books that make you believe a different world is posible and give you hope.I know BAP gets shitted on here constantly but there is a certain optimism and fire that I can't find in other political thinkers, I want more books or authors like this.Political affiliations dont matter as long as they are radical or against the status quo.
that makes you optimistic?? hateful, racist hectoring, tedious book. the caveman speak was so annoying the very moment this came out. i cant wait until i can go back to forgetting this exists. and i read your thesis too costin, it's shit.
>>24131121>that makes you optimistic??yeah nigga, if there is a single chance that the iron cage we live in gets destroyed I'm hopeful, maybe there is a way out of this.I don't care how jewish or fascist BAP is, he said a lot of real shit about the state of this bug ass world without being blackpilled about it and offering a way out.
>>24131131his sermon is that only the beautiful and strong should succeed and if you're not a top % dominant gigachad then you're genetic garbage dump material & you should stay out of the way of people who matter as they go out in the "wilderness" to have sex and dehumanize people. Devaluing human life degrades things further, it's not a way out.How about instead you just, like, live honestly & responsibly, take advantage of every honest opportunity available to you. no one wants to do that anymore.
Good post and threadAnd Costin’s thesis is quite enjoyable read as well. Selective,I would call it.
>>24131140this world is built on people living honestly and just keeping up with the motions, this has resulted in an ugly ass world where everything is grey concrete and slop.
>>24131144its literally the opposite. costin is the bully on the beach that kicks over your sandcastle because it is a thing to destroy, he is the guy where if you make glancing eye contact with him as you pass on the street he tries to get physical to display animal dominance
if you are such a hardcore bapist how about you move to his test compound in el salvador. theyll love you there, right? they'll accept you, you'll live like a king, i'm sure those crime drop statistics from imprisoning half their population are signs of everything running smoothly, right? it's antifragile utopia, just like costin said, right boss??
>>24131150I don't know about you, but the problem I see with modernity is that life becomes souless, not that it is cruel or hard, just grey and empty.In certain periods we need someone or something to break things and start fires, this world feels stale as fuck now and it's about time for a big culling.
>>24131116The works of Arne Naess and Francois Jullien.
>>24131151>half their population are signs of everything running smoothly, right? it's antifragile utopiaUnironically, Yes, however Im not latinx so I have no desire to be there
>>24131116He's a Romanian Jewish ESL fruit that wants to portray his fruity tendencies as being a return to based Dionysian ancient tradition, rather than the shenanigans of a kook. It's silly garbage and so this thread won't be anything more than shitting on him, you should of known OP
>>24131151why do you have to box me in like that when I'm looking for book recommendations? longing for a world that feels alive and dynamic instead of whatever bullshit we have now is not saying I want to spend my day in the sun taking roids and gooning over male models.I just agree with the need to end modernity for something better, something fresher.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Lots of Nietzsche will light that fire in you.
>>24131121>>24131140>>24131150>>24131151Why does BAP awaken people's insecurities like this
>>24131116How come you guys have to go for the gayest shit imaginable? This book is just gay porn written by a Jewish guy larping as a fascist. You're reading political pornography, that's all.You're not going to build anything in life with this mentality. It's just going to harm you, BAP knows this btw. This is just enertainment for him, and it should just be entertainment for you too not what you take seriously.This anon has it right >>24131140
>>24131140>How about instead you just, like, live honestly & responsibly, take advantage of every honest opportunity available to you. no one wants to do that anymore.
>>24131218You people are the biggest retards in the world.
>>24131217>You're not going to build anything in life with this mentality.Build what and what mentality exactly? Please elaborate for us.
>>24131219BAP Derangement Syndrome
OP is right that the book is inspiring because its funny and entertaining and interesting. The idea that it should in any way be taken seriously is obviously absurd though. It should be read as sort of tongue in cheek satirical self aware larping. BAPs actual politics are likely retarded but that makes no difference that this book is a fun read as essentially a work of fiction.
Btw, its possible to appreciate ancient history and aesthetics and find strength and physicality appealing as well as valuing traditional moral virtues without having anything to do with BAP or modern politics whatsoever. That these people have co opted interest in Greece and Rome and made people associate any interest in this with the entire realm of larping right wing online "political enthusiasts" is rather unfortunate
>>24131220That you have to ask shows that you wouldn't get it. Maybe you'll get there one day.
>>24131116Don't worry about these other morons anon. Things that have made me feel this way are Sun and Steel, certain life affirming things by Kierkegaard, Nietzsche's essay Truth and Lies in a Non-moral sense and Zarathustra, the travel writing of AA Gill, oh and adventures like Odyssey, I also read The Bull that Thought by Kipling, which gave a similar feel
>>24131260I'm asking because you're just bullshitting. Thanks for confirming.
Fuck that Jew. Fuck that Romanian foreigner. Fuck him and his disgusting Jewish father. Fuck him and his disgusting Jewish communist grandfather. Fuck him and his disgusting venture-capitalist Jewish brother. Fuck him and his IDF general thesis advisor.
