ITT: redpills you aren't ready to take
looks like sth white guys with trench coats and ponytails would carry around to class freshman year which is to say highly cringe
>>24139085Not exactly wrong, it's basically a polemic against every religion as being created by the spirits of evil kings in the astral realm sucking the life force of their followers.
>>24139095i'm highly sensitive to cringe i can pick up cringewaves emanating from even a blurry jpg
>>24139102Is looking in a mirror tough?It is for me.
>>24139107only when on lsd
>>24139085*jewish guys
>>24139080Challenge accepted Olde Pee. If this is by Charles Williams seems I just found it for download. I recall hearing this book mentioned before but have never read it.>Here is my contribution
>>24139200It’s supposed to be by a “Kyle Griffith” (possibly a pseudonym), not Charles William. Could be another book of that same name by a different author, but based on OP’s summary here: >>24139095 it’s the occult/New Age work, roughly, by Kyle Griffith
>>24139205Thanks fren. Will see if that is available in pdf and delete the "wrong" file.>Here is another contribution, even though anyone who hasnt taken this redpill yet needs to step up and stop lagging behind
>>24139205Found it and downloaded it. Thanks again.>Here is another contribution
>>24139080Also this
>>24139080More redpills (You) are not even remotely ready to take
>>24139080Here is an incredibly rare one from years ago thats hard to find
>>24139281The one time i did Salvia I didn't do enough and I just felt woozy. Reading trip reports makes me terrified of this shit so maybe i'm happy i didn't break through.These days my mind is too messed up to ever do drugs but maybe that's a good thing.
>>24139286That guy used to have a youtube channel years ago with videos of some of the experiences he mentions in the book. Was one of the key things that got me interested in salvia divinorum. I have broken through on it a number of times and used it without breaking through plenty of times. Very profound stuff. Ive done almost every single natural psychoactive known to man and salvia is like nothing else.>Here is yet another contribution of a red pill (You) most assuredly are not ready to take
>>24139080>More redpills (You) most assuredly are not ready to take
>>24139281any idea for a pdf, trip reports are a blast to read.Even Anna'a Archive doesn't have it, i see it for sale for 15$ for a pdf but I really don't wanna pay
>Pretty sure (You) are not ready for this one either
>>24139300I used to have a copy of the book when I was younger but I hocked it for dope when I was strung out years ago (thankfully been clean for years now). Just tried doing a cursory search for a pdf but could not find one, also the youtube channel for the videos was deleted some years ago and im not sure if anyone archived the videos anywhere. If I really thought the dudes content would have become this rare I would have saved the videos and scanned the book into a pdf myself. If anyone finds the book or the guys old videos online link them here please.There are other good books ive found in free pdfs about salvia though that are similar.
>>24139307post some good trip report shit if you want to be a cool person. Erowid has you filter through so much garbage to find anything of true schizo value.
>>24139248This book goes hand in hand with the Protocols and is much less well known but equally as good in many ways.
>>24139309Wrong. The reports on erowid that are marked with stars at the top of the lists when you select the section of the "type" of trip report (General, First Times, ect) are usually top quality. Look for any general reports which have one or multiple stars next to them and those ones are not skitzo garbage MOST of the time.
Someone else post some red pills I am not ready to take, I just posted every single one minus the OP. Im hungry and live on a strict red pill diet.
>>24139102>i'm highly sensitiveThat's pretty cringe
>>24139315But I want schizo shit, Erowid has some good stuff but half of the reports are just like, 3 pages of talking about how his gf and friends went to the hill down the road to smoke and a paragraph describing cool visuals. I want shit that questions every aspect of reality that ever existed, lovecrafts dreams cycle but in a trip report.
>>24139286I time traveled to my childhood and was so stunned by the experience I didn't try to figure out why
>>24139333Trips of truth. I didnt say skitzo gold anon, I said skitzo garbage. You need to read the reports that are rated the highest, like I already said. If you dont do your own digging when the digging is easy, how will you learn to dig for redpills that are really hidden and hard to find and take? If I make it easier for you now its gonna be harder on you later kiddo.
>>24139326>he doesn't know
>>24139343He as in me? Or as in Olde Pee? Or as in any anon here?
>This one takes some work to extract the redpills and then swallow them, if you have it in you that is. Under 1% of people who read this actually do that.
>>24139369nice. I should really get around to completing this. What I did read, I really enjoyed.
