Why did he kys himself?
>>24238505I think people more often get through suicidality by being emphathized with than told they are pathetic and hurting the feelings of the flower petals.>>24238527Fat fuck
>>24238534and he blinks
He realized that you can't escape capitalism and then roped himself after reaching this conclusion.
He got killed by glowniggers because his acid communism book was gonna reveal plans of the distant future
>>24235836he realized even his ideal system sucks because humans are faulty. fascism is the only thing people deserve
1. Whatever is prior is so in space and time. 2. Whatever is transcendent cannot be in space and time. 3. Therefore, whatever is transcendent cannot be prior. 4. The One is transcendent. 5. If the One is transcendent, then it cannot be prior. 6. If the One cannot be prior, it cannot be prior to the Many. 7. Therefore, the One is not prior to the Many.
>>24238201Well the One isn’t exactly prior, it is the unmoved mover. It is entirely outside of time. You’re just an idiot.
>>24238209Proclus disagrees with you, read the Elements of Theology. All movers are prior to that which they move.
>>24238218The unmoved mover is unmoved/ unborn/ ungenerated. Please go back to kindergarten and take a class on basic logic.
>>24238225Even if the unmoved mover is unmoved or ungenerated, as you say, if it is the source of the Many, then it is prior to them. But in that case, it is before, and the rest, after. Anything that is before is in time or space, and anything in time and space is divisible (Many). So, the notion of a One that generates the Many from outside of time and space is incoherent. If you’re seeing a contradiction there, that’s absolutely right. It’s a type of argument called a ‘reduction to absurdity,’ and you might be interested in teading more about that.
>>24239191At this point, your argument is relying on denying that there are any other senses to the word πρότερος, about which, see:https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0057:entry=pro/terosSo all your position now would amount to is denying a sense the Greeks recognized, and trying to reduce the position to senses they recognized and denied. You either have to take the sense of priority/rank on, without a sophistical sleight, or it's merely your word against them without reasons to prefer yours.
My dear friends in Christ, lately the enemies of the Catholic Church have started to attack the teaching of hell's eternity. Various heretics such as David Bentley Hart and his followers are promoting the impious doctrine of universal salvation and they claim this to be evident from the biblical greek terms. What is our response?
>>24239087>the ultimate good isSomething cooler than this, like creating diverse universes together while taking delight in each others' unique attributes and successes. It's great to say 'pain is so beautiful' when you're not being crushed by it. There's nothing beautiful about for example severe brain damage, disability, child abuse, chronic pain conditions, agony to the point of suicide, these aren't things that lead to improvement or some kind of happy ending, they just lead to dysfunction and pain. I mean you get so hurt you want to kill yourself to escape it but that's a sin so you just go to hell -- what's the beauty in that? It's just horrible.>some arbitrary judgementIf you believe this then you are standing contrary to Christian doctrine, where there's the final judgement of the Lamb that sends people to either heaven or hell forever.
The idea of an all-knowing, all-loving Christian style of God was disproven centuries ago, using simple logic. By my own observations, God is completely indifferent to our fate. If you're willing to be honest with yourself, those are your observations too.
>>24238946>Sin results from our desire to choose something other than the highest Good - I don't think anyone (or perhaps a very small few) would fail to choose Good if they saw it clearly. I don't think that is actually the case at all, because Good here doesn't mean what any worldling takes it to be, The Good Life™https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv1RJTHf5fk&t=1m09sRather, the Good means killing the false self that one has regarded as one's true self, and in turn, willingly loving others and God with the new self established in Jesus Christ. That is not something a mere lack of ignorance can fix.
>>24239110>If you believe this then you are standing contrary to Christian doctrine, where there's the final judgement of the Lamb that sends people to either heaven or hell forever.How does one forgive a wrong? Can I forgive someone who has wronged you on your behalf?
>>24239206Well that's one of Jesus' claims to divinity, that he actually can do this thing. Is it easier to say 'your sins are forgiven' or 'stand up and walk'. The guy stands up and walks, it's illustrating that Jesus has the authority to remove sins (forgive wrongs) and that there's a tangible result to this (Heaven).So yeah Jesus can forgive wrongs on your behalf (rather the doctrinal take is that the one primarily wronged in this exchange is God aka Jesus) and he's Jesus so if this dissatisfies you IDK you might go to hell for unforgiveness or something. Or he'll forgive you too but whatever.
