I've realized that the only way I can progress in terms of benching is to fix my sticking point/grow my triceps. Besides close grip bench press, what are the best exercises to grow my triceps and improve my bench press?
pressdownsanything overhead will wear out your elbow tendons
>>75739305Thanks, I've already incorporated tricep pushdowns and overhead tricep extensions
>>75739317dips then? with your torso vertical. try to do 100 in a row lol
>>75739303Dips are all you need. By far the best possible exercise you can do for triceps.
According to Jimmy Kolb, the secret is pulling the bar apart from the bottom of the lift to activate your tricpes. I practice it with warm-ups and they shoot like a cannonball out of my chest, but when the bar gets heavy I lose the ability to do it. Look through his elitefts videos to see if he has any advice other than doing band pull aparts.
>>75739368the long head of the triceps does fuckall during dips
>>75739386The long head is working during dips whether it's on bars or rings.
>>75739386You're absolutely bloody retarded
>>75739382thanks, I'll check them out
>>75739303>>75739317adding more exercises is pointless if you're already hitting triceps with two exercises. Are you doing 10-15 sets of triceps per week at least? Are you lifting hard? often enough you don't need special little gay exercises in order to grow a body part, just work harder.
>>75739929>10-15 setsyou only need one set
>>75740051that's why you shit ain't growing
>>75739303For me it was actually hitting inner chest+thickness. Idk hiw far it'll take me or what I'm missing but managing my delts to keep them neutral and thick vs benching enough is a struggle, and prison reps for putting on mass with little effort.