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My legs feel amazing after Bulgaria split squats. They feel tired but in a good way. Usually after regular squats they feel tired in a more shitty way, if that makes sense.
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Best post.
Yeah, they put less tension on the muscle. Your muscles won't grow as much as if you did regular squats. Remember, when you cheat, you only cheat yourself.
Bulgarian split squats work one leg at a time provided you raise the second leg off the ground.
It puts more tension on the leg
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That’s a handsome lookin’ dog, btw

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ITT: we post useless exercises that some idiot somewhere in the world is doing right now

ill start:
500 sit ups
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>men shitting on womens home workouts
>these are the same men that recommend heavy lifting to women and jerk off to female bodybuilders
lmao unreal delusion on this board
Anything kneesovertoes guy recommends, but especially tib raises.
now listen here you little shit
This is the only gym exercise that can get you laid
Weight lifting is useless

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Having big powerful arms is so fucking based

Idk why everyone is so obsessed with spamming flies and bench puffing up their man tits when they should be curling and dipping to get them guns
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You grew up.
How do I get big arms? I look like an anti-curlbro right now - I’m having great gains in the legs, back and chest, but my arms are growing very slowly.
that's a man baby
you're a fag baby
actual gay homo fag

Can you be considered a man if there's a woman that jaw mogs you?
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Either women are women and men are men and no amount of height or jaw size will change that or the trannies are right and you are just whatever you or anyone else says you are. Choose
I just farted and blood came out
I've seen men in relationships with women that jaw mog them
men and women are actually the same species and have overlapping average proportions
Just grow a beard to cover up your genetic inferiority

How many calories should I eat if I want to gain weight a bit? I'm starting to stagnate on my lifts, maybe because winter is coming and I need to eat more
Retarded question
500 calories a day surplus or 3,500 calories a week to gain 1lb

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What happens if women inject excess estrogen like men do with roids?
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Maybe not the bbc... a girls got needs
>the entire world needs to be put on estrogen
>but not the BBC

reaching peak India hours soon this guys a little early though, guess he had to wake up and masturbate to his cuck porn.
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The kind of tits that can crush your head.
You sound threatened
It's the opposite. Women are horniest when approaching ovulation because their estrogen spikes beforehand which causes their testosterone to increase as well to balance it out. Thus, increasing libido.
It's also one of the reasons why women are more irritable at the time too

The only time when high estrogen would kill your libido is if your hormones cycle is completely fucked.
Obese women have fucked hormone cycles plus very high estrogen levels with their bodyfat. Their body doesn't rebound hormonally with testostrone and prolactin, meaning that their estrogen gets really high and STAYS really high. It causes long and painful periods and decreases libido almost entirely.

If a woman has a functional horemone cycle, then estrogen won't hurt them, but it also won't do them a lot of good, either. High estrogen promotes a more feminine fat distribution and softer skin, but that also makes you bruise more and have longer periods.

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You -DO- put the weights back where you got them, right /fit/?

You're don't leave them lying around like some Pajeet right?
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I put MY weights back. If someone leaves a plate on a bench and I do it, I ain't putting that shit back. Am I in the right?
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Not my problem. Clean it up, janny.
WRONG. Only whiteoids do this at mine. They stink too.
There are plenty of stupid people with manners. It's an issue in their ability to conceptualize time and other abstracts. They cannot predict the outcome of their actions
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>P-put the weights back...please.
>Fuck you say, white boy?!

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12-15% bodyfat for a male is peak aesthetic and peak performance.
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For me it's the face gains when you go below 15%.
Your face leans out giving you that chiselled look.
Below 10% the face often looks a little too severe.
Depends on the face, and the beholder. I got lucky with genetics and my lean mires were more "ooh he's cute" but muscular and much fatter are like "jesus christ slay my puss".
Post face
20% is ideal for men and women. Skinny and lean people look like aids or cancer patients. It’s disgusting.
gigachad with slightly fuller cheeks

I workout for one reason, I want a top tier girlfriend. Maybe I'll MMA or boxing one day but I'm not in a position for that right now. I've made a lot of progress over the last couple of years. I've lost a significant amount of fat. I have muscle to the point where people for the past 3 days (including today) where other men have been pointing out how big I am and how much I lift. But all I ever wanted was to increase my chances of getting with women. All I ever wanted was that Tall, slim, brunette with the perfect eyes to like me back. I appreciate you kings for hyping me up, but I just wish getting fitter helped me with women.
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They actually want to see how you approach a thing you like (them) as a man, which also gives clues to how you approach things you want in life in general. If you are a bitch that waits to be approached (like a literal woman) they get turned off by that
Dude has a shitty face so of course thats the outcome
he isn't wrong though
I fuck on the first date and I'm not even sure if they like me until I take the lead on making out with them and then fucking them
They'll literally just go along with anything as long as you're confident in it
>Maybe I'll MMA or boxing one day
women aren't attracted to brain damage and mental disabilities
That's not OP's problem, that's a problem with the media you consume and your shitty bigoted views of men.

