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>If there is a danger, it lies in the Negro music and dancing that has been imported into Europe. This music has completely won over a whole section of the cultured population of Europe, to the point of real fanaticism. It is inconceivable that the incessant repetition of the Negroes’ physical gestures as they dance around their fetishes or that the constant sound of the syncopated rhythm of jazz bands should have no ideological effects.
- Julius Evola
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Evola was a huge cuck. He wrote some shit once too about the special magical effects of "negro semen." Guy was very gay.

A day in the life of Julius Evola
>think about black dick
>say a prayer to Hermes
>think about black dick
>go outside during a war and nearly die like a retard
>think about penises
No it wasn't you fool. The Mysteries involved doing an LSD precursor, tripping balls, simulating the journey of life and death with rituals, engaging in sex and dance rituals
I have literally never seen a quality thread that used this image.
I am a fascist and like jazz. Want to complain about music? Complain about rap, which isn't even music.
who cares what this schizo italian had to say about anything

Has anybody managed to make it big releasing fiction on Substack?
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Not even close, here my page.
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slowly making some progress through crossposts and promotion. I write fiction, poetry, and essays so spreading my content perhaps a bit thinner than if I just focussed on one area. maintaining a consistent uploading schedule seems pretty important too - both in terms of capturing new readers and keeping your existing audience around.

check out my page here https://egregoreandi.substack.com

nice man, not necessarily my type of content but cool to see. how did you build up your audience? those are good numbers

keep it up
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One of the worst days of my recent life was when Elon nuked Substack links on Twitter in a fit of pettiness. I was using Twitter as the primary driver of traffic to my Substack and now I fucking can't, because Twitter won't show link previews and won't let Substack links be picked up by the algorithm.

It's very annoying.
what's the difference between substack and blogspot

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Is life fundamentally tragic?
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Tragedy suggests an elevated viewpoint; though one's take on what one calls 'life' may be tragic, life itself subsumes this and all such suggestions. Is life fundamentally biological? If so, the *insistence* is less than 200 yrs old. Is life fundamentally sacred, or divine? This can't obtain as a point of knowledge either (though it's been around millenia) as, fundamentally, it rests on faith-- just as the belief that life is 'tragic' must.
That life is tragic is fundamentally an opinion. Ultimately, therefore, this:
Even when Tristan was getting stabbed I‘m pretty sure his main concern was still conceptual longing. Isolde skips right past any physical affliction altogether.

(This still is clearly not what I meant)
death is fundamentally tragic, life is fundamentally comedic.
Cute cat. Post more pls
Life is tragic precisely because of the tension between order and entropy, which can only exist in a universe with time. Order seeks eternity, while entropy tends to finality. That our lives are set upon such a fragile stage is fundamentally tragic.

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What lies beyond our gaze?
Behind the haze
The fog lifts not
What lies beyond
Our minds
And thoughts
The clouds we forgot

A forgotten game of minds
A forlorn gaze
Out of place
Enlaced in memory
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My reply was 10x better than your "poem"
Nobody cares
The homeless man did, who came in your useless whore mouth
lost its rhythm in the second stanza
You’re not a poet

What can I read in order to understand female friendships and female bonds in general? I realize how ironic it is to ask this question here, but every other place is more likely to buy into the ''epic girls holding hands while the world burns in front of them'' cliché than face the music.
I'm asking about this topic because I knew this one girl in school who was ostracized by other chicks in her social circles and felt deeply isolated because of it, despite her being rather sharp and kind, which led to her talking about the cruelty of the female kind at length. My own mother has always been kind of a loner too, rarely ever going out of her way to see other women that aren't her relatives, and not shying away from commenting on how disingenuous she finds them to be. We all know the common saying of women always secretely hating each other, but it'd be rather sad to know that they are truly unable to have actual full friendships with their kind without having a shared traumatic experience for example. Things aren't that extreme nor reductive, of course, but they do make me question the nature of their dynamics. Maybe it's just a byproduct (or a natural predisposition) of the traditional married life that eventually keeps them isolated and occupied inside their homes for most of their lives.
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Post tits
was not expecting to see some lola dupre artwork posted on this board
Didn't read your blogpost, but sex and character tells you everything you need to know about women

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I did not care for the Escahton chapter

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Trad Cath General: Spirituality Edition. The two main spiritual practises of the Catholic church are the particular examen and mental prayer. They are the pillars of the Church for cultivating virtue, overcoming sin, and deepening our union with God.

