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I am a fundamentalist Christian who before going into seminary wants to encounter the absolute strongest refutations of my religion possible.

What books provide the strongest arguments against it possible?

I've been recommended Beyond Good and Evil, and pic rel so far.
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>did they autotranslate everything to Greek first?
Jesus has certain lines of dialogue in the Gospels that are preserved in Aramaic (when he resurrects the dead girl, when he quotes Psalm 22 on the cross, I think one or two more I don't remember).

Greek was just the standard lingua franca of written documents at the time.
Design an experiment to determine whether a moral statement is true or false.
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The best you can unironically do is read philosophy of religion and all of it's arguments against god. Any introductory textbook will do. Check out also Graham Oppy's work
It is not. The roundness of the earth can be physically grasped, it exists independent of opinion. Morality is not observed to do this. You made a false equivalence.
The earliest christians were the greek speeking jews who allowed converts the last 300 years. There was already a rising hebrew heterodoxy for centuries by the time Jesus was born. Greco-Jews for the ancient world is very civilized

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Hello people! I'm looking for the grimmest of grimdark, the kind of stuff that leaves the 40k universe quaking in its boots, the kind of stuff that would make Bakker recoil in horror. Let me know what I haven't read out there.
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Abercrombie, First Law
The Ascians in BOTNS are pretty grimdark. Instead of depression like 1984, what little you hear of their country gives you a strange feeling of dread.
vinny vinesauce is a cuck btw
>at least the AI robots will be told by humans who to shoot
Right now an AI decides if your weird truck is a truck or a missile launcher. If it decides it's a missile launcher it will send a human to kill you.
Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence.

What do you guys think of Edmund Burke?
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>Father of conservatism is just a capitulator to capitalism.
Only good for his aesthetic theory, and even then his politics keep creeping through, so it’s an obnoxious read.
Explain political Islam then
I’m as socialist as the next guy but even I realize the biggest critics of capitalism are just resentful little peons that are mad they can’t compete in the real world.
>From what I can see, all 'authentic' 'right-wing' political movements (in the western world) have been utterly crushed, and increasingly outlawed.

This has literally started to change only within the last decade. The Alt-Right, NRx, whatever you want to call them, and maybe they're a little pathetic, but they're decidedly not "conservative" as we have come to know it since Burke.

Okay so when does he stop talking about tangential shit like the geography of the Great Plains and corralling cattle and start talking about relevant facts? I'm 100 pages in and LBJ isn't even born yet
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I admit I laughed too when I saw that
Modern biography sucks, dude. Plutarch covered all the important people of Greece and Rome in a few hundred pages and Suetonius all the Caesars in like a hundred. Notker gave Charlemagne like 50 pages. The idea that I’d need 500 for LBJ is fucking crazy.
Here’s some relevant facts

>Caro's son, Chase, pled guilty to second-degree grand larceny in 2007 for stealing over $750,000 from three former clients in the course of real estate transactions. In April 2008, he was sentenced to 2+1⁄2–7+1⁄2 years in prison after admitting to stealing $310,000 meant for his grandparents' trust fund. Chase agreed to pay restitution of $1.1 million, which includes funds from a third theft. All his sentences ran concurrently. As of 2012, Chase works in information technology.

Keeping up the tradition of being a sheisty Jew that likes to jerk people around alright. One with words, one with actions
I think this has its roots in Freudian psychobiographies of politicans which were popular in the interwar period
>this dictator was raper by his uncle as a 6 year old boy which is reflected in his decision to raise tariffs in order to protect domestic industries, he's compensating for the lack of protection he had as a child
Psychobiography and meta-biography are different beasts though, if only slightly. Both are interesting forms of historical writing though.

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>when video game philosophy is more profound than Marx's
but for real, I have never read anything more profound than this.
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You seem confused about what is being said in that passage.
>genshin impact disproves marxism
>a majority of genshin impact enjoyers are marxist morons
>this will go over their heads and/or they’ll be convinced the message here is ‘capitalism bad, ackshually’
Bait or not there’s a solid point here
>"I need to be free!!!"
>Embraces slavery to their appetites, passions, instinct, and circumstance.
>Acts from ignorance.
This. IDK how anyone takes Christianity seriously.

