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Anyone notice that their sexual tastes changed since they started working out? The more muscly I have gotten, the more I have found myself lusting after fatter and fatter women.
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I have always liked thick women but recently i got fantasies of having hot, baby making, interracial sex with a black woman and i don't fucking know why really
I wish I had been born a conquistador in the 1500s, bro...
I hate this meme. Your body is producing more hormones because you're working out, so your sex drive has increased. Jews have surrounded you with fetish memes like fat chicks and elderly women. If you were surrounded by beautiful women you wouldn't be making this thread.
no, but i stopped chasing weak women in favor of robustly constructed specimens.
opposite for me. the more I realized what a body looks like when it actually works out, the more I noticed and appreciated it when I see it in women.

You got fat because you are too much fat
What came first, getting fat or being too much fat?
her face my penis rape
rape rape rape



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Should filming be banned in gyms?
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Admittedly I don't have tiktok. If you're allowed to call people faggots on their that changes everything. I'm not gonna elaborate too much because I don't believe you but my first idea is to throw a roman salute as soon as you find yourself on thotcam.
Yeah right, bro. You're just going to hell because you don't pray before and after every set and this is how you cope. By the way,I said a prayer before and after this post. I'm going, you're not.
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he can't explain because it's the most retarded shit he could make up in the 60 seconds 4chan required him to wait to get his captcha
Highest paid developer at Rockstar
why are hand bras so triggering...just show the nipples or wear a bra >:(

>saves your bulk
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You're replying to a retard, anon.
You're a retard anon
post your bloated pajeet gut


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Fat people should be banned from public gyms
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I will enter you.
The original caption was about seeing manchildren ouside playing with a nintendo switch.
She's not doing a midle finger, she's holding an imaginary console.
Thats a mog
Skinny women are for eating out and carry fucking/general manhandling
Chubby women are for absolute mating press slamming choking rough brutal impregnation sex
thats just the truth
It's a YouTube channel that's been popular for several years. The world exists outside of you noticing it, dumbass

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the quaking quackers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/
>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Yeah, I'm 3 months in too, and it can get a bit much sometimes. I try to use those moments for mindfullness practice. Just sit with the craving, let it wash over you as you observe it. Just remember it will always pass, there's no possible way it could last. Yeah it'll likely return, but then it'll pass again.
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Sounds good, should do the trick, right?
I lost eight pounds this week due to eating once every other day
I'm just trying to give myself an excuse to go get teriyaki chicken , if I weigh the rice I can get an estimate of its calories I guess and adjust

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>Deadlifting in a graveyard
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>archer rows in a blind
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>gorilla rows in a zoo
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>facepulls in the psych ward
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Pistol squat in front of a police officer
Overhead in the small town classroom

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>Everytime We Touch
Check out Venger by Pertubator. That shit is my fucking jam, it's a synthwave song about a woman about to go to war to avenge her male loved one.
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Unironically the southpaw OST is the goat if you wanna hit PRs
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Say hello to the Body Roundness Index.
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"Why does the ratio matter if I have the minimum base requirements?! You're just oppressing us with your western views of medicine and beauty!" - every fat white girl.

God I hate fat people.
Let me guess, your BMI is 30 or above but you still delude yourself into thinking you're actually healthy? Fat retard
Just bring back calipers to measure fat.
A hands on exam with your stomach and arm fat stretched should make anyone realize they have a problem.
I just checked it, and it was surprisingly accurate for me, desu. Got the bodyfat % right on the dot, as checked by one of those electric scales at least
That's a man

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Is seafood…le bad?
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What about the time he gets caught fucking the maid and one of his wives is angry so he says he won't do it again, then he has a revelation that he's allowed to fuck who he wants. Meme religion
Christians don't follow Old Testament laws for Jews. Big shock. That's why they're Christians and not Jews
Yeah I dont need you to yes man my posts.
Kill yourself faggot
Get well soon

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It is always there no matter how much ab workout I do or how lean I get
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Ofc they're laughing, one gets to look 100x hotter in comparison and the other gets to participate in normal girl activities
i see this all the time now since women wear high waisted everything. shorts, jeans, leggings, even business attire/pantsuits. they always have all of the top of the pants with the entire torso below their bellybutton in the pants. they sit in a chair and you just see this huge bulge of whatever pants fabric they have and it makes it seem like they have a massive mons pubis instead of it just being their stomach.

