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will she become as strong as her father?
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>didn't kayla need surgery just to pretend to be white?
why are you saying this like it matters when t's a mutt himself?
>Saiyler Rue

I like T1 but why would you subject your kid to this bullshit.
Heinz 57
3rd tier ascended Amerimutt
also a chess prodigy and the most well-rounded league of legends player in North America, there are definitely worse role models for impressionable zoomers

Can't wear normal pants. Legs don't even look aesthetic. Look square somehow.

I have to order stretch jeans in a 58 inch waist the get them done at the tailors.

Sex is hard even with an 8 inches because the quads take up so much thrust space.

Might just stop training legs
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You're welcome
t. Big Bulgarian Cock
Barbell squats suck for hypertrophy of the quads unless you're a manlet. Split squats and hack squats solve this.
Should I mire?
I couldnt care less about legs
I only do sissy squats, assisted pistol squats (for glutes, if I go too hard my quads become a limiting factor) and nordic curls
lol have the same shit and I only do squats and cycling with running, any fix for this?
Pretty average thigh there bro. Wouldn't say your legs are particularly big. I can tell you've been lifting for a little bit.

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*mogs your strength despite never setting a foot in the gym*
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>laying 200 2hr fire rated 8” block a day isn’t labor intensive enough to build muscle mass
Leeeeaaavin on a jet plane...
You severely underestimate the presence of chinks and poos. They’re like 70% of the internet now. These people have never worked a day in their lives.
don't care. bunch of broke bums that couldn't pass a high school class. like dad use to say, the world needs ditch diggers too
>but these days we use so much machinery and tools you're never really exerting yourself enough to gain muscle mass
What an idiotic statement

What's the worst injury you ever had? How did you recover?
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Started after I started adding weights to pull-ups, chin-ups and dips. Once I started adding 25 lbs, the symptoms started. I stupidly ignored them and increased weight over time, reaching fifty pounds. At that point I finally realized I had to stop.
Single-celled flesh eating parasite, multiplies much like bacteria would. It's an amoeba, hence the name. Long incubation time so it's hard to tell exactly how I got it, but what we think is:
>be doing yard work with my contacts in
>get slight corneal abrasion from dirt getting behind my sunglasses
>no big deal, dont even notice
>take shower later
>slight pain when taking out contacts that night
>end up with excruciating pain and ulcers in my cornea about a month later

>how to prevent it
Acanthamoebas are everywhere in the air, soil, and water, but rarely cause infection. For every 1,000,000 contact lenses wearers, on average only 2 people will develop the infection. Basically:
>dont sleep in your contacts
>dont shower in your contacts
>dont swim in your contacts (especially freshwater)
>dont rinse your contacts with tap water

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Well im a contact wearer too but i use daily disposable because i only use it when i want to look good for the girls. And your story scared me for wearing it. But really thankyou bro for the warning and headsup. I hope you healing soon and get well anon. All the best and my prayer for you
stretch your quad
I recently head butted the bar while doing muscle snatches with 60kg. Was a unicorn for a few days.

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I have been skinny, I have been fat and I have been shredded (12% body fat and 180 lbs) and the amount of compliments, female attention and sex is ridiculous compared to a couple years ago

I have other things going on for me like a personality and a decent face, but I had all these things before so I can't ignore the facts
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Because you still need to talk to girls to get them. A nice body just let's you get away with more autism. Think of it as a multiplikator.

A shitload of people just lift and, at best, use Tinder with shitty, boring pics. That alone is just not enough if you have literally zero skills. I could tell you a lot of stories how I learned that the hard way, but I suck at greentexting. Btw has anyone the screencap of the autism stories of the guy, who made a 9 11 joke in front of a girl who lost her dad to that terror attack?
>Where does the "lifting won't help you get girls" meme come from?
from a bunch of whiny losers who don't have the awareness to realise women don't like them because they're whiny sad losers
>and if you are an ethnic shitskin you shouldn't be living in white nations in the first place
Can't get no girls go back to your country
Yeah pretty much

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What are the downsides of weed?
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Tldr instead of championing retard studies to prove points on the internet demand real controlled studies take place instead of internal data specialists justifying their jobs while snorting the grant money.

