Did he actually say it? In which book?
>>24176841Not sure what you mean
I guess we really are beyond good and evil.
Is it possible to do the "It was actually a dream all along!" Twist ending without ruining the story?
>>24174892wouldn't work for a full story, but you could have some character be a prophet of some kind and basically have him come back to his senses at the end of the arc to prevent it all from happening all over againor, use the time loop tropeor, make it so that the dream really happened in some twisted way, like that shit really happened but only the main characters remember it
>>24174892I think it's possible as long as you end it in a way that your audience doesn't feel like their time was wasted even if it was a dream.
>>24174892I did a short story recently where that was that case and I think it's kino ngl
>>24174892If the story itself is crazy and dreamlike. Like Mulholland Drive or Jacob’s Ladder
>>24176812Does The Man that was Thursday count?
Just finished picrel, what did I think of it.Where do I go from here?
Did you like it? If so read Karamazov and Devils.
>>24176798I liked it.It was different from the other books I have read, I felt something very profound when I read it. Its just a fictional story like any other but I felt deeply connected to the characters.TBK is like his magnum opus, is it too much philosophy?idk anything about demons tho.
How do you get started with publishing short fiction? I have been writing some short stories but I didn't go to an MFA program and don't have any literary connections. There are tons of lists of journals online but it seems silly to just start picking them at random.
Go to Submittable and use the search feature.
>>24176559I go from Church to Church after xeroxing—with a Nail gun.
>>24176559Journals will generally have a small short description regarding their style and themes, find some that seem to suit you. Read them. Decide if they really do suit you, if so submit.Before submitting I generally read a few issues of the journal and then do an edit/revision of the story which is informed by that reading. This is mostly an exercise for myself and a way to keep myself working on the stories and improving them; a story is not finished until it is published. If a story consistently fails to get published I will generally select a journal it is completely unsuited for and do a complete rewrite, most of the times a journal which has themes for its issues, it is a good exercise that really gets you thinking and analyzing your story.
What are your favorite books that deal with dreams or where dreams play a major part in the story?
None. I hate this trope, since dreams in fiction always seem so obviously contrived and artificial.
What's the best Harry Potter book?
Serious answer, it's Goblet of Fire.
>>24173248The movies are better desu
>>241732485 bc it's fun to watch umbridge get rekt
>>24176645Order of the Phoenix is patently the worst one THOUGH.
>>24173393This, best book but the movie doesn't do it justice
has there EVER been a philosopher that's dropped as many TRVKEs?
He wrote The Cantos is what he did! He was a great Italian poet! And on this board, Ezra Pound is a hero! End of story!
>>24176574i discovered so much great poetry by reading the cantos. It also convinced me that late medieval literature was the peak era of European literature.
>>24176574He was quite unexceptional. It's immediately apparent to the discerning judge of literature. He also got shit grades in college and was a reported egomaniac
>>24176610I find it really funny that Pound was so obnoxious he effectively got kicked out of two countries and was only able to stick around in Italy because Mussolini thought he made for a good clown. Credit where it’s due, he wrote some excellent lines, was a great colleague/editor/promoter, and every now and then his criticism generated real insight
>Dude I'm like, sooo disgusting. LOL!Vile cretin.
>>24175107I go to bed in Los Angeles thinkingabout you.Pissing a few moments agoI looked down at my penisaffectionately.Knowing it has been insideyou twice today makes mefeel beautiful.
>>24175076I liked pulp, it was funny nothing more
>>24175076this nigger would fuck trannies if he was a young nigger now
Jews always love vulgarity when producing goods for the goyim
>>24176582There's nothing straighter than asserting your superiority over other men
So you're telling me to understand a book I have to take notes while reading and re-read the notes every single day, then having to summarize what I read in my own words? This shit just like school frfr on god this too much work
>>24173110I know right? that Adler dude was a retard, never falling for this board's shitty memes again
>>24173110>So you're telling meNope, actually I didn't say a fucking word.
>>24173110Whoever said that was either autistic or trolling.
