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accidentally got wendy's on the way home from work again
The Wendy’s cashier who looked familiar and gave you a receipt with angel numbers on it is an old friend from an alternate dimension and is subconsciously giving you a clue in order to complete The Mission. Notice the signs so you aren’t doomed to repeat the same fate.
whatd you get?
hows the chilly? havent been to a wendy’s in a while. I heard they got rid of the yellow cups.
ffs dude find a different route

>Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products...
Is the Mongolian diet of fresh meats and fermented dairy actually healthier than a standard bodybuilding diet (balanced carbs, low fat, with the right amount of protein)?
some guy at some time said so, so it must be true
Also horse blood and horse milk alcohol
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He was comparing them to peasant soldiers who mostly ate hard gruel and berries/fruits
I'm trying to compare them to modern day athletes and bodybuilders
Pic rel is a chink LARPing with filters and make up. Central Asian (kyrgyz, kazakh, etc) > mongolian if you want a steppe gf
t. Taught English to mongolian students for a couple years

Any other /fit/izens do construction? How did being /fit help the job or how did your job help you get /fit? Got any good stories?

I'll share some of my own in a bit. I did flatwork from the time I was 15 until 25. I'm a SS teacher now in the straight up hood and, between how dogshit the pay is and my department head fucking me over by giving me the shittiest classes nobody else in my department wanted (econ and government is half this upcoming year), I'm considering just going back in. First story:
>Be me
>Dad says he's getting me a job
>Working on his concrete crew
>The rundown (names changed)
>Anthony: dad's best buddy and the nicest guy to me
>Allen: insane, 6'6, jacked ginger white supremacist, the funniest guy who never stopped busting balls
>Jeff: Anthony's brother, looked like Luigi with long, curly hair
>Roger: Dad's other best friend, complete and utter hard ass
>I'll mention other players as they come along but this was the crew when I started out
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First day on the job I watched a drywaller kick the absolute shit out of an electrician because he was accused of stealing a set of pliers. literally like 4 different crew witnessed it, next day no safety talk, no nothing. I heard they both kept their jobs
Masks don't work without a proper seal, which is why the Covid masks on men with giant beards was doublely comedic.
Soldiers required a clean shave for their gas masks, it's what did away with the giant bushy mustaches tradition.
Rubber/plastic to skin and get a proper mask with filters you can change out and read online how long their last, and actually replace them in a timely manner.
I've heard enough stories about silicosis from cutting granite and manufactured countertops to know to avoid manual labor. That's not even including all the other things associated with the jobs.
Working heavy machinery would probably be the best and easiest job.
pull up that fucking rebar, it does nothing on the ground
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the tradie shovels my shit for a penance of pay. hats off to you blue collar cuck!

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My favorite part of lifting is when I almost blackout during a real bitch of a rep. What's yours?
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>hell yeah
dude same lmao I have to grip the fuckin rack to gain my ground again but God damnit that pump was sick as fuck
had that today with squats also
>those post workout endorphins that either make you fall in love or cry
nothing better in the world
Haha yes!!! Did this yesterday on bench. Was coming close to my max, threw on https://youtu.be/ezLw9bGrcCY?si=UgDjBYFM3WoFULcK
1:27 helped me push 10lb past my max for two. Almost cried when I got up but I cranked that mother fucker to 11 and gassed myself for everything I had in the tank
I like feeling like jelly

Big obliques bros... How do we cope?
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Idk but I only do the most horizontal rows along with upright rows now and I think it's reduced my traps a little
>ok why the FUCK do my obliques blow up the way they do
gypsy curse. you are being punished for your transgressions.
confess, and seek redemption.
He is a demigod
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By attaining warlord mode
Your abs said
ight imma head out
Lol jk looking beefy as fuck my guy, nice

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Your complexion looks like this, right? You aren't pasty during summertime?
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Tanning for compliments, kek
Coaches are most often former players. Look at the phenotypes.
>The "white" man is actually GOLDEN.
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I am not gay but holy shit he is attractive.

