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Is Dostoevsky really ghastly rigamarole?
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He's fun to read in Spanish at least.
Nabokov lifted the veil for me and now I see through his cheap tricks to elicit emotion in the reader
I think that's something you have to decide for yourself, anon. For me, he's my favorite author :^)
Nabokov's rant did the opposite for me, it showed how HE does that alongside trying to elicit a certain air of grandeur and intellectualism by enticing readers needlessly on subtext while Dostoevsky's work is far more sincere and soulful coming from a place of a genuinely overemotional nature where his subtext is made to make the reader feel for the characters and themselves and not for the author or his pretentenses of leading you on into thinking a story is grander than it is. Dostoevsky never wanted to be seen as high or intellectual the way Nabokov probably went to read him with that pre fabricated social notion, he wanted to be seen as Saint Augustine crying about his spiritual flaws while praying for the Lord hoping for a better world that he is the ultimate sinner and victim of. While Nabokov wanted to be seen as high intellectual and devilish in pursuit of the 20th century notion of high and subvervise art.
Dostoevsky is Monet, Nabokov is Rothko.Tolstoy is Tchaikovsky and Gogol is Dali.
>he wanted to be seen as Saint Augustine crying about his spiritual flaws while praying for the Lord hoping for a better world that he is the ultimate sinner and victim of



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Got any Tolkien memes?
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Politics are like that too. There is this powerful drive to just "pick a team" and never change. It's an automatic giveaway that the person is an unthinking NPC.
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Why didn't the eagles fly the Ring to Mordor?
The North Vietnamese Army's air defence system.
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Shit... Forgot about that tree.
I need to finish it, some day.

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Can someone recommend some ANTI-antinatalist literature? I'm severely struggling to justify anything at this point. Is bringing children into the modern era the greatest act of ignorance and selfishness? How does a rational person justify it?
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>people feel pain and suffer in much the same way, and none of them like it.
lol,i literally used to cut myself regularly 10 years ago and the only reason i stopped is because i was afraid my wounds would get infected.
If Adam and Eve had been anti-natalists it would have been the definitive middle finger to God. Because Idk maybe God would have had to create new human beings free of original sin. And billions wouldn't have gone to hell, etc, etc.
You're a creep then. I'm not saying most people aren't freaks though.
Retard, suffering is experienced because of consciousness. consciousness is not a human thing.
conscientiousness and pain is the problem, regardless of the host.
and consciousness exists objectively, therefore pain is objectively bad.
>consciousness and pain is the problem*
Negative Utilitarianism gets me rock hard, I don't know why. even if you convinced me that suffering isn't a problem somehow, I'd still engage in NU anyways because it gets so dark and epic fast.

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So, recently while looking for books on "logistics", I discovered a Dutch author by the name of Bart Lammers, who wrote what is essentially a novel about the life of a logistics-managers, called "Het Pakhuis" or "The Warehouse", now I haven't read it yet, it's due to arrive, but this makes me ask the question, are there any more novels about this kind of subject, of someone working for, or in a warehouse and describing the day to day happenings?

Primarily life on the floor? It's such an interesting subject, in my 15+ years I have worked at the front-office, as a reach-trucker, etc and I have so many stories to tell it's insane, actually thinking about writing a short story, well anyone, does anyone have any recommendations?
Some of the subject I would love to discuss, the constant chaos going on in such a place, the ridiculous characters, drug use, theft, working with a person with aspergers, the insane boss who shouts at everyone, workroom romances, etc.
This sounds interesting. I wish I had more to add but the only thing I can think of to compare to this are a few DFW short stories about market research and Kobo Abe sometimes
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You could check out Magnus Mills. He was a fence builder/bus driver and started writing novels with blue-collar setting. Haven't read them yet but I think he likes to inject some satire into his stories.
Thank, you going on my list.
Anyway, some insane happenings that happened at my work.

