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Wally did nothing wrong.
Is it good? I got a first edition of that one still lying aorund here but I have so much else to read before I can even think about starting this even though I loved Berlin Alexanderplatz.
>Belisarius serves Justinian faithfully
>Justinian fucks Belisarius

>Wallenstein serves Ferdinand faithfully
>Ferdinand fucks Wallenstein

The lesson here is to always Caesar the emperor.

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Once my book that I worked on for three years comes out on Amazon, everything will be alright.
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They don’t desire to be loved. The comic says they don’t feel “worthy of love.” Nothing can change that mindset, it’s fixed from childhood.
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I started working on mine again this week after leaving to rot on my hard drive for over a year. I'm at 80k words and probably need another 30k-40k to wrap up the story. My goal is to be done with it before the end of May, which would mark two years since I started it. Fuck, I need to get this done, bros. I have no illusions about my chances of getting this thing published, but I need something to prove that I didn't piss away my 20s.
Literally me
If you commit to 1000 words a day you’ll be done in a month. 500 a day you’ll be done by may.

Granted you’ll still need to edit but the first draft will be done.

Try to commit to 1000 a day, leave some meat on the bone every day and think about it before you sleep.

You’re almost there anon.
1000 words a day, 5 days a week is what I'm shooting for. Once I have a first draft down, I plan on letting it lie for about a month and then coming back to it with a clear head so I can do some serious editing. If all goes well, I'll have something I can start sending out by the end of summer, right on time for the big 3-0.

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Is the Klinger or Baring-Gould annotated edition of Sherlock Holmes better?
Isn't Klinger the one that's done from the obnoxious point of view that Holmes and Watson were the real authors, and ACD was more like their editor? I'm not putting up with that.

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Who was right?
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>You keep saying Kuhn's work is about "the scientific practice via the historical record" and yet you can't comprehend how that is different from formalized articulated principles of science.
You haven't given any examples of "formalized articulated principles of science" that conflict with Kuhn's work. This is because the best you're able to do is parrot a naive edutainment version of falsificationism and when you're guided back to the actual content of Kuhn's work make a retarded "not real communism" style argument that betrays the fact you're ignorant of the subject matter at hand.

Kuhn doesn't argue that scientists fail to engage in hypothesis testing in regard to their day-to-day work. He points out that the majority scientific activity assumes the validity of whichever paradigm scientists were educated/are working within. "Puzzle-solving" doesn't mean that scientists fail to set up experiments in order to test their outcomes. Puzzle solving means using the overarching paradigm to make testable observations and the fact it doesn't work in some cases aren't immediately important. The fundemental thing is that work isn't directed toward overthrowing the paradigm and if you think about for a few seconds you'd realize science wouldn't get anywhere if there weren't an overarching heuristic in place guiding the work of a vast array of people.

It's clear to everyone that you don't actually know where Kuhn's work becomes controversial (a combination of the fact you haven't read it and are too dumb to understand it even after being spoonfed) and how it conflicts with that of Popper. You can't even reference Lakatos's attempt at rehabilitating Popper in light of Kuhn because your grasp on the subject matter is pop-sci tier nonsense.
>How are you failing to see how you are contradicting yourself?
Again, more projection on your part. You asserted Kuhn is being "pedantic" while demanding the discussion adhere to your own narrow understanding, if it can even be called that, of what constitutes scientific practise. Anything outside of your naive view is simply handwaved as bad actors unrepresentative of science. So the real question here is: "how does someone label something as pedantic while demanding that same something adhere to an artificially constrained understanding?" The answer to that question is that their ignorance of the subject leads them to box in the conversation according to their restricted understanding of it.

In short, you're a moron.
Popper is clearly not "idealized."
He himself said it.
anon theory laden-ness is refuted by the quiddity of science itself. theory laden-ness only explains how you can have results that differ between observers

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>Everyone is pdf file or incestual

Did Gabriel García Márquez ever receive flack for this?
Plenty from amerigroids, but not from anywhere else I don't believe.
That's normal in South America
3rd world life

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What do you make of the arguments in this book?

Please only comment if you actually have read it.
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>rent-free, lol
You didn't post the screenshot.
>You've also been caught making up shit and flat out lying.
>Oh, I get it. You think everyone who has ever been mean to you or destroyed one of your arguments on 4chan is one person. Many such cases.
I don't even see what that has to do with what I said.
>I'll take this opportunity to point out you randomly drop conversation threads whenever there's a point of contention to which you cannot answer and whenever your dishonesty is pointed out.
>Stop projecting and get a life, anon.
I'm not the one who's always on this thread. You were even the first post. A week before I even knew about the thread.
Seeing as you've spent days on end crying about the copy pastas and interjected multiple times to cry about my posts (or posts you attribute to me, doesn't matter either way) I'd say that constitutes "rent-free" beyond any shadow of doubt.
This has been discussed above. Some of it is self delusion on your part and some of it is just flat out lying and making shit up. It's a commonality with antinatalists.
>I don't even see what that has to do with what I said.
No one cares about what you say because you're a both an idiot and a liar, anon. You have a morbid fascination with violence and gore and use antinatalism as a means to project your unhealthy nonsense out into the world. It's masturbatory and gross. Talk about unhealthy obsessions.
>I'm not the one who's always on this thread.
We've both been trading response for days, anon. The difference is I didn't sperg to random strangers about you because for me this is simply killing time whereas for a vulnerable narcissist like yourself it's a life event.

