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The less Christian something European is, the more Christian it is
>Marxism? Ignore that it's an atheist movement founded by a Jewish man who wrote verses praising Satan. It's totally Christian because uhh...Christianity is kind of egalitarian. Ignore that Christianity is in fact an elitist religion which believes in a small "elect" and could only be said to be SPIRITUALLY egalitarian, while Marxism is a completely materialist philosophy that denies there's such a thing as a spiritual realm.
>The modern West? More Christian than ever. Why? Uhh BLM or something. Ignore that it's a product of atheist Marxist-influenced liberalism and that no Christian church before 1960 ever taught anything similar.
>Yep, Christianity is life denying religion. Ignore Humanae Vitae and all the other life-affirming teachings throughout the centuries.
>Yep, Christianity is a cucked pacifist religion. Call up Charlemagne, Bohemond of Antioch, Ferdinand of Spain, Basil II and the countless other great Christian warriors and tell them they weren't really Christian and were just martial because of the pagan residue left over in their societies.. Sorry!
I'm convinced they've just formed an image of the "true Christian" as some 4th century pacifist Syrian monk who castrated himself and lives in a cave and claims that anything Christian that does NOT fit that image that is not "really" Christian.
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And that's an excuse for lazy, imprecise thinking in your mind?
Find me a feminist movement before 1789.
To prove that feminism and capitalism are two seperate ideologies. Feminism exists only because of capitalism.
>Feminism exists only because of capitalism.
I'm not denying that, but they have different imperatives and contexts regardless. It's lazy thinking to assume they're completely identical.

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>Alice in Wonderland Day is celebrated on July 4th to commemorate the first time Lewis Carroll told the story to Alice Liddell
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>Alice in Wonderland Day is celebrated on July 4th
Wow, so it is. Time to post a nice Tenniel picture of /lit/'s favourite female protagonist.
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Sweet. Much love to all the Alices in the world!
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Cheers from /tv/
What's about Alice in the Wonderland that captures the imagination? People keep going back to it despite being a book that a glance doesn't make any sense. Maybe Alice is just cute.
Such a weird book with an even weirder author

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I've had a terrible life. Whenever some tragedy happens to me, there's always another one. Then someone kicks me when I'm down. I fall, I get up, I fall, I get up, even if I have the urge to give up every time. I still have fighting spirit in me, despite everyone almost always working against me (sometimes I only retrospectively understand that), despite all odds being against me.
I am damaged. I am broken. I cry every night, in pain from what is happening to me and what I cannot change. What I cannot undo.
Still, I feel the need to get up and fight. I know I will never change the past or ever be happy, but I still try.
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Recommended reading
harry potter and the methods of rationality:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8-212
Chapter 6
Chapter 3
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I'm glad I was of help, anon.
Good post anon-kun. Saved.
I can reccommend legend of the strongest man kurosawa if you are ok with picture books.
Most fun I had in a while reading a post. Thanks anon, I love when people take the life by the horns.
The Turner Diaries.

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what books are the closest thing to danganronpa?
Don't know what that is but I assume it';s tranny related?
It's a "subversive" mystery series, so basically think of a mystery that breaks Knox and Dine and thinks of itself as oh so clever for doing so.
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Search for Murder Mystery authors. That's esentially the genre of each Danganronpa trial. The most known ones are Agatha Christie and Arthur Donan Koyle (Coyle?)(The Sherlock Holmes author). I guess the most similar is Agatha Christie, she follows Knox rules, and has a novel named "ten little niggers" where 10 people are in an island and one of them starts to murder everyone.

Danganronpa is also based on the novel Battle Royale.

Umineko too if you want another VN
Extremely based thank you

Are there any infographics with mystery novels? Mystery seems like a really based genre
Why are anime characters with esotropia so hot
Encyclopedia Brown might be up your alley.

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ITT: Darkcel literature
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This. They are literary fiction. Moorcock, in his bitter despair against Tolkien and other authors, ended up just creating a forgettable series without much merit which is incapable of being either literary fiction or commercial fiction.
Shame on you poor boomer. And The Black Company or The Book of the New Sun are also vastly superior to Moorcock slop.
Why are you here?
What did Morecock have against Dick?
Can you also pinpoint in them the exact moment where the author became horny?
Moorcock had penis envy for Dick.

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>shatters your slave morality
Is there a more based collection of works than what Nietzsche brought to the table?
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>these values can exist separate from christianity
Not for Nietzsche. And not for Wagner either. They both explicitly described Christianity as bringing something new to Europe and believed that new 'something' was embodied in Parsifal. You have to disagree with both Nietzsche's and Wagner's assessment to make these claims.
you dont
Brilliant Heidegger
itt lets imagine a timeline nietzsche married a girl and fathered some children? what would change? would he still go insane or would he stray to a normie path later in life
He wouldn't have written anything of note but he still would have ended up with a brain tumor that killed him just like his father.

