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>my favorite author is Dostoevsky
Who let them in
Legos are the epitome of human creativity. Unfortunately, I am poor so I have to use Studio................ one day
what do you do with legos once you've built the thing?
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>he thinks he's too good for Fosty Dosty
who is your favorite?
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I can’t be the only one that deems Kraftwerk the definite artistic achievement of the 20th century. Is there any literature on how earnestness inextricable from deadpan humor can be so prophetic?
Karl Barth
>not Karl Bartos

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i'll take anything
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patrician taste
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Do NOT read this book.
It is the worst book I have ever finished. I persevered with it because my dad said it was his favorite book, but it turns out my dad is a gay retard. I would rather put my head in the refrigerator and repeatedly slam the door until blood comes out my ears than read that book again.
Its only redeeming feature is that the self-absorbed driveling tedium that permeates it beyond chapter 2 can provide an insight into the twisted workings of the boomer mindset.
Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome. here is his own preface to the work
>"The chief beauty of this book lies not so much in its literary style, or in the extent and usefulness of the information it conveys, as in its simple truthfulness. Its pages form the record of events that really happened. All that has been done is to colour them; and, for this, no extra charge has been made. George and Harris and Montmorency are not poetic ideals, but things of flesh and blood — especially George, who weighs about twelve stone. Other works may excel this in dept of thought and knowledge of human nature: other books may rival it in originality and size; but, for hopeless and incurable veracity, nothing yet discovered can surpass it. This, more than all its other charms, will, it is felt, make the volume precious in the eye of the earnest reader; and will lend additional weight to the lesson that the story teaches."
>"London, August, 1889."
why McKenna over, Shulgin, O'Leary, or Junger for this sort of thing?

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Are these as good as I remember?
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Just checked for you.
kafka and roth.
Did I say I like them?
You don't have to like them but if you can dismiss them both entirely I feel safe in dismissing your opinion entirely.
Kafka's prose is ass.
Not difficult, just ugly.

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What do I read first? The Rig Veda? The Bhagavad-gītā? Upanishads? Sankara?
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> All their arguments about awareness necessarily knowing itself apply to the grasping awareness which is like the internal subject in contrast to the objectness of the form
Wrong both dignana and dharmakirti followed the yogachara system in which subject and object don't exist, that's why the difference between cognition and awareness is so important, they never said that awareness is self revealing, since that imply a self revealing subject that has to co-exist with the revealed object, making cognicion impossible since there would be two different things manifesting at the same time, what is self revealed is a cognition, an action of the mind, subjective in the sense that only a mind can create but objective in tje sense that is an object of the mind(an idea/nous) what dignana is saying is that with such a form of mental composition, awareness:being cognicient of this cognition, is impossible since that would imply an infinity regress, or as the yogachara say: the mind think itself(that is, no knower/atman is needed)
>>So Buddhists are just Fedora tippers?
the buddhists exhausted all that the realms had to offer and they found nirvana contrary to the brahmins who are still fantasizing that consciousness is eternal
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The buddha already refuted the hindus, both past and future. The history of indian thought can be divided into the earlier ooga booga vedic era and following post-buddhist copings of the brahmins trying to salvage and reconcile their doctrines after being brutally mogged by Buddhism.
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You don't find enlightenment retard. Shows how much you know.

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Trying to get more into poetry.

What's your top 3 Poets AND individual peices, authors aside?


BRONZE: Emily Dickinson possibly, but there are lots of candidates
SILVER: Ted Hughes
GOLD: Dylan Thomas


Tricky to compare works of different lengths. The Divine Comedy has more in it than any haiku but a good haiku is closer to perfection throughout (and easier to memorize). Anyway —

A VERY SHORT POEM: ‘Snowdrop’ by Ted Hughes
A SHORT-ISH POEM: ‘As Imperceptibly As Grief’ by Emily Dickinson

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Geoffrey Hill
Theodore Roethke
Robert Lowell

Let's have The White Ship, Meditation at Oyster River, Skunk Hour
Don't exactly have favourites but here's some good stuff:

