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Post your workout pls, going to the gym for the first time tomorrow and I feel so lost
Be humble and keep it simple.
I wouldn't work out 2 days in a row as a beginner. Especially push pull will overlap with recovery if you are not adapted to basic exercises yet. PPL isn't for beginners imo.

Just start with the machines.
This is taken from the Reddit PPL

Deadlifts 1x5+/Barbell rows 4x5, 1x5+ (alternate, so if you did deadlifts on Monday, you would do rows on Thursday, and so on)
3x8-12 Pulldowns OR Pullups OR chinups
3x8-12 seated cable rows OR chest supported rows
5x15-20 face pulls
4x8-12 hammer curls
4x8-12 dumbbell curls

4x5, 1x5+ bench press/4x5, 1x5+ overhead press (alternate in the same fashion as the rows and deadlifts)
3x8-12 overhead press/3x8-12 bench press (do the opposite movement: if you bench pressed first, overhead press here)
3x8-12 incline dumbbell press

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Do 3xweek full body, basic machines. No fancy shit.
Do some stretching and core at home.
I saw this one before but everyone keeps saying it’s shit for beginners. Any modifications/alternatives you recommend?
I plan on taking a day off between each day. Will probably do something like PushxPullxLegx or something until my muscles adapt, planning to start off with 3 days/week then work my way up from there

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Are ab wheel rollouts and leg lifts enough for me to get visible abs (at low enough bodyfat) or do I need to add more to my routine? And if so what?
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I’m gonna hold you to that
Imagine a girl like this loving you unconditionally. Total bliss
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what is thy name fair maiden
You only need leg raises and crunches. Even just static holds are enough.
If you don't have visible abs yet don't do ab wheel. You're either too heavy or too weak to do it without injuring yourself.
>loser cant get laid within his own race and get's by with the cope that other fetishize him for no reason

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>abs are made in le kitchen

Only an retards would say this
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Post abs
post belly, cause I doubt we'll see your abs
Holding a pose for longer than 30 seconds to a minute is diminishing returns and you'd be better off moving to another pose and back to planks.
Esl bro you dont put a/an when it's plural. So it's "only retards would say this"
>Holding a pose for longer than 30 seconds to a minute is diminishing returns
Diminish returns is not no returns.
I will plank for 10 mins.

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Guys plz help me achieve this physique, what do I need to do?
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4iu GH daily
4000 calories a day (80% junk 20% clean

tranny lol
Get humiliated by your jewish overlords on a regular basis
Study engineering and eat ice cream during a hot day in Texas or Arizona for 3 summers and argue with rich boomers about every nickel and dime
Have your “daughter” sneak her hormones into your coffee in the morning

Jacked dude called me big man at work made it brehs
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Hung dude in the locker room told me I was packing
Good job bro, keep it up
Probably, not a bad thing
Incomprehensibly based
Small guy said sup little bro. Am I?

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All you need, simple as.

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eye run 10K every other day and do 10-30 pullups every day

How do I inow if my arteries are clogged?

I'm genuinely scared
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Take them out and blow through them.
No. Eggs are healthy. You'll be fine.
Put everyone on SSRIs if they eat a non standard diet.
Non standard diet = Health obsession = mentally ill
Still waiting for vaxxtards to all drop dead btw
Dietary cholesterol doesn’t actually affect your blood cholesterol, that’s been debunked now. Eat as many eggs as you want anon :)

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Whenever i find myself watching jeff nippard type content on yt i cant help but feel like I am living in the year 2300, the globalists have taken over the world and the media and I am observing a robot/ai generated character on a state run fitness channel telling me how to 100% optimally hit back. Yap 10-20 degree bend yap slow eccentric YAP YAP YAP.
These individuals are some of the most soulless, automated and emotionally barren people who for some reason have their advice championed by millions.
People need to start lifting like they have a fire lit under their asses once more. Have fun working out folks.
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>Science based lifters, the real ones anyway, wouldn't recommend robotic form
Mike Israetel says that shit all the fucking time, but I know for a fact he doesn't train that way 100% of the time and comes from powerlifting lmao.

>Even Nippard himself would recommend that people train to failure semi-frequently so they know where it is.
His voice is gay so I dont care what he says. Im sure trains fine though. I dislike that beginners watch videos like his, mennomans, humeston, and wolf's and then constantly obssess over small details and constantly change exercises and vary their form. I know thats not what they recommend if you push them against the wall, but the way their videos are scripted and their thumbnails/titles are composed drive that behavior which is very irresponsible and greedy.

>I'm very interested in science based lifting and I train to failure almost every working set, because I like the way it feels and I don't mind the fatigue, but that'll probably change as I get older.
I do too to be honest. I love the way it feels, especially when you train past failure on at least one set per body part per workout. Try going back to strength training for a month or two to train your CNS on your newfound muscle, then go back to the scientific lifting. Heavy singles, doubles, and triples will train your CNS to use heavier loads in the higher rep ranges as well.
Science shit is for advanced lifters. Beginners can make gains throwing weight around like retards because they're noobs and often young so tweaking their shoulder doesn't mean shit to them, but as you get older and/or closer to your genetic limit you need to optimize your lifting to keep eking out gains and prevent injuries.
They're youtubers, they need new content to make. They give fringe studies way more attention than they probably deserve. beginners following these cutting edge techniques before they have fundamentals down is an issue yes.
In defense of these youtubers, they usually clarify that these are just things that you can try which may or may not work. Especially those who you mentioned, mike isreatel, mennomans, humeston, and wolf. They'll always focus on the most tried and tested techniques when giving genuine advice.
While I get it, theyre targetting newbs with FOMO tactics and bad advice just to make money. Thats shitty. Israetel used to put out very very good multiple part lectures that were an hour long per video. He doesnt put out content like that anymore.
>But that limit is lower than ever. Just by being not obese/old you're already ahead of 80% of people.
do you know how difficult it is to get a fit gf, its an impossible task

