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How do I know if I'm a writer or not?

>inb4 "If you can write you're a writer"

Yeah, no, I mean how do I know if I'm a REAL writer or not?
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This is the Folio Society edition of Dracula from a couple if years ago.
Wrong, it’s the Folio Society edition of Dracula from DECADES ago. They did reissue it a few years ago though.
what do you want me to tell you, you inb4d the answer
The answer for writer, but what about for REAL writer?
get published? I'm assuming that's what you mean. Or you're just baiting with semantics.

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Why aren't we right now in a perfect state of bliss,harmony and unity instead of looking for whatever here? How do you explain it yourself? I believe i have experienced perfection,being one and the same with it,but ego showed up from somewhere and identified with it and life started reforming until i "returned" where i was before. There have been other iterations of what i call perfection but either forms started showing up,trying to put a "face" to love or in another case the hand of evil showed up and plucked the humming circle of perfection and i was human "again". From where? If all was one in perfection then how did it happen? Is it some form of entropy? Most religions blame man but in my experience of it the perfect was disturbed and then humanity came about. Was it a force from outside perfection? I'm curious in how you'd explain it in your own ideas.
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Having experienced it. And the way it felt turning into a human experience. And the current undulations of being. I'm looking for explanations that aren't part of know frameworks.
so it's plato's fault, why am i not surprised
if it were actually perfect it would be incapable of being disturbed. there never was perfection. learn to deal with that.
>I believe i have experienced perfection,being one and the same with it,but ego showed up from somewhere and identified with it and life started reforming until i "returned" where i was before.
No, that was you finally coming down from acid and returning to the "real world".

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is diogenes a better person than me for choosing poverty, honesty, and clownhood, over family, possessions and weapons to protect my family, warriors to protect keep the monstrous apes far away from me and my family, politics, money, war (defending ones borders and culture and also destabilizing areas that begin developing wmds, preemtive strikes), etc. - essentially the status quo of civilization and society?

i dont want to hurt others or mother nature. but if i dont then having a family is impossible. how can that be the right thing to do? something is missing between these polar opposite choices...
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>Those who were vanquished by Alexander are happier than those who escaped his hand; for these had no one to put an end to the wretchedness of their existence, while the victor compelled those others to lead a happy life … Alexander’s new subjects would not have been civilized, had they not been vanquished; Egypt would not have its Alexandria, nor Mesopotamia its Seleuceia, nor Sogdiana its Prophthasia, nor India its Bucephalia, nor the Caucasus a Greek city hard by; for by the founding of cities in these places savagery was extinguished and the worse element, gaining familiarity with the better, changed under its influence.
>The result of Alexander the Great’s victory over Darius in 330 BCE not only shifted the balance of power in the ancient world to the Macedonian general but also instigated a political and cultural transformation that has shaped the course of Western history down to the present day.
>Even though Greek culture had made inroads in the East long before Alexander took up his shield and spear, the cultural deluge after Alexander flooded this part of the world with a new intensity but affected inhabitants in its path to different degrees. On one end of the spectrum stood a native Egyptian or Syrian who either rejected Greek culture outright or simply did not encounter it in the countryside; at the other end stood an urban elite seeking and then procuring Greek citizenship. In between were many options for natives, and evidences of enculturation range from rather innocuous examples such as the use of Greek vases in a Mesopotamian house to the more conspicuous participation in Greek theatre or speaking fluent Greek.
>There has never been such a widespread adoption of culture in history. If the closest analogy is the spread of Arabic language and Islamic culture in the wake of Mohammed’s victories, even this wasn’t as widespread or rapid as the Hellenization of the world from Greece to India between the fourth and first centuries BCE.

Rejoice for your filthy peoples have been conquered by the Hellenes
drop porn
Any society is inherently flawed. ALL SOCIETIES DECAY. You cannot base your life on society.
i'm women you dork, this shit i'm sharing is a favor. really you wouldn't believe how such a basic skill is alien to like a half of the guys. do you feel entitled to a fucking WIFE without knowing how to please her? you think wasn't already eaten out well before? that she's gonna risk awkward bedroom without pleasure for what exactly? to raise some brats and clean the house? get real, you're clueless.
What's the BMI?

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Since other anon posted bait assessment, here's a good one. https://miller-analogies-test.netlify.app/
Post your scores, so we can judge you appropriately.
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>it's a "who paid attention in high school" test
Unironically sounds like a valid proxy for g
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I'm a retard
how will I ever recover from this failure?
After sitting on the experience of having taken this test for a day I actually kind of like this test. It filters out the high IQ mensa redditors who haven't read anything outside of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy or their atheist/antinatalist books, and worship pop sci icons like Nikola Tesla or Elon Musk.
I won


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You needed both points to be equidistant from 90, the first one from below, the second from above. 35 and 145 are both 55 away from 90. 60 is 30 away from 90, so you choose 120.

