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We haven't had a stack thread in a hot minute. Post those stacks!!
Everything here with the exception of the Gene Wolfe I received or bought myself for Christmas. Finished Bloodlands already and currently reading Lords of Chaos (I'm also reading Shadow & Claw but haven't touched it for a few weeks, I'm kinda bored of it t b h).
hahaha I remember you

still got shit taste
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i dont pay for books sorry brate
lords of chaos is trash, just read varg's book
I did (part 1 anyways).
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This is my stack for the first half of this year, currently reading St Augustine's City of God. Got a few more coming in the post and hopefully will read more as the year goes on
>St. Augustine's City of God
Nice. I've never read it. What exactly does he discuss in it?
First 10 books is mainly a refutation of the pagan accusations that Christianity was a cause for the fall of Rome. It's effectively him just screeching about how the Roman religion was retarded with proofs of how figures that St Augustine had admired such as Cicero, Varrus and Seneca were in agreement that it was used primarily to control and instill virtue within the people. Books 8-10 are an analysis, breakdown and refutation of the platonist and Neoplatonic beliefs, he admired Plato a lot and saw him as being one of the rare people that approximated closest to the truth (this may have been due to the fact that the church only had access to the timaeus and Critias at the time don't quote me on that though). Books 11-22 are him outlining his description of the city of god in contrast to the city of earthly desire. He had a huge influence on the church and the Nicene creed and it's very blatant in his works. His metaphysics are also outlined in the city of god and he does a really good job at elaborating on his ontology. If you can handle making your way through multiple pages of him just calling people retarded it's worth a read, the first 7 books were a fucking slog for me but there absolutely were valuable bits of knowledge sprinkled throughout. I'm on book 16 at the moment and it's been fantastic with the exception of him detailing the lineages of Noah, Christ, the family of Abraham and so on.
Very nice. Love how early Christian rhetoric overlaps with Greek philosophy.
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current read is The Rings of Saturn, which is strange and boring at times but also compelling. I read it before bed and it puts me to sleep but it's still enjoyable somehow.
Nice collection
>drinking goyslop
>Lords of Chaos
IIRC, Vikernes passionately hates that book.
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currently reading a library of congress 1958 release of lolita from the local bookstore.
went down there today to see if they could order me a copy of the tunnel by william gass, but it's out of print and they've put me on the preorder list since it's going back into print, and to see if temple of the golden pavilion by mishima showed up for me yet.
aside from that I grabbed these, last book(s) is in search of lost time by proust.
quake is signed by murakami so that's cool, second signed murakami book I owned by happen chance, I think it was the same person who donated both to the store since they're both signed the same day
Why? I own it but haven't read it yet.
christ my copy of in search of lost time is from 1934 and it looks immaculate
I think you added one or two books in there just so that you wouldn't be ridiculed for having a gigachud stack.
Actually, now that I think about it, the Tibetan book is probably there for the Nazi myth about green-gloved Tibetans. We could in fact be looking at a level of gigachud we never thought possible.
Thanks anon.
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Just picked up the bottom four from Half-Price Books, all really good value excepting The Compleat Dying Earth, which hurt, but I wanted a hard copy. Still waiting on the German copy of Eumeswil to come in from Berlin. Having read The Road and No Country, I figured Blood Meridian was worth a shot since it‘s been shilled so much.
i feel that
most of whats here is new, save for quake, gravity's rainbow, and proust and it those hit like 3x as much as the rest.
OP here. I like schizo shit, sue me. You should see the rest of my book collection.
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OP here. I've got two books waiting for me at my door when I get home to add to my stack. Will keep you updated.
Just got home, will update soon.
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nice stack
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Story of the Eye is pretty great. And I've been meaning to read The Outlaws for awhile now. The rest is melodramatic trash.
Everything is pretty cool and interesting here, lords of chaos is shit though don't read that
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I like short books

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