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I browse 4chan and even reddit during my workouts, in between sets.
Kills the 45s-1min, and if I see a post that pisses me off, I use that anger in the next set.
so does everyone here dummy
wow ur so cool, I want to be like you and do things you do
so does everyone here dummy wow ur so cool, I want to be like you and do things you do
I actually think its a shitty habit that distracts more than anything else.
I wish I didn’t have a crippling 4chan addiction.
To be honest, I think it's more of a distracting habit than anything else. I wish my addiction to 4chan wasn't so strong.

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Im 19 can i increase my height with exercise and gym
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just eat
I went from 53 to 67 (to 78 kg today, 180cm) by forcing myself to eat more and counting calorie. find something that is easy to eat and calorie dense and force it down after each meal and before going to sleep (I used 100 kcal biscuits cuz it's easier to keep tracks of calories that way).
You're gonna have stomach ache everyday for 2 weeks but a month from now you'll have considerably increased your stomach size and it get easier from there. (watch out from stretch marks)
Just scrape together 40k and go do leg lengthening in Turkey or Greece while it's still plausible that you grew naturally because gym and exercise are not going to make you taller unfortunately.
It feels like l've completely lost at being a man, I don't even really consider myself a real man just a male really. Men are supposed to be tall, strong, dominant, self sufficient, confident, outgoing, successful. The only thing I really have is self sufficiency but beyond that I have nothing, mostly because I'm a manlet (5'6). I can't really be strong, outgoing or even dominant/confident because of my height and getting checked by other men, so I just gave up on these aspects. I tried the whole gym cope but it changed nothing, people don't respect me anymore than when I was 120lbs even when I was 170lbs and lifting daily. I just don't think I can ever be a real man because of my height especially in current year where it's a make or brake in the dating department. l've never dated or had sex, l've never even really had friends at most I've had people who tolerate my existence or keep me around for entertainment since I tried the jestermax cope. I gave up the gym since it's basically pointless at this height, like a cripple training for a marathon and took the studycope path hoping I can at least get some decent money but beyond that there's nothing for me on this earth. I'm in the prime years of my life where most are out partying, meeting people, having sex/relationships etc but I gave up on socialising and honestly my life is a lot better not having to dump effort into people for zero return but at the same time it feels like I lost. I'm much more bitter and resentful now, but not really enough to hurt anyone. It's like I'm just stewing in shit constantly. Does it ever get better as a manlet or is this just it? How do you even stop being a loser? It feels like there's no hope of life ever improving since I am a manlet and just overall an undesirable person. The only reason I don’t kill myself is out of spite
Are you retarded? He's trying to get taller, not fatter

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What are the ramifications of not eating enough protein after training? I train 6 hours of mma a week and i strength train about 3. On days i strength train i do get around 140~160g. I'm technically still cutting and my goal weight is 175-185 walking weight.

However after mma training i wont usually get in as much protein as i know i should. Usually like 90~120
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It was over for him to begin with. Look at his shoulders. Narrow shoulders, no matter how big he gets, he will always be small.
Hes an athletic phenom, this is a cope post.
I would kick the absolute shit out of this doughy left wing piece of dirt
100%. the bants on this board have become fucking atrocious. nothing screams indian from that guy's post even if you think he's wrong. zoom-zooms have extremely low verbal iq and low intelligence in general
The Jew got you to be racist. All shitposters are fat, white, neckbeard neets permabanned from Reddit seething and raging so hard, they go full retard and post cuck memes, tranny, gay, coomer, furry and all other faggot bullshit meme threads.
Indians live a great life in the u.s. and mog whites as do Chinese for capita per house, they literally have nothing to bitch or shitpost about.
You are being enraged by virgin named Tim who has never touched a woman and cooms in scat threads for the imagination of the smell. It's really that bad. Don't believe me? Glance at how much the liberal white American despises white Americans lol
They will never lift, never achieve goals, will always be bitter victims of "muh society" and will most likely off themselves or go out by death by cop after killing some elderly whites in their local supermarket.

You don't understand what being a man is like but not feeling like a man (thank God I don't either) but I can just imagine a fat white Tim offing himself because it's been a decade since he's been able to push back his fupa to see his cock.
Yeah, it's bad.

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>manlet 5'9"
>have DYEL 15.7 inch arms for years
>switch my 6 days PPL to 4 days PPL
>get 16.5 inches within a year
what does it mean? could my 35 yo body not handle the 5 day frequency?

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What's next for him?
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This filter looks like shit
the fuck? is he like 220cm?
what he doing now?
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The absolute state of this board

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What mode is this?
White boy summer mode

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please give me a split workout plan without leg exercises/leg day
I don't want T-rex legs
Lamo I'm so qwirky look at my two hair! Haha I'm so
I wish a bitch would eat cake with me but I'm ugly
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Incel post
how ugly are you?

how can I look like this?
im currently 5'7, 75kg.
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>5'7, 75kg
You're either jacked or fat.
OP if you're a lanklet you'll never look this good. 5'6 and under only
ll surgery + medium fillers + whatever fit says
>t. ll and filler, former 5'7 haver
Change your skull structure to not be ugly