>>24131259The BAP people saved Classicism from Platonist tradcath queers
>>24131311Mindbroken by The Pervert
>>24131311u mad?
>>24131311Based, and I agree.2+4+1+3+1+3+1+1 = 162nd top result for 16 in Gematria is "chad". Even J*w magic calls you based for pointing to their lack of qualia.
>>24131116Why doesn't he talk about the Romans? They BTFO'd his beloved Germans, which he frequently praised in the book; they lived the civic life instead of his "Heracletian fire"; instead of worshipping youth, they worshipped sage old age. Why doesn't he talk about Alexander? Here we have a man who pursued the way of the steppe warrior, yet he was the first globalist, trying to unite the entire known world into one sole government, forcing his soldiers to race-mix.
All of BAP's critics are moralfags of some sorts. Left or right, libtard or tradtard/christcuck, doesn't matter. The idea that upsets them the most, that makes them truly SEETHE and COPE is the idea of eugenics.The idea that abortion can be good and should even be mandatory in some cases makes them all gasp in horror like little BITCHES.
>>24131340What if I just hate him because a disgusting KIKE
>>24131340Dude, bap is the ultimate moralfag. His entire community is basically traditionalist moralizing under the guise of being somewhat ironic (but not really). If you have problems with the modern world you are the moralfag, despite your zealous insistence that actually your particular morals are the ones that are right.
>>24131338>They BTFO'd his beloved Germans,?Anon the Germans won. That's why the aristocracy of every Western European country is Germanic. And why France is no longer called Gaul and England is called England.
>>24131349Denounce the Torah
>>24131308Most men who still possess souls do not need clarification on what you asked. Kinda like trying to explain traditional family unit to a feminist. You're damaged goods, sorry.
>>24131338>Why doesn't he talk about the Romans?>Why doesn't he talk about Alexander?Didn't Read Bronze Age Mindset Award
>>24131400Yeah like I said, just bullshitting
>>24131408I read it and he doesn't talk about neither other than making passing mentions, faggot
BAP used to be this big meme on /lit/ and now you have mouthbreathers reading him in earnest over, you know, Plutarch or Livy or Cicero or Xenophon or any other ancient. yeah bro, some fag named BAP is the one who you should read to learn about how different things can be. BAP thread 200 replies. Plutarch thread 10 replies. Napoleon read Plutarch as a child to learn what sort of man he should aspire to be when he grew up, you can't even read Plutarch as an adult to learn what you should have been instead of the failure you are. what's the matter with you?
>>24131519ok anon, I will read plutarch.
>>24131121Racism is good now. There was an election about it. Get with the program, grandpa.
>that makes you optimistic?? hateful, racist hectoring, tedious book
>>24131507There's an long rant about Roman Emperors. You're a fag lol
>>24131519Most of us have read some Plutarch that's baby shit
How the fuck do BAP threads get so many replies?
>>24131121>hateful, racistThe only hateful people are the CEO worshiping morons who support immigration. Countries should be run by natives for natives, all peoples across the world deserve better than big government corporate globalism.
>>24131519Welcome to /lit/, no one reads. It's just shitflinging and low-hanging fruit. We have 3 fucking threads about erotica and women. Any time someone brings up an e-celeb (idk why they do but whatever) like jordan peterson, it's never the content of the book but whatever political beliefs he has etc.
>>24131116>>24131121>Alamariu was born to a Romanian mother and a Jewish fatherThat's a no for me.
>>24131121I haven't read this book, nor am I interested in doing so. But your post is some gay ass shit.
>>24131150>>24131140Alamariu is truly a modern Nietzschean just based on how everyone misinterprets his ideas. BAM is not about being a retarded ape nigger; it's about recognizing the tyranny of radical dysgenic freaks that defines our age and recognizing visions of a based world... is this ok
>>24133500The guy talking about BAP being a beach bully has to be a BAPfag trolling lol
>>24131150yes rayp very good
>>24131116BAP's motif of domination feels more attune to an avoidance of existential fear, no?
>>24131116well lets just say he's no nick fuentes lol
>>24131215Nothing that anon wrote reads like insecurity.
>>24134130Indeed. NTA, but I don't believe the world exists to be the playground of the strong and beautiful, either. little rich boys like BAP are so insipid. anyone whose built a brand on disempowering and dehumanizing others is small.
>>24131220>build what and what mentality exactly >exactly You really need someone to spell out basic human decency for you in an “exact” way, you dumbass? Lol How about this for a suggestion— don’t LARP as a fucking caveman just because you are too socially incompetent to conform to society’s standards and expectations of you. That’s what short-circuiting midwits do. The good news for the rest of us who have managed to humbly accept our lot in life is that cretins like that usually end up dead or in prison. The bad news is that we have to suffer your presence until that finally happens.That “exact” enough for you? Or maybe LARPing as a 17th century libertine is more your speed.
