Black literature, specifically, American black literature is a fucking slog. How many times can someone state "we had it so bad?" Having to read this shit in school was near torture.
>>24144830I just don't read it. Nor do I read holocaust slop.
Wasn't Zora Neale Hurston based?
>>24144830Repetition legitimizes. That's why rap tracks have only and A and B sections in their composition, blacks say the same shit over and over, especially if you have the misfortune to get into an argument with one, and they never learn from their mistakes. Repetition legitimizes. Now put this on in the background and try again: HMMM
>>24144830I dunno OP. Did you (White America) have to oppress these people for so long though?
>>24145133Because it gets us off. I'm cumming right now just thinking about it
We haven't had a stack thread in a hot minute. Post those stacks!!Everything here with the exception of the Gene Wolfe I received or bought myself for Christmas. Finished Bloodlands already and currently reading Lords of Chaos (I'm also reading Shadow & Claw but haven't touched it for a few weeks, I'm kinda bored of it t b h).
>>24143051Nice Loeb Dionysiaca. I want to get my hands on that set soon myself.
>>24143143I hope it's good. It's probably one of the few remaining greek text I haven't read.
>>24085853My birthday is in a week what books should I get?>>24101796>all those hard case crime booksI love to see it!>>24106390I'm curious do you just prefer reading in that language or are you finding stuff you cant get in English?
>>24143402Haven't read it myself so take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt but from what I've heard (from this board and other places) it gives me the impression of Dionysus being our guy. The time period which it was written at around the end of Theodosius' reign when the old Roman religion was all but dead is intriguing since you wouldn't really expect a Homeric epic longer than the two actual Homeric epics combined about an old god to be written at that place and time.
>>24131535Hawaiian Mythology sounds cool
>>24145150>& barely loses the most schizo awardit's over
>>24145150Which of these guys would be the best to publish a /lit/ writer?
How did this word come to mean its exact opposite?
>>24145080China is.
>>24145073It actually does mean close to the same thing but people use it in a derogatory sense by claiming it is a bad thing to downplay how bad your situation is rather than catastrophizing it. There's certainly a time to deal with grievances but there comes a point when people are looked down on for tolerating it.
>>24145107Why do you suppose that is?
>>24145073The word is more complex than that definition suggests, it reduces it down to common modern usage which strips all the nuance away. The modern usage primarily comes from 16th century usage of a battle, to contend with something, generally implying fairly equal match and success. As often happens the word was put to more figurative uses, internal battles and the like and other meanings of the word were pulled in as well, primarily cope as a covering which is often superficial; now that internal struggle is the battle between who one really is and the image one presents of themselves or the world which is invariably a superficial covering over the truth.If you want to understand words you need a better dictionary or at least go to a used book store and buy a few cheap old dictionaries at least a few decades apart from each other, generally you can get the big ones from the past century or so for not much money with a little digging. Either way, the free online ones suck, at the very least get one of those heavy 6" thick dictionaries from a few decades ago to supplement the free online ones.
The only genres of fiction worth reading are erotic, paranoid, fables, science-fiction, body horror, and nautical.
>>24143097Body horror is a visual genre. Name 10 books befitting this label. If you say Metamorphosis I kill you.
>>24143118Cities of the Red Night
>>24143421Absolutely based anon, I recognise you from several threads.I'm a big fan of sports books.
>>24143616>Body horror is a visual genre.Which only exists because of precedents set in literature, but here's your list: Frankenstein, Berenice, The Dunwich Horror, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Who Goes There?, Thinner, Crash, Stolen Body, The Island of Dr. Moreau.
>>24143616The Invisible Man?
recommendation for books about adventures? I really liked Asian Odyssey by Alioshin where he escaped the commies in the Russian civil war and how many challenges he faced and people he met. any similar books?
About a British volunteer for the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War. Pretty interesting book from a typically little known perspective.
