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Whenever i find myself watching jeff nippard type content on yt i cant help but feel like I am living in the year 2300, the globalists have taken over the world and the media and I am observing a robot/ai generated character on a state run fitness channel telling me how to 100% optimally hit back. Yap 10-20 degree bend yap slow eccentric YAP YAP YAP.
These individuals are some of the most soulless, automated and emotionally barren people who for some reason have their advice championed by millions.
People need to start lifting like they have a fire lit under their asses once more. Have fun working out folks.
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They're youtubers, they need new content to make. They give fringe studies way more attention than they probably deserve. beginners following these cutting edge techniques before they have fundamentals down is an issue yes.
In defense of these youtubers, they usually clarify that these are just things that you can try which may or may not work. Especially those who you mentioned, mike isreatel, mennomans, humeston, and wolf. They'll always focus on the most tried and tested techniques when giving genuine advice.
While I get it, theyre targetting newbs with FOMO tactics and bad advice just to make money. Thats shitty. Israetel used to put out very very good multiple part lectures that were an hour long per video. He doesnt put out content like that anymore.
>But that limit is lower than ever. Just by being not obese/old you're already ahead of 80% of people.
do you know how difficult it is to get a fit gf, its an impossible task
> I'm a fucking retard: the post
Fuck off.
> paranoid alt right schizo babble
Back to pol please.

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New studies indicates that any level of alchohol consumption has negative effects on the body. Don't drink poison in any regard, focus on your heath instead!

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Lifeless mutant.
thanks for proving my point.
cheers bros, heading out for a beer with the missus
The fact that so many people want you to drink without knowing who the fuck you are is enough not to do it.
Who are these people? You seem schizophrenic.
Think of all the people who believe they'll survive if there is ever a collapse.
Now imagine how many of them drink and would suffer withdraws within a week once they're cut off from alcohol.
Almost 30 million Americans have some kind of alcoholic.

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>this was considered cartoonishly jacked in 2006
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Still is.

If you have abs, and aren't a complete twig, you're automatically considered jacked by anyone who doesn't lift/isn't into fitness.

The standard is ridiculously low to have a top 5% physique aesthetically speaking.

If you're 12% body fat while having some muscle mass you're already in that top 5% of college aged men.
post body with timestamp
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This was considered cartoonishly jacked in 300BC
I’m >>74781945. I’m not talking shit, I’m saying that looking 'ripped' for a movie is more about being lean than mass. Brad Pitt probably weighed like 160 in Fight Club.

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>dropped 45lb plate on toe at gym month ago
>open fracture
>now x-ray shows deep bone infection developing
go on without me bros, just be careful at the gym
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Wishing you a speedy recovery. I personally lift in steel toes to avoid the fracture goblin. Stay safe out there bros
I too am injured.
I hope you recover well, and this doesn't permanently cripple you.
Successful treatment of osteomyelitis in leprosy patients by homeopathic medicine

sorry anon, I hope you'll be well soon
Man that's bad. You poor bastard, hope you recover quickly and return as strong as ever.

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Does perineum sunning work?
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Is this from AI, the same AI that tells people to add glue to their pizza dough?
larp, drooling retard freak
No its from facts
I imagine drooling retard freaks to be the most sexually successful men
>not adding glue to your pizza
Easy calories, and your pizza doesnt fall apart

What are your thoughts on the current state of /fit/?
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>t. Durka durka
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You can really tell how damaged the newer generations are when it comes to being social and shit. I really don't think it's a meme anymore and most of the zoomers on here have never so much as spoken to a girl before, hence the nonestop coom posts.

Less people post their bodies because when they do, everyone gets jealous and just insults them.

Obsession with finding the most efficient form of lifting is wild, just go to the gym and lift weights and you'll get stronger and bigger it's not as complicated as people are trying to make it seem.

Racism has always been around but now it's far more prevalent.

