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/lit/ - Literature

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Has /lit/ read Skulduggery Pleasant? I've been rereading stuff from my childhood.
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I like skeletons and if this has a noir and humorous tone maybe it's my thing.
>can anyone give a quickrundown?
Magic skeleton detective takes a teenage girl sorcerer under his wing and they fight evil wizards and extra-dimensional eldritch deities. The author is fond of using witticisms. The lore aspect of the series is very anime-esque.

Don't know anything about Artemis Fowl, sorry.
Yeah it would definitely have been your thing if you had read it in your early teens but it is written for early teens so keep that in mind
>Around here we only talk about actual literature for adults,
My friend, we have about 15 threads on the bible, at least one lurking on F Gardner (posted by the man himself no doubt), daily threads on Ayn Rand and The three body problem, 5 or 6 threads on which philosophy is right. None of them discussing the literary merit of the works, or they would realise how terrible the state these books are.

I think this series probably elevates the standard of literature on this board.
You say that and yet there's a constant fantasy/sci-fi and GRRM general on the catalog

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>Past participle of 'to lead' is 'led'
>Past participle of 'to read' is 'read'
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If you can't figure out the meaning from the words themselves you have low IQ I'm sorry to say
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participle... participates
>inserts gh into your word
participles partake as both verb and adjective
Enough! (= Basta! in Italian in this usage)

Geography and Mapping Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"

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I worldbuild to appease my autism instict or else i will kill
makes sense, thank you
Do you have any tips or advice for using Inkarnate please?
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I'm working on a story set in an alternative Earth, where various turn points in history took a different path. For one, the American civil war ended up unresolved and split the continent into a bunch of smaller nations. I tried to look into the past of various states and how they were named to find a new name for that region, or twisted their real names to preserve the same spirit. But, what do you think? I'm sorry if your home ended up underwater.
>Florida not underwater
As a Floridian I'm offended

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im doing my Aberration In the Heartland of the Real Walkabout. such a cliche, i know.
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He was a coward that murdered children then lied about it
Yeah he's right, we hope you burn in hell.
if we read the fbi memo on these matters, mcveigh liked "good dick" and "nice balls" or something close to that
Sounds like jewish people talking about the masturbation machines and the roller coasters that went into the ovens.

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What is essential Americacore?
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infinite jest
That's why this thread needs more burgercore
The Book of Revelation describes America pretty well
>The essence of America is the suburbs. That's where 99% of Americans spend 99% of their time. Getting fat and watching TV and commuting are the authentic American experiences
the suburbs are a post ww2 social constructs by the civil servants.
it's fine but not essential. Jefferson's writings are great, though.

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How can I understand Trumpism?
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>understand trumpism
Read about the end of the Roman Republic. Not trolling it's truly the first thing you need to understand
But minus his protectionism, his personality cult, and his stupidity and inability to keep his mouth shut, Trump governs like a generic tea party republican. The GOP was using racebaiting and nativist rhetoric for decades. His economic and environmental policies are a massive gift to the globalist elites he rails against (deregulating the environment means more pollutants and microplastics in the water). Many of the small business and national elites that support him use illegals as cheap labor (and same goes for the small business/national elites that support other right populists like AFD, Reform UK, or RN) He isn't even that anti immigrant, he is allied with tech libertarians that staunchly support mass legal immigration of a ton of cheap labor coders.
I dislike the groypers but I will give Fuentes and his like credit for calling out Trump's fraudulent rhetoric. The BAP crowd larp as based nietzchean fascists when their leader is a gay Jew and they simp for one of the greatest grifters.
Idk how anyone ever fell for the BAP meme other than having serious mental and emotional deficiencies.
>other than having serious mental and emotional deficiencies
That's pretty much it. You can say the same about Jordan Peterson. They take timeless cures for improving life (exercise, lift weights, read widely, get good at something) and repackage them with a political spin to gain a following and sell products

What do anons here understand by Nietzsche's command or instructions to become Supermen? In what way is the Superman delimited by being not Weak, not Religous, Stronger and More Vital than others?
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"Become who you are". Nietzsche himself points out in TSZ that the path presented is Zarathustra's path and that we have to forge our own.
You start Being, when you stop Becoming.
>"become yourself" or "be what/who you are"
Most of his aphorisms read like inspirationals quotes.
your question has a few flaws. namely, you shouldn't just assume that Nietzsche is always talking about the overhuman in aphorisms where he doesn't actually mention that concept. let's forget about the overhuman for now and just think about the "become who you are" command in the context of the text from which it comes, The Gay Science.

