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I have fucked up and you know what? I bet tomorrow will be the same plight. Fighting against the instant gratification yoke. Time flying past me. I'm a fuck-up. Nothing short of lowest of the low.
Imagining my day-to-day in the third person feels like a joke.
>He wakes up, smokes half a pack of cigarettes
>after that, he lifts on his workout days, has breakfast and cleans everything
>He then proceeds to squander 10h on degenerate behavior
>He notices before going to bed:
>"man, all that mindless activity sure has taken its toll on my cognitive abilities and my mental ecosystem"
>"golly fucking gosh, what a mess I am"
And instead of waking up and screaming from the bottom of his lungs: "NOOOOOOOO!"
He perpetuates his fuck-upedness even further. Every. Single. Day. Without fail.
A combined 2000h have been spent on pointless shit.
2 0 0 0 f u c k i n g _ h o u r s
I'm a fuck-up Jake, I'M A FUCK-UP!
must be nice living off daddy’s money / government gibs. go fuck yourself and die
know that feel bro. as retarded as it sounds subliminals on youtube helped me fix it.
might be just placebo but when i'm lazing around and scrolling i listen to my willpower playlist on yt and after a couple minutes i feel guilty and get up.
Its never too late to self improve, but most people don't know where to start.
Write down what your biggest addictive degenerate behaviors are and tackle reducing or eliminating them one at a time.
Since you have the NEET gift, this should be treated like your job.
Everybody shits on Jordan Peterson now but his initial advice to losers was sound: there's always something you can improve, no matter how small. He talked about NEETs living in abject filth that had to work hard to motivate themselves to clean one thing, but if they just kept trying again and again it got easier, and good habits built up. You won't improve things instantly but you can start immediately.
Taxcattle ZOGslave seethes at Modern Aristocrat
oh no wont somebody think of the ZOG's money to spend on nigger rapists! shut the fuck up boomer kike
Can’t you peasants hurry up and die already? It’s bad enough you’re around when nobody wants you.
Oh we got a bad boy do we mm mm mmm
i don't understand how someone can goto the gym and not extrapolate that they just need to get good at one aspect of something and then build on that.
must either be a dyel or a roid tranny spinning wheels
I have a friend who has over 5000 hours in a video game. He basically wakes up, plays that one game, then goes to sleep, and has been doing that most of his days for years.
He's 28.
Yeah, it's rough. I'm 27 and don't even have a degree and career, was a NEET of 10 years but started lifting 2 years ago consistently, I don't want to give up, I feel like I'm better right now compared to 5 years ago, will probably get back to school and just keep trying to make up for the time I lost, I don't wanna lose hope and think it's over.
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Nigga was you gooning for 10 hours
>taken its toll on my cognitive abilities
>implying you had any to begin with
While i understand your need to share your story with a place you consider a community despite the derisive comments, none of these motherfuckers on here are going to help you. Only you can. Now go and change your life. Or at least die trying.
Yeah I’m 33. If I described my life on here people wouldn’t believe someone can be that pathetic. But instead of using it as motivation to improve, I’m instead just the most despondent, depressed, miserable person you’ll ever meet. Every night I pray that I die
Yeah big problem a lot of people have is action paralysis, they feel so overwhelmed by so many things they just do nothing. They can't seem to get themselves to do things no matter how much they tell themselves they want to. The trick to beating this is to start with literally the smallest action possible and just build slow and steady.
For OP: your problem, I assume, is that you're a degen gooner? Your initial goal should be the smallest possible thing you could do to improve that behavior that you can think of, hit that goal, and then slowly build on it every day. Also watch this: https://youtu.be/ZXWPGh_cOQY?si=-EX-XcHMOoI0bRwQ

Also: the most important thing, if you "fall of the wagon" or fuck up somehow don't beat yourself up over it and start to feel hopeless. Get right back on the horse, continue building up your habit, and pretend it never happened.
Action paralysis defines my entire life, with the added wrinkle of having zero self esteem or confidence so those actions I would need to take, I think i will fail at all of them so why bother

Unfortunately that also includes suicide which is why I’m. Still here
The nobility class that you idolize is a carefully constructed illusion designed to invoke angst and envy in the average person. None of their accomplishments are real or earned. It's a facade of highly edited and curated content that is allowed to slip through the veneer that acts as a social buffer between the lives of those with wealth and those without. You are chasing an idealized version of reality that doesn't even exist for the richest people on the planet, and you feel bad for failing to measure up to that illusion. You are living in the matrix right now, and you can leave it anytime you want.
Accomplishments don't need to be earned. Just having them by definition makes you above others.
I know WoW players who have legitimately put over 80k hours into WoW and Wow Classic.
WoW hit needs harder than crack hit the black community, but unlike crack, after the initial surge, Blizzard re-released the exact same game again, and all the WoW addicts gave up ANOTHER decade of their life.
Get a job
Something is just wrong with people that feel like WoW is rewarding enough to be addictive. There is something wrong about these people that they can repeat the same mind numbingly stupid repetitive task over and over again and feel good about it because they get a generic reward (item they can show off to others and make them feel superior)

