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"This world is the Will to Power—and nothing else! And even ye yourselves are this will to power—and nothing besides!"
I think English speakers would understand Macht as Create where Power carries connotations best reserved for Kraft
It's actually the will to pleasure through power.
If you want to look at something deeply you have to pretend it's the most important thing in the world.

Compare Nietzsche here with contemporary academics who have to qualify what they're saying with ten pages acknowledging everything they're not saying.
Its actually the will to sex
Only if the will to power is the will to live, in which case he didn't deepen Schopenhauer's metaphysics an inch.
I will fuck you, bend over. please.
Can you explain depression, suicide from a principle like will to live?
Schopnehauer argues that suicide is an intense affirmation of will to live, as the one who ends up killing himself perceives something that prevents him from living the way he wants, coupled with a strong desire for life aka will to live, hence why Schopenhauer considers it an affirmation of will. Depression could be a premise to suicide, although Schopenhauer recognizes the existence of mood disorders such as melancholy, which are affects of the will.
most willingly
>living the way he wants
That's a qualified form of living.
>a qualified form of living
As many forms of life as there are living beings.
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i feel like this marx i saw on twitter the other day is relevant as a response but i leave it to someone smarter than me to figure out specifically how
I havne't read nietzche and am not sure I want to. why should I do so. is there something I can gain from it?
Why does this unattainable form of living is not the same reason for this same internal state for the whole species of humans? This is way more simple with lower animals, they live differently to reach the same goal: keep going. This is not the case with humans.
I should have been more specific and said: there are as many forms of life as there are individual human wills, because we're talking about suicide and depression in humanity.
In your conception of things, man is an animal lacking ambitions, and is reduced to the same state as any other animal. Homer's Iliad makes no sense within this conception.
m8 bird song doesn't make sense in that view either. animals have the same ambitions
I think there's will to power in animals to an extent as well. But in man this is much more remarkable, bird songs have utilitarian goals, something like KLEOS has not.
>Like homer is not singing get off my land and bitches or my homies coming for you like any bird
Lel ok
>potentia: dynamis
>field modality
>force:vector, or
>"The wzm is a QUANTUM." (from the Notes)

Mustache absolutely read Hegel, and if you really want to get into the weeds of what the former thrusted at with The Will To Power pay close attention to where Hegel deploys explicit references to Bacchus you'll want to read Hegel, Roger Boscovich, and Afrikan Spir.
No because Nietzsche is an atheist, so any so-called "laws" are fleeting in the face of a planetary cataclysmic event that renders the sole known source of life uninhabitable.
That's literally not the intention nor a possible reading of the Iliad. But my reference was about Achilles (all the kleos thing etc.).
...m8 that is the Trojan war
>my reference was about Achilles
They fucked with his homie tbf, even the birds knew what's up
butter and beans exist too do thats refuted lol
>Physiologists should think before putting down the instinct of self-preservation as the cardinal instinct of an organic being. A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength—life itself is will to power; self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent results.
Will to power is not the will to live. It's more comprehensive and incorporates even the martyr who willingly dies for an ideal.
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The will to power is infinitesimally small, as it is limited to itself.
The will to love multiplies itself by the depths of beauty it experiences.
The true way to transcend the creator/creation dichotomy is with the principle of universal creativity which experiences the universe as a tapestry of co-creative threads.
Fucka you this is the gayest science.
Same thing in Nietzsche's language. Power is not confined to stereotypical manifestations like social power, physical strength, etc. "Power" in Nietzsche refers to the will's domination over the world. This starts at the unconscious level, before you even have a thought — your body is already grasping for power through perception, which is itself a process of the will's attempt to dominate. We developed eyes so we could visually dominate the world, ears so we could audibly dominate it, etc. We evolved so as to dominate our environment. It is a gravitation, like love.
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>the will's domination over the world.
Love doesn't dominate, sweaty. Love savors, appreciates, nourishes and dances.
Considering the world as a passive flower pot to fill with one's willy is peak crypto-abrahamism and is the status quo of much of Western thought, expressed in such ways as the self-interested agent of Enlightenment thought. It is found in Genesis in the doctrine they God created humans in his image FOR THE PURPOSE OF having dominion over all other living things.
The creator/creation dichotomy can only be transcended with universal co-creativity.
>life itself is will to power
And life is will to live. Life is desire, and desire is suffering.
leave my anime website AI guy
>life is will to live
How do you explain martyrdom then?
Negation of the will to live, which is the basis of Schopenhauer's moral theory. He considers Jesus Christ to be the exemplification of this theory.
it's hilarious how ahteists literally cannot stop using the word power and everything according to them is about empowerment kek

this is why they have no insights into life, not even their plastic society.
If the will to power dictates the world order, then why was he so against Christianity instead of accepting it as the natural order? i.e. if Christianity managed to reach such stranglehold on Europe, then it therefore must inherently have the right to rule.
many people do not have a significant will to power. most are just conditioned into it through avoidance of the pain of death. they desire to exist and subjugate themselves because their ambition does not exist in a form that brings them further than that. if there were no food and drink needed to exist many people would not drink or eat or do more than meditate, wishing to attain their own form of "power" you could say and in that sense yes neitzche is right. I think the idea of humanity existing on a spectrum of strength of wills and the category of all humans having a will are incompatible. I do not think that because a human without desire necessarily stops breathing and eating etc. that we should discard them as outside the realm of humanity in the general sense. they existed, learned somewhat, made a decision, and we are here to observe the consequences. does this mean that I will not choose the same path as them? does someone without any will to do anything constitute a will to die? there is some form of attribution of agency of will here that might need further analysis
>Negation of the will to live
Doesn't accurately portray martyrdom, so it can't be that.

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