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Curious as to what your experiences with this program have been.
>What did you notice about your lifts?
>How did you customize it, add supplementary lifts, etc?
>Is it a solid late-beginner early-intermediate program?
>From previous, can it be modified to benefit more experienced lifters?

I plan on compiling your input and possibly posting a "/fit/'s Greyskull Variant" or something along those lines, so what you have to say is greatly appreciated.
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How long are you supposed to do greyskull? I've never been able to hit 2 pl8 bench doing it, usually cause I get injured up around 215
Thats very odd. I find GSLP to be about the most injuryproof program there is.
4 warmup sets, starting with the bar.
Microplate progression on upper body.
Regular deloads.
I guess it's fine for complete beginners, but even then only for like 3-6 months. Then need to start adding volume.
I've run gslp a few times. It's really good for strength, aesthetics and mental toughness if you actually push the sets.

This anon puts it well, but the squats and deadlifts are alternated every day. Only phraks version uses 1x week deadlifts.
>muh volume
You don't know what a failure set really is. Only your max set matters so just doing a single max set would work. There are no "working sets" those just fatigue you and bloat your muscles full of blood. All bodybuilders are doing is trying to bloat their muscles so they only train to stretch the veins and sacroplasm. This doesn't cultivate strength.

I do 2x5 and guaranteed mog you to the edge of the universe especially in terms of strength.

>38 years old, 5'11
>tired of auschwitz mode
>started lifting semi consistantly 8 months ago
>went from 140-160lbs
>been stalling for a month
Some days are just harder than others.
>its one of those days
oh well
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Not the worse physique to maintain. I think you'll still gain muscle maturity if you keep working out. Try just adding more protein and see what happens
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bit of a backslide, around 180-185 in first pic, 145-150 in second pic. Lost a lot of weight due to inconsistency with the gym and work stress, hoping to work back up to 170 or so in a few months
Nice chest. Cock stats?
small, big chest comes from high estrogen levels

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Are you lift and sun maxxxxing?
I like having a baby skin and confusing people who thinks I'm early 20s even though I'm already mid 30s.
The sun is the biggest enemy of a youthful skin.
Have spent long hours working outside, sometimes just like to sit outside and read, live in the woods. Thought about setting up a bench like this in the yard, my neighbor did this in the ghetto.
I cover myself in coconut oil and am now a bronze god.
In 100F, the bar is too hot to touch and the bench in the sun after a few minutes burns my back even with a shirt on.
>youthful skin.
what are you? a gay bottom?

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Is it normal for my wrists to hurt while doing barbell curls or does this mean my grip is bad?
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She has a perfect face. If she lost 20 pounds, she'd be a 10/10.
I can smell your body odor and see your long hair with this post
Disgusting coomer, societal parasite
watch out r/architects is gonna raid this thread now
Try placing the hands further apart, worked for me. If it still hurts, looks up Knee overtones guy's guide on strengthen wrists on YouTube (surprise, it's easy). >>74776306
Nah barbell curls are great. I like how the contraction feels on the bicep better with a barbell than with the ez bar. I do use it for reverse curls though.
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*Kneesovertoes guy, fucking christ

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is this achievable natty
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I am jealous of this man's physique. I would rather look like him than I do now. I admire him; I appreciate him; he's like an angel. I'm happy with who I am, but that's not to say that I can't appreciate hard work. Just because he took steroids doesn't disqualify him, it just means he had the wherewithal and courage to apply the help that is on offer from our marvellous scientific culture.

I even respect the fact that he (probably) has had a facelift. It's just part of the job, and if you are to be a representation of an aesthetically ideal male, then why shouldn't you take advantage of all available means? Let there be beauty, and let there be art.
more than OP image
since he's asian no if it was s white guy i'd assume natty tho
you're gonna have to leave humanity behind
Despite all the roids and plastic surgeries and hair bleaching they will never be white lmao

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Reminder: dad bod is just a very muscular body with a little more body fat. Don't fall for the "girls don't like muscles" meme
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Yeah that’s why something like that is my goal body. Decent looking arms, chest and shoulders, but a reasonable body fat level that can be pretty easily maintained with a clean diet.
>Yeah that’s why something like that is my goal body. Decent looking arms, chest and shoulders, but a reasonable body fat level that can be pretty easily maintained with a clean diet.
Exactly. I've fucked girls and they complain about the guys on the right. I'm still getting laid with 0 effort like them, but the girls actually like me as a person.
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Women sure do love dadbods
I wasn’t implying that they’re dishonest; I think they’re unaware of it. It’s possible for a person to think they want one thing but then they actually act out on another, opposite alternative to that thing.
>Don't fall for the "girls don't like muscles" meme
we all know that women lie anon, they just try to lower their "expectations" because they know they cant get the right anymore, so they go one step lower which is the right with body fat

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