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I simply will not read an author who hasn't undergone physical toil in their life.
As such, my favourite writers are as follows:
Leo Tolstoy
Edward Abbey
Knut Hamsun
Aldo Leopold
Ernest Hemingway
Yukio Mishima
Is there anyone else I should look into that are similar to these men?
Bookworm sissies need not apply.
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For me it’s any philosopher that either hasn’t had a working class background or at least has never once done manual labor.
I beg to differ. I don’t read those “people” either.
You would like Robinson Jeffers. He was an avid outdoorsman and stonemason. He built a stone house by himself. Read his poem Shine, Perishing Republic
have you read any ancient authors? It's pretty much guaranteed that they would have served their city state if they were Greek (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were all soldiers). If philosophy isn't among your interests, there are lots of accounts of wars as well. Xenophon's Anabasis is about a military expedition he served in. Also, Arrian's Anabasis of Alexander is about Alexander the Great, but even Arrian himself was a military leader for the Roman Empire
If you like first hand narratives of expeditions and wars I also suggest Bernal Diaz's History of the Conquest of New Spain, which is about his time serving under Hernan Cortes fighting the Aztecs
You forgot Jocko willink and David goggins. Navy writing skips conformist bullshit.

Personally I'd encourage to read a shooters manifesto and then continue with Arnold Schwarzenegger. First one is to get over your fear of losing and second is to engage in winning.

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Nietzsche gets hit with a trad one-two

Roger Scruton:

>“There are philosophers who have repudiated the goal of truth -- Nietzsche, for example, who argued that there are no truths, only interpretations. But you need only ask yourself whether what Nietzsche says is true, to realize how paradoxical it is. (If it is true, then it is false! -- an instance of the so-called 'liar' paradox.) Likewise, the French philosopher Michel Foucault repeatedly argues as though the 'truth' of an epoch has no authority outside of the power-structure that endorses it. There is no trans-historical truth about the human condition. But again, we should ask ourselves whether that last statement is true: for if it is true, it is false. There has arisen among modernist philosophers a certain paradoxism which has served to put them out of communication with those of their contemporaries who are merely modern. A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is "merely relative," is asking you not to believe him. So don't.”

Chesterton on Nietzsche

>Nietzsche had some natural talent for sarcasm: he could sneer, though he could not laugh; but there is always something bodiless and without weight in his satire, simply because it has not any mass of common morality behind it. He is himself more preposterous than anything he denounces. But, indeed, Nietzsche will stand very well as the type of the whole of this failure of abstract violence. The softening of the brain which ultimately overtook him was not a physical accident. If Nietzsche had not ended in imbecility, Nietzscheism would end in imbecility. Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot. Every man who will not have softening of the heart must at last have softening of the brain.

More Scruton on Nietzsche

>Nietzsche himself has become a kind of idol. Despite his antagonism towards democracy and mass culture, despite his unashamedly racist attack on the Germans and all things German, despite his advocacy of ‘health’ and strength against the ‘sickness’ of compassion, despite his contempt for socialists, vegetarians, feminists and women generally – despite committing every sin condemned by the morality of ‘political correctness’, Nietzsche is now a cult figure.