This thread is for discussing their purpose, how to practice them, and sharing sources for further reading. But other topics can be discussed and any questions about the Catholic faith you may have can be discussed.

>What is the Particular Examen?
The particular examen (or examination of conscience) is a focused, daily practice to root out specific vices and cultivate virtues. Unlike the general examen, which reviews your day as a whole, this zeroes in on a single fault or weakness.

>How to Practice It:
Morning Resolution: Pick one fault you want to address (e.g., impatience). Resolve to be vigilant in avoiding it and cultivating the opposite virtue.
Midday Review: Reflect briefly on your morning. Did you fall? How often? Renew your resolution.
Evening Reflection: Look back over your entire day. Record successes and failures. Renew your commitment for tomorrow.

Tips: Start with one specific, tangible fault. Keep it realistic and attainable. Use a notebook to track progress—it helps you stay accountable.

>What is Mental Prayer?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Prayers don't work, which is why all christians are pedophilic coomers in secreet.
Mental prayer and particular examen are more so spiritual practises to aid and is intended to be used even during mass. You fail to distinguish between regular religious obligatory prayers and spiritual guides that aid in the fulfilment of these obligatory prayers and the principle tools used are mental prayer and the particular examen.

Thanks but like, who asked?
>I'm 12 and what is this

Newspapers with the best prose, biases aside?
probably rags since they have to use more embellishment/artistry/BSing to hook readers rather than use the facts/truth
what's a newspaper?

I read the Chicago Tribune sometimes

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Why'd he snub Schmitt for getting involved with the Nazis when he himself wore a nazi uniform and waged a war on behalf of the Nazis?
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> a German patriot
Total cope. The military was completely gleichgeschaltet. The whole "Im a Junker with a Pour Le Mérite who looks down on Nazi proles was a pathetic excuse.
He didn't want to die
hitler was right that modern europeans were cretinized beyond repair. he was wrong to look back at greco-roman classicalism fondly.
Good explanations or reasons have already been given, you’re just hiding behind your shield of “confusion” as a deliberate desire not to understand. The Nazis were pseudo-intellectuals, high-tech barbarians who ultimately ended up being incredibly self-destructive, besides destructive of countless European lives. Sure, I’ll admit, today in the West we have outright anti-intellectualism, and at least the veneer of inspiring iconography and insignia, some references to thinkers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche here and there, the pseudo-Theosophical mystical Hyperboreanism/Aryanism, the Roman salute and whatnot — it’s at least superficially grander and more inspiring than whatever trite globohomo corporate-dominated crap we have today. But it was still playing at being intellectual, and required heavy propagandizing of society and heavyhanded totalitarian measures even intelligent German civilians didn’t like much and could be harmed by. Besides empowering some of the worst and most thuggish elements of society as its enforcers, brutes on a tier with whatever Stasi or communist secret-police you can bring up.

