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What's the /lit/ CONSESUS on ANTI-WORK?
You need to gain your income by some means. It is a necessary evil, and one of the three things people must pay attention to within Plato's Laws and Republic: making money. It certainly is second to fitness and your body and third to the overall value of your soul (your closeness to divinity, Good, or God)
There is a balance between I’m going to slave my life away and I won’t work at all. Productivity and income feels good, so does independence. Everyone throughout history has needed to work in some form or another to earn their keep. It’s scary seeing all these early 20’s anons with no job history and no college degree. They are going to be quickly be behind the eight ball and struggle real bad in life if they don’t do something soon. That resume gap is a killer black hole
Ideological anti-work positions are bourgeois.
Praxis anti-work positions are power.

>in and of itself
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>to and fro itself

I want to encounter a text to change myself. I am sick of monotonous life. Lit bros I want to extend my arms further and burn. My actions are aligned but an idea lacks an ideal lacks. Suffering with inner migration.
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>bro just be my friend it won't cost you anything
It costs me my freedom, my time and my will you fucking niggerbeast.
False actually I choose video games like overwatch and world of Warcraft every single day. But you are only interested in debating a scholar and not a /v/ user like me.
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This website is sooooo reddit lmao
You can read a million books about guitar playing but you still won't be able to play without actually practicing
Journey to the West. It is a fighting book about ontology: all is change.

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Please recommend any historical fiction book, no matter which period
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Nobody has read this i guarentee
>I, Claudius by Robert Graves
British political satire
Also erotica (Read White Goddess to understand why)

>The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson
>Patrick O'Brian
Gay husband erotica (no sex).
Time to die faggot
Kill yourself

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If Milton Friedman rejected Judaism, why did he ended up becoming a caricature?
>Child labor good.
>Cars that explode your ass good.
Does this prove there is some sort of subconscious archetype we can never escape from?
>Does this prove there is some sort of subconscious archetype we can never escape from?
A Jung, a German who chose to become culturally Jewish, tells us, we are the exhibition of archetypes in time. Milton Friedman was exhibiting capital, not judaism. If Friedman was exhibiting judaism there'd be a bunch of special pleading, not "you bought an exploding car, and it exploded, enjoy your purchase."

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Best books on the 1960s?
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>Perlstein’s Nixonland
Excellent book.
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It was all a terrible mistake.
I don't know if I want to read a couple of Jews on this topic. Can you sell me on the book a little more?
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Two hardcore 1960s leftists writing the true story of their movement, once they were no longer willfully blinding themselves. The first chapter, about white women mindlessly defending violent black men, then sleeping with them, then getting killed by them, all by itself, justifies the entire book. Fascinating look at ideology trumping common sense.

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Get the fuck in here

Who is this pepe looking faggot and what's he writes about?
Cartarescu before Pynchon? Why lol?!?
>His surname literally means "The book-esque"
Does this guy matter at all? I'm assuming no, just catnip for nihilistic "literary" types... Correct me if I'm mistaken

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>try reading worm
>female lead immediately starts thirsting after a black in her internal monologue
>look up author to check if Plato was correct
>he looks like picrel
>dropped immediately

I don't believe that an ugly person can ever create anything beautiful. And I don't know if Ive ever seen a modern handsome author.
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But no love?
he is "cool" and fucks because he is world famous pianist, dont kid yourself
I'm handsome, would you like to read my diary?
Yes. Post jawline and an excerpt
>I'm not paying $30 for a couple of essays just because they're hardback; fuck off. And no, I'm not showing you my bag on the way out either.

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>The later Nietzsche [...] will celebrate "lightness," "youth," and "gaiety." This is not a sublime gaiety, edged with sorrow, as we find in Martin Heidegger, but rather a gaiety that is "African." [...] He forswears Wagnerian music, which "sweats" and so is tantamount to a kind of passion—even more so because, inevitably, it aims for "redemption": "Wagner has contemplated nothing so deeply as redemption: his opera is the opera of redemption." The music of youth, of "health" and of "nature," on the other hand, is a music of gaiety, of sweet being here, requiring no redemption, no rescue. Nietzsche enthuses over a "Moorish dance," over music with a "southern, brown, burnt sensibility," for the "yellow afternoon of its happiness," which is "brief, sudden, unforgiving." He praises that music which "arises" "softly, pliantly, with politeness." The "first principle" of his aesthetics runs: "What is good is light; whatever is divine moves on tender feet." Wagner's music, on the other hand, Nietzsche portrays as a pressing, torrid southeasterly wind, a "sirocco": "I break out into a disagreeable sweat. My good weather is gone." Nietzsche contrasts Offenbach's "lightness" with the "heavy," "deep" "pathos" of Wagner. Offenbach's music, "free" and "bright," emerging with a light step, promises a "proper redemption from the maudlin and ultimately degenerate music of the German Romantics"; a peculiar redemption, then, a redemption from the incessant demand for redemption. It dwells in contented being here.

