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Post em
He addresses free will in H2H and Daybreak. If you need something to do then read Nietzsche.
I don't get it
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>a twink has a bigger dick than you do
caring about dick size is a sign of effeminacy; the only thing that matters is if you can cave in his skull with a single punch.
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>The picture of a twink with a bigger dick than me was deleted before I could see it
Based. If anons acted like this - rather than acting like pseuds who pretend to read - I would actually respect them
German Idealism is complete bullshit. Marx and Engels were right to call them out on it. Engels also wins favor for calling the English retarded, too.
Nietzsche isn’t an idealist you commie retard
I didn't read any of Nietzsche's books, did you?
It's worse than being filtered
It was just remigumi
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Archive is your friend, anon.
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This thread I found amusing
Wellbeckq meant this ironically when he said this.
Seems like the average discordtranny's conversation
anyone got that copypasta making fun of women's writing? It's a super macho guy and he says shit like "we can't say faggot anymore?"
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Because Absolute [Anything] is indistinguishable from Absolute [Nihilism] .
The Materialist ate that shit up because it meant Absolute Physics = Metaphysics (which reduced/simplified pesky metaphysics for the Physicalist Materialist).
It's why you have to reject Absolutism/Monism as an ontological absurd premise since the conclusions self-refutes its own justification and so you'd have to meta-epistemically chose the epistemology that can account for and declare itself The Truth/Logos and have it be accessible/personable to Man. The metaphysical mechanism for this is possible via Theosis (The ability to be illuminated with The Truth and draw Truthful relations between Truth-like things (effectively also being able to Detect Evil/Lies/Anti-Truths)). The fact that we can come up with demonstrable illogics like 2+2=5 and A!=A show that we must reject Monism by the contrary that an All-True-Monistic universe can't account for falsehood in the True Monad (see Modal Collapse). It can't even account for itself since It would be a epistemically schizophrenic Monad in which all reality becomes epistemically unreliable (sometimes 2+2 does = 5 on a whimsy, if that were the nominalistic... but it's not the case in our reality). So we live in a world of Free Wills and Deterministic (God's Will) Forces.
>reading them before burning them
and to quickly demonstrate why the Hegelian Dialectic is false:
we could be in a possible clown world where we argue about how 2+2=5 (thesis) or about how 2+2=6 (anti-thesis) without ever arriving closer to the Absolute Truth; just a Eternal Dialectic of Lies (Nihilistic Verisimilitude). That's why the French Neo-Marxists were so enamoured with Hagel's stuff to. It offered an Absurdist "Halting Problem" never solution/dialectic of arbitrary Oppressor/Oppressed (Tom vs Jerry, Jin/Jang) meta-ethical solution. The problem was it was built on the false premise that 2+2!=4.
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Anons, please be honest. Does Hegel actually say anything meaningful at all or is it just a big joke?
This genuinely isn't the place to ask, you might as well ask if quantum mechanics is meaningful. You actually have to be smart and know philosophy to understand if Hegel is meaningful.
So you don't know? Then please refrain from answering next time if the only thing you do is belittling other people. A physicist could easily explain to me why quantum mechanics is relevant. I could probably go on Youtube now and find an easy to grasp overview on the topic.

Hegel on the other hand seem like some self-referential meta-joke about philosophy itself. Just like one could create a masterpiece joke on 4channel by playing with and re-imagining current memes, it wouldn't be anything more than a fleeting firework only to be grasped in that particular moment and only by those who share the same amount and kind of brainrot.

So I'm asking against: Does Hegel say anything meaningful aka is it worth trying to understand him or is it just a joke that is fun for the initiated, but not worth the effort to get for the rest?
Why can't I just have AI give me the rundown?
No, you just have presuppostions inclining you to believe le science man.
Don't have to be a confectioner to tell shit from chocolate, RETARD

