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Do you ever get afraid that you'll get so big and too powerful that you'll accidentally hurt someone you love and care about?
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What if you're Lenny from Of Mice and Men?
I broke my mother's hand with a handshake
No because I don't love or care about anyone except for myself. I'm afraid that I will be too small and not powerful enough for myself.
I broke my dick death gripping that shit
no, because I have shit genetics for getting big and strong

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From a physiological pov, why do autistic men have it so hard when it comes to dancing and walking? I understand having issues with social skills, but how the hell does that translate to your muscles and agility?

Any exercises to be more agile in general?
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im pretty sure i wear those jeans, but i dont care or have ever paid any attention to these things
That's honestly kinda terrifying. Didn't realize autists were weaker.

Although I dunno I have a cousin on the spectrum and I took him to the gym and he was able to do beginner starting strength progression even with shit sleep and not eating enough until he got bored of trying and stopped going. He even retained most of the gains after 8 months of no gym.

I hate to be that guy but is there a study on this? It could just be that most autists avoid physical activity rather than being physiologically weaker.
You are partially right if you are talking about legit autistic men, but autistic men in the meme/4chan sense can’t dance because they are too self-conscious and imagining themselves in the eyes of others stifles their movements which stops the body from “letting go” which is what dancing is about.
Maybe your cousin isn't an autist but retarded. Retard strength is real.
no hoodie? I feel like a gray hoodie is a classic incel piece

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This is all I got. Is it enough?
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I hate these pieces of shit
i love them, i can put in them 2 20kg 1'' discs
here's the thing from my barbell and calisthenics oriented point of view;
DBs below 20kg are pointless except for maybe real delts. upright rows and BTN press is superior for mid delts. and in any case I'd rather do face pulls than fucking rear DB flies
below 20kg? run a basic strength barbell program lol
>any seated, incline or flat DB press
below 20kg? get on HRT baby you weren't meant for this
below 20kg? call the hospital right now and inform them you escaped the chinese concentration camp
I really don't know why would anyone buy OP's pic instead of this >>75851657
I did that with a nuobell. I was doing goblet squats and like a retard I rested it on a bench. I waited a couple of second and it seemed okay so I figured I was safe.
Then the foam compressed, it fell on the floor. The mechanism in the handle appears to have broken, I never took it apart to see if it could be saved.
The metal weights have plastic attachments. Like four of those bits broke.

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I fight professional boxers, I’m a black belt in karate, and I’m 180 lbs. at 5’ 8” (shredded). Funny to see you losers on here think that you could actually beat me lol. Cope more.
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Post bobs
t. Vancouver victim
You make me laugh. I like people that make me laugh. You also look like you like to tickle people. That also makes me laugh.

>88 sets of sieg heils
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No need, I know them by heart, Brother.
The cuck race that still runs the world?
This anon does bent over rows with an immensely exaggerated kyphotic arch while moaning sluttily
Mike ascended into whiteness
gulf of AMERICA, baby!

I have kidney stones and my doctor told me to limit protein intake, how am I meant to bulk now? I'm so fucked
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Go back to where you came from shitskin
Kidney stones another gift of science, thank you science please pasteurize my soft tissue daddy science
lotta people would rather die than drink 3 liters of water a day
>Calcium oxalate are the most common, and are associated with high oxalate diets; spinach,nuts, legumes, etc.

Everyone should look up what the highest food sources of oxalates are. I always hear people saying things like beans or nuts are high, but most foods are nothing compared to spinach, kale, beets, chard etc. where as beans and nuts are incredibly good for you and have WAY less in comparison. Just don't eat chard, kale, spinach, beets etc. No reason to avoid nuts and beans like a dumbass because people don't know how to stop spreading disinfo.

Also you can get magnesium citrate powder that's lemonade flavored as a supplement, and also get citric acid (what makes lemons sour) and malic acid (what makes apples sour) as supplement powders and mix it with the magnesium and some stevia and a bunch of water and basically make a very acidic lemonade magnesium drink that flushes the hell out of your liver and kidneys. also start taking milk thistle and drinking more water.

drink the acidic drink with a stainless steel straw so you don't wear out your teeth with the acidic drink, and rinse your mouth with water after, and drink plain water after as well. Eat some food too so it's not too hard on your stomach.

I am NOT a doctor. This is NOT medical advice. do your own research. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

Why does this board believe you instantly turn into a 400lbs+ body weight powerlifter the second you start doing squats and deadlifts?
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True, six fags tend to get folded like twigs when their body is axially loaded.
Never seen you post your abs.
you just outed yourself as a dyel
>clearly a clean pull
>clearly 136kg loaded
Reds plus bar is 120kg. One 5kg each side, plus 2.5kg collars. 0.5kg micro plates on each side.
you dont have a 6 pack nor can you lift heavy so what's your point faggot?
Because the most obvious way to begin lifting is a linear strength program, such as a 5x5 by Bill Starr, Rippetoe, etc. These guys are also strength and conditioning coaches and their programs include guidance for *UNDERWEIGHT TEENAGERS WHO NEED TO BULK UP TO PLAY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL* with shit like GOMAD. Dumb autists in their 20s or even 30s and beyond did that without understanding the conditions why you'd dirty bulk like that. Now it's a stereotype.

