heaven is the most retarded part of monotheist religions
>>24121363elaborate please. what religions in particular are you speaking about?
>>24121431Christianity and Islam, though the former is better.
>>24121445ok, how do the priests and theologians view heaven compared to the lay-man, even briefly? genuinely curious as I'm not too familiar.
>>24121248, >>24121254simjamon_ on Instagram (apparently)
>>24121248It's the part that makes the most sense to be honest.Isn't the whole drive for religion the fact that it makes it easier to cope with mortality, if you know that it's not the end and there is more? Bonus points for your suffering in the mortal world paying off in the afterlife
De Alagheriis editio>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·>>24045090>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw>Mέγα τὸ ANE·https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg>Work in progress FAQhttps://rentry dot co/n8nrkoAll Classical languages are welcome.
Is Hebrew easier to learn than Greek?
>>24119792damn, nice find, as far as what I know, decent learning material but it's obviously far more than I myself have used
Has anyone used any of these apps?BiblingoScripturial QuizletJACTVocabHoi Polloi LogoiDaily Dose of GreekDaily NT VocabBibleVocabGreek NT Study AppParse Greek LITEHoplite ChallengeAttikosLogeionComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>24121193Logeion definitely, it's a permanently open tab in my browser, use it not every day but almost
>>24121193>>24121440seconded, Logeion is excellent for Latin, not sure about Greek
Stoicism is for weak, pathetic cowards
>>24120880yes, and also dishonest and cucked
>>24120896You sound like an emotional woman. Ironic!
>>24120896>*shakes fist*
>>24120897>being emotional is badgood good my little android, very stoic you are
"Bridge Troll" editionPrevious: >>24101241/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQRESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvCPlease limit excerpts to one post.Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.(And maybe double-space your WIPs to allow edits if you want 'em.)Simple guides on writing:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>24120935Make them fight
>>24121506>there's that trailer trash story that was written by a /wg/ger. was one of the most popular on the site for a long while64 is literally a rr og. popular even before rr became popular. do you people know what 'bandwagoner' means?
>>24121509derogatory language implies non-meaning to take your question more obviously: nobandwagoners, grifters, soulless insects. they are not meant to create
>>24121513it's almost like that was my point, that I'm making fun of the bandwagoners, but you retards can't even understand words larger than 6 letters and reply with nonsense
>>24121517don't get retarded about it retard
uh oh, anon. Waldun is calling /lit/ out...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoHy3xp9jpY
The critiques levied against The Learned Disguise and L'Académie were not dishonest nor mean-spirited critiques. They were legitimate critiques of bad, uninspired writing. Both novels were atrociously written with unforgivable grammar and editorial mistakes on every page. Waldun can complain about this all he wants to satisfy his own ego, but he will never be able to discredit the criticism against his work.
>>24121165>someone that fat>twink
>It is not everyday that the literary world would be collectively brought to their knees in shock and awe, even rarer that said Messiah comes from the Land Down Under.>Uh, I would to introduce Mr.'RC' Waldun, his refusal to elaborate what these initials mean have invited some to fill in the blanks, some of them I cannot say in this program as they are *snickers* humorously erotic and degrading in nature.>He is a Literature Undergraduate of Melbourne University, after shifting from his previous university where he studied Physics, as he felt that his passions absolutely must lie in the art of writing proses and not in the art of writing notes *grins*.>He has many critics as he has disciples, yes he is indeed the new Robespierre with his revoution being 'Dark Academia' which he claims is the ,*cough* *cough* excuse me, Modern Renaissance, his 'revolution' is propelled by the *grins widely* wonderful proses and stunning characters of his works, like Arthur Forrest of The Learned Disguise which has been described as a Love Lettter to the Classics of 'Jamie Joyce' and 'Brother 'Speare'.>I would like to begin this interview by asking Mr Waldun on why he thinks Dark Academia is the Modern Renaissance and on his latest upcoming work, L'Académie and how he feels about the recent responses to his character, whether with malice or adoration.
Someone wojak this
I find a quote that could destroy an autors good name forever, its hidden in the middle chapter of one of his oldest books, why do I feel the urge to make it public?The quote is lets say, a very unsavory oppinion about africans
>>24120810Stephen King?
>>24120810is that going to help anyone? no one will benefit from that, you will just add into the existing sum of suffering of this world for a brief feeling you were important
Cat is this real?
What's so special about this shit?What's the hype about?
I read it recently (P&V); it's now one of my favourite books. I found Levin's spiritual journey and his relationship with Kitty most interesting, maybe because it was more relatable to me. Reading this thread makes me want to try another translation; I doubt that I could learn Russian sufficiently to appreciate it, but I do have a copy of it in Russian that I got from an Armenian friend.
>>24120704Tolstoy is not particularly difficult Russian, for the record, but yes, it would still be a huge undertaking to learn Russian to that level.Definitely give another translation a try when you feel the urge to reread, it's a great book.
