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Did Kant believe in god?
I don't know, but he believed in what he knew.
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Kant died a virgin and avoided masturbation his entire life.
Many people believe this made him some sort of awkward loser, the kind you might imagine meeting today, you know, wearing a outdated hat or posting on this very site. However, it is in fact entirely the opposite; that is, him being an awkward loser: for while he was a virgin -and avoided masturbation- he was actually quite funny and confident and even made others slightly uncomfortable with his joking mannerisms around sex.
For example: the story of how Kant demanded to be tucked in tight at night is often heard of as his way of staving off the urge to masturbate. What is not told is just how awkward Kant would make this for his servants.
Being virtually perpetually horny, and actually monstrously hung, Kant would get into get into his jammies and get under the covers and call on of his servants.
"Oh Jaaaaamers" Kant might say (assuming the servants name is James in this case)
"a-ah yes Mr. Kant"
"Call me Emmanuel! I've told you a hundred times"
Kant could tell his servants to call him Kant one time, then Emmanuel the next, and he did this for well over 2 decades that some of them worked for him and he laughed every time.
"a-ah yes sir, Emmanuel"
"oh and tuck me in, i don't want to visit the circus if it comes to town!"
"y-yes sir"
"you know what i mean by circus right?"
"yes sir"
Kant would joke about the "circus" coming to town; and this was in reference to a powerful erection that he would get under the covers, which could lift the fabric and "pitch a tent" as its said.
"y-yes sir, Emmanuel sir" the servant would say, his eyes already dropping to the floor because he knew what came next
"oh-oh noo tuck me in! The circus is coming! QUICK!"
James would be made to tuck Kant into bed while a massive erection formed (supposedly 10inches plus) And Kant would stare at James the entire time and breath really heavy muttering inaudible sometimes punctuated by "circus" with a big pleasant smile on his face.
The tuck in duties were supposedly rotated weekly by Kant's staff, but all of them have given similar accounts.
Even if this is AI, I can't believe someone thought it was worth it to post.
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>it would be saying far too little to term my judgement, in this case, a mere opinion, and that, even in this theoretical connection, I may assert that I FIRMLY BELIEVE IN GOD."
-KdRV A826/B854
Those buttons are huge, never noticed them before. Are there examples of those left?
You need to turn 360 and go back, sir.
>Did Kant believe in god?
No but God did believed in him.
i don't care
When you are approached by death, you will encounter these questions with certainty
who can say? but he didn't deserve to die.
>he didn't deserve to die
what? death isn't something you "deserve" it's something that comes to all. He was like 80 when he died.
it's a line from a movie, i replied for fun.
wait, you also watched Cube Zero?
no one likes those films except girls called lottie and felicity
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>go back
Nta but when people say this shit. I lose hope
nta but ... lurk moar

Holy shit you're an old ass nigga
lol, anyone who's been browsing 4chan for more than a few months knows this meme.
i'm probably younger than you... it's a really well-known meme
Kant nerds correct me if I'm wrong but in the Prolegomena he presented the argument from design as cogent for the existence of God.
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Oh..I've been lurking for 1 year now...
What do
It's over, you'll never get your 4chan certification.
But I'm not a virgin?
it's more common on /fit/ and /pol/ than other boards
wtf who asked
i never set foot out fo /mu/ /tv/ and /lit/ but know it
Yeah I'm only on /lit/. The other boards seem too retarded. Especially pol, tv and x.
Seriously haven't seen it. I don't spend much time on here. Once every few weeks desu. I just come for the lulz.
is this a copypasta
As much as a Protestant can.
Like all metaphysics it leads to either misguided abstraction or epistemological nihilism
>there's the rub
>no will be
>pure metaphysics
Any Kant connosieur itt can explain to me how belief in God fits into Kantian epistemology? Obviously I don't want to accuse anyone of atheism if he claims he's not, but how does this work with Kant? Did he believe in divine revelation too or some variation of this?
He kills both atheism and theism as dogmatic doctrines beyond human knowledge. But he gives rational grounds for belief based on pure practical reason.
yes he believed in god... I dont know in what kind of a god he believed though... but he says it in the critique of pure reason... he says that he believes in god
Kant says that the intuitions of space and time as things in themselves can only belong to the understanding of the supreme being (i.e. the Almighty), because this knowledge is forever outside the reach of our limited human understanding. You could try to apply that to the belief in God, but the belief in God does not fit "into" his philosophy. His philosophy fits into the belief in God, but not the other way around.
this so wrong.
not only the buttons, but also his fucking head
This is where that kantbot got his name from isn't it.
I've been using this site for at least 8+ years, and have probably only contributed to a thread a few times, it is quite nice to simply observe.
>inb4 lurk moar

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