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I unironically think a 6'5 265 lbs peak male human could beat a chimp to death
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And that chimp had a fat and lazy lifestyle. Imagine what a fit prime age chimp could do.
I thought guys on 4chan were delusional and stupid, no man in history could ever beat a chimp in hand to hand combat. Ever. I doubt you could go unscathed even if you had a knife or a blunt weapon. Chimp strength, bone density, nervous system are primed for strength and explosiveness. Humans have much more delicate and intricate nervous system primed for delicate stuff, that's why we can do art, play the piano, etc. A chimp would take you out in seconds, he would rip your testicles out, your face, take out limbs, discolate bones, etc. There is no comparison between human and animal strength. It would be over in seconds. Chimps are vicious animals too.
I think that a 6' 200 lbs moderately fit male human could beat a chimp to death. He would need to have /strongmind/ though and honestly go for the kill from the start without fear for whatever injuries he might sustain.
cringe and gay, post your fedora
He still has small weak teeth

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>Lift for years
>Realize my body has become too beautify and perfect
>Feel like most girls don't deserve me anymore
>Become a volcel
Did this happen to anybody else?
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Fair enough satan, neggers eternally BTFOd
didnt expect satan to look like this

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How do you avoid this when cutting?
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stay off youtube
That's the best part. Jason isn't natty.
this is nothing to do with cutting. He just came off all the gear you dyel
How Blaha is losing muscle and retaining fat while on gear is beyond me.
This. I have a much better physique than this faggot, but built it using the same basic barbell/powerlifting exercises. The one thing ive done differently is I do focus - every day - on arms and rear delts. Not heavy and intense, just some volume with tricep press downs and dumbell curls and rear delt flyes.

Makes a huge deference in how your body looks for there to be definition between tricep and rear delt. All the difference.

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>what you lookin at twink

your response?
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I'm not into hairy men but that man is beautiful
Sometimes I wish I was extremely hairy like this but then I remember that usually it comes with back and shoulder hair and that's just gross
Tell him to shut the fuck up and then stick my 8 inch cock in his wife.

t. I'm 6'2, handsome as fuck and don't take shit from normie Gump faggots.
This board is gay
Flick water back. I'll be damned if I don't respond in kind to a water fight

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The image that destroyed /fit/
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>all still alive
it's so over
Nobody is garunteed to live to 100.

Also americans could use a diet that literally makes them shred fat.

Because skinnyness is totally killing americans, right?
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Imagine getting grifted to eat only boiled potatoes and then your guru drops dead well before they average boomer and your excuse is well nobody lives long regardless of what you eat teehee XP
Yes. /Fit/ IQ dropped throughout the years

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What is /fit/ opinion on this guy ?
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I would love to fold him like a pretzel and rape him, after he starts crying from his bleeding gaping anal rape I would remind him to "stay flexy with that ass as I will come back for seconds"
Back to where you came from
>didn’t wear contact lenses for his own wedding
Wow he didn’t give a fuck about it
chef john dunking on incels kek

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Should I cut or should I bulk? Pls help I hate being skinnyfat
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You’re a fucking retard and I guarantee you look like shit.
Once you get stronger if you don't enough lifting feels stupid I got from here by doing focused body part like 3-4x a week and figuring how much o want to be heavy vs heavyish volume and obviously doing every muscle 3-4x a week is not fun or sustainable.
>drink milk

Yeah great advice tell the chubby skinny low T Nerd boy to drink concentrated estrogen so he can widen his hips and ass and make his shoulders look even more pathetic
>concentrated estrogen
I have literally never seen anyone get fat, wide hips or bitch tits from milk except for gomadtards.
Post body
You won't

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Look it up.
I miss this poster
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Hitler's strongest soldier

