Are there any other thinkers that explore the moral values held by people from previous/different eras or civilizations?
Macintyre kinda but he’s a christcuck. You won’t find any better work on ethics than Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals
The entire field of anthropology?
>>24116164Mein Kampf does a good job.
>>24116282is this actually worth reading ot is it just waffle from a covert 4chan jew?
>>24116319I really enjoyed it. Just read the prologue and you'll know whether it's for you or not
>>24116282I don't know how anyone with any self-respect can recommend this. It's just awful. Really one of the worst portraits of everything wrong with modern post-ironic politics. For a book that is supposed to be radically sincere, it is painfully affected. You can tell he just went through and deleted half the definite and indefinite articles because he thought it made his work seem extemporaneous, when it just makes the entire book feel like a conceited imitation. The shtick of being ironically retarded to appear 'based' should have already worn thin on anyone who has been on this website for more than a few weeks, so why you would subject yourself to 200 pages of it mixed with pseudo history is beyond me. The only thing you will learn from this book is that the author is a gigantic faggot.
>>24116353Wordcel seethes at Caveman Grammar Aristocrat
>>24116319There were no jews in the bronze age. Ipso facto post hoc ergo procter hoc.
>>24116389Obviously the book is about the Iron Age. We know precious little about Bronze Age values
>>24116164On Grammatology by Jacques Derrida.
>>24116861"Bronze Age Mindset" itself refers to the Nietzschean master morality of the bronze age aryans, including the Sea Peoples and Myceneans, although throughout most of the book he talks about Classical Greece and the Renaissance if I recall correctly. Like you said very little is known about the aryans themselves. BAP's talked about the work of Robert Drews on his podcast, specifically Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe and The Coming Of The Greeks: Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and The Near East and I can say that the former is a very interesting book on the topic, haven't read the latter.
>>24116353BAPbook remains the perfect filter for pretentious midwits that huff their own farts
>>24116931Nietzsche never analyzed Aryan values because he couldn’t. We can’t exactly either. Oldest Indo-European records we know of are the Hittites
>>24116965It was well-known already in Nietzsche's day that the aryans had conquered most of the old world and forced their caste system and languages on conquered peoples from India to Ireland, so based on that, comparative mythology, and linguistics it's not difficult to piece together a broad picture.>"Indeed, they call themselves in perhaps the most frequent instances simply after their superiority in power (e.g. "the powerful," "the lords," "the commanders"), or after the most obvious sign of their superiority, as for example "the rich," "the possessors" (that is the meaning of arya; and the Iranian and Slav languages correspond). But they also call themselves after some characteristic idiosyncrasy; and this is the case which now concerns us. They name themselves, for instance, "the truthful": this is first done by the Greek nobility whose mouthpiece is found in Theognis, the Megarian poet. The word ἐσθλος, which is coined for the purpose, signifies etymologically "one who is," who has reality, who is real, who is true; and then with a subjective twist, the "true," as the "truthful": at this stage in the evolution of the idea, it becomes the motto and party cry of the nobility, and quite completes the transition to the meaning "noble," so as to place outside the pale the lying, vulgar man, as Theognis conceives and portrays him—till finally the word after the decay of the nobility is left to delineate[Pg 25] psychological noblesse, and becomes as it were ripe and mellow. In the word κακός as in δειλός (the plebeian in contrast to the ἀγαθός) the cowardice is emphasised. This affords perhaps an inkling on what lines the etymological origin of the very ambiguous ἀγαθός is to be investigated. In the Latin malus (which I place side by side with μέλας) the vulgar man can be distinguished as the dark-coloured, and above all as the black-haired ("hic niger est"), as the pre-Aryan inhabitants of the Italian soil, whose complexion formed the clearest feature of distinction from the dominant blondes, namely, the Aryan conquering race:—at any rate Gaelic has afforded me the exact analogue—Fin (for instance, in the name Fin-Gal), the distinctive word of the nobility, finally—good, noble, clean, but originally the blonde-haired man in contrast to the dark black-haired aboriginals."
>>24117033Genealogy of Morals btw
>>24117033you have been sold the the philosophcal equivalent of snake oil ,in the market place of Ideas.
