>Unfucks your sleep>Unfucks your energy levels>Unfucks your heart>Unfucks your bones>Boosts immune system>Boosts focus>Boosts test>Safe to supplement up to 10,000IUWhy the FUCK aren't you megadosing the most powerful nutrient known to man?
>>75852876>going outside
>>75852681>Oh you want to take X?>It won't do shit unless you also take Y!>And you might as well do Z too, then!This is why I will never take any supplements.
>>75852198>>Safe to supplement up to 10,000IU
>>75853026That was from the vaxx
Just finished cut. Am I ready for summer?
>>75852133>I've been going to the gym 4x a week for 17 years!!!
>>75852133Those tiny lil forearms kek
>>75852667>>75852721I agree he could go a little leaner but depending on height an entire 3% is a lot separately, the thread is of course filled with poojeets calling that body small, they should go ahead and post their pudgy brown frames for us to point and laugh at
>>75852984Nah bro, I have the exact same fat distribution genetics as that guy, and I fucking hate how hard it is to get rid of love handles. He's legit at 15%bf
>>75852993same, which is why I say that last bit of tire is absolutely not worth the pain, certainly not just to look good at the pool little soft around the ribcage though
How do you cook your Scrambled Eggs so they don't taste like ass?
>>75842049Whip eggs with bit of salt and whole milk, I usually just use a fork.Add the butter, let it just about to brown.Pour in your eggs, wait a bit, then scramble them up but don't overstir.Serve, sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper, smoked paprika, hot sauce if desired.Sometime I will add herbs like thyme. I have a bottle of herbs de Provence that would work but I usually only do that to impress company.
>>758420496 whites4 yolks (the other 2 are for my cats)butterjalapeno sliceshotsaucei prefer mine for White than heavy yolked
>>75844918ghee is clarified butter but cheaper and sold in bulk because poos are poor and 'clarified butter' is for posh fags
Salt, pepper and wala you got some eggs, anon.
>>75852972It's wollah
Sup nerds, I have a home gym but it's not on a platform or anything, so got a barbell and 400lbs of weight was thinking I'd like to go out back in the grass and deadlift but I need a creative solution for what to lay down over the wet grass to protect the weights from moisture and shit. I'm thinking maybe a painters plastic drop cloth because I have a few sitting around. Any other ideas?
>>75852850A towel
>>75852850Your boyfriends anal lube
I feel so much better not working out. Crazy that you can achieve fitness by just eating raw meat and organs.
He's a hero.
>>75849987You dont even need to eat, I started sun gazing and I get all necessary nutrients straight from the sun
>>75849987Goatis is right that overtraining can really screw your body up, but so does being sedentary. Total midwit take overall, he should start working out again, all the /sci/ence says he'll die early just sitting around.
>>75850717This entire thread is samefagging
>hitting arms at the gym, feeling swole>decide to go for a heavy cheat curl, because ego is anabolic>form is "questionable" at best>ascent is fine,>controlled descent>hear and feel a disgusting, wet POP in my right bicepAm I fucked?
I thought she was wearing a diaper. I'm extremely disappointed.
Yes, you are fucked, for the simple fact that you inexplicably come to polynesian buttsex forums for medical diagnoses
>>75851913you finally got the courage to post it again huh? look at that whores disgusting fucking skin disease on her legs
Yeah if you tore your bicep thats bad...sad biotch fuck happy china dick I think you should see the doctor
>>75851913Wtf is going on with her legs and feet? Nasty.
most buff good looking dudes at my local gym take some kind of roids, even the only "good looking" and muscular chick there takes them. i've been lifting for 2.5~3 years and i still look kinda like shit, chubby and big, like a fucking bear. there's one guy who trained for 10 years and he looks like a buffed version of zyzz, this is a fucking meme bruh. jay cutler, arnold, kai greene, etc, all did shit ton of roids and are 60 years old and fine, even jay cutler stills works out like a god, if you have the money, why not take that path?
people that get fooled deserve everything after which results of it
>>75852722>I don't get why roidmonkeys are so butthurt whenever other people don't do roids.High estrogen. Women (and high E men) confuse consensus with logic.
>>75850873We used to have a gunshop up front, gym in back place in our town. I miss going there with my Dad.
> jay cutler, arnold, kai greene, etc, all did shit ton of roids and are 60 years old and fineyeah, let's look at the outliers and ignore all the people that aren't rich and die from steroid use>if you have the money, why not take that path?do it, faggot. do you need our permission?why do you care if other people are natty?
>>75847554Manlets hogging all the derringers
What does /fit/ wear to the gym? I usually wear a tight t shirt with either warmups or colored polyester shortsPic related, breath divinity sponsored athlete, been considering that brand because im an edgy zoomer
>>75852754>too retarded to read basic numbersAt this point how can you even write? Do you ask AI to read and write for you? AI become too good these days...
>>75847592I want to see her cunt
>>75852101>all of a suddenwelcome to /fit/, first day?
>>75852928>...lol fag
>>75847592Ideally we'd all work out in colorful striped singlets. Gym fashion really peaked in the 90s.
Can I use a basketball court to practice sprints effectively? I can make it across in like 5 seconds. Would I be able to boost my effectiveness by sprinting around it at the corners?
>>75852672Suicides. Same as you should do for posting this hideous shecoon.
>>75852672Starts and accelerations across the diagonal (32m / 106 ft standard?) maybe. Not enough to get going flat out and you also need to decelerate.Plenty of stuff on YouTube for acceleration and direction changing for court sports players but I only do track so can't recommend anyone.
