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>miracle weight loss drug shrinks heart muscle size
>Roids biggest risk is increased heart muscle size

Fellas did we just find a safe way to be thin and muscular with a normal sized heart?
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We could do that with a rope.
you can cure pheomelanin with melanotan and thats it. hair and skull shale is so much worse thing
You can fix a nigger's skull with a sledge hammer.
>losing weight makes your heart smaller, it needs to pump less blood
>gaining weight makes your heart bigger, it needs to pump more blood
All the research on semaglutide side effects basically boils down to the side effects of malnutrition, simply because that's what it causes. It makes you feel constantly full, so you eat very little. Since obeasts are too stupid to use that "very little" for the nutrients they need (especially protein and minerals), they start to suffer from the well-known symptoms of malnutrition. Then their heart muscle shrinks, they lose hair, their skin becomes loose etc.

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>why yes we are msking daily anti-keto anti-creatine threads, how did you know?
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Who tf mentioned ukraine, samefag?
Ngl that guy looks pretty based
the fat ai generated guy in ops pic has a ukrainian flag on his wall

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Every set to failure
Life x failure
Who doesn't do this? Every set I've ever done was till I couldn't do anymore reps.

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I'd really appreciate 5cm, 2.5, about an inch on each side
No steroids tho
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This you OP?
It's not a huge feat of strength. Most people just never push the weight on laterals and don't progress. Plenty of guys can do the same.
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Just use fake steroids lmao
didn't this guy kill himself
and that's why u keep trying to berate me bot :D
side deltoids not only increase your width but also raise shoulder up both by muscle volume and pulling shoulder back
>but do u have better delt than this rooder?
of course and i am not even finished growing it

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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage at most 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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>First run in a month 2 days ago
>Hips feel stiff
>Garmin says I did aerobic of 5
Do I give it another day?
I'm scared
I did a medium roon and Garmin gave me a 4.9 "vo2max". Nigga, I didn't vo2max. Stupid app.
Morning lads,

12km Z2 as usual before work. Getting pretty bored of just shuffling alone at 6min/km pace checking the HR every so often. 4th week of 4/5 runs at this pace, upping mileage by 10% each week.

I'm looking to smash a 45 min 10km or even better.

The floor is yours. I'm not begging for a programme but for the legit runners here, what should I add in? Or should I prioritise building that aerobic base for another month or two?
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I'm faster than 88% of runners with a 26:00 5k in 30 to 39 age range. What are all these other runners doing
I'm male btw

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>people responding like eating a steak cooked with a fucking sink of all things and an entire stick of butter isn't somehow disgusting
Thats just how wypipo cook they food
My cico progress since June 1st.
>>I eat 20k calories and I remain at 8% BF all year around
get on my level
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Fuck you Dr. Now, I have read on 4chan that CICO is false. I can eat what I want.

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How to be a male fitness influence
>abuse steroids
>work hard
>have exceptional physique

How to be a female gym influencer
>wear gymshark clothes

anyone else feel like we're giving these biitches too much of a pass?
On the contrary anon. To be a male fitness influencer you need things you can work for. To be a female fitness influencer you need things you were born with or paid a bunch if surgery money for. There's no lift that will turn Maud in to Stacy.
>be jewish
>get promoted cause you are jewish
>do vile things cause you can just say you are white
same with jewesses
that but with every facet of life.

- no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol
- good cardio, you should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes or even better 30
-daily lifting
-good nutrition, ghee, animal fats and coconut oil are androgenic
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its supposed to increase pre cum amount alot but i didnt notice any significant affects from it
You sound fat.
Somewhat yes.
I've been trying to lose weight but I have shit metabolism.
Currently my weight loss has plateaued, even while doing sub 1000 cal.
>I'm smol
When I get blueballed or too horny I have to piss more frequently, I guess it's because the prostate is full
So yeah, a prostate issue is plausible
Nature has evolved through billions of years a warm wet hole that exhales addictive pheromones specifically designed to accommodate your cock and squeeze out your cum, yet you want to stick it in a literal shithole with literal shit in it and want to ruin a good relationship over that
Seek treatment
At what point does an activity, such as masturbation—which is almost universally practiced among men—become classified as an addiction? Can someone provide some clarity on this? Specifically, is masturbating once a day considered an addiction? I’m a bit confused and would appreciate insights.

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Your weight is increasing, therefore it is actually increasing even if you are doing the same number. Either that or you are on a cut, in which case of course you are going to struggle to increase your lifts.

But actually yeah I do find this shit goes up very very slowly.
Alternatively add weight with a dip belt.
row row row your boat. sticking point is high where lats are shorter rows train them there

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Hypothetically, if I only did bicep curls and nothing else every single day for a year, how would my body change?
you will transition into a woman
You'd fuck the muscles up giving them severe inflammation, and do even worse damage to your connective tissue considering that takes way longer to recover from overload. Most people don't curls wrong with no outward rotation, so they're basically just working their elbow connective tissue. You'd fuck your elbows up so bad I wouldn't wanna be your elbows. Probably get bone spurs.