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Post and discuss only the greatest children's book authors and their works. Hardmode: no Dahl, Carroll or Seuss.
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Sun Tzu wrote the Art of War as an instructive guide to teach children the principles of play.
L.M. Montgomery
I got a big tote full of childrens books for free when my kids were born. I burned all the ones with niggers, browns, feminists, commies, or fags.
Some good ones:
Aesops Fables
Reynard The Fox
The Little Prince
Tolkein is the GOAT
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>not specifically transgressive
>not too far-right (like Harassment Architecture)
>not too "le redpilled" (like Bronze Age Pervert)
>implicitly anarcho-primitivist
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Maybe Hamsun's Hunger?
Sterotypical gen x counter culture. Very 90s core
bret easton ellis
steppenwolf perhaps
Fahrenheit 451. Story of a man awoken from the humdrum of life to his Luddite tendencies

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Is Harry Potter nazi?
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he fights the nazis
that's just a british bloke innit
>Egyptians did this because of JK Rowling's tweets!
Are people this low IQ? How do you shift blame onto Rowling for Islamic/Arabic culture where trannydom does not exist, or if it does, is extremely fringe?
Antisemitism was only a useful way of canceling people from 1988 - 2021.
Rowling derangement syndrome
She's an idiot all together so I'm not surprised it took her 25 years to realize this.

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What would a great NEETdom novel look like? There's any book in real life like that?
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You faggots really need to read some more books, it’s extremely obvious that you’re oblivious. This is like that guy talking about writing “the incel novel” when houellebecq exists already because he needs to lurk moar.
Not only is the protagonist a neet, he is eerily similar to a lot of people on this site. Most of all he goes to see popular movies that he knows he’ll hate because he loves hate watching, which sounds exactly like all the people on /tv/ that obsessively watch the capeshit they claim to hate.
> Ignatius J. Reilly is an overweight and unemployed thirty-year-old with a master's degree in Medieval History who lives with his mother in New Orleans. He utterly loathes the modern world, which he feels has lost the medieval values of "geometry and theology".
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You have to live it
for the hundredth time

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They added entirely different, sadistic torturous endings that don't do anything to help the actual message get across.
>He had Cinderella sit down, and, putting the slipper to her foot, he found that it went on very easily, fitting her as if it had been made of wax. Her two sisters were greatly astonished, but then even more so, when Cinderella pulled out of her pocket the other slipper, and put it on her other foot. Then in came her godmother and touched her wand to Cinderella's clothes, making them richer and more magnificent than any of those she had worn before.

>And now her two sisters found her to be that fine, beautiful lady whom they had seen at the ball. They threw themselves at her feet to beg pardon for all the ill treatment they had made her undergo. Cinderella took them up, and, as she embraced them, said that she forgave them with all her heart, and wanted them always to love her.

>She was taken to the young prince, dressed as she was. He thought she was more charming than before, and, a few days after, married her. Cinderella, who was no less good than beautiful, gave her two sisters lodgings in the palace, and that very same day matched them with two great lords of the court.

Beautiful, and much better than the shitty version of the sisters having their eyes plucked out. Fairytales being dark doesn't help get their message across. It's simply added in to fit the authors sadistic fancy.
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What message is there?
1. Don't be a bullying cunt or you'll lose your eyes.
2. Don't try to hinder the liberation of the Anima from the prison of the unconscious.
>Fairytales being dark doesn't help get their message across. It's simply added in to fit the authors sadistic fancy.
Fairytales are cautionary tales for children to learn moral lessons. Them being dark does get the message through, because bad people should get what is coming to them.
A villain can get punished in myriads of ways. The stepsisters getting their eyes pecked out is not even remotely a realistic consequence of anything they did. It does not teach a kid anything aside from a vague notion that horrible things happen to horrible people, which, again, can be taught in a variety of different ways. So yes, in order to come up with something like this, there has to be some sort of a sadistic drive inside a person. No matter how uncomfortable it is for you to admit that.
If anything this particular instance probably ended up being more "mature", since just because Cinderella gets to live a better life doesn't mean the shitty people from her previous life are gone. They're still out there to make someone else's life hell. Just like real life.