He is meaningless. The only people who read him and pretend to like him are pretentious midwits thinking complex = truth/good. Enough time has passed for other people to judge his works and isn't just so peculiar how no good man boast about reading hegel and it is instead all women, french "intellectuals", marxists, jews, and other garbage.
I'm ready to believe you, Anon. No, really. That's why I asked in the first place. Maybe I'm missing something, because right now I share >>24111833 opinion but without the rude undertone of course :)
The grace of discourse from ignorance. What could be more pure than arguing fervently on a subject of which you only have secondhand impression? Rather than the crude, raw matter of the source text, you have gleaned the elements of it from the distilled opinions of those who HAVE read it.
I dunno. You can tell a lot by the fruit that falls from the tree. Know what I'm saying?
I think this is unironically beautiful. It only takes a single relatable person to open up a whole new world that would have otherwise remain locked if one would encounter it alone. And after that one can start reading the source material. In the end, we evolved to trust people and not words.
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He is far more lucid than memes would have you believe. Anti-Hegel James Lindsay posting is no different than Ayn Rand whinging about Kant. Completely ab extra to the man and material.
Ok, but how exactly is what he says relevant to me?
Yah, ive noticed something like that. there is this really gay tendency towards framing things as oppositionary forces instead of trying to form a more coherent whole from the complexities of things. Pretending that kind of myopia of reasoning is somehow not myopic. somehow forgetting along they way that the thing they rejected was largely a flandarization they themselves created anyways for the express reason of rejecting it.
He is meaningful, but an excess of meaning is hard to distinguish from chaos.

if you get anal retentive enough about logic, you will inevitably be drawn back to the realm of the german idealists

ill admit, ive read rather little of hegel, but im quite familiar with kant, and the question of metaphysics always leads back to this broader german wave. However, the little I did read before putting it down cause it felt like work I thought was pretty compelling. his whole explanation of truth being a process rather than a strictly knowable thing I found pretty eloquently stated in his blossom analogy. though desu, it did seem like a restatement of the idea of copernican revolution, that no phenominal knowledge can be assured and its all about degrees of likelyhood. things can be in the 99th percentile, but not the 100th.
Regardless, he seems like he has a point patterns seem to correlate, but with his writing style and method its an effort to get to that.

At least Kant had prolegimina, which states most of his points on metaphysics in an understandable war instead of the doctoral machine logic in CoPR which reads like an extremely dry proof. Unfortunately Hegel I dont belive has a prologomina like work that transfers his thoughts into more layman’s language.
Wow funny humor thread, guys
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hey it's /lit/ humor.
we're laughing at the philosophers, not with them.
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best post of 2024
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Yes, of course. Or how else you know which to burn and which to keep?
If you had more Adderall you would understand the subtle humor of my post.
>normies are impressed by saying fuck a lot
How is quantum mechanics relevant to you(just as an example because it came up here>>24111794 )?
It isn't really and you can go through your life just fine without knowing either. You could watch some comprehensive youtube videos on both topics to get an overview but that wouldn't make you knowledgable on any of those two. With quantum mechanics you don't know any of the relevant math and it might as well be a fairy-tale and with Hegel you know nothing about the philosophical process.
If you don't find any drive for the pursuit of intellectual knowledge in these directions you might as well pass it over.
Feel like this is every online literature discussion today lmao. Just faggots repeating shit about a book that they heard other faggots say about it.
Painful read.
>I am very smart
>did you know I am very smart?
This is cringe, not based.
I wish midwits would stop replying to my post without saying anything concrete. I feel like I'm in a high school surrounded by a group of "that guy". It's ok, you won't impress any girls with your intellect not that it would have worked back then either. If you have no idea then you can just stay quiet. I don't know you and never will and your reputation stays intact.
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this guy made me laugh last week
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Here is your (you)
Didn't get it
This is not bait. I'm frustrated that the only responses I get are a variation of "uhhh it's important, but it's too complex to explain why it's important". I've spend a significant part of my life dealing with complex problems and ideas and communicating those problems and ideas to others of varying skill levels. There is nothing more indicative of a midwit than those kind of non-answers. You may not smell it yourself, but anyone with any degree of skill in any field will immediately think less of you if you talk that way. Unless you are talking to another grifter of course.
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Same as the classics
>Don't have to be a confectioner to tell shit from chocolate, RETARD
That you think this can translate into philosophy reveals you for the peasant you are.
My initial reply is that you won't get a meaningful reply here, and I've been proven right.
This happened to me when I bought The Gay Science.
No dude, you said sodium chloride. Yes it's the same as salt, but you could've just said salt instead. Everyone in this town knows you're a boy genius dude, you don't need to say overly large words to sound more intelligent. The fact of the matter is that nobody cares how smart you are. If anything, calling simplistic objects by their scientific name ironically makes you seem less intelligent and more pompous. I know you're smart enough to be better than this.
Yes, I did. You are a commie retard.
kys fag
You are aware that this includes you, right? If you can't be bothered to do it yourself then I'm just going to assume you're a midwit like the rest.