I was able to bang out two unassisted pull-ups today after 3 years of not being able to do them
currently down 25 pounds let's fucking go you faggots
Good job anon don't stop now
Checked, op fucking rocks
well done anon
don't neglect your negatives just because you can do multiple pullups

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Why isn’t myostatin inhibition therapy a thing yet?
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Are dyel 4chan incels now blaming their shitty lives on having too much myostatin ?
Probably a fair few since they are extreme genetic outliers.
the heart is a muscle
>and it pumps blood
>like a big, old, black steam traaaiiiin
Based informed anons. You dont have to be a fucking mastermind to know most pro bodybuilders end up tearing their shit because muscles grow faster than tendons when youre on roids. A non retarded 12 years old fan of sam sulek or the manlet twins or any other fitfluencer would know that
>inb4 just crisp your tendons bro
Yeah, and you will crisp then the cartilagenous pieces of the joints, then the bones then what? Oh, right, i forgot, crisp yourself a monster energy can dick. Kys. Nature knows better and by fucking with it, you are only fucking yourself up

>humbles you
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Oh lol, I'm retarded. I meant lying down on it.
This is retarded. No tension on the muscle at the bottom. I do a similar motion standing straight up with a cable at different angles.
cables > all that shit
sometimes a non-rich home gym guy just has to make do.
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cables for that cost like $20

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>forgot to add creatine to my protein shake this morning
I'm gonna be a dyel now

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You’re not less masculine than a tranny, are you /fit/?
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Because FtM is more akin to real transgenderism as it's presented to us. MtF is rife with autogynephilia and men with suboptimal hormones & freaky sexual proclivities basically checking out on being a man because of the harshness of being a mediocre man. Trying to step into a woman's shoes because they get treated better in an alienating uncaring society. FtM voluntarily take on the burden of manhood because they really don't fuck with looking like a woman or being treated like one. I wouldn't be surprised if they got up to less sexual mischief than the average person, definitely far less than the average MtF
She removed her tits. She’s not a man, she’s probably something else altogether you dumb hick. Your fetishes are disgusting.
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ngl that’s pretty impressive
/fit/ BTFO by a tranny

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Bumper plates are that size so you literally can’t die if you face forward morons
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what does a vagina feel like bros
Stop posting my wife faggot
based tekken enjoyer
>go on okcupid
>filter for women that are non-monogamous and are in relationships

you will see plenty of them. sometimes these accounts will even link to their boyfriend's account. you will see what you thought was a meme come to life.

no, that isn't real. even if blacks had massive dicks they don't reliably have massive wallets. women don't want welfare recipients. blacks are possibly the most incel raise.

I easily give up and don't push myself when doing reps.

What goes through your head when you're trying to get those last reps in ?

How do I push myself?
Please help ?
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If for example I have 3 sets on an exercise, do I push through my rep limit on all 3 sets or just the last set? Right now I'm doing the latter because I gas out and hit failure without finishing the amount of reps being asked for if I go all in at first.
You're supposed to do the amount of reps required in each set, not extra.
FPBP, honestly just lift until you cant anymore. I usually stop with 1 in the tank for bench and squat (if I'm alone), but everything else I go until I cannot lift the weight
do reps until you cant. then take 5-10 pounds off and do more reps until you cant. repeat until you are struggling like a bitch to lift 10lbs
>only the last three or four reps matter
so I only do three or four reps, and now they all matter

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I'm getting very annoyed with all the fat shaming threads as of lately, every day there is a new one with over 300 replies.
What bothers me isn't you laughing at fat people, I suppose it's just human nature to look down on others to make yourself feel better.
What bothers me is the sheer ignorance you display.

Genetics do factor in when it comes to obesity, A LOT.
You morons are either:
1) too dense to comprehend this or
2) simply will not accept scientific truth when it goes against your beliefs.
But you will straight out of the bat accept statements such as "ARNOLD HAD GREAT GENES FOR BUILDING MUSCLE", yet with obesity obviously it's 100% the fatties fault.

For example: Bell, C. G., Walley, A. J., & Froguel, P. (2005). The genetics of human obesity. Nature reviews. Genetics, 6(3), 221–34. doi:10.1038/nrg1556
demonstrated between 0.4 and 0.8 GENETIC heritability of obesity.
How about that?

Oh what am I thinking, you will just hide your head in the sand and yell "fatty" or whatever, Yes I am a bit fat, but guess what, it's not a 100% my fault. Just like it's not a 100% fault that you are a DYEL hungry skeleton auschwitz.

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Also based noticer. Doll is a retard it's probably the same guy he just takes the name off
didn't read; don't care
just want to ask: why the fat hate threads keep getting deleted??
Because they're shit threads
Upon first glance, I thought the woman on the left tipped the table over on purpose to fuck with the two butter golems on the right. It was ten times funnier that way.
they're fun and motivating

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