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What do y'all listen to while working out?
pic rel
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I can tolerate Robert Smith and Kate Bush for a limited time, but certainly not while training. TypeO is also allowed.
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Pump Iron by Bob Couch on loop for 60 minutes
its the final countdown on my last set bro
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and deathgrips

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Is going to war the ultimate fighting experience\manliness test\extreme sport? In Syria, and Ukraine (whether fighting for, or against, said country) there seems to have been a lot of stype of men going, for the mere experience -and not ideological attachment-
Skinheads, soccer ultras, neonazis, ex-military neets, misanthropic failed school shooters, etc
Nice try, recruiteranon
I'll stick to the gym and an active job
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Why do you fedposters always want me to die for Israel? Why can’t Israel die for me?
>the ultimate fighting experience
not in the present day when you can send drones using a computer, maybe with sword and shield and spear but then again its also pay to win with gear

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Do you ever feel bad for the weaklings who get mogged while working out next to you?
I was using the punching bag making THUDS just vibing to music and rythym, and I did about 20 rounds. And I feel like some guys got discouraged when they worked out next to me cause they hit the bags less hard or lasted less than me on rounds. I hope I motivated them to work harder but idk.

This could apply to people lifting way less than you right next to you as well.
No, because I'm too focused on my own shit to judge others for being early on in their fitness journey. Some ask me for advice, and I'll help them, but for the most part I mind my own business. In short, anon, we're all gonna make it. It just takes some a bit longer.

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I injured my lower back on the right side today. Is there any surefire way to tell if it's just a strain or something worse (like a slipped disc)?
I felt a kind of "pop" when it happened and immediately knew I was injured.
man up
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same thing actually happened to me a few days ago. I was doing cable kickbacks and it felt like a rubber breaking in my lower right back.
That pop is usually a sign of a muscle tear.
If its off to the side its likely not spinal.
You think it hurts now wait til tomorrow lol.
I probably have a grade 1 muscle tear. A few days in bed with heating pad and I'm already improving. I'm also enough enough roids to kill a horse so muscle recovery happens fast.
I'm also on gram of bpc-157 a day for another injury (unrelated to lifting) which may or may not actually do anything

tdlr; rest for a week or two and youll be fine or maybe not
have a bump, cripple

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Brutal moggs
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dark skin probably dalit he is so pathetic LOL
I wanna touch her soft belly
That's good to hear about the comparison of one's form. Just hit the gym. Cool lady fuck the china dick. Go to the gym.
being tall is a masculine trait. liking tall women is gay and low t

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What regime do I need to look like this?
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there is tons of trap/femboy routines out there at this point if you're just getting started any should be fine
focus on your problem areas later down the road but first get the ball rolling
You should blow your head off with a shotgun for watching vtumors.
I don't even know who that is yet you immediately recognized
Not him but I noticed a pattern on 4chan where the worst threads with anime images are always vtuber related.
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You like vtubers don't you anon?

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>half an apple
>cup of coffee
>36 calories total

I see... I see. I know why people are so fat now. People back in the day struggled to go over 1500 calories a day. Today, you can hit 3k easily with processed foods and eating out. Doesn't that blow anyone else's mind?

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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage at most 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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Walk fast, like really fast
Does that also work? I could probbly do that instead of jogging if it does, at least until I can actually jog.
If walking fast gets your heart rate up, sure.

Also you said you're not morbidly obese but you also didn't say healthy weight. Being overweight at all puts a lot of strain on your joints when running and you'd be better off doing low impact cardio instead.
I see. I'm gonna try that aproach then, thanks for the info.

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It's january, so you better start your summer cut soon
you are going to be beach body ready, right?
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Need advice. I'm currently 6'0, 168lb and in the mid 15% bf range (dexa at end of November had me at 14.7%, have gained about 6lbs since). Been lifting and dieting very strictly and consistent for about 14 months. Do I keep bulking til end of March and then cut down to 13% or so by June or do I just do a mini cut to not look fat as shit and write this summer off as a lost cause. I'm 33 now and need to start dating again.
t bh desu
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Summer bulk 20~~15~~25
Neat we'll have something to talk about

Aww man, brings back memories before he went turbo tat nigger faggot.

