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you know he's right, right?

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How does this compare to his other novels?
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It's not good. It's interesting in the sense that you get a description of the "episode" where Céline/Bardamu is recovering from his injuries before starting his escapades in London. But it was nothing special. It's something for the die-hard Céline fanboy. Let me see if I can find the threads I made when this book initially came out.
Maybe there is another thread for when I finished the book. I'll keep searching.
Oops, I linked to a post at the bottom of the thread, so scroll up.
Yeah, I actually liked the first chapter, second was okay, but then it seemed to drop in quality.

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Get the fuck in here

Who is this pepe looking faggot and what's he writes about?
Cartarescu before Pynchon? Why lol?!?
>His surname literally means "The book-esque"

Did anyone else get this? Bought it for the Ken Wheeler intro. Has Plotinus' enneads and two other neoplatonists in it. Around 800 pages. Maybe we could do a reading group?
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Probably the foremost neoplatonist youtuber

Theoria Apophasis

youtube . com / @kathodosdotcom
has he attained henosis?
Who hasn't?
High iq reply here

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Does anybody have any good recommendations for erotic books?
Nafzawi's Perfumed Garden and the Encyclopedia of Pleasure. Al-Suyuti (the famous Quranic scholar) wrote a shit ton of porn which is translated somewhere. The classic Chinese erotic novels like Jin Ping Mei. Obviously, De Sade's Justine and Juliette novels and the Kama Sutra. There are a few lesser known Indian books like the Koka Shastra and Islamic Lazzat al-Nisa. The Biblical Song of Songs and a bunch of other graphic scenes in the Old Testament full of gore and sex. I think there's a couple Gnostic texts where Eve gets raped. Thomas Cleary did a bunch of translations of Taoist erotic manuals which are actually surprisingly usefu too.

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What time to be alive...
If these books existed back in the 20th century you would had no place to hide from being ashamed publicly
Nick is a lowercase basedboi. Why?
Because he doesn't know how to put a point period.

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Why are midwit Redditors so obsessed with Gnosticism?
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>in this moment, I am euphoric.... not because of any fake and gay demiurge's blessing but because I am enlightened by my own gnosis (I started jerkin and smoking weed and watched evangelion and then bought a copy of nag hammadi texts and began posting on /x/)
Why are so many anons obsessed with reddit? It’s weird. From what I see their literature subs are much better than /lit/ albeit slower, since here functions a lot like generic social media for many nu-/lit/ anons
did you do this yourself? is that why the example is so specific? when did you grow out of it?
Pretty much
>waaaaahhhh le evil mean demiurge wont let me have buttsex!

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What does it mean for the Word to be made flesh? What is happening here?
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>Honest discussion
Pick one
So Christ is an imaginary friend?
I met God once in a Roblox game that's only because he took an interest in my obby
This thread has been locked. Religious discussion is off-topic.

Why are there so many useless details in this book? The author feels an intense need to talk about everything around the characters all the time and it is really annoying.
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My ex is an english PhD student, and she enjoys this book so much that she's taught classes about it. The only kind of woman who would be impressed by you pretending to dislike something good is stupid, and you're better off avoiding that unless you're a trad coper.
>muh phalic image
yikes he really was a proto lefty fag
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Same reason pic-related does: It's popular, but still just tough enough for them to feel invalidated by it.
My favorite are Vladimir Nabokov, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oscar Wilde, and Henry James. I also like J.R.R. Tolkien a lot. For me, the best novelists have the prose of poets, but McCarthy isn’t a poet. McCarthy is a Redditor reading physics and trying to turn it into poetry.
You don't see too many people praising Nathaniel Hawthorne on this board. Why do you like him so much?

I want to encounter a text to change myself. I am sick of monotonous life. Lit bros I want to extend my arms further and burn. My actions are aligned but an idea lacks an ideal lacks. Suffering with inner migration.
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A book won't change your life if you're not receptive to change.

>I am sick of monotonous life
And yet you choose it every single day.
Self help books are the biggest selling category in nonfiction.
Yet most people are losers in their own minds.
If any of it helped the one that did would be known by now.
It's better than reddit every single day or God forbid normal society every single day.
>bro just be my friend it won't cost you anything
It costs me my freedom, my time and my will you fucking niggerbeast.
False actually I choose video games like overwatch and world of Warcraft every single day. But you are only interested in debating a scholar and not a /v/ user like me.