Sup /fit/ please give me your best stack for healthy joints. Mom's getting old and started to feel serious knee pain, doctor prescribed her physiotherapy and I bough glucosamine and chondroitin supplements but it's not doing much so far.
Thanks lads.
Barefoot walking, but that bitch won't take any of my suggestions even though what I suggest fixed my joint problems.
So fuck off
Eat your fruits and veggies to get big and strong and don't forget to get enough sleep
reverse sled pulls, tibialis raises
t. kneeovertoesguy
I take some joint supplement for race horses and it works fine.
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Forgot pic

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does it work for beard? should i give it a shot for 6 months? any tips?
it is cheap as dirt anyway but annoying to apply
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u retain ur beard after u stopped?
>MBP is based on DHT levels in your body
this was known to be false like 10 years ago
discarded the rest of your post, didn't read
>this was known to be false like 10 years ago
Source: my ass.
dont lie asshole

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Are you happy with your current weight?
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No. I wish I could be heavier but it impairs my running. Maybe one day I will break 200 lbs.
Of course. I’m perfect.

Btw she looks better on the left.
not entirely, but i'm on deca so i'm essentially 10 pounds heavier than i otherwise would be at any given time
Lol, the same.
t. 6'3"/186lbs, skinnyfat despite exercising 4 times a week
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What's the optimal weight for someone who's 5'10? I'm 175 pounds right now and look like shit (love handles and a gut, ACK!).

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Coming into the final stretch.
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Sounds like you’re smoking some strong shit
I started late because I forgot about it. Turns out some bad shit has happened to me - I haven't missed whacking it one iota. Don't remember the last time I woke up with a boner, if ever, and I don't even miss it. Last year I felt like I was gonna explode. Maybe I'm dying.
Still alive. Only differences is I'm having sex dreams, wake up with a boner every day, and when I occasionally place my hand on my balls for comfort and occasional sniffs my dick gets excited
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Fellas.... I think its working
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I have a question for you bryan, what sin did you commit in this life that makes you so afraid of final judgement?

what are you running from that you would even turn yourself into a tranny faggot?
Not Bryan, but running from death because I'm like 90% sure heaven/hell/god = fake.
Leaving your cancer riddled wife destitute is pure evil.
Too fucking bad. She wouldn’t think twice about leaving an average husband for a multi millionaire that is good looking and not a betabuxxer.
Ooof the betamale doesn’t like that but doesn’t say shit when the men get divorced rape.

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Everyone says it's simply CICO and I do believe that.
But, I've always wondered like, does your body take in 100% of the calories from the food?
Or does some of it go to waste and come out as well... Shit.
Surely it also depends on the type of food. Like maybe carbs are bad for you because your body is very efficient at taking calories from it?
Am I on to something or just stupid
Your intuition is right. Carbs are really efficient to digest compared to fat and protein. Your body spend more energy to break down fat and protein.
Your intestines come close enough to absorbing all of the nutrients to not matter. Your body will slow down intestinal transit to give it time to absorb. Different nutrients (glucose, fructose, fats, amino acids, etc) have different absorption rates.
If you binge so much the slower motility still can't keep up and you "cap" the absorption rates, then some of it will pass. You'll know it though. Unabsorbed proteins and fats in your shit smell awful, and the fat looks like you dropped oil in the toilet. Unabsorbed sugars in your shit give it a sort of sweet smell.
But that's the thing, you'd have to eat a ton to get to that point. You can eat more than enough to get fat without ever exceeding your body's ability to absorb it all.
Length of intestine matters too. Part of gastric bypass surgery is removing a length of the small intestine. Less time in the tube (because its shorter), less that can be absorbed.
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>same time every day
Being back the IP counter. this entire thread is samefagging

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