>This was the worlds strongest man in the 1950's

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Yeah well that went for women too and that's why your dad had a wife and you don't
Hey gay button boy fairy.
Nardo went to shit after pain arc.
I'm gonna try the hepburn method for ohp
I can't remember how it went, but is that twiceborn's Hepburn?
Iirc twiceborn spoke to Hepburn on the phone and asked him about his training, and he gave a different program to the usual "Hepburn method"

How do i achieve this kind of mobility?
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1. yeah some people are going to be more biomechanically efficient at it, and it will feel more natural for them to do higher loads

2. but that being said, it's hard to say if a person has figured out his optimal biomechanics for the squat before you've had 12 weeks where one of the focuses is squat mobility and squat volume.

I don't think my back squat mobility got to a point where I felt really good until I started high front squat volume in an oly program. I think it was the thoracic extension.
He has very short femurs, which makes for a very upright torso in the squat. You can improve your squat mobility but yours will never look like his if you don't have his proportions
This honestly helped me a lot:
This picture is informative but it assumes the same level of ankle mobility in both. Having long femurs isn't a death sentence; it just means the demand for ankle mobility is greater

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How do I get this shit under control? I run a mile after my work out, take fish oil, Coq10 and Magnesium but my BP still hovers around 140 - 160/80. I'm 5'11" and 200lbs at 15% body fat so I'm not a fat ass. The only thing that comes to mind is my sleep schedule. I'm average I get 6 hours a night, on a good night. Can that raise my BP and keep it up?
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That sounds damn unreal, what is your resting heart rate then?
>Supplements will do jackshit

Although most of them individually aren't too effective, stacking several can be. Some are also more potent than others, eating a lot of blackcurrant can even cause hypotension.
isn't lifting (at least heavy compounds) very dangerous if you have high blood pressure?
Depends on how high your blood pressure is
-sleep apnea mouthguard ($60 on Amazon, fuck the $600 dentist version that insurance won't cover)
-daily cialis

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My doctor sent me for an X-Ray due to persistent lower back pain. I'll take the results to him next week but they say:

>incipient lumbar spondylosis
>lumbar osteochondrosis at the l4-l5 level
>marked physiological lumbar lordosis

Can any medfags decipher this for me.
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Cope and seethe, girls like that love vril-filled nordic fascists and your funkopop collection just can't compete with them.
I have one lump each on both balls.
They are only painful when squeezed a bit directly but otherwise fine even when ball slapping.
Cancer lumps aren't supposed to hurt so what could it be?
>go to doctor
I will not let people see my 1 inch flaccid penis (4inch hard).
I bet at the end of the day her pusy is stinkin and sweatin pretty good just from the lack of breathing room down there. Imagine if she peeled off her sweaty, slightly shitty underwear and told you if you didn't start munchin she'd go to the police saying you tried to rape her lol
I am entitled to sweaty, stinky sex with this woman
haha that would be so weird

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*fixes obesity in your path*
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t. 5' 10" 160lbs
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>average frenchman
Smoking is for faggots.
Post the version of this breakfast from your country NOW

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>going to christmas party with family
>it's at my wife's cousin's house
>wife's cousin is a younger sister
>married at a beta in her early 30s
>older sister has transformed from boston girlboss to spinstress as i've known her
>get sat at the kids table
>old sister sits across from me
>i'm making conversation with everyone, asking the normal stuff
>she starts to talk and I look her in the eyes like I've done with everyone else
>she doesn't stop looking at me
>as we laugh and talk I look to other people but when I look back at her she's still staring
>every glance I take of her, she's still staring
>she has a glass of wine and then another
>later I'm on a couch with a big table
>she sits next to me and starts rubbing her leg against mind

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>Leaving church a while ago
>Chick cuts across the rows to exit
>She comes out right beside me
>I stop to shake hands with a friend
>Somehow she never passed me
>I cut to a fat door to exit
>She is behind me
I'm married bro, won't be doing that
The kind of woman who would say that was pumped and dumped until you got her. Disgusting. Any wholesome woman that sees you as a longterm investment isnt going to share you. Grats on dating a petriplatter
>You know who I want to raise my kids? A bisexual whore!
What the fuck is wrong with your brain
They just saw you and thought that's the area of the gym where people trolling for dick workout

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