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why do politicians still exist?
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Wouldnt philosophers just be politicians but with a different title
The PMC is working hard right now to remove the last remnants of politics in the west and replace them with (scientific) management of experts. You will soon get the total victory of your "philosopher kings" but not of the variety you want.

If you mean politics in the widest sense then yes but what we nowadays ordinarily mean with politics, is politics as a superficial spectacle of corrupt officials motivated by personal visions as it was at his high point in the 19th century before the PMC took mostly over.
By the Republic, no. Philosophers as defined there don't want to rule, and aren’t interested in the honors attending it, they have to be compelled in the specific instance of the regime outlined that they are obligated to rule because the regime specifically carved out room for philosophers to be educated. Otherwise, they just want study. The lack of worldly ambition as a motivator seems to be the crucial difference between "philosopher-ruler" and politician in the ordinary sense.

Following from my comment to the other anon, the Republic is a special case, where no hope is held out of philosophers wanting to rule other kinds of regimes. In fact, at pne point, Socrates says that the philosopher is obligated to rule *only* in the city that set out to raise them as philosophers, they don't owe anything to their native cities otherwise.

While the philosopher-kings and the PMC look formally similar, it's hard to see why they'd otherwise be comparable, the latter lacking the wisdom that authorizes the former. The philosopher-king can't be criticized on the grounds that rule by wisdom is bad, only on the grounds that it's not sufficiently clear what that wisdom is, and whether it's possible for even some few to have it.
>it's hard to see why they'd otherwise be comparable
I mostly agree but what does unite them is their justification to rule by virtue of education and knowledge and their opposition to "politics" and professional politicians.

ahab confirmed for egg

Holiday and Festival Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"

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Let's say magic. Magic that can alter the laws of physics in a given area for a short period of time.
Maybe the laser rifle only gets one shot? Most snipers only fire once anyway, as firing twice increases your chance of being located.
God of money/wealth bought a mercenary champion
>Ronic nudged Teren and pulled him back so the others couldn’t hear. “I might have let some things slip about you to my master.”
Armchair moron here

Immediately this is already a bit stilted IMO. The usual advice is to think about how you actually talk to other people, not how you want to talk to them or how you think/plan to talk to them in your head, but how you actually do talk to them.

Ronic is clearly nervous here in the subsequent lines, so he could be nervous at the start as well. His opening line reads as quite confident to me however: it's a moderately complex turn of phrase in the context of spoken (as opposed to written) dialogue and he delivers it in one go without difficulty. It suggests that possibly Ronic practiced that opening in his head quite a bit and then successfully executed it on the spot. It also seems like Ronic expected Teren to understand exactly what he was talking about at first. Obviously, Teren immediately clarifies that he doesn't, but it implies things about them both that you might not necessarily intend. The conversation could start more casual at least for a line or two of greetings and then progress to this more serious topic later.

In general, if you are aiming for more naturalistic dialogue (and you might not be) then speech is a bit too ornamented. What I mean by that is it reads as prose: it's deliberate and considered, which spoken words typically aren't in idle conversations like this.

>Ronic shuffled his feet nervously. “Nothing bad, really. I just… told him about some of the stuff we used to get up to.”
Could instead become
>Ronic shuffled his feet nervously. “Nothing bad! Just some of the stuff we used to get up to.”

It's a minor change of only a few words, I'm not trying to rewrite you complete, but (IMO, you might disagree) reads a bit more naturally for this sort of apprentice character, who seems to be a bit rougher and unpolished.
Or they could win and fuck everything up and lay the seeds for a counter-revolutionary high IQ Caesar. Think the French and German Revolutions and the Fall of the Soviet Union.

>wanted to buy an Amazon Kindle
>It's made of recycled plastic
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What is wrong with paper, dude? Are you some king of environmentalist or something?
Anon, paper is more environmentally friendly in the long run.
I knew that you are one of those hippie guys. You even have the talking points ready.
>Not using a Kobo Libra 2

>paper is more environmentally friendly in the long run.
Lol no you have no fucking idea kek. Paper production is incredibly polluting and energy consuming and every book consumes a lot more resources than a fucking pdf on a plastic tablet (your phone is also mostly plastic by volume btw)

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Horror lit thread! last one got archived. What are you guys reading?
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Ah yes, "Tell me I'm worthless" now that's a good book!
It’s not really unique but Poe’s Fall of the House of Usher is good. Chaucer’s Friar’s Tale is another one- it has the devil in it and the message is about a Franklin (as in the medieval job) being damned to hell through his own avarice.
Just don't go down the slide. Problem solved.
Is there a splatterpunk chart?

So uh do I contain unique multitudes, or are people all pretty much predictable and same-y?
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Yes. Why?
A lot of people don't understand anything, like the NPC meme. Those retards that can't subvocalize, visualize, recognize qualia, or lack free will. I was just wondering if you ever heard your instincts before.
That's a good point. Most people are seemingly obsessed with conformity but what about contrarians? Are they being genuine or are they rebelling out of a need for attention? Any good books on this dichotomy?

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I am a fundamentalist Christian who before going into seminary wants to encounter the absolute strongest refutations of my religion possible.

What books provide the strongest arguments against it possible?

I've been recommended Beyond Good and Evil, and pic rel so far.
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>but the VATICAN was an institution that PRESERVED KNOWLEDGE (from what? oh don't ask that!)
Yeah? That's like... The whole argument for why Christianity is LE GOOD here.
We know at least that the book of John was written by somebody who was given testimony from somebody else. It's not unusual for a well educated elite man of that time to be fluent in his native language and Greek. He was almost certainly receving it in Aramaic and writing it down in Greek. Which is probably how all of the early authors did it.
>He was almost certainly receving it in Aramaic and writing it down in Greek
Almost certainly not.
Why not? The people of the region almost only spoike Aramaic and John was written in Greek.