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kek, catholics are always the wildest sluts and weakest cucks. you wouldn't believe the shit i've seen growing up in strictly catholic small town in EU.
Dude. What makes that screenshot hit hard is the affirmation he gets at the end by the woman. Can't believe the good advice was banned! Is this post even real? I think marriage as an institution in this day and age is truly dead, Evola's critique on marriage and family in ride the tiger was spot on. It's almost as if Marriages have a strictly disintegrative value in this day and age truly cursed.
People always have these knee jerk reactions against Nietzsche based on stereotype and a surface level understanding of his work. Nietszche is kind of like the bible; people, even serious philosophers like the ones quoted here, talk about him far more than they actually read him.
Marriage is unironically a patriarchal institution, but reading obscurantist conservative writers muddles this because they will babble about spiritual union or celestial polarities and whatever else to which a modern person can just say who cares, because they have a fundamentally individualist concept of rights which is hostile to all group or class derived rights. The feminists are totally correct in their analysis, they just conclude that "patriarchy" is wrong because it means women have to give up autonomy and possibly end up with an inferior mate (everybody wants the best they can get, men used to regulate this so everyone got something or was sent to the church, the army, or high fatality labor, but now women wield a permanent veto—they can be married and have five children with you and decide they're done having you around whenever they want no questions asked). And so these inferior mates are now all going unwed and becoming feral, which in the long run is a threat to feminism and womens' liberation, and they have no interest in staving this off because being anti-patriarchy is a decadant ideology. Ultimately marriage makes no sense outside of men establishing rights over women and exchanging them between families, that's what it is for, it is to prevent destablizing conflicts within the society over access to a stake in its future. This is not to say love is impossible or underdesirable in marriage or as a reason to marry, but it is very very very very obvious, especially to feminists, that historical marriage prior to no fault divorces and the legal emancipation of women was not merely a romantic or emotional institution but the economic and political bedrock of a system of human organization they identify as evil. Today's marriages do not reproduce this system but merely reference it—the couple exchanges vows but there is no social enforcement of the vows it is just pure poetics. The couple may even be two men or two women, who are not exhanging anything of value between two families whatsoever. Conservatives struggle to actually make the case for patriarchal marriage—apparently only football players are dull enough to not feel any shame at voicing it, the intellectuals are quite literally too fake and gay. Women should marry because they should marry, it is their honor to do so, our football player says. And he is right, because otherwise half the population is going to be feral childless men and that will quite literally fuck up everything women currently enjoy doing unless they want to start doing the plumbing, electrical work, construction, agriculture, and administration needed to keep the lights on and the public square open. Our football player has no inkling this is the case, he shamelessly tells women they should be wives and mothers, just as their own grandmothers would have advised them. And that's really the important point, women have to transmit this internally, and won't be persuaded by incels.

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ITT: Useful books
Books which contain useful everyday knowledge
The Bible, nothing else matters. This is not the kingdom of the Lord.
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How do apples poop?
Investing for dummies by Eric Tyson made me $60,000 during the Trump presidency.

Get Anyone to do Anything has a small amount of practical information

I read meditation for dummies a month ago and have been meditating since then, and it's been ok
>worshipping le dead kike on a stick

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/co/fag here, is this considered a good library? I can’t tell because I usually only read comics.
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your mom's a slut
we definitely need more female simp threads on this board, good work op.
It's pretty standard taste for a modern woman. The state of contemporary reading is so bad that this might even be "above average" (despite still being filled with trash) compared to what some other women are reading.
I am an elitist who wouldn't call a single of those books good, however.

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People always day "start with the Greeks" but which greeks? And then what... is Kant worth reading in these decadent times, or should I skip straight to Schmitt? Your thoughts pls
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Thank you. I will start reading through all these now
The greeks , unironically.
Philosophy isn’t a magic pill for better life , but it takes a lot of strength and balancing to achieve better life with the help of philosophy. Stoicism has the power to create robots with no sentiments; it is good as long as one understands ethics. It is better to learn ethics and politics (interpersonal relationships ) before proceeding to stoicism. You should read also Bhagavad-Gita— highly recommended reading.
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Read "A New History of Western Philosophy". It goes through pretty much all of it in 1100 and 4 parts. Part 1: Ancient; 2: Medieval; 3: Rise of Modern; 4: Modern philosophy.
They use this at university as well. If you don't have an attention span you can get the 550 page illustrated edition
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Picrel is much shorter and more suitable if you know absolutely nothing
The best book to read for this is Passion of the western mind by Richard Tarnas.

Why do you guys hate him?
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Dragon Ball Z is legitimately pure trash.
I am just saying considering how increasingly and potentially Brandon sanderson is probably going to become once his works gets adapted.

>once his work gets adapted

Different anon here but now that you mention it it’s kind of insane that this hasn’t happened already. With the Game of Thrones rush you’d think there’d have been several companies trying to get Mistborn series/film rights years ago.
I don't. I just think that fantasy is a solved genre after Tolkien and magic systems, grimdark and subversion add nothing to it.
I dont read American consumer fantasy so I dont care. I read other countries trash fantasy but I dont pretend its great.

