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books like pic related with a funny, relatively smart, relatably fucked up quasi-loser of a protagonist and a pleasantly flowing prose?
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A Fans Notes
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A Personal Matter

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Nah, I believe them if they're some sort of octogenarian aristocrat who make money by just existing. Britain still has thousands of those people
The ones I've seen are middle age with a mix of middle class and aristocrat.
Bout tree fiddy
An inferior number comprised mostly of fiction or philosophical texts.
About 5k, had 10k+

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My first language is spanish and I learned english, Normally I read in spanish literature from other romance cultures like french, and russian literature because I have heard that both spanish and russian the difference between formal and informal speaking is more prominent, a thing that would be less noticeable in english.
And in english, literature from germanic languages and more obscure books that would be impossible to get in spanish.
In which languages y'all chose to read?
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because it's a shit language, besides being the Lingua Franca y don't care much about it also, my priority is reading not speaking/writing in English, and my writing style is just erratic in any language
your writing style is shit and you have shown you don't understand basic english grammar. how do you expect to get anything meaningful out of other languages that you couldn't just get in translation if your understanding of grammar is so bad? If you can't learn English grammar, how the fuck are you gonna get a fluent enough grasp in Russian grammar for it to be worth it? I'm trying to save you the waste of time dude.
yeah, is shit because I just rant, in a language that I'm just exposed trough internet and some books, of course is shit besides that, I just prefer to rant instead of doing it correctly and without typos, is an online discussion I'm not going to put much effort into it
Spanish (first language) and english for anglo and obscure authors, learning french to be able to read french novels untranslated (but also because I like the language), will consider learning german after getting french down.
based Latinxgod not being mentally colonized by English. I respect you more than these Eurocucks who speak English better than their own mother tongue.

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Why does Mung get so much description in this book? I swear he features in almost every chapter and gets as much focus as the rest of the gods combined. Is he supposed to be king of the gods (aside from MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI)? If so why is that not stated?
Do you really needed to make AI slop to make a thread about Dunsany you bastard?
fucking hell, that's an ai image? I found it off google images. How the fuck does everyone know just by a glance? Why am I so bad at discerning AI slop?
I'm pretty sure Kib is vaguely inspired by Jesus while Mung is vaguely like old testament Satan, although neither is either good or evil. Kib is the most loved god while Mung is the most feared. Neither is higher than the other as they are in a never ending "battle".
static pose with fucked up hands

This is some greedy scammer "illustrated" edition
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assuming this thread dies I'll remake it tomorrow with the actual cover image

was dh lawrence just a fucking asshole?
I find his style annoying. I like it and I can tell he may even be a capital G great writer but it also repulses me
This is what Holden Caulfied would look like as a grown up person. Why are you repulsed by him? Sure he sounds like mother's son and a 'homosexual' , but I can't put the finger on a problem here. I think that inside every 'straight pride' man there dwells the 'gay man', the person that DHL addresses (as a reader) in his stories and novellas.
Either DHL has to be shunned as a defective member of society not worthy to be read, or else if he's embraced then the whole hell would break loose. In other words, he's a dangerous man.
>dunked on Freud
>dunked on Russell
>dunked on socialism
>dunked on Mussolini
>simultaneously seen as a crypto-fascist by lefties and a weird pervert by many chuds
Based department? Hello?
A couple passages in The Rainbow gave me a stiffy.
One was about flowers, the other was about a wheat field.
Post them.

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μῆνιν ἄειδε edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

>Work in progress FAQ
https://rentry dot co/n8nrko

All Eastern and Western classical languages are welcome
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>no, I don't know Arabic
>let me tell you all about it and how difficult it is
Weebs actually think Japanese is a classical language lmao.
The only hard thing about Arabic is the script
and no this isn't just newbie pleb cope. It actually takes a significant amount of time to reach a good reading speed in a new script.

Has pic related ever been refuted?
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>he values reason
I would say that your world view can and should be refuted by pure emotion, as logic is inherently cold and unfeeling
Pic related has a pretty good explanation of why Hume's view is deficient. It is the view of a slave, one ruled over by instinct, desire, and circumstance.
>hasn't read Hume and is sperging about syntax when Hume's big philosophy brain buster is the ought-is dilemma
>Anon just rhetorically OWNED Hume with his own words
ought means should retard.
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You mean "the slave of the McDonald's"?