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Any books in the milieu of Dillahuntian ethics and justification for an objective morality, logic, etc while affirming things like subjectivity of gender, meaninglessness in the world, inaccessibility of knowledge, etc?
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>crimes and deeds
>morally inferior
Absolutely teeming with unfounded presuppositions. It's no wonder he married a tranny.
Okay wait the last two paragraphs are based as hell
Atheists like this faggot lost any credibility when they kept dunking on Christianity, but defended ISLAM of all things, and sometimes feminism at the same time.
I read it like
as in, not found here
Even by Peterson.

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If there's dots on the edge of the paper should I throw the book away? They don't look dark like mold but reading the book does make my throat hurt after a while
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It's fine. Keep your shit dry. You can try a LIGHT spritz of white vinegar to neutralize some mold types.
foe, retard, but it's probably long dead since it's on dry paper.. unless you just dug that moist son of a bitch out of someone's basement
use 91% or greater alcohol, not vinegar, though vinegar is good for killing mold, just not great for books.
and don't spritz it on the book, lightly moisten a paper towel or rag
sand paper it if it's just superficial. just be gentle

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Are his novels worth reading? Also any other boomercore books similar to his?
Eh, it's alright slop if you're into technothrillers, otherwise you'll be confused as to why anyone reads it.
He can be interesting in a way. Similar to how a writer like Haggard gives us an insight into the mindset of late victorian imperialism which a proper history book never could, Clancy gives you that for the apogee of American imperialism after the hostages were back from Iran and the Soviets were humiliating themselves
If you want to understand what the neocons were smoking before they started the forever war, Clancy might tell you much better than a proper journalist.

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books about dreams becoming nightmares?
Elective Affinities, kind of in a way. Mulholland Drives is exactly what you're describing, but that's a movie.

I've reached chapter 9 and I feel like I need to pause to really consider what has actually been said so far in this book.
>The conception of interacting and becoming in touch with the transcendent dimension of being from within oneself.
>There are gods, but no God - A God that is beyond good and evil - A God that you are one and the same with
>"It is the antithesis of an arrogant hardening of the physical individuality in all its forms, whether unilaterally Stoic or Nietzschean. Instead, it is the conscious activation in oneself of the 'other' principle and of its strength, in experiences, moreover, that are not merely undergone but also sought"
>"In an epoch of dissolution, this is the essential basis of a vision of life that is appropriate for the man reduced to himself, who must prove his own strength. Its counterpart is to be central or to make oneself so, to know or discover the supreme identity with oneself. It is to perceive the dimension of transcendence within, and to anchor oneself in it, making of it the hinge that stays immobile even when the door slams (an image from Meister Eckhart)."

Being someone who has struggled like many countless people with the existential problems of today and always feeling a certain "something" that is missing in the works of people like Nietzsche. Sensing that there is something more but not being able to comprehend it. It's just difficult to understand since books like these don't attract a whole lot of attention and what little they do, is often very negative; which limits the possibility for discussion. So I'm hoping /lit/ could offer that possibility.
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you don't need to summon a succubus, they'll come of their own accord and are not wanted.
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>summon Loona
>fuck up the spell
>get this
wat do?
kill yourself
You could just read the Bible, accept your weakness, and be weak and happy.. or you could read Evola and others and LARP as some sort of strongman and be weak and miserable
Why use such shit bait?

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Only suspension of judgement and ataraxia have improved my life.
Everything else is bullshit.
Dogmatists will cope.
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>suspension of judgement
>have improved my life
>Everything else is bullshit.
>Dogmatists will cope
>suspension of judgement
>has my life gotten any better?
>it has gotten worse?
>but if I suspend my judgment
>the bad stuff goes away
You’re being a dogmatist, you’re using skeptical principles dogmatically in order to judge anything else as invalid.
You are coping, skeptoid. Only the pursuit of katastematic pleasure can lead you to ataraxia. If you are in pain, you can not just decide to suspend judgment to make the pain go away magically. Ataraxia is only achieved when you have primed your mind for it and live a tranquil life that successfully integrates katastematic pleasure and avoids pain.
No, these Pyrrhonist copers do not even believe in their skeptical principles when they utilize them, they are only reporting a state of mind instead of belief.

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Have you ever written a love poem to a woman?
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I'm dead.

You are my assassin.

For your loose smile, organized stance. Rebellious soul, but a heart so bittersweet.
Your body smooth and cold, and your mouth always a flaming inferno.
To your painful exile in the arts, and your brilliant mind.
Your figure always so muddy, but so clear
In my dreams, your voice will always torment me
The longing for your soul will kill me
And I don't know if in heaven or hell There's a place for those who won't let the world go
The memories are sharp.
Each and every word affects me like a thousand razors.
Your affection, your concern and empathy, your knives.

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Rereading this I realise how embarassing it is, lord.
I don't care what women think. I write poems for them regardless of how they will react. Because I enjoy writing poems for women. If a bitch don't like my peom I don't like a bitch.
Hey how do you know that? You must be stalking me huh
No, i'm not capable of love

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Here is my poem that i wrote, I'm thinking of a new poetry genre called humor poetry or, I'm still thinking of the name, it could also be like humetry:

Stung by the mosquito of LOVE
Shit itches like a crackfiend fo DRUGS
Girl what you put in this potion
You got my pussydick wetter than a ocean

You got my dick itching like a sheepskin
You got ma LOVE burning liek a feel. in

feel in

these vibes
i think of you every night
your blond hair with blue eyes

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