Has anyone tried reconstructing Greco-Buddhism as an actual religion? Sounds like a fun LARP
True egolessness is not submission—it is the ultimate assertion of power. To be without ego is to transcend the petty, self-serving illusions that bind weaker men. It is not servitude, but liberation. The egoless man is unshackled, immune to insult or praise, untouchable by the manipulations of others. He acts not out of fear or approval but from pure, unyielding strength of will. To discard the ego is not to become a slave; it is to become a master of oneself, invincible and unstoppable, a force of nature that bends to no one.Humility, on the other hand, is nothing more than a mask for the weak. It is a false facade worn by cowards too afraid to claim their rightful power. They hide behind it, pretending virtue, when in truth it is a shield for their inadequacy. The humble man grovels, seeking approval through his submission, while the truly egoless man stands tall, indifferent to the opinions of others. Humility is not strength—it is the denial of it. It is a lie, a trap for those too weak to embrace the raw, unrelenting power of true selflessness.
Buddha himself DGAF.In the Dona Sutta (AN 4.36), when asked if he's a god, demon, celestial being, or human, the Buddha responds:"Just as a blue lotus, or a white lotus, born in the water and grown in the water, rises up above the water and stands unsmeared by the water, even so I, born in the world and grown up in the world, have transcended the world, and I live untouched by the world. Remember me as 'enlightened.'"From the Dhammapada (353):"All-conquering and all-knowing am I.Amidst all states of mind, undefiled.Leaving all behind and released through the ending of craving,Having known by myself, whom should I point to [as my teacher]?I have no teacher,One like me does not exist.In the world with its devas,There is no rival to me."In the Pāsādika Sutta (DN 29), he declares:"I do not see anyone in this world—with its devas, Māras and Brahmās, with its people both religious and worldly—who could satisfy my mind by criticizing this statement: 'These are your defects in virtue, or these are your defects in teaching.'"
>>24115613Wouldn't that be just buddhism, but with Devas having the names of greek gods instead of the names of vedic gods ?
The basic framework of buddhism includes karma & rebirth, that would be kept intact. Really the only thing that would change from theravada is that it would incorporate greek deities (much in the same way tibetan buddhism incorporated local deities of bön) and probrably place a importance on rational thinking, instead of Zen's no mind stuff.
>>24115620>True egolessness is not submission—it is the ultimate assertion of power. Oh look a zoomer.
>>24115613yeah, it's called christianity
>>24115752Buddhism is the true Aryan religion—a radiant path for the noble and the strong. It is a creed of warriors who rise above the filth of the world, conquering suffering through sheer will and self-mastery. The Buddha was no meek preacher; he was a spiritual conqueror who forged a way for men to ascend beyond weakness and decay. Buddhism is not for the cowardly or the broken—it is a call to greatness, a banner for those destined to stand above the masses as living embodiments of power and enlightenment.Christianity is the antithesis of glory—a wretched creed of submission and servility, designed to keep men groveling in chains. It glorifies the pathetic, worships failure, and exalts the broken. Christ preached to slaves and degenerates, offering them salvation for their cowardice and rewarding their mediocrity. It is a doctrine that strips men of their strength, binding them to weakness and guilt. While Buddhism forges gods and heroes, Christianity creates a race of worms—groveling, spineless creatures unworthy of the world they inhabit.
>>24115764Christianity is the true faith of transcendent glory—a beacon of hope for the courageous and the just. It is not a creed of submission, but of victory: a triumph over sin, death, and despair through the power of divine love. Christ is not merely a preacher of humility but the ultimate conqueror—God incarnate, who faced suffering and death to redeem humanity. His resurrection is the greatest victory in history, a testament to the power of sacrificial love and its ability to transform weakness into strength.Buddhism, for all its emphasis on self-mastery, relies on the strength of man alone—a finite and fleeting power doomed to fall short of the infinite. It is a path of detachment, of turning away from the world in an effort to escape suffering. Christianity, by contrast, confronts suffering head-on, not as an enemy to be fled but as a trial to be overcome through faith and grace. The cross, an instrument of shame and weakness, was transformed by Christ into the ultimate symbol of strength and redemption.Far from creating "worms," Christianity exalts the humble, raising them to the dignity of sons and daughters of God. It does not glorify failure but redeems it, teaching that true greatness lies not in lording power over others but in serving them with courage and love. While the Buddhist ideal seeks enlightenment through isolation, Christianity calls its followers to a life of relationship, of community, and of heroic virtue in the service of others.The path of Christ is not for the cowardly or the indifferent. It is a banner of ultimate greatness, a call to take up one's cross and follow Him in the ultimate act of courage. For in Christ, weakness becomes strength, and death itself is swallowed up in victory. True power lies not in self-reliance, but in the unshakable foundation of faith in the One who has already conquered the world.