>>24131116I just like to say that this guy has the most insultingly mercenary approach towards Aast Asia imaginable and if he was a pundit in the 1980s he would have fear mongered endlessly about Japanese bug people exterminating white people off the face of the planet and contrast them with the Chinese, whom he would probably be heaping praise onto.The most ridiculous thing in that book is the notion that Iapanees 'need space' and are heckin' noble while the Chinese are all ravenous subhuman insects.For the record, I am open to both valuations. But no honest assesment can be made of either pretending the two are not highly similar to eachother.
>>24134171Like, who the fuck would genuinely believe the Japanese, of all people "need space". If they needed space to live they wouldn't have one of two cities in the 18th century with a population over a million (the other being Beijing).
>>24131116Notice how his guyA middle sized man, weak in constitution and appearance, generally debased, carrying in his blood a little bit of every conceivable race, believing himself to be the first man of the universe, and to demonstrate it, insolent, rampant, ignorant, thief, depraved, ready to sell his sister, his daughter, his wife, his country and his master, and with an incomparable fear towards poverty, towards suffering, towards fatigue and death. For the rest, not doubting that the globe and it's entire procession of planets had been made for him alone.and this guyA blonde haired man, of white and rosy skin, broad shouldered, great in stature, vigorous like Alcibiades, fear-instilling like Theseus, righteous, adaptable, without fearing anything in the world, and death less than anything else. This Leviathan had on all the things ideas that were right or wrong, but who were reasoned, intelligent and that wanted to extend themselves. He had, in his nationality, nourished his spirit with a refined and severe religion, with a wise politics, with a glorious history. Able to reflect, he understood that the Roman civilization was richer than his own and he wanted to find out why. This wasn't a trampling infant like is ordinarily imagined, but an adolescent well aware about his positive interests, who knew well how to feel, see, compare, judge, prefer. are not the same dude? The degenerate civilizations always end up turning into a load of beta males. Being actually strong and capable is one thing, fetishizing it another.Also, how much more ridiculous is the opinion that attributes the ruin of civilization to the Barbarians of the North! These unhappy Barbarians appear in the 5th Century like delirating monsters, precipitating like hungry hordes on the admirable Roman organization, destroying it to destroy it, breaking it to break it, ruining it solely to smash her into pieces!But, even accepting that, fact wrong as it is admitted, that the Germanics had this instict of brutes, these were no disorders to be invented in the 5th Century. Everything of that genre had existed already before, by herself, Roman society had already abolished everything that had once made it's glory. And isn't the modern West doing everything in it's power to destroy itself? It is only a question of time until we rid ourselves of our Elon Musks and Donald Trumps. Even they are degenerates. The final triumph of degeneracy will be achieved very soon and then you can smoke all the BAP ganja you want, it will only contribute further to the decadence.
>>24134151Lol point made. You don't even know what BAP argues for, you're just triggered at the slightest suggestion that maybe you're ZOGslave taxcattle
>>24134151>basic human decency>it's called being a good fucking person chud
>>24131121fpbp. plus he’s jewish
>>24134151assuming this isn't bait, this post perfectly summarizes why, love him or hate him, BAP is a necessary manifestation of the antithesis to this lowest common denominator village old woman scolding, if he hadn't existed, someone would've taken his place
>>24134505NTA, but the babushka and mature optimist horseshoe into wisdom. americans are so cloistered, it's tragic. reply with a soijak and you will only confirm your nothingness
>>24131116>I want more books or authors like this.Friedrich NietzscheRagnar RedbeardAleister CrowleyAnton LaVeyVarg Vikernes
I liked the section in BAM where he rants against "survive and reproduce" as means-to-an-end for all life, specifically the anecdote of the birds and the waterfall.
>>24134523>wisdom*serfdomthey rhyme, easy mistake
>>24134638miserabilism isn't freedom
>>24131116He gets shitted on by retards and ugly leftists. His purpose is greatness and he renders his worldview cogently, succinctly and with the right amount of humour.
>>24132167>Plutarchs synthesis of Timaeus cosmology with his Zoroastrian-inspired general theology>babyshitLmao, you are calling one of the most original and well preserved Middle Platonists baby shit?
>>24134852All platonists are baby bitch shit
>>24134881dogshit post
>>24134852>BAPseethers are coping PlatonicelsHe was right>>24131312
RAW's stuff like Prometheus Rising.
>>24132725Agreed. Blacks go back to Africa, Whites go back to Europe and Asians go back to Asia.
>>24131116I tried reading this book once back when it was the big talking point. I was surprised to learn this book being lauded across right wing spaces was written like a special ed kid’s homework.Although maybe I shouldn’t’ve been surprised.
>>24134881How would you know, when you havent read them?>>24134938How about you take your memespeak, and shove it up your ass, you illiterate nigger. Did you get scared because I mentioned a philosophical idea more complex than the usual surface level stuff your guru tends to spew? Also,>tradcath>Platonist The fact that you conflate the two means that you are unaware of the beliefs of either. I am neither, but if I was, you wouldnt be able to tell, since you know nothing of philosophy.
BAP is alright but a book written by Hakan would be even better.
