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Are there any books in which the protagonist realizes he wasted his youth and tries to put his life back together at the age of 25 despite the difficulties? Asking for a friend haha
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>Why does /lit/ think life ends at 30?

That strechy yellow dog from adventure time said something like, "20's are for making mistakes, 30's are for fixing those mistakes, and 40 is older than I care to think about." The problem with being 30 is it's the first decade in your life where opportunities really starts drying up and the penalty for making mistakes becomes more debilitating: you're not in school anymore, your parents are probably going to die or be on their way out at this point, and/or maybe you receive your first 'permanent injury'.

Also, like these two Anons said: >>23553264 >>23557875 people who've "failed to launch" in their 30's often stay that way because they're become stuck in their ways. They've grown roots essentially and pulling them out will take either an immense amount of effort on their part, or will come as an act of survival/adaptation in response to something traumatic, unfortunately.
Because we are women (figuratively).
Turn your life over to Christ.

Deus vult!
Are there any boards that aren't 90% demoralization psyops? Asking because this shit is annoying

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whats the direction of contemporary and future poetry? what will define it? will anything define it at all? has there even been a single unified trend in it since modernism?
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Rupi Kaur
>whats the direction of contemporary and future poetry? what will define it?
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>The problem with your post is that every single poet you mentioned is dead.
Which doesn't spare them from the sorrow of being our contemporaries. All were alive through the majority of my life; Scupham (alas!) passed away in 2022. That doesn't place him among the ancients, unless you wish to restrict 'contemporary poetry' to the likes of Jewel.
>>the particular problem with your comparison between Auden/Stevens and Wordsworth/Whitman is that the prior two, though indisputably great as they are, may compare with the latter two in technique, but in all the larger significances of poetry not at all. Wordsworth and Whitman are epochal
In your view. I find Auden vastly more readable, valuable and intelligent than the garrulous ramblings of the two gentlemen you find so 'epochal.' You say of Auden and Stevens that "their position is not supreme," but who exactly dictates that? We all have our private pantheons, and I wouldn't rank Auden and Stevens above Dante, but I wouldn't rank them so casually below Wordsworth either. Let us agree to disagree about how we feel deserves the Olympic Gold Medals. My point is only that a few (recently) modern poets _can_ stand in the winner's circles. The nearer we get to 2024, though, the worse the picture gets (iie, Amanda Gorman, Ocean Vuong, etc.) These poets are abysmal because the criteria by which press, publisher, critics and academia elevate them are not the criteria of Milton or Aeschylus but but by the non-white color of their skin or whether they've arrived illegally. Stevens (who could write an dazzling poem like "Like Decorations In A Nigger Cemetary" would be crucified today, and it's not because of the quality of the poem.) It's that knowledge prevents possible Stevenses from ever arising.
>>it is a sheer impossibility for a Shakespeare or Dante to arise in today's culture.
We agree.
>>the genius of Dante is equivalent to the voice of God, and in today's world God is dead.
God's existence is independent of our opinions of it, and Dante was not His voice, just an exceptionally gifted Christian poet. Others could follow, and create work quite (IMHO) as eminent--Milton, for instance. It may be that a revived metaphysics and social and institutional revolution is needed for that to happen again, to which I say--bring it on. What we have now is loathsome and unsustainable. Make Iambic Pentameter Great Again!
>Any change must from from within ourselves, otherwise this is the end.
>it is a sheer impossibility for a Shakespeare or Dante to arise in today's culture

Good or just sad & realistic ?
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emotional and physical rape porn on 700 pages, possibly fueled by subconcious hatred of men. Cover already looks like a dude unwillingly fucked in his arse.
Sounds a lot like typical gay fanfiction written by teenage girls
this.if only Jude wasn't a prodigy it'd be so much better, it gives YA vibes to otherwise well balanced novel with much depth
Pretty sure the cover is actually a photograph of a guy having an orgasm.
>Asian-American female lit
>About faggots