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Who is the most fuckable author?
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They are both descended from Abraham.
Anyone can write a book, that doesn't make you an author. Just a writer.
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Why are people surprised that an ethno-religious group looks alike? People kept meming Jews as a religion and not an ethnicity in the 2000s and its like everyone forgot that they are like Hindus rather than like Muslims or Christians
oh? and pray tell what distinguishes an author from a writer?

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>Tokarczuk is hardly alone in her praise. The Serbian novelist Danilo Kis was fascinated by Schulz; Israeli novelist David Grossman featured him in his novel See: Under Love; Cynthia Ozick wrote an entire novel imagining what happened to Schulz’s lost manuscript for his novel The Messiah; both Michael Stipe of R.E.M. and Patti Smith claim to have been influenced by him. In 1976, Philip Roth went to visit Isaac Bashevis Singer for The New York Review of Books so they could discuss Schulz and in that year, Roth inserted Schulz’s murder into his novella The Prague Orgy.

Thoughts on Bruno Schulz?
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Why do Jews love to circlejerk over their own?
false, it's used predominantly by poles etc that don't want to be called "eastern europeans" because it lumps them together with russia. you don't know what you're talking about at all.
I love the movie too, it's amazing visually and really lives up to Schulz's writing. The only problem I have with it is that Has stuffed it with things from like five different short stories instead of just focusing on the actual sanatorium one.
What I mean by it is people from the former Austria-Hungary empire, we have a shared culture that's distinct from other neighbors or linguistically related places like Russia
What people think of as the "culture of the austro-hungarian empire" is actually the culture of the jewish upper and upper-middle class of Vienna and Budapest. Like, can you name a single famous viennese author from after the Ausgleich without going on a wikipedia dive who wasn't jewish?
Austro-Hungarian nostalgia is also an exclusively jewish phenomenon. Every other constituent ethnicity hated the fucking thing, even the Austrians and the Hungarians themselves. Nobody but jews had any reason to remember it fondly.

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Thoughts on Greek/Latin novels?

Overlooked, or fortunate to have even survived textual transmission?
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There are only four greek novels that survived in their entirety: Daphnis and Chloe, Daphnis and Chloe but they are tsundere, Daphnis and Chloe but with violence and Daphnis and Chloe with SEX SEX SEX.
If you look at the history of transmission we are lucky anything survived at all
sounds kino. what are they actually called?
They're great. Callirhoe is my favorite. Over the top, pretty simple but well written Greek, good story. Although I haven't read the Aethiopica yet.
There are 5:
Daphnis and Chloe
Leucippe and Clitophon
Ephesian Tale
meant for >>23631245
Also there are like 4 Byzantine novels although I haven't read them

It takes the noble savage trope a bit too seriously don't you think?
Also what is this thing on the cover supposed to be? And what the hell is orgy-porgy? Is it pronounced with a hard g or like orgy with a j sound?
Pretty good book overall all things considered.
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On your view then I suppose Saint Francis should have been shipped to some sort of inpatient psychiatric facility after he abandoned his comfortable social status to live in the gutter off of food scraps and alms. I mean and intelligent son of the emerging middle class reduced to living in a hovel, spending all his time trying to rebuild a church—clearly this is a case of pathology. Likely the correct application of psychiatric drugs and therapy could have led him to see his own mental illness, and in turn he could have been brought back in line with sane desires for consumption.
I am not reading this blogpost.
Christcucks are too emotional to even read a book objectively.
Did chat gpt write this? Because chat gpt having this interpretation of Brave New World would be one of the funniest things I've read in a while.
Huxley was a luciferian weirdo who purposely misportayed Christianity and made the only semi-noble character into a suicidal strawman.

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Transcendental idealism is a philosophical system founded by German philosopher Immanuel Kant in the 18th century. Kant's epistemological program is found throughout his Critique of Pure Reason (1781). By transcendental (a term that deserves special clarification) Kant means that his philosophical approach to knowledge transcends mere consideration of sensory evidence and requires an understanding of the mind's innate modes of processing that sensory evidence.
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>Now in the first place, Kant understands by transcendental the recognition of the a priori and thus merely formal element in our knowledge as such, in other words, the insight that such knowledge is independent of experience, indeed prescribes for this even the unalterable rule whereby it must turn out. Such insight is bound up with the understanding why such knowledge is this and has this power, namely because it constitutes the form of our intellect, and thus in consequence of its subjective origin ... Transcendental is the philosophy that makes us aware of the fact that the first and essential laws of this world that are presented to us are rooted in our brain and are therefore known a priori. It is called transcendental because it goes beyond the whole given phantasmagoria to the origin thereof. Therefore, as I have said, only the Critique of Pure Reason and generally the critical (that is to say, Kantian) philosophy are transcendental.
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For Kant, reason was only for us, and the categories only emerged within the subject. However, for Hegel, reason is fully immanent. Spirit emerges from nature in history and, in art, religion, and philosophy, knows itself in its truth.