Actually, even your original post itself reeks of midwit.
>You actually have to be smart and know philosophy to understand if Hegel is meaningful.
Really? That's your angle?
>Hehe, you gotta be smarty smart like me to get it :P

Whatever. I'm gonna stop replying to dumbfucks like you. I'll just read your posts and stroke my dick while remembering all the times I often accidental, but not always humiliated people like you in front of their peers by simply asking questions about things they pretended to be knowledgeable about. I'll never understand what drives a man or woman to put themselves in a such position of vulnerability just for a small ego boost that can be easily flipped into debilitating shame.
Start with the Greeks. Plotinus is great. Theon of Smryna's book: Mathematics useful for understanding Plato.
A few early Christian writers are nice but not needed. After Rene Descartes it pretty much becomes foolish.
The last line still reliably gets me
mom!!!! MOMMMM!!! come look!!! Some retard is trying to win a game of smarter than thou on my obscure subdivision of a mongolian anime imageboard!!! MOM it's the part that talks about books not the part that's known for child pornography!!!! Mom come look this guys really tearing into him he must be SO smart
The last line kek
NTA but to my understanding, Hegel's work exists as a way to describe history as a process, using the term "dialectic," as a means to understand, critique, and affect history. He described the world as if it had a spirit to it, a dynamic one that related everything to it.
I don't know why people never explain this because it's fairly straight forward on the surface, even if it gets wildly complex once you start to apply the dialectic.
What are you guys arguing about?
Do you think it's worth diving deeper into it if one wants to have a better understanding of human nature and oneself or have those ideas become obsolete?
okay but >>24112934 did actually make a good point. you tried to draw a comparison with quantum mechanics and he showed why your comparison didn't make sense. this should indicate to you that you're not conceiving something correctly -- that your mental model is inaccurate -- but I worry you won't realize this, because your other comments suggest you think of yourself as an intelligent person who usually only gets confused when someone's trying to trick him
nobody can really answer this for you, OP. everyone is going to give their opinion. a hegel fan will tell you yes. a poker fan will tell you no, hegel sucks for understanding human nature and yourself, if that's what you want you should go play 1k hours of 5/10 NL.
>have those ideas become obsolete
why would they have become obsolete?
I don't particularly study Hegel as I prefer Kierkegaard, but Hegel did write about human nature as we contribute to history and how it affects us. He mainly looked at freedom, recognition, and meaning as human concerns. I don't have much more to say about it other than that I think he was more concerned about controlling history. I think that is why Hegel can be controversial.
I got plenty of ungodly screenshots from this board on my phonephone.
Because in the case of Nietzsche it will always be wrong.
I'm pretty sure a physicist could give me a reasonable explanation why Quantum Mechanics is relevant or at least interesting. I would be really glad if someone could do the same for Hegel and kindle my interest.

>nobody can really answer this for you, OP.
I disagree. I've learned many new things because someone else introduced them to me.

>why would they have become obsolete?
Why shouldn't they be? Time passes. New ideas emerge. If someone wanted to learn about the planet earth you wouldn't let them study mythological accounts from extinct civilizations who, despite doing the best they could, believed the planet is carried by a giant turtle.