- Insane scheme by a punch of Poles too steal all the expensive liquor, which worked for months.
- A Romanian truck-driver stealing all the toilet-paper in the supply closet.
- A truck-driving getting so angry, he rammed his truck against the dock, causing his load to ram it's way inside.
- Months working with a man slowly going insane.
- Someone tripping over a forklift and breaking his ankle.
- A young mulatto girl sucking off anyone who was interested.

etc... so much weird shit

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Let's see the poems you're writing. Or if you're not writing any, you can post some written by other people. Or you can just discuss poetry more generally
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I parodied part of Paradise Lost as a bit of a shitpost (130 lines to be exact)
the original lines are included in the document for posterity
r u d oxygen drama guy
am I that obvious?
Are greek themes kitsch? I love the mythology and its archetypical characters and tales but I wonder if it would be seen as kind of passe, either played straight or modernized.
They are yeah. Use the greeks if you REALLY know what you are doing otherwise it comes across as a needlessly antiquated type of pretentious kitsch slop. Because most people, intellectual or not, who see greek imagery needlessly plastered around just go "yup this is trying a little too hard to sound smart" and most of the time yeah it is. You don't need to modernize or try to replicate their style, just explore other pathways of greek imagery that seem interesting and shine a new or interesting perspective on things. While im not a big Borges fan and it aint poetry, The House Of Asterion shortsie does this idea perfectly. If you don't feel extremely confident in dedicating yourself to the greek bit while not just repeating the same stuff that's been said for millenia, don't try it.

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I recently finished the autobiography of Malcolm X and was kind of blown away by how discovering Islam in prison lead to this radical transformation from being another hustler to something more.

It made me really "get" religion and understand its power even though the book doesn't go much into the theology of Islam more than the basics that everyone sort of knows

I'm wondering if there is a book that is like this but for Christianity as I feel more affiliation with it than Islam
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The Gospels. There's no "getting" religion if you don't like the texts - Malcolm saw himself reflected in the Quran and the NOI because of his personal relationship with white Christians. American Christians are all a farce for the most part that barely believe in Jesus and view Christianity as it was depicted in Blood Meridian. Overall, you should try to admit to yourself you will never have your on empire, etc., and will be an actor rather than a witness in your lifetime.
He just found out after leaving the USA white people were like that because of some made up terror in their minds, not because they we were white. The only white Americans he had ever met tried to kill him/his family and did everything possible to ruin his life.
Disagree, that's just how white people read the book. He was a pretty normal guy overall, I hate them too for similar reasons today, understanding that white is just an aesthetic and state of mind
I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not trying to paint Malcom himself as the standout, but the fact that he represented NoI is something most modern people do not understand the significance of. Both in that their creed is completely incompatible with actual Islam, and in that their cause explicitly pro-segregation. The last I'm not being judgmental about, it's just an extremely important distinction a reader from today might miss or gloss over.
>I hate them too for similar reasons today, understanding that white is just an aesthetic and state of mind
That's not a similar reason given that NoI taught that whites are intrinsically evil literal devils created by a big-headed Egyptian scientist.
Sorry, Meccan, not Egyptian

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Dear /lit/,

I write this thread as an attempt to give some advice and guidance for younger Anons who feel that literature and writing is their calling. My example is a negative one; allow my flaws and failures to help you avoid making the same mistakes.

In my early twenties I was convinced that writing was my true calling in life. Financial success, romantic success and other popular ideals about living a good life were almost absent in my thoughts. Writing was to be the defining factor in the success or failure of my life.

However, several major flaws in my character prevented this ambition from materializing and now I am trapped in an obscure, low-paid job, my life in ruins, my past a catalogue of failures, and my future bleak.

An important thing to establish early on is a good name for yourself, at the very least a clean conscience. If you tarnish or besmirch your reputation and name, this failure alone will serve to cripple you creatively and spiritually. A man with a pure will and a good conscience, who can confront the world and everyone in it with a good heart, can achieve anything. Regardless of the hatred and envy of others, you can move forward in life, even if you are penniless, even if you are completely alone, and still make something of yourself.