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And yet you're reading it.
Nigger tier thread.
Erm, actually I'm way happier than everyone who has never been born.
How to read Ecclesiastes? Here he says the dead are better than the living, and then later he says that the wretched living are better than the good dead. It seems full of contradiction. Is it just going through viewpoints the preacher at some point has held and declaring each of them as vanity?
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k so if this group people say it is good to kill you and takr your stuff because it maximizes their pleasure by your own logic its fine
can someone explain the redundant part? i don't get what he's saying.
Westoids are simply built for Big Christian Cvltvre
good and bad is a false dichotomy
pain and pleasure is a false dichotomy
suffering and joy are the only choices
The Cosmological Argument covers both a finite and infinite duration cosmos, which you'd know if you actually knew the argument. And I disagree that causation requires that there was/will ALAYS be a temporal element. Indeed, current scientific thinking refutes you with certain quantum effects having zero temporal delay.
You argument is unsound and thus fails.

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wtf is a german idealist?
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A dumb nigger
90% of his work is literal slop and not worth reading at all unless you care about muh magic n spirit n shi
Its been 8 years, get over it losers

Before Heidegger, Junger, Devi or Kaczynski, there was Wagner in the battle against technology. In his revolutionary writings, Art and Revolution, The Artwork of the Future, Art and Climate, Opera and Drama and A Communication to My Friends, Wagner formulates a critique of Western civilisation in which technological supremacy, with its corresponding artificiality of culture, are seen as an inevitable climax to the departure from Greece. As the solution, he endorses a return to the Greek evaluation of Man, and a return to Nature revealed to us in great art. In his 'Regeneration Writings', Against Vivisection, Religion and Art and Know Thyself, Wagner advocates for a de-Judaised, Buddhistic, vegetarian, esoteric Christianity. Modernity is now seen as a climax of a larger metaphysical evolution from a golden age, many thousands of years before Greece, to our present dark age, which must either end in extinction or salvation. In it he advocates for a religious evaluation of Nature which might save us from our technological world-dominion and its abuses of said Nature. Ernst Junger makes use of the imagery of Wagner's Ring:

>They know neither Greek myths nor Christian ethics nor French moralism nor German metaphusics nor the poetry of all the poets in the world. Before the true life, they are only dwarfs. But they are Goliath technicians – thus giants in every work of destruction, where they ultimately conceal their mission, that they ignore as such. They have a clarity and unusual precision about everything that is mechanical. They are confused, stunted, drowned, by all that is beauty and love. They are titans and cyclops, spirits of darkness, negators and enemies of all creative forces. Those who can reduce millions of years of organic development to nothing by a few meager efforts, without leaving anything behind that could equal the least spring of grass, the least grain of corn, the smaller wing of a mosquito. They are far from poems, wine, dreams, games, hopelessly lost in fallacious doctrines, articulated in the manner of pretentious professors. Nevertheless, they have their mission to accomplish.

And what does Alberich's ring represent, if not technology? It gives man omnipotence, reduces nature to a resource, and turns living beings into a means to an end. In Nibelheim is the most profound portrayal of capitalism. Through these myths, Wagner portrays the future of our own civilisation.
Bumping for interest. Wasn't Nietzsche also against technology in a similar fashion?

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It’s the 80s. It’s New York City. And life in the Big Apple is one mean and dangerous place. Crime is at an all time high. And out here there’s a man that would like to think of himself as the biggest and baddest dude to ever grace these streets. One Michael "Madboy" Connelly. A real brawler, a real womanizer, a real player, and a real prick. Just an all around bad boy. But he’s got his story, that of a newly released man that's planning for revenge, against those he believes had set him up and had him sent to the slammer. But that’s just one man’s story in a bigger story. There’s also a man in the city that’s been all over the TV, that everyone’s calling "The Big White Head." A mysterious man with a lot of power, that plans to start anarchy. Start what he’s proclaiming as "The Age of Rage," leading to all the gangs on the streets to rise up and try to wipe this city straight off the map. Between Michael "Madboy" Connelly, The Big White Head, and The Age of Rage, it’s gonna be a hot time in the city, tonight.


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The Bible >>>>> Nietzsche and “The Iliad”
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Jesus can keep going while Diomedes wails on him. It would be that SpongeBob episode where Flats the founder tires himself beating up SpongeBob because his sponge substance renders him invincible.
>crusader avatar
>god is love, killing is wrong
go away twitter creature
Human beings as such practically all deserve eternal punishment and destruction, the cruelty of any given creator is ultimately an irrelevant quibble
Christianity recognizes the inherently fallen nature of Man which makes it broadly more relevant than paganism, however, it then engages in the perversion of a redeemer god, which is unjust and insane
Most of them are either Muttmericans or brazilians
but Rabbi Yeshua lost his faith when he was about to die and he told everyone that he will be back very soon in their political pamphlets, the books in the bible state how he will be back in the first generation of believers, the first christians who wrote those books were scamming people. christians are so cringe and stupid

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Dostoevsky if he was writing today instead of the 1800s:
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>inconsequential writer
You never read him.
Deus Vult and God protect him against the evil muslims! He can haver sex with my young kids anytime he wants.
what's with these posts lately, is it a bot or a schizo? leaning towards the latter due to the typos in most of them
Garbage thread.
a microcosm of the board

Was Nietzsche ahead of his time?
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Ask AI
I have lost letters from Nietzsche in which he says this. I am the only one in the world with those letters.
He didn't say the exact words, but he's just as embarassing nowadays.
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One teenager posting on reddit destroyed atheists for a century. Imagine agreeing with this guy or his beliefs.
>Resentment born of weakness harms no one more than the weak person himself.

>Against boredom even the gods struggle in vain.

>Of what is great one must either be silent or speak with greatness.

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