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What exercises target this muscle group
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Who's hotter?
What are those pigmentations/dots on her ass and thighs? Acne scars? I am a virgin so I don't know.
she was hotter with clothes on huh
Nice pussy, sauce pls
>that's a man
Seeing as how that's the first neovag I've ever seen that makes you take a second look, I'd say that surgeon is a genius

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It is true that the body absorbs nutrients better?
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you gonna cry again ketoschizo?
yolk is better raw, white is better cooked. Just make sunny side up. I'm broke so I gotta make every egg count, if I wasn't I'd be drinking eggs I hate eating eggs.
Id like to point out for the tard acting like everyone is retarded

Cooking is for food safety, yes.
Claiming the safety needs to be paid attention to ONLY because our food system is gross and fucked is disingenuous.

ANIMALS CARRY DISEASES. If you are eating the part of the animal that carries that, you gotta cook it.
Surface meat contains disease.
Deep inner muscle does not.
Eating organs raw is fine.
You must cook your hamburger for safety because it is the part of the animal that carries disease.

Part of the natural way being better is realizing that the natural world is NOT inherently kind or made for humans.

Cooking to avoid disease is very important. Ignore the chump.
To summarize, meat near the surface or skin of an animal should be cooked to kill bacterias that are not good for hoomans
It makes your PISS thick

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It's been two years since she got married and had a kid. I can't let her go bros...
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Oofy doofy brad is fucking her like crazy
Lmao i remember this pic you tried to get me to trib her when i posted my dick in soc

Tribbing is the most retarded fetish i can think of
She doesn't even remember you, move on
Imagine the bond she shared with her new man once the kid was born. He was probably on the verge of tears during the last push. Then the baby is finally born and the three of them.embrace, a complete family.

And you are laying in your bed beating off to memories of her.

What would happen if you trained every single day?
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I occasionally do train every single day, but it's not sustainable long term. Maybe 3 months or so, especially during the summer, but I end up dreading it so my training gets half assed.
Then I figure I'd rather train twice a week and do it right, than every day and half ass it. Then the cycle just repeats.
Training every single day perhaps works if you're doing specialized work like in a dedicated sport, but as we stand, there is really zero fucking reason to go to the gym every day and call that training. It's an utter waste of fucking time
I didn't take a day off in January, finally took one Feb 3, then nothing again til my deload week the last week of February, which I still lifted, just not hard, or every day, or recorded it. So yeah, I try to go 8 weeks straight without many days off. Only take it when I need to. It usually winds up being two or 3 days in that time period. An 8 week programs I create, then deload.
Dude 90% of this board is in their first year of training. Dont waste your time effortposting. Working out has been solved, and all the information they need is on the internet if they so desire. Just enjoy shitposting and misleading them
It would be very painful.
But DOMS are temporary anyway, you'll be fine.
Just, you can't go all out every day, and will end up with a split that either splits things up a lot, or just has 2-3 light days per week.
It would work, but would that be satisfying for you?
Even if split up your muscle groups for it, you're not gonna be able to truly push yourself 6 days a week, your central nervous system will get fried

If you're natty, you need days where you completely rest and recover

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given her available assets?
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The crabs are seething again.
I noticed most black bois are incels. They get so genuinely bitter if they see a even semi attractive black woman with a white man. I’ve dated a few black chicks and they visibly seethe. They’ll try to do the whole fake laughing shtick to cope too, ends and turns into a stank face if you lean in and kiss your bitch. But usually it’s just a stank face. It’s comical at best. Sad but comical. Pretty sure even if we were taking the few hot black women that they wouldn’t be able to pull them and they’d still be single sexless nigs.
more black women should go white
>Approximately 45% of Black women experienced stalking, physical and sexual violence in their lifetimes, and an estimated 51% of Black female adult homicides were related to intimate partner violence,
and that's the reported shit, the rape and std numbers are fucking insane
They're actually so honestly mad.
Maybe it's jealousy?
if you were not drilled by BBC cuck thread you'd realize how tough it is to be a nigger on the dating scene

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How to get quads like this?
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Everyone hates the cops until they need a cop
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>because I am anti-semitic
Yeah, ok....protests have nothing to do with antisemitism. It's about the fucking Zionism that is making a massacre.
Read the news, Schlomo.
I wonder how many jews this dyel girl killed.
>If needed be they would screw you over
You commit crimes that warrant interest from police or what?

