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>suddenly pauses the narration to insert random half-hour rants about language, to analyse stupid unrelated shit or to give unnecessarily long historical context
>'yeah man, talking about the extension and evolution of the sewers over 900000 pages was absolutely necessary'
Was he schizophrenic
I loved it, but why is he like this

I've no idea what am I reading
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I might have made up half of my post, just like Johnny might have his, but the monsters are definitely real.

SCP-087 has some similarities.
It's just a bit of fun
you can speak only one language
a shitty book that could've been about 80 pages

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Raskolnikov is a really good well written character
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thats like one of the easiest takeaways from the book it may be "boring" but thats just a very simple takeaway
the only dostevskey book on booktok is white nights because booktok is exclusivley curated for and by women
What makes you think Raskolnikov's goal was actually the point of the novel? One could just as easily conclude that Dostoevsky subverting the premise was to say it was about something else. Perhaps that the absolute freedom of moral creation is so bleak that even with religion, life is still just as terrifyingly directionless as morals you make yourself, like a Napoleonic great man? I find it odd so many readers interpret the ending otherwise. As if you were trained to react negatively to a story that grapples with the nature of morality even if it's not prescriptive? If the story were didactic, if Raskolnikov had become a good goy, then he would have been more comforted than he was or shown to have obtained something for his faith. But he obtained nothing that he did not have already.
You will never be an Napoleon
>1866 russian who didn't shower
imagine the smell

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Whats a book that you read solely to get pussy?
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If you are a foid yeah
E-girls are conwoman and tell you things which will make you see them as vulnerable and stupid to make it easier for them to outsmart you.
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I read Anna Karenina to get pussy (I also like trains) and it ended up being my GOAT read.
Imagine punching this cunt right in her face. BANG!
24167834 #

Read Anna Karenina to get a pussy? you are a virgin.

Why are there no penis monologues? Scrotes, what's your excuse?
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Why are jews so perverted?
Ever open Twitter? Probably see one on first page
So that's why as kids we sword fight..
We have Shakespeare.

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How can Wolfe claim that he's a Christian character when his personal philosophy best aligns with postmodernists like Jean Baudrillard and Richard Rorty?
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Freezing cold take
this is not it pal.
He's not a character who is a Christian, retard. He's a Christ-analogue figure in a profoundly alien world.
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Who’s the retard? Ofc the character isn’t a Christian in the story, no one said that retard and no one else in this thread thought I meant that.

And he’s not an analogue of Christ. Wolfe has explicitly stated that he’s not. He’s an analogue of a Christian. That’s the point of the thread. Why don’t you go murk up a different forum with your room temperature IQ.
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>spent years writing my first novel
>proofread, edit etc
>submit it to at least two dozen agents (after researching their interests) and some small and medium sized publishing houses
>two agents and one commissioning editor get back to me
>one agent ends up ghosting me pretty much
>other agent said it had some strengths but really seemed to be just giving me pro bono advice and encouragement
>commissioning editor told me that the book's opening line intrigued her but that she didn't understand how it fitted into the story
>said the subsequent plotting was "sporadic" and the bulk of the writing "far too tangential" to be commercially successful
>asked her if she would be willing to take another look after edits etc
>tells me their publishing schedule is already full up this year anyway but to send something back either later this year or next year

Feeling really deflated at the moment. I know there are worse things in life to deal with, trust me. But I've sacrificed so much time writing this book, not to mention reading other books specifically as research for it. I mean I guess the only solution now is to self-publish.
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>Thanks, I guess I should take more encouragement from their response
You should, last thing anyone in publishing wants is more submissions, they would not suggest resubmitting unless they want you to resubmit. They will most likely just send a form rejection if you do nothing but blindly follow their criticism, take a break for a few weeks and then go at it. I would print it out double spaced and go at it with the red pen with special attention to how each part contributes to your goals, how their criticisms apply to that part and how you can improve it, in regards to both their criticisms and your intent. Make use of as much of that white space on that double spaced print out as you can.

Took almost 3 years to get my first novel published and in retrospect I am very glad it did, it ended up a much better novel and I came to see what it had started out as was quite flawed but I was blinded by pride.
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You don't understand anon, their standards are just SOOO high, if your work doesn't pass rigorous vetting- lol just kidding, you probably don't have the right DEI attributes or family connections.
Christ, just go and self publish on amazon. Then do some marketing on reddit and other shit places and you will make a bank (or not if your novel is shit).
Don't advertise on 4chan. The user base are the cheapest mother fuckers in the world
the call of the crocodile author actually got some clout advertising here tho

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Why hasn’t any woman written a masterpiece? Middlemarch is McDonalds compared to Milton or Proust.
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I don't think the porn has much to do with it, think it is more that zoomer men are ridiculously image conscious and seem to conflate the image they cultivate with who they are and reduce everyone to those same terms.
I don't think the porn is the cause of their condition either, but I think most of these virgins don't care about much else besides sex all the same.
What about Flannery O'Connor?
The Princess of Cleves by Lafayette
Enjoying slice-of-life is like the Bell Curve IQ meme, you either need to be a sub-retard normie or supremely enlightened, only midwits feel the need to read the most high-minded works

read crime and punishment a year ago, haven't been able to fill the void that book left. any books similar to it? (books that explore the psychology of the characters)

dont recommend any other dostevskety books im reading them all already
The Stranger. Wise Blood.
A Hero of Our Time. Nothing will ever top this. Mogs Dostoyevsky.

