.
I can agree with about the anime, specially nowadays but the games still has the irreplasable function of pumping new mons/design/concepts etc.

>see hololive profit shift
Ye, I can testify
>What do they do that others don't?
Multiple battle formats for starters.
Shinies giving you incentive to catch multiples for personalization.
A baseline of 400 monsters without dlc/transfers as of gen 4
Take that last one and factor in the fact that regional forms aren't considered their own mon in the dex unlike most tamers and that 400 count increases.
Recently, raids. Before, battle facilities with record keeping.
Marks, ribbons and titles.
A fair amount of non battling minigames
Not making stat items absurdly rare or expensive

That's just off the top of my head.
>he doesn't know
Granted it's not a complete ownedship but they are part of the shareholders suits
A good amount.
A good amount.
Too many. And they only care about PIKACHU and CHARIZAAAAARD FROM KANTOOOOO anyways.
Any other questions?
And have nothing to do with marketing the series overall, nor indeed have any oinfluence on Game Freak or Nintendo, because "da jewz11" are only shareholders of TPCi. And TPCi have to do what they're told, when it comes to marketing the IP to the world, as they're overseen by TPC, who are in turn horsewhipped by Game Freak into doing what they need.
The only thing "da jewz" have influence on, is who TPCi donate money to as a tax write-off. they don't get to dictate the terms of the marketing, advertising or presentation of the kiddy series. Because Nintendo and Game Freak set it up so NO cunt but they get that power.
Learn how the world works lad, /pol/shit is at odds with how it actually transpires (Because Pokémon is Japanese, thus Game Freak never had to rely on jews to get the money to get made, unlike every radge cunt in the US, too shit-scared to bet on themselves).
>pokemon has 400 in the base game
>Digimon has about 340
>SMT has about 250

>pokemon is too many
>SMT and Digimon are "good" amounts even though there's a bigger gap between then than Digimon and Pokemon
I'll never understand the logic you anti-pokefags follow.
Pokemon has over 1000 mons.
Pokémon's main problem is their obsession with giving each new region a full new roster, while still wanting to keep the a few staple design.
Each region apparently "need" to have it's own electric mouse/regular-ass bird but cartoon/slightly weird rodent/2 line of generic insect/etc, to populate it's starting area with "new" stuff.
There is like 12 version of Pidgey/Rattata/Pikachu/Caterpie, who have not much purpose beyond "wow, look how different this region is! It has... Pedgiy instead of Pidgey! Such a different experience! That will be 60$ plus tip btw.".
why are consoomers-in-denial in this thread angry that pokemon is in fact a franchise
is it because they cannot claim that it is "theirs" anymore despite never been theirs to begin with?
...anon are you retarded? that's how it works. fresh new faces for mons. are you an american by chance, the ones who are obsessed with GENWUN only?
>muh genwun bogeyman
You can bitch all you want, doesn't change that Pokémon's roster is massively bloated with uninteresting mons whose sole raison d'être is to be the n-th bootleg version of the same concept, like a jpg recompressed way too many time.
and it's quite clear you didn't get what I mean
when I meant by american obsession with genwun, I am talking about any franchise. power rangers, tmnt, transformers, the works. even star trek, despite TNG being the one that actually propelled star trek off of the ground, pop culture only forced the first series.
it's quite clear you don't know what archetypes mean, especially when said mons filling the archetypes end up being different anyway.

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