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You are affirming life, aren't you anon?
I neither affirm nor deny but rather strike a middle way between the two extremes.
What does it mean and why should I?
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I'm reading my first book by him, it has been a very comfy read so far. Beautiful prose and some good insights
>t. christian
It means affirming your will to live, or will to power, same will. You can, but it doesn't mean you should.
Yes and no. I'm a nietzscheantinatalist
>It means affirming your will to live, or will to power, same will.
What does that mean?
No one posting on 4chan in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday is affirming life.
Being an ordinary man.
he mainly criticized the religious institutions of his time while also growing out as a protestant, not religious faith itself, it was not yet a time for christian personalism to flourish. i think proper christianity is life-affirming
Isn't he very incompatible with Christianity? I don't mean that as an insult to either Nietzsche or Christians.
Nietzsche had Atheism as a starting point. Christianity is centered around God.
It is not even that they are at odds with each other, since the starting point is so different.
shitposting on 4chinz provides me with much mirth. i live. i laugh. i shitpost.
Nietzsche is da best philosopher ever
I feel like this coming decade is the decade of Nietzschean larping
The Übermensch starts from the atheist dogma that there is no truth and no morality. Nietzsche being atheist, ie having no critical thinking, he embraces this dogma created by the caste of the bourgeoisie to destroy Christiniaty and absolute monarchies. however there's no really a theology associate to their power grab. The initial propaganda was the rationalist mechanistic view of the world but that's just depressing. Saying there's no truth and no morality is nihilism and nihilism leads people to depression and suicide after they coom. So Nietzsche's idea to make hedonistic nihilism cool is:
-to change the definition of nihilism to match Christianity. For the atheist like Nietzsche nihilism now means caring more about being moral now and about life after death than living in the present moment, ie anti-nihilism is following your whim and letting your stream of contradictory desires to control you
-Claim that this old nihilism is pro-life
-Claim that this new nihilism is anti-life
-to build an ideal life, that one of the Übermensch. The Übermensch is a guy who embraces the artificial dogma created by the bourgeoisie to seize power, and instead of attending to orgies and then committing suicide, the Übermensch just attend orgies without committing suicide.
So how to do that? Well Nietzsche idea is to let all the little Übermensches create their life-affirming values, after declaring that values aren't real, they don't exist.
So the Übermensch creates for himself a narrative where he is the hero and his duty is to develop as much as possible those values and to impose them onto others Übermensch who develop their own little values. For any realist, this is called ''sinking further into delusion''. But for atheists it is called ''creating a clown world where every little clown is a moral hero for going against the evil life-denying Christianity''
-Now it turns out that for atheists, ''life-affirming values'' are just unbridled hedonistic behaviors. But atheists don't call hedonism ''hedonism''. In the clown world hedonism is called ''vitalism'' or ''behaving like Dionysus''

THis is how we end up with all the strong current and counter currents of badly thought ''ideologies'' int eh LGBTQ++ whatever which are just expressions of various and contradictory sexual desires desperately bundled together as an attempt to feed the population some sense of more or less coherent meta-narrative where life will be better if everybody becomes a leftist.

This is magnified in a mass consumption society based on mass media created after WW2, and especially after 2008 where the iphone means every little roastie can delude herself that she is the next revolutionary for being a whore during the night and consuming vegan food during the day.
Nietzsche actually never said the ubermensch creates values. That’s a liberal interpretation that simply doesn’t exist. Rather the ubermensch is simply described as something beyond man, in the same way that man is beyond apes. He hardly goes into detail about what this means.
If I was going to read all of that, I would just read the author instead.
I'm trying my best
Hegelnigger detected
I love you all
I don't think so. From what I know by now, the Übermensch and the man that Jesus Christ taught to be are very similar.
My main problem with him is that he was a materialist and couldn't fathom a metaphysical God existing. The first trick the devil does is to convince you he doesn't exist.
Daddy Nietzche i failed despite my greatest of struggles and decided to life deny lmao
>, the Übermensch and the man that Jesus Christ taught to be are very similar.

isnt the Übermensch a master moralist whereas christ is a slave moralist?
what does that mean?
sounds like a platitude.
>you are existing deeply, aren't you anon?
Christ is a slavs moralist in a sense that He told humanity to be obedient to Him (God). You can call that slave morality but in my opinion it's not that, because it's impossible to win against an omnipotent Being. The world today is plagued by godless bugmen that are obedient to other men, but not God. It all boils down to whether or not your brain can grasp the existence of an almighty, all knowing Entity.
can't help but to do so, miserable mustachioed man
my every breath which is the most primal instinct of the body, and my ambitions which are the sweetest things inside the mind
>and every one who resonates with me. gets. breathed on. by the
>holy ghost.
>John 20:22

not rn, sadly. I'm stuck on that loop of resentful loosh-matrix harvesting.. what are we to understand as life?
Christ in Nietzsche's view is not a slave moralist, nor is he Christian. Or he is the only true Chistian. Depending on how you want to define Christian.
In The Antichrist, Nietzsche provides a psychological analysis of Christ. This analysis also relies on Nietzsche's claims that the early Christians edited the Gospels to make Christ a figure more suited for their uses. Basically, in Nietzsche's view Christ was an enlightened 'Buddhist' type. A decadent, but free of resentment. I can not paraphrase Nietzsche's charaterization any further, without doing it injustice, so you should read the Antichrist yourself, if you're interested.
'master moralist' aka 'a sovereign without slaves'

when we are children, do we need slaves to propel the wheel? I'd say not. but once we are grown up, certain 'image of the world' internationalization happens, and an adult steps into the world. (becoming its captive.) if both Nietzsche and Christ horse-shoe into agreement on the matter of aeonic child, what horizon does it open, memetically speaking?
Yes, except when I’m not wageslaving
>Yes, except when I’m wageslaving
Sorry, fixed
I can't tell if you're a massive pseud or if this is bait
I'm readin Zarathustra too and I don't understand the meaning of Übermensch and the point the book is trying to make. Like I get that he's being laughed at for believing in something different and pretending that Christianity is le bad, everyone is a slave and I'm better blahblahbla but, to me, it feels like a weird cope. It feels like a child trying to create its own cult, playing God or something. I'm not a religious person, but the more I read, the less I want to understand what's Nietesche is trying to say. It feels immature and comical
You are starting with a book you shouldn't read untill you already understand Nietzsche.
but someone else said in this thread that the Übermensch is never defined by Nietzeche
People say a lot of stuff. I don't think there is any one person who has been more misunderstood or misrepressented than Nietzsche. It's not that he is very difficult to understand, it's just that for some reason people seem to think they are qualified to give their opinion on his philosophy without ever having read his books.
I can give you a definition of the overman, but it's not going to mean a whole lot to you, because you haven't familiarized yourself with the concepts of Nietzsche's philosophy. That's why you shouldn't start with Zarathustra, it's just going to be gibberish if you don't already know what he's getting at.
Ok thanks for your input but please tell me your definition of the Übermensch
The overman is the person who has realized Nietzsche's philosophy, which is amor fati.
HOHO. I will look into it. Thank you anon, this reignited my interest in Nietzche.
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>Chronic masturbation is good
>Jews are good
>All Nazis should be shot
>Being a cuck and resigning yourself to accepting things as they are is good
>Christianism is.. LE BAD
>Sick people (except me) should commit suicide
Why do anons love this dysgenic faggot so much?
:O he has a quote for that.
> gay science section 130
Sorry you just filtered anon.
Wrong. Read literally anything he has written.

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