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>Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis
>Introduction to Christianity - Pope Benedict XVI
>The Confessions of St. Augustine
>St. Thomas Aquinas - G.K. Chesterton
>Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
>The Everlasting Man - G.K. Chesterton
>A Shorter Summa The Essential Philosophical Passages of Saint Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica - Peter J. Kreeft
>Catechism of the Summa Theologi - Thomas Aquinas
>Catholic Catechism of Saint Piu - Pope St. Pius X
>Early Christian Writings The Apostolic Fathers - Andrew Louth
>History of the Christian Church (Complete Eight Volumes In One) - Philip Schaff
>Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament RSV 2nd Edition
>The Faith of Our Fathers - James Cardinal Gibbons
>The Spirit of Catholicism - Karl Adam Robert A. Krieg
>The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection

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The Diamond Brothers and Michael E.Jones should collab together and combine their schizo powers
Pope Francis did not. He explicitly condemned this. Homosexuals, like all other sinners, can ask blessings from priests.
I read a book recently after anonymous shilled it on here called Death Comes for the Archbishop. I loved it you guys should read it
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Highly recommended
This nigga was absolutely obsessed lol

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I want to buy book that covers all the logical fallacies in detail in hardcover preferably, does anyone have a book like this?
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>Logical fallacy is when something I dont like
You have to understand logic first. Fallacies are just inconsistencies. Its like saying list every wrong answer to a math question.
You dont even understand the nature of an inconsistency or logic itself, or nature.
On Sophistical Refutations by Aristotle
Straight and Crooked Thinking
Strunk & White is bullshit. Paradise Lost violates every rule in that book
When I was a kid, I thought Lex Luthor was a black dude. It surprised to find me that he wasn't supposed to be African American.
There was a time when OP would be a troll and he would have masterfully gotten a large number of anons to spend hours arguing about a tiny little semantic detail and when it was over they would have congratulated OP. I miss old/lit/.
>but it is a troll!
Even worse, just come off like a moron either way.

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>he's never read a thousands year old text that mirrored a dream he had about being in the afterlife
what is the point of this thread?

>anemoia (uncountable) (neologism, uncommon) Nostalgia for a time or a place one has never known

has any book ever given you anemoia, Shogun did for me I want my cute Latin speaking Japanese wife
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>Fag actor for Blackthorne
>Cucks John getting Kiku at the end of the book
>Inferior Yabu

All me
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Far from the only one. There's a third.
>>Fag actor for Blackthorne

That's rich. There's a scene in the 80s series where he's offered boys instead of women, and he acts all offended.
>Boomer self-insert masturbates to noble savage caricatures for 800 pages
Dogshit book for faggots.

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>Book is called Arrowsmith
>Isn't a biography of Arrowsmith
Glad I didn't pay for this shit.
Mainstreet and Babbit are great, have yet to read Arrowsmith. Arrowsmith (the band) sucks.
Just remembered, the band is Aerosmith. OP can't even meme properly.
I work with a guy who used to roadie for Aerosmith. He said they were "cartoon characters."
Sinclair was a typical wannabe cosmopolitan faggot whining that everyone in the midwest wasn't as progressive as him.

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What are your favorite books that in some way feature aliens?
The Holy Bible (KJV)
2001: A Space Odyssey
Doesn't Gravity's Rainbow have little green/grey men in it?

Alright, /lit, I'll start reading this weirdo. What's the order?
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pynchon, gaddis and wallace are the most obvious midwit blow horns

>look everyone, I'm reading difficult, girthy post modernism!

just read books that resonate with you by how you feel and what you're going through.
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If pynchon doesn't resonate with you you're dead inside
pynchon resonates with me, isn't very difficult, and several of his novels are short. you sound like a presumptuous, shallow faggot
Col49 (only Pynchon I've read) resonated heavy with me, what's wrong with postmodernism it's literally just people trying new things, at least they take risks and aren't scared of being seen as pompous intellectuals by faggot retards, imo though I don't see any of them holding a candle to Calvino, he's alot more pertinent to things that matter instead of abstractions
They aint m idwits ANON

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If there are an infinite number of whole numbers, and an infinite number of decimals in between any two whole numbers, and an infinite number of decimals in between any two decimals, does that mean that there are infinite infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…) …
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If you're interested in the period during the Vietnam war there's a nice memoir by an American guy who lived there and married a princess. It's called "In A Little Kingdom." (Perry Stieglitz)
offtopic. this is a /lit/ board, not math. and the count of real numbers is infinity, but the count of whole numbers is referred to as "aleph sub naught". there are branches of mathematics that deal with the mathematics of infinity.
t. non-STEM
Infinite infinities is sort of like a truism, meaningless phrase. Infinite infinities is already implied by the concept of infinity itself.