>>24139372Read it multiple times, its one of the best of all time. Did you read the part about the man who was drowning with his beard? Thats one of the hardest redpills to swallow. I challenge you to take it yourself anon, it will make a man out of you.
>>24139372Remember the part where they take a brief reprieve to rest on a flower? Me and my childhood friends did that once, and just like in the book some of them decided to get stuck in that paradise, many of them died because of it, and the rest of them are still stuck there as we speak. They could not take the redpill, and more than a few lost their lives over it.The conference of the birds is one of the most redpilled classics of all time.
>>24139379i'd really appreciate it if you could point me to the one about the reprobate who decides to walk the path again, and the story ends with God telling him that he had always been waiting for him. or you could paste the one about the beard.
>>24139384it reminds me of sanai's garden of truth. both beautiful lyrical works i've neglected for stuffy textbooks on biophysical economics or what have you. i can't get conference delivered to where i live but i'll download the pdf tonight
>>24139385The one about the guy who sells himself off after falling in love with a "Christian" woman and becomes reprobate over it by converting to "Christianity" do you mean?The one about the beard is the one where the guy is drowning and then someone else walks up and says "DROP THE WALLET!" and the guy says "ITS NOT A WALLET ITS MY BEARD, ITS ATTACHED TO ME" and the other guy retorts "WELL WHATEVER IT IS GET RID OF IT OR YOUR GONNA DROWN". It has to do with things we associate with being integral or a core part of us that we neglect to realize are the very source of our demise and in reality are not an integral part of us at all but a part of our imagined identity and our concocted "selves".>I CANT GET RID OF IT I NEED IT ITS A PART OF ME
>>24139389it's the one where the man starts walking the spiritual path, fails miserably, and his "heart sizzles" for a long time as he's unable to either come to terms with his sin or begin again, until he finally breaks down in despair and prays to god for the strength to make something of himself again. god reassures him that he will not punish him and that the whole time he had been doing nothing but patiently waiting for him to start again.>man with the beardyeah i feel that. literally me
>>24139388Witnessed. Thanks anon, gonna look for a pdf of garden of truth now. Literature of this type is some of my favorite (esoteric tales with hidden red pills for those with eyes to see).
>>24139394>How shall a raw youth speak of the Eternal?sanai's one of those types that makes so much of modern literature and philosophy feel so quaint. enjoy.
>>24139392There are so many tales in it I do not recall them all from memory. That one im not sure if I recall distinctly but it sounds cool because every tale in the book is awesome and insightful. What did you mean by point you to it? As in tell you what page its on or post the short excerpt here? I do not know where to find it in the book specifically so I can not do either unfortunately.>literally meIf it wasnt literally all of us it wouldnt be a redpill we all are not ready to take would it?
>>24139399checked and based. reading the real gems of old always gives us a good barometer for truly how far the overton window has shifted and how far many men have strayed from true understanding. its no coincidence.
>>24139406no worries, anon. thanks for reminding me of the book again. the historical/esoteric redpills are interesting but at the end of the day we the work is an inner one
>>24139413Indeed it is, but that inner awareness can often be stimulated by the taking of redpills. If you do not have your thoughts, attitudes, values, and the like changed by a redpill you can not truly claim to have taken it and digested it.
>Even more RedPills (You) most definitely, I rest assured, are not ready to take
>Anyone read this one? How about applying and integrating it productively?
>>24139418sure, i meant that there are two classes of redpills: the historical redpills of "this is what really happened" which sabotage the propaganda and dream machines of society, and the inner ones which dissolve impurities and cleanse the soul. the latter are superior to the former, though the former are obviously not without interest.
and to not hijack the thread, here is a redpill on Egyptian pataphysics and ritual thanatology
>>24139260Epictetus keeps it a little to real for 99% of the population. He was the original redpill merchant.
>>24139431excellent assessment fren. i must say i concur. i rest assured you have likewise unlocked the ability to turn the historical redpills into the inner ones, they often transition into one another most delightfully when the technique is mastered a bit.>>24139433checked and saved. thank you fren.>>24139439>Too real for em
>>24139475cheers anon
>>24139439I often make a good sport of gleefully inciting people to take his redpills and watching them decline them, its jolly good fun when you learn to do it right. So many people refuse them, but making a steady diet of Epictetus is one of the core things that saved my life from inbred suicidal decadent degeneracy.>Glory be to God and Glory be to Epictetus
>>24139439There is nothing quite like spending a cozy night at home alone, and suddenly realize you are not alone, but with God and Epictetus.>A wise man once said>You can either have Epic Tittes>Or you can have Epictetus>But if you focus your attention on the former>You must of necessity neglect the latter>And if you would garner the latter>You must of necessity cast out the former>For if you would insist on having both of these things>You are insatiable and a blockhead
>Out of everyone who reads this book or the alt version by Plato how many do you actually think genuinely can testify they have taken the redpills that it/they contain? Assuredly almost none. For its popularity, this and The Bible are some of the least truly taken redpills of all time. 99.999% of people read them and simply do not digest or integrate or apply them at all.