Are there any more old anthology books like 1001 Nights or Canterbury Tales?
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Aesop's Fables
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Aesops Fables
The Tales of Count Lucanor.
Panchatantra, the origin of the the tradition
The Book of Good Love
holy shit britishoid scum can't even one thousand and one nights

holy shit you are so evil

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>write fantasy trilogies under female pen name
>make seven figures per year
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My female pen name is a medishit one. It sounds exotic and people feel better when they know they read something from a brownoid.
I would love to live there.
Only based if you subtly throw in redpills throughout the novels
No you don't
Hey anon. I’m actually the one who posted the “How do you come up with a good pen name?” thread.
This anon is someone else.
Way to misplace your anger.

Books on debating?
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Anon, americans woke up just before the thread was made.
Who the fuck wakes up at 5am to post on 4chan?
I assume you've never had a job
>my job is to post on 4chan at 5am pacific
hello JIDF
Sorry your made up version of leftism doesn't gel with cold, hard reality.

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shit slaps
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>(yaaawn) read this shit in middle school. you losers are really only discovering this shit now?
>seamus heaney
The Hibernian mind can’t comprehend the Anglo-Saxon spirit.
Colossians 3
Heaney is so talented. North was my first exposure to good contemporary poetry.

Quagmire, swampland, morass:
The slime kingdoms,
Domains of the cold-blooded,
Of mud pads and dirtied eggs.

But bog
Meaning soft,
The fall of windless rain,
Pupil of amber.

Ruminant ground,
Digestion of mollusc

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We all won today, /lit/. Let's make this a celebration thread.
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this exact bait but pretend I wrote it instead
y'all are just haters, maybe if you were a little more positive in life you could have become a writer almost as magical as him and also have sex.
Neil, they want willing participants. We can't all be sexual predators like you.
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Colossal fraud you mean
opinion discarded

This shit gets worse the further you read
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But enough of the Qaran and Karl Marx
>follows anti hero-

dropped. tumblr tier highschool fanfic.
Col. 3
Lol who would actually read this shit? That's like reading Star Wars.
Ok, Sci-Fi is often weak, but I don't know if you know what you're claiming when you bring up manga. Manga is mostly seriously trash compared to Anime (which has a much larger variety of actually good works) and even Euro comics.

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Has /lit/ read Skulduggery Pleasant? I've been rereading stuff from my childhood.
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I like skeletons and if this has a noir and humorous tone maybe it's my thing.
>can anyone give a quickrundown?
Magic skeleton detective takes a teenage girl sorcerer under his wing and they fight evil wizards and extra-dimensional eldritch deities. The author is fond of using witticisms. The lore aspect of the series is very anime-esque.

Don't know anything about Artemis Fowl, sorry.
Yeah it would definitely have been your thing if you had read it in your early teens but it is written for early teens so keep that in mind
>Around here we only talk about actual literature for adults,
My friend, we have about 15 threads on the bible, at least one lurking on F Gardner (posted by the man himself no doubt), daily threads on Ayn Rand and The three body problem, 5 or 6 threads on which philosophy is right. None of them discussing the literary merit of the works, or they would realise how terrible the state these books are.

I think this series probably elevates the standard of literature on this board.
You say that and yet there's a constant fantasy/sci-fi and GRRM general on the catalog

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>Past participle of 'to lead' is 'led'
>Past participle of 'to read' is 'read'
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If you can't figure out the meaning from the words themselves you have low IQ I'm sorry to say
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participle... participates
>inserts gh into your word
participles partake as both verb and adjective
Enough! (= Basta! in Italian in this usage)

Geography and Mapping Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"

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I worldbuild to appease my autism instict or else i will kill
makes sense, thank you
Do you have any tips or advice for using Inkarnate please?
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I'm working on a story set in an alternative Earth, where various turn points in history took a different path. For one, the American civil war ended up unresolved and split the continent into a bunch of smaller nations. I tried to look into the past of various states and how they were named to find a new name for that region, or twisted their real names to preserve the same spirit. But, what do you think? I'm sorry if your home ended up underwater.
>Florida not underwater
As a Floridian I'm offended

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im doing my Aberration In the Heartland of the Real Walkabout. such a cliche, i know.
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He was a coward that murdered children then lied about it
Yeah he's right, we hope you burn in hell.
if we read the fbi memo on these matters, mcveigh liked "good dick" and "nice balls" or something close to that
Sounds like jewish people talking about the masturbation machines and the roller coasters that went into the ovens.

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