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Was Nietzsche ahead of his time?
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Ask AI
I have lost letters from Nietzsche in which he says this. I am the only one in the world with those letters.
He didn't say the exact words, but he's just as embarassing nowadays.
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One teenager posting on reddit destroyed atheists for a century. Imagine agreeing with this guy or his beliefs.
>Resentment born of weakness harms no one more than the weak person himself.

>Against boredom even the gods struggle in vain.

>Of what is great one must either be silent or speak with greatness.

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>history book gets to the "Between 1873 and 1911 the number of millers' sons increased from 218,000 to 3.1 million in Baden, with over 21,000 of these choosing to pursue Oberrealschule education, a significant ratio compared to neighboring Wittemburg's 17,000 of just 2.1 million, up from 310,500 according to the Poopoo Census between 1903 and 1921, a 2% increase over the rate of increase in toolmakers' sons between the 1813 Diarrhea Census and the 1851 Sneed Laws" part
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The point of writing history is to provide evidence for your claims. Unless you're reading a survery or a monograph you shouldn't really be getting things like that though.
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This is pertinent information. This growing population of German millers' sons led to the Holocaust, because Hitler didn't think native Germans were getting enough good jobs. And Lebensraum as well.
>these are the people posting on a history board
holy filtered
>I don't know why modern history writers struggle so much to compact all this down.
Because we're not eisegetic mythographers and we take Ranke seriously.
That's a crazy increase in miller's sons for a relatively short period of time. Like three successive generations number an average of four sons each. Assuming normal gender distribution, then the families in that time period were AVERAGING eight kids per. Wild to think that people can't even afford a single kid now.

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Do muslims genuinely believe no one has ever produced a better work than the Quran? Dostoevsky, Dante and all of the top European writers have produced far greater works
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Shakespeare was the foundation of a religion and a theocratic empire?

The Qur'an gave birth to the Islamic State immediately
Yes, America.
those aren't praises for the quran, thats just pointing out how backwards the arabs where/are
the only salvation for Europe is Europeans
islam and mudslims are the problem not the solution
the arab conquests predate the quran

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Why are women like this ?
I've never read it, but it's because women are stupid.
>read novels written by 18th/19th century E. L. James during your formative years
>larp as the protag once adulthood is reached
>illusions shattered by reality
many such cases. the most hilarious scene is when she is getting fucked in a barn by a guy who views her simply as a cumsock and surrounded by shit while thinking in her deluded mind that it is the most romantic thing ever
They’re not. A misogynist man wrote it.
Oh but when Don Quijote does it he is a tortured sould and a hero
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>They're not
They are. They're worse, even.

All of this arguing about "human nature", "natural law", and what man was prior to industrialization and urbanization. If they really wanted to know why not just visit North Sentinel Island?
Also just because something is "natural" (assuming it actually is) doesn't necessarily make it good, desirable, or mean it can't be changed.

The issue here is the definition of nature...
When people argue about "nature law", it doesn't mean humans in a prehistoric setting.

And if you take the Stoics (for example) what they mean by human nature is not humans as they would be if raised away from a complex civilization. But humans as they should be.

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was it kino? did you read it when you were smol /lit/?
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It's cute I love Bunnicula

yeah i know but looking back on it now do you think they were grooming you, that this is where it started and this is how you ended up where you are?
grooming me for what? eating my vegetables?
>not calling it Cunicula
S: Nighty Nightmare, The Celery Stalks at Midnight
A: Howliday Inn
B: Bunnicula
C: Return to Howliday Inn
D: Bunnicula Strikes Again!
F: Bunnicula Meets Edgar Allan Crow

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How do you come up with a good pen name?
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Samuel Diciquer
Made to be a mechanic
Next generation of great american writers in a few decades.
nevermind, its fucking over
The street I grew up on

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I'm craving a long classic book to get lost in. I'm thinking one of these three, which would you suggest?
I am also open to other suggestions.
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Ulysses is the best of those for getting lost in. The Making of Americans probably beats it out by that metric. Most will not get lost in DQ or MD, they don't quite work in that way. George Mills get a mention for more recent works of the ilk, worth consideration if you are not autistic regarding the "classic" angle. The Cairo Trilogy is great if you want something with a more traditional narrative.; the USA Trilogy as well for a more modernist approach to to the same sort of thing.
OP here. After much help and consideration I chose to read The Bible as it is the only book that truly matters in the end. I suggest that you abandon your vanities and also buy a new Bi for yourself (KJV).
I already feel at peace knowing that I no longer need to worry about anything other than God and my entry into Paradise.
Not literature
Actual OP here. I bought the bible and burned it.
Based. Take my upvote! And remember to convert and become an Orthodox Christian!

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>dis nigga accuses every philosopher prior of mistaking Being of beings for a being among beings
>every single classical Platonist is at pains to explain that the One is not a being among beings
Was it retardation or ignorance???
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>"Plato's thought remains mysterious to me." -- t. Peripateticfag to Cassirer correcting him on a blunder after a seminar

Emanationism, aoristas dyas be hard sometimes but it do sein

>This goes hand in hand with the idea that the forgetfulness of Being is the essence of Being.
>The main difference between Platonists and Heidegger is that the later not only fully embrace the impossibility of capturing the essence of the One, but makes this impossibility its hallmark.