I sympathize with how angry, jilted young men who feel that their futures have been stolen from them and culture flushed in the toilet bowel (they’re right) can look back and decide this is at least superficially more inspiring than what we have, but it’s just another form of retardation, and most of /pol/ doesn’t really have that many intelligent, substantive policy recommendations to offer. Spamming TND and TKD online doesn’t count. OK, calling out the UN/Bilderbergers/Davos crowd/WEF/Soros/HIAS etc.-backed replacement migration plan as suicidal and counter to Western citizens’ interests is a good one, I’ll give that. But we need more intelligent things offered than crap like giving some hi-tech brutes the power to just force people they don’t like into camps for things that aren’t in themselves explicit crimes (having Jewish ancestry, for instance).
Putting governance into actual practice is good and jews don‘t belong. The rest of this almost unreadable walltext is the same degree of cope he explicitly addressed.

where should i start?
should i even bother?

someone told me it's really hard work getting through the scottish dialogue.
I’m English but really enjoyed his stuff. Helps to watch the film first to get a feel for the sound of the accents. I would say his best is Skagboys and Filth. Sadly he’s very much a one trick pony of writing depressing stories of crackheads and perverts so once you’ve read a couple, you’ve read them all.
Trainspotting, Acid House and that's it. Filth if you're under the age of 20. Skagboys is okay but unnecessary. Deadman Trousers is possibly the worst published book I've ever read. Irvine Welsh had one good book in him and a few decent short stories. That's about it.
It's just like reading Clockwork Orange, it takes a few chapters to get used to it but after that the dialog is more fun to read than it is a chore. Also not all the chapters of Trainspotting are in dialect. It's great stuff.

Seconding Acid House; it's been years since I read it and I still think about a few of those stories.

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I noticed that Bibles are extremely cheap relative to the cost of other books.

Textbooks range from $60-$100s and you can get a good Bible for as low as 4$ paperback, 20$ hardcover.

It really makes me think how corrupt the publishing industry must be to charge so much money to poor college students trying to get a better education.

On top of that, they include these "webassign" codes inside the textbooks which are required to take the courses, so that you can't just buy an old textbook and have to buy the new one every year.

This is a form of warfare.
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The first flippable books were New Testament and other Christian texts.
Elasticity of demand, meet digitization and file sharing, because I'm not going to get jewed out of $250 for a book I'll use once no matter how much pilpul you try to throw at me to justify it.
It's not really that, it's that the Bible isn't copyrighted.
Anyone can just start reprinting copies of the Bible, same as anyone can print Dumas
you're free to type "ESV Bible" into Amazon
tbf most of those books are novellas at best and several are a handful of paragraphs.

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Was he a genius or a fraud?
Neither; clever guy tho, and a good stylist in his early works.

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>why yes I only read Penguin Classics how could you tell
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>Fagles Odyssey
>worst translation
Any thoughts on Easton Press? Was thinking of getting Ralph Emerson's Poems. Alternative would be Everyman's Library.
>reading translations
redpill me on penguin classics
Printed in the North Pole by penguins

>wow the wooden idol means that on page 450 after rambling for 50 pages about goodness knows what Ishmael is totally justified in taking a dump in that whale's mouth
Is the fetish for so-called "symbolism" in books no better than the seal clapping retards pointing out the colour of Hank's t-shirt in the youtube comments under every Breaking Bad clip?
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But I'm really not the OP
Anon, it's a pagan idol, that's exactly what it is. The pagan idol makes Queequeg do weird stupid things and then tells Ishmael through Queequeg to go on an eventually doomed voyage, that's not even symbolism.
wow this is so deep i've just finished 1984 and now i will read moby dick
Symbolism is a matter of interpretation, it's not just there for it to troll you while you puzzle it out. You can find it stylistically distasteful but if you want to criticise it without being called stupid you need to
>i've just finished 1984 and now i will read moby dick
Literally me exactly 2 months ago, I finished 1984 on the 18th and started Moby-Dick on the 19th.

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Anon, what novels do you know that are talking about gambling?
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Except wasting money on the lottery always has a chance of a ROI, the other things I listed
>it's not enough that every retard with a smartphone can look up wikipedia
zoomies like you will be hanged from the lampposts
>they be playin seven toed pete
I think texas hold'em has ruined us, even though to the extent of my knowledge it did not receive any literary treatment of worth, it's such a perfect game that I get depressed whenever people play another variant, pic related included

I will read it.

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