Welcome to /pg/, where we read, write, and discuss pulp fiction. No, not the Tarantino film, but the classic genre stories from early 20th-century magazines printed on cheap wood *pulp* paper. These tales offered thrills for the common man and let imaginations soar. Though the magazines are gone, the spirit lives on, and here at /pg/, we explore the worlds, characters, and stories they inspired. So come on in and join the discussion!READ PULP!- The Eldritch Dark: Luminist Archives - Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction: Luminist Archives - Fiction Magazines: The Pulp Magazines Project: Project Gutenberg Sci-fi: TO PULP!- The Cybrarian’s Conan: [Open] [Embed]- HorrorBabble's Clark Ashton Smith: HorrorBabble’s Cthulhu Mythos: [Open] [Embed]Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Conan pantherishly savaged the fiendish foe, his barbarian thews like a pantherish savage tigers, his mind iron and flame. The civilised dorks, their pencil necks twitching in awe at such pantherish savagery, knelt, feeling bested by the barbarians ferocity. Still drenched in the beasts blood Conan made surprisingly sensual and tender love to the supple bosomed damsel, whomst had fallen in love with him earlier upon hearing the cimmerians pantherishly growly voiceIts so incredibly KINO
>>24143921This but unironically.
>>24143956I meant it when I said its KINO. I genuinely love it. Im fucking tired of politicking and le hecking morally gray characters in fantasy. Fuck all that.
The last threads we had some anons write original stuff of their own. One guy had a detective series he was doing. Any writefags got any new material?
>>24144281I wrote a hunting adventure story set in pre-WWI Africa. I want to make it part of a series, but I’m trying to revise the ending. But I’d be happy to post it if we got this general up and running again
It is concerning that this introduction would say such a thing. Is Barnes a pseud? Will this book mislead me about Plato indirectly as its author seems to be confused himself?
>>24142207One gem in a thread of coal. What a low quality thread.
>>24142204read Plato
>>24142950There's never coal when you have two Aristotlechads duking it out
>>24137889Aristotlebros, is it good if I start with the ethics and then I continue by reading whatever interests me in particular?
>>24144069they're probably pathetic twinks in real life
Are there books that simply can't be translated?
Pic (A Void) unrelated?
one must take care not to conflate 'translatable' with 'explicable in another language'many forms of wordplay do not translate, but can be described and explained
Reading Thomas Carlyle I often wonder how a translator would tackle him. But I'm sure it's been done with success.
ITT: redpills you aren't ready to take
I've been told this will blow my mind wide open. Is there any truth to this?
>>24142957It's aight
>>24139271For a second I thought the Lift Your Skinny Fists pic was the cover of the book in question and then I was disappointed to find it wasn't
>This entire book series
>>24139080Finished it this morning. Unquestionably in the top books I have ever read. Thank you again, like I said you are far from the first to recommend it. Will be passing this on to at least one friend.Anyone else take this redpill?
>A virtuous person is virtuous because...they just are, okay?Virtue ethics is a meme
>>24141439nigga quit on me =(
>>24132802This guy fucks
>>24143480I don't see the contraction. Also: >hume, for examle, would say a knife is good because it is useful, not because it partakes in the ideal form of the knife or expresses the essence of knifehood. why get hung up on these abstractions when we can simply note that we have individual ends, for which certain things are helpful?No one thought this. Aristotle, the progenitor of essences, was dubious that artifacts had essences. This is a strawman of realism.Hume, whatever his other merits, is largely ignorant of past philosophy and simply relies on the popular caricatures of his day. You should not rely on him for an understanding of past thought.
>>24132802>Whereas the man who has clothed himself in virtue, been washed in grace, knelt in penitent humility, and then risen garbed in the armor of faith, holding the sword of truth, and crowned in righteousness covets nothing. For he already possesses what is truly best. And he fears nothing because he knows that what one cannot lose is most important, while the gifts of fortune must all fade away.based how does one actually attain this though? pls help.
>>24145050Every defilement is a like cloud blocking your inner sun. Reject your animal drives when they ask for more than they require. Reject your egoistic thoughts for they are merely a hazy representation of what the world truly is. Strengthen your body with exercise and restraint, so it becomes a servile servant of the mind, and cultivate your soul/inner self by virtuous deeds.>Heaven is a city on a hill. Hence, we cannot coast into it, we have to climb
Post your favorite books by him, or any thoughts you have regarding this wonderful philosopher who has left us too soon.Rest in peace, Slavoj.