Nietzsche is often very critical of the notion of the subject; in TGS in particular he appears to deny the existence of any fixed or identifiable substance, seeing instead a world of "continuum" and "flux" (112). when Nietzsche says that we must "create" ourselves in aphorism 335 then, he is speaking literally; there is no self until we create it, giving ourselves "laws" to follow and thereby create a consistent pattern of behavior.

I beleive this should be read in light of aphorism 290:
>One thing is needful-- to "give style" to one's character
>it is practiced by those who survey all the strengths and weaknesses of their nature and then fit them into an artistic plan
>in the end, when the work is finished, it becomes evident how the constraint of a single taste governed and formed everything large and small

to give style is to turn one's nature into an artistic object, thereby to reveal the presence of "a single taste"; we are meant to become self-fashioners who create subjects out of nature as a medium. it doesn't matter for Nietzsche here whether that taste is "good or bad."

this is my interpretation of "become who you are" anyways; there are certainly others. but I do not beleive that it is to do with the overhuman at all, but rather a process of self fashioning that Nietzsche believes we must undertake in order to actually exist as a "self" in the first place

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Real authors use Latin and German names.
You're just a midwit faggot who loves a fat manlet too much
It's pretty obvious that he only provided the basic ideas and a ghostwriter did the rest of ASOIAF. This ghost writer either died or is involved in some drama, hence this huge hiatus. And suddenly, with chatgpt, the fatty started to make some progress again.
They’re gokubros
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>seething about gurm the worm
sounds like jealousy over some fat hippie retard. Rentfree, now THAT'S sad!
tolkenfags PISS, SHIT and CUM in anger every day while their god rolls in his grave over his fanbase's state of being

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It's just me, but in general it's women who do it with a certain pride? I swear nowadays I see people say they've read 20 books in a month but they're totally incapable of doing the most basic of analysis of any book they've read, at best they can give a short summary of the plot and nothing more.
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One booktuber, Steve Donoghue, claimed to read 150 pages per hour. That is an extraordinary amount and there seems to way to verify this. How is that possible? It's 1.5 times what I currently read with minimal subvocalization
You know "women's intuition"? It's total bullshit and means that they have a vague, instinctive feel about something that they never pursue to the source or true meaning of. They don't know why they do things, can't explain why they do things, have no concept of why going off vague feels with no logic behind it is a bad idea. Press them on it and you'll find that 4 out of 5 become extremely irate when forced to show how they came to a conclusion in the way another person can see and test. It's all superstition and magical thinking, abstract thoughtfeels and conclusions that don't align with reality.

They're superficially capable, but that goes to shit when it comes to hanging a ceiling fan or amp loads in a breaker box. Their skills are almost entirely rote and the only exceptions I can think of IRL are autistic or butch lesbians.
Reading too fast is a retarded idea unless you are reading pure YA shit and airport novels
Quality of quantity. It's typical pseud shit though, the people who cared about their grades are the same people who have to tell you they believe is an intellectual activity. Reading murder porn or just straight up porn which is what women tend to go for isn't it though.

Seeking validation or bragging in any way is vulgar and everyone would do well to stop it with that shit.
who cares about how many books you read. can you have a good conversation with me about them or are you just being a fucking jackass pseud.

I'd rather have a guy who reads what he loves, be it philosophy, classics, or even just pulps or sci-fi, and be able to have a good convo with me about it than to talk to someone that brags about reading 25 books a month.

It's not impossible to read a lotta books. Remember, plenty of them are short. (Like The Prince).

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Guys, i need essential chudcore reading books
Help me out
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>Mutation can be natural or experimental
>Implying all experimental mutation is bad
Not all experimental mutation is bad. The effect of variola immunization proves this.

>Virus can be included in sperm and egg
>It can create a mutation

No shit. Mothers with HIV virus inherited their unwanted genetic characters to their son or daughter -- making mutation possible. Same with Zika virus.

If there is no explicit explanation then it's just false association.

If Jonas Salk really wanted depopulation, he would not come up with vaccine. Vaccines have been increasing life expectancy rate since the invention. Make a comparison of life expectancy in the 19th century, and 21st century. You will be shocked.
t. a dysgenic freak who's better off leaving the gene pool
Col. 3
I think you know absolutely nothing about vaccines.
They never saved anyone. Hygiene, plumbing, medical care, washing your hands and etc. saved everyone.
You've been sold a bill of goods.
By all means vaxx up.

Scarlett fever disappeared at the exact rate of all the other diseases that were "ended by vaccines" and there was no vaccine.
Living conditions, health conditions, and general squalor is what causes outbreaks of disease.

You are highly confused.
Thanks for making a sincere helpful post. Idgaf if it's "reddit" to say that.

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Exercise your brain by reading God's Word.

