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I miss this guy like you wouldn't believe
Also do any of you guys have images of that super edgy region we used to make fun of here?
cleffa hasn't been dexcut thoughever
Brendoom, forever remembered as the small ray of hope in this Admin-forsaken-board.
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You mean like these?
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I like how Brendoom looks more like an actual pokemon character than every OC in this thread. Or our own OC threads. Why are Pokemon fans so bad at making Pokemon characters.
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Oh hell yes. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, Anon!
There’s much more than that btw. Those are just the E4 and champion.
You know where I can find more?
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Holy shit that's my drawing
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It's endearing
Thank ya kindly.
I really gotsta make myself draw these siblings more, even if the threqds they came from are pretty much dead and gone.
You don't have any socials or anywhere where you post your stuff?
Truth be told, not really. I rarely post art anywhere these days.
IIRC, the league was posted once. Maybe you can find it if you search Edgyverse or Zirca.
Isn't he that guy from the Pokemon Mystery Club?
That's a shame. Oh well, maybe I'll catch you in the local drawthread someday
Yeah some of the gym leaders can be found here. https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/54270566/
They're from Zirca 2036 so try Googling that.
Did they fucking trace Jotaro?
Mostly the champion, but the rest of his E4 have nicknames based on Tarot Cards, so you KNOW they wanted these OCs to come off as "cool" and "serious".
The thing about Zirca is that it’s actually pretty good conceptually, it just had the misfortune of being created by a nigger giga coomer. If you ignore the constant porn and veiled fetish material such as >>56220008 being a BBWbait and >>56220006 being barabait and >>56220012 being lolibait + fetishized pastel goth then it’s actually pretty good in my opinion. N*antcha actually shit out a pretty big and thought out cast with well developed relationships, he just smattered it all in hentai.
Where's the Brendon trainer card in the Zircs style?
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I gotcha
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Btw this is what N*antcha is up to rn
Even if it is good, it'd still be a hard sell due to how shamlessly edgy it is. Need I remind you that these threads existed almost entirely just to shit out this OC in particular? (And to be honest, they ARE really easy to make fun.)
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>forgot pic related
That guy was made by a spic who was aping Nyantcha hard, he didn't understand the few good parts of Zirca and that led him to shit out this shonenshitter turd. At least Nyatncha understood some aspects of storytelling, he just ruined it
by doing more hentai than actual storytelling
>That guy was made by a spic who was aping Nyantcha hard
Huh, I never knew that. I still stand by my point though. Nyatcha's OCs are so laughably edgy that it's hard NOT to want to make fun of them. They're so opposed to the typical tones and themes of Pokemon that I have to ask if these OCs would be better off in their own unique universe rather than being lumped in the world of Pokemon.
This is so fetish fueled is not even funny
He's just a simple character, at least compared to some of the characters you see in the "Edgyverse".
He loves his Breloom, his team is comprised of common Mons with no Legendaries or the like, and he's just a generally good-spirited Trainer that's hard to get down.
Don't forget rocking cool Go-Googles and a sweet scarf.
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Those help too, yeah.
>Why are Pokemon fans so bad at making Pokemon characters
Because it's really hard to judge what the bar is for "good PKMN character design." Hell, even Gamefreak's losing touch if the NPC designs in Sc&V are anything to go by. The bar is incredibly vauge yet high. I think what we need aren’t "complex OCs with novel-long backstories", but just...good characters in a good story. So far there's been no good stories. Only characters in the blank empty void where hypothetical scenarios take place.
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Sometimes I wonder what makes a Pokémon character "good". I don't know if it's the setting or the character itself.
I mean, in the spin offs the MCs looked anything buy Pokémon characters, and yet we rolled with a kid using a scooter to travel, or a (barely) adult travelling through shanty towns and underground shelters while riding a flying hooverbike.
>"Nah, I'd win."
>Proceeds to job to a mushroom
He's the hero we need in this dark world.
Pokemon games struggles with having extremely weak plots, shallow characters, and generally bizarre writing (particularly with the random NPCs.) Everyone's so accustomed to Pokemon being the way it is that attempting to stray from it is shunned as far as I've seen.
Now this is the thread I was looking for. Now I need to find the one with the lewd Pix3l pic that everyone ignored, including mods. That was funny.
edgyverse threads were so fun, but eventually the content got stale
One day when I have time I hope to create a new fangame edgyverse and get these threads revived again
Oh yeah, somebody did a mock up event, isn't it? The MC vs Xavion.
Basically the final moment: Pixie chic is unconcious on the ground, and her "halo" speaks. Is time.
And when the guy fights him, Xavion's Mega Energy doesn't activate.

Somebody has that video?
>Somebody has that video?
I can try 'n dig it up.
It shows up when you Google Vos Xavion.

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