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Any other books destroying the modern emphasis on Eastern spiritualties? I feel like their influence has been growing lately in many forms - obvious new-age amazon boxes, Guenon shilling, all religions are the same, Jesus Christ was just a teacher, etc.
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You are doing the same, creating your own interpretations from an obviously incomplete teaching.
>nothing to do with "hating the god" or the "world he made"
>He is a mighty King (This is the Jehovah-god of the Aeon of Osiris, on whose existence (as an offended and vengeful deity) the whole theory of Atonement depends.), with crown and orb and sceptre, and his robes are of purple and gold. And he casts down the orb and sceptre to the earth, and he tears off his crown, and throws it on the ground, and tramples it. And he tears out his hair, that is of ruddy gold tinged with silver, and he plucks at his beard, and cries with as terrible voice:
>Woe unto me that am cast down from my place by the might of the new Aeon.

further reading:
>"I hated Jehovah and his temple, and all the hypocritical swine who profaned it." - Crowley, recalling his feelings following his father's death
explain where it is incomplete
No other religion has needed so many theologians to add so much to make up for the incompleteness.
>What is a non-sequitur?
See >>23559762

Dust off your bookshelf, bucko.
Most anons who post books here (Americans) have the most miserable shelves and books I've ever seen, all dirty and without the slightest care.
Of course my good frog, of course.

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Given that the rhetoric of the Left is so focused on being against the predominance of white European men in the building of our worldviews and paradigms, how the hell is all of progressivism built on
How does this make any sense?.
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A lot of people do evidently care.
It's the same bourgeois who created the USA based on classical liberalism, and the USSR based on socialism.
This makes the bourgeois control he 2 biggest countries on earth and the 2 religions left for the commoners to venerate.
>Also, this is just a really convoluted way to say what OP akready said.

Generously I'll say, you're drunk cunt, go home already. Ungenerously your attempts at adhominems are facetious, the idea of the purity of an abject substance, the refuse of the world, the proletarian: those who sell their sons into slavery as they have nothing else to sell; is re-dick-ulose.

And your attempts to attack a bourgeois ideology such as Marx as derivative shows that you're unwilling to concede the centrality of ideas in history: in effect the proof is your givens.

Go home cunt, you've shat your dacks.

Ontological necessity: being a worker is reproducing solidarity faster than reproducing capital in the long term. The reference is to zen swordsmanship where ontology was seen to be more important than skill.
>you're drunk cunt
Ok? I'll just telk you that it's 11 am where I am and that I'm just an ESL phoneposter.
Your cringe verbose response is retarded. I mean, I know Engels said that slavery is better than wage-labour because the slave is an object, a thing without freedom whereas the worker is a proatitute or whatever, someone who actually has to struggle, to exist. Not really sure why you are bring so defensive though, must be really important to you.

>Ontological necessity: being a worker is reproducing solidarity faster than reproducing capital in the long term.
Oh, ok, so you're full of shit. Got it. Sorry to tell you this but ptivate property isn't going to go away any time soon and you do not live in the 20th cebtury any more with 20th century material conditions. Not that it matters, because materialism is retarded.
>probably because progressivism isn't leftism, but a form of bourgeois liberalism?
Anything that’s not monarchy or aristocracy is leftism by default.

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Did anyone read this? Is it __________good____________? Just wanted to confirm that it is not some schizo's ramblings because the published is somewhat obscure
>he forgot the spoiler tags
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Is it like this book?
You can read it for free here: >https://www.hpcoders.com.au/theory-of-nothing.pdf
Thanks anon

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Horror authors that have a surreal decayed atmosphere like him?
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Ligotti fan spotted: >>23555373
Okay, maybe I’ll give him another try. I read the first short story from the first book of blood and didn’t enjoy it in the least bit.
He's surprisingly moral and gnostic in his disgusting hedonism. Not the best craftsman, but his ideas and descriptions of the occult are spot on.
Anon, I really love The Books of Blood, but obviously each story is very different from the other and there are differences in quality. In the first volume there is a story with a silly humor that Neil Gaiman would never be able to deliver, another quite dramatic and yet charming, a very fucked up story about a pig, etc.
I would say that the train story and the last one are the weakest in the first volume.
>Not the best craftsman
Do you mind elaborating? Most of the times I read him it was not in English, but translated, and I found his prose to be well above average.
And when compared to so many modern writers, I thought he had a talent for delivering well-constructed plots in a short format.

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uhh /lit/bros, your response?
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>people obsessed with using their own thoughts to impose control systems on to reality did not respect the consensual rights of the most vulnerable
you dont say
>All these nomes and not Stephen King who killed and molested hundred of kids and women
separate art from artist
it's not difficult
>Groomed Arendt when she was 19 and he was 35
Do Americans really?
>not science
Go back.

