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I got kicked on the dick pretty hard in muay thai practice. It was a warm up kick that went a bit low and he had a shinpad on but it was still pretty hard and it hurt like hell. It stopped hurting in like 5 minutes and I went to check in the bathroom and it looked fine so i finished training.

However now that I look the side of my dick that got hit is a little bit purple and it is a bit achy if i touch it.

Should I be concerned? Anyone had a similar experience
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Nah it’s just a pain tolerance thing. Unless someone is soccer kicking upwards you’ll be fine. Usually it’s just a low kick in open stance that hits it from the side
Why don't you just wear a cup? The one I use is made for MMA and you forget it's there. Plus it's just hard plastic. I don't trust the people at my gym enough to not wear a cup. Only time I don't is if it's a morning class where all were doing is bag work.
the cup honestly doesn’t make a difference unless it’s a metal one those ones are nice
I beg to disagree. With the cup your thighs get hurt not your dick and balls.
t. pro hw bro accidentally kicked my groin and my nuts did not explode.
It might just be the brand you got. Mine is like plastic with carbon fiber weaved into it.
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Bro. Diamond cup. Some dude threw a full blown, 100% power leg kick at my balls by accident and it went directly on the center of the cup and I felt nothing. Got lucky with the placement I guess, but still 0% pain. Itll still hurt if they come upward with the cup on. But direct impact or from the side greatly reduces pain. Couldn’t recommend it enough.

what is your:
>3 go to lean protein sources
>3 go to carb sources
>3 go to fat sources
>3 go to veggies
>3 go to condiments
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Lamb, goat, duck
Rice, beans, oats
Milk, butter, naturally occuring fat from meat
Green beans, squash, cucumber
0nion sauce, low sugar BBQ, and Italian dressing for marinade
The most arabic looking italian
>lean protein sources
Tuna, Chicken Breast and salmon

>Carb sources
Potatoes, rice, pasta

>fat sources
butter, olive oil, eggs

>go to veggies
Bell peppers, carrots and onions I guess?

>go to condiments
I don't do condiments.
>lean protein
bone broth, gelatin, chicken, skyr, whey

fruit, honey, potatoes, white rice, low-fat milk, overcooked oatmeal

eggs, cheese, beef, mutton, full-fat yogurt and milk, olive oil, ghee, butter

cooked spinach and baby kale, raw bell pepper, raw carrot

garlic, jalapeno, salt
apple cider vinegar

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I don't think in terms of macros. I eat high quality meat, eggs and fish from local sources and prepare traditional meals.

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It's like I need water to in my stomach, otherwise I'll pass out from exhaustion? Like my intestines crave water? What is going on? I am like this all day. From the moment I have my shake until I pass out at night. As of two days ago, it got so bad I've started drinking water every second I can. I have symptoms like dry skin, cracking lips and knuckles, fatigue, look pale, but yesterday I drank so much water my piss was literally water, and yet I still feel like this

What the fuck is going on?
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Bro plz don't go into cardiac arrest from too much sodium lmao fr. Best post workout drink is 2 fat limes, a few large pinches of salt and a bunch of ice. It's so fucking good. If your pee is always yellow but you drink a ton, add more salt but not too much. Fr don't be retarded about it lol
And fill with water***
I had diabetes insipidus for 2 years after a head injury. Did you crack your skull open recently?
Wait, are cold hands and feet signs of electrolyte issues?
Sounds like he does

