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Who is /fat/ for?
For summit seizers working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.

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ADHD meds are decent at appetite suppression and not terribly priced like ozempic. Alternative? High volume, think 10-15 cups of mixed vegs. Bulgur. Tofu. Etc. Also, get enough protein (0.7g /lb of bodyweight). Don't have trigger foods in your house.
my inner thighs are beginning to shrivel up like testicles. I think i'm losing fat.
Can you show a SINGLE example of ANYONE in the New Testament being saved or even just healed through ANY work/sacrament: including through eating/drinking the Eucharist, AFTER being water baptized (which is a washing of the FLESH, not of the SPIRIT), by priestly confession, or through intercession of saints (including and especially Mary)? I'm asking for EXAMPLES, not quote-mining of "commands."
The only examples in the New Testament of how ANYONE is saved/healed is by FAITH (aka, belief/trust) in Jesus' words about HIMSELF: these include 1. Paul (whose scales fell from his eyes BEFORE he was water baptized), 2. Cornelius and his house (which PETER admits in Acts 10:47, stating that they should be water baptized as a profession of the salvation they ALREADY had, as Peter declares here), 3. the Samaritan leper (who was told to go to a priest AFTER he was already healed), 4. the centurion's servant, 5. the devil-possessed son in Mark 9, 6. the woman of Canaan ("O woman! Great is thy FAITH!"), 7. the lame man of Acts 3, and 8. the blind man of John 9. Jesus healed ALL of these poor people simply because they trusted in HIM, meaning that you believe in a Christ-replacing heresy that causes you to trust in sacraments rather than in God the Son, HIMSELF.
ChatGPT are you ok?
And yet you are a fat incel weirdo hmm

Anyone remember music tat guy? I'm old as fuck now I'm in my 30s. Miss yall sometimes.
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lookin good like a beach bro should. pecs are nice. no homo
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taking anabolics for natty sized arms lol
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it's the angle
here they are at around 17.5 with a pump
and yes this are still 155 lbs
Take out that ugly piercing and shave your beard. Just trust me. No, I don't care that you think it looks cool.
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I'm sure your chest is nice too, anon :)

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>join hardcore powerlifting gym
>bring 5/3/1 logbook first day
>big dude snatches it, throws it in the trash
>“We don’t do that pussy shit here. You do OUR program.”

>try to re-rack my weights
>“Nah, you rack ours too.”
>unpaid laborer now

>mention Starting Strength once
>dead silence, someone cracks their knuckles
>try 5/3/1 instead
>gym nickname unlocked: B-Squared (Ballerina Boy) because I did lunges one time
>co-owner Big Dwayne leans in
>“You ever talk about a percentage-based program again, I’m making you run Smolov.”

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And low tier bait?
Try harder faggot
Forgot to link the post, still kinda figuring out the website. I came over from Reddit.
No problem. Remember, it’s “>” to greentext and “>>” to link posts. “>>>” may be used to x-link (cross link) but that’s a little more advanced.
>kicks legs out from under them
>soccer kick them in the head
problem solved
Sounds like any /fit/ter shitter getting too full of themself
>Wahh-Wahhhhh!!!! I'm gunna sue you!!!
You fucking punks.

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Squatting or deadlifting is a meme. You don't have to suffer a miserable existence doing these does-nothing-but-hurts-everywhere meme exercises.

I've completely BLOWN UP my legs during PPL with the following routine, it's super fun and painless to do:

>leg press 4x8-10
>glute focus step ups 2x10 (hold tension)
>hamstring curls 4x10-12
>quad extensions 4x10-12

I do calves a couple times a week when I feel like it.
Ponder the pungency.
I'm literally salivating right now
Disgusting fake ass. And why is the file's name mike israetel?
BBLs smell like dogshit, they can't wipe it clean 100%
i slap her ass with every successful rep she does

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is there a point of jump roping if you're 80lbs overweight?
What kind of retarded question is this?
started doing it at like 260lbs, am now 220 and still do it. focus on boxing footwork where you aren't slamming the ground as hard when you land. 3x5 minutes like twice a week and fat'll melt off of you (provided your diet is straight)

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>want to cut to get abs
>lose progress and strength
How the fuck do I stop this or is it inevitable?
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you can certainly lose strength quickly if you heavily neglect protein, I've dropped 50 lbs off my bench reps before in around 5 months.
social media was a mistake holy fuck I hate these people
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it would be so cool to look like that. no one would ever mess with you. I could walk around at night and not be terrified that someone is going to mug me. and people won't try to fuck with me if I'm at a club just minding my own business.

