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Does anyone love going to the gym but absolutely hates the clientele of their gym?

Like that group of people that always uses the 10 pound dumbells and smells rancid
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i smell rancid because of my high test high body hair armenian body combined with my intake of creatine
im a sweat god
got a problem with that?
can you hook me up with your armenian cousin?
you wish smooth boy
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>that group of people that always uses the 10 pound dumbells and smells rancid
She’s just 19 you sick fucks

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My name is anon.
I would like to graduate. Please check my transcript and send me a diploma.

Copy and paste baby.
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you got enraged by culture war stuff on xitter and now you just hate everything and you want to turn traitor for the russians and you want to show a remote control up your ass and scream, that's fucking tough. that's real brother. fuckin brutal... having a fucking whiskey for you brothers right now.
I think you replied to the wrong guys lol
Honestly fuck America. Hope it and Israel are wiped off the map

>ultra processed industrial slop full of refined sugar is marketed as 'healthy' to children
I'm so glad I didn't eat this garbage that much growing up. No wonder Amerimutts are obese. It's over for them the moment they are born.
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In 2017 there was over $70 billion SNAP benefits.
Over $3.5 billion of that was spent on soda.
For how many anti-capitalists faggots exist and think corporations always get bailed out, for some reason they will never call to cut SNAP benefits because it will hurt the poor.
Grew up eating cereal every day. Not fat. Never have been. Didn't turn into some tranny manlet either I mog most you fags. Its all genetics
I don't know if you're legally allowed to be within 100 yards of playgrounds and parks, but kids will burn off all that sugar playing for an hour or so.
A can of soda has 3x as much sugar in a serving
The occasional snack. Too bad I'm on a cut.

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How do you achieve this mode
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He looks great
His body is muscular but HE does not look great
He has the typical little kid on steroids look just lacking overall masculine energy
Okay post body
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Humiliation Ritual
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Damn it feels good to have a minimalist home gym.
If you're 400lbs I hope you can lift heavy.
I bet he says Aotearoa too.
>that they're still using the machine, like they think im trying to kick them off
yup, this happens to me too.
> notice it's only the older zoomers, the young ones tend to be fairly outgoing and it's cool to show them an exercise. Then see them progress in a few months.
Older gen z was ruined by the pandemic and the last 4 years. 18 year old zoomers now we’re too young during the pandemic for it to effect them

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What's the point of being /fit/ if you onlu attract fat women?
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they just want a man that can lift them
is this the power of the penguin? I kneel.
iirc isn't the one with stallman photoshoped?
truthfully i can't stand stallman anyway so who cares
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This area circled in blue always interests me. I would always assume the anus would be higher up the 'butt crack'. It baffles me that in reality, the anus is mere centimeters from the vagina. Seems like a design flaw in the grand scheme of things. Like the one thing a man should lust after is contaminated by a sewage plant right next door? There is no way there isn't cross-contamination. Do women know about this? If my penis was in contact with my anus constantly I would be under a constant cloud of shame and anxiety. Yet, women seem to not care?

It doesn't make sense bros....

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What advice would you give to a fat woman
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I advise her to embrace the essential nature of her being.
This bitch got fat on purpose. She's an ewhore and didn't used to be fat but simps literally paid her to get fat.
She used to be so fucking hot. Did puke and inflation videos.
Now she's just gross and fat and completely unremarkable.
>on purpose
More like she was excessively dieting to stay lean, crushed her thyroid and then stopped giving a shit because caloric restriction is hell and accepted the unavoidable fat gain.
Paper thin girls always have the beefiest lippiest gross pussies

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What core exercises should I be doing everyday to get abs? (no obliques)
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Keep your sex straps for your boyfriend
Static holds and leg raises. at least 3x week.
How many/long and how much weight? Also doesn't that only work out the rectus abdominis?
OP said abs only.
Everything is 3xweek for 3 sets of 60 seconds or 10-30 reps
You don't need weight for the first 6-12 months. After that buy some ankle weights.

Leg raises are the only thing that make the lower abs pop. Upper abs don't need much isolation to grow, leg raises are enough.
If you want the complete chiseled look like OP pic you need to do oblique crunches as well as leg raises.

If you can get to 12 reps with the lower back completely flat on the floor and no discomfort your core is pretty healthy and you only need to pump out volume to grow your abs.

If your back comes off the floor or you get some back pain after you need to start with planks and candle raises/holds and also do abduction exercises to fix your pelvic posture.
body weight clean and jerk? lmao once you hit 2x bodyweight is when its actually impressive. are you some crossfit fag?

