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A better book doesn't exist
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Wow masterful prose
For me it's Zhuangzi
This is a book that can REALLY change your life. And it doesn't depend on jew worship or giving yourself brain damage.
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You invalidated your own opinion

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do u thhnk poshi breowses lit
i think there's a chance she does cause shes a smart girl reading big booksies :3
poshi if ure reading this i luv u babey

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Clear christian message, no explicitly christian content (the show berserk comes to mind gor example)

Preferably painful outcome, I need that pain, esmeralda saves quasimodo, then decided to fuck some chad instead, then they get killed by a betabuxxer, and quasimodo starves himself to death on her corpse
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People say Flannery O'Connor's seemingly secular writing is always implicitly catholic and actually about "grace." Also lots of it leaves you feeling like shit.
>What the fuck do not remember that from the Disney movie lmao, I will now read your book
I never saw the Disney movie, does it have some kind of happy ending where they end up together?
No, he accepts that he is a cuck and inserts phoebuses dick into esmeralda himself

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I REJECT this pussy's philosophy. Why does /lit/ jerk him off so much? Just read the "The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer" and I can't take this schizo bable anymore.

>Things will never go according to plan
>You shouldn't want anything
>You should avoid pain at all costs
>You shouldn't envy

This is so fucking pathetic!!??

I strive to get the job of my dreams and the body of my dreams because I envy others who have it and have no shame about it. Why is this wrong? Sure things may not go my way. Sure I might fail. Or even die. But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't try.

Are we 100% sure that he's not jewish???

What does /lit/ think?
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Schoppy is the ultimate filter. It is a hueristic that has literally never failed me.
Schopenhauer was laughed at by his contemporaries and people are calling him a weak loser in this very same thread. Your premise is faulty and your brain is retarded.
I find Schopenhauer's philosophy of "aesthetic contemplation" fascinating but I'm not too familiar with other aesthetic philosophies. Anyone have any recommendations of what I should read next?
Pleasure is never as pleasant as we expected it to be and pain is always more painful. The pain in the world always outweighs the pleasure.
*never been refuted*

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>I therefore don once more my horn-rimmed paternal spectacles and warn my dear son to keep a cool head and rather not understand something than make such great sacrifices for the sake of understanding.

>I also shake my wise gray locks over the question of psychosynthesis and think: Well, that is how the young folks are; they really enjoy things only when they need not drag us along with them, wherewith our short breath and weary legs we cannot follow.

How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
Ok, boomer.
idk, force him to eat his own shit or something.
Lacan believed in psychosynthesis (psychic causality) arguably you can say Freud believed too but wrote esoterically.......
big mad
you're black

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You recognize doom easily. It's a feeling and a taste, and it's black, and it's very heavy. It comes down over your head, and wraps its tentacles around you, and sinks its long dirty fingernails into your heart. It has the stink of burning flesh and the sight of dread.
Cool story bro. Sounds like an average Friday night for a 4channer
Every man is a prophet of doom.
He sees it so clearly, but what he really sees is his own doom. Death frightens us so.

For me, it's Nestor.
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Just another example of Agamemnon bustling up and (almost always) doing the wrong thing.
Like in Book 2, when Agamemnon calls an assembly and tests the troops' morale by offering to abandon the siege. But he so over-acts his defeatist part that he convinces even himself, and the war-weary soldiers rush cheering down to the ships -- Athene is obliged to intervene.
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Lovely Falstaff posts, they have brightened my day considerably. And they seem to carry an insight that only another rotund and bibulous fellow could summon, hmm... but anyway, the figure of Falstaff dovetails very nicely with my recent reading, so my thoughts are in the right place to appreciate him. I truly hardly ever cry reading something, it's just not immediate enough as a medium I guess - but Falstaff's "death" at the end of part one drew a couple tears from me.
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Ah, poor lad of one-and-twenty
tis true tis true

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The Will to Plow Her
That's what I imagine that bitch Mandy from the Grim Adventures to look like when becoming older.
Dumb smug psychopathic looking bitch.
Not only a bona fide cutie but that rarest of creatures — a politically sound female.
Imagine being a retarded, cyphilis infected Nietzsche sitting in your room scribbling tard drawings on paper to try and recapture what you've lost, while your 10/10 Stacy sister is getting plowed by her chud husband in the next room, screaming his name right after she finished editing your pre-tardout manuscripts to make you agree with her, and you can't do anything about it since you have the mind of a child.

