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Do you find you are less anxious or depressed when you maintain a regular habit of reading fiction?
I find I am less depressed when I leave the house to do things. Leaving the house for an hour or more once a day really helps. Although I would never call myself depressed. More so that I lament my lack of friends and girlfriend, but I never let it get to me.
Still the same levels of anxious and depressed but reading makes me comfortable in that, turns it into a strength instead of mental illness.
Yes, but i'd say only with literary fiction, genre fiction never really helps

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Is this actually worth reading or is it just a meme?
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And maybe throw in a magic system and a harem for the main character.
so nazis are like the suckers who play by the rule?
reminds me that I was utterly disappointed, after having pummeled into me since I was a kid that private property is the defining feature of democracies and we ARE a democracy, all those happy democracies proceeded to confiscate the property and money of russian citizens without even declaring war
I mean with all the (what I see now as) propaganda I was a sucker who would have believed that even with a formal declaration of war private property remained as a cornerstone... but no, apparently the word of so-called democracies are worth jack shit

sorry for the offtopic post, OP... I am actually glad that the author of the book was smart enough to live a long and fruitful life, and die of natural causes
it's trash
i'm racist af but i couldn't stand it
it cost 200 dollars!! wtf?

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What do you believe in, and what knowledge brought you to this conviction?
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You are very dumb.
I think thats the problem.
You are so dumb you confuse your willingless to tolerate delusions with Faith.
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>faith is a dumb delusion
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>You are very dumb
ah, the pinnacle of atheist rhetorical capability, it must truly be magnificent to have such a rich enquiring mind
>What do you believe in
Death is just a transformation. The word "death" carries too much unnecessary baggage due to tis dual meaning.
>and what knowledge brought you to this conviction?
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the Bhagavad Gita
You don't know any of those things. Maybe try studying some philosophy instead of claiming to be normal in 4chan.

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Is there a good secondary literature for Spengler's "The Decline of the West"?
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The funniest parts of Spengler:

- In his book "Prussian Socialism" all he does is redefine Herbert Spencer's laissez-faire capitalism (free markets, free trade, Social Darwinism, long work hours with low wages, no unions or labor rights) as "Prussian Socialism" so that it sounds based and Teutonic.

- He was an sickly virginal invalid who never touched a boob or fired a gun, but he celebrated the Warrior lifestyle.

- He voted for Hitler in the early 1930s and only regretted it once he realized he wouldn't be their court philosopher.
simply love crop failure, sweating plague and my territory getting invaded twice a month
Funnily enough the fact you can only see that statement through a QoL and material wealth standpoint is, according to him, a symptom of decline.
Spengler loved modern capitalism though

see: >>24120822
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First time back on /lit/ in a while and I have to say I’m appalled. I didn’t think it could get worse than when I left but lo and behold, it can and did
Medoi >>>>>> Puka/Puta
That's because nobody has read my book yet, which will revolutionize literature in a years time.
worry not, there's still mud to sink through
yea yeah yeah shut up

ITT books you read solely for the prose style.
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I keep hearing how phenomenal this book is yet I cannot bring myself to read it solely due to how hideous the cover is.
I don't want to be a grown man holding a book with little girls on the cover in the current year.
Read it at home.
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You’re welcome
are there ANY covers for this book that won't make me look like a pedophile? this one's worse than op kek

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My rosh hashana's resolution is to read 100 books that contain the word n*****. Could you help me out? What are some books that contain the word n*****? I need 100
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Show breasts
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For some light reading:
Jerry of the Islands by Jack London
Michael, Brother of Jerry by Jack London
how is that not a chart yet?
Also American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis has the nigger word in it

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When did you realize that you truly are the master of your own destiny, there is no waiting for circumstances to improve. Therapy is a scam and SSRI's don't do anything. What a truly liberating feeling, this is it boys. You only have one go at life and it is time to accept, adapt and flourish.
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Rimbaud for one
>You only have one go at life
Not really.
There's no such thing as free will. If you've become convinced there is, it's because you are the type of person to believe in it and you heard the correct things at the correct time to inform that opinion. Your thoughts arise of their own volition, and you can't even control them. Such is life.
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>10+ years of depression
>have this very same epiphany
>start working vigorously to improve my life
>somehow do massive damage to my weenus that renders it grotesque in form and feel
>am now in "we are so back"/"it's so over" limbo
There wasn't any pain or warning, I just woke up one day and my dick was fucked up.
There's obviously such a thing as free will. If you've become convinced there's not, it's because the decisions you've made have led you to a place where you feel unfulfilled, and you find a pleasure in choosing to feel helpless.