>>24135065Really struggling to not jak this
>>24131121Racism is normal, natural, and good.>muh naturalistic fallacy!Shut up and eat food
>>24135222>Really struggling to not jak this
>>24132161That's a PASSING MENTION fucking retard. He goes at depth about the Greeks and Renaissance Europe, but not about the Romans or Alexander. He literally only talked about how it's actually "based" that Elegabalus and Nero were homos.
>>24135578>not even accurate>intentionally misinterpreted the message of the sectionTroons itt competing to see who can be the most disingenuous
>>24131338You think Germans had more influence in Western Civilization than Romans? I can't tell if you're trolling
>>24131121this but unironically + jewish author
>>24131116>>24131143>>24131340the writer is a jew, stop bringing this book up. He is wannabe poser radical that will never be a true radical like Fuentes. You cannot call yourself a true radical if you are a jew or if you never denounce the malign jews>>24131162>>24131311>>24132940>>24134493>>24135795truth nuke
>>24131116Why not just read Nietzsche or Ragnar Redbeard instead?
>>24134427>>24134437>live long and prosper >not a good enough reason to get a cushy job I’ve met people who are so bad at communicating with others that I can appreciate why getting a job (any job) for them would seem like a hellish endeavor that makes them begin using the psychological defense mechanism that they have become literal slaves an understandable frame of mind.Admitting that the problem is with you, though, is a much more mature way to deal with it. Acting as though society, which solely exists to improve everything about your human experience, is to blame for your misery is nothing but pure, distilled “cope”, as the ebin 4chins posters like to call it.
>>24136040>You cannot call yourself a true radical if you are a jew or if you never denounce the malign jewsBAP is both not a jew and also denounces and maligns jews so I don't see the problem>like FuentesLmfao. Aside from being completely pathetic and probably a fed Fuentes would refuse to denounce the Torah. Everything he claims about hating jews is worthless
>>24136526>Acting as though society, which solely exists to improve everything about your human experience,Solid bait
>>24136040forgot to add that an exception must be made if the jew in question is named Saul from Tarsus
>>24136555>guy who uses the fucking internet to post on 4chan has the gall to claim that society’s existence as a means to improve his life is “bait”Lol anon, pls. I get that you’re underage and feel like the whole world is against you, but it isn’t.
>>24136040>FuentesPlease tell us more about how Kanye West is America's Constantine the Great kek
>>24136040>never be a true radical like Fuentes.This is definitely a bapfaggot who's baiting
>>24136526>>24136571Go back
>>24136583>no wojak to go with it I hate to admit it, but I accept your concession.
>>24136040Anybody still defending Nick Fuentes is retarded at this point. Siding against Keith Woods to support a Pakistani Muslim that defended the UK grooming gangs is beyond parody. For someone who makes blunders that are beyond parody once a month that really takes the cake. Reminder the he endorsed Bronze Age Mindset on his show (obviously without reading it) and suddenly one day started hating BAP. Was it jealousy? Or did he receive new orders from his handlers?
>>24136593Don't forget that antifa doxxed Bap, Raw Egg Nationalist, and Lom3z and that both Fuentes and Woods spread those doxxes everywhere. Never liked Fuentes but I liked Woods and that was a huge betrayal in my opinion. I don't buy that you put someone in danger like that intentionally just over relatively minor ideological disagreements, I realized he had to be a fed or worse.
>>24136553>>24136567>>24136574>>24136581>>24136593its seems I struck a nerve for calling him out for what he is, a jew. He went to grave efforts to hide this information from the public and I think we all know why. Lately there has been a push by subversive entities to replace true radical Traditional Catholic Nationalism, that is picking up steam and receiving lots of coverage through individuals like Fuentes, with BAP and Yarvin (also jewish btw) who are nothing but wannabes and posers as they advocate for BASED BLIND COLOR MERITOCRACY HUR DURR (neo-con repackaged). If you want an idea of what truly strikes fear into the jews then look up the 109 countries that you alleged based nietzschean anti-jews love to brag about. How many are protestant? few. muslim? few. pagan? few. Now count up all the Catholic monarchs and Catholic fascist states. There is your answer.
>>24136217no, my brain hurts
>>24135105I like the theories that either Hakan or John Winthrop is JD Vance
>>24136733Antisemitism is sin and so is fascism. You can’t be Catholic and fascist
>>24131116Every time I read this, I just know one day I'll stop having incestuous sex with my sister and break out of this damn attic once and for all.
>>24136733>He went to grave efforts to hide this information from the public and I think we all know why.He went to great efforts to hide his entire identity and it's clear why since he has constant death threats and harassment against his family and he refuses to enter the US now. As BAP he's literally tweeted "I'm jewish" prior to being doxxed and from the specific way he shits on jews ("shtetlbillies") ("our elites should be hawking wares in Minsk open air market") it was always clear he had great familiarity with Old World yids, and now we know it's because his father was jewish. Thanks to antifa, who you love so much.
