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What mode is this?
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Your gf will cheat on you with this guy and then blame you mode
ottermode +
Built for BBC mode
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This is the fabled "ascended ottermode", attained with HIIT-style cardio (swimming,running,cycling) and lifting (weighted calishtenics, brosplit) and (most importantly) low bodyfat.
College athlete

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Martial arts fags are reaching peak retardation levels.
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Women are an absolute meme in fighting. I'm not some mgtow incel either, I love women, but we let them pretend they're scary.
When I boxed, I smoked weed and ciggies, drank, ate like shit and skipped training here and there. Naturally I was shit at it and never got nowhere but we had a girl that was competing at 69 kilos, which meant she was walking around 72-73 and she was training for the olympics qualifiers. I was competing at 64 kilos because I was a skinny teen.
I ran through her. It wasn't even a fight. I'm sure I could've beaten two of her at the same time. She was a great sport about it too and ended up qualifying, joining the army and now has a sweet house while I'm a struggling bum, but there you go.
CBUM would win with literally one day's worth of training.
> Surely this moment will trigger a response in her to improve her lifestyle

She will blame the guy for not being galant and helping her out and beeing mad at him. Women and self reflection…
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Everyone ITT is absolutely delusional.
Even trained men get beaten by trained women.
Now go watch Gabi Garcia vs Craig Jones

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Do you guys think there is a relation between the physical/hormonal state of a person, and the things he/she prefers in bed?
Since I started lifting and eating better I just want to eat pussy and sniff armpits
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I said beautiful young women, not ugly old trannies
For some reason on my coomer days I mostly searched in the mature category.

Why could that be, Dr sex?
And to clarify, with mature I meant >50
Mommy issues
My first fetish was yoga pants, thigh highs, and socks. I think it was because in school chicks would wear them and I found them attractive. Then it moved to lactation. Pretty soon I found hentai, which the big one for that for a long time was tentacles. And yes, over time, I would say fetishes get more degen.
>Relation between phyiscal/hormonal state
Feud was big on this, yes? Like this anon >>75332595 right?

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Congrats on your transition sis I'm glad it's a success.
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I'm trying to go trans-bug and start molting, but I haven't grown any wings yet.

>cheaper than fin
>in vitro study from 1988
lol retard
Fin is probably the best treatment there is bar implants but the side effects are not worth it. I mean most people want to keep their hair for a better chance with women but what's the point if you get the gal and your willy doesn't work?
My routine is:
>Minoxidil twice a day
>Derma roller once a week
>Rosemary oil once every two days
>Zinc every day
>Shampoo with DTH blocker
I'll be adding Saw-palmetto soon. I can't say I regained a lot of hair but at least the MPB got to a halt and the hair I have looks better than it ever did. With the right styling it's hardly noticeable.
>only wash with cold water
>NEVER dry with temperature
There are no alternative therapies. The only things that reliably prevent hair loss are:
a) antiandrogens,
b) 5α-Reductase inhibitors.
Everything else is cope, meme, or poorly understood.

>what's the point if you get the gal and your willy doesn't work?
Just fist her and make her suck your cock...

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how fucking skinny do women have to be to actually look skinny
i am 0.4 bmi above technically underweight i still just look chubby
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Razor scars
these bitches who brag about their eating disorders on twitter also seem to be very into bragging about cutting themselves
I looked noticeably skinny at 18-19 BMI
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BMI doesn't matter as long as it's under 25.
For women without muscle mass 18-19 is where you can yourself thin. Gf workouts casually and has a bmi of 20 and still has some excess fat here and there. She was perfect with 2 less kgs.

They all workout a lot. They're not buffed or anything but clearly train abs, legs and upper body.
A sedentary woman with a bmi of 24 is fat.
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Lemme guess short with trunk legs? That shit just about never goes away. I'd recheck your height though. If you're a couple inches shorter than you thought that's like 12 lbs.

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Funny edition
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Kek, the song on the TV is by The Algorithm:
And diaper, too.
Kid looks about three years old at least.
He came in ready to beat the tar out of her for disrupting his shows
eating a large big mac combo meal 5x a week is also not natural, hit the gym lardass
To be fair, I do sorely miss playing dodgeball. I wouldn't stop weightlifting but I'd be down to have a place where I could gather some friends and play it.

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Being single and jacked in your 30s is the best lifestyle. Keep lifting young ones you’ll get here someday.
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>we're in a WAR! You must bring in a child to help my child fight the retards!

