Hey frensI do bjj and I’ve got my first blue belt comp coming up in a month or so (ibjjf) and I’m worried about drug testing. Recently read this article where tennis pro got beamed for getting steroids from an masssage. I have a /fraud/ bf. Get your fag jokes out of the way rn. Worried if the possible sperm contaminant will get me a positive test result.Does spermatazoa contain enough steroidal/lipid content to transfer its effects? I’m worried they’ll absorb into my intestinal lining and show up on a drug test. Is this possible? Reassure me anons, I don’t think I can handle a vow of celibacy until the comp
>>75853357that manga is the definition of wasted potential
>>75853328Gays should be banned from martial arts because of the HIV risk.
>>75853328>blue belt>gayyeah checks out
>>75853328>fag pic>is roids sex transmittedOP I know you're a fag, but you should cut down on getting bred or you'll fail the roid checks at your limp wristed sissy sport seshs
>>75853328>>75853735oh wait you're actually gay lolprobably not, fraudfags just getting their jew lawyers to come up with some hail mary bullshit
I always hear, mostly from twinks, that muscle mass in inversely proportional to intelligence, and that there's no point to getting big. Is it only possible to understand what it would feel like if you live it? Or is it possible to understand it in its entirety without having lived it, like the twinks are saying?
>>75852291You have to live it.....
>>75852291> that muscle mass in inversely proportional to intelligenceThis entire jock/muscular dudes being dumb and mean and bullies etc... is due to hollywood and media being run by theatre kids which were jealous and or bullied by athletes and the like throughout high school and college. Real life isn't like this at all, in my experience it's the complete opposite both in college and high school, the fit dudes are usually down to earth and the theatre kid types usually have their heads up their asses.Every piece of media that involves school has this same trope over and over again, it's almost always a revenge/power fantasy from the nerd.
>>75852291depends on fat percentageyou have to live it
>>75853731it depends on fat percentage because you're meant to be able to burn calories from thinking
>>75853219This. "The meek shall inherit the earth" type shit.
Sometimes when I’m in the rack doing rows a woman will go up to the rack next to mine and try to RDL a similar amount of weight. I’m convinced that they don’t know the difference but they’re still getting the confidence boost
>>75853634get laid, frog fuck
I was able to bang out two unassisted pull-ups today after 3 years of not being able to do themcurrently down 25 pounds let's fucking go you faggots
>>75851166well done anondon't neglect your negatives just because you can do multiple pullups
>>75851166nice. I recently just broke from my plateau of 8 to do 10 by changing to a false grip. two years I couldn't do 1 and could only manage 3 chinups. wasn't fat just had non existent lats. just ordered a weight vest to start upping the weight while keeping sets from 6-10 range.
>>75851166>>75851655blessed thread>>75852265Doing isolation exercises like lat pull-downs and seated cable rows helped build my back and got me over the hump on pull-ups
>>75851166Damn that's crazy Didn't ask tho
>>75851166That took you three years? Wtf
dyel general
>>75851072Their manlet dads wouldn't have been able to reproduce without at least having a normal sized brain
>>75843939yeah because they're fags>t. europoor that has to look at tracksuit slobs
>>75847313probably skater kids that fell for the brand marketing
>>75851149what was that vid of a chick pretending to diddly like that, girl was hilarious
>>75853599it's a jeet or get jeeted world out there, slavbro>t. became filthy immergrant
name bigger snake oil
>>75853231In other countries, when this woman gets pregnant we call her a "ticking time bomb"
>>75852865nothing in the rules about yoga pants
>>75852873the big guy was only able to wait till Aisha was 9 because its thighing(look it up) is also kosher.
>>75852865>>75853226>>75853295This is like the loophole Mormons found around no sex before marriage, where there’s no rule against putting your dick in your girlfriend’s pussy if you’re not actively thrusting and incidentally thrusting by the bed being shaken also doesn’t count
i've been addicted to porn, the internet, and cannabis, all of which i've used daily for a decade. how do i help stop and recover with physical exercise but in a way my dopamine-destroyed retarded brain can be reasonably expected to comply with
Start small. Like, just go for a 30-minute walk and don't bring your phone or music.
put a pullup bar in your doorwayget 10 minutes of sunlight, its meant to be a giant fireball and this will offset the coombrain and water if not getting enough
>>75852356"workout" is a noun; you mean "work out"."everyday" is an adjective; you mean "every day".
>>75852356Kek my sides, this but unironically. I do all the shit OP does and still go gym 4-5 days a week for like an hour, hour and a half tops
Gotta pavlov's dog it a little bit.Pair reward with the effort. Go exercise and then hit a spliff. Start with little exercise, then increase it (either with more time or more intensity or both) but keep the amount and timing of the reward the same. Then begin reducing the reward - if you're exercising and smoking every day, keep the exercise and reduce the smoking days by one. Then later 2, then every other day, then once a week, then once every two weeks, etc.For diet, don't just jump to some retarded meme diet that requires Herculean discipline to pull off. What worked for me was "food group" limitation. First I stopped drinking all soda, but kept other junk foods in rotation. Then once I no longer had cravings for soda, I dropped candy as well, still allowing myself to eat shit like pastries, sugary cereals and chips. Then I kinda arbitrarily chose what to cut next based on however my autistic ass classified certain processed foods, and eventually the most processed shit I ate was plain cheerios and protein powder. The diet change was easier because it didn't really require any type of reward for me.