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Give me your top 5 favorite writers and your 5 favorite works of literature so I can judge your taste
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>reddit adams
we have no standards left
>not a single post linked mentions the Bible
Atheists are subhuman reddit bugman trash.
you can fit more rightbëer words into one post than that, apply yourself
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>Redditor and discordfag are kvetching.
Lmao you end up proving your point.
If your a real Christian(instead a larper) the bible isn't a work of literature you consume like to be wowed by. Its holy inspired word of God. You don't even think of it in the same category as other books.

Why does this book cause so much vitriol whenever discussed by it's critics? I have never seen such adamant critics of any other fiction book
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Let's do math.
Assuming you're using standard trailer sizes & the most common at that that is fully loaded 80 standard pallets per for 1,600 pallets maximum storage. You claim warehouses stacked '5 pallets high' so in two 80 meter by 120 meter warehouses that's a rough stack capacity of up to 16,000-20,000 pallets in warehouses so assume about 20,000 pallets total.
So that makes an average of 400 units of whatever it is you inventory and sell, never specified, per pallet, so each item averages about 15cm on a side and costs about $0.35 to purchase but sells for a weighted guess average of $3 for a margin on 88 points..
These MUST BE durable because they are sitting in trailers for up to 16 years. And turnover has to be very low because you have inventory purchased in 2008-2009 still in storage.
But this is where it get weirder than that!
>I run a business with about 3 million yearly revenue
So based on what this guy has said he's moving about 1 million pieces of inventory a year. He's obviously secondary market with no service added (not with 15 part-time employees making very low wages) so maximizing profits requires minimizing inventory and maximizing throughput.
Look at these statements
I have forklifts, warehouses, carousels, 15 computers on a network, a two million dollar building, work trucks, 15 employees on average, and about 8,000 products in these warehouses.
So on top of the warehouses and trailers he has a $2 million dollar building. JUST the value of that single building is an annual millage of about $130k, more than 1/3rd of his claimed payroll. Toss in land value and even if he owns the warehouses and is JUST paying taxes on them, not leases, that means the commercial real estate taxes on the warehouses/trailers/etc. is coming in no less than $500k/year.
If he were to simply nor hoard shit from 2008 in warehouses and have a manageable inventory of 2 million units he could ditch the trailers and have a smaller warehouse and massive reduce his tax burden (an insurance, and utilities, and so on)
tl;dr this guy's description of his business makes zero sense
Because it killed their favorite Hippie Jesus (John Lennon).
In people's heads, capitalism is indeed based on monetary incentives. But reality is not as simple. Again, you guys are just crypto marxists who think humans are essentially no better than cattle. Breaking to the slightest touch. You fixate on some material social relations and ignore ideology.
The book is legitimately a 5/5, I started reading it just to prove that /pol/ chuds who shilled it back in the day are wrong, But I ended up being transformed by reading. If before I was a butthurt teen full of anguish just loving Marx because that was what everyone around me did, reading the book made me mature enough to become more open to challenge myself mentally.
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>Wooden characters
>Stilted, unrealistic dialog
>Nonsensical plot
>huge sections of boring tell not show tedium
>a novella worth of author pontificating
>"people only hate it because they are Commies!"

Does anyone else think it's weird that in The Canterbury Tales, there's the Sargeant of the Law, who many theorize to be Thomas Pynchbek. I'm not kidding. Pynchbek. Of the law... Thomas Pynchon -- a man already shrouded in mystery, with theorized ties to MK ultra, some even claiming his entire existence is a government psyop. Is that not strange to you all?

Or on line 406, "with many a tempest had his beerd been shake." Shakespeare's the tempest? Does that not strike you as strange? Now consider that Pynchon was guessed to have been posting on 4chan decades ago, filling in weird unnoticed gaps in literary history, like Joyce's connection with Bram Stoker and Shakespeare's authorship debate, including comments on Marlowe's espionage. Isn't this off putting? Or at the very least provoking? Now consider that Joyce, in Finnegan's wake, references Shake-his-beard as Shakespeare, and that the supposed Pynchon connects Joyce and Stoker through that same complicated novel...

Am I the only one seeing this? Have I gone mad? And what does (maybe) Pynchon also point out but Torquato Tasso in the crying of lot 49? A character driven by artistic madness. Are you blind or am I?
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You're going crazy but you haven't hit your stride yet. Once everything starts to be incredibly obvious, you'll be there.

