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Triple should have two P's.
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Canopy over her bed, can of pee under her bed*
actually, I'd read "triple" /traipl/ if I were new to English.
"tripple" seems to correspond with /tripl/
A group of three trees is a treeple.
>t+ ripple = tripple
checks out
you are an idiot because quadruple has a long u so it's fine, whereas triple and quintuple both have short u's so they should be quintupple and tripple; and double is an outlier.

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>Everyone saw in my face evil traits that I didn’t possess. But they assumed I did, and so they developed. I was modest, and was accused of being deceitful: I became secretive. I had a strong sense of good and evil; instead of kindness I received nothing but insults, so I grew resentful. I was gloomy, other children were merry and talkative. I felt myself superior to them, but was considered inferior: I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world, but no one understood me, so I learned to hate. My colorless youth was spent in a struggle with myself and with the world. Fearing mockery, I buried my best feelings at the bottom of my heart: there they died.
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>what's that bro? you don't spend years in mental anguish rebuilding your entire personality? oof, sounds like you're a piece of shit buddy, not a good look
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skill issue
i mean when you yourself acknowledge that your entire personality is being a piece of shit, then yea, it makes you a piece of shit when you consciously decide not to change it
It should be noted that within the context of the novel Pechorin is pretty much bullshitting. What he says might be true, but he doesn’t actually care for any sympathy or deeper understanding. He is only saying it to manipulate someone and to make himself seem byronic, which is based.
an ought does not follow from an is, retard, there's no logical justification to change anything once you have acknowledged it

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I’m thinking of writing a story set in Ancient Rome during the time of Nero. It starts as a conversation between two people with one of them saying that symbols started off simple and then developed into massive man made structures (such as language, fiction, and art) that create and rely on other structures and infrastructure, and this will continue until they overtake reality itself and become more important. People mistake the symbols for what they are representing. because while the IMAGE projects realism by looking real, the MEANING projects something far different. and since all MEANING in our art is slowly becoming meaningless and irrelevant in our visually-based society, our generations perception of REALITY is becoming skewed and twisted into something that is VIRTUAL REALITY. i fear that soon we wont be able to distinguish between REALITY and VIRTUAL REALITY. i fear that IMAGE will not only become more important than MEANING, but IMAGE WILL BECOME THE ONLY MEANING.

The story then jumps into the year 1997 in New York City at the UN building, where two other people are having a conversation where they say they believed that life was just being bridged between two existences, early primitive life and….something else. They say that it has been less than a century since we have seen advanced technology, less than a century window after billions of years of primitive and primordial existence.

The story then jumps to Herat, Afghanistan on November 9th, 2001 and centers on a female us soldier and a cia agent in a black site.

Is this a good story idea? Or should I just give up

Asking random retards on the internet
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it's crazy to me that erol morris made a doc about abu ghraib and treated it as an apology tour for that cunt
When Borges had this problem of being more interested in exploring the concepts than the story itself, he would compress his whole novel into a few short pages, and give a sort of running summary.

If your idea seems to ambitious for your current skillset, maybe you could try that. I think instead of actually having to write scenes in Rome, Borges would've avoided a lot of complications by turning that conversation into a recently unearthed philosophical dialogue from an archaeological dig in Pompeii.
>thinking of writing a story
>describes story instead of just writing it.
nigger ! ! !
i appreciate your reply friend
Your idea isn't original but a watered down version of baudrillard

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Favorite prison novel?
Just finished On The Yard and it was really great.
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This one is close enough and 5/5
This was nowhere near as gay as the movie
But if you’re paying attention and read between the lines a little there is some subtle gayness
Still on the whole it’s pretty funny and entertaining.
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Whoops forgot pic
First Circle

I want to read religious books but in story format instead of reading retarded verses
I want to read Abrahamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Chinese, and Greek religious stories.
What's the best book for me?
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The Jataka Tales
Satan was a PC
What about Abrahamic stories?
This is such a broad thing you're asking for I don't even know where to direct you to begin. For Greek stuff read either Bulfinch or Hamilton's Mythology books I guess. If you want something on Christianity read Shusaku Endo's Life of Jesus. There are countless introductions to Christianity as a religion but they're less focused on just "the story" which sounds like what you want.

For Islam I'd just go reading hadiths.
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>I'd just go reading hadiths
No book that tells the story of the hadiths in detail?