I'm new at this, but I've seen some numbers regarding traditional book sales that are utterly pathetic. Only the top 5% of books make enough to live on, and the rest don't sell more than 1000 copies (with most never breaking 100). At approx. 10% royalties - if you even manage to negotiate that - you're basically earning pennies, and no one will ever see or interacts with your work. Big publishers get help from donors, gov grants, or make a static profit off reprint sales of classics. Not even a skilled, popular author can hope to break into that top percentage with all of the best resources and marketing campaigns, so what hope does some unpublished mook have?So, I've decided that I want to start a substack and connect it with a youtube channel and other socials, but don't know where to begin otherwise. Do any of you have tips? If you follow any substacks, what qualities do you enjoy on your favorite pages?A bit about me: I write mostly in speculative science fiction and horror that explores metaphysics and philosophy. From what I've seen of Substack so far, its mostly filled with non-fiction writers sporting tumorous, politically pustulating egos - people who write about how they sucked at playing sportball in their shitty midwestern town, or communities of eco-activist hacks that think their shitty little blog is going to "change da worl" instead of using it to market themselves. Is there a community of people interested in the things that I'm writing?
>>24236648You have to decide that for yourself. The statistics you’re talking about are more or less true. It depends what joy you get out of writing and sharing it itself. If you’re some exceptionally good writer, or somehow strike big in some niche that gets people very interested, besides being good at marketing yourself as a possible plus, exceptional things could happen. But, again, it’s wise to realize the rarely and difficult of it.So, is Substack “worth it”? If you get enough joy and stimulation or satisfaction from expressing yourself artistically or in literary form, it can make practically any medium worth it, regardless of the fame/money gained (or lack thereof). Personal choice.
if you are willing to sell yourself as a whore, yes. attract followers with the most bombastic tweets to fuel your perdition.
>>24238734Oh you’re so right, Ernest. All artists should starve to death rather than receive compensation for their work. Making money would only turn us all into spiritually condemned sell-out whores!Listen to yourself. Do you realize how absurd you sound?
>>24238731>If you’re some exceptionally good writer, or somehow strike big in some niche that gets people very interested, besides being good at marketing yourself as a possible plus, exceptional things could happen. But, again, it’s wise to realize the rarely and difficult of it.I'm not OP, but: I AM an exceptionally good writer, or I seem to be based on my success so far and the feedback I get. I also know my way around social media.Is Substack a good fit for me?
>>24236648It won't work unless you have a big social-media following.Even with a big social-media following, it's very hard to get readers to pay for content. The absolute best, best, best case scenario that you can reasonably hope for is $1k a month, and that's after 18 months of posting one gold-plated post every few days.
About 100 pages in last I checked. Some decently written depictions of anxiety. The opening isn't bad, but beyond that, it feels cringeworthy and try-hard. The whole doctor depression chapter fell totally flat. I'll keep going, though, because 'it gets good at page 250 trust.' But so far I am unimpressed.
you sound bitch made, might as well drop it now
>>24239151also the chapter about them walking in the forest to find the telescope stand or whatever is just bad. feels like a teenager wrote it.
>>24239145I feel the same way. Pretty juvenile for such an acclaimed book, which is a shame because I loved The Pale King.>'it gets good at page 250 trust.' I'm on page 240 and it's dragging like a mother fucker
>>24239188I think what intrigued me the most about it was the secrets in the book, its length, and the fact that I haven’t spoiled it for myself. Really I am able to relate to it in a lot of ways and I think that is what is keeping me from enjoying it. I have lived through some of this and it isn't realistically written at all. Unfortunately, I’m starting not to care.
>>24238202They always say it in the turbo dork voice too>DOORstoyevskyI'd like to punch them in the mouth while they're saying it. while their circular mouth is pronouncing the DOOR part
I say that and look like that
>>24238202>the stoics
coal mining
>>24238202Wagner broke Nietzsche's mind. Why do people even read him?
so did any of you retards actually READ her dissertation or do you just seethe whenever a woman does anything other than squirt out babies?
>>24234301Goblin tits
>>24234237Literally>imagine the smell
>>24235473>Please follow your leaderDying a general's death fighting for your beliefs at the head of an army of millions?