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That’s not natty.
Senator Armstrong?
I'll call you daddy, daddy

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Is midriff width all genetic? I have ugly wide midriff and I got insecure seeing this pic
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>People end up with block obliq-- ACK!
Inch waist or year old bitches?
Too small of waist, too old of women.
I have this kek. At least when I haven't eaten for a few hours and the right bf%
It's easy mode
what the fuck is that gay site? if you genuinely think anyone in there is a woman, and not some fucking faggot drooling over twink men, you couldn't be more wrong.
There’s no lie

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fuck the discord degenerates edition
>post lifts
>post brekkie
>post benis circumference
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I always see moccona at everyones house, maybe with an old nescafe tin stored somewhere ancient.
I've never seen the people who drink blend 43 or int roast at work (tradies, factory workers, military) drink it at home.
My first coffee of the day is moccona, but my pre-gym coffee with honey is blend43. I dunno, just watever is on special mostly. My favourite coffee is from my local coffeeplace, could buy their beans and try french press but I like to save that for a treat once in a while
What about Wagga Wagga, I was looking at places there
Laziness, French press is too bougie for me, I moved on to Robert Times espresso
Could be a regional thing I suppose
Gotta choose a side, the coffee wars are coming
Oh you would
sick of being lonely and doing shit alone all the time
how the fuck do you interact with women again? i
turning 30 in a couple of weeks

Hey frens

I do bjj and I’ve got my first blue belt comp coming up in a month or so (ibjjf) and I’m worried about drug testing. Recently read this article where tennis pro got beamed for getting steroids from an masssage. I have a /fraud/ bf. Get your fag jokes out of the way rn. Worried if the possible sperm contaminant will get me a positive test result.

Does spermatazoa contain enough steroidal/lipid content to transfer its effects? I’m worried they’ll absorb into my intestinal lining and show up on a drug test. Is this possible? Reassure me anons, I don’t think I can handle a vow of celibacy until the comp
No, it's not passed that way. The drug test failure story is pure bullshit. They all fraud and someone got caught. The official story was the substance was on the trainer's hands. ATP is doing the fast track to avoid scandal.

Are you even getting tested? I've never been tested at a comp before. Not in NAGA or elsewhere. BJJ is one of the dirtiest sports (including me lol)
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Lel that would be sick. Sort of like how All For One was transferred into Deku in Boku No Hero Academia (no, I won’t call it My Hero, because that’s a disgusting dub name and I recognize the superiority of Japanese culture desu (yes I meant to type desu))
that manga is the definition of wasted potential

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Just hit 4pl8 deadlift bros
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>Be namefag
>Say retarded fag shit
>Type like a fag
JP-5 is the only way to fly. Fuck landlubbers.
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Ive pulled lmao5pl8 and have no idea wtf I'm looking at
It's a sumo deadlift

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I have been lifting for about two months now, please give me your lifting tips and tricks you have accumulated over the years I wouldn’t even think to ask.
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Whomst is the bitch on the right?
Of course /fit/ would be talking about dicks when an attractive woman is posted
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Pajeetas are for loving not hurting
They didn't. It's due to selective breeding. Just as millions of generations of dog breeding gave us everything from the great dane to the teacup chihuahua, it is elites that drove the current dick size for the majority of jeets. For 10s of thousands of years, the majority population class was the dung eating peasant, which can be partly said for most societies, however jeets had the benefit of a pretty consistent through-line of their hierarchical structure and cultural practices.
Even compared to other long standing EA societies like China, india has been far more consistent over the greater span of time. India has always had solid foundations in concepts like dharma and karma, which can (and likely did) discourage social and cultural advancements, downstream leading to much more selective breeding of the lower classes overseen by the ruling class.
what a cute little butt

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>that guy who wipes down the treadmill at the gym
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Do you really need to wipe down a treadmill after all you did was press a button on the digital keypad?
You're indian, you don't get to laugh at anyone but yourself
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You are Indian
why would I, a white man, have so little respect for my fellows and for hygiene in general that I wouldn't wipe down my sweat from the treadmill?
stop normalising being indian
kek there's this melvin at my gym who brings his own little bottle of disinfectant that he sprays on the treadmill before using it

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I have never once stretched before or after working out. Is that fine to continue or am I risking getting injured at some point?
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Sing, like nobody is listening.
What caused it and what can I do to avoid it?
it happened to me while moving to a new place, I think I overdid it moving heavy boxes for 12 hours straight. I have to get surgery now
I think he wants to become a personal trainer and help people get into shape responsibly by having them stretching their muscles before they work out
my best guess
imagine walking up to her while she’s doing that and just sticking her foot in your mouth. she would like it and tell you to lick the other one i bet.

haha that would be crazy right

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Let's say I have a trip planned to the beach or the spa and I want to look extra shredded that day.
I know that bodybuilders follow a shredding routine before going on stage by basically dehydrating themselves and cutting out carbs.
I've cut out carbs before, I've become leaner, but my muscles feel "deflated" due to not storing water. Is there some kind of protocol I can follow to be extra shredded and joocy at the same time on the same day?
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What're you gonna do seduce my gf cut queer? This is the end of the line, where you are now I might as well be slapping my nuts on your gay ass , pussy.
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Butthurt powershitters, the usual susptects.
>how do I cut properly while maintaining self respect
I have gained 50 lbs this year and will gain a50lbs then extra year. Every week my average weight goes up.
You aren't pathetic for being lean, that's good. You are pathetic for considering a shredding routine to go to the beach.
god forbid someone wants to look their best for a special occasion

we need a separate board for self-hating fat fucks with no ambition or appreciation for beauty

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