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Delete all your defamatory threads or else I'm suing.
I want to speak to the moderator.
Who's in charge here?
>mfw late for ba’al worship
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Post what motivates you to lift and improve. I even learned how to cook better because I wanted to make amazing food for someone like her. I lift for women like her.
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Which state in US has the most civilized blacks?
I will feel more safe if surrounded by Will Smiths
knowing i can make myself marginally better tomorrow than i was today is all the motivation i need
>furry elitism
Probably oregon (not portland) or colorado (not denver) or some wildcard like south dakota where theres only 12 of them. Basically stay out of urban centers

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Is there any point running a mile every day?
I lift, I don’t cardio other than I do 10-20k steps a day
is adding a mile run in to this a decent boost or a pointless waste of time like going to the gym and doing 1 set?
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Please can you make a version of this meme without the cat people? Like can you make it pepe instead?

sadly that monster is very much real
Depends on your fitness goals. Running a mile would do more for your cardio than walking 20k steps, but your time and energy is limited, so choose what best aligns with your goals.
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How come asians are usually thin and tend to age better?
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Found the pedophile.
Same. White skin can be bbw.
Gulf Arabs are fat as hell. They got a lot of money for food and cars.
Also britbongs, and aussie cunts are fat as shit too. Europoors are getting fat too.
>lots of sun
This is the opposite of aging well, the sun related reason is the opposite in that they all obsessively wear sunblock if they're going outside even in winter
Asians skin also has higher collagen levels and they have bigger bone structure so their skin doesn't wrinkle or droop as much
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Asians are just superior to white women. Genetics and also diets are just better. Most also value looks a lot and are not brain rotted by feminism, and its focus on "everything" being beautiful.

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Anhedonia is eating me alive.
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nice blog post, but you know what the solution is niggerfaggot
If anhedonia is your biggest problem be thankful and look at your reality and see what caused that anhedonia and try to fix it (before it's too late) don't use drugs eat carrots drink tea and be happy
nice made-up word
Monkmaxx, leave this material world behind. Gym, pray, eat, repeat.

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I'm a firm believer that every man should do atleast 1 steroid cycle in his life.
You may ask why, well, the mental difference between having 300~900ng/dL test and having the test of 5 men is freaking awesome.
You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life, you get 10x more productive at everything you do, not to mention the muscle building benefits.
This shit is like using cheats in real life, you are ahead of 99% of men, you turn into a lion hunting for his prey everyday. Every man deserves to get that feeling atleast 1 time in his life.
Plus 1 cycle won't do shit to you if you just stick to test only, you can always just hop off after 1 year.
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ive been on 3 months and if you're not a low T fucking bitch you're not gonna feel ANY effects but some faster gains
yeah and you won't even see any gains for at least 6 weeks on test e
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5'11 stay mad
You think this is gonna make me feel a certain way? Do you think I dread going to the gym? I love pumping myself at the gym everyday blasting metal. You're robbing yourself of enjoyment, years of your life, and you're a cheater. You get bald while my head is full or hair like tarzan, your skin is fucked up, your dick and balls don't work.

By all means, continue doing steroids and living in your own clown world.
extremely based.
are you fucking stupid? gains take time it's not magic. Your libido change doesn't

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It is always there no matter how much ab workout I do or how lean I get
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>get rid of the belly pouch
why in the ever loving fuck would anyone want that????
>get rid of
Bitch, you're crazy.
Are you me?
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Brother, I fell into the same exact situation as you, lasting 2 years.

Girls with BPD see the world in an entirely different way. Anything short of your complete devotion is considered abandonment. Anything short of an overt display of affection is considered hate. Wanting to move on from arguments is considered avoidance. Every utterance by you *will* be dissected; having to explain yourself becomes routine for even benign things.

I bent over backwards cucking myself for my ex's benefit. I feel, as should you, that life is better without those complications.
what are your ab routines?