>>24136612I understand why autistic primadonnas like Keith and Nick would be triggered by BAP's eugenics and HandsomeThursday posting but the way they treated Lomez and REN was absolutely unbelievable, those guys are essentially harmless unless you're the biggest globalist trooncel freak on Earth. REN literally just posts MAGA talking points and RFK Jr. food health stuff, so Woods and Fuentes promoting his doxx to get him harassed irl is fucking ridiculous. Anybody claiming they're not controlled ops is deluding themselves.
>>24136612>>24138263Wow imagine knowing who any of these people are, I think I would kill myself
>>24138232Pure election retardation that besmirches the contributions of both accounts.>>24138233Mussolini is in heaven.>>24138242I still don't understand what this post means after reading a plot summary.
>>24138268>oh shit everybody actually hates fuentes fuck>"uhhh... well if you know about any of this stuff you should kill yourself"Great save dude
>>24136733>true radical Traditional Catholic Nationalism>If you want an idea of what truly strikes fear into the jews then look up the 109 countries that you alleged based nietzschean anti-jews love to brag about. How many are protestant? few. muslim? few. pagan? few. Now count up all the Catholic monarchs and Catholic fascist states. There is your fucking zased fellow cathsissies
>>24138232Martin/Captivedreamer is actually Stephen Miller. Don't tell anyone about this
>>24131140>his sermon is that only the beautiful and strong should succeed and if you're not a top % dominant gigachad then you're genetic garbage dump material & you should stay out of the way of people who matter as they go out in the "wilderness" to have sex and dehumanize people.hello? based department?you sound like a bioleninist untermensch. a spiteful mutant. cry more, die more.
>>24136733>as they advocate for BASED BLIND COLOR MERITOCRACY HUR DURR I remember the exact chimpout this is referring to and that's not what BAP said at all. He stated that anybody trying to start a fascist or white nationalist party in a modern Western country hoping to win elections with it is a larper and an idiot doomed to lose. Which is true. And he said that in the US for example it'd be much easier to win elections on a "colorblindness" platform to get popular support to revoke the Civil Rights Act and affirmative action etc
>>24138299The guy you're responding to just said he's a "traditional catholic nationalist" you think he's capable of understanding basic realpolitik? He doesn't even have a grasp on actual reality
>>24138246why do you have a problem with antifa and defend BAP? his ancestors are all jewish communists. >>24138283normie catholics slurp this non-racist shit up. true radical Traditional Catholic nationalists are openly racist. >>24138233>>24138299>>24138308Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels (who are all cradle Catholics) are in heaven with Jesus and you will burn in hell
>>24136733is this pape serious?
>>24138489>Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels (who are all cradle Catholics) are in heaven with Jesus and you will burn in hellOh no no no HAHAHAHA he actually thinks Hitler was a Christian lmao. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news anon, but if you didn't notice Hitler chose the swastika as the symbol of nazi party. No way you believe that shit for the plebes in Mein Kampf where he says he loves Christianity and that he randomly invented le swastika while doodling kek
>>24138489>normie catholics slurp this non-racist shit up. true radical Traditional Catholic nationalists are openly true scotsman on the high priest-king of your religion and its entire lay membership and clerical hierarchy kek
>>24138489Imagine still worshipping jews in 2025
>>24136733>>24138489All semitic religions are evil. Pic relis what Rabbi Yeshua Kristos looked like btw
>>24138232Pretty sure the person behind the Hakan persona is a Korean.
>>24138755>>24139171>>24139172>>24139194>>24139363that's cool, I will take your opinion seriously when your religion has kicked out the jews as much as Catholics have
>>24139496Lol Catholics have spent far more time fighting white protestants than they've ever spent opposing jews or muslims what a fucking joke. You worship a jewish rabbi lmao
>>24139496Is this how you cope with the fact that your religion is built on a cuck happily accepting another man impregnating his virgin wife? I know what you're going to say now: "But Yahweh didn't fuck her! The jewish god is androgynous and sexless and he reproduces through magic!!!" as if that's better. Christ died a childless, sexless, impotent jew homosexual. Christianity was the original woke mind virus. St. Paul was a jewish anarchist who desired the destruction of Rome.And btw, of all the Christian religions Catholicism is by far the most cucked and gay. At least the other allow straight men into the clergy.
>>24138489>true radical Traditional Catholic nationalists are openly racist.The overwhelming vast majority of Catholics are brown
>>24139561>>24139546I'm not a normie catholic retard, you can call the normie catholics cucks all you want and I will agree with you for they do not take Catholicism to its logical conclusion: Fascism. I am a Christian catholic of the ustase, iron guard, arrow cross party type. We are far past whatever your talking about
>>24138489>all the batshit pagan esotercism of Himmler >he's a Catholic The man literally condemned the church for witch hunts and praised said witches for keeping the faith of the race's old gods. You are CRIMINALLY brown ...
>>24134852>synthesis of Timaeus cosmology with his Zoroastrian-inspired general theologyI want to read something relevant, not schizo tier nonsense from ancient baboons.
most honest genx author
>>24139692You worship a jewish god. Everything else is irrelevant.