>>24139498How many people read the Abrahamic Scriptures (any of them canonical or otherwise) and actually believe in what it says in them? Everyone prays for eternal life in denial of the fact they already have it. They ask for justice and mercy and love, because they deny the fact that the very nature of being gives them all of these things. They pretend to take the redpills but in reality they do not, and they ask God constantly to do what is already done forever because they doubt and deny.
>>24139500The concrete and intellectually genuine proof is of the "belief" is supported by the integration and application of the material. But instead we see so many people who profess a belief in things they never so much as even express any willingness to integrate and apply. This is what Jesus meant by the whole "those who believe on me/my name" stuff. He did not mean what was claimed about "faith alone" He meant that those who believe in me integrate and apply my teachings in real time.
>>24139080What red-pills? The red-pill that I was pressed out of a womb like every other human who ever and will ever live? That everyone was born on earth naked, filthy and ignorant and that no one is in control of humanity really. They reproduce on themselves like the cells in a human body. As soon as the old generation become tired they are turned into waste and replaced in the same way a human body disposes off the old cells through skin and anus. What redpills are there to be taken, other than the knowledge that I'm no more relevant to the human species than is a cell in the human body. A cell that has to work and provide for the well-being of the species until I get disposed off by the newer and more viral ones.
>Anyone else read this one? One of the best of its genre. Contains a whole cornucopia of redpills (You) likely would never even sit down to table with, let alone consider taking.Im still practically the only one posting real content in this bread.
>>24139518Oh look boys, its a real live shill pretending to be a deluded nihilist. What good is your conception of life if it doesnt service you and in fact is entirely self defeating FOR YOU? Everyone point, laugh, and ignore. Intellectually ingenuine pretend nihilist shills need not be taken seriously.
>>24139281I’ve honestly been thinking about doing psychedelics recently. Anything to help me cope with the inevitability of my demise
>>24139527>What good is your conception of life if it doesnt service you and in fact is entirely self defeating FOR YOU? I’ve thought about this too, I’d rather delude myself and be wrong then be right as a pessimist but be completely miserable. The latter doesn’t really serve me practically speaking
>>24139531Cope you say? Your thinking wrong again fren. Psychedelics best use is to expand awareness and acceptance and to integrate those two into a cohesive whole for yourself to be able to rejoice and flourish. Your demise isnt something for you to fret over, its something for you to make into the ultimate pinnacle of your prosperity. Clearly you have not been taking enough redpills, you need to lurk harder and try again. I believe in (You).Start by identifying why you insist on thinking of coping as something that helps you in life. Then move on to studying why you insist on seeing your demise as something you do not see as to your personal profit.
>>24139536>rather delude myself and be wrong then be right as a pessimist but be completely miserable.Your value system is a dumpster fire and your consideration of what things are worth is absolutely ignorant. Measure life to its true value and rejoice in the profit.
>>24139518Now boys, I want you to notice how this shill has focused solely on the materialistic side of being, reducing all things to the appearance of them, and deducing from that appearance a conclusion about the nature of being. But see how short sighted this is. Note how neglectful it is of the inner blood and meat of being. Observe if you will frens, how this shill has tried to reduce consideration of anything outside the superficially apparent shell of things, and even that contained and constrained within a very narrow nihilistic framework of a worldview and value system. Then realize that anyone who feels this way is either well poisoning, or is well poisoned. Trying to help people get out of this when they are not out and out shills pushing this rhetoric to debase worth while productive discussion is a situation that is apt to result in double drowning, because from my extensive personal experience I liken men of this putrid ilk to those who go outside and sit in slush puddles in the middle of the road at midnight in January. They sit there wailing away about how much its all a drag and a bummer and an unfair existence, but yet the source of their entire conception of themselves and all of being is spearheaded by their own insistence of place themselves in a completely dogshit position be it physically (as in the case of my example) or mentally or both.There is nothing to see in "men" like this other than fools who cry out as they refuse to get out of slush puddles in the middle of the road in january. Can you believe this is what society has come to? It would be quite funny if these poor bastards even realized what they were doing.