No for me I just read a ton like mad gains
>>24173110gett it all in your head nigga bonesmash that shit to get it bigger
Isn’t agnosticism an illogical position? Belief is binary
>>24176523>If we examine the mental furniture of the average man,” says William Trotter, the author of a comprehensive study of the social psychology of the individual,4 “we shall find it made up of a vast number of judgments of a very precise kind upon subjects of very great variety, complexity, and difficulty. He will have fairly settled views upon the origin and nature of the universe, and upon what he will probably call its meaning; he will have conclusions as to what is to happen to him at death and after, as to what is and what should be the basis of conduct. He will know how the country should be governed, and why it is going to the dogs, why this piece of legislation is good and that bad. He will have strong views upon military and naval strategy, the principles of taxation, the use of alcohol and vaccination, the treatment of influenza, the prevention of hydrophobia, upon municipal trading, the teaching of Greek, upon what is permissible in art, satisfactory in literature, and hopeful in science.>“The bulk of such opinions must necessarily64 be without rational basis, since many of them are concerned with problems admitted by the expert to be still unsolved, while as to the rest it is clear that the training and experience of no average man can qualify him to have any opinion upon them at all. The rational method adequately used would have told him that on the great majority of these questions there could be for him but one attitude—that of suspended judgment.”Its the only rational position.
>>24176523>I believe your proposition is true>I believe your proposition is false>I take no position of the truth or falsehood of your propositionSeems trinary desu
>>24176523>I don't know and you don't either.It's logical honesty in its purist form.
why does the sticky say>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.when this never gets enforced anyway?
>>24176523>uncertainty conceptually doesn't existis this what that book, The Master and His Emissary was about? how the left brain or whatever is literally incapable of understanding uncertainty?for truly, only some very severe brain damage could lead to this OP
What kind of studying is this monkey doing and what is the philosophical implications? What kind of primitive proto-philosophy is this monkey practicing right here?
>>24176539The same sort our bi-weekly "post IQ" threads are.
Just recommend a book. That's all. Just recommend a good book you've read. Extra pionts if you manage to suggest a book that isn't of the only five books this board seems capable of talking about.
>>24172978>I bought a copy recently, very likely just due to your constant shilling. Don't let me down, anon!Hopefully I log on here at the right time to see you post a thread cussing me out and relaying that after about 100 pages you already sold it to Half Price Books.
https://www.google.ca/books/edition/The_Pacific_War_1931_1945/49bWRrBQP74CI read the entirety of it about 7+ months ago, but I still think its a good book, with a unbiased historical perspective.I think it's a good read for those who want to learn more about WWII Japan, since it goes over their authoritarian transformation from the late 1920's to early 1940, and how the indoctrination of their population occurred. I really hate how normies ignore the build-up to these sort of wars and have no capacity to realize history repeating itself or make connections to modern events.I dunno, i just give this book a 9/10 for its content, its worded well and the author himself talks about the sources
>>24175214>Applied to the U.S. intervention in Indochina, for example, Ienaga's approach would focus relatively less on the record of senior policymakers as revealed in the Pentagon Papers and more on the American educational system and the media. The crucial question might be, How could the American people have been made to believe that intervention in a nationalist revolution in a corner of Southeast Asia was any of their business, let alone a major strategic interest worthy of the nation's blood and treasure?Translator's note not off to a good start. It was a communist revolution.
>>24175714>it was a communist revolutionin mention to the various warlords occupying China, or to Japan's government itself?I dunno, could you tell me further?
>page 7
>>24175214>Publisher not on cover.>Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group>Translator not on cover.>Introduction by not on cover.>No scholarly introduction.I'd seriously check reviews in UK historical scholarly journals before I bothered reading this.
oh shit last semester i was in a WWII course and for my research paper the professor recommended this as a survey book for me since I decided to research the CCP's role in defending Chinathe sections I read were well-written
Is it that great?
>>24176130It's a great book, just read it. It's what got me back into reading after many years. It's amazing how every single little detail of the book is interesting.
>>24176130It's good. It has a little bit of everything but certainly not a masterpiece. I may consider it a must read for teenagers.
>>24176224She’s not even the only one that gets raped either
I like it. But I feel you have to be a certain amount of Hispanic/Latin to get the most out of it or relate to the amount of whimsy and macho and family living together for 100+ years
>>24176130compared to most high school assigned reading, yeah its pretty high up