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>my favorite book of all time is Consider the Lobster and Other Essays by David Foster Wallace
What type of person do you imagine?
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a whore a bourgeois
Can you repeat the question?
Where have you heard that? His nonfiction is just about as good as his fiction. Most of his nonfiction is definitely towards the funnier side, but is still insightful. But his "serious" nonfiction is some of the most astute shit on the planet earth.

For an essay, check out "E Unibus Pluram".

For a nonfiction piece he gave as a speech, check out "Laughing with Kafka".

The former is a longer read, the latter will only take a couple of minutes to read, or about 10 minutes to listen to his actual speech.
A lobster trying to pass as a human nice try!!!
Mainstream libtard pseud probably
This is how this essay was conceived in DFW's mind: "Hmm... I've been requested to write an article for a FOOD magazine... FOOD magazines are about CONSUMPTION of food... well what if I told people that in order to CONSUME animals, we must harm them?" and then he just threw in a bunch of overexamined details about how Fat and American the whole thing was to make it "observant" or "funny".

The essays are exceptionally overrated and not close to his best writing. Another terrible but lauded piece is his cruise ship essay. Believe it or not, when David Foster Wallace isn't writing about consoomerland (his entire schtick basically copied from DeLillo's white noise, a novel that aged like milk and was not even original when it was published), he can actually write some strong introspective tract.

I'd only respect someone saying a Wallace book is their favorite if they picked "Oblivion". Nowhere else is there good writing. His mind matured there.

Why do old books have pressed flowers in them?
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shameless self bump
Weird. I have a book with this too. Is it a bookmark?
Outdated sentimentality that makes zoomzooms seethe.
women love that shit

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Is it any good?
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What does MNM-DR mean?
Master Necro Mega-Damage Rapeface
are you trolling or serious
oh wow it's real. I found it written in my copy of Tainted Turd. I haven't gotten to that one yet
100% serious

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What means to be an aesthetic of something? I read once the sentence "massgrave aesthetics" so I got confused
the theme or manifestation of something, eg slavery aesthetics would be idolizing slave culture wearing a white suit, whipping slaves etc

Thoughts on this book?
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You're a fag
i don't think that that yeats poem warranted a suicide attempt tbqhdesu
Carmella was always reading books but she said Madame Bovary went over her head

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Has anyone read Gentile's Philosophy of Mind as Pure Act and/or Klages' Of Cosmogonic Eros? Are these worth reading for a fan of German Idealism and Romanticism?
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I'm not very familiar with Bradley but Gentile's entire corpus is a critique of the idea of transcendence. He trys to ground all experience as a pure immanent act of active thinking mind. A good introduction to his work is an essay of his titled "Basic Concepts of Actualism". It's a plain stated outline of what he thinks
What is best printing of Phil of Mind? I see two amazon. Both look like cheap printings alas. Don't want scans or typos yano
Gentile’s fascism is interesting for someone interested in idealism (I’m not anymore, but I was).
^the guy calls himself an anarchist communist, but he is obviously a fascist and student of Gentile
Klages has basically nothing at all to do with idealism.
The best your going to find is a reprint. It was published in 1922 and is a fascist primary source. I might got my copy from Kessinger Publishing
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Gentile.without a solid grasp of Hegelian Idealism most of the philosophy will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Gentile's actual idealism, which is deftly woven into his writings and is a continuation of Hegel's philosophy. The idealists that understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these writings, to realise that they're not just insightful- they say something deep about BEING. As a consequence people who dislike Giovanni Gentile truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, Gentile's critique of historical materialism.
I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Giovanni Gentile's genius unfolds itself on their e-reader/laptop screens. What fools. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Fascio tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably closer) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

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Yum Yum Pancakes edition

What's your fav pancake? Mines dosa (south indo) and blini (eastern yuro)

Previous >>23623290
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Last I've checked it was VP vs VP and yet kamala harris wants to accuse Trump of backpeddling since he said something about her vs Trump. Interesting.
>what should you do when you need to communicate something to someone but don't know how to say it in a way that won't make you crazy.
Depending what it is should be how it's communicated. Sometimes it's good to be point blank.
neu neo nuevo

post gay thots here
Bush was boomer conservatism. Trump is non ideological populism.

