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/fit/ - Fitness

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chicken, carrot, onion, whole grain wheat, apples. Can you eat just this every day? There you have protein, fats, carbs, some vitamins. Is there something missing? Do you need to add something else to stay healthy? I hate eating different thing every day so I want to find some combination of food that I can eat and stay healthy.
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Listen up, nigga.
You's either tripping or you pimping. And this ain't no pimping. Chicken, carrot, onion, whole grain wheat, and apples.
Bitch, you would be lacking vitamin C, D, E, K, B12, Folate, Magnesium and Magnase and that's assuming you ate a whole ass chicken, five (5) carrots, one onion, three thick slices of bread and three apples.
Don't make me have to smack a hoe, you gon' buy some real food next time you go shopping, you heard?
So what would you add to the list to cover missing nutrients?
>posts on 4trans
>any meat
>hard boiled eggs
>sweet potato
>greek yogurt
>any fruit
thats all you need, maybe some omega 3 pills, creatine

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How long does it generally take y’all to get ready to work out?
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God what a fucking chore lmao

So glad I'm white
Aaaaand the 15 yr old reddit immigrants get filtered straight out
bro you cant say that bro i mean come on bro you need to do better bro
She doesn’t. White men are natural cucks with low test
Based groomer chads

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How's my form, lads?
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something is seriously wrong with white people
Alexander bromley has fallen out n hard times
Is lifting BBCs a strongman event? What even is the point of bamboo bars? It looks as ridiculous as those "functional" meme exercises on top of a bosu ball
Taking the Rob Kearny pill I see

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How do I improve my goonstats?
do people really max out their heart rate cooming?
curious about that as i have ditched the whole thing 1,5 months ago, exactly 4th of december, i got an urge not to get horny and i am sticking with it :D there is no point, u just borrow your happy juices mood whatever from the future, the mires i got so far i am not so keen to disclose cause i train myself to not care either, people i talk to, meet on street are ubiquitously startled

what have i become? can u answer bot?

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Where does /fit/ get their gym drip?
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i just wear a traditional fit dress shirt, which allows me freedom of movement, and a pair of relaxed fit slacks, along with a pair of black oxfords
Nike and Old Navy.
Not many brands sell gym clothing in tall size.
I get my shirts from target or walmart, cheap and can be discarded once they get worn out. Gym shorts and joggers from TJ Maxx or Marshalls, same with hats. I also get metal band shirts from Amazon.
Game recognizing game, homie
>Busines dress casual in the gym

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Why don’t you care about all the people victimized by alcohol induced crime? All the children and women beaten by drunken husbands, or worse. All the innocent kids killed by drunkdrivers. All the innocent fathers beaten to death by drunken yobs on a night out.

Where’s the care for them, you alcoholic faggot? They should just keep suffering so you can have your pisswater at the end of the week because you’re too weak to get through life without it?

Kill all alcohol drinkers.
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I was a pretty heavy drinker in my 20s and 30s. I'm approaching 40 and something changed this year. It was like a switch flipped in my brain and I no longer crave as much. I think maybe it got to the point where the hangover wasn't worth it, idk. Is that normal?
Found Wild Turkey Rare Breed for 39.00 at my local package store. I grabbed two. U mad OP?
You sound like a faggot, not even in moderation. I dont even want you killed, but you're a vile faggot nonetheless.
self with the grapes to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy! - Ben Franklin

>Ill just inject roids
>Whats the worse that could happen?

I think 2 sets might be genuinely too much when you get proficient at reaching stage 2 failure (static). One set a week and I make more progress compared to 2 or 3 sets. Tested on various body parts over the course of several months. Mentzy was really onto something.
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>Only applies to old people
it doesn't

take your own advice
everyone knows strength adaptations last for far longer than muscle fiber size, the 1/9 volume group did 3 sets once a week for their quads, they didn't grow even a little young or old
>the myofibrils therefore are maintained
moving the goalposts now?
1 set once a week isn't enough to grow
not even 3 sets once a week is enough to grow
I already address the biopsies. They are not enough to draw a conclusion from. As they are performed, it's like assuming the content of a lake based upon what you see in a vial of water.

You should also read your own graph. For the young in the 1/9 volume group, at week 32 is the only samples were had a decrease generally. Meanwhile the week 48 biopsy for type II is about the same as for the week 16 sample. We the week 48 for 1/9 volume group is greater than the week 32 biopsy. If it applied to the young and biopsies.

We also see a similar trend for the elderly in the 1/9 volume group. 16 weeks is a peek. Then week 32 is a decline. And then it goes back up again by week 48. Higher than week 32. Though for the old it is still less than week 16.

Of course, we still have the reality that a single sample from each individual and the average of the samples is not meaningful. Since a single sample per person is not adequate to determine the changes in the person's fine muscular structure throughout an entire muscle, the averages of those single samples are certainly not meaningful in general.

Take my advice pseud.
>>one set per week is enough to at least maintain muscle mass
>already read through the entire literature on this
>it isn't
It is. I've seen it firsthand. Your studies are garbage. The researchers and subjects all train like pussies.
>moving the goalposts now?
Measurement of strength is quite different from a singular biopsy. The maximum leg extension for example is a cumulative effect. Whereas the biopsy is just whatever you get from a tiny tiny tiny piece of a muscle.