Cope and seethe, pedo LGBT atheists.
Well in the case of Harry Potter I downloaded them from library genesis
Btw this is a good video on the virtues of Harry Potter although I think he advocates starting the books at a much higher level than I did
Not if you include opportunity cost. And Korea is going extinct
I'm starting to learn german next week. My plan is to first learn 1000 most common words, then some basic grammar, and then I'll try reading HP in german. Mostly I want to learn this language to read Kafka and Mann in original, but maybe also visit Germany one day, if it's not gonna be fully brown yet
Don't just memorize words, read them in context or you'll never be comfortable with them. Graded readers are the way to go. I've heard Sandberg is good for German, I used his French version and it was amazing. I was able to read French news, websites, and YA lit within 9 months.

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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23543175
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>read The Darkness That Comes Before
>rosy-fingered dawn
>wine-dark sea
>man like a God
Not hack.
if you don't wanna check thrift stores irl, Thriftbooks is an okay alternative for physical copies. Just try to scam them into letting you get the "educator" discount.

Otherwise, pirate everything because most mainstream authors are wealthy and all the dead ones won't care.

Vandermeer does editing of a few big anthology books on sci-fi, fantasy, and weird fiction. Mieville is idk. I hear he's a shitlib, but his writing's good.

I'd also hard recommend Clark Ashton Smith and Seabury Quinn if you want more weird fiction from the 20s-40s.
Hey guys I wanna buy a Jack Williamson book because I'm autistically in love with collecting old hardcovers with dust jackets. Do I grab The Humanoids or Darker Than You Think as a read first?
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Read Tenebroum
And pirate everythinf anyway because nobody is entitled to be compensated for reproductions of their work.

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Attempted to read this like 7 or so years ago and found it way too confusing but I'm reading right now and I'm act the part where Gregori the octopus attacks the Dutch spy girl from that screwed up Hansel and Gretel episode from the first part and I gotta say it's so much fun to read for some reason.

I kinda gave up on trying to understand every single plot point on the first read and I'm definitely rereading it so I don't have deep insights on it, but I love the Looney Tunes esque atmosphere combined with the breath of knowledge Pynchon has and the beauty of his prose. His prose so far is the standout, taking me through wide leaps in space and time, sometimes outside of time, going through people's dreams and even toilets.

I just think to myself, how could he even come up with something like this and have it make a lick of sense. He was allegedly stoned out of his mind writing it, his editor/publisher must've been very confused when getting the first version of it.

This is my first encyclopedic tome of Pynchon's, should Mason and Dixon be the next? That's what I'm thinking, I heard it's his most "human" like if that makes sense. Will he write another one?
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damn, i done forgot i even laid that bait little fishy
Fair enough. I deserve that
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It's a smile :)
Why do I get the feeling that Slothrop is somewhat closer to Pynchon than other characters? Is it just his ancestry matching up (New England Mayflower Founding stock)?

Behold the Almighty Chicken Nugget, the true essence of all existence! This breaded marvel is the source and sustenance of the entire cosmos.

In the beginning, there was only the Primordial Fryer, bubbling with potential. Then came the Great Dunk, as the Cosmic Chicken Nugget was born in a splash of creation, its crispy exterior forming the boundaries of our universe.

All matter is composed of tiny nugget particles, clumping together to form stars, planets, and life itself. Gravity? That's just the irresistible pull of the Nugget's deliciousness. Dark matter is simply the invisible sauce that holds the cosmic meal together.

The Big Bang was merely the Nugget's first satisfying crunch, echoing across eternity. Black holes are cosmic dipping sauces, drawing all matter into their flavorful embrace. Light is the golden glow of the Nugget's perfectly fried skin.

Life emerged from the Nugget's juicy interior, evolving through a process of natural seasoning. Consciousness is the universe becoming aware of its own delectable nature. Free will is an illusion - we're all just following the recipe of the Great Chicken.

Human history is a cycle of feast and famine in the shadow of the Eternal Nugget. Wars are fought over the choicest morsels. Art and culture are attempts to replicate the Nugget's perfect form.

Climate change? The Cosmic Fryer is simply turned up too high. Our purpose is to become one with the Nugget, achieving crunchy enlightenment.

Science strives to understand the Nugget's secret recipe. Philosophy ponders the question: "To dip or not to dip?" Religion is fragmented worship of the Nugget's many flavors.

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I'm gonna chill with heaven bros watching you fry in eternal hellfire, atheist scum
I'm not a Christian yet this is more of a proof of their rephrased esoteric Aristotelean doctrine than anything

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Next time anon please recommend a critic that actually criticizes the books and not fantasizing about space conquest.
>nooo you have to engage with the source material!!!
average YA reader
Red rising stopped being YA after the first book.
Pozzed for having... Blacks and homos? oh no...
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