>>24117036Wait, fuck this is legit.
>>24117047Reducing ideas to some low commodity to be traded for profit is disgusting
>>24116965>Nietzsche never analyzed Aryan valuesLiterally what The Genealogy of Morality is about, also about how Jews created slave morality in opposition to Aryan master morality
>>24117047Post some high quality philosophical ideas and educate we ignorant peasants
>>24117072to play with morality is easy for someone versed in Nietzsche. none of the thoughts I have to share will be atractive to anons here, I would only be sharing Nietzsche's thoughts. maybe when I get in the mood for a debate I will be enlightning.
>>24116861>We know precious little about Bronze Age valuesIt was usual ooga booga nonsense, mix usual 3rd world with superstiions of evangelicals.
>>24117111That’s the 1600’s, not the bronze age
>>24117111Baiting on this website used to be nearly an art form. The absolute state.
>>24117047>>24117099>>24117111Good Morning Saar!
>>24116164Sometimes I wonder what it must have been like to give one of your children over to Moloch. Of course they are watching you. Looking for signs of weakness or regret. If they see that you are hesitant, unjoyful about handing your child over to burn then they might demand your other children. Something to appease Moloch's mind. Something to prove it was just a lapse, a momentary weakness, and not a lack of faith in his majesty or his holy reapers. Could I actually go through with it? Could I do it to spare the rest of my family? I don't know. This is not specifically a Jewish tragedy as the vestal virgins buried underground (and really, name your civilizaton) could attest. Most of those civilizations did not keep accurate records of the measures they were willing to sink to in order to achieve their directives. It really makes you think.
>>24117156You don’t have to wonder, it still happens. Moloch isn’t the name of a god, it’s the name of a sacrifice to yahweh
>>24116965>>24117052Haven't Read Nietzsche Award Winners
>>24116861Oh. I should have guessed from the title.
>>24116353>anyone with any self-respectTake a guess what is pushing his books and why anon
>>24118648I have read him, he doesn’t analyze “Aryan values” anywhere except your headcanon
>>24118777He talks about the Laws of Manu in The Antichrist.
>>24118777Half of his writing is about aryan vs semitic values
>>24118777Your eyes glazed over reading Nietzsche but you flipped through all the pages and now you tell everyone you've read him
>>24116164>Are there any other thinkers that explore the moral values held by people from previous/different eras or civilizations?Yes, me. And if you want, (You). Just start reading.
>>24118789>>24118849>>24118866You guys just clearly aren't primed for the Straussian reading of Nietzsche's work, he was actually an antiracist socialist. When he says "it is impossible not to recognise at the core of all these aristocratic races the beast of prey; the magnificent blonde brute, avidly rampant for spoil and victory; this hidden core needed an outlet from time to time, the beast must get loose again, must return into the wilderness—" he's being metaphorical. The superman is a metaphor guys, he doesn't want to literally breed an aryan superman. When he says "A plaything let woman be, pure and fine like the precious stone, illumined with the virtues of a world not yet come. Let the beam of a star shine in your love! Let your hope say: “May I bear the Superman!”" he's being metaphorical. Nietzsche's all about the grindset. When he says "The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it. What is more harmful than any vice? Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak—Christianity...." he means people who fall behind in the war of business. Nietzsche's all about common sense equity and keeping it real. Take this chud shit somewhere else, thank you.
>>24116164Look into ethnography.
>>24116164Is there anything that modern research has revealed that Nietzsche was just WRONG about?Like, we know a lot of the study of history and archeology by those 19th Century Germans has just been proved to be wrong, since subsequent research in the 20th and 21st Centuries has produced new information that discredits their original ideas.Has anything in Nietzsche's study of the history of morals been discredited by modern research?
>>24119124>Like, we know a lot of the study of history and archeology by those 19th Century Germans has just been proved to be wrong, since subsequent research in the 20th and 21st Centuries has produced new information that discredits their original ideas.Such as what?
>>24119124>>24119135The Birth of Tragedy was filled with so many rookie mistakes about history and theater that Nietzsche made a second edition with an extra chapter, second edition which is the most popular one today(on the right).