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So whenever I try to send an epub I downloaded from Internet Archive to my Kindle, it fails. I'll get an email which says
>could not be delivered due to E999 - Send to Kindle internal error.
Anyone else have this problem, or know how to fix it? When I download epubs from Gutenberg, they work fine, but Internet Archive's epubs are messing me up. Thanks.
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just use the plug.
No they don't, you fucking retard. Any epub must be converted to kfx or azw3. Amazon does this automatically for epub's with their Send to Kindle service. That's the whole reason Amazon ereaders exist - so Amazon can push their own ebook format. How is this entire thread full of fucking idiots? This is worse than AI bros crawling reddit for "answers" for Large Language Models.

>durrr "intradesting problem"
What's "interesting" is you didn't read the documentation and used 4chan as your technical support.
send-to-kindle will automatically convert epubs to .azw3 files though.
however for some retarded reason it will refuse to send files that are already in azw3 format as some kind of half assed antipiracy measure
smart phone were a mistake,now all sorts of people that don't know/understand how the devices they are using function like OP and many anons in this thread can post on 4chan.
google it,half of zoomers dont understand the concept of folders on a computer. the anons suggesting OP use the cable and calibre are speaking chinese to OP.
>half of zoomers dont understand the concept of folders on a computer. the anons suggesting OP use the cable and calibre are speaking chinese to OP.

LOL fuck... we really are doomed

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Oswald Spengler
See the walls go tumbling down,
as into the gutter falls the crown,
wherefore came this downfall,
that holds humanity in its thrall?
A man long ago spoke on this theme,
he saw the world is one long scheme
to rise from the mud and then fall back
when the culture becomes weak and slack.
This man was Spengler, Oswald christened,
his ideas were bright and his prose glistened,
he knew the end was in sight,
humanity had earned its blight,
through decadence sheer, Weimar height,
until great men had enough and did fight,

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sex gifs
No it doesn't.

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So, if the syllogism is an anatomy of a proper explanation... then we have a subject, the explanadum (predicate), and the explanans (middle term). But doesn't that leave the major term unaccounted for?

>Major: All animals are mortal.
>Minor: All men are animals
>Conclusion All men are mortal.
>subject: men
>explanadum: mortal
>explanans: animals

Also, I just find the terminology to be strange. I know that the explananda is supposed to inhere in the subject. But if "explanadum" is the thing to be explained... wouldn't the subject be taking that role? The point is to describe the subject, no?

I guess I'm looking at the syllogism and seeing an endless sky and bottomless pit.
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Yes, and some like Porphyry's Isagoge I would consider as important.

To be fair, on the length, I am less familiar with Simplicius, but many ancient commentaries get extremely far away from what they are commenting on. Calcidius never gets through the Timaeus because he is going off into other dialogues, spending pages on a brief mention of dreams, and tracking down other sources from Cicero to Solomon and Moses.
St. Thomas's commentaries are all free online, they are quite helpful.


Thank you for the generous, kind, and robust reply. It greatly exceeded my expectations and then some. I'm a bit tired (I go to bed and wake up early), so I don't have a lot of juice left in my system right now. But then again, I think you answered everything I wanted and then some.