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>abs are made in le kitchen

Only an retards would say this
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post belly, cause I doubt we'll see your abs
Holding a pose for longer than 30 seconds to a minute is diminishing returns and you'd be better off moving to another pose and back to planks.
Esl bro you dont put a/an when it's plural. So it's "only retards would say this"
>Holding a pose for longer than 30 seconds to a minute is diminishing returns
Diminish returns is not no returns.
I will plank for 10 mins.
I never seen a malnourished POW footage with abs

Jacked dude called me big man at work made it brehs
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Good job bro, keep it up
Probably, not a bad thing
Incomprehensibly based
Small guy said sup little bro. Am I?
older lady at the costco cash register called me cute earlier. I had a cart full of kombucha and 2 trays of organic eggs. my face just got very red and I started stuttering.
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>got put in the "big guy" group in bjj class
see you valhalla anon

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I miss Phenibut so much bros... it was my wonder substance. While it's effects were somewhat subtle, the placebo in me always gave me a feeling of wonder and positivity. >Why did it have to be discontinued???
> Will it ever return?
>Is there any other substance that has very similar effects??
It's not fair bros. I should have stocked up when I had the chance.
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You really can't buy this stuff anymore? Man that sucks. Used to love taking this stuff before a night out as you could save tons of money on alcohol since you got the same effect but better. Figured it was just a matter of time before they shut it down since it basically was the same as benzos.
Jewish post
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You can buy it. You just can't get the cheap commercialized powder anymore. You have to buy the actual pharmaceutical products which is probably for the best honestly
well I live in Canada so it's most likely not going to be available for me anywhere unless I try some sketchy website.

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Whenever i find myself watching jeff nippard type content on yt i cant help but feel like I am living in the year 2300, the globalists have taken over the world and the media and I am observing a robot/ai generated character on a state run fitness channel telling me how to 100% optimally hit back. Yap 10-20 degree bend yap slow eccentric YAP YAP YAP.
These individuals are some of the most soulless, automated and emotionally barren people who for some reason have their advice championed by millions.
People need to start lifting like they have a fire lit under their asses once more. Have fun working out folks.
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They're youtubers, they need new content to make. They give fringe studies way more attention than they probably deserve. beginners following these cutting edge techniques before they have fundamentals down is an issue yes.
In defense of these youtubers, they usually clarify that these are just things that you can try which may or may not work. Especially those who you mentioned, mike isreatel, mennomans, humeston, and wolf. They'll always focus on the most tried and tested techniques when giving genuine advice.
While I get it, theyre targetting newbs with FOMO tactics and bad advice just to make money. Thats shitty. Israetel used to put out very very good multiple part lectures that were an hour long per video. He doesnt put out content like that anymore.
>But that limit is lower than ever. Just by being not obese/old you're already ahead of 80% of people.
do you know how difficult it is to get a fit gf, its an impossible task
> I'm a fucking retard: the post
Fuck off.
> paranoid alt right schizo babble
Back to pol please.

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New studies indicates that any level of alchohol consumption has negative effects on the body. Don't drink poison in any regard, focus on your heath instead!

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Lifeless mutant.
thanks for proving my point.
cheers bros, heading out for a beer with the missus
The fact that so many people want you to drink without knowing who the fuck you are is enough not to do it.
Who are these people? You seem schizophrenic.
Think of all the people who believe they'll survive if there is ever a collapse.
Now imagine how many of them drink and would suffer withdraws within a week once they're cut off from alcohol.
Almost 30 million Americans have some kind of alcoholic.

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>this was considered cartoonishly jacked in 2006
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Still is.

If you have abs, and aren't a complete twig, you're automatically considered jacked by anyone who doesn't lift/isn't into fitness.

The standard is ridiculously low to have a top 5% physique aesthetically speaking.

If you're 12% body fat while having some muscle mass you're already in that top 5% of college aged men.
post body with timestamp
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This was considered cartoonishly jacked in 300BC
I’m >>74781945. I’m not talking shit, I’m saying that looking 'ripped' for a movie is more about being lean than mass. Brad Pitt probably weighed like 160 in Fight Club.

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>dropped 45lb plate on toe at gym month ago
>open fracture
>now x-ray shows deep bone infection developing
go on without me bros, just be careful at the gym
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Wishing you a speedy recovery. I personally lift in steel toes to avoid the fracture goblin. Stay safe out there bros
I too am injured.
I hope you recover well, and this doesn't permanently cripple you.
Successful treatment of osteomyelitis in leprosy patients by homeopathic medicine

sorry anon, I hope you'll be well soon
Man that's bad. You poor bastard, hope you recover quickly and return as strong as ever.

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