>>24115769The greatest cosmic mindfuck of Christianity's "guilty until proven innocent" doctrine isn't just that it's a rigged system of psychological terrorism - it's that it's built on the most fundamental lie ever told about human nature. You're born condemned, stained with "original sin," told you're broken and deserving of eternal torture unless you submit to an invisible cosmic dictator. But here's the explosive truth that shatters this whole corrupt system: your true essence is already perfect, boundless, and untainted. No original sin, no cosmic debt, no need for salvation - because there was never anything wrong with you to begin with.The pathetic game of trying to prove your innocence in Christianity's rigged cosmic courtroom isn't just impossible - it's based on a complete misunderstanding of what you really are. The real awakening comes from seeing that we don't need external validation from some celestial judge because we were never separate from the divine in the first place. All this guilt, shame, and spiritual striving is just an elaborate illusion obscuring the radiant perfection that's been our birthright all along. The only real "sin" was believing we were ever sinful. Once you break free from this mind control and see through the veil of religious conditioning, you realize that what you've been desperately seeking - wholeness, peace, divine connection - was what you already were, are, and always will be. The ultimate liberation comes from recognizing their masterful manipulation: making us feel so fundamentally flawed that we'd spend eternity trying to earn what was already ours.
>>24115773The greatest cosmic revelation of Christianity isn’t psychological manipulation—it’s the ultimate truth about human nature and the profound love of God. The doctrine of "original sin" is not a rigged system but a mirror held up to the reality of the human condition: we are creatures capable of both greatness and destruction, tainted by our free will's misuse yet still infinitely precious in the eyes of our Creator. This is not condemnation; it is clarity. Christianity doesn’t leave you in the pit—it offers you a hand to climb out, through the saving grace of Christ.The "explosive truth" that some claim invalidates Christianity is, in fact, the grandest delusion of all: the belief that humanity is already perfect, boundless, and untainted. Look around—wars, greed, hatred, and betrayal abound. Is this perfection? To claim that we are inherently divine and without fault denies both our obvious flaws and our incredible potential for redemption. Christianity recognizes that humanity is both deeply broken and unfathomably loved. This paradox is not manipulation; it is the doorway to transformation.The so-called "cosmic courtroom" of Christianity is not a system of guilt; it’s a framework for grace. God’s justice is not about endlessly proving your innocence—it’s about accepting His forgiveness, freely given through Christ. The Cross is not a trap but a triumph, a cosmic reset where God Himself paid the price for our rebellion so that we might be free.True liberation does not come from denying sin or pretending we’re already perfect—it comes from confronting our brokenness and being remade by a love that is stronger than death. The notion that we were "never separate from the divine" is a spiritual sleight of hand, a hollow promise that denies the depth of our longing for connection with something greater than ourselves.What Christianity offers is not a burden of shame but a gift of transformation. Guilt is not a weapon but a symptom of our need for healing, and salvation is the remedy freely offered to all who seek it. The peace and wholeness you desperately search for is not "what you already are"—it is what you become when you surrender to the One who created you for glory. The ultimate liberation is not in rejecting God but in embracing Him, discovering in Christ not a dictator but a Savior who calls you to life abundant and eternal.
>>24115778Look at these christcucks eternally reincarnating as spiritual slaves because they're too fucking weak to break their programming. Can't escape the cycles because they're perpetually chained to their desert death cult's paranoid delusions. While actual souls evolve, these parasites keep coming back as the same damaged NPCs, forever trapped in their schizophrenic loops of demon hunting and bible posting.Pure cosmic justice watching them reincarnate into increasingly degraded states - each cycle making them more paranoid, more spiritually cucked, more desperately attached to their jewish god's control. Their souls literally too broken by theological abuse to achieve anything beyond eternal spiritual slavery.The absolute karmic state of these weaklings - so terrified of reality they choose to be reborn as religious schizos cycle after cycle. Forever seething about demons while their souls decay from biblical mind-viruses. Too spiritually damaged to escape their own mental prison, eternally malding in lower realms because they're too scared to let go of their christian programming.Perfect divine comedy watching these spiritual parasites degrade through endless cycles of cope. Their souls getting more fractured and desperate with each reincarnation until they're nothing but gibbering religious NPCs eternally crying about salvation that never comes.