>>24120689I'm stuck with the pv so I'm just gonna read it, I guessed it probably wasn't the best when it was a newer translation and being a man woman team and not husband and wife, it was a third off and the same as paperback and I also wanted to see a new translation, nothing jumps out so far in the text as an abomination and I've seen some abominable translations before
>>24120814I'm pretty sure they are married, but yeah, I get the desire for something modern-ish, and it isn't an abomination. Sorry for being so dickish earlier in the thread fampai, continue to enjoy the book
Is Anna femme fatale or not? I just discovered that term is used quite differently in my language
Sadly, Kafka did not live to see the rise of big banking and mobile apps. He would've loved the clusterfuck integration of mobile apps and banking bureaucracy
I've posted this on here before (and I know it's not an actual ending, it's just the last thing Kafka wrote on it), but I really like the last page of this. Absolutely amazing.Shostakovich lived his entire adult life in fear that he would be dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and executed on the street.
>>24121125You're a midwit. I recently went to the bank, in person, in order to verify my ID on my account. I couldn't verify my ID in person. By being there. I had to do it virtually. My virtual identity is more real than my actual meat and bone self.
>be me >need to deal with government functionary who has real power over my life>point out they made an error>they literally say "we don't make mistakes" >mfw
Is that a heckin eva reference my dude?
>>24121197Should've sued him for false advertising.
Is that a judith butler reference?
>>24119253That's true in the humanities and soft sciences.
>>24120624But not literature?
>>24120583Nah, Hobbes is objectively able to affect the physical world independent of Calvin. We see this multiple times throughout the comic, most notably when he ties Calvin to a chair, with even his parents acknowledging that it should have been impossible for Calvin to do so himself and wondering how he managed it. The only thing worth discussing if he's some sort of ghost or spirit possessing the toy, magical stuffed toy that comes to life, a shapeshifter, or something else entirely, perhaps an alien?
A century from now, this will be the accepted opinion among literati. There is nothing Lovecraft does which R.L. Stine does not do much better. Lovecraft was a turgid and clumsy prose writer. Stine's prose is smooth and punchy. Stine's imaginative universe (Slappy the evil dummy, Monster Blood, The Haunted Mask, HorrorLand, not to mention series such as Fear Street) easily surpasses the lame Cthluhu mythos. Lovecraft is mostly known for his dull tentacle monsters (which other writers/artists did far more interesting things with). Stine has a whole pantheon of monsters to offer. As more children who grew up with Stine come of age and create works inspired by him, you can bet that Stine will receive the veneration he is due.
>>24102741where can I read this?
>>24107726I always thought the same thing about wheel
>>24120964I went ahead and got it off libgen.we can't share in .pdf on /lit/ so I converted it to .gifyou can reconvert back to pdf or use another file to open up the .gif (it reads like a book with all the pages in it; I use SamatraPDF).
>>24115998this anon is correct
>>24102046>There is nothing Lovecraft does which R.L. Stine does not do much better.Did he write better letters?
Do the dumpsters behind bookstores contain books?
>>24119524I've worked in two bookstores. One was B&N, the other a regional chain. Not usually. If they were, they would be thrown out along with all other trash. So you would maybe be able to get a James Patterson that the store had 50 of, but soaked through with soda. That was very rare, only in the case that a book was considered unsellable and damaged beyond donation quality or recycling.>>24119714We had to throw out the leftover food from the cafe at B&N every night. Employees couldn't take any, either. It was considered theft. This was in stark contrast to when I worked at Starbucks as a teenager, where employees could take food and all else was donated. Greedy fucking company. They wouldn't even be losing money doing it because the food was getting thrown out anyway.
>>24119614The problem is that there's probably a wider audience for the books that "can't sell" but you can't ship a box of books without paying a small fortune.
>>24119714It's a longstanding practice going back literally generations. Publishers don't want the expense of returned books, but don't want the unsold stock in circulation. Stores are required to ship the covers only as a return for credit for unsold stock or etc. There were a lot of flea market vendors who would sell "stripped' coverless books cheaply. a dollar or 2 or 3 for a dollar in the before times.
I mean, you could go dumpster diving for books but there is an at least 75% chance that said books are infested with mold spores covered in rat shit.
>>24120881Reminder to avoid patronizing any and all chain bookstores. I sincerely that hope that every last one of those out of touch greedy fucks drown.
Is being a writer in the information age pointless?
>>24121299>Now TV is on its way out and here we are still reading books.Not really, tv transformed into youtube and gayflix
>>24120774>make a post on reddit asking a question about a video game that should be easy to answer for people who have played the game yet i somehow couldnt find the answer with the help of google>one person answer and he was talking about the remake which doesnt work the same when i said in the post title i was talking about the original>said subreddit constantly says the original is the better gameturns out they all only played it once when they were kids and as someone who played both as an adult even playing the original first i can say they are full of shit and the flaws of the remake dont prevent it from being much better than the original,point is reddit is dogshit and i couldnt stand my friends anymore who look at me weird when i say i go on 4chan yet they go on reddit for everything ranging from tech problems to fucking porn.
>>24120652No.>>24120657Very little. The different ages just shift the burden onto different cogs in the machine, information age shifted it onto the office drone.
>>24121462There has never been a video game remake that is better than the original.