>>24234237>niggers smell badGroundbreaking.
The beauty and majesty of the Quran being a sign of its divine origin lends credibility to my belief that Martin Ling’s, may Allah be pleased with him, biography of Rasulullah, peace be upon him, is divinely inspired for the same reasons. Therefore the contents of the book should be considered by all Muslims to be an authentic and entirely true account. Rejecting this book is on the level of rejecting the scripture, which is kufr.Are you a rejector, or an acceptor?
>>24239135Surprisingly countries which are socially progressive tend to be much nicer places to live than those dominated by a medieval desert death cult
>>24238972>My god did not have the foresight to know that the actions of his final prophet would be seen as disgusting by future generations>My god did not understand the affect sexual abuse has on the minds of childrenya'allah broder the kaffir do not know the book like you and i, it is time for me to go rape a 9 year old to follow the sunnah
>>24239135It is only thanks to libshits that islamists are tolerated in the west. Without them, your fate would be brutal. You are open and prideful about being our enemies
>>24238972The dimension we live in is bound by time. Each "age" has its own way of being. Humanity by its very nature is dynamic and moving. This is why Islam will lose at the end. It's a denial of basic metaphysical truths in favour of a death cult that wants to keep humans stuck in a specific time
>>24239158Even ass-backwards former Communist hellhole petrostates (e.g. Russia) tend to be nicer than Islam-dominated states.
The masculine fantasy is "What if a woman cared about me?" and "What if a woman didn't sleep with 500 people while I was away?"
>>24238843This is why Plato wanted to eradicated all of the seeds of lowiq behavior
>>24238843Normies cheat on a daily basis
A man who abides by his Word is a rara avis. May you not be fooled by the serpent, for his art is aided by sweetness.
>>24236665But the Odyssey was most likely composed by a woman?
>>24238887>female in her 40’s is beset by countless wealthy chads and is pressured to chooseChecks out
>>24237834same. we suffer.
>Angelic Doctor editionWelcome to Traditional Catholic General. Post favourite Catholic works, thoughts on doctrine, or anything tied to the one true Church, her philosophy, or her history.Favourite saint's biography or Catholic-themed work? Let’s hear it.Struggling with a theological question? Share your thoughts, and maybe some high IQ anon can answer (or at least has a relevant papal encyclical to drop).Latin Mass enthusiasts, pre-Vatican II liturgical gems, or reflections on the one true Church of Catholic spirituality? Bring it here.Remember: this is not fedora bloodsports general.previous >>24221453
>>24238926>>24238901I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing, silly person
>>24238994you first say that I should make the world better in order to better my lifenow you are saying that I should better myself or the worldI think you are making progress :)>religious-themed larpif I'm not mistaken, our Lord appreciates religious-themed larp... what better way to save the world than to pray for it? and what more perfect prayer than participating in mass?
>>24239089That (mild) insult was unwarranted. McCarthy's jab was not legitimate. The vestments fit perfectly well, and the hands are not always dripping blood. This is junior high black legend content and maybe that's why The Counselor was a bomb. Remember that McCarthy was an exCatholic who loved basedience. He knows about geocentrism and creation ex nihilo now.
>>24239103>basediences o yience
>>24238986>that does not mean anyone will actually be there eternally“1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire." The chief punishment of hell is *eternal separation from God*, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.”
>I’m not a machine. I feel and believe. I have opinions...I’m not just a creatus, manufactured, conditioned, bred for a function...>Please don’t think I don’t care.
DFW was a master of postmodern prose and a cultural prophet. America would be very different if he hadn't killed himself. The only things I didn't like as much on my most recent read of IJ were the Kate Gompert woe passages. Everything else was extremely entertaining and true and I think IJ in general is full of stuff that young people should think about more. ofc it isn't the endgame of literature or anything but I think it should be required public high school reading, maybe a semester-long thing.
>Jim, brace yourself against my shoulders here for this hard news, at ten: you’re a machine a body an object
320 pages in. 40s speud scene seems to be the focal point. Very funny and very educational. I expect characters will be expanded upon in episodes like in IJ. Been reading kind of slowly, I aim to pick up pace, though I often stop to check the annotations site to get his references. I'm interested to see where it'll go.