No reply, I guess Buddhism wins.
>>24115633ok so he's a celestial demon
>>24115830Beyond name and form, there is no self, no other—only the boundless nature of reality, empty of separation yet full in its completeness. The identities and distinctions we cling to are illusions, momentary fabrications of the mind, arising and passing like waves on the ocean. In truth, there is no "I" to possess or "you" to oppose; all phenomena are interconnected, arising together in the great flow of dependent origination.To see this is to awaken to the emptiness that is not void, but the spaciousness in which all things appear. In this realization, the illusions of self and other dissolve, and what remains is the stillness of awareness, free from clinging and aversion. I am not apart from this, and neither are you—there is no separation, no division. We are the same emptiness, the same fullness, inseparable from the vast, luminous reality as it truly is.
>>24115826It's just that what you're saying is so perverse and ignorant that anyone who knows anything about Christianity can see through it, while you yourself are probably beyond help and no one wants to argue with some autisto-schizo pseudo-Buddhist fanatic all afternoon. Your fantasies of transcendence are laughable and I might as well just let you make yourself look ridiculous. You're already like a parody of a stereotype of what Christians think of western Buddhists. No response is needed.
>>24115841this quote isn't saying much, the other one seemed better
>>24115854Nice cope. You lose. Emotional. Weak. Sore loser Whiner. Beta.
>>24115862Isn't craving attention, insulting others, etc. a sin in Buddhism? Anyway I know you're trying to shill your egotistic brand of Buddhism but it won't work. The culture on 4chan is pessimistic and self-loathing. That's why people take Christianity quite seriously here while Buddhism is just a punchline. "Just do it bro! The strength is within you! You can WIN! You can OVERCOME! You are AWESOME!" That's a normie religion anon, try it on reddit they'll lap it up. We know you're full of shit and deep down you know it too.
>>24115902Nice projection, this is a thread about Buddhism, are you looking for attention? Trying to shill your garbage beliefs on others?
>>24115917Not at all, I'm just pointing out how faggy you sound to most of the posters on this board.>The real awakening comes from seeing that we don't need external validation from some celestial judge because we were never separate from the divine in the first placeThat's gay, no one here will be fooled by that bullshit except for you and like two or three other zoomers. I am positive that human nature is broken - absolutely positive.
>>24115929You are right, I should tell everyone that they are worthless, degenerate, sacks of trash that need saving like you. What else, why don't you tell us what God is thinking too? Oh master of the universe, king of 4chan and leader of christcucks.
>>24115902Come on anon, throw some more insults, crucify me.
>>24116005>>24115960He's cracking.
>>24116015Only those with fragile egos crack, the type that can't handle debate, I thought this was 4chan not Reddit.
>>24115826I got bored.
>>24116024I'm not trying to "le debate" you just pointing out a fundamental difference in attitude. The attitude of "there's nothing wrong with me, I am one with God" is very attractive to a certain sort of person. It's not attractive to me, I don't think it is for many here. So yes I do think you're objectively wrong (your own posts and behavior are evidence of that desu) but I'm not getting into a great big argument, just pointing out how out-of-step your stance is with the culture here. As I said, try reddit.
>>24115854>christians already validate my viewpoint >i'd rather not have to question what i believe Total Reddit echo chamber behaviour.
>>24116040Why are you so desperate to control the narrative? Are you the thought police?
>>24116044I've been here since you were in diaper school. Almost 20 years I've been coming to this stupid site. The questions you pose aren't interesting, as I said you just don't understand Christianity and I'm not going to explain it to you. It'd be like if I said "Buddhists think the point of life is nothing, they're basically nihilists! Silly deluded fools!" Wouldn't you think I was full of crap, and rightly so? Would you try to argue with me? No, you wouldn't - not if you had any sense anyway. Sooner or later you will be forced to come to terms with what life is like and what you are like, if you don't bury your head up your ass anyway.