We already know smoking is bad.
So that makes your narcotic less harmful? The thread's subject is marijuana, so don't bring other things here
There are randomized controlled trials underway for many things related to THC but in the absence of those, these surveys are clearly concerning and show that there is a strong association even if surveys aren't completely accurate. People who use cannabis heavily will just deny higher quality studies as they emerge as well. There is already a lot of denialism when it comes to cannabis and psychosis, lung health, brain health, and cancers like testicular cancer. It is going to take a generational shift and public awareness to change that.
No we already know smoking is bad for you. This study says fuck all. Sorry. You're just trying to prove a point and it's annoying and sad you can't be objective which is why you said randomized controlled studies like that means something.
Yall niggers act like weed will ruin your life but then run to the most insidious drug of all, a full-time job. Before you know it your life will be over and you won't have done shit.

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Should I just kill myself if I can't get a body like this?
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I look like this and I'm superdyel.
>I look like this
... in my dreams
Barely any muscle. He wouldn't even be able to stop me
daddy dilkies


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Which body type survives Plantagenet Britain the longest and which has the most success in life? Let's Say during Richard the 1sts reign so wars on France and some lovely crusading.
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Those fighting wars on foreign lands were not eating well. They were having to steal from the locals. Those back home during the reign of Richard I were taxed to high heaven to fund his crusades and wars. It was not a time of plenty
Fulcher of Chartres said that crusaders had to eat ass cheek meat of their enemies because they were starving so badly.
>they think Janoy wouldn't die within 5s of waddling onto the battlefield
If Shaw is 6'7 then Eddie has to be at least 6'3, he definitely doesn't look 6 inches shorter.
Nope. Skeletal analysis implies they had rugby physiques. Based on what's important to fighting, you'd expect overdeveloped traps and shoulders and a deemphasized chest.
They had access to premo nutrition and consumed a diet heavy in meat broths, cheese, and wild game.
Look up the (well to do) medieval diet. Aside from potatoes, tomatoes, and caffeine, it's pretty much ideal.

I mean for example,if I want to throw the fastest and most powerful punch within the shortest time possible,or to run quickly and for a longer period of time before getting exhausted,or being able to jump higher than before,being able to move my arms quickly while manipulating an object,just being able to move quicker than usual. Are there any exercises that can train this? I've looked it up and all I'm seeing are stuff for young and middle aged people with anxiety issues.
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wouldnt your muscles have to flex in order to perform all those actions? wtf are you talking about?
of course but the less you flex them while trying to exert force the quicker and harder you'll exert force
Have you tried being a Hanma and just imagining your limbs to be made out of water?
Relaxation in sports isn't something you achieve as the main purpose of your training, is the results of having a very efficient technique and stretch shortening cycles, is being so efficient that you don't need to actively tense your muscles to feel you are performing at your best
Train plyometrics for that.
hmm,that sounds very reasonable anon,I've never thought of it that way before. So just like how when walking noone flexes their calves like a maniac since every able bodied human is able to do that,it is exactly the same with trained athletes?

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you do excercise your mind by reading, dont you anon?
I went to venus to get a bigger penus

Why is there so much leanpill propaganda on this board? Do y’all like looking like agemaxxed crackheads?
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skinny guys who got beat up and humiliated in school grew into bitter waifs that shitpost on my /fit/ness board.
want to know how I know you're obese?
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>having to post an extreme hyperbole because if you posted an actual example it would completely defeat your own point
nice one tubbeh
wrong. being fat then losing weight rapidly makes you look old, because of the stretched skin. if you weren't fat to begin with this wouldn't happen. many such cases on My 600Lb Life, where they lose 300 lbs age look 50 at age 30
Yeah if you od like a retard.

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Anons who actually play sports requiring strength and conditioning: what type of training has helped you the most?
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For every sport the best way to train is to train the speed strength curve.
The speed strength curve is the relation between max strength and max speed, max strength is going to be slow no matter what because it takes time to develop that force and max speed doesn't have much force because is too fast to produce significant amounts of it, inbetween theres strength speed and speed strength which are both expressions of power.