>>24139930>>24140122speaking with normies is always amusing. People like you think America First is still about paleo-conservatism and some sort of civic-nationalism. We are so far past that, you cannot even begin to comprehend how radical we are
>>24131116>jewish authorlol. lmao.
>>24140396internet rightoids are the new breed of reddit atheist
>>24140455>>24140507you hold normie political positions
>>24140396America First is exclusively composed of mestizos that think America should be catholic lol. Also fat black dudes for some reason
the talmud now thats a great book
>>24140396That's cool bro, but Himmler wasn't a Christian.
>>24140563>le normie You're an NPC for being catholic. I, as an Esoteric Hitlerist, will literally never be accepted by polite society and therefore win this dick measuring contest. Get some sleep before school starts.
>>24140642>>24140648>>24140629im not even that anti-pagan retard. Paganism is just too factioned into respective ethnic groups so they do not pose a cohesive unified organization. You need a cohesive unified body (which is achieved through Catholicism) to get what WE want. This is why you get a bunch of mouth breathing heathenry germanic pagans that espouse ethnic nationalism instead of Racial nationalism. ethnic nationalism is not enough to win
>>24132299he makes left wingers and brown people in general absolutely lose it
There is a point in the first chapter where he is talking about jumping into a volcano to become a god. I thought it was too derivative and put it down.
>>24132299astroturfed by passage press jews
>>24140726A. all European paganism is the same religion from the same source with only minor regional variancesB. catholicism is mostly brown
>>24140726>but you need to have a COHESIVE and UNIFIED JEW WORSHIP ORGANIZATION in order to win goy
>>24140463The New Testament had jewish authors
>>24140563Better a "normie that holds normie political positions" than whatever obese, dysgenic monstrosity you are.
BAP is zionist controlled opposition and a faggot, just a subvariant of Con Inc. for zoomers who want something edgy but not too edgy.
>>24140726>outright admitting you're LARPing a religion for political goals >that's literally heretical to the religion you pretend to believe in
>>24141279BAP is standing for election?
>>24141279>just a subvariant of Con Inc.There's extant video footage of Costin Alanariu causing a scene and harassing Bill Kristol at a Q&A before he was ever BAP. You've got no idea what you're talking about.
>>24141279You fags are so desperate kek>noooooo please don't read bam please please please
>>24136040>a true radical like Fuentes
>>24131116Umberto Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum" is a blissful bluepill in book form. You can use it to lobotomize yourself and believe that everything is exactly as the TV says and there is nothing going on and we're all ok. A complete antithesis of 4chan philosophy.
>>24140910Derivative of what
I like BAP
>>24143621you sound gay
>>24142233Without a doubt, he doesn't even know what derivative means. He just heard it once as a meme critique, and now just calls things he doesn't like derivative
>>24131116The Germs carried on the legacy of the Romes. Who will carry on the legacy of the Germs?
>>24131151What's wrong with El Salvador? I was there last April. You sound American btw. Have you ever left your state?
>>24131340>moralfagsNot a word you see often on nu-4chan, unfortunately.
>>24131151>i'm sure those crime drop statistics from imprisoning half their population are signs of everything running smoothly, right?Literally yes and now Bukele is talking about accepting fee to house other countries criminals with their now extensive prison system. He's solved his country's crime problem in a few years and now potentially created a new industry for his people out of thin air. A few years ago you couldn't go at after dark in this country, period.
>>24139171What's anti-Christian about choosing the hooked cross? Hitler was a wonderful man, and Mein Kampf is not only sincere, but one of the most effective campaign books ever written. From prison to reich chancellor in less than a decade.
>>24146101Like with all books that are mass sold, no one read Mein Kampf, even though millions of copies were sold.
>>24146197ESL + you're gay.
>>24131150I'm fine with that because I'd beat his ass thobeit
>>24131150Internet edgelords are always meek nerds irl, lol at that adipose 50 yo gaylord bullying anyone irl
>>24146101>what's pagan about the swastika?>mein kampf was sincereAnon...
>>24131150This is the gayest thing I've ever read lol
>>24131116I operate in the same field of inquiry as him but disagree with him on eugenics and monogamy
>>24140563I'm beyond all of you, I am apolitical.
>>24131116Plotinus and the ancient Greeks are as radical as you can get to modern thinking. Too many tards in this thread identifying with their beliefs.
>>24146567If you don't like Hitler I don't care about anything you have to say, simple as.
>>24139930witch hunts were cool and defending foids being witches is feminism, which is the true religion of White men, feminism and liberalism. Putting women in their place is a good thing, no wonder muslims are conquering you people
>>24147502hitler got btfo by slavic bvlls and reds had their fun and did a little trolling to german woman
>>24147569OK but how does this affect me?