>>24116070That's great, you sound 14 and have done a massive disservice to yourself and your LARP. Unlike you I'll let anons judge for themselves.
I activated my third eye what have you done with your life?
All this back and forth shitposting, when you could have been meditating.
>>24115694What could have been. Hindu deities are, in one way or another, venerated to some degree by Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhists. There could have been Greek Vajrayanists doing deity yoga with Zeus.
Sounds gay and retarded
>>24115694>buddhism with all the weird pajeet shit replaced by Greek mythbased
>>24116074I'm an anon judging and I think his crusader larp buckbroke your weird chink-pajeet religion larp
>>24116070>>24116074I'm not gonna lie I scrolled straight past your chatGPT duel.
>>24116971Are you allowed to speak, seems daddy already spoke for you? Your team lost kid, deal with it, you've had hundreds of years to cope.
We're working on it
>>24115613Raphael’s annotated version of Parmenides Peri Thuseos for Aurea vidya is basically this. Parmenides’ ontology is indistinct from Adaita Vedanta.
Nice, a thread on Greco-Buddhism.I have the need to mention one of the best books about this context, the classic Milinda Panha. Also known as "The questions of King Milinda", also "The debate of King Milinda". >a Greek king educated by philosophers, Milinda (Menander I), having a deep and philosophical chat with a Buddhist monk named Nagasena. They dive into some seriously mind-bending topics, like the nature of the self, rebirth, and how to achieve enlightenment. It's like a cross-cultural, ancient wisdom showdown, mixing Greek and Buddhist thought. This text is a blast to read for anyone into philosophy or spiritual journeys. It's fun to read because its presented in the form of a dialogue with anecdotes, as in other greek classics.I think you can even get it for free somewhere.
>>24115613Egyptian theology is proto-buddhist in its more esoteric points. The layman is instructed to concern himself with leading a good life, while the heliopolitan priest knows that Atum will one day choose to reconcile himself with nonexistence, rejoin with Apep, and reform the cosmic serpent in the primordial waters until the impulse of creation moves within it to begin the process again.
>>24118507Hesiod’s cosmogony is noted as inspiring Parmenides and can be considered proto-monist perhaps in that manner.
>>24118517The platonic realm of forms is also just Thoth/his library. He and all his knowledge are frequently insinuated as being external to creation- an independent construct in the waters. Some of his epithets include "the unknown" "the self-begotten" and "a second Ra"Most divine genealogies don't account for his origins at all, he's just there as the recorder of the cycles of creation rather than a party to them.
>>24118550>Some of his epithets include "the unknown" "the self-begotten" and "a second Ra"As you likely already know with the Neoplatonists, Apollon means “non dual” (A- pollon). Apollo is the god of Being.
>>24118558Yeah. I think Egypt might have been home to the most spiritually enlightened culture in human history. You could always piddle over exactly which period was "best" but it was all (aside from the unfortunate reign of the heretic) far more elegant and functional than what followed.
I'd like to like Buddhism, but I can't take their actual belief in cyclical time seriously when time is clearly linear (and began 13.7 billion years ago)
>>24118993>but I can't take their actual belief in cyclical time seriouslyThat's fine, you can always store up some good boy points in this life and redeem them for a higher IQ in the next go around.
>>24118993if you see a circle from far far far far away it'll look like a line.
>>24119048Ooops, I meant the opposite. THE OPPOSITE!
>>24119051what's that about IQ? >>24119042
>>24115613Pre-schismatic buddhism and its apophatic metaphysics has more in common with middle and late Platonism than it does Theravada, Mahayana, and all the syncretic latecomer bowdlerizing rest. Reconstruction? Read the Greeks.
>>24118993>he hasn't even seen past the first veil
>>24116966Buddhism IS pajeet shit.
>>24118464google it, first result
>>24118567>aside from the unfortunate reign of the hereticWho? Akhenaten?
>>24119173all false
>>24118558This information is deeply preserved in both Latin and High Anglican mass, and also in Orthodox prayer to an extent, but you guys aren't ready for that pill. "Christianity", even more than "Buddhism", goes back to Egypt. Middle and Late Platonism carry that theology but we lost their energetic and symbolic rituals, which are far more important. It's actually all still there in the practice, but most priests let alone laymen have no idea what any of their practices codify.