I'm only starting to dig into Nietzsche's views on Wagner. He says Wagner will be popular in the "age of international wars." He wasn't wrong. Was Wagner the original decadent pop musician?
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It's actually at the utmost limit of spiritualization. There are certain exceptions to this like the Bacchanal part of Tanhausser but they are few and far from what's most prized. To like Bruckner and Beethoven and then have problems with Wagner is, I suppose, possible, but to say that it's because Wagner is "animalistic" is an ultimate absurdity
He would have liked EDM. Rap represents a genuine corpus of warrior poetry. Surely the European's need for this "music" is significant and from the vantage of 100 years ago hard to believe. He did say the criminal was a man of strong instincts, anti-social in the best sense--would his opinion change, or would he see that it is not just Asiatic man, but the Negro as well, that is superior to that contemptible herd animal, the European? Strindberg challenged him, near the end, on this point of the criminal
Give it time, and one day you will access the
> the fifty worlds of strange ecstasies to which no one else had wings to soar
>perhaps old Nietzsche felt the end coming and needed a great enemy to muster his strength again
This doesn't seem likely to me, as I've never come across a passage from Nietzsche that suggested this. What seems to be the case is what Nietzsche himself said: he played devil's advocate to make an argument against Wagner and Europe as a whole, because he had a very different project / vision in mind. Nietzsche's exuberant writing style, which he maintained even while writing his "madness letters," indicates that he wasn't "old" or "felt the end coming" — he was in good spirits.
>because he had a very different project / vision in mind
That's exactly it--very few people who read Nietzsche have even the slightest sense of what the Ubermensch actually meant to him, they liken it to their own image; so that (laughably) it will be just a more vital version of themselves. It's really a transcendental vision, but enacted on the earth. It ends with him considering himself to be God. The madness letters--which to me are sublime--are critical here

> When it comes right down to it I'd much rather have been a Basel professor than God; but I didn't dare be selfish enough to forgo the creation of the world. You see, one must make sacrifices, no matter how and where one lives.

> What is unpleasant and a strain on my modesty is that in fact I am every historical personage; and as for the children I have brought into the world, I ponder with some misgiving the possibility that not everyone who enters the "kingdom of God" also comes from God.

>Fräulein von Salis
>God is on the earth. Don't you see how all the heavens are rejoicing? I have just seized possession of my kingdom, I've thrown the Pope in prison, and I'm having Wilhelm, Bismarck, and Stöcker shot.
>The Crucified.

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Is it any good?
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Master Necro Mega-Damage Rapeface
are you trolling or serious
oh wow it's real. I found it written in my copy of Tainted Turd. I haven't gotten to that one yet
100% serious
barnes & noble
in a month or two

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classic meme
Sounds like a read guaranteed to turn an otherwise normal functioning mind into an autistic one

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>it's a roger and jessica subchapter
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wanna have sex?
Sure what's your address
the only true love in the book and she ditches him and has a baby with her husband in the end
46th St & 1st Ave, New York City, NY 10017-3507
what book are you referring to?

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What should I read to understand Jewish thought?
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>Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

I read this a couple years ago, I remember it being mostly very interesting (with a few weird 19th century psychology takes), but my biggest takeaway was simply being in awe that someone so young could become so blackpilled.

Honestly I think Marx's work reveals the thought process of a certain kind of Jew, namely secular Jews who no longer really self-identify as Jews but as citizens of the world who really truly want to help everyone. There's this reduction of everything to economic processes, this cynicism towards established customs that fits with a people who've basically been cosmopolitan for thousands of years, and forced to mix themselves with all sorts of different cultures in order to survive.
the colbert, louis ck or bernie sanders type of jew. often apolitical, reductionist wise guys usually philanthropic even.
Interesting I assume you meant to reply to me but I will take a look at this but what do you mean the colbert? Sorry
Something that portrays the worst of humanity and that wants its destruction, like The Story of the Eye or Ligotti.
Ligotti and Bataille as representatives of Jewish depravity. Brilliant

>The rumors are true! We have some BIG news! Announcing forthcoming tomes translated & edited by @maxdaniellawton, with HUGE thanks to Andrei at The Untranslated blog, Matthias Friedrich, and Douglas Suttle.
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>Starting in 2024, Max Lawton will share his vision and talent with Deep Vellum to translate, edit, and shepherd into English some of the world’s most exciting fiction and to cement the press’ reputation as the champion of maximalist literature in the Anglosphere––of the badass avant-garde masterpieces that would otherwise not be translated or published.
>These masterpieces have come to Deep Vellum and to Lawton thanks to Andrei, a friend of the press and the founding steward of The Untranslated blog, the seminal reference for great books not yet available to English-speaking audiences.
Stop your jihad against the Manchette translation, Max. It's neither a fair nor just crusade.
Max Lawton is the Tim Parks of our generation
I'm checking out Telluria from my local library and pre-ordering Schattenfroh!

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What is your favourite Latin American author?
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Paradiso is excellent in a baroque way. Get ready for some gay sex, it's absolutely poetic. if you want some other heavy shit, read Jose Donoso. Obscene Bird of Night is like if Silent Hill were a brick someone threw at your head. A Place without Limits is a childhood friend visiting you at work as a tranny with his happa husband in tow. Donoso writes like an anon about anon things.
Good times, I guess. Not like I know anything else.
>The Martin Fierro and the Comeback of Martin Fierro
There's English translations for this?
I can't imagine how much is lost in translation
not really actually, the most distinctive of the gauchesca is that is written as if a gaucho was telling it in a payada, so there aren't a lot of eufemisms, the most lost is the characteristical gaucho slang
Thanks. He’s sounds really interesting style wise
Thank you. Fuentes was someone I really wanted to read at one point. Terra Nostra sounded interesting but it doesn’t seem widely available in English unfortunately
That Donoso book used to be one of my white whale books. I could never find a new copy for a reasonable price and I was so excited when New Directions (bless their souls) announced that they were releasing it. Unfortunately that style of book isn’t what I’m looking for at the moment so I’m holding off. I’ll definitely be getting to it at some point though

Machado de Assis is another writer I forgot about that I’d like to read
sorry I forgot to address the first part, there are translations, mostly because The Martin Fierro the most Important "classical" Argentinian piece of literature, is not only important to reflect the first period of Argentine history, is the most important work of gauchesca literature, being the gaucho the popular figure from where we say that the argentinian culture originates from

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