There is really no such thing as infinity.
>Georg Cantor has entered the chat

Which is superior?
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/x/ > powergap > /lit/ > /his/
when it comes to buddhist discussion
> Monotheism is still superior to whatever chink religion since its foundation is classical logic. Irregardless whether the Quran is the word of god or not. Buddhism's very premise of dependent origination completely falls flat under classical logic. Which is ironic considering it's the very premise Buddhism is built on
Even the notion of a Creator is dependent on the notion of a Creation for it to coherently exist, isn’t it? Also, at least in the created/phenomenal universe, the law of dependent origination more or less seems to hold. This can also be applied to the self, not even necessarily with fancy neuroscientific gobbledygook or from a materialistic perspective, but with simple thought experiments (of how you, as you are, are a product of your heritage, upbringing, environment, interaction with the world, etc., mutually interdependent on the world for your very being, and would be a totally different type of person if born and raised in India as opposed to born and raised as an Eskimo in Alaska).

The Sufis, anyway, even snuck in ideas from the Mahayana Buddhists (such as the Afghani Buddhists whom they interacted with) into their religion, mysticism, and spiritual training, but of course wouldn’t openly admit this because the masses of Muslims would get upset. Bodhichitta (the awakening of the enlightened mind, including both wisdom = prajna and loving-kindness/compassion = karuna and maitri, or the cognitive and affective aspects of enlightenment) becoming ==> the awakening of Ruh (the higher intellectual spirit) and Qalb (the higher spiritual heart) in Sufi mysticism; the awakening of transcendental higher spiritual intellect or wisdom, and of higher spiritual heart/emotion/compassion in both, and tied to a state of higher spiritual development or enlightenment. The Murshid, the Qutb, the Pir, or the conception as of the Universal Man from Ibn Arabi (Insan al-Kamil) in Sufi mysticism is essentially the same as that of an Arhat, but put in an Islamic. theological context. They are held to have undergone the mystical stages of Fana and Baqa, respectively Annihilation of the self in God, but which is regarded as potentially just a temporary mystical experience in Sufism and not the end of the path (hence Fana could also be likened to the jhanas or higher meditative states of consciousness of Buddhism) and then Baqa, Persistence in God, the permanent attainment of this state of union with God. Basically a roundabout way of comparing them to Arhats, likewise said to have attained a higher spiritual state of being also associated with the effacement of the ordinary self (or conception of the self).
Some of the Sufis also took parts about the nullification of the self or realization of its nullity (as, again, in the Sufi concept of Fana, Annihilation (of the self in God), also when combined with Baqa analogous to a theistic conception of Nirvana) in poetry and mysticism about the voidness of the conventional self; as well as about the voidness or illusory nature of the universe (equivalent to the concept of Maya, Illusion, shared in both some Vedic and Buddhist thought); and, finally, included teachings of reaching a meditative state of serenity, tranquility, or ataraxia through a practice like meditation or contemplation. This includes the common trope of the Sufi ‘going beyond the extremes of both hope and fear’, as well as beyond the ordinary deluded unenlightened mindset of ignorance, exactly analogous to the Buddhist conception of transcending passion, hatred, and ignorance (craving for, craving against, and the sheer blindness of an unexamined life).

But how will you ever know him,
as long as you are unable
to know yourself?
Once one is one,
no more, no less:
error begins with duality;
unity knows no error. (…)

Knowing what you know,
be serene also,
like the mountain;
and do not be distressed by misfortune.

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He is asked, “How do you dare to take this seat? Are you a vizier of the emperor?” “No, I am yet higher than that.” “Who are you, then?” they sneeringly ask, getting increasingly angry, “the emperor himself?”

“I am yet higher than that.” “Then you couldn’t be anyone but the Prophet Muhammad!” “No, I am yet higher than that.” “Then you could only be God, and there is nothing higher than God!” The final response of the dervish is, “Yes, I am exactly that — nothing is higher than God, and I am nothing.”