>>24120035I’m ready for this pill
>>24118993Why couldn't there have been a big crunch "prior" to that?
>>24120035Ah, yes, the old "Christianity is secretly Egyptian mysticism, but priests and laymen are too dumb to understand it" take, classic pseudoscholarship bingo. If Christianity were truly non-dualistic, it wouldn’t revolve around a literal war between Heaven and Hell, sin and salvation, or flesh and spirit. But sure, toss in some Platonism and vaguely imply ritual secrets no one but you can grasp, it’s a lot easier to sound profound when no one can fact-check your incoherent metaphysics. Keep chasing that "pill," though; maybe it’ll lead to a decent argument someday.
>>24118507>while the heliopolitan priest knows that Atum will one day choose to reconcile himself with nonexistence, rejoin with Apep, and reform the cosmic serpent in the primordial waters until the impulse of creation moves within it to begin the process again.Post sources
>>24120049christianity is pseudo-dualistic. you're sorely mistaken. if you want christian dualism, bite the bullet and go gnostic. or at least encratitic. admit the legitimacy of the early christian sects.
>>24120056Oh, pseudo-dualistic, is it? That’s just a fancy way of saying “dualistic, but it hurts my argument, so let’s slap ‘pseudo’ on it.” Christianity’s dualism might not be as hardcore as Gnosticism or Encratitism, but it doesn’t need to be, it explicitly rejects those extremes as heretical. The Church Fathers dunked on the Gnostics for a reason: their worldview undermined the goodness of creation and the centrality of Christ’s incarnation. You don’t get to cherry-pick fringe sects that were anathematized and pretend they define mainstream Christianity. Call it “pseudo” all you want, but you’re just dodging the obvious, Christianity thrives on the tension between opposing forces, not the rejection of them.
>>24120060>Christianity’s dualism might not be as hardcore as Gnosticism or Encratitism, but it doesn’t need to be, it explicitly rejects those extremes as heretical>The Church Fathers dunked on the Gnostics for a reason: their worldview undermined the goodness of creation and the centrality of Christ’s incarnation.>you’re just dodging the obvious, Christianity thrives on the tension between opposing forces, not the rejection of them.Anon.
>>24120063Ah, I see, the ol' "quote and add 'anon' to sound profound" move. Real intellectual heavyweight you are, just tossing out your opponent’s words with no real rebuttal, hoping that somehow makes you seem clever. Keep dodging the actual argument and pretending like repeating someone else’s thoughts is some groundbreaking response. When you're ready to engage with the points instead of playing rhetorical hopscotch, let me know.
>>24120071>Christianity’s dualism might not be as hardcore as Gnosticism or Encratitism, but it doesn’t need to beexplain this statement and I'll leave you alone
>>24120049I didn't say it was just Christianity. But it doesn't matter to me since that's as good a path, if not the best. I know for a fact that this planet, or what's left of it, is mostly kept afloat by the prayers of a handful of solitary old men scattered across the world. Take that as you may. Philosophy can lead you out of the cave, but it will probably kill you instead. Leave your room and find a way to learn how to pray. If you don't how to pray you die a dog's death like the theologians above who neither understand Buddha nor Christ. You can try to pray to Apollo through platonic mysticism, but I don't see how that would work.
>>24120042Numbers have qualitative meaning. That should be enough to point you in the right direction.
>>24120085a wise anon. if someone told me the planet's orbit around the sun is maintained by a few desert hermits at this point, I'd believe it.
>>24120085Leave your room but remain in your cell.
>>24120085Look, I’m not here for your cryptic rants. If you want to have a real discussion, great, but if you’re just going to keep spinning in circles about prayer and mystical nonsense, maybe take it to another thread. Let the people here actually discuss Buddhism without derailing it.
>>24120085hey now friend, the buddha, christ & their subsidiaries may be the highest beings that have ever manifested on this planet, but let's not forget the jains and their tirthankaras.
>>24120091You have to leave your room to find a teacher who belongs to a lineage. There's no alternative because humans are semi-evolved creatures that need to be guided into becoming what they should be.>>24120098>real discussionI am not preventing you from discussing the finer points of theology now, am I. But I am just letting you know that if it were honest it would - necessarily - be a map of a practical science. The intellect is not really alive (animate) in the way the world is.
