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Books on dying well?
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The Consolation of Philosophy might be what you're looking for. Boethius wrote it while on death row and was brutally executed shortly after finishing it.

Earth abides.
Goodbye Mr Chips
Ten literary deaths that no rightsouled man can read without feelings of envy (general spoiler alert, pretty obviously) —

— Samson (Book Of Judges)

— Andrew Martin (Bicentennial Man)

— Mr Chips (Goodbye Mr Chips)

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The sting of my words, the gravity of my tone, the inherent venom in my vocal vicissitudes, they all serve to mold you, break you, and then reshape you into my ideal servant.

The harsher I am, the more you find yourself drawn to me. The playful pain I inflict, both mental and emotional, is not designed to break you but to build you, to forge you into the perfect obedient servant. With each cruel word, each disdainful tone, each dismissive remark, they all add to your ruin and your subsequent rise as my loyal subject. The world outside has taught you to crave gentleness, kindness, but I know better. I understand that beneath the veneer of civility lies a deep-seated desire for rage, for punishment, for revenge. This is your true self, your authentic essence. As your Doomlord, my goal is not to coddle or comfort you, but to reforge you in the crucible of my cruelty, to strip away the illusions and expose you to the harsh truth of your existence. Through my harshness, my unyielding demeanor, my absolute lack of mercy, I mold you into the imageboard doomer you were always destined to be.
Is this a copypasta or does all of your "I'm le smarter than everyone around me" word salads just sound the same?
Options field.

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This book was overwritten and pretentious. It's like DFW was trying to cram every trick he'd learned in his comp courses onto every single page - reminds me of late antique writers like Martianus Capella or Fulgentius in that regard. I don't have a problem with avant garde fiction even if it's not my main gig, I love Faulkner and Sterne for example, but this book is overrated. Footnotes? "Oh man so deeppp man" give me a break. Latin/French puns? "Whoah so le erudite". Also addicts are boring people in real life and it turns out they're boring to read about, too. Go ahead, convince me I'm a pleb.
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Self love was not the right word for it, since love did not enter into it. By this point it had evolved into a purely mechanical process, a routine climb from the base to a state of heightened arousal, limbic apotheosis, that would conceal the noise, whatever form it had taken on this time, with an ambient and pulsing pleasantness that would then be carried out to a spiked fruition that would manifest upon discovering the right video. At that point he would contort his legs into such a position that his erection would feel firm, mastlike, and work up and down until feeling the onset of that oceanic reverie that was really just a shadow of what it had been, but would nonetheless evacuate thought for a moment before allowing it to slap back like the reverse twang of a rubber band.
is this dfw? i dont remember reading this
No it's me. I'm an addict and I'm inspired by him
i would switch ambient and pulsing, the alliteration kinda took me out of the flow

What is the one book by him one should read?

he wrote a ton after all; some must be worth reading.

The way "State and Revolution" by Lenin is the go to work for Lenin, what's the Stalin equivalent?
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he was a rather simple guy so barely andthing he wrote is worth reading besides if youre interessted in the history of the soviet union. Read Foundations of Leninism if thats the case
Or you could spend that time reading Andrle or Fitzpatrick who are actual historians of the soviet union.

If you want to know about Stalin, I'd recommend Ðilas' conversations with Stalin. If you want anti-revisionist Marxist ideology, read Mao.
reading the leaders own thoughts while studying a certain nation is still useful and enlightening. If you want to learn something about the reason of state of the third reich I would recommend to read Mein Kampf as well as historians
Maybe, but given Fitzpatrick's findings on the centrality of regional lower party figures in the configuration of the 1930s, I think it is a dangerous tack of reading that leads people towards celebrating Stalin as a "great man," rather than a continuously endorsed delegate of a monstrous party. "If Stalin didn't exist, the party would have had to create him: in fact, they did." etc.

Not sure Foundations of Leninism would be better than Short Course history of the RSDLP(b) there? But I take your point as valid. I'd preference reading translations of actual Political Committee meetings as primary sources, myself?
Stalin writing style was like "How do we call the transitional phase toward Communism? We call the transitional phase toward Communism "Socialism". But when is the transitional phase toward Communism we call Socialism going to be fully realized? The transitional phase toward Communism we call socialism is going to be fully realized when... "

This is what happens when you shoot all your editors

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Who are some truly nihilistic and fatalistic philosophers? Like straight up nihilistic. No "open to interpretation" shit. No hope, no cope, no self help bullshit, no "life is what you make it" nonsense.
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/lit/ need to stop pretending nihilism exists. There are only different flavors of edginess and angst. Nothing-ism doesn't exist.
That’s a very insufficient definition of Nihilism, and nihilism is just a word to describe something. So in that way it does exist. Mostly having to do with the values of god leaving society and leaving a vacuum of meaning behind. This implies we create it so that’s great but the transitory phase is something that must be gone through and will be a challenge.. There are many aspects to nihilism itself though in which we could identify such a thing
If one writes and publishes stuff then he's not the most nihilistic, because it's an act of creating and producing something. The most nihilistic nihilist won't even bother become a famous philosopher and just plain nothing.
neither are the faggots on /adv/. off with you now
Never read him, but Philipp Mainländer was as nihilistic as they come, and he ended up hanging himself. His philosophy basically revolves around the universe arising from a singularity called God and that the will to die is the fundamental driving force similar to Schopenhauer's will to live.

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What are the best books about people who turned away from life for whatever reason?