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Who/What do I need to read before this to understand it?
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Sorry I'm stupid and mean, plus I don't pay much attention
Plato and Marx to understand the key philosophical problems that he engages with and De Sassure and Barthes to understand why he engages with them the way he does. But honestly, Baudrillard is perhaps the only 70s/80s critical franchie you can read his own work and get everything out of it that it has to offer. He's complex and unapologetically challenging but also very creative and singular. Unlike Foucualt, Derrida or Deleuze you don't to also be keyed in on Kant, Hegel, Heidegger etc to fully appreciate his contribution
You just need to know that the map is not the territory, then note that this implies all maps are just reflections of other maps. Then you ask who are the main map-makers that we can comprehend.
You will then have two paths, one is Marxist, one is spiritual. You'll either identify the unknown other, who posits the map you perceive as territory, as big media/intelligence, or you'll identify it with non-physical entities battling to determine your soul.
Third alternate route: deism. The entities that create your reality aren't supernatural, but they're aliens who use all of humanity as a chessboard.
The matrix was based on this movie, if you don't think you can handle the book, and you probably can't if you're asking people here instead of just doing it,you should meditate on that movie.
You need to watch reality TV from the 70s, visit Disneyworld, and read Ballard's Crash.
>and read Ballard's Crash.
You forgot about masturbating.

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His prose is horrible. I can’t go a paragraph without involuntarily convulsing. I’m editing mentally as I read. Fucking dropped.
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>His prose is horrible
try reading any other fantasy writer other than tolkein. its a desert of quality.
the proud lord said
/lit/ tourist here. So every board hates what ever is popular then?
Also post your prose changes.
most of the fantasy writers seem to be the mental age of high schoolers. Who think their girl witch who has casual sex with everyone and somehow is advisor to the queen is the main character. its just such low level of quality. the people who would typically get kicked out of a writing program.
clearly is anon, just look at this thread as evidence, so many seethers

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A social network for poetry. Do you use it?
I used Poetizer back when I first started writing poetry. It's a safe ground and a pretty standard entry for starters, but the more you hone your writings, it becomes banal and deficient.
I've been using substack. Which has been all right for me.
Just chain fucking sonnets, then read Romeo and Juliet as chained sonnets, then make more and more fucking sonnets. Then start immanentising Greek Gods and fucking them.
>look this up on google
>first link that comes up is a reddit thread complaining that its gone subscription based and you have to pay to edit your work

looks like it sucks

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Why should I fight for something better when results will barely graze mediocrity?
>> 23823077
It's a struggle—a struggle of identity and meaninglessness. We live in a world where some are born rich and 'experience' everything, while others feel less human for trying so hard. Is there no truth beyond money and the pursuit of a better life? I wouldn't say modernity is bad, but how do I solve this? It's like an inner migration, being born in a country with little opportunity, watching the world as if it's a party you're not invited to. Rich kids my age attend rich schools, develop rich habits, and live in a cycle of wealth. I wish I were born in America or something. They speak of opportunities like they're common currency like anyone can reach out and take them. But for those on the outside, there’s always a wall—an invisible barrier between 'them' and 'us.' I never felt part of that world, not by birthright, not by connection. What a loser post but I am le- alienated.
That is a total shit take, it started out well enough, then devolved into dumbness.

>Read by Wayne June.
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>read by John Wayne
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Uh oh

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I want to go back
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>forgot pic lel
Can someone with 5000 years in photoshop do an edit with the cave, Sadam’s bunker, the miner who doesn’t hit diamonds, and the guy stuck in nutty putty cave?
Plato's full of shit, I've never even seen a cave except in the movies.
Also sometimes I'll turn on my cell phone flashlight and make a giant shadow of my penis on the wall and tell my girlfriend it's the bat signal for when I'm horny
i was born in the cave, molded by it...

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How's the writing career coming, /lit/?
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oh shit jon fosse be posting on /lit/ yo let me ask u tho why tf didn't use any paragraphs in morning and night? was that really necessary? fucking chore to read.
I posted the entirety of the story in a pdf here. Nobody read it. So i'm moving on up!
pearls before swine
Got a book deal a few months ago. Feels pretty okay.
Fiction? And how much?

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>WOAH DUUUDE…truth is like…SUBJECTIVE…like maybe I’m right and maybe you’re right and like who knows man fr fr
now do nietzsche
Why is he mewing at me?

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Nietzscheans and the like go back to Homer as the perfect example of master morality but are they wrong? King Priam literally kisses the hand of the man who murdered his son and the entire poem is more of a deconstruction of the heroic ideal. If anything, is Homer proto-Christcuck shit?
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I'm never going on Twitter and I'm never learning who "BAP" is.
>the entire poem is more of a deconstruction of the heroic ideal
it's very strange to me that more people don't realise this
the entire iliad is like a turning point going from worshipping the hero to questioning the hero
I was really struck by the imagery of Priam kissing the murderer’s hand. That is some Christcuck shit.
>Nietzscheans and the like go back to Homer as the perfect example of master morality
I've never seen this. Nietzsche himself first came in contact with ancient master morality through Theognis, another Greek poet. He also strongly admired Thucydides. Homer, not so much.
The thinking man's Homer interpretation.

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