A couple hints: Parnell and Port Arthur.
Thanks anon. I've turned from the shadows on the wall
Checked and bump. Anyone got links to the supposed pynch-posting on /lit/?
>Finnegan's Wake
That's when I knew it was bait
Phone posting

I’ve been writing a novel recently. (Wanted to add illustration but I am shit at drawing) It is in the genre of isekai, but with a twist. The story is from the perspective of a peasant farmer named Jack.

Plot: Jack lives a comfortable life in Rorin with his wife and daughter, Sheila and Helen, in his hometown. Aldaraians, also known as Summoned in slang by natives, are humans who come from another world, with no recollection of where they came from. (There is deeper lore, but don't get into it.) Basically, they kinda run the world.

Helen wants to be join a hero guild and be an adventurer, but Jack tries to discourage her. The problem is that he never told his daughter that non-summoned can't compete with the stronger and tougher Aldaraians. He does not want to tell her because it will break her heart.

During a guild event/convention. When the popular hero, Cadrick, is doing Q&A with the audience, Helen blurts out that she wants to join them when she gets older. Cadrick tells her that it would be too dangerous and it crushes her dreams, making Jack feel immense guilt that he led on Helen.

Jack gets into a fight/argument with some heroes, after they falsely accuse him of stealing from them. Jack gets beat up and is made fun of in the town square. His two friends, Marina, know that he is innocent. He comes home to find his family slaughtered, apparently by a monster attack. The area he lived in was undefended. After the funeral, He realizes how corrupt the guilds are and wants revenge for the aldaraians turning a blind eye to an invasion of his home.

Using his wits and plans, he begins a one-man quest to avenge his family.

He makes many friends along the way. Including a black witch who wants the same thing as him. To destroy the guilds.

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Spoilers probably: the summoned are all from modern day Tokyo!!

Story seems pretty generic because the isekai genre has been mined to death. I feel like you have to have some really crazy twist to make it interesting.
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Part 2/2

Then there are the Versurdi, supposedly a super intelligent race long ago. Since people were afraid of their intelligence and since they worked with the knights, they were driven to near extinction. (Some legends say they “left this world” whatever that means)

(Lore is that the Versurdi are the product of aliens who engineered them to live on the planet.)

There are a few Versurdi still alive, they are intelligent, but nowhere near as sophisticated as their race once was, with all their knowledge does with the bravery of them. There is a few pieces of Versurdi tech scattered across the world, but no one understands how it works or what it is so there's that.

The power system isn't really set. There's chakra, elements, psychics, potions, elixirs and other magics like spirit and “the language of the palm” (a type of magic using hand gestures)

Despite this might seem generic, I actually have lot of stuff I wanna write but I wanna take it slow for the first book, introduce characters, conflicts, stuff like that.

Main characters:

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I think this story will stand out because of Jack’s fighting style. It isn't your typical who's a higher level, as Jack frequently fights people Who are higher level than him. Usually he ambushes/ sets traps since he is the only member of his team that doesn't have any strong abilities. He was trained by Wyatt, a Adaraian he befriended despite his bad experience with summoner initially, near the beginning of the book.

Jack usually has to spend a lot of time preparing for combat. And he doesn't always win.

The Divilamu was inspired by the Greek story of Cronus, where he was immortal, so in order to kill him they had to cut him into little pieces. The Divilamu has been waiting all this time to be reassembled and eat the world. In order to do this, he takes advantage of the fact that the Adaraians, while strong and powerful, have a weak mind. He enters their minds and tells them to kill people then to kill themselves. This is known to other Adaraians as going “Rogue Razor” (they don't know that the Divilamu is speaking to them, they just think they are crazy)

Here is the twist:

Once the Divilamu has managed to convince the Adaraian to kill itself, he takes over their entire body, making them a soldier for his new army. Evil can only corrupt, not create, after all.
It's pretty interesting right?

I personally think this story stands out because:

It is told from the perspective of a native.

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Not necessarily just Japan, but anywhere in the earth. Also that isn't a spoiler, it is implied the entire time they come from earth be it different versions but they are from earth. This is something that only the reader knows. So it is familiar. What isn't familiar is the direction I will take this book.