>>24144989He's Slovenian which is kind of a middle-of-the-road country. I don't know a lot about it, but it was the most developed part of Yugoslavia, so it was part of a socialist federation but it wasn't part of the Warsaw Pact, and exchange with the West was relatively more accessible. So you get people who were distrustful of Russia wanting to dominate the other Slavs, but they also weren't as in love with the West as others in Eastern Europe might have been (because they were behind a big wall with armed guards who'd shoot them, which paradoxically created a greater desire for what was on the other side).I haven't read much of him in recent years but I saw him advocating for something like NATO war communism. He tends to take critical positions like that. Like, okay, you want to fight Russia? The way we're doing it is not working so we need more industry and centralization. There's a migrant crisis? Okay, you're right, but nationalism isn't the way to go because you need a more central and coordinating European system to handle that rather than Europeans breaking that up and squabbling among themselves.
>>24145031>I haven't read much of him in recent years but I saw him advocating for something like NATO war communism. He tends to take critical positions like that. Like, okay, you want to fight Russia? The way we're doing it is not working so we need more industry and centralization. There's a migrant crisis? Okay, you're right, but nationalism isn't the way to go because you need a more central and coordinating European system to handle that rather than Europeans breaking that up and squabbling among themselves.Like I said those are all things you’d hear from a talking head on msnbc. His vulgarity and media knowledge are what he rides on. Without those parlor tricks and sleight of hand he is nothing.
>>24144775When I was eight I read Gone with the Wind and parroted some insane pro-slavery shit from it for weeks until some adult stopped laughing for long enough to explain why it’s wrong.Kids are dumb. I wouldn’t want my kids near any relischizo texts until they were pretty old.
>>24145053This. I would give them anti-racist baby and one of those lgbtqia+ how to comic books
>>24143492That cunt is only 75!?
Congratulations, my autodidactical friends.We have become the new intellectual elite.>A reading revolution is taking place on this notorious message board, most famous for alt-right memes, anything-goes chatter, and large-scale coordinated pranks>The members of /lit/, 4chan’s literary subforum, love Dostoyevsky, Joyce and Nabokov. >They abhor the gatekeepers of traditional publishing and the moral pieties that beset academia in the 2010s. >They’ve created their own recommendation ecosystem in the form of homemade charts, huge Jpegs which serve as visual reading guides. “Start with the Greeks,” the most famous one says,>“I will not start with the Greeks,” says a gun-toting civilian in one image, as soldiers surround his house and order him to read Plato.
>>24141245Speak for yourself, I might be a pleb but I am no faggot. Together we are stronger.
This place is going down the drain, I got warned for "Racism" recently. All the hotpockets got to the jannies heads.
>>24143774>doubling downOkay kiddo, I'll stoop to your intellectA) wasn't talking about a stripperB) the profession I meant doesn't care about their own pleasure, that's not what they sell
>>24143762Duh, and>wouldn't shake their handDepends on the hand, but largely I've got no innterest in being introduced to new people and do brush off most attempts at such. My motto is:"I've got friends enough to count on both hands, with fingers spare to flip you a pair of birds"
>>24143889I would wife Bursey, so I don't see what you see.
Once upon a frostbitten midnight dreary As I lay alone in my cold dark bed adreamingTrying to overcome my serfdom as a wagieI noticed a fleeting a flicker of warmth and repressed passion between my legs and deep down inside my loinsAnd so I dreamt the vision of the most ethereal 2D goddess A complete fabrication caused by my brainrotted conscious And so I went on a quest to the finest site where they hosted these delightsAnd I pleasured myself to pictures of animated girls and girls who once were menAs i became more passionate so I pleasured myself deeply to beasts, dragons and so!Till my body became overheated and I just couldn't take itAnd so I let out a salty sea foam of my snake as it was attackingBut it didn't stop me from pleasuring my loins to the the sights of Mount Fuji and Sunsets in PeruI pleasured myself far better then any other human could ever possibly And so I gooned and I gooned and I gooned and I gooned and I gooned till I could goon till more
The sinful painter drapes his goddess warm,Because she still is naked, being dressed;The godlike sculptor will not so deformBeauty, which bones and flesh enough invest.
Any good books about paranormal accounts? Ghosts, aliens, cryptids, demons. Could be fiction or non-fiction but hopefully stuff where you can easily suspend your disbelief and WONDER if it's real. If you ask /x/ for book recs you just get kike self hypnosis cum magick books.
>>24145049Stupidly /x/‘s LARP short stories are better than 99% of it.
>>24145058Someone should rewrite greentexts as normal short stories and publish a book and say "I am a professional in the paranormal community and these accounts have been relayed to me by friends and collogues over the years" they could make a bunch of money