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Are you bullet-proofing your shoulders, /fit/?
No, I have consensual sex with women.
Yes, I have non-consensual sex with women.
Is this the new ROM shilling faggot? I wonder how much he makes on onlyfans.
Why do all of these faggots live in florida

Fucking awful place to live
Hypothyroid people (mentally ill, faggots etc.) have a lower body temperature so they love warm places.
Hyperborean Chads have 38C body temperature so they don't give a shit about being in a cold place.
Upper Midwest stay winning
Non, I have sex-consensual women with yes
People really just be doing the stupidest shit nowadays. Just do old fashion workouts BUT me personally have seen significant progress in my gains by blasting 11-15 reps for every set for every workout. But that’s just me
Nah these weird shits activate alot more muscle and help connect the body to muscle links and athletic concepts. Try bent over rows over sit down rows. The back gets way more work in since the lower part is activated.
And higher sets with medium weight is the best in my opinion. I do 3x20 with 315 as my typical squat workout and it blast them fuckers just right every time. 405 for 3 x 20 is the goal. As a standard workout.
Living in texas is hell when you're this hot-blooded

I envy those with access to cold for more often than the 3 weeks a year we get it...
fr I'm thin and lean and am still one of those white niggas who can run in shorts when it's freezing out
i fucking hate the summer
thats called prolonged fever. im afraid hyperborean chads gonna come down with cancers very soon
I lived in TX and FL, I cannot spend 15 seconds outside without sweating like a faggot eating a bratwurst. I wish I lived in the cold.
My shits fucked I can't bb ohp without pain for months. Somehow bench is fine but I look weird with 0 shoulders and putting weight on my bench I'm thinking I just work from 50% every other day.
No, i have non-consensual sex with men.
> nah, these gay modern meme instatok exercises are legit
> do these well established classic movements
the state of summer fags
No, I have consensual sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is hyperhydrosis, i sweat like i'm running a marathon all the time when it warm outside

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