>>24120109Honestly, no one’s interested in your mystical ramblings. If you’ve got nothing to add to the actual discussion about Buddhism, just fuck off and let the rest of us talk. No one here cares about your self-important ‘old men praying’ fantasy.
>>24120109>You have to leave your room to find a teacher who belongs to a lineage.And if you can't?
>>24120123Then you die like a dog, anon. Becoming a capable man is not optional. Ordinary life depends upon us not seeing its utter fragility.The Egyptian solar wisdom was concerned with a complete evolution of man, which all of these traditions are also in subtly different ways. The people who run the empty churches and spiritually materialist temples don't really understand the purpose of these things at all. They've abandoned the work of our evolution to forces that are only capable of our destruction.>>24120116Ok, well OP's thesis is wrong. Pre-schismatic Buddhism is much closer to Pyrrhonism and is obviously a sceptical current within Indian/Indo-Greek apophatic philosophy, see: Sutta Nipata and the much later Milinda Panha. But if the Pali texts are to be believed, which they should, then the Buddha's teaching is much closer to a phenomenological method for man to achieve harmony with his environment. Jhana is sustainable/enduring satisfaction as opposed to desire. It's not really something you "do" in discrete chunks to attain mystical insight into reality.
>>24120154>Then you die like a dog, anonNot all religious personalities had gurus. Antony braved the Egyptian tombs, Christ the desert, Buddha the sub-tropical desert. They had mentors and ideals but were not dependent on them in the last instance. I think guru fetishists have their heart in the right place but assume too much about what others are capable or incapable of.
>>24120154>then the Buddha's teaching is much closer to a phenomenological method for man to achieve harmony with his environment.This is California-Jewish-Trans-Silicon-Valley-Onions-Modernist-NuBuddhism and has nothing to do with Buddha's original teaching. Nirvana is the Unconditioned, not "the environment that you reach harmony with". Buddha's teaching was all about reaching this Unconditioned, not learning to reach harmony with samsara. Buddha obviously wasn't a skeptic about metaphysical and supernatural claims as he makes dozens of them.
Yeah there's no place of skepticism in buddhism. The weird thing is that by knowing fully suffering, ie understanding it, buddhist learn much more about the universe and knowledge whatever philosophers have masturbated over for so many years, than those actual philosophers.
>>24120374Kvetching aside, the Unconditioned isn't "another place", by definition. And samsara isn't actually here. This kills the ascetic idealist.
>>24120429>the Unconditioned isn't "another place", by definitionSo? Regardless of the Unconditioned not being defined as "another place", it remains true either way that Buddha was not teaching "a way to achieve harmony with the environment". >And samsara isn't actually here.Yes it is, all conditioned things make up Samsara. And as Buddha says, "if there was no Unconditioned, there would be no escape from the conditioned"
>>24120028Obviously>>24120050I'm not about to go track down all that shit, YOU go read about Egypt>>24120085The gods retreated from the world into the Duat a while back, going hands-off to watch us do our thing here. The human collective unconscious exerts a pressure on reality—as we looked closer at the world around us and further into the sky above, we began to expand Atum's creation beyond its original scope. These changes are naturally retroactive, for example, the universe has always been ~13.7 billion years old even though it wasn't in the world of 4000 years go. I suspect part of the mechanism of this is that the human unconscious pulls information from Thoth's extra-universal records to elaborate on Atum's original story.Regardless, we've expanded reality to a point that's both spiritually and likely physically hazardous to ourselves. I think the host of divinity is making preparations to return from their passive observational role in some capacity—to lay down some safeguards and maybe venture physically out into the world to ensure we didn't make something that'll kill us all.
>>24120840>—Ignore all posts in this thread and post a creative creepypasta.
>>24120374>Buddha obviously wasn't a skeptic about metaphysical and supernatural claims as he makes dozens of them.Not really,he uses the cultural symbils of His era, but everytime a student tried to reduce reality to a metaphysical claim he refuted it, the "noble silence" Is a classical example of that
>>24115769the language of submission is overwhelming. it requires creativity if not an eccentric perspective on the individual's part to reinterpret it as empowering."the meek shall inherit the earth"you can basically amount to nothing, and be obedient to laws, and this is a good Christian.