Is a color e-reader worth it?
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No. Why would colors make any significant difference?
They prefer the term African e-reader
News articles or non fiction books will often have color graphs in them.
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though i have read some books with i can't think of a single book i've read in the past few years with color illustrations. i would only go for it if close to half my reading was comic books, specifically western ones at that as japanese comics are almost always black and white.
*...with black and white illustrations

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What are books on the ontology of physical laws?

Are physical laws just regularities of the universe, or do physical laws have an existence of their own? If so, what kind?
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Yeah but you need math for physics
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>So is all of physical law just about regularities, or do physical laws exist beyond that?
Define "exist beyond that".
When you are asking something this outlandish you HAVE to be concrete. When you are discussing fundamental shit you can't just use regular words without defining them first.
Again, it's fine to ask outlandish questions, you just have to do it right.

We have stuff we presume to be real and it has a predictable behavior.

How would you imagine the existence of a laws on their own,for what is a law without a subject to govern?

Asking if the laws are real carries with it an aura of arrogance as if we have figured out if all of the other physical concepts are "real" and all that is left are the laws. Which is not true, because take foe example energy.
We don't know if it's a reality or just an abstraction.
nope you misunderstood Kant really really bad
This honestly went above my head so you'll have to describe this symmetry whatchamacallit and what the implications are.

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Edition of the Three Kingdoms

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

NOTE: replace ' dot ' with an actual dot to access the links below
>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

Feel free to write your thoughts/stories/etc... in your target language.

>Work in progress FAQ

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thanks again fren, maybe I just have to bite the bullet with it then.

The annotated one I have isn't anything fancy, it's the Reader's Hebrew Bible. I was also considering just a plain interlinear with transliteration of the Hebrew (although I can read the characters, at least when they have biblical diacritics that is).
Almost went into law here, you will have lots of small but perhaps iteratively/occasionally significant opportunities to look like a bigbrain around lawyers if you happen to know the actual Latin meanings of all those fancy terms

Lawyers always pronounce them with a retard accent and slightly skew what they mean, so you can be the guy in the room who (without looking like a knowitall douche) actually knows the stuff. But that's pretty minor and you can do that without really knowing latin

I think you should just learn the one you like better, and then learn both ultimately. Greek is pure rote memorization for the first 1-2 semesters though.
my grampa taught me the basics of Koine in HS so I'm hoping I'll be able to test out ahead
I think you might need to, even with vocab assistance, verbal forms tend to be so funky that you really are gonna want to know how the stems and cases work.
I'll confess a lack of familiarity with the Reader's Hebrew Bible, but I don't doubt that it's helpful. I would, however, not recommend an interlinear, even if it's just for transliteration, as really learning the language is gonna be dependent on putting it together yourself, and if you have a translation beside you, you'll be primed to cheat. And for transliteration, Hebrew transliteration is not an exact science, and often loses some of the meaning. For instance, I could tell you a word gets translated as diber, but you wouldn't know if that's supposed to be דִבֶּר, דִּבֵּר, דִבֱּר, דִיבֶּר, דִיבֵּר, דִיבֱּר , and while some of those don't exist as real forms, some of them do, and have different meanings. So I'd really most recommend just having the Hebrew text and maybe a dictionary beside you.