Thanks for the overview. The part about controlling history sounds interesting. I always viewed Hegel as someone who spend his time building up a meta-framework to categorize thoughts or something. I wasn't aware he had practical ideas on how to affect the world itself. Now I get why he was an inspiration for Caesar in Fallout: New Vegas.
That was a retarded thread.
>Now I get why he was an inspiration for Caesar in Fallout: New Vegas
Bro just seriously read the books. You seem pretty set on hegel (goodluck) just read him. Start with the Greeks is generally recommended but you guys don't read.
>You are aware that this includes you, right?
Ugh, you're right. It just seems like a lot of work and I hoped someone could give me a motivation boost. I still remember the time I tried to read Kant and was completely overwhelmed by the ehhh... let's call it "thickness" of his prose. Maybe I'll start with secondary literature or something
You got overwhelmed by Kant because you're starting pretty late and don't know much about who he is referring to, agreeing and disagreeing with. Start with the Greeks, you don't have to, but it makes it alot easier. But you seem pretty dead set on hegel so just start , I generally don't like him but no point in arguing about it, it's 4chinz so just start reading him. Secondary literature will be useful
do not start with hegel. you will read ten pages, fail to understand any of it, confidently assert it's all bullshit, and smugly slap the book down. if you've never read philosophy or you haven't read much philosophy do not start with hegel or kant. honestly start with analytics. find a good intro textbook on aesthetics, metaphysics, ethics, whatever area you're interested in, and read that. analytic papers are usually much easier to read + textbooks will give you a broad survey of the field
Got it. Thanks guys
>I've learned many new things because someone else introduced them to me
you weren't asking "what is hegel" you were asking "is hegel gonna help me understand myself and other people better"
>Time passes. New ideas emerge.
newer =/= more accurate, better, more true. ideas can also be inaccurate or even incorrect and still be useful
>honestly start with analytics
Sure, if you want him to be a bugman. Anon do not listen to this nincompoop, he's a pulling a fast one
Don't get me wrong, Hegel was interested in metaphysics. But there was definitely an angle to it.
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I admit, that last line got me.
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Show my your body without organs RIGHT NOW
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I was the announcer kid. I'd get there before the other kid to tell them "X is coming here to fight you."
I have no idea which author that makes me.
Thread theme

>deterritorialize this
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First time in /lit/. Why are some lines in people’s replies blacked out?
mouse over them and see what happens anon

it's called spoiler text. type "[ spoiler ] blah blah blah blah [ / spoiler ]" but without the spaces in the brackets and click the little box at the bottom by the post button that says spoiler?
what is the point of that?
to filter new faggots like you
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how the fuck did you find this website?
Filtered by a 4chan post, of all things
Many want to appear, but few can bother to be.
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first time only on lit or whole 4chan?
it's for dramatic effect
>Ayn Rand bitched about the difficulty of KANT
I knew she was a pseud but god damn, Kant is not hard to read compared to many others. People think he’s hard because they get assigned him in undergrad and aren’t used to reading philosophy. If anything he’s quite lucid and clear.
>uhhhhh what is the spoiler hiding on a literature board for??
weak bait
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Salt is ambiguous. There are many types of salt.
>it... it's... it's funny you just don't get it!
You're midcurve
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Holy shit is that the actual text of Infinite Jest? I need to start finishing and self-publishing some shit.
If you knew literally anything about IJ you would know that this is actual text from it.
If that's the actual text of Infinite Jest why would I want to know anything about it?
I'm convinced from that page alone that Davey killed himself because he was disappointed in the world for fawning over his obvious shitpost.
I have never read IJ, what the fuck is this
that's the one. kek. thanks anon.
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Still my favorite
I know you're not entirely serious but I think you somewhat believe that. Within a conversation in a western eating establishment there is no debate about what the word salt refers to. Words change based on context, do you also get upset when people don't specify a handheld dining fork to avoid being passed a pitchfork?
I kneel
Why do people still talk about Hegel’s dialectic in terms of thesis/antithesis etc. when that was literally Schelling?
Because no one has actually read Hegel
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which book should I start with?
The one that sounds most impressive.
So Beyond Good & Evil or So Spoke'd Zarathustra
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remember the philosophy needs to sound smart enough to just convince yourself.
>I want you to perform the transaction now
Never gets old, kek.