Anyway, there's a preponderance of evidence that you're a very unhealthy person with serious psychological problems. You can continue to try and convince strangers to hate existence or you can find a more healthy way to express yourself. In the end it's up to (You).
>Seeing as you've spent days on end crying about the copy pastas and interjected multiple times to cry about my posts (or posts you attribute to me, doesn't matter either way) I'd say that constitutes "rent-free" beyond any shadow of doubt.
This is literally the first time I've talked to you and you've already exposed yourself as the faggotranny that always bumps this thread until it hits 200 replies.
>This has been discussed above.
>You have a morbid fascination with violence and gore
>and use antinatalism as a means to project your unhealthy nonsense out into the world.
>The difference is I didn't sperg to random strangers about you because for me this is simply killing time whereas for a vulnerable narcissist like yourself it's a life event.
Your whole life seems to revolve around bumping this thread.
>Anyway, there's a preponderance of evidence that you're a very unhealthy person with serious psychological problems
No, I went to a psychologist because I thought I had some anger issues. I took one test and I don't have any personality disorder "or anything out of order"
I'm not reading this entire thread, tell me who is winning by using a food analogy
I'm Pickle Rick!

What are some other books besides this one that demonstrate the non-European origins of Abrahamic religions?
The Bible.

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I've got a massive idea. It could be an instant classic. Meanwhile, my balls stink. Damn, my idea is just so fucking multifaceted and layered and fuck like it's future Nobel Prize winner type stuff. I get mania just thinking about it. But it's going to take years. I don't know if I'm even ready to start on it. Assuming I am being unironic (which I am) what are your thoughts? Do you think I could pull it off or do you have similar ambitions or ideas? It's gonna blow everything else before it out of the water.
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Basically, I'm aiming to induce supernatural experiences in the readers.
what do you mean your balls stink?
Be honest anon, are you high?
>the unseen agent lurking between the end of one thought and the beginning of another
Enticing. You should lean into that part.
>do you have similar ambitions or ideas?
I'm working on my own brand of Christian existentialism incorporating some presocratic ideas. The main focus right now is countering rationally-induced Christian pessimism. I'll self-publish eventually
My balls no longer stink. I showered this afternoon.

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So where and how do you read /lit/? Do you have a comfy chair?

pic is not mine, but I want to get a comfy reading chair or something because currently i just read lying on a yoga mat on the floor of my bedroom
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I'm fucking dying, >>24234503 is absolutely right, this is the hardest I've laughed on here in a while.
That chair looks perfect for taking a nap in.
>reading nook
Don’t have one. I read where the world takes me. which normally is to a nook in the corner of my house.
manchild moment
Okay autist. I mean my autist.

>to be a poet is to condense
gem or coal?
It's a statement of fact so it's neither
a diamond in a chunk of coal
I enjoy shoving lumps of coal up my ass and squeezing them so hard they become diamonds.

I am a poet

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why do you keep doing these? I like the book and would engage if you actually said something.

>There's no gay or trans characters.
>No lectures on slavery or cultural appropriation.
>The comedy is actually funny again.
>Rick added a bratty Loli who de-ages people and gets off to it

Holy shit. Has his writing finally become good again?
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Oh okay.
This nigga only reads women.
>There's no gay or trans characters
Whatever happened to Nico? Always liked that edgy dork
Enough to try it out or not?
He's off screen for this trilogy. Honestly I liked him too until he met that other kid in Trials of Apollo and Rick made that his entire personality.

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What's the most brutal depiction of war and combat you've ever read? Preferably non fiction and from a recent (post 1900) conflict than not. I know it's one of those things where you won't really understand it until you experience it but I'm still curious what it's like.
Before I started my tour I read the diaries of my supervising officer
The things he went through would make the most jaded man weep with despair
Not only was he on dinner rush, the bastards took in 4 families only 3 hours before close
That was only a taste of the horrors he had to endure, and it steeled me for my breakfast shift
start with the greeks

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What is the best translation of the Brothers Karamazov in English?

I've read it in a slavic language but all the new editions in it look extremely ugly plus I accepted that my kids will not be speaking my ooga booga native language so I might as well get used to reading my favorite books in English. Pic related might be what I'm going for, it has the least offensive cover.
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>I accepted that my kids will not be speaking my ooga booga native language
please don't do this, your kids will resent you
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The Norton Critical Edition
I am currently using this translation in a class and it is awful

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What's actually wrong about a strawman argument if it demonstrates a point?
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Wow, what a major failure of self-awareness. You're literally advocating for being loud and stupid because that's how you "win". Thanks, but I'll stick to my methods of gathering information, forming conclusions based on evidence, and arguing with rationality. By all means, keep doing what you're doing; it makes my task much easier.
>You're literally advocating for being loud and stupid because that's how you "win"
The really sad part is, those times you acted this way, and thought you won...you didn't. You only made yourself look like a jackass in public.
You may want to educate yourself on the Dunning-Kruger effect, i.e. incompetent people vastly overestimate their own competence. I put it to you that's what you're experiencing.
>refuse to think and advance your own thinking so you "win"
The only imaginable good that can ever come from "debating" online is being shown that you're wrong about something.

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