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Is it normal to feel incredibly weak doing bulgarian split squat without weights on one side? Do I just do more of them with as much as possible at the ROM I can handle currently?
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been doing mentzer HIT (I know), everything is increasing but my pullovers/pulldowns have been stuck at 180 for months.
I've already tried 3 de-loads then just hit a wall.
Have done pullups, the standard chinups, pullovers, weighted pullups but no dice.
Are there any other exercises I could try that would have a better lat targeting or mind-muscle connection?
Sleep could be better but hitting 220g of protein from food a day and as stated, other lifts are going up.
What's the best free calorie tracker app alternative to MyFitnessPal?
How do you do “standard sets”?
What are they anyway?
All I’ve done was drop sets and I literally don’t know any other way.
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Why the fuck are gyms so expensive in socal? Literally all i want is a gym thats open 24/7 if theyre charging me $40. Fucking 24 hour fitness banned me cause i cancelled my card because as soon as i agreed to pay 12 months straight the fucking gym i go to started closing at 9pm. Fucking horseshit. Any socal folks around here that can recommend a chain that isnt planet fitness or something?

Step 1: choose your target weight
Step 2: dietmaxx to achieve your target weight
Step 3: every day in the morning, right after you wake up, weight yourself, and:
a) weight above target -> dietmaxx
b) weight on target -> try to eat normally
c) weight below target -> gluttonous pig day, you can buy yourself extra ice cream for being such a good boy

Is it really that simple?
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Just bought a $23 renpho scale off amazon. This along with MyFitnessPal seems to be the way to go. Now there is no excuse, if I’m losing too much muscle in comparison to fat loss, I know I need to consume more protein. My TDEE is supposedly around 2,610-2,943, but I’m shooting for 1,900–2,300 per day…which seems to be working.
i also got renpho shit. These measurements are not very reliable. Calipers and online tools are more accurate for getting your bf%. You can use both to get an apporximation as to where your real bf% stands. You can use it as an indicator but don't rely too much on what it does. Do a dexa scan if you can afford it and REALLY want a more accurate measurement.
That's fine but you could just as well say "monday is cheat day, tuesday is cutting day" or something instead of pretending like your morning scale weight has anything to say.
This is what I do anyways but for the last 10 years the gluttonous pig day has been winning and I’m 30lb overweight
>monday is cheat day
What if Monday comes around and you're over your target weight (or range)? You don't deserve a cheat day in that case.

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Isometric Overhead Press
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Need core work?
You can always try Japanese twists.
What do sumo actually do for weight training? I know they lift I just don't know the routines
Apparently having a long hot bath after a workout is good for growth/recovery. Supposed to feel really nice too.

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Benching 315 really isn't that impressive.

405 is where you start to feel good about it.
Post body

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Don't mind me chaps.
Just here giving you the best shoulder hypertrophy possible.
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I'm addicted to these niggas. 3 sets of these and 5 sets of one arm lateral raises. I can barely turn the wheel to drive home my shoulders are so shot after push day.
I did 1pl8x10 OHP in my first three months of lifting. It’s a good start but not terribly impressive. I can guarantee that your delts look the same.
>just do lateral raises
Agreed. Best exercise for lateral/side delts.
Most newbies have zero rear delts, especially if they bench or do a lot of push-ups. You end up with nice front delts, no side or rear delts, and fucked up posture with your shoulders slumped forward and your arms hanging in front of you instead of at your sides.

I rip dumbbell W raises. They kick ass. They fire the side delts too even though they're rear-delt-dominant. Jeff from athleanx needs to put on some size, but his advice is solid.
A rule of thumb is that, if you can do a movement pain and injury free without weight then you can do it pain and injury free with weight. You just have to start slow and progress properly.
Based body dysmorphia Chad

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>daughter said I look like the Hulk now
Family mires are the best feeling
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Takes a lot to write the cringiest post on the board, congrats anon.
That guy probably was complimenting you and trying to be a bro.
Most guys enjoying bantering each other.
The reason he would have got upset is because he got confused that you took it like that and started saying actually mean stuff.
You possibly have some vulnerable narcissism going on.
True. It shows they have some confidence that you could protect them. As a father, that's a great feeling. Because these days, it's a lot less likely for that need to arise. So the feedback keeps us going.
im a wrestler and will crush your head into the concrete as I do when I lift 275lb off the ground and press it over my head