What is the best translation of Sappho
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The poem itself is lesbian. The attribution of the narrator to Sappho herself is spurious. The implication that Sappho only wrote from her pov isn’t likely to be backed up by any facts.
Also Anne Carson’s and the Loeb’s edition in Greek both have the original Greek on dual facing sides so if you plan to read Greek you should choose one of the two.
Why do you assume the PoV is female then?
Huh. I just looked it up and I guess you’re right that the narrator’s gender isn’t mentioned.
Just academia trying to poz everything again imo

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Any Syriacanons here? Can I get a QRD? Who are the best authors? Their best works? Is a lot still untranslated? Which script and dialect should I learn? What's the best textbook?
I find the script very beautiful and the fact that it's the language of one of the oldest Christian communities makes this language very appealing. Considering learning it.
I have not really studied Syriac, but I know Aramaic, which Syriac is a dialect of. Learn whatever script your textbook uses. Robinson and Coakley is pretty popular. There are several significant Syriac authors. If you have enough motivation to teach yourself a language or to find a class and work hard, you should have enough motivation to look on Wikipedia. Do your own research.
Yes I read the Wikipedia and anything else I could find but most of the other stuff on Syriac online seems to be from wewuz Assyrian nationalists who claim Greek and Hebrew are descended from Syriac or scholarly stuff locked behind paywalls. It's not like Greek or Latin or Hebrew where a billion people study it. So I would just appreciate some help from more experienced anons if there are any. For instance what script most books are written in.
The commentaries on Plato and Aristotle, Church lit, poetry etc. a lot of this stuff isn't translated sadly

>What's the best textbook?
Wheeler Thackston's one

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should I be Heathcliffmaxxing?

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What some /lit/ eroticas that you've read? Need something to goon instead of raw porn
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You know democracy and wokism are here to stay when all they can do spam their deification of merchants and bureacrts, and their new god in the form of the republic they hate so much kek.
death is too good for you
They honor Trump as a bodhisattva.
Remember when it was confirmed that Trump visited the pedo islands and all charges were dropped instantly?

>invade by firing themselves out of a massive gun and crash-landing in england
>fire invisible heat rays instead of lasers or phasers or plasma or some other passé nonsense
>killable by conventional weapons but still overwhelmingly powerful
>properly alien behavior and technology with actual fleshed-out motivations
>anatomically bizarre but still recognizable, avoiding the "humans with one small change" Star Trek bullshit and also the "sentient cloud of telepathic space dust" Star Trek bullshit
science fiction used to have soul
ok I'll read it for you op

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do we like dr. gregory sadler here?
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>Cons: can’t talk to his fans properly
i've only seen him come off as "rude" when people try to give him unsolicited advice
We have little consensus here, it's what makes things interesting.
Anyway, regarding the new marvel comic...
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People post the dumbest crud imaginable in his comment section and then act offended when he tells them off. Why are you fighting with some random guy you clearly hate in his comment section in a random video on a book which likely the comment you posted had nothing to do with besides the point. It makes you cringe not him.
I like him. I think he's the best anglophone philosophy youtuber.
Metalheads are some of the biggest dorks imaginable.

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Narcissisus always wants to rule heaven.
Bipola always wants to crawl inside narcissa's skin.
Animur always turns a blind eye in an effort to protect heden.
Heden always wants to enjoy heaven without stoping debauchery.
Debauchera only wants anima's attention.
Gooden always wants peace on bridge.
Baden always wants to man bridga.
Bridge always feigns disinterest.
It all makes sense; it's all good they all meat at the four-way crossed road.
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the implication of the picture is that he's gay. you just didn't get the joke.
Nick Fuentes proves that the Castizo man marches alone. Spics hate us because we're too white. Whites hate us because we're too spic. We should spit on both of them and take over for ourselves.
Ok then he's even more based.
I would respect Nick so much more if he was actually breeding his sisterwife.
Hi nick, it's fucking your sister what turned you gay?

What are some creative awe inspiring profound science fiction books you’ve read.
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How could I forget Childhood's End!
I loved the premise of This Immortal but it was a pretty shit read and felt like wasted potential
Also, I think Star Maker by Stapledon is a good one as well
The ConSentiency novels absolutely deserve more love, but The Jesus Incident is my favorite Herbert novel. It’s inspired a lot of stuff too.
The one where the protagonist learn to use question marks!
Foundation (the first book of the series) is also good if you are like in middle school or something
in high school you will probably be too cynical to appreciate it lol
wtf how is he doing that?

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