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Questions that don't deserve their own thread
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A trainer once told me if you can't do a muscle up you're not really fit is this true? He said there's weakness in your core and you need a string base to do a muscle up so if you can't you're weak.
Chalk if you aren't already, mixed or hook grip. Straps can be fine but you want to make sure you're doing grip work separately if you use them consistently.

Form check on the mixed grip deadlift?

>Losing strength with straps
You sure you're using them properly? The part you wrap around the bar should follow your thumbs. If it goes in the opposite direction then you're using them backwards.

Takes stress off shoulders, wrists and elbows. Plus they can be a good movement if you have chest fall or just want different stimulus.

>Difference between high bar and ssb
They're different. Center off mass is out in front of you with the ssb.

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Ssb-anon here. Would you recommend one over the other if the goal is aesthetics and running performance?
Personal preference. Ssb does have other uses such as making lunges, Bulgarian split squats, and good mornings more comfortable to do but ssb isn't a requirement by any means. However, if you were to get a single specialty bar in addition to a barbell, SSB should be it.
I think i tore my forearm on sunday while training biceps. I'm going to see a doctor on thursday, but it's not looking good. I think i will be out for many weeks. How do i cope? Should i just train legs and go for runs during the recovery time?

>Be semi fit
>Only subtle mires from women
>Constant bullshit mind games
>Wasted so much time chasing barely no pussy
>Feminine twinks are lusting over me without even trying

Fuck it bros, I'm 28 and Aint getting younger. Going to take the dirt road till the right girl comes along (if she ever fucking comes).
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lol. surely you don't slave away 1/3 of your life for Mr. Shekelberg, do you anon?
I wish all these fag posters on this app kill themselves or get aids and die
Taking dick is pretty easy
just put the tip in and push it out
push it in deeper everytime you can while trying to push it out
repeat until it's all in
smash that bussy bro
posts body? semi-fit is peak man i think..

Is being a male ICU nurse /fit/? I am a male icu nurse and am significantly more fit than all of my friends who work in tech. We went to a really big museum and they got tired and had to sit down to take a break after like 1 hr of walking meanwhile it was nothing to me as I’m on my feet for 12 hours at a time.
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Nurse is in the top 3 of jobs who take the most steps in a day. Do you have any problems building mass? Because that is a lot of LISS cardio.
Sometimes I can get up to 20k steps per day. No problem with building mass as that’s only 3x/week and I eat a shit ton of food but have an easier time staying lean

Not gay, I’ll be applying to CRNA school next year and will be ballin hard
my nurse is theis tatted up zoomer in her 20s shealways tries to use the smaller bp armbands then says she needs the big ones for my arms then she asked if i do bodybuilding shows i got her snap then never did anything with it cause i have a gf right now
>every hospital won't let me volunteer because I'm not quadruple boosted
Not the career for me I guess
Ambulance is where the big guys are
One petite inept woman, then one massive male to compensate and do the actual lifting, dispersing crowd etc.

>Don't just train the body, but the mind as well
You do neither. Look where you are.

When I try to have sex with a condom I lose my erection very quickly and can't have sex. If I am lucky the girl will accept not using a condom and then we will have great sex. But I want to be able to have sex with condom as well. Please help me /fit/
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You are full of shit if anything it does the opposite because of cutting off circulation.
Nice captcha. I will try your advice anon
I'm saving myself for marriage.
are you shaving?
why are you trying to fuck a condom

With summer being mere weeks away it’s time to lock in and remember why we do this
Do NOT listen to fat powerlifter demoralizers
Do NOT eat shit food because “one day won’t hurt”
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this is a buzzcutpill

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What are your thoughts on baby/prison push ups? (lengthened partials)
I just did 300 and I'm sore as fuck in the chest
didn't read, don't care, I am rubbing it out to this faggot
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i wanna fuck taf so bad now with his new titties too i'd be cumming in under 30 seconds
that is a man

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Is cave diving fit?
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Bro be thinking im black
you know that you can dig to the rocks instead of getting stuck in the ground, right?
kek based
retard, lol. Have you ever felt it? have you ever been paralyzed and slowly felt life trickle out of you?
Every zoomer in the world has watched some lame youtube video about nutty putty cave. what are you talking about