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Let me guess: you "need" more?
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I recommend this book to assist.

The Bible is about the mind and meditation.
I could never believe in God but I still somewhat enjoyed the Bible from a literary standpoint. I also genuinely liked it. However at some point I just couldn't shake off I was reading something made by Jews. Every time I open a Bible I think I've got Jewish stuff in my hands. Every page is filled with Jews, talking about Jews, the Jewish this, the Jewish that, how the Jews are the Jews but I'm sort of a Jew too now, thank you Jesus for letting me in the secret club. I imagine I'm supposed to feel about this like blacks when they get wanked off on Twitter by white SJWs. Ayo dayum cracka sez I be not so bad! I fundamentally don't give a shit about goat herders. I do not even like Israel geographically.
I have seen arguments from Christians against Jews, but how the fuck can a Christian even differentiate himself from Jews? Christianity is a semitic religion, half the BIble is literally about Jews and the other half is also about Jews. Why the fuck do I have to give a shit about Jerusalem? I have absolutely 0 sentiment for Jerusalem and all the area surrounding it. Why wasn't Jesus from a nicer country like Japan or something? I definitely care more about Japan than fucking goddamn Israel.
>da j00s
There's really no point in explaining anything to subhuman atheist/socialist trash like you. I bet you don't even know what is the Talmud and it's clear you don't know who is Israel. Ironic you mention SJWs because you retarded socialists who go around kvetching about da j00s are basically SJW retards.

Just another midwit retard who doesn't even format his posts right because he's afraid of being called a newfag. Nobody fucking cares about your retarded blogposting, faggot weab trash.
>*incoherent rage*
are you really denying that the Christian Bible isn't almost entirely about Jews?
my question is simple, why the fuck should I care about Jews and Israel?

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This is already a wild fucking ride and I'm only a quarter of the way in. It's a grisly animal fable about a beech marten (some kind of weasel) who is crippled and learns to read from a fox. He struggles with God and his own nature. Or something, I'm not all that far but it's decently telegraphed.

Other contemporary novels worth reading? Doomposters need not apply, this is a comfy current lit thread.
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I liked Sam Pink a lot more than Tao Lin, though all I've read from Tao is Taipei. Sam Pink is slightly further off the beaten path, though I don't think you could call his style in the books I listed surprising in 2024; outside of what might be called "anoncore," and I liked him a lot anyway. "Person" also has my personal recommendation, and it's short, so it'd be easy to get through whether you end up liking it or not.

Got any other recent novels you'd recommend in general? Any recent movements you've found that are cool?
I'm still working my way through what I have, and most of that older. Solenoid is in my pile, I flipped through it and every sentence was entertaining so that's a good sign. I'm tired of the whole autofiction thing after reading Aldo Busi, but I think that it solves a problem that the, I don't know what to call it, general pop fiction that masquerades as literature has, where it's trying to appeal to some imagined audience and tick boxes instead of being a dude talking about his fucked up sex life and musings on how much he hates the world, which is infinitely more human and entertaining when done well.

I hear the novella is coming back into style due to market reasons, but haven't stumbled on one yet other than Susurrus on Mars, which was a Joycean, pantomime pederastic romp on a terraformed Mars that channeled quite a bit of Delany. Not for everyone, but I enjoyed lines like "raised on elbows so the inverse arch of his black slopes sigmoid down to pert plum rump, an arse made for tarse he proudly claimed" and all the stories about bitches turned into plants by angry gods. Barring Nobber, most of these novels are very short. I think that this changing wind will make for something worth paying attention to, novellas are abstract and weird with a much lower investment for everyone involved.

I'm tapped out right now and need to read what I have, but the FSG back catalog keeps rewarding me with leads and older books I need to get around to. I just started reading contemporary lit again last month, after what was probably a 12 year hiatus. I still haven't found my bearings.
Thanks for the suggestions. Solenoid has been on my radar, and Susurrus on Mars sounds fun. Any specific books you'd rec from FSG?
My Manservant and Me by Hervé Guibert (not new but the translation is) might be up your alley.
FSG has maintained a stable of great authors and tends towards the experimental and weird. They published, among other things, it's one of those few publishers and imprints to watch that maintains high quality and good curation. They also do a ton of literary SFF and speculative fiction that doesn't fit in the genre ghetto, too much to list. Even the topical queer and race shit isn't idpol agitprop, most of it anyway.