Just the newer ipad kids doing ipad kid shit, my wife is a teacher and she's noticed the same thing as well. kids and teens are just awkward af these days and you can tell from the posts here.
the board's purpose should be to encourage those who are uneducated and lack confidence to show them a potential path, or multiple. for building discipline and well being. Instead we have people (pretending) to be confident by showcasing their "progress" to strangers on the internet who can see thru their weak efforts at desiring mires and applause. If those folk truly had what they were looking for, they would seek it outwards in the real world somewhere. We have the fitness equivalent of middle schoolers trying to pass third grade, by making fun of those who are clearly less developed or progressed in their journey, like a bunch of fragile bullies.
Fortunately there is hope, it starts with (you) anon. Post honest and truthful advice and sentiment and it will echo. These backhanded compliments from some people come across as faux once you have seen enough truth and deceit. It'll likely never get fixed without true huge intervention, but ignore those who clearly come here to bully, demean, and invoke feelings of jealousy / envy. I have never met someone in real life who scorned me for my fitness efforts, in-fact, many gargantuan sized weightlifters, athletes, and well-spirited people all want to teach and help those in need. The answer isn't just to be more kind, but to be more truthful in all your interactions. It will reach those who need it the most.
evey time someone post an actual aethetic body you have 100 dyels crying about roids everytime kek
Nah. Catholic.

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/fast/ing general
What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, dry fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode

Snake juice:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s-xjsR89XI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9idhb2aAfns [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]


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I have hyperhidrosis and I sweat approximately 10 times more than normal people. Have done multiple 4 - 8 day fasts with just mineral water and sports electrolyte mixes. You can feel when you're low on salts, a slight numb headache and general fatigue, drinking salts will fix it in minutes. So I wouldn't be too worried about it.

Almost identical hours here. Maybe I should read more about this refeeding syndrome. Guess I've never gone long enough for those problems.
Often when I'm out running or cycling I'll leave actual salt crust on my clothes lol. I like to mix up some shit like powerade or whatever 50/50 with water then add salt/potassium/magnesium. Not a huge amount just a bit.

Like the other guy said, you'll know when you're getting depleted cause you will feel weak and unenergetic.
Alright, well the fucker called me this morning and said he broke it 2 days ago and just wanted to see how long I would go. So I guess Ill break it tomorrow morning since its the weekend. I guess Im having udon for dinner tomorrow night.
Ive done 136 before and thats roughly where Im gonna end tomorrow. I was fine, but I was also drinking snake juice semi frequently.
>Break fast with bone broth
>Wait an hour or 2
>Eat proteins, veggies, and dairy
The worst I felt was the sudden lethargy from the massive insulin spike, but that was just about it.
On day 20 of 50 bros, we all got this.
my mouth tastes so fucking bad I've brushed my teeth four times today and it barely helped

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Every Session
>Back: Pull ups

Day A
>Shoulders: Seated Overhead Press 4x8
>Triceps: Tricep pull downs 4x10
>Legs: Leg Press 5x5
>Biceps: Hammer Curls 4x10
>Delts: Lateral raises 4x15
>Chest: Dips 5x5

Day B
>Shoulders: Seated Overhead Press 4x8
>Triceps: Dumbbell skull crushers 4x10
>Biceps: Seated Incline Bicep Dumbell curls 4x10

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those massive mammaries have my penis absolutely turgid!
you have a soft and stinky benis, shut up and stop lying
Most of these exercises are very taxing on your joints if you are a beginner, especially with 4-5 sets.

For hypertrophy add:
Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Extension and Hamstring Curls
Cable Row and Lat Pull instead of Pull Ups
Reverse Peck Deck or Rear Delt Rows every session
Calf Raises every session
Leg Raises every session

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Is it the cardio bunny receptionist? Because it's unbearably bad. How can anyone lift to this
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holy shit some of you incels are legit deranged
Theres one zoomer that works the desk and when hes working he plays FFDP, Gojira, Behemoth, Sacred Reich, etc. All the rest are trashy zoomer whores and its nothing but shitty pop music and simple simian jungle beats. Atleast they play it quietly so anyone with their own ear buds doesnt have to listen to it but fucking hell w*men should not be allowed in public
I'd go
I don't mind most music but reggaeton really enrages me, I'd rather listen to Ice Spice or some other bottom of the barrel ghetto ditties.
race check?