>>24139491His biggest redpill is basically antithetical to modern culture.>NOOO I DIDN'T GET THE PROMOTION WTF I'M THE MOST QUALIFIED>Epictetus: You didn't pay for it. Mark checked in on the boss every day. Debased himself with obsequious compliments and always agreed with him and never had his own opinions. These are the things with which a promotion is bought.>NOOOOO WTF I CANT GET NO PUSSY!>Epictetus: You have been playing vidya all day and indulging your intellectual interests. With that, you have bought yourself a higher than average WIS stat and some pleasure. But you didn't shower, or learn how to dress, or diet, or got to the gym, or watch sports ball and learn how to be an above average masculine guy. These are the things with which pussy is bought.Epictetus has basically 1 idea. Everything, EVERYTHING is your own fault. For him, other people may as well not exist.
>>24139569kek. all great religions or systems of philosophy preach one thing and one thing only: accepting responsibility for yourself.
This thread was supposed to be redpills you reject, but it's turned into people just shilling redpills they believe in and totally need you to believe in too.
>>24139574Absolutely false. Daoism says just bend over and take it, busshism says take it but don't mind it, Abrhamics say take it it but its actually a good thing and you'll be rewarded later, hinduism say... who cares, etc.Epictetian stoicism is fundamentalist personal responsibility. The anti-leftytroon of all time.
>>24139507your average tradlarper breaks down into tears upon reading a post >>24139518 while a crystalhoe for all her shortcomings will continue living her best life
>>24139579And if you'd read epictetus you'd know the thread was never yours, only how you feel about your thread. But if you must maintain control of your thread, you should have posted more interesting posts and contributed more to keep things on track, these are the things with which control of a thread is bought.
>>24139586you are right i repent
>>24139527> What good is your conception of life if it doesnt service you and in fact is entirely self defeating FOR YOU? What conception of life is not self-defeating for me without being fallacious?>>24139560First, stop calling me shill, shill. It is the shills who want you to believe that you matter so you never leave the base metaphysical plane that is yourself. Like something literally every single human and animal has can make you so special.Like, why does such a simple truth make you so butthurt? That you are a worthless ant on earth only for reproducing and working for the well-being of the body? You dumb idiot. Don't even dare to call me vain and pathetic. I am on a whole other metaphysical plane than you are. You are not ready for the real red-pills if such a simple truth makes you so butthurt.
>>24139586Your pic is Epicurus not Epictetus
>>24139095but enough about atheism
>>24139694atheism is also a creation of them according to him, so is gambling, sports, etc.Anything where large masses of energy can be extracted and harvested.
>>24139518Also, I'm trans in case anyone cares.
>>24139590>It is the shills who want you to believe that you matter so you never leave the base metaphysical plane that is yourself.And yet you offer no alternatives whatsoever.
>>24139727I don't see you showing a great interest in diving into the true nature of things and taking everything at face value. Me, I was inspired by the dogma of empiricism when I was a teen in school. Empirically, I cannot even learn about the size of the earth. Even if I could measure it's approximate length through some home-made scientific procedure I still couldn't wrap it's real size around my head. We have models of the earth, you say, well, empirically, a model of the earth is just a very willy-nilly product made of card-board and ink. Does it bring me any further towards learning about the earth? I learn that what I know about the planet is complete humbus. You want to learn more, you say, well my humble advice is you start torring down all the fallacious knowledge society put into your head.
>>24139816But people yell really loud at me if I don't agree with them :(
>>24139832Conveniently ignoring the part where you decay for 10 years, old, crinkled, with a useless body and all before you shit yourself to death as you drift into endless slumber.
>>24139843What's wrong with that? Sleeps the best part of my day.
>>24139840If you don't agree with them on what matters?
>>24139848What's wrong with coping? Coping is bliss and understanding. Seems holy to me.
>>24139851If you're comfortable with oblivion but are directly communicating this to me, right now, then you're not actually okay with the thought at all.
>>24139856Well it doesn't really matter if it's the end result for us all. If I enjoy sleep, and sleep is all we have to compare to oblivion than why must I assume the worst out of oblivion? Can't I use empiricism?You don't really have as much of a point as you think you do.