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Literature students btfo.
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Most literature students and /lit/ posters don’t care much about Hemingway, either because they’re leftists who don’t like his macho side, rightists who don’t like his tranny or commie sides, or people who possess the minimum of intelligence and taste needed to recognise that Hemingway is extremely overrated and the influence of his journo sensibilities have been corrosive to literary quality in both style and substance since.
Hemingway said this because he was blatantly writing himself as the old man, then writing the old man as a christ-like figure. He was blowing smoke up his own hole, and when he was called out for being a narcissist he shied away from interpretation.
Words are literally symbols already, any form of communication uses symbols lmao
* the muses
HeMIDway btfo
hack cant into symbolism

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What would be some must read non fiction books that span a fair amount of subjects? Something similar to the /lit/ starter kit to get your feet wet. I'm thinking stuff like
>In Cold Blood
>Into Thin Air
>Napoleon: A Biography
What else?
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Republic, Plato.
Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle.
Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzche.

Histories, Herodotus.
Anabasis, Arrian.
Parallel Lives, Plutarch.

Metamorphoses, Ovid.

And the Bible, which includes all those topics.
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I have not read over half of these and feel as though my tastes are too evolved to bother with them at this point.
The only non-fiction you should be reading are STEM manuals. Everything else you might as well be reading fiction, which is unequivocally written better.
just read what interests you, you're not going to like reading as a hobby if you rigidly follow some chart an anon made as a joke
He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

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Any books in the milieu of Dillahuntian ethics and justification for an objective morality, logic, etc while affirming things like subjectivity of gender, meaninglessness in the world, inaccessibility of knowledge, etc?
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Is there ethics any more compelling than fornication?
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A lot of them are still up on /r/atheism where they were originally created.
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>generic new atheist.
Is there a non-generic one? They just repeat talking points debunked centuries ago like it's some new clever thing.
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There are some.
Which ones? When an atheist speaks about Christianity it's inevitably a rehashing of a debunked heresy. Reminds me of that quote about the Jews that act as if your dialogue didn't happen and they just move on with repeating their stories.

Any good male-only online book clubs?
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As opposed to women who only “read” for social validation and coom?
A, why do you care whether it's male-only? B, how are you supposed to enforce that anyway on the Internet, where no one knows you're a dog?
Nta but women ruin everything
Even transwomen aren’t as bad and trannies are violent rapey degenerate mental patients
This is as good as it gets I’m afraid
Not now that margerinemoth is gone, but she might’ve been a tranny, good riddance anyway regardless, she was extremely annoying
That’s also /lit/, there are significantly more gay and bisexual men here than on /lgbt/
>actually wants a sausage party

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What modern fantasy novels would Tolkien have liked?
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Would he like it?
Sanderson. He would appreciate the systems autism.

He did it with Christianity and European paganism.
You wouldn't expect it but he was a reader of Mark Twain despite them coming from very different cultures, having very different outlooks on society, and very different tones in their own writings.

Tolkien had his own autistic niches but he was more broadly-read and willing to engage with a lot of shit you wouldn't associate with him.
Unrelated, both for Tolkien and /lit/, but I love stories that take place in an unconventional, idiosyncratic place in time compared to where a normal stories plot would take place. Most stories would be the quest Frieren and her fellow adventurers embarked on, but it taking DECADES after the big quest is the kind of shit I love. It's why, even though the game sucks mechanically, I love Dark Souls 2, because it takes place as a semi-backdrop from the MAIN story which is maximum comfy.
He mentioned liking/owned books by
>Isaac Asimov
>The Death of Grass by John Christopher
>Rider Haggard, especially SHE
>John Buchan
>E.R. Eddison (with some reservations)
>Some of C.S. Lewis' work (but he hated Narnia)
>William Morris
>Olaf Stapledon
>C.S. Forrester
>H.G. Wells
>The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
>A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay
>Not sure if he liked him but Tolkien was definitely familiar with Lord Dunsany

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