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Do you ever get afraid that you'll get so big and too powerful that you'll accidentally hurt someone you love and care about?
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What if you're Lenny from Of Mice and Men?
I broke my mother's hand with a handshake
No because I don't love or care about anyone except for myself. I'm afraid that I will be too small and not powerful enough for myself.
I broke my dick death gripping that shit
no, because I have shit genetics for getting big and strong

>88 sets of sieg heils
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No need, I know them by heart, Brother.
The cuck race that still runs the world?
This anon does bent over rows with an immensely exaggerated kyphotic arch while moaning sluttily
Mike ascended into whiteness
gulf of AMERICA, baby!

Why does this board believe you instantly turn into a 400lbs+ body weight powerlifter the second you start doing squats and deadlifts?
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True, six fags tend to get folded like twigs when their body is axially loaded.
Never seen you post your abs.
you just outed yourself as a dyel
>clearly a clean pull
>clearly 136kg loaded
Reds plus bar is 120kg. One 5kg each side, plus 2.5kg collars. 0.5kg micro plates on each side.
you dont have a 6 pack nor can you lift heavy so what's your point faggot?
Because the most obvious way to begin lifting is a linear strength program, such as a 5x5 by Bill Starr, Rippetoe, etc. These guys are also strength and conditioning coaches and their programs include guidance for *UNDERWEIGHT TEENAGERS WHO NEED TO BULK UP TO PLAY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL* with shit like GOMAD. Dumb autists in their 20s or even 30s and beyond did that without understanding the conditions why you'd dirty bulk like that. Now it's a stereotype.

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Why isn’t myostatin inhibition therapy a thing yet?
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Are dyel 4chan incels now blaming their shitty lives on having too much myostatin ?
Probably a fair few since they are extreme genetic outliers.
the heart is a muscle
>and it pumps blood
>like a big, old, black steam traaaiiiin
Based informed anons. You dont have to be a fucking mastermind to know most pro bodybuilders end up tearing their shit because muscles grow faster than tendons when youre on roids. A non retarded 12 years old fan of sam sulek or the manlet twins or any other fitfluencer would know that
>inb4 just crisp your tendons bro
Yeah, and you will crisp then the cartilagenous pieces of the joints, then the bones then what? Oh, right, i forgot, crisp yourself a monster energy can dick. Kys. Nature knows better and by fucking with it, you are only fucking yourself up

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You’re not less masculine than a tranny, are you /fit/?
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Because FtM is more akin to real transgenderism as it's presented to us. MtF is rife with autogynephilia and men with suboptimal hormones & freaky sexual proclivities basically checking out on being a man because of the harshness of being a mediocre man. Trying to step into a woman's shoes because they get treated better in an alienating uncaring society. FtM voluntarily take on the burden of manhood because they really don't fuck with looking like a woman or being treated like one. I wouldn't be surprised if they got up to less sexual mischief than the average person, definitely far less than the average MtF
She removed her tits. She’s not a man, she’s probably something else altogether you dumb hick. Your fetishes are disgusting.
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ngl that’s pretty impressive
/fit/ BTFO by a tranny

I easily give up and don't push myself when doing reps.

What goes through your head when you're trying to get those last reps in ?

How do I push myself?
Please help ?
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If for example I have 3 sets on an exercise, do I push through my rep limit on all 3 sets or just the last set? Right now I'm doing the latter because I gas out and hit failure without finishing the amount of reps being asked for if I go all in at first.
You're supposed to do the amount of reps required in each set, not extra.
FPBP, honestly just lift until you cant anymore. I usually stop with 1 in the tank for bench and squat (if I'm alone), but everything else I go until I cannot lift the weight
do reps until you cant. then take 5-10 pounds off and do more reps until you cant. repeat until you are struggling like a bitch to lift 10lbs
>only the last three or four reps matter
so I only do three or four reps, and now they all matter

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