When I first started working out as an early teenager I had no knowledge of lifting. I felt I had to lift because of fights so I just did bench press on my bed with a curl bar. I didn't know any other lifts so I only did bench, multiple times a day almost everyday. My muscles got inflamed and looked like they were bruised. My veins were way too big, not like normal vascular but like they were about to pop. It was not good. I only did this for a few months before meeting a football bro in school who taught me how to lift and that was probably life saving. Thank you Fat Matt.

So I started working out again after a long break because of a back injury and I've been wondering how to have at least some gains and not get injured again.
I used to do 4-5 sets to failiure, and around three exercises per body part for example back - chin ups, cable rows, lat pull downs, chest - bench, dip, cable flies. I was also focusing on lower rep ranges.
I decided to do 2 sets to failure instead with higher rep ranges.I also decided to do 2 exercises per bodypart.
Will that be sufficient to build muscle? I kinda have ro limit the amount of excercise because when I do more my back starts to hurt real bad.
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how much gear do you think Mike was on?
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No more than Arnold or any of the other guys at Gold's gym.
Go to low back ability on YouTube. You are welcome. Saved my fuckin ass with lower back pain and 2 herniated discs. Now im clean and pressing 175
4 to 6 days a week.
Always remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
Will look it up, I went to physiotherapy which helped me a lot. I somehow strained my upper back muscles, my family doctor told me that I just have shitty genetics so my muscles don't heal well after injuries

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He means the coop wanking and you know it, moron
I mean having a damn room dedicated for masturbating with or without friends.
Hold on, wait. You guys dont do this?
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It's healthy to have one few hour long goon session a week for your prostate cancer.
To wank or not wank

I avoid masturbation because it always seems to deplete my energy and mood afterward. I'm not sure why exactly; is it conviction from God, or shame and guilt that has been conditioned over the years?
These are the questions that keep me up at night.

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Thanks a lot /fit/. You gave me body dysmorphia. And push me to use PEDs. Went to the hospital with heart palpitations heart rate of 180 with afib.

Ultrasound of my heart found mild thickening cloved valve regurgitation. I'll die any day now
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KEK famous last words, they're gonna put this quote on your gravestone.
What were you running?
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>>>75476964 (OP)
>What were you running?
>Ultrasound of my heart found mild thickening cloved valve regurgitation.

The Arnold-Zyzz cocktail, apparently. OP will probably recover with diuretics, blood thinners and antihypertensive or maybe surgery, but it could be RIP in piece if he keeps doing whatever.
based pesterer

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How do I get firmer breasts?
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this is /fit/? I thought I was on the /lgbt/ tab again
amazing info tho... you all keep it up
Just pick yourself up by the bootstraps. Worked for me.
Not him but that’s not an argument either. It’s just a bunch of rambling assertions
So can you cure cancer with diet or not?
Breast growth pills with cow uterine tissue. It's basically low dose estrogen pills. Or dope estrogen but do your damn research on dosage and post cycle treatment or you can go infertile like dumb bitches who think you can take birth control for years on end with no consequences. You may also be a non responder and just get fat, but if you're a responder woaaah mama.

There are natural ways to raise estrogen like letting a man dominate you, crying, taking care of or being around children, and hearing babies cry. I'm not bullshitting those are actual ways to raise estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. You can look up videos of women's tits starting to squirt milk just because there's a baby crying nearby. Girls who had younger siblings they heard crying and they took care of during their development, they all have huge tits. Show me one female with huge knockers that doesn't have younger siblings, it's a rare case. Get a dom, start babysitting, and listen to babies crying soundtracks on repeat.

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kpop edition

Old: >>75444305
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Use one of those domain whois history sites, and see when it was updated or re-registered or something. Maybe they let it lapse, and someone else sniped it. Could just be a scam. Or maybe they just changed their name. Or maybe they got caught selling shit product, and rebranded to get away from bad press. Or it's a sting. Or other things.
Great news one of the biggest dangers of frauding is now a nothing burger
Yeah I guess I don't need to but just making sure that there isn't a huge risk of shutting down permanently because I don't trust redditors to not blow stuff like that out of proportion.
>roids increase muscles BIGLY but increased heart muscle
>Ozempic sheds fat BIGLY but decreases heart muscles

Tell me one reason why this isn't a miracle combination that cancels each other out?
Everyone makes their own narrative. I don't think there's really a legit study out there for roiding. Everything is bro science, which is why most docs avoid it like the plague, and why there are so many opinions. That and everyone responds differently, which makes it even more difficult to figure out. Nobody really has anything bad to say about test, but then there's that dude who took some baby trt dose, and it royally fucked him up. The constant tren good/bad arguments. The npp did x, and deca y, for one person, and the opposite for another. High e2 bad, except for those people who feel great with it high. Just gotta try and keep a level head about things, don't make hard/steadfast opinions/conclusions, and always keep learning. If you can do that, and you're comfortable with the risks, then go for it.... when you're older, anyway :) marathon, not a race

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