>>24147584>>24147584It doesnt, It just proves that fascists and right wingers always get btfo in conflicts and cannot fight imagine the fun of being a communist in berlin so much free pussy just out there to take
>bioleninist bragging about being the expendable cannon fodder of capitalist american industry again>reddit filenameit's like pottery, needs only confirmation it's a dog walker
>>24147593Who won? German women were tossed around like meat to soviet bvlls, vae victus
>>24147598>Who won?New York and Jerusalem*vae victis, try to get the basics right, lil quasimodo
>>24147593Better odds that it's an Albanian living in Amsterdam, larping as a commie for keksOnly sub 100IQ people see a 5:1 kill ratio and conclude the side with a better K/D can't fight.
>>24147602>New York and Jerusalembased Zog dunking on wignats again, seems that whites get btfo dailyjobs taken by indiansruled by jewsarabs and blacks hunt whites for sportwhite women dont have childrenbrvtal
>>24147502I love Hitler, you clearly have no understandng of him if you're insisting he was a Christian and the swastika symbol was a christian cross (?). That's just beyond stupid. Mein Kampf was a book written for the plebeian masses and certain things he says are not his actual beliefs if you watch his behavior, mainly his thoughts on Christianity
>>24147605Albanians love germans and love the nazis
>>24147608how is any of that impotent internet revanchism going to make your skin any less like animal excrement?
>>24147620>how is any of that impotent internet revanchism going to make your skin any less like animal excrement?The same way that your cheap insults wont matter because I can bring my family here to Europe and live of welfare I am a jewish bioweaponI will take welfare and abuse the governmentI will bring all my family from back homeI will scare white women and walk down the street like a thugyou will post auslander rause videos and do nothing
>>24147609>I love Hitler and I think he was a deceitful manOkay...
>>24147593So I googled bioleninist and it's basically ''le leftists are ugly XD'', this coming from terminally online rightoids who in 99% of the cases look like pic relatedMost incels are rightoids, that's why they routinely go on mass shooting sprees
>>24147632>Hitler never utilised propagada to achieve his goals
>>24147638kek I hit jackpot, lil quasimodo really felt that one, it was personal
>>24147638It's basically that communism is the wordcel justification for rape and thievery. Communists are exclusively outcast bourgeois, literal incels, and lumpenproles who rape and steal nonstop. They couldn't stop themselves from raping the Tsarina's corpse or raping nuns in the Spanish Civil War, and as you yourself has bragged about ITT the coordinated mass rape of German women by mongoloid commie freaks in WW2
>>24147641You can use propaganda and be honest. >Jews are bad because they're liars>I also think Hitler was a liar, but I hail that shit anyways
reminder: all of this to end up demolished and collapsed by the image of people in the USA having food in supermarkets with not a single shot fired, there's no greater embarrassment
>>24147646>wordcel justification for rape and thieveryThis is based thou, it is the best thing in war to do. Germanics did it, romans, dont try to moralize like a slave because the nazis got btfo and soviets did some trolling to german womans pussies >bragged about ITT the coordinated mass rape of German women by mongoloid commie freaks in WW2its war lmao, the winners get the women
>>24147647>Hitler said he liked Christian im his mass market book "Mein Kampf" therefore he must be Christian>Please ignore the Kirchenkampf, Thule Society, Himmler's bullshit, and the fact that the symbol of the nazi party is a swastika
>>24147650The difference here is when the ancient Romans and Teutons did they didn't justify it with the "woe is me" resentment bullshit that commies do. There's a reason why commies are singularly repulsive and it's their self-pity while committing atrocities. The absolute state of a commie bragging about "might is right" when you're the biggest crybaby cowards on Earth 99% of the time
>>24147617this is truet. Albanian
>>24147650>"dont try to moralize like a slave">defending commiesgreat bait
>>24147663what matters is winning, who cares how you do it, raype is funny in war especially if you win>>24147667no, Im saying that winners get to have the fun and do what they want to the population after being victors, should have fought harder
>>24147665Thats not true, most Albanians hate nazis. t.Albanian
>>24147672Everything that you're saying is anti-communist. That's the whole point. The Red Army mass rapes proved Hitler completely correct about slavs, commies, jews, and the world as a whole.
>>24147677>The Red Army mass rapes proved Hitler completely correct about slavs, commies, jews, and the world as a whole.who cares he lost and Europeans are liberal feminists now, they are weak and will get conquered and replaced while the strong will live
>>24147672>nooo stop oppressing us no le middle class is oppressing us>*rapes women*Yeah haha definitely disproved the term "bioleninist"
>>24147681>>nooo stop oppressing us no le middle class is oppressing usWomen deserve to be opressed and their sexuality heavily controlled, youre thinking of liberals.
>>24147679Terrible bait
>>24147687Not really, europeans despite their image online are still very liberal and timid, especially western Europeans
>>24147673No we love Nazis actually.