Any recommendations for someone who enjoyed Trainspotting? Doesn't need to be Scottish.
I liked the humour, characters, themes of degeneracy/morality. I can't really put my finger on why I liked it so much, but I found some aspects of the book very relatable, being a brit
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what did you think of my year of rest and relaxation? I'm worried that it will read a bit like a chick book or something
Is infinite jest a chore to read?
Thats the book this thread is about
Year of RnR is good, though the ending is forced and kinda sucks. Good humor in it. You can always save it for later and try out other things in the list. Won't make ya gay to read it or anything.

IJ is a slog for parts, but overall great, despite the weird hate you see on here nowadays. I read it over a decade ago as a young man living in the Boston area he described and while drinking quite a bit. So I'm probably sentimental and mixing my own life in with the story, but the man did have insights to share about addiction and mental health. DFW was a huge personal fan of Trainspotting when it came out and you can certainly feel the influence.
- Excsctasy Tales of Chemical Romance
- Rave (Goetz)
- Less than Zero
- Rules of Attraction
- Cocaine ( Pittigrili)
- Infinite Jest
- Diary of Drug Fiend
- Farewell to Autumn ( Witkiewicz)
- Tai Pei
IJ was always clowned on

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Reading novels has ruined video games for me. Even the best written video games (e.g. Fallout New Vegas) are childish compared to great literature. Has this happened to anyone else?
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You don't seem to know what a VN is, and Ito sucks compared to Kazuo Umezu.

He looks like a freak. I'll check him out
The problem is not the writer's politics. The problem is that the writer is a smarmy left-twitter faggot who is on a neverending, all-absorbing quest to own the chuds and "neo-liberals". He sought to write a realist novel but didn't find it necessary to actually truthfully examine the contemporary social conditions around him or to genuinely explore the psychological motives and ideals of the people who disagree with him. Instead he handcrafted a world in which he is right and all his political enemies are either losers or unapologetically evil.
Total nut, but the good ones always are. Don't expect heavy horror, but he can bring it when he wants to. He's more of a sentimental writer that uses horror to express personal dramas. Extremely Japanese as well. Lots of old world culture poking into the late Showa period. I don't mind Ito but the only time his horror doesn't get corny is when he's joking about it like in his Cat comic.
Anon, is there a place where I can view all of them? I think they are neat.

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>try reading worm
>female lead immediately starts thirsting after a black in her internal monologue
>look up author to check if Plato was correct
>he looks like picrel
>dropped immediately

I don't believe that an ugly person can ever create anything beautiful. And I don't know if Ive ever seen a modern handsome author.
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havent heard of it and i just get some shit about a suphero web story, is this what youre talking about?
i wont lie i wanna give him a hug, he looks like such a warm and kind person
>living in accordance with the truth
>Strong and firm
>lives everyday with eyes
>blind to the truth
What does that mean?

About to marathon this kino bros, what am I in for>?
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did you like 'The Hollow Crown' reproductions with Cumberbatch? I'm watching those alongside.
wow... spoilers
Angloids love it because substituting soul for sociopathy is their favorite aesthetic. It‘s third-rate propaganda to anybody else.
The only person who would say this is someone who wants the credit of knowing Shakespeare but also doesn't care about Shakespeare. 99% of performances are hot GARBAGE, and the limits of the human brain will always result in details missed. If you really loved Shakespeare you would see that I am right.
It really was hilarious. I've always wondered what Welsh people make of Fluellen.

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Shitty Rhymes edition

Post your poems; critique all the others.
the Thread challenge this time:
Haikus about MOTHERS!

>How do I get started?
All you need is a creative mood and the willingness to do it better next time, dude.
>Recommended reading:
Poetic Meter and Poetic Form, by Paul Fussell
Tradition and the Individual Talent, by T. S. Eliot (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/articles/69400/tradition-and-the-individual-talent)
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I had a dream
that we were kept apart
by rules that probably would not have helped
even if I had followed them
for instilled in me was angelic wonder
and acuteness of breath
that leaps from the stomach into the heart
and passes gasesously through the chest
into the world
to touch another's soul

Instead I watched a stoic face
no fall or perk of eyelids
or turned up corners of the mouth
and a body passive in love

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All of you need Ezra Pound
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In a city like any other,
a pair of lofty towers stands
Behold the face of God,
How simple to steal beauty from without,
and ensconce a steel frame in its image
Pan debauched by obelisks of mockery, as Prometheus wept
For the horizon promised sits locked away,
behind a pane of glass
A shimmering pool of mercury, reach in to reveal its poison depths
Look upon the death mask of god,
and see thyself looking back
Not bad
try developing your theme a little more rather than using it as a punchline
I liked it, anon. Very good indeed.

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