>GRRRR existence will never make sense or have meaning but instead of surrendering to this despair and killing myself I will REVOLT!Revolt against whom? Libro is revolting against abstract concepts.
>>24186037If he isn't interesting or insightful that would make him appropriate for the LCD, wouldn't it?
>>24185991camus is not about a metaphysical revolt.his project is basically make rationality great again. he criticize the absurd for the paralization it creates in the human psyche. he dont believe in the metaphysical at all. he see a problem and try to tap it. he understand the notion of absurd is a cancer to the human mind. but he really dont have no real response except, just ignore it and trust your capacity of thinking.
>>24185991I saw this thread and thought to mention that his conception of the metaphysical revolt is explicitly based on permanent revolution from Marxist theory (he's literally like "this but for metaphysics instead of politics") but then I asked ChatGPT and it was 100% sure he never used that term so I literally had to get home to check and it's right fucking there spelled out. Felt so gaslighted man.But yeah anyway not big into Marxist shit so maybe some commieanons can explain wth he meant by it.
>>24188106it's about both
Bump it
Ceramic eyes of cobalt blue. Clay Golems moving arcanely or like muscle marionettes on tendinous strings. The mind's a puppeteer. Or a sorcerer whose words are spells. These yarns my incantations. Nothing is written in stone. Most certainly false. Ask any undertaker. Civilisation too will rise from the ruins of its own tombstone. Watched by a clay Mother Mary, crying crimson red from ceramic eyes of cobalt blue. Doesn't it all crumble and tumble and doesn't it come again, recycled, reimagined, remembered in some arcane way? Like ceramic eyes of cobalt blue shifting within their sockets, gyroscopically watching, their pupils pinpoints, black as every core. In much the same way as the core of our Earth matches the heat of the surface of our Sun, the ceramic eyes of cobalt blue are objects which love heat, they are moulded by it, yield to it.
the others editionASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_PageBlog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdyGeneral search: http://searcherr.work/TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chaptersold: >>24172909
>>24190515>Vargo is deathWhat is dead may never die
Why does Islam forbids alcohol? Because of it’s strong smell?
>>24190750Islam is in-general a fucked religion. Don’t ask questions about it, just assume it’s a fucked religion. A religion “of peace”. Yeah…
>>24190774Muhammed was a pedophile and a slaver yet he was the ultimate role model of mankind according to Quran und Allah.
>>24190774>>24190789You also have to pretend it’s a tolerable religion, otherwise you’re labeled as an Islamophobe and your job is taken away.
I’m sure we’re all aware that Herman Melville died poor and unpopular and was forgotten for many decades until his reputation was revived. So, which authors currently obscure or under appreciated do you believe could undergo their own “Melville revival” and what do you recommend from them?
>>24190551Me. They won't appreciate my ideas now but they will start a new renaissance in the future
>>24190551That type of revival won't happen again. People today almost instantly recognize that kind of evident quality. Mass literacy. See how quickly Blood Meridian made its way into the canon. There are a few genre fiction masterpieces today that no one acknowledges for their quality though, because it's really easy to miss their point
>>24190851>That type of revival won't happen again. People today almost instantly recognize that kind of evident quality.Lol. Lmao even.
>>24191037>literally top 1 on most /lit/ yearly top 100s
Over failed relationships, foolish decisions, wasted time etc.NO pop-psych trash please.
Has anyone else gotten into these? The later hindu stuff is cool but can get really sectarian and dogmatic. Even the non-samhita parts of the veda seem to have been filtered through brahmins who had a vested interest in reframing a lot of what the samhitas said through the lens of "pay us lots of money and cows."In the same way the Saman and the Yajus are both really brahminic reimaginings of Ric material, but the Rigveda itself is really uniquely pious imo even though you can kind of tell that each book is sort of like a portfolio for the family that wrote it.Angiras himself is a really mysterious character that I can't find much scholarly or even religious literature about
>>24188311Not yet.
>>24188311I think for this you need to move from commercial books who always talk about the same things, to phd theses and academic articles using https://libgen.li/ and wikipedia bibliography for a starting point.
>>24189479True, and get equiped with some basic library on the subject and its surroundings, though one could still read a novel now and then too, if your mind is lenient and playful and desires such entertainment.I have picrel cheap version of The Vedas translated to start with.
>>24188311Perhaps you'll find some clues on Angiras here (I might be wrong, please let us know): Varuna and Vidusaka. On the origin of the Sanskrit drama (1979) by FBJ Kuiperhttps://dwc.knaw.nl/DL/publications/PU00010232.pdf
>>24188311Isn't this a subject for /his/, or /sci/ even? Or are we talking about ancient literature and thus /lit/?
Name a single book that you've enjoyed that isn't on a /lit/ chartHard Mode:It has also never been discussed on /lit/ before Nightmare Mode:It doesn't even have a Goodreads entry
>>24190663I like The Door, which I've seen come up infrequently, but not the one you mentioned
Bulgarian dystopian sci-fi about a small band of rebels stealing a clean energy source from a corrupt crime syndicate. Really good
>Tantric State by William J. LongOne review on Goodreads, never seen while lurking here. Is about the applications of buddhism to the economy/politics of Bhutan. Quite a good book, haven't finished it yet though.
>>24189703Well sure, when you put it like that, but with Didion you're never lost, she's always crystal clear. Adler not so much, though I've only read her fiction.