Hegel shows that the world is not other than self. With the realization that mind and world are, by logical necessity, meaningfully coherent, our access to the world is made secure, a security that was lost in Kant's proclamation that the thing-in-itself was ultimately inaccessible.
yes and no
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>The I think, I am, is, since Descartes, the basic mistake of all knowledge; thinking is not my thinking, and being is not my being, for everything is only of God or the totality
He did it all without ever really leaving his house or resident city. He should be an inspiration to us all.

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Describe this man in your finest prose
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Dis nigga was a peckerhead. Worm lookin' ass nigga.
>His chin, ever the recluse
Let’s do a dialogue because I’m a pseud.

>Timmy: I don’t understand why Doug insists on calling himself ‘an ubermensch’, it doesn’t help that if you asked him what it meant you’d leave more confused than if he didn’t explain it at all. His claim of genetic determinism being the end-all of human social relations was contradictory, maybe unintelligible. Goad him into telling you about it, he’ll start rambling at how a strong, well-defined jawline and the presence of thick hair do more favors for you than any intellectual or emotional depth ever could. He doesn’t have any of those features! He’s fully bald, his facial hair is that of a teenager’s, and his chin - listen, if I gave you a marker, you wouldn’t be able to point where his neck ends and his jaw begins, they blend seamlessly together. Not to mention the D.B. Cooper glasses he wears, if you shaved him and took his glasses off his head would look like a thumb with ears! Even if I don’t fully understand what he says about cantal tilt or whatever, I am concerned about why he says it, just look at him, he’s a caricature of a human.
>Dawn: That’s a bit mean, innit? He didn’t get to choose how he was born.
>Timmy: Is it, though? I’m not the one that puts that much weight into facial featur- Oh, I see what you mean.
Ugly bald-white faggot with no chin, dumb thick-frame glasses and moustache combo in pathetic attempt to hide face, staring out window and the grey afternoon light reflects off the frame of his glasses, hiding his eyes from view, dehumanising him even further, rendering him nothing more than a pointless blob, which is all that he is anyway.
crying again, liberal?

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no, rate MY poem
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>My child just used a black crayon on this white paper
>Black and white is a classical dichotomy, a resonant contrast with human nature itself
>It has been used in every religious, mythological, and artistic piece since time immemorial
>My child is truly an artist of the highest caliber, because they recycled one of the most obvious things in human history
You are paraphrasing what I said and suddenly it's not bait anymore, that's it? So, maybe I was right that the fault must be in surrounding effects to explore a themes image?
I'm satirizing what you said. Your statement that your theme being classic and powerful and that because you poem is bad that it must just be the fault of the rest of your writing is only partly true and just makes it clear that you don't know what you're doing. It's like a child bringing a sledgehammer to a whiffleball game because the pros use heavier bats. Not only are you swinging out of your league with the topic itself, but your childish conveying of it just makes it seem even more horrible than if the poem was about something less fundamental and delicate like taking a shit from all those coffee and cigarettes.
You have no reason to be this mad, man, seriously. It's not so important.
I'm not mad I'm trying to explain why your poem was shitty and Im taking a rest day so I have nothing better to do

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Should everything in a grand ol'epic tale be full and fraught of all kinds of themes and meaning that produce abyssal levels of insight; to be used as much as a cheap harlot that you find on sixth street?
Refined aesthetes will deride allegory as crude, but I don't see any point in telling a story if it doesn't have some allegorical depth that says something about how the world works. Pure aestheticism is just masturbation. The problem is when the allegory is dogmatic as opposed to exploratory. Going in with a prepared ontology or whatever and imposing it onto your work is crude, but it's a different thing to delve into the unconscious and see what you find. Genuine writing will always have allegorical and symbolic depth, whether intentionally or not, because our unconscious, the place where the best stories come from, is already saturated with those things.
>I am no longer le jokey fun man
>I am now le tough and deep man
>Pure aestheticism is just masturbation
The opposite is true
Anything but the pursuit of beauty is masturbation
The good, the true, and the beautiful must be pursued equally. Too strong an emphasis on beauty alone leads to a hollow writer like Nabokov. Too strong an emphasis on truth: Dostoyevsky's ghastly rigmarole.

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