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yeah, uh, Yeah......YEAH, uh
Yeah, don't get it twisted
This rap shit is MINE, motherFUCKER
FUCK what you heard
It's what you're hearing
DMX is my favourite nigger
good workout song:

this is gay lol
I ryhme well
I show my dick to ben
he sucks
I blast
His foking throat
with my liquid gold
fuck him in the ass
dick curved up
I hit g spot
Make him cum
no hands
spit on his mug

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accidentally got wendy's on the way home from work again
The Wendy’s cashier who looked familiar and gave you a receipt with angel numbers on it is an old friend from an alternate dimension and is subconsciously giving you a clue in order to complete The Mission. Notice the signs so you aren’t doomed to repeat the same fate.
whatd you get?
hows the chilly? havent been to a wendy’s in a while. I heard they got rid of the yellow cups.
ffs dude find a different route

>Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products...
Is the Mongolian diet of fresh meats and fermented dairy actually healthier than a standard bodybuilding diet (balanced carbs, low fat, with the right amount of protein)?
some guy at some time said so, so it must be true
Also horse blood and horse milk alcohol
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He was comparing them to peasant soldiers who mostly ate hard gruel and berries/fruits
I'm trying to compare them to modern day athletes and bodybuilders
Pic rel is a chink LARPing with filters and make up. Central Asian (kyrgyz, kazakh, etc) > mongolian if you want a steppe gf
t. Taught English to mongolian students for a couple years

Any other /fit/izens do construction? How did being /fit help the job or how did your job help you get /fit? Got any good stories?

I'll share some of my own in a bit. I did flatwork from the time I was 15 until 25. I'm a SS teacher now in the straight up hood and, between how dogshit the pay is and my department head fucking me over by giving me the shittiest classes nobody else in my department wanted (econ and government is half this upcoming year), I'm considering just going back in. First story:
>Be me
>Dad says he's getting me a job
>Working on his concrete crew
>The rundown (names changed)
>Anthony: dad's best buddy and the nicest guy to me
>Allen: insane, 6'6, jacked ginger white supremacist, the funniest guy who never stopped busting balls
>Jeff: Anthony's brother, looked like Luigi with long, curly hair
>Roger: Dad's other best friend, complete and utter hard ass
>I'll mention other players as they come along but this was the crew when I started out
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First day on the job I watched a drywaller kick the absolute shit out of an electrician because he was accused of stealing a set of pliers. literally like 4 different crew witnessed it, next day no safety talk, no nothing. I heard they both kept their jobs
Masks don't work without a proper seal, which is why the Covid masks on men with giant beards was doublely comedic.
Soldiers required a clean shave for their gas masks, it's what did away with the giant bushy mustaches tradition.
Rubber/plastic to skin and get a proper mask with filters you can change out and read online how long their last, and actually replace them in a timely manner.
I've heard enough stories about silicosis from cutting granite and manufactured countertops to know to avoid manual labor. That's not even including all the other things associated with the jobs.
Working heavy machinery would probably be the best and easiest job.
pull up that fucking rebar, it does nothing on the ground
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the tradie shovels my shit for a penance of pay. hats off to you blue collar cuck!

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My favorite part of lifting is when I almost blackout during a real bitch of a rep. What's yours?
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>hell yeah
dude same lmao I have to grip the fuckin rack to gain my ground again but God damnit that pump was sick as fuck
had that today with squats also
>those post workout endorphins that either make you fall in love or cry
nothing better in the world
Haha yes!!! Did this yesterday on bench. Was coming close to my max, threw on https://youtu.be/ezLw9bGrcCY?si=UgDjBYFM3WoFULcK
1:27 helped me push 10lb past my max for two. Almost cried when I got up but I cranked that mother fucker to 11 and gassed myself for everything I had in the tank
I like feeling like jelly

Big obliques bros... How do we cope?
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Idk but I only do the most horizontal rows along with upright rows now and I think it's reduced my traps a little
>ok why the FUCK do my obliques blow up the way they do
gypsy curse. you are being punished for your transgressions.
confess, and seek redemption.
He is a demigod
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By attaining warlord mode
Your abs said
ight imma head out
Lol jk looking beefy as fuck my guy, nice

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