I am interested in nihilism. This is my first encounter with philosophy. I attempted to read So Spoke Zarathustra, but I am unable to understand it because either I am retarded or lack the necessary background. Please recommend some easier books that can guide me through the subject.
This book is pretty accessible on the topic of Nihilism.
>books is in attached gif form and here's the hi-res version link:
Overall, Philosophy is ultimately Nihilistic on its own because anthropocentrically humanity can't save itself (we didn't make this place nor did we make ourselves). This point was hammered by Martin Heidegger in his philosophical conclusion that "Only [a] God can save us now"; we're gonna need some kinda Theosis to uplift man from our fallen nihilistic state & entropic outlook.
Wardine be cry
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hey anons, where does willpower come from?
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and remember, a gif is just a zip file of sequential images.
like flipping through a book.
just change the .gif to .cbz and your computer will read it like a comic book/pdf so you can read it page by page at your own pace.
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<--- he's a demo of it working on puters.
the trick probably should work on mobile devices too.
this allows for ez workaround transfer of books/pdfs between anons
or we can post pdfs on /tg/ as a dropbox
(or pastebin but reading text in .txt is a terrible aesthetic experience)
fuck salt
This was posted as I left my local library btw
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Not really, pic related
I am a physicist, and quantum mechanics isn't relevant to you
It wasn't even relevant to physicists until relatively recently
Let the hylic figure it out.
Really? There is absolutely nothing to be gained from even getting a rough overview on that topic? What a shame. I guess I'll just forget about the promise of computers that can crack all encryption and instantaneous communication. Nothing one can do unfortunately in a completely deterministic universe...
You must be a shitty physicist then. You should go on /sci/!
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Not a problem if you simply memorize the locations of every book on the shelf
I do all that but I don't look like that
(Im an overweight man in my late twenties (the autumn of my life))
She's... she's perfect.
All of this is a total meme and will never happen because the underlying theory is bullshit (you'll find this out in 100 years when someone finally admits none of it works)
why is the underlying theory bullshit anon? curious
>when someone finally admits none of it works
why don't they admit it now? are they scared?
It was Fichte not Schelling
Quantum theory has never been applied to any purpose because the theory is not correct. It is something that fits with the current mathematical models, but only because those are limited and incomplete. When you try to do anything with these theories in the real world they just don't work and no one knows why.
They don't admit it because science refuses to say "idk" and instead will always cope with "it's the best model we have that fits the data". They don't admit it because they actually believe the model is right. And when we have exhausted every attempt to do something useful with it, for decades and decades, some brave man will eventually have to sacrifice his career to say, these models are just not right, sorry we fucked up physics for so long and got nowhere
Thanks for the explanation. Although I'm not sure why one would assume that the model itself is wrong. Maybe we fail at the execution level. Of course the model can be wrong, too, but how would you tell the difference?
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something I just made
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footnote shitposts is why i come here
what's the nenuphar from?
I remember when I was probably around 10 I was eating a hamburger with my parents at a restaurant and it suddenly occurred to me that I was slowly taking away fractions of the hamburger away, and that this would have to continue. It put me into a kind of existential crisis, as I figured I would have to take continually smaller and smaller bites to be able to do such a thing—I could no longer understand how it was possible to finish my hamburger. As I whittled my hamburger down to a bite-sized portion, I asked my mother:
>How am I supposed to finish this?
to which she responded
>Just eat it
So I did. And that's why I'm a finitist.
I haven't read much Hegel, but I have a classical (i.e. predicated on the languages) education and an intermediate understanding of philosophy as well as a broad knowledge of global history as it is typically taught in American schools. Reading Hegel, I see that he is very much on to something but, like you say, it is very much like a meta-joke about philosophy itself. I don't think that puts him into the same camp as someone like Deleuze who writes philosophy in a mocking way, but he is very much like Kant in that it will be necessary to examine his writing closely to yield anything whatsoever from it. To really become an "expert in Hegel" I imagine you'd have to live about as long as he did and read many of the same books as he did, but I think that his writing will yield some pleasure to the canny reader. To answer your question more directly, I think that Hegel is not worth trying to understand, and if you find yourself struggling to while reading I would recommend going to read something that is more "your speed." There's an image that gets posted sometimes here that has a list of "books to read in order to understand Hegel," but since I cannot in good conscience recommend believing anything you read on the internet, I would instead recommend that you read the sorts of books that interest you, with great care, and if that brings you deeply into the fields of philosophy and history you may then want to pick up a book of Hegel's as you will be considerably more prepared to appreciate his subtle craft.