>>75852672you cant find 300 feeet to sprint in?
>>75852672Yes. For extra effectiveness shout racial slurs and puncture the ball with a knife, and the local basketball Americans will give you encouragement to run faster.
>>75845156irony is these "signs" are just bait. if ahe is actually into you it will be subtle.
>>75845099WTH is going on here with her ear, is it stitched or some kind of piercing
>>75852934Do you not know what hair is?
>>75852224No, dumbass, you choke them out or break their arm.
>>75852950I can't really tell. looks too light and weirdly angles to be her hair and it looks like they go through her ear? But then later they disappear. Probably hair that she pushes away with her arm and looks weird because of video artifacts
Post exercises, diet for healing, and experiences>hit by car 7 weeks ago >Humerus fracture >Damaged nerves>Index, ring, and pinky have healed good>Thumb is making progress >Middle finger has stagnatedI'm starting to freak out.
>>75850108Lactate. Your answer is lactate.Lactate is a by-product of the breakdown of glucose. Lactate in turn is converted into lactic acid, the buildup of which causes the sensation of "muscle burn" when one is working out. Lactate itself, before it's converted into lactic acid, causes a chain reaction in the body leading all the way to the brain, resulting in the production and release of BDNF, Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor. If you've ever heard of the term "hypertrophy" for muscles, the term "neurotrophy" for brain cells should make sense to you. BDNF is pretty much HGH for the brain, it is the most potent molecule of all that our brains use for the maintenance of brain cells (neurons).When most people think of the brain, they think of this blob that sits inside our skull, but our brain is actually this blob, plus the nervous system. The very nerves at the tips of your fingers and toes are as much your brain as that thing inside your head that is giving you weird thoughts about that twink always doing bulgarian squats with a Z-bar next to the power rack.If you want to help your brain fix your nerves, you will want to pump up BDNF. When you exercise, try to maintain a 70-80% intensity, stimulate the "muscle burn" sensation, which indicates that you have high levels of lactate which is being turned into lactic acid. Forget about gains, focus on exercising in a certain way that maximizes the amount of muscle burn you experience. I'm not saying it'll fix it, but this approach would be one of your best bets.Dark chocolate (70%+) is also a potent stimulator of BDNF, but it doesn't come close to the effectiveness of lactate.
>>75850220How is that relevant to anything that he just said?
Let them rest.Let them rest.
I was doing power shrugs last week and my right bicep tendon felt weird after, it still feels tight and a little painful when I do back/bicep exercises. Whats the deal? How to fix?
If you can still curl you didn't tear it. Just rest.
>>75848778Power shrugs do nothing. You’re retarded. I hope the 0 gains were worth the injury
What is a power shrug?A shrug is a tiny movement what can you even take out for q power variant?
>>75849374Using momentum>>75849284How long
>>75848778Because power shrugs are fucking retarded.
>estradiol down 2pts
>>75851145Congratulations, anon.WAGMI, if we try.
>had sex with a womanage 14>had a relationship with a womanage 14>has a degreeworking on it :3>moved out your parentsparents moved out at age 15, I moved out alone at 18>has a good physiquesince 18>has a stable jobstudying, but work part time tooI'm 35 years old.
>>75836464Everyone has different opinions but a lot of oldniggers don't understand how much the socioeconomic fabric has warped in such little time. Despite incels thinking it's a woman problem, everything stems from current career prospects.There is no more middle class. 80% of it was converted to lower-middle class and the other 20% split between upper-middle class and high class (primarily techniggers striking it rich). The issue is, the minimum viability for life. The bar's now been set at upper-middle class. If you haven't landed a career that pays well/frees up time, as a man, you are nothing.You can't afford the house. The fancy new gadgets. The vacations. The memberships. The expensive nights out. All of that does not exist for you. Women don't need you anymore, You'd think that because, technically, the upper-middle class and above have grown in size, your odds of landing there are better. Except you're wrong. We're now in a hyper-competitive landscape. Within the last 1-2 years we've started seeing 16 year old autists competing for SWE internships. 9 year olds spending hours a day learning to code. Because both the stakes and incentives have never been higher. If you were clueless or simply didn't know any better, you're fucked. New grad compsci majors out of jobs for +2 years. Good luck.There is no current "over" age, because it's a lottery and your ticket is opportunity. You could land a great job that solves everything for you at 25, just as you could at 35. But the more you wait, the more your odds deteriorate.
>>75852290True. Americans thought the bounty of the land fell from the sky and wasn’t wrested from fierce nature or courageous warriors by even fiercer more courageous men.They thought they didn’t need to protect it and they lost it. With such speed they lost those who saw the height of prosperity more than any time and place in all the eons of man today see it all thrown away into one of the most ruthless cruel and anti-human forms of social organization to ever exist.The National equivalent of falling from the Moon into an Agarthan basement.
>>75839734based.just look at this you fucking pussiesits never over for a man unless you give up.there is always a way
>>75836817And we're all 6'3 at least.
>humbles you
>>75851674cables for that cost like $20
>>75851666that machine is a cable system dipshit
>>75851168These suck suboptimal dick. Do W raises instead for rear delts.https://hawkesphysiotherapy.co.uk/exercise/standing-dumbbell-w-raises/>tea & crumpets cunt
>>75851388Chimpanzee anon detected.
>>75851267based stroke poster