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For me it's Zina/Gina
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Man… it’s been a while since I’ve seen one of these threads…

Will I get bullied at the jim?
I’m in a predominantly white area in Canada (shocking I know) and I’m Indian
Should I be ok?
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I don't know but you sound like a twat so you probably should get bullied
You’re American lol
Take roids and get tattoos
People will think youre a biker/ cop /military/mafia etc
Not an insult. America is one of the greatest countries in the world.
Pakistan and India are shitholes. Pakijeet. America mogs pakistan and india
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Probably not, but you deserve to be

How to get this physique
Roids and permabulk
go to prison
be brown
Be fat and brown and get gay tattoos
He can probably do 20+ Pull-ups though.

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three reasons: 1. they're dumbbells so it's hard for me to get them in the pressing position when they're that heavy. i have womenly wrists. 2. I'm lowering them slowly in each rep. 3. you use bigger and stronger muscles when shrugging.
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Fitnotes kek
i am so sorry to disappoint alladin senpai
solid upper body program. i like rotator cuff warm ups. not many people know how to protect the cuffs and dont learn until they arrive in snap city

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Have recently started taking creatine and I feel a noticeable improvement in my performance and recovery. However what's also noticeable is my face bloating, most likely due to the water retention. Does this bloating eventually go away, or will I need to stop taking creatine to eliminate it? Also is hcl better than monohydrate when it comes to face puffiness or is it largely useless?
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Fuck maybe I'll try 2 weeks without
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you need better creatine. I use BPN and have no issues with bloating
doesnt creatine ups your water needs
bloat might be because you're dehydrated
Happened to me too so I stopped taking it
For what it's worth, when I use cutting with DNP I was taking creatine. I stopped taking it and had a woosh loss of about 4 lbs of water weight and my weight loss became more consistent.
I don't use creatine anymore since I use real drugs that actually boost performance.

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sex with little shota boys
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i wondered why YouTube kept pushing this dipshit on me, then i saw his jew name and it made sense
>can anyone tell me
>no reps and sets posted
noone can tell you
this board pushs ppl, what now?
That would imply people are this board are making their own unique thoughts and not stuff that’s already been shilled a million times
Fucking video says PPL bad if you don't do real PPL (6 days/week). Always was, no shit.

>i do 100% isolations because i'm a weird nerd who lifts weights for some reason
The whole point of PPL is when you do compounds you don't overlap muscles between days. Bench and ohp hit chest delts tris, guess what none of those on pull or leg days.

If you do CHEST and ARMS back to back, you're doing triceps back to back.

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>Each board is permitted one thread to discuss the meta

Why do the mods allow obvious bait threads but delete and ban anyone that asks questions, do they want this place to fall?
I'd say the majority of threads are made by 3 people and it's the same shit every day
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Who is the first one?
The moderation here makes no sense. I made a thread a while ago trying to discuss the minimum effective dose of cardio for health vs the maximum allowable cardio before muscle gain is hindered. The thread was locked while softcore porn stayed up.
This. Would be a better board without all the ass posting
I am not a fan of this baord being the personal battleground of 2 retards, or even scarier 1 retard, arguing about KETOLARD and MOXYTE
every day during american hours
and during euro hours when i go to bed at night its just one fucker spamming porn and demoralization blackpill threads for almost 12h
i know traffic is like a third of what it used to be on this board a few years ago but seriously this is fucking unusable
This board is one of the better ones imo. Never been banned here and I post a lot. But in tv I'm banned literally every time I post because it's "off topic" (it wasn't) they leave the thread up but ban me for talking about the movie. I'm convinced you get banned there now for disagreeing with the mods, they really fucking hate it when you btfo their shit opinions.

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Whenever I cum it just pathetically drips out, I wanna know what it's like to shoot ropes help pls
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cum stack + edging
I bust a nut everyday because of stress how am I not supposed to?
Self control?
I tried the top 3 and barely noticed a difference. I feel like if your diet and exercise is already on point this stuff won't change much. Or maybe I just don't have the genetics to respond well to cum roids
HCG 1000 IUs a week split between two doses.

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