Lol if you think the reason i don't want some shithead child is because of this world. I love this world and will keep using my resources to continue enjoying it while retards like yourself "fight le epic reproduction battle!"
Why did you reply to me. I didn't mention kids, because I have none.
I was talking about using your time wisely to find a loving and conpatible partner. The longer you wait the smaller the market and less choice/chance there is of finding a quality woman
I'm an engineer too btw
Imagine having a son in this society, condemning another male to slavery in a society that hates him. I’d rather not have my bloodline suffer like that, if I do ever accidentally have a kid I hope it’s a girl.
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In a sane world, this public display of betaness and faggotry would be the death of Science-based lifting.

Discuss where we go from here. I fear the space has already been overtaken by Redditors... the overwhelming outpouring of sympathy from all the beta males might only embolden them...
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Kek roid schizos really showing their true colors
>roidtroon wigger
>only dare to beat a white manlet
Adding to this
>be proven wrong
>instead of growing and learning
>assault a manlet
Didn't this roid monkey piss and shit himself before running away like a pussy when Joey Stax called him and his "mob enforcer" friend out for threatening to kill Stax's friend?
he's a Canadian dwarf? Now I like him even less. Go work in the mines with the rest of your ilk Jeffe.

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For me, it's the Balkangigachad
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Post body Europoid
lol dude is pretty strong despite that retarded form he loves using
What is it with Slavs and 90s furniture?
That’s 70s furniture and it stays in the house for 3 generations before you have enough money for new shit and throw it out.
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trappychan and lotus

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What mode is this /fit/?
>thick traps
>no hips
>hank hill ass
thats a man
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I like cute little butts. Those shoulders are a little gross, not gonna lie fr fr.
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A little heavy but doable. Hope the face is all right.
>friday night
>why are you here
typical volleyball physique

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i tried it and it only gave me anal fissures
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Squatting fixes everything
This happened to me as a teen. Took years to shit normally properly.
any advice?
Seppos being too dumb to shit, literally. If you ever find yourself doubting the amazingly low IQ of the average American, look for threads like these for a reality check. Or just listen to their poop stories when they are on vacation and think nobody n Europe speaks English. That also works.
>people on /fit/ have been sticking their fingers up their ass to fish shit out

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Why do both the girl and the cops look like they are running in slow motion?
That happened in California in the last few years. Some female cop was harassing some big homeless guy for sitting in an empty parking lot. He kept telling her to fuck off and doing lazy feint charges at her until she just mag dumped him for basically no reason.
You could tell she didn't want to call for backup because she felt she had something to prove.
They are definitely just running because there's a camera there. They can't be that stupid to think they're gonna catch her. Right?
God damn, women police are histrionic and fucked in the head.
What are you talking about, Jews aren't white. Nobody actually wants this DEI crap that's why it must be forced down our throats

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174, 72.5kg. +2kg of muscle by New Year's? Maybe?
yeah sure why not
looking strong king

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Alright, I'll be honest. Since my dad died I've been on a loos and decided to try some stuff, I've gotten into drawing and getting my notes up but I'm starting to get a bit self conscious abaut my looks. I'm 6'0 and more or less like 175 pounds, I've been thinking about fasting but I dont really know.

Where should I start? I'm not mush into exercise either and maybe I could take some tips, I've heard that pilates get you buff fast and thats mainly what I've been doing the most besides a couple hundred repetitions on my 2 kg weights.
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Not him but yes.
It's all about calories and food choices. Choosing high-quality foods like lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will make eating to lose weight easy because you'll get full easier and stay full easier. That makes lowering your calories to below maintenance easy. You can't lose weight without keeping your calories below maintenance. Check out this website to get an idea of where that roughly is
Use a calorie tracking app like FatSecret or Chronometer
The best way to get bigger muscles is to lift weights. Sticking with basic lifts like bench press, squats, rows, Romanian deadlifts, curls, and the like will get you the most results. 3 sets of 6-10 reps is a great starting point for lifting. Heavy enough to be challenging and not light enough that the burn would stop you before actually getting close to the limit for what your muscles can handle. For heart health and for making eating below your maintenance even easier you can do cardio. You should pick something you have fun with that you can sustain for long periods of time. Something like walking/jogging hills, swimming, biking, all those things are good options. Just doing it a few times per week will pay huge dividends. Can't recommend it enough
is that bitch covered in sneed oil?
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Post more sloots

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>"vegans cant build musc--"
>--le unless they use steroids!
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Holy shit this guy is looking super rough these days. Needs some collagen.

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