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How did he manage to have such a massive impact on fitness culture?
zyzz looks like hes 30 in this pic
He was basically one of the first fitness influencers.
Before zyzz i saw bodybuilding as a roid gut boomer sport. He made it aesthetic and cool
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Looks + Height + Body
Gymcel will deny the first one

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this why I lift
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No, this is /fit/
what on earth makes you think this is gay?
their balls aren't even touching, grandpa...

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>realize how small I am, inheriting body dysmorphia
>Countless hours lost
>Accumulate muscle, but now have a surplus 15-20lbs of fat to lose
>Hundreds of dollars on exercise equipment and nutrition supplements, gone
>Sore as shit all the time
>Develop tennis elbow
What have I done?
you inherited body dysmorphia? damn man, your genetics are shit
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>realize how small I am, inheriting body dysmorphia
No, you should lift and see gains. Strength, size, etc. Stop going on social media
>Countless hours lost
Jerking off isn't a better use of your time
>Accumulate muscle, but now have a surplus 15-20lbs of fat to lose
just lift and eat less. Skip a meal once in a while.
>Hundreds of dollars on exercise equipment and nutrition supplements, gone
comes and goes
>Sore as shit all the time
more BB work, less dl's+squats or whatever sets of FAHVES is nuking your recovery.
>Develop tennis elbow
you still got legs NIGGA

You know what's worse?
Perma DYELing and snapping your shit up when you need your muscles.

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your mistake is thinking this isn't yet another doomer thread in disguise

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Tell me, Anon...
Do you jiggle?
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I bet he jiggled during his multiple roid induced heart attacks.
Glad this vaxxie bootlicker is going to be dead soon. He had a good physique at his peak, shame he turned out to be such a sycophantic fraud.
A shame he became such a stain on his Austrian heritage by sucking Jew cock and shilling vegan/bug food
arnold is the king of psyops so i don't believe anything he says.
he's literally pushing vegan food rn lmao
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How do I stop feeling intimidated by the big guys and stacies at the gym?
What country do you live in? Im in canada and its all indians at my gym.
Remind yourself that what God thinks of you is the only thing that matters and God is proud of you for taking care of the body He gave you.
Australia (the part not invaded by gooks and pajeets)
Train to get more aesthetic as them, looxxmaxx and steal the gaze of their woman.

or eat them for protein.

the white man keeps sitting at home and getting fatter while vagjeet is strengthening his body and getting ready to breed your women. It's over

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Should I take the GOMADpill?
maybe the GOCAD (gallon of cum a day)
yeah would look sick as fuck if you worked out, I wouldn't bring my girl around you.
no man, share your current secret, did you take the leanpill? the homopill? are you roiding, did you have any work done?? height, weight, dick length pls
Dozen of Eggs a Day.
Became barge, the destroyer of worlds.

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I just feel like shit when I go long enough without eating. I have no energy all the time. What can be done?
Meal prep at least protein so you have something you can eat ready when you feel like it.
drink your calories
Literally just eat lol

like, lmao, just eat
you have a problem and making something tasty, or ordering something will help.
When I go on a long ass cut with fasting I feel the same.

Rise up, my low carb bros.
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Forgot the fucking picture...
Looks like dogshit 60IQ meme cultist (((food)))
high carb and high fat is a recipe for getting fat, even if most or all of the fat is saturated animal fat
I just switched out the noodles to julienned squash. Boom, your ramen is now keto.
I don't get why people fall for the cheese, butter and bacon meme diets.
This is generally what my daily percentages look like, am I doing it wrong?

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Is it possible to eat less than the whole jar?
I can't have it at home anymore, and I'm not even talking about the calories: I have severe diarrhea after eating the whole jar.
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Having no self control is nigger behavior.
Niggers aren't welcome here.
>Eating the whole jar
America moment
I don't really see the appeal. I love hazelnuts but Nutella just tastes like sugar paste with a hint of hazelnut flavor.

Now peanut butter I actually can't buy anymore because there is no chance I can stick to just 1 or 2 tbsp, it's just too insanely tasty. Skippy superchunk is like heaven in a jar.

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