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>Average "science-based" lifter physique
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This is like the third time I've seen this identical combination of posts
How many of you fuckers on this board are bots?
>religious lifting?
I praise the lord then deadlift 6 pl8s
I always feel bad for people who lift for 4+ years and still look like shit
Then again, they almost always train with way too low intensity
A significant amount of posters on the site entirely are bots
Dead internet theory is true
science-based lowering

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>microplastics in everything
>seed oils in everything
>sugars, artificial sweeteners and corn syrup in everything
I hate boomers so much it's unreal
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The Kummerow body of work seems more credible and less likely to be polluted by COI than the generic slop you're sharing tbdesu.

all the wfhoomers got fired
>Kummerow ate eggs cooked in butter
But doesn't butter have a lot of the very transfats Kummerow fought against?
No, it does not, but thank you for your concern trolling.
crazier jobs out there, your mother is giving me one right now

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>"Dr Mike's condition, is irreversible..."
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I like this movie, a guilty pleasure if you will
This guy's channel is so shit there is no way he got his audience organically. Especially as he's not only insufferable he's also disgusting and not funny.
>the condition: bald

Steve is the only youtube surrogate roid dad that didn't ruin his face
I like that one scene alright, but the rest of Irreversible is pretty boring

>provides endless fun cardio
How can runfags even compete
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like the colors , hate the gears
Unless you have full bike clothing, which looks gay as fuck, people assume you can’t afford a car
>t. stereotypical American suburbanite.
I think it's because your entire mid/upper body gets to relax.
I notice it a lot on hack squats, my legs are screaming, but the rest of my body feels perfectly relaxed and comfortable.
anon you're not seriously sacrificing your health because you're afraid of "looking poor" in public right?`You realize that is an incredibly low class mentality, being afraid of looking poor. That's why they keep buying expensive shoes.

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What’s the point of doing a ‘goblet squat’ when you can’t use heavy weights like you could with a barbell squat?
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Goblet squats, split squats, and single leg deadlifts are basically your only leg options at most hotel gyms.
BSS is always something worth doing whenever possible since almost everyone cheats with dominant-side imbalances using barbells.
What is BSS?
Bulgarian split squat.
For me, its the swing and press+squat

Will you still be lean / ripped at 50 ?
Or do you plan to let yourself go a bit
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I will be finally lean at 50 not still
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nope, when the moment comes and I can't attract youger girls I will go full bear mode
The ages of tv stars. Sawyer was 35 because that has the widest appeal, meanwhile Kate was like 25
At least for strength, early 30’s is definitely peak. Speed and injury recovery are better in 20’s for most people.
I take a small amount of pride at age 36 in going to the gym 3 nights per week and outlifting the DYEL zoomers there. We'll see how I'm doing at 50 after natural test level plummets. I'm holding strong at 720 ng/dl at 36 so I'm hoping it doesn't fall off a cliff as hard as some people.

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>running is free
>biking can be cheap
>paying monthly fees to do it indoors in a globohomo soulless room with a bunch of dyels, middle aged moms, and Tennyson
yeah idk man, probably essential if I had to guess
I left her, actually.
I tried it for a few months because my cardio was severely lacking and they had 6am classes.

Realistically, at BEST it's a very basic cardio + "strength training" (high rep low weight) circuit class. If you want to sweat and burn calories, sure. If you want to seriously pursue training goals, not for you.

Moreover, if you look at the people around you, it quickly becomes clear that this is actually not that effective. In fact, my OT gym had a wall of photos of people hitting their milestone classes - like their thousandth class or w/e -- and NONE of them looked like they were in any kind of shape. The people who go daily usually look like shit.

Why? Because they kill themselves in the gym, burn a negligible amount of calories, and then eat tons of food that they "earned" with their high-stress, low-results workout. Then they caffeinate and drag themselves back for the next one, briefly ride the endorphin high, before crashing out and repeating the cycle again.

If you want to do it once or maybe twice per week as your cardio, go for it. But I wouldn't recommend it.
Is that why you save pictures of her and still try to figure out what her interests are currently?
Are you 50 years old?

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