>>24147655>Please ignore the>Kirchenkampf >a term used retrospectively after WW2, to describe the church politics every country has>Thule society>a bunch of whos, because just like the transcendentalists they were absolutely representative of their respective country in its entirety>Himmler's bullshit>because Hitler must have believed everything he tolerated even though that'd make him a Credobaptist Catholic Neo-Pagan atheist>and the fact that the symbol of the nazi party is a hooked cross>a symbol that saw widespread use in satanic rituals and anti-Christian protests before the 20th century
>>24147690Try harder
>>24147679>the strong = ranjeesh the door dash food delivery guy and abdallah the ghetto drug dealer engaging in a short life of local gang warfare while his sister dates Ngubu to do anal
>>24147694Why are muslims outbreeding them and not getting deported? the average european is a docile feminist
>>24147695If they have more kids and take over, yes they are strong because the adapted better and passed on their genetics. If euros have a tfr of 1.2 and immigrants have one of 3 to 4 and become the majority, they are strong and won while euros deminish away
>>24147696Rats outbreed humans
>>24147701rats are not the same species europeans used to have a tfr of 5 and get married at 20
>>24147699It's not adaptation lol, they're all on social welfare and starve without it.
>>24147696>>24147699>>24147702>it's a brownoid that thinks shitting out more vermin is "winning"Fucking lol
>>24147705whites in south africa are like 5% and pay 80% of taxes for the blacks there, euros will do the same. plus they know what suffering is and can comprehend it better, euros think they deserve to live in a safe country
>>24147708South African whites are building breakaway societies and the ANC is powerless to stop them. That's why the government announced they were legalizing outright property seizures. The ANC's army is currently being stomped by even worse equipped Congolese, South Africa is the worst example you could've chosen to demonstrate how brownoids "win" in the end
>>24147721This. South Africa has had full Western support in disenfranchising whites and creating the ultimate communist brown rainbow gaystate and all they've managed to do is create a completely failed country. Proof that nons are literally too stupid to ever really win.
>>24147646Engels was handsome and was drowning in pussy all his life, Marx had a striking appearance too and pulled a beautiful woman way above his station. Lenin same as above, despite being a bald manlet he bagged a beautiful woman and had a mistress too, Che and Fidel Castro needed Communism or ''rape'' to get laid? lmao. This all sound like projection because you yourself can only conceive of men doing things insincerely to get pussy because most likely you are a frustrated rightoid incel externalizing his own shortcomings (I don't get laid because the world obeys rigid social darwinist laws and I'm not attractive enough, meanwhile leftists get more laid than me because they are willing to rape; which is of course just pathetic cope).Btw I'm not the guy who bragged about the soviets raping german women, but you seem to forget that the germans raped on the eastern front first, and they were the ones who invaded and killed tens of millions of soviets, that's the definition of getting paid back with their own coin, actually the soviets compared to the genocidal atrocities the nazis committed against them were pretty restrained with the germans, if anything
>>24147752Where in there did I mention Marxist leaders? The leaders (and thought leaders) of Marxism use it as a method of achieving power for themselves by motivating and organising the aforementioned rapist criminal retards and fuckups. You, btw, are the latter rather than the former no matter how much you're probably deluding yourself.
>>24147752Ever consider that, without legality, rape is just a fun activity?
>>24147707I'm not brown and I agree with him
>>24147589You wouldn't be able to fight if monarchy reasserted itself
>>24147835You're retarded then
>>24144636Most Americans can't afford to travel, Paco. Know your place.>>24147564>which is the true religion of White menTake your meds, achmed
>>24146411Speaking from experience mayhaps?
>>24147847Good, it's been proven high IQ people breed less.
>>24147879Rats breed more than humans as well
>>24147835>I'm a reindeer on St. Matthew's island and I approve this strategy
>>24147896You a rat? No? Then you shouldn't concern yourself with the sex life of vermin. Take your meds
>>24131116Most of what's in that book was implicit in many internet posts as far back as 10 years before.
>>24147914classic case of a population rapidly exploding and then massively collapsing due to exhausting resources: in the case of welfare consuming urban rats in western countries, the strategy is just as short sighted and fickle as reindeer jut eating everything on a small island until there's no more fodder, it's not a robust long term strategy, "winning" when barely looking ahead can look obvious but might not be looking just a bit further
>>24147951Palestinians literally did this irl with their ingenious "we'll win by outbreeding them" strategy and look how that's turned out
>>24147910Low iq people are vermin
>>24147831Ever considered that you need some psychiatric help?
>>24147863Feminism and liberalism is the religion of most White people that is the truth>>24147955They will go to Europe lmao>>24147841They would be on the side of the invaders
>>24131116BAP is a gay ivy-league psychopathic jew, and you should keep that in mind when reading him. That said, BAM has some cogent and funny takes on things, so it's worth a read. Anyone seething about or uncritically adulating it is cooked; you have to be able to decide these things for yourself.
it's fine if you're a satanist glowie kike but i just find the whole "homosexual nietzchean bodybuilder" thing aggressively tacky
>>24148635That's because you're a tubby constipated wordcel that's jealous of anyone with sexual power
>>24148640>wordcel that's jealous of anyone with sexual powerThe people with the most sexual power are the ones with the highest TFR meaning africans and pakis. Baptists at their core are male feminists