Still, Hebrew is a great language, I love it to death and I'd recommend it to anybody with a passing interest. Again, start with Hacket's basic intro, and work through at least the majority of that first. And don't be discouraged if it feels like you're taking a while to get to real sentences, you need to have an understanding of the basics to get anywhere
added the main book and dictionary in the online resources section

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Looking for good fucked up books, blood meridian, wasp factory, between two fires
I’d like it to be well written vs shock value
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This book is probably the best and most fucked up one simealtaneously. There are more "disturbing" books like 120DOS, Cows, and Hogg, which have been mentioned in the thread already, but those are just edgeslop written to shock the reader. You can add some of Palahniuk's books to that list too, like Pygmy and Snuff, if edgeslop is what you're looking for. But this is the highest quality writing combined with edginess.
Yes, though it's not a straight (npi) adaptation
What is this about?
this book rules. anybody read the savage detectives? how does it hold up?

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How to take a big fat shit on jewish society and their wagie golems:

Step 1: Quit your worthless wagie job
Step 2: Take everything without mercy
Step 3: Keep taking and taking until there is nothing left
Step 4: Smile
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I dont care if my abscence causes society to collapse or not, I'm happy not being jewed out of my entire life wageslaving it away
How is this /lit/?
how is this literature related?
Steal power and internet by tapping into the lines yourself, dig a well, steal groceries and alcohol. Do all of this while squatting in some dick heads crawlspace.
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How it all starts

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>The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.
>The body count climbs through a series of globewars. Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.
>By the time soft-engineering slithers out of its box into yours, human security is lurching into crisis. Cloning, lateral genodata transfer, transversal replication, and cyberotics, flood in amongst a relapse onto bacterial sex.
>Neo-China arrives from the future.
>Hypersynthetic drugs click into digital voodoo.
What did he mean by this?
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Yet you could move abroad, in Europe or other places, after 9/11, and mind your business for a few good years.
After the iPhone (and smartphones in general) you can't move anywhere; 2007 was also the year the European Union transformed from a cozy UN-like bureaucracy into a tool of communist aggression (you won't take "refugees" and won't give kids to our LGBT friends? you are literally a terrorist!), and the mass invasion of Australia by the Chinese also started in 2006 (this also implies many other changes in Asia but I won't get into that).
All of these things have nothing to do with 9/11.
Keep in mind, your complaints of what I surmise you can better describe with the 'neoliberal' buzzword, as similar people are ought to do, are very literally no different from that of the large mass of third world Marxists and racial grievance hucksters. Its Western Imperialism maaaan, we just gotta kill whitey then we'll all go back to based trad living with real values maaan. We'd all be based and totally not gay if it weren't for that Liberal technocratic western hypercapital that's dissolving our traditional values like being really fucking gay but on the down low unlike those degenerate westerners. Get real.
>2007 was also the year the European Union transformed from a cozy UN-like bureaucracy into a tool of communist aggression (you won't take "refugees"
The same refugees fleeing from regions war torn in the wake of 2001?
The birth of the global surveillance state and "war on terror" should be enough to discount that as a good year, 2001 wasn't a good year for anybody except israel and PNAC
my negro, are you confusing the number 1 with the number 7 again? they may look alike but still
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Happiness that you get from "Getting a girl" is fleeting and short. You'll be passing most of your time bickering, and it'll go to waste.
The reason you pursue that goal -that you otherwise wouldn't if you were even a bit more rational- is because of something we call the "Will to Life", which is a force that even the smartest individuals suffered from
Acknowledging that will and overcoming it will be what brings calm to your mind. If you end up in solitude and like it, great! If you don't, then you're so shitty of a person that you cannot handle staying alone with your own self.

Modern incels are a problem simply because their mental fortitude is flimsy. Otherwise they'd find peace and freedom in their solitude.
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Schopenhauer was a cuck

good quote!!
>these are the only two options
do people don't know the 99slaps method?
go to a club and ask a 100 wemen if they like to fuck. you'll gett 99 slaps and one (1) fuck. worked for me
>b-b-but (sniff) they are whales

yeah, but not that ugly. you can fuck chubby. But if brocken/ugly/black teeth and/or stinky, that is a nono
or black
I might be wrong but is Schoppy idea of "will" supposed to be negative? Fascinating, as "will" is normally used as an incredibly positive thing.

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