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normal author:
>I threw on my jacket, slipped into my sneakers and went out to grab some food.
American author
>I threw on my adidas™ Tiro 24® jacket, slipped into my Nike™ Court Vision Mid Men's Trainers™ and went out to grab an Impossible Whopper™® with extra bacon from my local McDonald's™®.

sanest america seether
america: land of the free
everywhere else: land of the rent free
Bret Easton Ellis would NEVER write those brands.
Unrealistic, the American would already be wearing shoes
>I threw on my adidas™ Tiro 24® jacket, slipped into my Nike™ Court Vision Mid Men's Trainers™ and went out to grab an Impossible Whopper™® with extra bacon from my local McDonald's™®.
I've only seen bullshit to that extent from self-published authors. On the other hand it's not something to be totally avoided, like how Confederacy of Dunces makes references to Dr. Nut (real) and D.H. Holmes (also real).
I threw on my Adidas jacket. It was one of those old blue ones from the 70s, although it looked more grayish nowadays. Almost like a garbage bag for humans. Still, It was one of the few things my father left me after leaving himself for some cigarettes. I kept wearing it out of spite. Out of self hatred, and longing. Melancholy is a he'll of a drug. A quarter pounder from McDonald's. You can eat them every day without getting bored or fulfilled.

Sometimes brands help to paint a picture.
consumerism has fucked them, try visiting the country and see how long it will take you to avoid advertisements, everything in the country is either about consuming or fucking everyone over to make money
this. A deeply sick people.
That is true, but there's no reason to CONSTANTLY mention the brand of products a character interacts with.
i heard burgers worship phones
Meanwhile Europe is an experiment in humiliating and torturing the goyim as their numbers dwindle.
>That is true, but there's no reason to CONSTANTLY mention the brand of products a character interacts with.
not that anon, but I've never seen this sort of thing except in obscure hack works that I can't even find on libgen
keep coping, ameripiggie

t. lived in a major american city for 25 years
In American English you don't "slip into" your sneakers, you slip "on" your sneakers.
I dunno anon I kind of like it in certain settings.
because they're trying to satirize the brand obsessed mindset of most Americans? duh....
case in point - iPhone vs Android. why is a single brand compared equally to every other phone on the market, only in America
Because consumerism is le bad. There's your literary fiction bro, hand in your paper on it by Friday.
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>ESL correcting an ESL
I guess phrasal verbs really do filter you guys. We don't slip on our sneakers—we slip our sneakers on.
You would love David Foster Wallace
>illiterate burgers who don't know the parts of speech correcting each other's engrish
>try visiting the country and see how long it will take you to avoid advertisements
Lol where the fuck do you live where this isn't an issue in every country?
Land in Schipol or Brandenburg airports and you'll also immediately be greeted by advertising, retard.
Let's see some examples OP.
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Variant case of
>dystopian commercial hell
>dystopian commercial hell, japan
On a similar note I can't stand it when urban fantasy authors write that their immortal characters got drunk with Hemingway and danced with the Sun King or whatever the fuck. Especially when it's a historical figure like Van Gogh who became famous posthumously, like what?
i hear your tv and laptop monitors now come with mandatory ads that you can't turn off lmao, where i live, i have to look very hard to notice such disruptions.
>whopper from mcdonalds
LOL does this Europoor even fast food? sad!
>american author
>I ordered a mcbacon from mcburger and didnt walk that day.
European author:
>omg did u hear? Vladimirikov Dipetronovoska (Golzhin) is having an affair with Sashanova Veravinovitch!!! Also war is...
no european author would be
>I was too poor to buy mcbacon from mcburger so I walked to the grocery and bought potatotkjhjnes.
Tell us about your irrelevant third world shit hole
No, no you didn't. Otherwise you'd still be living here.
normal author:
>I threw on my jacket, slipped into my sneakers and went out to grab some food.
European author
>آحكام الختان حسب الشریعة الآسلامیة
I'm not the OP, but I had Vineland when I was a kid and the author was always talking about brands, TV shows and products.
Also, I have nothing against America. If you think America is bad, just remember it's still better than 84% of the world.
>bloomin eck stella these yanks be talkin' bout mcdonalds instead'uvva propa pint n' jellied eels
>bit strange innit

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