I've heard New Directions went to shit, but used to be similar in that regard. The publisher for Solenoid handles translations and is one I need to go through. A new translation may as well be a new book.

I've come to a point where I'm no longer superlative seeking for the bestest of the best, which makes one pleasantly surprised that a book is any good at all. I'm back to reading books based on a synopsis and blind faith in being the small litfic audience. There's definitely been a shift in the market over the years towards bad pop fiction disguised as a literary novel, which did discourage me from contemporary lit for years, but the quality is still there, deep down on the catalogs.

I'll add it to my winter list.

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Now getting in my 30s, I realized that I wasted all my youth in sterile and barren internet menticide and sterile video games...
Is there any hope for me to read books and limit the damage or is it too late for me and I always will be an ignorant buffoon ?
By the way, any book on video games as an hedonistic weapon of political control? Like this one is on porn...but for video games?
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>, same forms of "hedonistic weapon of political control" (/pol/ cringe btw)
Do you even read books mate? Brave new World, The city of God St. Augustine, The New Testament,... ?
In which way saying that hedonism is way of control is "cringe" ? Only people who don't read books can say that.
>way of control
just stop doing that ----> you are fre ?????????
besides, let's assume for a moment that we are poltards and that joos invented all the cool video games and movies and shit to keep the goyim straight on their ass complacent and docile
why the fuck would they ruin all that? visit any forum related to any form of mainstream entertainment and the consensus is that everything went to shit and the road is only downhill, clearly a contraddiction
You can read the churchfathers on newadvent.org
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>psyop demoralization
>"btw le any books xd?? any books?? that way my psyop is ontopic xDD"
why is this like 90% of this board's threads now
Oh, anon, I...

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Jesus, Lucifer, and Pontius Pilate are all highly compelling from a secular perspective and provided an influential character archetype to secular media. But what other bible figures can the same be said for?
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Cain and Abel
Jacob and Esau
I feel like when you hear Judas all that comes to mind is "traitor" while with the other 3 I listed bring about more complex characterization
I could see that, though I can't think of any specific examples off the top of my head
>highly compelling
Atheists are trannies and the romanticize people who -ack themselves.

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Let's see it, /lit/. How good is your vocabulary?
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You're right. Let's get niggardly up in this piece
purest distillation of reddit tourist
Leave him be. He was trying to humble brag about an online IQ test on an anonymous message board. That's sad. Have pity.
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Fairly certain the two I got wrong were
I knew what all these words mean but didn't see the connection between any of them and just picked related + intrinsic. Pertinent + related does make more sense, but my problem was I wasn't thinking of related in that context. Still feel kind retarded for this one
For whatever reason I thought "abscond" meant "reprimand" so i picked abscond report
should have picked another insult because this one doesn't apply in the slightest

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The less Christian something European is, the more Christian it is
>Marxism? Ignore that it's an atheist movement founded by a Jewish man who wrote verses praising Satan. It's totally Christian because uhh...Christianity is kind of egalitarian. Ignore that Christianity is in fact an elitist religion which believes in a small "elect" and could only be said to be SPIRITUALLY egalitarian, while Marxism is a completely materialist philosophy that denies there's such a thing as a spiritual realm.
>The modern West? More Christian than ever. Why? Uhh BLM or something. Ignore that it's a product of atheist Marxist-influenced liberalism and that no Christian church before 1960 ever taught anything similar.
>Yep, Christianity is life denying religion. Ignore Humanae Vitae and all the other life-affirming teachings throughout the centuries.
>Yep, Christianity is a cucked pacifist religion. Call up Charlemagne, Bohemond of Antioch, Ferdinand of Spain, Basil II and the countless other great Christian warriors and tell them they weren't really Christian and were just martial because of the pagan residue left over in their societies.. Sorry!
I'm convinced they've just formed an image of the "true Christian" as some 4th century pacifist Syrian monk who castrated himself and lives in a cave and claims that anything Christian that does NOT fit that image that is not "really" Christian.
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And that's an excuse for lazy, imprecise thinking in your mind?
Find me a feminist movement before 1789.
To prove that feminism and capitalism are two seperate ideologies. Feminism exists only because of capitalism.
>Feminism exists only because of capitalism.
I'm not denying that, but they have different imperatives and contexts regardless. It's lazy thinking to assume they're completely identical.

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