The second thing is to have confidence in yourself. Despite the rejections, despite the anonymity, despite the frustrations and the torture of life passing with nothing to show for it. Believe in yourself despite your self-doubts. Maintain the conviction that with enough hard work, effort and self-belief your work will one day be recognised and acknowledged, if only in the smallest of ways.
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"Sure" what?
"Wanting to make art without experiencing failure is like wanting to go to heaven without dying" - Russell Edson. Keep going. Be the wheat not the chaff.
Keep going anon. Getting as far as you’ve gotten is a great accomplishment. Consider it a halfway point, maybe take a break but to commit to hold it out awhile longer
Good advice.
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>Any number of actual writers seem to have overcome this obstacle well enough.

This seems to be a rather underappreciated area of art lit, so I'm interested in anyone's recommendations. Particularly focused on the styles and principles of traditional Western sculpture, as most of the books I've read have been about modern sculpture.
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This is a great one. Very insightful commentary from a genius on other geniuses.
What happened to his sister is a shame
I got confused for a second, I meant Claudel, pretty sad story
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If you are interested in the process of sculpture I read this one once and found it fascinating. Even though I was not planning on making a bronze sculpture I found the explanation of how it's done very detailed and interesting.
u got anything that can like translate to like digital sculpture like zbrush u feel me

Does anyone else notice that the weird trend of people reactionary and unnecessarily close-minded and harsh towards certain storytelling elements, tropes or concepts?
One of the biggest ones that I can think of is the concept of grey morality, people wanting stories to be mostly black and white with very little nuance. This is mostly blamed on stories such as A Song of Ice and Fire/Game Of Thrones.
Other one's that I constantly see being thrashed for no reason are:
>Humans are the real monsters
>Good or benevolent demons
It's a part of this weird reactionary conservatism that seems to surround storytelling discussions now.
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We just want realism. Morality is not grey in real life, and hasn't been at least since Ayn Rand.
That's not why it's called "reactionary"
Maybe look up meanings of words before using them.
He didn't try to equate it with real world racism once throughout the entire video.
It's just internet contrarians who signal hatred for anything popular.

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So what did we all think?
honest reviews only.
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Oh look, a germanic faggot.

Subspecies that's never accomplished anything without begging for scraps from the Latins or warring with the Celts or Slavs always talking shit like they aren't the jews of europe.
The jews of Europe are the poles.
If you are white, I forgive you. If you aren't, I don't care about you at all.
I didn't say they were wrong but you are.
y'll niggas bitchless fr no cap
>addresses nothing
>cries about a fucking em dash
I accept your concession, faggot.

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I'm still investigating, but everything indicates that I'm on the right path to finding this city.

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Here’s a mix of my favorite books along with some ones I just got. What does everyone think?

Post your stacks
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Felt my blood pressure rise looking at that pic, good bait anon
The Zhuangzi is interesting, he made an appearance for a few pages in Vita Contemplativa by Byung-Chul Han. I was considering getting some stuff by him, is your edition there good or should I go for another translation/collection? Also, how do you like him?
I enjoyed the end of eternity (though I could have gone without the descriptions of time periods where women didn't wear shirts). Good stuff. The stuff they ripped from that book was the only interesting stuff put in that mid marvel show Loki
>Skull Cults & Corpse Brides
I love Simon Weil. There are so many authors who write essays where you just feel like they're putting down a collection of incredibly average thoughts on a random topic. Weil is lovely because whenever you read her you're always surprised by the depth of what she has to say on the given topic. The next time I'm interested in the nature of social obligations I'll be picking up my copy of The Need For Roots

post attractive box sets
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publisher of this one?
I put my books in a bookshelf
Hey I own that.

How do I get more do what more on campus? I always try to see if I can get the chance to do it again with the time we have on campus.

(King James Version of course)
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Doauy-Rheims came out a year earlier.
Sure the. prose is nice, but the stories are awkward and stilted and don't really make much sense.
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>heaven instead of heavens
>this makes fornication okay!

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