how is posting on 4chan relevant to you?
That is blatantly false. Care to demonstrate how electron microscopes shouldn't exist?
I like the way you type friend, it is cloying and mildly frustrating
Why should I tolerate let alone listen to anyone who "hasn't read much Hegel?"
You mean in the context of this discussion or just in general? I figure in this context the answer is that I believe the poster to whom I was replying wanted an "outside perspective," coming from neither a complete rube nor a dedicated disciple of Hegel. I could be wrong about that. In general I would say it's probably difficult to get around in life respecting no one who has not read a lot of Hegel, and that there is a variety of other useful and pleasant knowledge to be gained in the world. If you aren't the person I was responding to I'm not really sure why you would put this question to me other than to feel superior. I imagine you have read a lot of Hegel then?
Did Homer, Shakespeare, Milton, George Fraser MacDonald read much Hegel?
Based existential anon
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This OP lives in my head rent-free
NTA but tbf when I, as an academic, say I "haven't read much of" a certain author, I've typically read at least a book or two from them, so that phrase doesn't really reveal much—it could mean he's read PoS and some of his lectures, or it could mean he's read a few sentences.
I'm using my phone and pirating everything because I'm poor as fuck nigga.
It’s stored in the balls
The Holocaust is big business, it seems.
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Reminds me of the time I was visiting my nan when I was like 8 and I started thinking about my own mortality which made me burst into tears. she had no idea what the fuck to do because I was crying for seemingly no reason so just had me lay on the bed and came to check on me every few minutes. Pretty sure I was crying for at least an hour and a half straight.
Had a similar incident in the shower around the same time after watching a thing about the dinosaur extinction
note to self: throw more Zeno's Paradoxes at kids
>I was like 8 and I started thinking about my own mortality
pushing 40 didn't help me stop...
The foreskin, that's why they chop it off.
The old English translations were terrible. Can't speak for the Russian ones, but I'd imagine any available during her time there were also bad. Nobody who wasn't reading the original German was understanding Kant at the time.
What is the benefit of an expansive eReader? I haven't owned one since childhood, is $700 even expensive? I thought since they're black and white that they'd be significantly cheaper, but that's almost as much as my phone.
love that one
"setup -> establish pattern -> punchline" and the general rule of three is the only thing you ever need to sound witty
>the stable boy of Auschwitz
gets me every time
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no one's posted this classic?
e-ink screens are special (and fucked with patents), you can get a basic kobo or kindle for about 100 bucks which is good enough for most normal books, you can get a slightly larger model for 2x or 3x that which really helps with reading shittily scanned PDFs easily. It's the a4-sized notetaking-for-wannabe-academics type things that are really expensive (because of the large screens of a special type and undoubtedly the niche market) but you don't really need that for most usecases.
that’s my post from years ago, I was surprised by how many other anons related to it
literally me (except for the bisexual part)
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Actual physics PhD here. The guy you're replying to is a nodegree LARPing faggot. Quantum theory is the basis of almost all modern physics and all modern chemistry (and hence also biology). A lot of our technology, including the computers we are using to shitpost here, could not be made without quantum physics. I don't even like the theory very much aesthetically (my research area is gravity), but it is impossible to deny its degree of success.
then you're literally me can i kiss your stomach
>the post that killed butters
Anyone have the screencap of the post that said
>plapping butterfly
>what does this bitch do with her pussy when she's alone? Tighten it?
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never saw that post when it first went up, but ne'ertheless I relate to it
Name one specific invention or discovery that required quantum theory to be invented and could not have been done with just knowledge of classical physics
Only if you will let me ramble about the books I like while you do it, plus you need to be able to get to the south east of England
I guess we’re typical of this board
>the niggervella
Absolute favourite /lit/ moment
As I said, ALL of modern chemistry is based on quantum theory, because classical physics cannot model atoms, molecules, or their interactions. Pre-quantum chemistry was basically trying random shit and figuring out some basic observable patterns, but they had no idea WHY things work the way they do and so could only get so far.