The Mahayana conception of the Buddha-nature can also basically be taken as an apophatic conception of God, or of the underlying nature of the universe in a theory like of Ibn Arabi’s Unity of Being. E.g. as in the Mahayana parable of the Buddha-nature, Dharmakaya, or enlightened state of consciousness as being like a moon reflected in myriad bodies of or jars of water. Pretty much in line with Ibn Arabi’s thoughts on the reflection of the Creator in the Created.

Furthermore, a very liberal reading of the respect enjoined upon Muslims by the Prophet Muhammad for “the People of the Book” in multiple verses of the Quran, those with an inspired written set of scriptures and religion they devoutly follow, which at minimum obviously and clearly includes Jews, Sabians, and Christians, also has it that this respect can be extended to others like Buddhists and Hindus, besides Zoroastrians, Hermeticists, and the like.

The dervish seeks to annihilate his apparent phenomenal self in love for the Creator and His Creation, just as the Bodhisattva and Buddha is absorbed by compassion for all sentient beings. However, there is a clear difference, being that Islam and Sufi mysticism much more clearly, obviously, and firmly speak of a transcendental unified Creator meant to be loved and worshiped, so I’m not saying they’re identical to Buddhists.

Anyway, this is why I go for Buddhislam, or the Zensunni way of the future that Frank Herbert predicted in the Dune series (or Zensufism might be an even better name). Even if it’s bullshit, it’s sort of like what Dostoyevsky said about Christ and Christianity: “Even if it were conclusively proven to me that none of it was true, that Christ had never existed, or was not God, I would still be a Christian, so great is my faith in Christianity and my respect for Christ’s teachings.”
The pic is literally titled "Jesus as a Manichean prophet". There is nothing to do with both Buddhism or Islam, you dumbfuck.

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>Literally made up A Million Little Fibers and called it a memoir, the story details the tragic circumstances of recovering from addiction, something many people struggle with and looked up to the book for recovery
>gets caught lying/he fabricated the events,doesn't back off
>Creates a Publishing company siphoning YA Novels from hopeful writers that only gives a very small royalty advance (250 dollars) and then gets to take complete control of the rights and slap his name on it
>Still pumping out generic YA trash to this day because his ruse (shitty fictional memoir) was found out

This dude is a sociopath. Just look at his eyes.
I am Number 4 is mid af for young adult

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Sorel rejects the party form which is anti-Marxist. A lot of the early anarchists/syndicalists turned into fascists for a reason.Same with Kronstadt rebels and Spanish anarchists who later would become fascists. The tendency is clear and that's because anarchism is anti-communist nonsense.
You are mistaken— the present is awful and the future is dark as a central African nigger.
Dark women are hot
Source: a pun
>There's a reason why the USSR and China are not affected by financial crises hat western capitalist democracies undergo.
China is experiencing a financial crisis right now, or is at least desperately trying to stave one off after major developers and shadow lending firms (we call these "money market funds" in the West btw) started collapsing like Turkish apartment buildings in an earthquake. China's financial system is not very different from Western ones and the relationship between the banks and the government is very intertwined in both cases. Government guarantees and credit regulation are similar in both cases, and both are subject to financial risks which can ripple out to the wider economy. There are some differences on account of China's system being overall less developed but it's only a matter of time until it comes to even more closely resemble that of Western economies.

The USSR, okay, "financial crisis" is a problem because they didn't have a financial system to have a financial crisis, but the Stalin era was actually extremely chaotic and the reality for most people was less the state providing everything (which as a well-informed communist like yourself would know, they didn't seek equality of outcome), but an unrelenting struggle to secure basic necessities from housing, food and clothing through pulling strings of working one's connections, because scarcity was a permanent defining feature of the system at all levels. That's a fact and quite interesting, but that doesn't imply that a significant number of people didn't support Stalin at the time or weren't optimistic about the future.