The only way to fix insulin resistance is to decrease abdominal obesity which is impossible if you're insulin resistant. I lost 25 kilos and it had 0 affect on my fucked up blood sugar because all I burned was the soft lard while the hard visceral fat didn't fucking budge.
>>75852900Keto lives in your head rent free
Stop fucking making up diseases, what the fuck is "insulin resistance"
>>75852900Eat lean meat, not sticks of butter, and lose fatWow, like a caloric deficit works holy fuck
>>75852780>Visceral fat is actually easier to lose than subcutaneous fat. This is because it metabolizes quicker
>>75852780To get rid of insulin resistance you should>do time restricted feeding, something like 16:8, or at least 14:10>eat low carb>do steady state cardio and / or HIIT almost every day>do resistance trainingYou will feel a lot better.
post em>gym owner asks me to participate in a group photoshoot for marketing>she lets me keep the lululemon clothes and new balances
>>75833245this is my old buddy from schools steam profile pic baesd
>>75844880im not going to act like a normie to find some generic tatted up fat single mother with sleuthed out old beef meat and kids that don't like me. PLUS she can't tolerate my interesting alternative personality and the sweet way I say nigger get the heck out of here girlie
>>75852371post pottery
>>75853303>>75852733Really nothing special, it was just a beginner class, but I guess mine was smooth and had a rim thin enough to actually drink out of, in contrast to the chunky dishes everybody else was making.The woman running it is gonna fire everything and we can pick them up in a couple weeks. Overall a really nice evening, I recommend trying it out as a date.
>>75853615Pottery is unironically the toughest class I took in college. It was very enjoyable though, I'd spend like 8+ hours in the pottery studio every week... Very relaxing though throwing stuff on the wheel just feeling the form with my hands while my mind wandered over various physics and math shit.
I have been lifting for about two months now, please give me your lifting tips and tricks you have accumulated over the years I wouldn’t even think to ask.
>>75852736Pajeetas are for loving not hurting
>>75853133They didn't. It's due to selective breeding. Just as millions of generations of dog breeding gave us everything from the great dane to the teacup chihuahua, it is elites that drove the current dick size for the majority of jeets. For 10s of thousands of years, the majority population class was the dung eating peasant, which can be partly said for most societies, however jeets had the benefit of a pretty consistent through-line of their hierarchical structure and cultural practices. Even compared to other long standing EA societies like China, india has been far more consistent over the greater span of time. India has always had solid foundations in concepts like dharma and karma, which can (and likely did) discourage social and cultural advancements, downstream leading to much more selective breeding of the lower classes overseen by the ruling class.
>>75853300what a cute little butt
>>75852751You should train loaded twisting, bending, and spine extension too. Back extensions maybe aren't the right exercise for extension but that doesn't mean you shouldn't move through that range at all.
>>75851472how do you become a fitness influencer?is there anything even left to talk about in the fitness industry?like just fucking lift retard, done
Daily reminder you only love big chicken legs because the internet told you so. You're a NPC.
>>75852879>>75852951If you're bottom heavy you're low test and/or high estro.
>>75851485as my thighs became bigger, so did my bulge as my dick and balls stuck out more instead of drooping between my legs. dyels will never know this feeling
>that guy who wipes down the treadmill at the gym
>>75851187You are Indian
>>75851187why would I, a white man, have so little respect for my fellows and for hygiene in general that I wouldn't wipe down my sweat from the treadmill?stop normalising being indian
>>75851187kek there's this melvin at my gym who brings his own little bottle of disinfectant that he sprays on the treadmill before using it
>>75853360>he doesn't bring separate bleach and peroxide solution bottles to generate singlet oxygen in situskill issues lmao.
>>75851187Good morning sir, I relief myself on the designated shitting treadmill. I turn on full speed and the belt spreads my waste away.
>Unfucks your sleep>Unfucks your energy levels>Unfucks your heart>Unfucks your bones>Boosts immune system>Boosts focus>Boosts test>Safe to supplement up to 10,000IUWhy the FUCK aren't you megadosing the most powerful nutrient known to man?
>>75852198>>Safe to supplement up to 10,000IU
>>75853026That was from the vaxx
>>75852220What's it like to see a bottle of Vitamin D and immediately think about being persecuted by Jews?
>>75852992>Complex systems are complex and there's no such thing as a panacea.
>he brought his diary to the gymI seriously hope you don't do this. Takes away from lifting by adding time between sets, makes you look like a simpleton who cant remember what he did a week ago, gives girls the ick as you're now a book nerd
>>75852422>blacksmithing more attractive than traveling. That isn't what these dating bios say lol. Good to know that painting is that high, I do street art shirtless.
>>75853269That's because you're a faggot.
I'm trying to attract weird autistic artsy girls who would probably be into this. I also grew out my hair and listen to edgy emo rock at the gym to send out the right vibes
I study topology between sets, read it on my phone, never look at other people, never communicate with words or communicate in 1 word sentences if asked anything. If someone asks "how many sets you got left" i put up my fingers. I am mysteriousmaxxing.
>>75853211Lefty cope.
Why was Sephiroth obsessed with him?