Anyone have the soap? I seem to have misplaced mine.
>bunch of dyel underaged mexicans
accurate to the demographics

Are supplements a billion industry scam?
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vitamin D is good. not sure about anything else
I heard multivitamins are trash from various sources I don't really feel like digging up.
But otherwise I agree with what you say.
In general though, you should be getting your macro + micro nutrients from your food and supplementing if truly necessary.
I'd venture to say the vast majority of people really do not need supplements beyond protein powder.
>fish oil
most are shit and youd get better omegas from actual fish. (sardines and shit are even better)
>vit d
just go outside
>anything else
scam in supplement form and can be got through a good diet. eat more red meat. (fwiw tho, i do like taking ZMA before bed. has been the only supplement i can actually notice a difference with in that i am able to sleep deeper)
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1 glass of unpasteurized milk and you're good, bro
The MD or the record of you labs should have told you that "normal range" is the expected numbers for the lab value in humans who are healthy. They are not truly universal "normals".

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>DUUUUUDE did you just bought a 1 kg of sardine just buy a omega 3 pills
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who is this supposed to represent
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you literally bought a key of sardines?

What's this guy's problem? He has some of the most retarded takes I've ever heard from a YouTuber
>The only supplements that matter are creatine, caffeine, and protein powder
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How the fuck can you have that much muscle while remaining that lean? I've lost a lot of fat before myself. You DO lose a lot of muscle along with it. Simply being in a decent caloric deficit literally kills your testosterone, something enhanced lifters don't have to worry about. If you don't have any testosterone, you're body will just catabolize your muscle along with your fat.
>for this
lil timmy kid face
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>What about that exercise do you actually have a problem with?
You already literally already typed it. He's in a prone position on the floor doing lat pulls. Looks retarded and is unnecessary.

Dasha edition

No source talk
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ulta labs, I tell all of the guys I sell to go there. Cheap bloods, easy to schedule appointment.
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i noticed I started smelling really good after shooting up roids.
Can anyone relate?
Damn I use quest but knowing that I can book thru this for quest is great, thanks a ton

2nded. Ulta is the best. Just make sure to use a promo code. They're always listed there on the first page at the bottom. 15% - 30% off usually.

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>Big enough to mog average people
>Still too small and get mogged by gym bros
I hate the in-between phase so much
You ain't mogging shit you duel bitchcel!
okay you've posted your face. now post your body.

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Want to open the floor to the nerdier side of /fit/.
What are your spreadsheets looking like?
Any tips/formulas you found help with graph projections?
What metrics are you taking into account both in gym and out of gym?
Have you read any interesting papers lately?
Where do you go for research?
Is Chat GPT any good for this?
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Don't use graphs for future predictions. Your rate of development is always going to be slowing. You'll only demoralize yourself as you see it reaching asymptote.

I just keep track of everything in a Google sheet file and log PR's when I hit them. I keep track of so many different exercises that it keeps me interested and motivated even when the main lifts are stalling. For example, my leg press has been stalling and falling probably due to really dog shit sleep on a regular basis, but I'm also doing internal Humeral rotation, which keeps going up pretty fast, so doesn't matter if I don't get a new leg press when I can log 3 other PR's in the same day. Other times if I'm failing consistently to match old performance I'll log a new entry just to show that it has decreased for more accuracy.

Example spreadsheet picrel. Pic is a bit dated. Don't call me a dyel I'm intermediate at this point

>where you go for research?
Pubmed mostly. Google scholar to locate the pubmed articles. I've collected a massive collection of studies and have written 70 pages on the subject I keep to myself that includes hundreds of studies, most of them coming from 2 meta analyses.
GIWTWM I really want a ghetto black chick just once to have some nasty monkey sex with
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Working on a sheet for daily KettleBell splits. Data is mostly fake to see what the data looks like on other tables (for averages, trends and shit like that).
Critique on aesthetics and additional things to add would be helpful. Going to put a box in the notes section for RPE after work
Rise up manlets.

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