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I want to be as lean as possible by early 2025. How do I go about this?
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Adjust cals as necessary since you're already bulked. You should be 300-500 deficit from your base BMR while lifting to keep the muscles. Good luck broski
proof for claim? the body can burn atleast 30kcal/lbs of fat per day, which generally allows for much more than 500 kcal deficits
Just fucking eat less. How is this difficult for people to comprehend? Its possibly the question with the most obvious answer in existence, maybe sharing its spot with someone in a thick ass jacket in the midlle of summer asking "Hurr durr, how do i stop being so warm?".
Walk or jog alot, drink tea, coffee and lemon juice, eat clean and satiating foods. Maybe increase intensity and extra reps at the gym

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>he fell for the starting strength meme
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I’m convinced SS+GOMAD is for women wanting to assmaxx
That buck is zesty.

simple as
Yakub give me strength....
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>the buck stops here

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Yes. You have 5 or so vertical faded stretch marks south east of freckle
You just woke up and those lines are from the springs in your mattress.
Are you taking a shit?
are you gay

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Note that the intent is to supplement boxing, not make sick gains

### Day 1: Upper Body Strength
- Jump rope: 5 minutes
- Dynamic stretches

1. **Bench Press**: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
2. **Pull-Ups**: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
3. **Overhead Press**: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
4. **Bent Over Rows**: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
5. **Dumbbell Flyes**: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
6. **Face Pulls**: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

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everything in the universe is tuned to the conditions of the current system, the planets, molecules, orbits everything, it exists because the physics didn't allow for all the other molecules, orbits and planets to stabilize and exist. change the physics and then maybe what's "allowed for" will have to be rediscovered, and everything there is here now will not be allowed for. the universe itself is not fine tuned for anything, it's just that the things that can exist are the things that remained, by process of elimination. changing proton size would probably just create a new process of elimination
You don't need to jump rope or do dynamic stretches for resistance training. Just warm up with a couple lighter sets of each excercise not taken to failure, if anything.
Don't do DB flies. There's zero tension for like half the ROM. Do flies on a pec deck machine or cables.
Russian twists and planks are meme excercises. Train your abs like you would any other muscle: with heavy resistence training. Do machine crunches or cable crunches.
Your entire routine for Day 3 is suboptimal for building muscle, and probably strength too. So unless those excercises provide some athletic benefit specific to boxing that I don't know about, just do more of the excercises in your other two routines.
read “The Gods Themselves” for a good explanation
Not interested in learning what a child molester with AIDS has to say about anything.
subatomic particles are not real. they are just a fancy invention to explain chemistry

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Why are keto shills so obsessed with butter?
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Hi moxyte
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>spam /fit/ for literal years, multiple times per day
>w-why would anybody mention me?
you are mentally ill
Terrence Howard claims 1+1=1 because 1*1=1, because he believes in some woo metaphysical concept about non-duality of the universe.

Addition is a binary operation over the set of real numbers (written mathematically as "(R,+)") is defined as the successor operation (written "succ(x)," such that succ(0)=1 or succ(succ(0))=2, etc...) on the set, with the identity element (written "Id") being "0" (as adding zero to any number, any amount of times, still yields the original number).

Multiplication is a binary operation over the set of real numbers (written as "(R,*)") and it has the identity element that we call "1" (because multiplying a number by 1 will always yield the same number, no matter how many times you do it).

The problem is that addition over the reals is isomorphic to multiplication over the reals (such that there is at least one one-to-one mapping from addition to multiplication).

If Terrence therefore denies "1+1=2" (which he does), then he must also deny "1*1=1" (which he does not), because the truthfulness of the two operations is one and the same.

Eric Weinstein gave this very respectful counter-argument on Joe Rogan's podcast, and Terrence completely ignored it and jumped to the next topic with a manic frenzy.
Uh, hey Marisa...

>deloads didnt fix the joint pain
>lowering volume didnt fix the joint pain
>lower the loads didnt fix the joint pain
>changing lifts didnt fix the joint pain

pretty much stuck with joint pain forever, aren't I?

idk how I have it, I eat loads of diary like whey and milk, I get sunlight, I get all my micro-nutrients in, I eat fish a lot.

Idk what it is, joint pain in the elbow just never goes away
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Did you try changing the rep range?
Get a powerball titan
eat lots of chicken legs and eat the cartilage
Your ancestors didn't evolve and adapt to the crappy hormone enriched, pasteurized milk you're drinking. Just try taking a week off, and see if there's any improvement. That's an order.

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>I know dudes that look like this than claim inceldom
No you don't.
>I used to raw dog some cuties with a powershitter belly and a poopy butt.
Betabux deluxe (you paid for sex, one way or another)
>Celibate now and regret fucking whores btw. They really are fucking disgusting. If she isn't a virgin you're just a flesh and bone body pillow for these femcels.
Oh c'mon, this has got to be bullshit.
Why do regret fucking somewhat slutty women?
You were getting laid, lmfao.
There's literally nothing to be regretful for.
You didn't get an STD.
Only possible way I can see you regretting having sex with slutty girls is IF you actually wanted something long term with them.
>claim inceldom
so as not to elicit jealousy
but they can be pulling pussy during the time you're not hanging out eith them
thats default body
>I know dudes that look like this than claim inceldom
Bullshit, dudes who look very similar to one in the OP get laid easily and frequently.

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