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Will lifting help me defeat my school bully? I'm serious, I need some exercises to stop her.
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Gotta be 18 to post here, get the fuck out
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I told you not to open your stupid mouth senpai, just wait till I see you at school xoxo
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hey anon, im on deployment right now. what did i tell you about posting retarded things online. im going to peg you when i get home next week. faggot
Do Starting Strength
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I've heard that meat/ eggs/ and milk are significantly better for you when consumed raw, is there any truth to this? Ive only ever had raw oysters, sushi, and my moms undercooked steak. Also where should I go to buy raw meat that won't make me sick?
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>unable to eat a carrot
holy shit
It's pointless. You just poop it out. Literal rabbit feed not human food.
shit man, you have severe colonic problems.
You’re going to need a birth control pill after I give you this raw meat
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As a German I say just get that Mettigel.

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Why do chad looking dudes get on steroids?
They have a good looking face, are tall, most of the time are rich but they still roid.
They live life on easy mode but still wanna risk their health and longevity beauty with roids, why does it really happen? Is the hoe market really that inflated?
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what's with incels and not being able to stop thinking about the things I dont like?
niggers? 24/7 in their heads
trannies? 24/7 in their heads
roidtrannies? 24/7 in their heads
Major League Baseball has a lot of these guys
>why do pro athletes do peds?
it’s a mystery
I’m more in awe of the fact that there are attractive men saturated in one place
Almost like the risks of roids are way overstated and most people who do them just get away with it.

>inb4 “no leg training”
I already know. I lift for aesthetics so not tryin into T-Rex mode like a woman. Rollerblading is plenty for my legs.
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Legs and ass are part of your aesthetics you buffoon. You're going to look retarded with twig legs and an ironing board for an ass.
Do you think the handsome lions or the strong lions gets all the lioness cunny?

There's a way to be incredibly strong and aesthetic. Eddie Hall would pull more ass than you because he would make you shit your pants.
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Handsome everytime. Thats why Face is king, face slays even without knowing what a benchpress or squat is.
>just ogremax bro
>no hip thrusts
trash it.

have you ever been liftmogged by a female?
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Xena lifts in anon's gym.
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no but I swimm 4 times a week and sometimes a 14 year old girl is in the pool at the same time who belongs to a swimming club and mogs me so fucking hard its not even funny. Her freestyle is like 20 seconds faster on 100m and she can keep it up for an hour.
I am 6ft 200lb and above average/intermediate strength
I have never seen a woman stronger than me irl in over 12 years of working out

But I have seen women mog me on pull ups and cardio. There are some women stronger than me online but not many
gross beta manlet fetish fantasy...
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New to exercising, so I'm trying to start myself up with some push ups and chin ups at the nearby park but after a workout I always feel like mostly the right side of body is getting worked up and not the whole body. I'm not noticing anything weird when I pull myself up or lift myself of the ground as to suggest me leaning too much on either side, and I always look at where my hands are as to be in the same position. The right side of my body, both hands and chest, is more muscular from just doing natural work, but I still don't know if It's normal to feel like this. Is this normal or am I dumb?
OP this is an early sign of cardiomegafagaly. The main differential is if after exercise you feel mostly your right side being engaged and then your brain feels sluggish and unable to make sense of it. You usually know for sure if you have cardiomegafagaly if you begin struggling to understand written language. It impacts the portion of your brain related to reading comprehension so if doctor you must not hospital for if you have no buts then do it now because the right shoe won't go on the head and you'll recovery erection goes soft. Do NOT have any underarm or scratch and help immediately. You must reply to this post or you're never gonna make it.
Good post
Its pretty normal if you are right-handed. You have to focus on lifting more with your left side until its even, or else if you continue like this it's just going to grow more imbalanced.
Kid named stupid

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Fit mogged by me I could break you twinks in half with one hand
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A strong lardass is still a lardass, and lardasses die early.
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I don't need to be as strong as you to smash your face with picrel if you dare to lay a finger on me in the gym, you fucking scum.
Please do
T. Twink
>I can almost guarantee you cannot fuck for an hour straight without cumming faggot.
/fit/ is a bunch of larping 14yos isn't it?
>t. doesnt get laid because he isnt 8 feet
get out muh face foo

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Guys plz help me achieve this physique, what do I need to do?
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4iu GH daily
4000 calories a day (80% junk 20% clean

tranny lol
Get humiliated by your jewish overlords on a regular basis
Study engineering and eat ice cream during a hot day in Texas or Arizona for 3 summers and argue with rich boomers about every nickel and dime
Have your “daughter” sneak her hormones into your coffee in the morning

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eye run 10K every other day and do 10-30 pullups every day

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