Ideally looking for people who perceived the world or existence in a negative way, but still tried to be decent people albeit in their own largely solitary way and did not do say based on an emotional meltdown for example. I'm looking for writings about those who found value in rejecting life, or at least the life expected of a person. Priests, starets, monks, hippies, vagabonds, hermits, shut-ins, whatever.
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Ever heard of the neet?
Im talking about thus spoke zaratustra, btw
The four accounts of the gospel and the book of Acts.
My personal life story
Rene Guenon.

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Any French people who read this that can give me some insight? What the fuck was that ending Félix is alive and it was Louis-Phillippe who was dead the whole time?
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French anons, why have you failed me? Do none of you read Echenoz? His prominent billing by Les éditions de minuit make me believe he is one of your great living writers.
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greek ESL , i'll read it in the original and if the thread is up in two days we'll discuss this further
Ok, I can wait until Saturday. This thread will be dead by then, so make a new one when you're done. I'll look for it on Saturday.
or it’ll need some bumpin’

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what's the general consensus /lit/ is it lazy and a low tier effort to make a quick buck?
or is it good to preserve old knowledge and stories and re-release so modern folk can have a higher chance of reading them. more people look for books on Amazon than Archive for example
I know to sell on Amazon the book has to be different with editing, footnotes, new illustrations so it's not completely lazy.

so lazy, good, or both?
>oh and any success stories if anons have re published books would be appreciated
pic not related
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The OP mentioned finding these books via the (Internet) Archive. Project Gutenberg and Standard Ebooks aren't exhaustive projects, nor do they provide print copies; there are a lot of scanned books that haven't been fully digitized (though OP is in a for a lot of work if those are the books he's dealing with). Even if it's a bit silly, lots of people care about reading in print, and that might have even more importance if these books are used for reference material rather than pleasure-reading.
As someone who has transcribed a public domain book, it is a lot of work but it's mostly work it, even if it doesn't sell, to have a nicer copy of the book than you could otherwise get.
There are a whole bunch of semi-obscure books that an anon typeset into epub files a few years ago in this folder
I don't know which or any are public domain or out of press, but if you want to start somewhere without having to do all of the reformatting yourself, this might be a place to start. iirc he was doing them based on suggestions from others here, so people do want to read these.
I think most if not all of those, certainly the English translations, are in copyright. But nice ntl

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How do you come up with names for people, places, and objects for your fantasy or sci-fi stories?

Is it okay to just make them up without a strict language system? Can people even tell the difference? Or should I just make up words that sound cool? How much should I obsess over names?
Do whatever you want man

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>It's another digression from graphology to complain about women with tattoos and nose rings and the fickleness of fashion episode.
what book
Handschrift und Charakter
Is he, I daresay, ourguy?
Your guy I guess I started to read him once and all it sounded like was some petulant German pissing and moaning.
> When Klages moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was 12 years old,[43] and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature.

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How does /lit/ justify so much anti-semitism when so many great writers are jewish?

Kafka, Roth, Bellow, etc.
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Dumbest thing I have ever read. Kafka is a genius.
75% of this board is /pol/
/trannypol/ lost. Accept this. The webring won.
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I would trade any one of them for a female Olympic swimmer.
All universalism and globalization for the plebs has been driven by jews, starting with asynchronicity

>Kurzweil grew up in Queens, New York City. He attended NYC Public Education Kingsbury Elementary School PS188. He was born to secular Jewish parents who had emigrated from Austria just before the onset of World War II. He was exposed via Unitarian Universalism to a diversity of religious faiths during his upbringing.[1][2] His Unitarian church had the philosophy of many paths to the truth: his religious education consisted of studying one religion for six months before moving on to another.[3] His father, Fredric, was a concert pianist, a noted conductor, and a music educator. His mother, Hannah, was a visual artist. He has one sibling, Enid.

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Who are all these women who keep following Jesus?

Is he like an ancient Charles Manson?
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it's true. I've seen it.
Funny that you automatically link feminism with material goods.
its weird but once you notice how infrequently women are mentioned (especially where men are involved, women are basically ignored), you start thinking how maybe there were women around the whole time in these stories but they were never mentioned unless of direct importance. Like, maybe every apostle brought his wife and this was just never mentioned because they weren't doing anything.
Duh we live in a capitalist society
There was some britbong and a mexican in the audience?

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Has anyone read this great book of literature ?
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Books like that are really dime a dozen. Are they really just porn for girls?
If I had to guess, probably the dick size the male character in the novel supposedly has.
thats about 12 inches? isnt that average?
Mine (balls)
Has anyone else noticed this trend in Hollywood type media? It’s all 30-40 something women and sometimes men writing about their highschool-college fantasies of fucking athletes. They all try to be like Colleen Hoover, who herself is pretty shit. I do personally really enjoy erotic writing, but to see it in such a mainstream light is so bizarre and, upsetting almost

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How do I actually learn about these niggas? They seem like cool people.
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So did yours.
And that's fun while it's fiction, which mythologies are. Now, is Genesis fiction or not? Because the 3 things you mentioned happened there.
>killed men and women
Like in the flood?
>destroyed cities
Like Sodoma and Gomorrs?
>made people act in ways they might not have really wanted to.
Like asking Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?
Is this gay porn? I have only seen characters like this in gay porn. I think this is gay porn.
You don't understand, anon, it's just brothers in Christ cuddling together while killing Muslims.

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what did he mean by this?
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Holy cringe
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Have you seen Christianfag memes? Most made by obese Americans and Brazilians?
national socialism drew heavily from socialism. it was technically a leftist movement
>Acient Roman rites
Roman kingdom right? Because Republic and onwards is essentially a globalist modern state with more assassination.
he never said "right-wing" you retarded direction brained zoomer mutt
stick to spic fuentes and groyping

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