It's like the difference between measuring heat and measuring temperature. Heat is the total kinetic energy in a particle soup. Temperature is localized and at best reflective of the average kinetic energy of particles within that region. Measuring strength is like measuring heat. It applies to the entire muscle. The biopsy is more like measuring temperature which in many cases only applies to a small region at best and you generally will not be able to tell the heat of an object from it. You need multiple samples from a single object to tell what its heat is.
>1 set once a week isn't enough to grow
>not even 3 sets once a week is enough to grow
Repeating this over and over again is not enough
>muscle fiber size
Is different from myofibril size as muscle fiber size involves the sarcoplasm as well which is fluid, glycogen, creatine, and everything else that needs to be stored in the muscle cells for its use. The study attempts to measure myofibril density/size in particular. Myofribils are the contractile organelles within a muscle cell.
>strength adaptations
When neurological adaptations are maxed out, all "strength adaptations" are related to myofibril size. Leverages tend to be constant unless you gain or lose a lot of fat so we can generally ignore it. If strength adaptations are maintained and given that you can max out neurological adaptations fairly quickly, the only thing left is that strength is maintained because the total amount of myofibrils is the same.

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>scared of food
lol lmao
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Get this, they actually live 20years at best
>scared of fire
lol lmao
im a white boy from the south
You ever notice how people with radical or meme dietary practices or who adhere to fad diets are always emotional at what other people eat? They laugh at it or they get upset or they get really angry and uze emotinally charge language? No normal person gives a crap about what anyone else eats. All successful people in the world are out there eating whatever they eat and contributing to society.
True, it's raw shit that does that.
No? Gross
>from the south
>contributing to society.
Lol lmao
How was he a conman? Anyway the wisdom he shared goes way beyond "raw food is better."

What do you lift for?
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Is that anything like being tall short or dark light?
I lift to forget I want to kill myself
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I saw this and it hit me deep. I want to be a father and I want to be stronger for my children.
I've come back after months and months of being away. I was in a car crash and I attribute my physical training to my ability to prevent shit from hitting the fan even while I was lit up with panic. It made me think of an old greentext about an anon who blamed himself even when no one else did when he and his godfather were in a car accident and he let his godfather die. Does anybody have it? I'm almost certain it had an image of batman in the OP
Help me you fucking dumbfucks

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Why are protein bars and other protein "snacks" always so fucking dry? I bought these quest peanut butter cup things to snack on while I'm out and they are literally dry as a fucking bone. It's like I'm eating chocolate covered sand.
Also why are they always advertised as "low sugar" or "low calorie"? They taste like shit and give me no energy. My muscles need sugar for maximum output, so I go to the store to get an energy drink or something, and guess what I see? 90% of the brands on the shelf are ZERO SUGAR!

I just know for a FACT that it's the fat people that are to blame for this. Fat people and fat women. I don't have any evidence but I just know it was them.
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There is no free fucking lunch in fitness.
Deal with it you fucking zoomer.
It's the same as anything that just has a load of protein powder in it
Protein powder is dry and doesn't taste great
You can't escape that fact if you want convenient protein supplementation
protein products that aren’t protein powder are all memes. just eat a tin of deenz if you want a high protein snack
>buy a protienbar with a doughnut on it
>the bar is just some rectangle, not a doughnut
Started eating Pure Protein ones a few weeks ago and their pretty good.

>decent price on sale
>small size
>very easy to eat
>not dry at all


>Chocolate Peanut Butter (My favorite)
>Chocolate Mint Cookie (Very good)
>Salted Caramel Protein Bar (Tasty but odd after taste)
>Galactic Brownie (Tasty but odd after taste)

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How to achieve ottermode physique?
"How to achieve ottermode physique" is not a question.
It is because I used a question mark
>lose weight
>don't gain muscle
Woah so complicated
>tfw started going to the gym with ottermode in mind but ended up going afters bearmode and still feel weak and small

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>mogs +95% of /fit/
Heh… nothing personnel boy
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I'd beat her ass when i was 13
Why are my muscles sicker when I flex
The other day I was doing the abductor machine for the first time and a girl hopped on after me and upped the weight and did it and it got me hard because I was like damn I'm getting mogged and its getting me horny because I'm experienced and don't get mogged by women. Then I tried it again and realize I could easily do the weight and just didn't really understand how much weight to put on it.
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Tfw in the 5%

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My whole body is super sore. Anyway I can recover super fast?
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Criminally underrated post. Legitimately good advice.
Oh yeah, I should update you guys: I was super sore because I had rhabdo. The guy who told me to do light workouts to soothe my aches probably made things worse
*Have rhabdo. It is so severe, I'm on my 4/5 IV bag, and my piss is only just now brightening up
I hope your day brightens up as much as your piss is
Got some killer pain killers, so it kinda has. Shame I'm running on a total of 10 hours of sleep for 3 days

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Do you guys even have a job that benefits from being fit or are you just working out to go sit in an office
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I'm interested in being a volunteer firefighter, hopefully I won't be too weak to pick someone up, but what exercises should I do to prep? Deadlifts and squats I'm assuming right?
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>hopefully I won't be too weak to pick someone up
never move one if you don't have enough hands or don't have the right equipment. specialized bariatric equipment becoming increasingly common
>what exercises should I do to prep? Deadlifts and squats I'm assuming right?
woodchoppers and standing barbell twists. the only time I got hurt of them job was doing a sit-pick on a 90lb granny because I wasn't used to the motion.
Physical jobs are gains goblins.
Think you mean the first percentile anon. 99th would be near the bottom
Thank you for your service

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