>>24139858>You don't really have as much of a point as you think you do.Life is more terrifying than the cheryrpicked images of le beautiful nature, which beautiful as they are, is subject to impermanence - and this is normal. That's the real crux of anti-natalist arguments and none else.
>>24139865>Life is more terrifying than the cheryrpicked images of le beautiful nature, which beautiful as they are, is subject to impermanenceYeah anon... I know.>you have to quake you have to trembleno. Why are you afraid of what is normal?
>>24139873>no. Why are you afraid of what is normal?Why does it being normal necessarily mean it's not panic-inducing all the same?
>>24139883I thought you were the empiricist (if that's a different anon i'm sorry)? You've added panic into a place where it doesn't exist and never existed in the first place, trusting your emotions over your senses. Probably because you have had much panic in your life, consider deep breathing exercise.
>>24139889Not an argument.
>>24139891you don't have an argument, what am I arguing against? It's scary because you think it's scary? Anon...
>The first concern of the superior man, as soon as he becomes conscious of himself, is to sculpt and chisel his moral being: the theory of Christian perfection is nothing more than a sublimated initiation.Yes, man has both the duty and the power to recreate himself according to what is good. When one asks what the purpose of life is, it can only be, for the thoughtful man, the opportunity and the means to make a masterpiece out of that block of soul that God has given him to shape.
>the drug addicts are still the best read in eastern and western canon>still missing the hard copy because they sold their books for drugsnever change
>>24139080Well I want to thank you Olde Pee because I went home and promptly took that redpill you posted. Read over 2/3 of the book so far and im glad I did. As I already said I had seen it mentioned around the boards for some while now and decided to give it a go. Great stuff. Hope someone took some of the tasty redpills I dropped as well. Will be finishing the remainder of WiH tonight.
>>24141821To be clear I have not been strung out in almost 3 years, and I fully acknowledge that selling the book was an ignorant compulsive decision done because at the time I was entirely given over to be a decadent and degenerate opiate addict.>>24139590>Pic rel for (You). Fallacy as you have defined it anon, not as I understand fallacy. You call me butthurt, but its you who are shaking your fist at the fabric of reality and telling everyone how much its a rigged game against you and everyone. If your not shilling your just another lost sweet summer child, angry at the nature of being because you do not understand how its all to your profit. Notice your the one name calling and being actually angry? Notice how your the one appealing to emotional arguments instead of logical ones? Yes, that is what makes you either a shill, or simply just an angry child. Oh and if I/we do not matter at all in any way, remind me again if you will, why is it your so concerned with arguing the point? Sounds superfluous to me.Get out of your shlush puddle, and if you wont, stop screaming about how much you hate sitting in it.>>24139569This is completely untrue and shows how little you have read of him, when Epictetus says we must not blame God, gods, or men, he includes himself therein. When Epictetus says that perfectly instructed men blame neither themselves nor others, it means he does not blame himself or others. Better luck next time anon.>>24139574Yes they do, and when done in a healthy proper manner that is in conformity with nature men are not to fret over their own human fallibility, but are to use it as a practical exercise in order that they might develop and grow going forward. Accepting responsibility funny enough necessitates not guilt tripping yourself into decadence.>>24139579Olde Pee did not ever even remotely suggest that, your making this up. This thread is about redpills your not ready to take or that one would be instinctually inclined to reject as the result of your prior convictions. The point is to challenge yourself and others.
>>24142512>>24142515Both these posts were supposed to be one thing, in reference to the pic rel, but 4troons blocked me out of making the post all at once for saying t0p-kek to someone in it so I had to reformat it and it came out like this crap. Deal with it anons.>here is another redpill (You) are not ready to take, and make sure you get the original version, the later printings have the part about the PotLEoZ removed.
>>24139832You need to watch iceman cometh and learn how people use this type of nihilism as the biggest cope to hold onto life while pretending to be in a grandstand looking down on the fabric of reality as a pitty. Such behavior is absolutely the putrid bane of mankind and is peak decadence and degeneracy, on top of being an ingenuine intellectual fraud and a demonstratable untruth.If your really trying to do the right thing and face reality you need to start using a non nihilistic approach to munchausen trilemma, but thats probably too tall an order and too rich for your blood.