Similarly, semiconductors cannot be modeled classically, hence almost all modern electronics fundamentally depends on quantum theory.
I could go on, quantum theory applications are all around us.
Well he said that being and non-being are one, there is that, I guess that is something that makes sense. and he complained that noone who actually read him did understand him, so that was probably because he was making so much sense. Like have you ever heard someone like Frege, Dummett or Davidson complaining about how literally noone understood them? They didn't and I guess that was because they lacked clarity and sense.
Dubs of truth
Kek, thought the same
No dubs of truth.
>Only if you will let me ramble about the books I like while you do it
Only if the philosophy isn't 1900s french and the history isn't "a people's history of -"
Did you even watch Oppenheimer dude?
Silly anon, my initial post self described as “crypto-fascist” and while I was kind of kidding, it’s weird that you might think I’d like those leftist nonces
can you imagine getting called silly by a crypto-fascist fag
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Thanks, I do it on Adderall.
kant >>>>>> fichte > all the rest
Welcome to /lit/
based post your onlyfans so i can follow you
Sorry no onlyfans, porn is evil. Though years ago I posted a link to some photos of my naked twink body that might still be in the archive somewhere
reminder that photos of naked twink bodies are to porn what the symposium is to smut women read
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trips and one of the best /lit/posts to tumbleweed?
this place has gone down the toilet
i've seen that pic on reddit by now
no doubt reposted so that a reddit user can plagiarise and feel loved, without fail every single social media site that does not encourage anonymity falls to these womanish shenanigans.
invite me to the discord server
God, I was in my university library when that thread went up. Had to focus all my effort into not laughing out loud like a retard
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nicely expanded since I last saw it
pity the Ellul one is now missing tho
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There are a couple variants floating around now I think
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He should just make a YT channel and talk about his life and his studies into a literal who and tell everyone about him
I'd watch even though I don't care
I have this exact question but for necrophilia, fucking disgusting animal fuckers, necro is fancy though
monster musume
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Fucking lost at <Languid>
It's fun talking to my computer friends and enemies
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>It's fun talking to my computer friends and enemies
This but instead of burly men there should be two cute girls
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two anime pfps fighting in the digital void
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I think I can see a nipple...
that last line lmfao
Bear, a canadian bestseller.
>the young were not born racist, but over time as they grew into the culture and became of age they would learn racism
His brother really is retarded
>>24115097 love it, love it
The panel about larping as your favorite author kind of gives it away:
>Was she really beautiful? Was she at least what they call attractive? She was exasperation, she was torture. The silly girl had heaped her hair under a rubber cap, and this gave an unfamiliar, vaguely clinical look to her neck, with its odd dark wisps and strags, as if she had obtained a nurse's job and would never dance again. Her faded, bluish-gray, one-piece swimsuit had a spot of grease and a hole above one hip—nibbled through, one might conjecture, by a tallow-starved larva—and seemed much too short for careless comfort. She smelled of damp cotton, axillary tufts, and nenuphars, like mad Ophelia. None of those minor matters would have annoyed Van, had she and he been alone together; but the presence of the all-male actor made everything obscene, drab and insupportable.
—Nabokov, from Ada or ardor
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Anyone else ITT collapsing into 'Angst' in recognizing the price they've paid to appreciate this image?
Smartest man on Earth
Why did dialogues like this fall out of vogue?
Makes no sense. He loses track once he starts doing the illegal argument. It doesn't follow.
The >it's over >we're back concept is timeless
It's a bit harder to understand there but he's equating legality with trust - law is just the "trust" or mutual agreement a society has with itself.
>We should just "trust" ourselves to murder each other, that way, no one's really getting hurt!
>But murder is wrong for other reasons, not just because it breaks the law or society's trust
>Then your wife fucking a lot of men is bad not just because it breaks your trust...
And all of that is still more valuable than anything published after the year 2000
>Does Hegel actually say anything meaningful
No. (I didin't read him)
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Yes he did. (I also didn't read him)
Now duel
No, Hegel isn't worth reading. (I have been following my own advice in this matter for 42 years now)
Test “ if you read this I want to tell you that you are a complete faggot.”

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