Imagine if all the stuff da vinci wanted invent were invented and used conventionally?
That basically the state of technology in the world.

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post em
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>all /trv/ ever reads is SF now
Wharba shame that the editors made him ruin the third book. I think the second one is the most solid of all.
Don't let this thread die I wanna make one for minima moralia

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This is your daily reminder to finish the books on your shelf BEFORE going to the book store to CONSOOM new books.

Remember, you already own books that you were initially excited about purchasing, so try and recapture that feeling and give them another shot!

What books are you avoiding right now? Scared of that great big Ulysses tome that's collecting dust?
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It doesn't matter desu, yeah you can have a " I bought i read" mentality or you can buy books and read them later. The point of a library is to have a place where you can put books that you're likely to read one day or another or never. The archetype of it is dictionary or encyclopedia, you'll never read them straight but rather will look into it when you need it. Same goes for books maybe one day you'll have a question that comes up in your mind and you'll remember you have a book that is related to it and you'll read it after hoarding it for years because back then you just bought it 1 dollar with ten other books somewhere.
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If I didn't go to bookstores I wouldn't leave the house all weekend long.
Why is it his 'fault' though? Why speak in terms of faults?
>Remember, you already own books that you were initially excited about purchasing, so try and recapture that feeling and give them another shot!
That itself is a consoomer attitude, retard.
Ive only ever bought books in foreign countries thatat I could read the languages and knew getting a copy in the US would be hard. Otherwise buying books is for bitch ass capitalists. You can easily get books from the library or steal from your local bookstore.

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Is she (and miyazaki by extension) a nihilist who doomed all of humanity to extinction or not? Discuss.

>inb4 this is /a/ not /lit/

Those cretins don't have the mental capacity to discuss something with such significant ecological and philosophical themes as this, on top of the fact that none of them have probably read it. Also there's lots of literary references, I remember Gotterdamerung being namedropped at one point.
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>It is in fact, not literature
so there's a chance the thread might be good
>catechistic /pol/ brainrot response to there being a female protagonist
poor OP thinking you could have a better anime/manga discussion on the hitler book club board than the waifu wars board
your quads? mine
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I don't know how to make generals edition
Sorry in advance
Post poetry and discuss. If you wish to post others work, you must cite the name of the author. Critique and discussion constantly in dire demand. If you're looking for critique, consider giving details on what exactly you're going for and wishing to improve in the work(s).
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A rock in the road
Makes a man so angry
Kicks it and throws
Can you blame thee?
What is truth?
Veiled and scared, aloof
Sailing down around the proof
Wailing hands demand it use
Shadows whisper of its clues
Abusive idols shout a few
There must be something I can do
It's not a formal recent view
It's as old as there is nothing new
There’s no point to words. What can I say to you? What point is there
in prayer to God, when He already knows
the truth? It’s a vain attempt to change the hand of fate, to beg for hope and
deny Truth! Is my silent acceptance not the greater love? So what plea or bargain can I
offer you, to twist and change your soul, so that,
at last, you can love me?

Yes! I would cling to you, and you to me! Oh, how many hours I’ve devoted to this fantasy!
To hold you, kiss you, breathe you, breed you!

Look! How I sink and rise in these waters of my own shame,
my dark sin clutching at my feet
to drag me down, down to the bottom!
I should let it choke me, but I’m a damned coward
I always swim back up to the surface and gaze at the heavens, imagining that

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It's kinda close actually. Here's how a limerick sounds:

The first one shall end in a [RHYME]
Again at the end of this [LINE]
You make a small (point)
So you can (anoint)
A final rhyme of the third [KIND]
don't force rhymes. a rhyme that calls attention to itself (in this case by making the poem incoherent) is a shit rhyme

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>read book
>forget everything after finishing it
>read book
>forget everything after finishing it
>get the feeling you enjoyed it but can't quite remember most of the events
>whatever, onto better books
>initial book's atmosphere starts to creep up in everyday situations
>get flashes of scenery or lines of dialogue
>"maybe it was truly a great book and I just paid it too little attention"
>pick up book again
>read book
>forget everything after finishing it

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