>>24139843You would like that wouldnt you? Too bad you have eternal life and are just an angry devil about it, taking laps around Samsara while you shake your fist and watch those of us who actually understand the value of the process make every lap a victory lap into infinity.>It really do be like dat doh
>>24139816Did you seriously just combine hubris and humbug into a single term "humbus"? Im unironically impressed anon, now your actually using the divine faculty of your being properly. Expand upon that.
>>24140414Based and redpilled take
>>24142515> Get out of your shlush puddle, and if you wont, stop screaming about how much you hate sitting in it.I never complained about life you idiot. You fucking shill. You're the one complaining about the unfairness, driven by an insane dellusion, you want to break out of the matrix instead of taking reality for what it really is. How ridiculous is the thought of a single ant wanting to make more of it's life other than being an ant! If you don't stop now, stronger powers will remove you out of the system. There's no way to revolt against the universe because it will simply eat yoy. You can revolt against the government, against society, wich I very advise to, because society is against nature. Embrace your own human nature and realize that the best job for you is being a human. Humble your aspiration, temper your thirst for things that were not meant for us.
>>24142658Appealing to emotions yet again? Men are made in the image of God. Sorry if you do not see it in yourself, but thats a you problem anon, not a me problem. Your reducing the nature of the human mechanism to being worthless and its just an angsty fist shaking take on life that stinks of how much your seething, and not against me, but against the very nature of your being.Stop, and get help.
>>24142658Oh and I never said I wanted to break out of the matrix, because I already know I am the matrix.Feel better anon
>>24139080This is a Charles Williams book right? Any of you ITT read many of his books? I wanna discuss some of them
>>24142671We are made in the image of God, but have literally the bodies of animals. An animal in the image of God. That's my takeout from Genesis. We failed him. We weren't even supposed to know right from wrong.>>24142672There is no matrix.
I've been told this will blow my mind wide open. Is there any truth to this?
>>24142957It's aight
>>24139271For a second I thought the Lift Your Skinny Fists pic was the cover of the book in question and then I was disappointed to find it wasn't
>This entire book series
>>24139080Finished it this morning. Unquestionably in the top books I have ever read. Thank you again, like I said you are far from the first to recommend it. Will be passing this on to at least one friend.Anyone else take this redpill?
>>24139379>Did you read the part about the man who was drowning with his beard?Don't get it. Explain in plain and straightforward language.
>>24139518nihilism, as a 30yr old, always reads to me with some kind of crippling self-defeatism, you're essentially terrified of the concept of agency.
>>24139569lets be real here, all of these scenarios are immediately fixed by having money.
>>24139539>Start by identifying why you insist on thinking of coping as something that helps you in life.Nta, but I guess because coping is more or less centred around faith and faith is believing in things without immediate and quantifiable proof and doing so seems quite impossible without feeling stupid and/or castrated. Just being honest. Not saying that it is the way that I describe.
>>24145665>lets be real here, all of these scenarios are immediately fixed by having money.Not really. They would be sidestepped not fixed.
>>24139080>Retroactively refutes all mainstream theories of hypnosis.>Makes the "experts" seethe.>/lit/ will never read it.
>>24139314Thanks for the recommendation. You can find it for free here...>
>>24139940/lit/ chuds won't admit it, but this is what peak redpill looks like.
>>24146180Been reading some of James Braid lately, very interested in hypnosis albeit that its a very new subject of research for me. Will download this book now, not sure if I will get around to reading it though. Thanks for the recommendation regardless fren.>>24145666Coping never helps only accepting and embracing and integrating works ultimately in the end.>>24145661As a fellow 30 year old, I completely concur.>>24145594Men have senses of identity that are largely built upon external attachments and materialistic sentiments. They confuse/conflate this with their immortal genuine identity and thus they see things that are not part of themselves as parts of themselves. The man saw the beard as something he could never give up, as a genuinely integral part of himself, but in holding onto this vulgar sense of his own identity he destroyed his ability to be aware of his true self and thus "drowned".>>24146202No problem fren. Hope you enjoy that tasty redpill.
>>24147144>only accepting and embracing and integrating works ultimately in the end.How do I achieve this?
>>24147144>Men have senses of identity that are largely built upon external attachments and materialistic sentiments. They confuse/conflate this with their immortal genuine identity and thus they see things that are not part of themselves as parts of themselves. The man saw the beard as something he could never give up, as a genuinely integral part of himself, but in holding onto this vulgar sense of his own identity he destroyed his ability to be aware of his true self and thus "drowned"Perfectly succint. Are there any other parables/lessons that you would suggest to the ambitious unenlightened?