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Need help finding a short story.
I remember reading a story about a guy who wherever he went he would find a foul smell. The twist was that the guy realizes it's his own smell since he's rotting on the inside.
I thought it was something written by Poe but I can't find it. Any clues?
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Adolfo Bioy Casares - A propos of a smell?
My dad sometimes would say I had shit on my moustache if I said something was smelling bad
Mine would say I had shit on the tip of my nose
>The twist was that the guy realizes it's his own smell
Doesn't sound like a very good twist. It was obvious the instant you said that the smell follows him everywhere. idk, maybe the actual story pulls it off well somehow.
This could be it, but I'll have to double check
I didnt think about spanish writers so you may be onto something

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Has anyone read this book? Thoughts on it?
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Is this by the author of My Diary Desu?
Napoleon famously said the only way to deal with an intellectual is to shoot them because you can’t argue with them. You’re talking about taking these same people and putting them in the seats of power. How do you think that would end up working out?
>Why? Wouldnt the government want you to work for them instead?
Only "work for them" as in get exploited and get discarded once the high IQ starts having his own ideas about things.
I'm talking general high IQ, not dedicated intellectuals with visionary ideals. I dont see why having high IQ should mean a person should become less morally ambigious than the average person, or be less tempted into corruption himself.

That goes for everyone. It's not a "curse of the high IQ".
>implying we go to parties
>implying we can articulate two hours worth of philosophy
yes I am projecting

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Any good non-pozzed children's books?
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I saw this one at my university library. The city that hosts the school is a UNESCO city of literature.
They are children's books what do you want them to say, KILL NIGGERS, or something?
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Not have it cuck children from a young age, you bad faith faggot
i think you could read a kid beowulf.

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Thoughts on Ashbery? Any favorite poems or collections by him that you want to recommend or discuss? What do you think of some critics' accusations that his work is meaningless?
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>Ah, the crank belief again
'Glib' clearly refers to the interpretation of the poem, regardless of whether or not you've been maneuvered into the general position of being a liar howsoever (you) at this point 'choose' to respond --as you yourself acknowledge to another anon, here
What does this 'make' (you)? Shall we say it together? A luh luh luh..
What's the point of sociologically inspired 'clarity' ie a 'preference for straight prose' if THAT eludes (you) as well? Or, if (you) are going to attempt to deflect it back into 'pretend' 'mystery'. (It's not a mystery btw; but in deference to your thickness I feel I should inform you that at this point it does you more credit- not much, but a teeny bit more -to have written the poem than not).
--Hey man, if (you) want to read The Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo upside-down, by odds, by evens, or even sideways, then by all means do it.
But on your own time, please.
A long-ish Ashbery poem that's exceptionally straightforward all the way through is the early 'Instruction Manual' (from Some Trees). Many of the poems in this thread are pretty clear too
The last two a little more difficult than the first three, but clear enough for a satisfactory first reading.
Business idea: chart for post war poetry
Nothing to frighten the /lit/ horses - no Prynne or LANGUAGE, no angry ethnic minorities - stuff like Self Portrait in A Convex Mirror, Life Studies, 77 Dream Songs, The Haw Lantern, Moortown Diaries, High Windows
>>luh luh luh
This is a thread about the poetry of John Ashbery, not about my thickness, whether I am a liar, whether my interpretations are glib, etc etc.
To keep to Mr. Ashbery's work--
1. I rearranged the lines of one of his poems, and a few lines of another, not because I am a winsome scamp, but because I wanted to show anons interested in his poetry, as opposed to off-topic invective, that Ashbery's use of grammar and syntax is singular and unique. It's very hard to do that with most poems. Try it on lines like--

Slings and arrows
To be or not to be
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind

--and you get word salad that just doesn't add up. Ashbery's loping sentences and clauses, by contrast, snap together in easy variations as smoothly as lego. I would argue that this tells us a lot about the underlying structure of his poems, or rather the apparent lack thereof, and why his poems nonetheless seem to hang together so beautifully.
2. I have also tried to point out why many of his poems, despite their surface meaninglessness, are nonetheless moving and meaningful to many of us here. I believe this is because Ashbery is adept at constructing a sort of Rohrschach language trap--combinations of words and images that suggest meaning rather than state it, and that require a response from the reader to complete the picture. The poem is Ashbery's, but each individual reader's experience of an Ashbery poem is a co-creation. We fill in the blanks, and Ashbery's art largely (but not exclusively) consists of carving up openings in his discursive forays for us to fill. His works inclines us to philosophize, which is one reason why it is so precious.
3. As for the Sadness poem, some people say it's a stray Ashbery, some say its an AI, some say it's me, some say it's some other anon. All of them are on the wrong track. Who cares? A poem stands alone. It speaks for itself.

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