No matter the sport, getting stronger will allow you to develop more force once you train power and speed, is like building a bigger engine, being stronger will result in being able to apply more force will result in a harder racket hit that makes the ball fly much faster and you train it with conventional strength training and isometrics.

For power, strength speed will allow you to develop high amounts of force, if strength will already improve your strike, this will improve it even further.
This is trained by doing oly lifts or conventional lifts with a slow eccentric and fast concentric using 80-90% of your 1rm.
Then speed strength allows you to develop force quicker and is trained with weighted plyos or anything high speed with resistance or lifts like described in the strength section but with 50-70% of your 1rm and done as fast as possible.
This is called rate of force development.

Then speed is trained by doing the activity you want to be fast at as fast as part possible and plyometrics.
Here you want to do slow and fast stretch plyos which are plyos with short ground contacts like depth jumps and sprints.
Last there's overspeed training which is the same as speed training but assisted with an elastic band to perform the exercises even faster.
Even if you never do tennis specific exercise just doing these will make you perform much better but ofcourse you can also do tennis specific exercises for strength, power and speed, for example since tennis requires a lot of side to side movement you can do side sledge pulls for strength, then make it lighter so you can do it faster for power or use an elastic bandnto do side to side shuffles resisted and then do it assisted for speed.

Best way to train all of this is by doing phases where you train each aspect at the time and keep the other phase aspect at maintenance at the end of your training.
Or if you prefer you can do ppl or ul splits where you start with speed training, then plyos, then power exercise and finish with strength in the same routine, not as good as training in phases but still pretty effective but only in that specific order.
Regardless of split you want to do low volume and high rest to make every rep as high quality as possible.
If you do it before tennis practice just make sure the volume is low enough so you aren't fatigued during tennis practice but doing after tennis is better so you have a bit more volume, still low volume to avoid being too fatigued next day.
Tennis is gay so I guess sick more dicks to improve your game
>what went wrong
I want to get into tennis so bad, but I don't have anyone to play with. I have friends, but none of them are interested. I live near a tennis court, but I don't want to both people to play when I'm just learning.

Post your /fit/ blackpills and I'll tell you how we're all going to make it
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I am so badly injured i have to duct tape my wounds shut when i try to lift (it is excruciating). No i can't afford to pay for medical intervention.
retarded victim mentality doomers ruined this board for everyone else because the jannies can't be fucked to enforce the board's rules
i get stretch marks very easily. used to be just at the pec insertion but now also on my delts and biceps
I tore my meniscus
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I never felt self-loathing until I started lifting weights

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Which pull-up bar design is least likely to fuck up my doorframe?
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Why don't buy one that get's attached to the walls it's a five minutes drill work
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Definitely not one of these pieces of shit. I BTFO my knee on a marble floor so bad I couldn't do anything athletic for 3 months after one of these just dropped while I was doing pull ups.
You deserve it for thinking this would hold in the first place.
Dude, that picture. That guy must be all of 4'6".
nah thats just how you look like when you are 5'11"

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Im not gay or anything but ive noticed i aged a lot in past years how do i lessen it?
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>HGH (or Mk667)
I could manage the sunscreen thing
Also what does it mean to manage stress in controlled way?
>cean with face cleanser
>toner or exfoliant
>suncream or hydrating moisturizer with uv protection

>another cleaning
>hyaluronic acid
>thicc moisturizer because I have a dry skin

That's my daily routine
>no Ron, it's not yours
>no, it's not Harry's. He only ever wanted to expeliamus analus - I don't think Ginny lets him do that
>whose is it? Oh, well, you see...
>it's Hagrid's
>oh? Yes, well, of course he has a bigger wand than you do, he's part giant
>you will help me raise the baby, won't you?
>how do i lessen it?
no taksie backsies
in the future::
>wide brimmed hat
>long sleeves
>wash your face with neutral soaps
>lemon essential oil helps tighten the skin

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