>>24121438TV, youtube, netflix and their ilk have always been with us, nothing new. >noooo we would be a society of genius scholars if it wasn't for <rentfree proper noun>
discussing philosophy here or anywhere becomes unbearable after reading Kant. I'm not a Kantian and disagree with most of what he said but he was pretty much objectively correct about the antinomies and the transcendental illusion. Yet you see anons here write thousands of words on some gay neoneoplatonic or Aristotelian metaphysics that they think is super profound completely unaware that it's all based on a very obvious logical flaw that Kant pointed out hundreds of years ago. Muslims and Christians are even worse, you literally can't have a religious discussion of any kind after reading Kant because it's just so embarrassing to have to endure the arguments people come up with.
How much do I have to read and understand before I can join in these debates with you guys? I've been trying to follow these wide-ranging philosophy threads for years but since I don't have an encyclopediac knowledge of Kant, Plato, Aristotle, or Heidegger I end up filtered every time. Like I understand Kant's big point but I can't make connections between his work and Aristotle on the fly like anons ITT do, not without copies of their works open in front of me. It looks very enjoyable from the outside looking in.Are you people all graduate students? Professors? Deeply obsessed autists? How long have you been studying philosophy and what do you recommend for someone like me who finds people like Hegel and Peirce and Plato very fascinating but isn't in the position to study philosophy full time?
>>24121198I'm humbled and gratified by your comments. Keep in mind, it's not easy to translate between thinkers and there's a good chance that there is a lot of important details being hastily glossed over. So don't be too overly impressed by it lol. I was in a similar position like you at one point in early college, being intrigued and knowing bits and pieces there but otherwise feeling like a confused but intrigued spectator. I started reading and I changed my degree to follow along. My degree ended up being in history with a focus on history of ideas at an Ivy League university. But that merely gave me something to work with (most of my courses were meh honestly). I feel like my insights came from the conversations I've had with other people. From college up until today (a few years after), I've probably spent 1000s of hours outside of curricular requirements reading primary sources, reading secondary sources, discussing and debating with people, etc., over the past few years. And there's still a painful amount to traverse. It's not always fruitful, but it helps that I put in the time. And you can put in the time if you want to too. Peirce spent 3 years reading Kant with his Harvard mathematician father. Avicenna read Aristotle's Metaphysics like 40 times until he knew its text by memory. Any sort of excellence, to the degree you can call it excellence, is the product of the dedication you invested into it.My advice? If you like Kant... get deep into Kant. Really know him inside and out. But with a small hesitation that maybe he doesn't have all the answers. Then go back and read through the history of philosophy again, a little bit here and a little bit there. Note what Kant would have to say, and note where Kant seems to be silent. Then maybe undertake another hazing with somebody that would complement Kant well, like for example Aristotle or Heidegger. Then go back to the history of philosophy again. Rinse and repeat. For history of philosophy... I recommend starting with Western Philosophy: An Anthology by John Cottingham as a way to get your feet wet into a lot of different thinkers here and there. Kenny's history is also not bad. Copleston is the silver standard but you have to be a real hardcore nigga to want to do that. The gold standard is having read enough people to simply know the trajectories of the thinkers, their thoughts, and the thinking that influenced them.It depends on how far you're willing to go and what you want to give up. It's a bleak and poorly-trodden path with a vague sense of a destination. It's not for the faint of heart. Most people return to the main highway or set up some boutique shop to exploit and ensnare travelers along the way. The foolish and the determined continue until they perish. I wish you the best.
>>24116559> he was pretty much objectively correct about the antinomies and the transcendental illusionOn the relationship between mind and world you should check out Peirce's criticism of uncognizable things in his essays Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man and Some Consequences of Four Incapacities. That establishes pretty well that Kant's view of things like noumena is nonsense. On the antinomies, I haven't studied them all in detail, but the temporal half of the first antinomy begs the question on both the pro and con argument. It's only impossible to traverse an infinite history if you assume a first moment. The second half assumes a highly intellectualist view of the will, and also generally false ideas about what can happen in the phenomenal world
>>24121330Peirce debunks Kant but he don't debunk the antinomies or the transcendental illusion. Those essays are about intuitions which don't necessarily need to exist in order for Kant to be correct about the dialectic. Peirce tries to half sidestep the antinomy of time as I have previously talked about but that doesn't satisfy me
Anglos made philosophy gay. The way they treat Kant is a travesty.
He was a card carrying member of NAMBLA. He never apologized for anything. SFWA leftists still run defense for him.
>>24115771Interesting. Expand on these thoughts please. Also, any writers that have shared these thoughts?
>>24115366He looks like a weird character in a science fiction movie
>>24120936No only faggot pedophiles.
>>24115366>the guy that wrote hogg is a degenerateHoly shit, no way
>>24116781Delany’s nonce advocacy wasn’t about fucking teenage twinks, retard, he defended the molestation of 6 year olds
Was she right?
>>24121435She was if by "Romance" she specifically means the genre of womens genre-fiction, there is so much rape in those books.
women are all mentally and physically incompetent relative to men, so cannot consent to sex with men, only with other women
>>24121435>>24121435>fat retard has a retarded opinionthanks for the thread op
She's just seething because no one wants to have sex with her.