Some things that especially stand out to me that I might be able to say something of value:
>(Cont’d) part of the issue re: not all sciences being equally certain, and yet A insisting on certainty, is that being “more certain” and “more familiar” are technical phrases referring to logical/explanatory priority, not to being “convinced”.
Is there a relationship between logical/explanatory priority and an essential stability? I'm often reminded of the idea that probability is only a thing given the lack of information. We may have had this conversation before WRT Aristotle's sea battle.
>But ofc it’s the premises that need a middle not the terms themselves
Right, because a premise is essentially a proposition in an ordered fashion. The terms are merely terms, at least in a vacuum. But in the proposition, there is an "unraveling" of something about the key term in question with a linkage. The major to the minor, and the middle term in-between.

>“Conclusion” “X is for/oriented toward Z”, but you don’t really need it for anything.
The whole teleological syllogism seems tightly-woven together in a way that a normal syllogism is not.
>“But why are teleological demonstrations different in this way?” If I have time later I’ll write about this

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Anon one of the main theses of post an is that there is no such infinite chain, not to give you a hard time or insult you but you should take another look at the Analytics. Aristotle didn’t think all gnosis in general was demonstrative, demonstration depends on noesis (grasping principles, I.e. grasping premises), which arises ultimately from perception. Aristotle responds to all these modern, skeptical ideas - they aren’t really modern at all, in Post A they’re attributed to sophists.
You might want to continue reading. I think >>24121082 ends up saying that later.

Daily reminder if you have ever

>listened to a album
>watched a movie (especially the movie has been nominated or won Best Picture) along with watching any TV shows
>played a videogame

You don't belong on /lit/
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what is the point of this thread, are you this bored? because it's not funny, it's not really even a trolling, it is just spam
oh no, i've listened to an album!
What if I read albums, listen to movies, and watch videogames?
But I do belong on your mother's pussy though

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Reading Rieu translation of the Iliad and the prose is kinda… contemporary and ordinary, don’t you think? Can’t imagine this is how Bronze Age Greks quarreled in their native tongue. Or perhaps Rieu is really faithful to the source and I’m the one with a faulty sense of Bronze Age Grek prose.
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I will try this.
I'm imagining horses and condoms. TV ruined my mental imagery.
This. There's a thread in this board to help you with that. The advantage is that you get access to much of Antiquity's literature
That’s a tremendous thing to ask of someone. Sure, Ancient Greek is beautiful beyond words but it would take tremendous willpower to learn it. I haven’t even bothered to learn reading and writing in my mother tongue (Persian) yet.
Not saying he can't read a translation, just that he's missing out on not learning greek. And hopefully one day you'll be able to read and write in Persia because it's a beautiful and glorious language in its own right

This is a book written by Clive Cussler, and no-one else. As you can tell by the prominent placement of the name, Clive Cussler. If you google Clive Cussler, this image titled Clive Cusller comes up, because this book was written by Clive Cussler
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You don't understand how normal people buy books. They don't really follow series, just the author they once read and liked.
But it's not by that author. Which is the whole point. You don't understand this thread.
Oh fuck, I didn't even know he died. It's been an interesting couple of years. I don't recognize Maden - I don't recall him co-authoring any of Clive's later books.
Yeah, a couple of them are OK, keeping in mind that Cussler stated that whenever he ran out of money, looking for another shipwreck, he'd crank out another book. His details are always spot-on accurate, but the characters are almost excruciatingly one-dimensional
>The Mediterranean Caper
>Vixen 03
>Night Probe
>Pacific Vortex
...annd that's it. Anything after 1993, written by him, without a co-author, is unreadable.
His NON-fiction books, however, are highly entertaining and, very much, worth reading
>The Sea Hunters
>The Sea Hunters II
>Leaves out raise the titanic

And you call yourself a fan.

As you can see, I'm quite intelligent. A well read genius you might say. Reading top to bottom. Warhol was a genius.
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Fiction is more reddit than nonfiction because women like the former
Women like True Crime in staggering numbers. Your point?
For me, it's the Starling.
Some true crime is decent. I read it so I know what not to do if I plan on raping someone. You can't really get that from fiction as it's not backed by empirical evidence. One sole exception is theology as everyone needs to understand there is an ultimate price to pay for transgression and I'm willing to pay full interest
you fucking suck and so do starlings. invasive shits should be eradicated. wtf is wrong with you they are ugly nigger birds who eat trash.

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