>>24238778I like that part on page 316 where Agnes, in a haze of drink or drugs, runs away from the garbage truck like a deer. And pic related about the guy going down on the other one at the party. I think there was another part that talked about how priests would walk in a dark room with their hands cupped over their genitals. And I always liked the way Agnes was introduced, I don't remember which page, as behind a curtain of pants seats from the young men flocking/surrounding her, reclining on a divan or a chaise longue.
>>24238778>>24239079What's been your favorite part up until now OP? What did you take away from Wyatt's rearing? and the fact that his mother seems to haunt both him and his father until they displace it with something else?
>>24239079well, now that ive read a few paragraphs I've decided i will be reading this shortly.
>>24239079I just realized, in I.2 there's that woman that looks like George Washington bookending the chapter; and later Wyatt uses turpentine made from lavender oil: I can't remember where, but I read somewhere that the scent of lavender was associated with the appearance/visitation of a goddess in the Eleusinian mysteries.
What book you read that brought you to the edge of sanity? Like a philosophy book that made you question everything or a fictional book that was very intense.
>>24237525>KRATOS deals with the subject of psychopathia and is the author's treatment of this theme. It involves dream sequences, monologue, phantasy and the elaboration of a wolfish purpose. Could it turn out to be a rendering of Lombroso's theories about crime It is accompanied by three additional stories. ORIGAMI BLUEBEARD, which concerns love across the generations which freezes into gelignite. GRIMALDI'S LEO has to be an altogether lighter work which evaluates the doctrine of 'animal liberation' from the perspective of a travelling circus. NAPALM BLONDE, the final tale in our quartet, must be considered as an attempted return to Greek tragedy.>The Fanatical Pursuit of Purity is a Gesamtkunstwerk or attempt at a total art-work in the Wagnerian tradition. It prefigures a puppet-stage or toy-theatre within which the lead character or marionette, Phosphorous Cool, has his circumference. Into this world other dolls - Mastodon Helix, Heathcote Dervish and Warlock Splendour Thomas - nimbly trip and spin. All of this finds itself punctuated by a third dimension or alternative space. It proves to be the unconscious or dream-space inhabited by these exercises in a macabre pantomime. This rival or extending narrative brings back our wooden figurines as part of an alternative Victoriana. It deals with Stephen Knight's analysis of Jack the Ripper and a variant on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - even James Whale's film starring Boris Karloff. Mr Bowden believes in the creation of a separate world as art's real purpose. It goes without saying that the result is 'politically incorrect!'.
I step my toes between the line. At a moment I state syllogisms; at another I sing of the birth of the cosmos through music. I sit alone. No one wants to break bread with me.
>>24238993>I step my toes
If more people got their needs met, would we have a contemporary Shakespeare?A big problem today is that there is no audience for literature. Everyone spends their money on drugs and opulence and cars and expensive food and phones, rather than soul nourishment. Books.
>>24237048There never was much of an audience for literature. Shakespeare was successful because he appealed to the unwashed masses as well as more learned types. His plays are full of pleb fodder, such as smutty jokes and lurid violence.
>>24237048I think people tend to do better when they have a stable baseline to work off of. Naturally, one can't work on prose if they're breaking their back in a coal mine and then dying of lung cancer at the ripe old age of 14, or if they've been conscripted into some tribal warlord's child soldier militia a la Beasts of No Nation. But just having your needs met doesn't mean you're automatically going to produce the next Tempest, you need to put the effort in.The developing world is still dealing with the stability issue, a lack of food, shelter, healthcare, and security makes it impossible to normalize the psyche. They lack a basic understanding of a necessary social compact. The developed world however is dealing with a problem of distraction, shiny new toys and attention destroying algorithms erode the ability to contemplate, which has more disastrous consequences than just the lack of good fictional literature.>>24237139Mercier and Sperber, Enigma of Reason. It touches on a few similar points, references Haidt at times. It's mostly about inference theory.
>>24237048Most people are midwits that won't stop being midwits just because their stomach is full and they have more free time
>>24237053Yes, there are many such retards like yourself. >>24237431It doesn't account for mentally defective schizoids, sorry.
>>24237053The lowest part is the most fundamental. Can't really concentrate if you have a raging boner all the time. That's why adolescent boys don't get anything done without strict discipline. They're not more productive later in life because of the early discipline, but because their libido goes down by their late 20's.