Hello lit, here you can post>what are you currently reading>how much have you read so far>what do you think of it>what did you learn from itlets hope to have a interesting and fruitful thread
>>24183577>>what are you currently readingTarka The Otter.>>how much have you read so farI'm right in the middle.>>what do you think of itIt's hard to imagine a better version of this kind of book- an extremely realistic story of the lives of feral animals- but since it's inherently hostile to dialogue and "character" a lot has to ride on quality prose. Fortunately it has this, but it's still rather unfriendly as novels go; I could see a lot of readers giving up before the first third, asking "what's the point of this?". Going forward a lot rides on whether its promising elements will build to something that transcends the material.People say it's heavily informed by the writer's WWI experiences, and I've been trying to gauge exactly how- I hope it's more than the obvious "trench warfare and the state of nature are both dominated by meaningless violence.">>what did you learn from itLots of regional dialect and comfy words for terrain, e.g. "combe." It's also a useful point of reference for one with ambitions to write, like it's a practical experiment that this guy performed so the rest of us don't have to. I suspect I'll look back on this one with more fondness than I have for it now that I'm in the weeds.>>24183633>Still haven't gotten a hang on the styleThat first chapter of The Lime Twig is about as difficult as Hawkes ever gets; if you can make it through that (and preferably enjoy it) the rest of his work should be a lot easier. I didn't understand Hawkes at all the first time around, and it was only on giving him another chance years later that he clicked; now he's a firm favorite. Read Second Skin next, that book is the bee's knees.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>24187685many philosophers and political activist aren't good story tellers. This was the problem with Orwell and so is with albert camus. he wanted to share you "an idea" through a story. so you shall read this book for the sake of digging that "idea". great writers write story before expressing any idea.They are not like "hey! I want to express this idea for my readers ,and so I need to make a story according to it which only sets more boundary to my imagination,narration and creativity". A good writer thinks about writing the best beginning sentence of a novel and cares more about the direction ,journey and destination of his story . he can still fit the idea or propoganda inside it or even sometimes he was able to discover an idea,what he can sell to readers, right when he was playing with his characters,plot and his memories.
Morbius Dick
>>24190415The style does not really change after the first chapter (technically prologue or intro or something), it just goes third person and is about the same difficulty wise unless you are a plotfag, in which case I could see it being easier. But you skimmed my post it seems and completely missed what I was saying.
Got any Tolkien memes?
>>24188355Or maybe it's just not that important so people just do whatever is easy. Like one's favourite show
>>24190922did tolkien enjoy anything aside from non-fiction?
>>24188178Can people not consider the possibility of a Christian that can pay homage to non Christian people and recognize the importance of them in relation to the development and character of their own society?
>>24189027They also would have been tempted by the power of the One Ring.
This seems to be a rather underappreciated area of art lit, so I'm interested in anyone's recommendations. Particularly focused on the styles and principles of traditional Western sculpture, as most of the books I've read have been about modern sculpture.
>>24189471What happened to his sister is a shame
>>24189533I got confused for a second, I meant Claudel, pretty sad story
>>24189307If you are interested in the process of sculpture I read this one once and found it fascinating. Even though I was not planning on making a bronze sculpture I found the explanation of how it's done very detailed and interesting.
>>24190073u got anything that can like translate to like digital sculpture like zbrush u feel me
>>24189536I'm gonna be honest, I never liked Claudel. Her subjects are so emotionally cloying and feminine.
Is Tolstoy the GOAT?
>>24189171Nice cope. Your hero lost everything on and during the Russian campaign and it's due to his own incompetence and megalomanic-retardation. So yeah get fucked buddy.
>>24189242>>24189776>russhits malding with their irrelevance and sheer subhumanismNapoleon won.Slavshits lost and are still eating dirt.
>>24189771Yes but while writing books telling people that sex was bad
I'm gonna take Norm's advice and read him for the first time, totally chronologically. Starting with Childhood, Boyhood, Youth of course. Anyone else done this?
post attractive box sets
>>24189223kind of want this even though theyre so short or abridged
>>24189223the folio society do it best for sure. prices are ridiculous though
>>24189256I got this from my sister in law for Christmas, it's a great set.
>>24191000Its awesome, Library of America is a great publisher and this set is well worth the money.
>OMG GUYS THE CIA CONTROLS EVERYTHING>Anyway, here is the book they easily could have prevented me from publishing if they actually controlled everything
>>24190708>easily could have prevented me from publishingThere's no need to. Most people are already trained to dismiss it a crazy conspiracy.
>>24185955Days of rage, leviathan and its enemies, cynical theories, or the origins of woke.
>>OMG GUYS THE CIA CONTROLS EVERYTHING>>Anyway, here is the book they easily could have prevented me from publishing if they actually controlled everything
>Amor FatiHow is this not the dumbest idea ever?
>>24190512One of the funniest copes ever. It's quite literally that crying wojak with the smiley face mask.
>he doesn't want candy from the candy storeK, u do u bae
O man! Attend!What does deep midnight's voice contend?I slept my sleep,And now awake at dreaming's end:The world is deep,And deeper than day can comprehend.Deep is its woe,Joy—deeper than heart's agony:Woe says: Fade! Go!But all joy wants eternity,Wants deep, wants deep eternity.Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
>>24190512it's gigacope
You either live your life by loving yourself, sticking to your beliefs as you grow and change as a person by your own will to live or be a dejected cynical loser that wants to forget everything and live in decadence and excess just like all the other fucking retards in the world.Not that hard to get LOL
>>24189179>niggers and femalesthats it. if you just hired white guys for everything, everything else would naturally "just werk"
>>24190843It's not the fact that there's blacks and women qua blacks and women. It's the priority of something other than the story, which could be anything, but in this instance it's "being woke." Attention is a resource, so the more you spend on other things than the story the less attention it will get.
>>24190860>It's not the fact that there's blacks and womenyes it is. everything stems out from that
>>24190884A story with blacks and women can be good. The Lord of the Rings, Heart of Darkness, The Bible, One Piece, L'Morte De Arthur.
>>24190896>The Lord of the Ringswhat?