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Is there any effective way to read multiple books at once? I've tried it but I kept getting sidetracked and adding more and more books. It feels like, if done right, it can help me get through my reading goals faster but idk. Is it effective for anyone here?
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I think it's best to do what your currently doing if it's fiction. Just read one at a time.
Your probably going to get a bunch of bad advice in this thread, just people telling you what they do rather than what actually works best.
You get less immersed in a fictional story if your jumping between 5 of them. Also theres those charts on how quickly you forget what youve just read, if your reading 5 books then your more likely to forget important details or even the details that arent important but add to the enjoyment.
Just read one book and aim for depth rather than spreading yourself out too thin among numerous ones.
What about if it's nonfiction? I'm reading Hegel's Phenomenology
If it's one that requires focus then 1 at a time unless the extras are secondary material on the 1st priority book your reading.
I've not read hegel but when I was reading Kant it required my complete attention. Fiction has like the "narrative thread" which the author is weaving throughout the book and you could miss or forget parts of what your meant to remember, call backs to earlier in the story. In philosophy you could forget important parts of the arguement the philosopher is trying to establish for future parts of the book.
It's about how good your memory is, if i stay away from a book for too long then it feels like im a goldfish in unfamiliar land because I've just been moved into a new tank or something. And, well, goldfishes have shit memory.

Should be focusing on making sure your "reading well" rather than reading widely.
Depends on the books. If they're similarly themed around something you're fine. If you're just scatterbrained and can't focus on one at a time it's a (You) problem and you need to work on it. I recommend scheduled reading to get a habit going.
Yeah that makes sense, I think I'll just stick to one then. Thanks

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>read sci-fi story
>aliens communicate with humans using binary
How would this even work? Even if math is "universal," how do you translate a bunch of ones and zeroes into any human language with words and sounds?
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I’m guessing you’re not very computer-literate because this is where that meme comes from. Computers store all their information in binary
My dream is that they have a smell based language and a bunch of alien babes sniff me all over. Mmmmmm.
dont dogs already do this like they piss on a fire hydrant and other dogs sniff it like sup bro
Not the same. Bees do though.
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>Even if math is "universal,"
Which it isn't. Mathematical systems are founded on arbitrary and unproven axioms. They're castles built on air.

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What was your favorite and most hated required reading for school?
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I hates that too.
Basically it's okay to murder a woman in cold blood because she's white.
Hated: Anthem
Favorite: Macbeth
One of my English lit classes got cut short because the teacher’s husband died and we were supposed to read Lear that year which I prefer to Macbeth. Had to read The Namesake too which I was not a huge fan of, but Rand’s Anthem easily was the worst
Favorite: Call Of The Wild. I like nature.
Hated: A Modest Proposal. My autistic ass hated satire of any kind.
Favorite: Hard to remember, maybe ETA Hoffman's The Sandman, or Goethe's Faust. There were others i liked more but those tended to be very short stories in textbooks. Like that satirical cold war short story by iirc Roald Dahl where the two families get caught up in a spiral of increasingly absurd armament and in the end nuke each other from across the street. Or the tale of the Proper Gander
Least favorite: "Not Chicago. Not here", a story about a kid being tormented by a bully in increasingly bad ways. a miserable, bleak read. I already knew it was a terrible thing and would never do it, in fact I was just about the only one to never be mean to that one fat+kinda stupid kid in our class and help him out at times, so the whole educational anti-bullying aspect was wasted on me and it just and left me much more afraid of bullying and letting my guard down.
Tangent but I hate how school forces you to learn things instead of fostering a love for learning.

>that part in Book 3 of the Republic where Socrates subtly reminds Glaucon not to be a pedo
>the part where Socrates is openly lusting over Alcibiades' boytummy

Will he ever write another book?
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The ur brown routine. Typical. You know, a large amount of BAP's fanbase used to be brown back in the day, only real oldtroons remember.
There's only one reason why someone would be upset over handsome white men
>guy creates ideology
>doesnt personally subscribe to it
tale as old as time
You have to be a chronically online faggot to even understand what he's talking about
The catty seething that takes place every time this book is mentioned convinced me it was worth reading.

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>a lifetime of pursuing philosphy
>outcome: seething at people online and a tranny son
Is it worth it?
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>He shits all over me as if I asked something offensive, goes on a tyrant shitting on pynchon and david foster wallace saying he thinks they are basically lower than dirt and how he will never waste his time on them

>absolutely not. I solved this one already. Based on Aristotle we know that the first movement must be without parts, indivisible, and posses NO magnitude. The Mind is the only thing that meets those requirements and the answer is solipsism. All metaphysics is just universal infinite and we can't know any of that. Finitude is the only thing left to know. Here's how this works, if you don't want to think I will treat you as some essence automata without a soul. You're not even worth I think therefore I am. There's alot of work I need done in reconciling whatever I say with whatever I want. I've been tossing around some ideas. I don't really like the sun being the center of the solar system. I want it to orbit a Euclidean point. It's basically just remapping something to make me happy but it'll make me happy. This quantum stuff is interesting, and I don't care for space. Empty space that is. See if you can work up something where subatomic particles fill all space. If want to join the solipsist club you can but I don't really want to hear your complaining. Either you spend the money to make your kid hot or you go back to youtube.
Those basic bitch opinions are trickle down from philosophers
>at the ripe age of 42 I plan to attend YSU to study history and anthropology
For what purpose?
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Every time he mouths off when someone calls him Mr. Sadler, I think of this.


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