Yeats - The Wanderings of Oisin (basically can read it like a novella) or if you want a shorter one check out The Fiddler of Dooney...
Keats - Odes, especially the Ode on Melancholy (parsimonious expression of the romantic spirit)
Dowson - Impenitentia Ultima (Werther mood)

Then you can just explore these guys as you're inclined. Keep in Mind Keats Complete Poems has a lot of rough drafts and early practise poems in it, so you might want to read selectively unless you're interested in seeing his journey as a poet.
1. The Tiger
2. The Tyger
3. La Tigre Assenza

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So, you think you're good at letters and shit? Explain the difference between these words:
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What do you mean by a vertical motion, especially when it is used in a metaphorical way vs. a more mathematical way?
In a context where "inverse" has a distinct meaning from "reverse" it will be clear what "vertical" and "horizontal" mean-- in this general comparison, they function as placeholders.

In a math context, for example, inverse usually refers to operational inverse, while reverse refers to the right-left of a biconditional. To argue a if and only if b, you first argue "forwards" that a implies b, then show "reversely" that b implies a.

Another way to say this is, "reverse and inverse are synonyms unless presented in a context where their difference is specified."
Somewhat obligatory.

It does carry some of the meaning but isn't really equivalent to the concept. I suppose that's why english amalgamates old english with latin and french so much it allows you to expand on and give nuance to a topic.

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I'm trying to write a short for my local literary magazine but all the shorts they publish are almost void of substance. See the link. The prose is good, but it seems that's all it has going for it.

What's with Indie publishers and the hardon they have for prose poetry void of theme or concrete narrative? Why does genre fiction have a monopoly on story? It seems that there's a huge divide between stories that are "literary" which are impressionistic ennui-focused prose poems void of substance or fantasy-slop.

KEK, Canada is really India 2.0
I know it sucks. Luckily I live in a white part of the country
Then be the change

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He was a piece of shit!
It's natural to support jews if you're a jew or in some circumstances a nonwhite; it's natural to oppose jews if you're white. Why can't we just speak clearly about the matter?
It's natural to oppose jews if you're anything other than a jew. They're enemies of mankind.
How do you rank Céline's works?
Your favorite book of Celine by reader category:
>pleb friendly
>high IQ pleb
German trilogy
>literary world
Mort à Crédit
>based contrarian
Guignol's Band
Entretiens avec le professeur Y

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How do things like this make you feel?
The letters of famous people themselves are fascinating. But they are curated by an Author who presents things like he "created" them rather than just having found them.
He puts himself square in the frame of the intro and seems to hold himself in high regard for putting this book together.

He didn't do anything but the book remains of quality not because of him but other people.
Lile biographies or history books

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Best E-readers for PDFs? large screen preferably.
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The Boox Note Air series, preferably the 2+ or 3. 10 inches is the minimum size you want, 13.3" is the best but the price for an ereader that size is quite high. Check for manufacturer refurbs on ebay.
can you read pirated books with these things?
Of course my nigger
I bought a kindle paperwhite for the same reason as you and I quickly realised it was very difficult to read them on an e-reader
Anyway I read them now but I use the program k2pdfopt which is not at all ideal and so I would caution you if you were planning on reading pdfs only
how? i've never used one

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Would a degenerate like myself enjoy reading this or is it overhyped?
No, it's goddamn literature.
It's just a beautiful read. The idea might be degenerate but you won't find anything 'hot' in it. It's just a beautiful book.

If you want degenerate shit go and read marquis de sade works like justine
Is the author trying to persuade the reader that loli love is great
Or is he trying to expose how evil pedophiles are and how they think
the latter

I'll start:
Stephen Dedalus

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I feel like my vision is getting worse, and I attribute it to the amount of time I spend staring at small letters on a page, aka reading. What can I do to remedy this?
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just stare at bigger letters bro
Take up running. I'm a software developer, a gamer and a reader, my eyes can only be fucked. But, my vision hasn't changed since I took up running, 10 years ago. The longer distance the better.
I'd recommend getting your eyesight tested
There could be an underlying problem that needs to be addressed asap

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