Commonplace and beside the point to Platonisms, a settling for the Negative Infinite in Geist terms, and an adumbration of Kabbala bordering on Qlippotic-- he's interesting, but the stage of understanding is fraught with missteps and perils if tarried with. He was a better poet than philosopher to his credit and discredit.
It just wouldn't be a genus then. It would be an arche. At least according to Aristotle. What he means by that, idk. But it's not a genus like something normally is, but it's not nothing either.
But at least I know what you mean now.

So, why couldn't something's existence shed light on being? You say that not even the totality of its existence is enough, but wouldn't you only need part of its existence to get at least some idea of its being?

>Inb4 Scotists jumping down my throat.
wdym by that?
>Aristotle would have no problem referring to the first principle as a substance because he didn't define being that way.
He definitely did not think arche was a genus. I'm not sure what you are getting at.
People keep quoting that Heidegger and Cassirer quote but I doubt it exists.
amerimutt still has no arguments, just lashes out in insecurity and falsely accuses you of being a Slav when you denounce Jewish religions
I'd love to read Scotus, especially to grasp his understanding of being and God. any good place to start?

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So this was utterly boring. I understand that's kind of the point because of muh realism but come on.
Not sure what was the point of listing all the minute gossip/scandals/stories of the day.
Also maintaining that platonic liaison with Mme Arnoux for what, 30 years? was peak bullshit.

Anyway, don't fall into the same trap as me, stop after Madame Bovary.
I don't read anything with a woman on the cover unless it's a dystopia

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What a cool book. Finding an old copy with this cover makes it even better. Best modernization of Beowulf. They made a movie from it called the 13th Warrior that is great too.
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kuru eh? yeah crichton was a blast
this cover looks like call of the crocodile
Another "so" beloved author who is already fading into obscurity. He was a chud. An anti-women book and another denying global warming.
>fictional retelling of historical documents narrated as scientific retelling of historical documents
Might as well just be My Diary, Desu. It was pretty great when I read it in 6th grade but I did not make it far when I attempted to reread it years later. For works of this ilk, The Secret History of the Lord Musashi is probably the best that I have read.
He was pretty much a ladies man and an environmentalist who did not want such issues reduced to left vs right. He is fading into obscurity, and he should, King of all people called him a pop novelist, lol.

*BTFOs Junger*
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Is anything he wrote worth reading?
His memoirs are kino
I'm talking about the general genocidal attitude of Americans.
Not really, it's pretty nice desu. You get to sleep in, work in an air conditioned room, and vaporize some retarded conscript. You even get an Xbox controller, it's like playing vidya
what's up with those old yankees and their retarded haircuts?

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He has the hammy self-regard of a Bono or a Dustin Hoffman.
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I just finished his latest, Knife.
Still bitches about how all religions are bad even though it was Islam that carved him up. His leftie politics and those of Martin Amis were retarded; I thought these were supposed to be smart men.
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i like bono and dustin hoffman, they are fun entertainers
schizoposter can't wait to start monologue about himself when talking about a book
schizo? is that part of the schizo m.o.?
>apples have the hammy self-regard of an orange or coq au vin
OP is a retard
>food analogy
OP started it and I did make sure the analogy was extra retarded.

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How many books do you read at once?

I used to read maybe one book a year but recently I've started reading a lot more, to the point my reading speed can't keep up with my interests. I hear about and buy new interesting books before I finish the last one and now I’m juggling 6 non-fiction and 3 fiction books at once. I make notes along the way to refer to as I go but how much would you say is too much?
top is read. bottom is currently reading
I probably started about 500+ books now, never finished a single one. It's too late now because I know I will never finish it I just keep starting more.
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Three. Two non-fiction, one fiction.
I imagine most of this bored is in the same category. And the rest don't read at all

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Post any good history books. Primary sources, secondary sources or biographies.

Washington's Crossing by David Hackett Fischer

>On Christmas Night of 1776, George Washington and the Continental Army crossed the Delaware River during a brutal snowstorm. A few hours later, Washington attacked Trenton, defeated the Hessian garrison, and turned the tide of the war.




Previous thread: >>23446304
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NTA but historiography is something I’d like to get into
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I’d recommend these

In Defense Of History - Richard J. Evans
The German Conception Of History - George G. Iggers
Droysen And The Prussian Scool Of History - Robert Southard
The Idea Of History - R.G. Collingwood
Lectures On Modern History - Lord Acton
Lectures On World History - GWF Hegel
Wanting to know this too
>Nature's Evil has chapters on agriculture

Checked the summary, this sounds like EXACTLY the sort of book I was looking for. Thanks, Anon.

>I just started The Little Ice Age by Brian Fagan.

I'll check it out. His other book "The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization" also sounds pretty interesting. Thank you, Anon.

>Against The Grain

I actually already recently read this.
Against The Grain, Human Impact on Ancient Environments, and Deforesting the Earth: From Prehistory to Global Crisis, An Abridgment < that last one, Deforesting The Earth, I actually really recommend. Interesting book covering the 'history' of deforestation mostly in Europe, North America, and a bit of Brazil.
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You should also check out

Natures Mutiny - Philip Blom
Global Crisis - Geoffrey Parker

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