i know that im a pathetic virgin for obsessively looking at this stuff, but i cant help it. i lust after all of them.
First thing I noticed too.
That's not even exclusive to bpd bitches. every women will do this given the chance

Are their programs any good?
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I try to but some times the subjective ratings of perceived effort does not line up with the objective effort and thus the subliminal becomes consciousness and it leads to overreaching and the undulating periodization no longer is in the submaximal proximity zone of optimal training stress and i just have to start the macro cycle all over again after a pivot micro cycle in the last part of the meso cycle.
Just fucking lift. If you are a beginner do starting strength or Stronglifts for several months
epic low IQ "just lift" retard
The one time that advice is actually and completely correct and applicable is when given to beginners. There are hundreds of good novice programmes out there--literally just pick one and go with it.
>There are hundreds of good novice programmes out there
and you can't name a single one except for SS and SL

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>bends down in front of your bench to adjust the cable machine
>shows up in each new room you're in 3 minutes after you get there
>keeps trying to catch you in the wall mirror
I'll take this over the skunk BO roider, but damn, I need some separation. I want to workout without my anxiety kicking in about getting called out for an unintentional neuron activation.
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That's not conservatism you fucking retard. Conservatism is just tradition held as an inherent good as a political principle.
This anon gets it. If you try to tell people they have to be modest for your sake you are tacitly admitting that you are so fucking weak that some revealing clothing is enough to corrupt your will, sense, and principles. Grow a spine and don't attribute your weakness to other people.
A few years ago everytime I went to the gym someone would let out a silent fart smelling like a rotting corpse. Everytime there would be different people but that one petite chick, that's how I knew she was the culprit.
Mirin that vascularity
100% know this feel, can name a dozen girls that have mired me at the gym that I've completely ignored and I wish all these girls well but I feel so alien compared to a normal young man that I can't even talk to them since I'm very ashamed to reveal myself. Its a very bittersweet feeling
Girls always stare at me when I'm in the middle of my lift, like I'm gonna look back at you when I'm doing heavy squats...

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I'm a firm believer that every man should do atleast 1 steroid cycle in his life.
You may ask why, well, the mental difference between having 300~900ng/dL test and having the test of 5 men is freaking awesome.
You just feel like you are at the top of the world, everyday you wake up wanting to aggressively attack ur goals and dreams in life, you get 10x more productive at everything you do, not to mention the muscle building benefits.
This shit is like using cheats in real life, you are ahead of 99% of men, you turn into a lion hunting for his prey everyday. Every man deserves to get that feeling atleast 1 time in his life.
Plus 1 cycle won't do shit to you if you just stick to test only, you can always just hop off after 1 year.
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Taking test is gender affirming care for men, faggots.
eroids, its a source review site, i use pureanabolics personally
I've never done steroids or research into it. Couple of questions:
Is steroids and test the same? It seems you're using them interchangeably.
I did not realize 1 cycle is that long? 1 year?
based, I just got my test e recently, just need to go in for a blood panel then we're ready to fucking go, planning on just starting with 250mg per week to start, im 19yrs old 100kg @ 195cm and have a year and a bit worth of nattycuck gym gains.
>I'm a firm believer that every man should do atleast 1 steroid cycle in his life.
I actually did several steroid cycles and the mental effects you describe are 99% placebo. The only thing steroids gave me was mild irritation while driving (and big muscles).

For a lot of guys, taking steroids is like carrying a gun. It's a way to feel more like a man without actually changing anything about you to be more manly. Ironically, steroids can actually be emasculating - bitch tits, small balls, infertility, erectile dysfunction, etcetera.

I'm not saying don't take steroids. I take steroids. But don't fucking mythologize about it. It's no different to taking fucking panadol. But there are a lot of people who WANT it to be different, because there's a status or self-concept bound up in it for them.

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You have literally no excuse to not be taking it every single day for the rest of your gym life.
You have been conditioned so hard into "le drugs and le supplements are... LE BAD" that you are missing out on genuinely good stuff that only brings benefits, especially long term.
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It's expensive and I get sides from using tadalafil daily, so I only use it 2-3x a week.
gives you a reason to return to 4chin and keep making autistic comments you've been ruminating on for the past 5 hours
What is it about your wife that you hate? Damn
>hate my wife
most pathetic low test shit I've read all day
Has anyone ever tried this and or tell me what the difference is between regular tadalafil and aminotadalafil?
...ill i could really gather is that its a agonist
Im curious about the quality

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