Like they have to be bred of a slave stock in order to function like that. Maybe that is why grindfest MMO's are so popular among asians.
"Here is your reward! An item that allows you to repeat the same dungeon you been doing over and over again but slightly faster! Look how cool you are, look how everyone respects you know!"
>prince vegeta nonut motivation
I have somewhere North of 14k hours in a videogame. Registered by Steam, that is - time spent thinking about it, watching it outside the client, shitposting it on socials or talking about it not recorded.
Life's good, prospects are looking better each year, social life is at its healthiest point.
you retards will make literally anything about muh epic GEENZ to flex how rightwing you are. MMO's are highly social and basically simulate human life except you get measurably rewarded for what you put in, people who get addicted to this just use it as a substitute for a shitty life, usually teens with miserable families and shitty social skills.
Yes, I was and still am kinda addicted to WoW, but nowadays I'm less addicted to it, I don't have a job so I use WoW as my income and sell gold in it, I'm not really playing the game for fun, I play it to pay for my bills.
I just want to get a job and start school again so I can finally quit, I was unfortunate enough to be born in a poor family, they always provided me with the basics but I never had the opportunity many have where their parents pay for their degree over the years.
It's rough out here, I won't give up tho, I'll keep trying to succeed and lifting til I die.
>There is something wrong about these people that they can repeat the same mind numbingly stupid repetitive task over and over again and feel good about it because they get a generic reward
>Like they have to be bred of a slave stock in order to function like that.
Yeah haha imagine doing mind numbingly repetitive tasks as a hobby and posting on a message board devoted to this in your spare time like a slave haha
>he makes breakfast
>he cleans
Not mentally ill you poser
Wow classic players are retards but retail is genuinely competitive environment and no different than playing any other competitive game
Get a job nigga
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seek god nigga
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>>after that, he lifts on his workout days, has breakfast and cleans everything
thats good
If you work for a living you are the problem.
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>nooo you have to work for gaycorp that hates you and will replace you with cheap foreign labor that hates you in order to give up a third of your income to a government that hates you in order to pay for foreign wars of countries that hate you and dysgenic welfare breeding program of subhumans that hate you
>all of this just to marry a fat woman who hates you
Every day you know the next is hopelessly wasted?
Then do nothing.
The most amount of nothing.
Don't check your phone, Don't turn on your computer.
Take a full day to truly rest.
It'll make you feel better
Get well soon Al.
Temporary nothingmaxxing.
>subliminals on youtube
>be lost 20 year old
>get job at logistics company
>love it and am damn fucking good at it
>climbing up the ladder, getting serious with gf, buy house
>turn 30.
>lose job
>lose gf
>burning through savings and retirement to pay for house.
>no one in logistics will hire me because the big corps are downsizing, the mid companies think my experience is bullshit, and the little ones are ran by crazy immigrants.
>hoping wagie job to wagie job because I either get fired for bullshit reasons or quit over how shit it is.
>invte friend in who completely disrespects my house.
>33 now
>get job at walmart
>fall for younger coworker
>think things are looking up.
>rejected in the fullest.
>turns out shes also not the person I thought she was, is actually a weird stoner druggie whore.
>roommate discovers girls are cool, messages some random girl he hasn't talked to in 6 years and is now leaving to move cross country to be with her despite less than a year of long distance dating.
>coworker also in the hospital for something super serious which I'm pretty sure is not something that is recoverable.
>prices and mortgage sky rockets.
>emotions bouncing all over the place
>body keeps rejecting all vices so I can't even drink, stress eat, do weed or jerk off.
>so demotovated that I can barely function out side of my workouts.

I'm not sure if I should just go postal and then kill myself or not.
never give up anon. that would make you gay
I wish I had advice for you but I know for a fact my current life could easily become this (and fast) and just like you it would be outside my control. Also know an incredible number of guys that have been downsized since COVID. Just keep your head above water and keep swimming man.
>fall for younger coworker
>turns out shes also not the person I thought she was, is actually a weird stoner druggie whore.
This is every basedlennial who brags about getting college age pussy btw. Yeah she's fucking a much older guy, you think she's a church girl? It's not 1935 bro
pics or it didn't happen
Which game?
i hope it was at least a multiplayer game if he got 5000 hours in cs:go he must be at least decent by now. if it's some single player jprpg tho that's a yikes and a oof.

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