> I have been trying to heal the injuries but it has been difficult to focus on that in the last 3 yearsBe sure to get enough sleep.Also, do some respiratory exercises like Accumulation and Reinvigoration every day. Check the attached picture for a description of each.
Hello /fit/, today, my friend wants to... "look more like a bottom", what should I recommend to my friend on where to start (besides cardio equipment) because they really want to try the gym.
>>75851830Yeah "your friend"You a fucking sissy anon
>>75851830Your friend is catching, not pitching?
how cucked are you if you get a bad nights sleep after a hard lift. i got like 4-5 hours last night. are all my gains gone?
>>75852169>If not, supplement 4k-6k Vit D daily.i live in fucking scotland so i need to supplement i guess. do you know of any quality brand/purveyor of vitamin D tablets?
>>75849245I don't understand any of how muscle growth and repair works but why would lack of sleep stop it from happening? Is the muscle just gonna not repair itself? like why the fuck would it do that. It makes sense though that lack of sleep would hinder performance/energy levels for future lifting sessions though
>>75852306>It makes sense though that lack of sleep would hinder performance/energy levels for future lifting sessions thoughyep. youre correctpeople always say "you grow in your sleep", but its not true at all, you grow muscle the least in your sleep. Muscle protein synthesis is highest after weight training and consuming a high protein meal.the benefit of sleep is for hormonal health and energy levels. its still important.
>>75852175They're all pretty much the same, drops are a bit better than tablets for absorption. Would recommend something like 8000IU a day for 2 weeks to get to baseline levels quickly, then 4000IU daily. Also, very important that you take in tandem with Vitamin K2.
>>75849337Balls - it's only since electric light we've got the habit of 1 long sleep - we used to split in 2. Sleep for 3-4 hours then wake for another 2-3, then sleep another 3-4.I sleep like this and my gains are fine.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyphasic_sleep
What kind of training or lifestyle choices are you doing to promote longevity?
>>75844240this but I wear sunblock. I will not be a non-sun block zoomer
>>75851001Could you do this but with a very big hat? I wanna sumbreromaxx and am curious if I'll still need sunblock for my skin.
Plastic surgery, skincare, fitness, botox, fillers, money and healthy diet are necessary to age well fun lady fuck fun china dick make sure to stay away from shit that ages you
>>75852178>Plastic surgery... botox, fillersis only really needed if you have some kind of severe deformity. unless you have serious skincare skill issues, other technology should more than suffice these days.
>>75845013Woman detected
I have kidney stones and my doctor told me to limit protein intake, how am I meant to bulk now? I'm so fucked
Kidney stones another gift of science, thank you science please pasteurize my soft tissue daddy science
>>75850979lotta people would rather die than drink 3 liters of water a day
>>75851355>Calcium oxalate are the most common, and are associated with high oxalate diets; spinach,nuts, legumes, etc.Everyone should look up what the highest food sources of oxalates are. I always hear people saying things like beans or nuts are high, but most foods are nothing compared to spinach, kale, beets, chard etc. where as beans and nuts are incredibly good for you and have WAY less in comparison. Just don't eat chard, kale, spinach, beets etc. No reason to avoid nuts and beans like a dumbass because people don't know how to stop spreading disinfo.Also you can get magnesium citrate powder that's lemonade flavored as a supplement, and also get citric acid (what makes lemons sour) and malic acid (what makes apples sour) as supplement powders and mix it with the magnesium and some stevia and a bunch of water and basically make a very acidic lemonade magnesium drink that flushes the hell out of your liver and kidneys. also start taking milk thistle and drinking more water.drink the acidic drink with a stainless steel straw so you don't wear out your teeth with the acidic drink, and rinse your mouth with water after, and drink plain water after as well. Eat some food too so it's not too hard on your stomach.I am NOT a doctor. This is NOT medical advice. do your own research. Ask your doctor before doing anything.
>>75851702>nuts>>75850887Eating cashews almost killed this woman. as for beans, I eat tons of beans and have never had an issue with them. I think its because they have lots of fiber and are low in fat. I also get enough calcium and stay hydrated.
Yiu have to exclusively use butter and olive oil to cook.Every other fat kills your gains
>>75841583What about tallow and coconut oil?
>>75843217i'm australian and my mother let me eat ice cream for breakfast as a kid
>>75846875>literally and figuratively a mouth breather
>>75847912I have 2 kids with the third on the way and seeing that little girl living like that breaks my fucking heart you moron.
>>75852217No fairy bread?
ok so i have a normal physique i think not super skinny and not fat either but my stomach almost always sticks out especially from the side not rly from the front if you look at the pic attached i am 57kg and 167cm btwik u cant spot reduce fat but even when i was at a lower weight like around 50kg its still there so idk if its just genetic, bad posture or smth else?how do i actually fix this?
>>75846968That's just where your body stores fat. It's genetic. You could try and fix your posture like >>75848227 said, but if your posture is fine then it's nothing to worry about.I think in general women don't understand that their entire body is sexual and that a bit of a tummy bulge like that is super hot to the majority of men even if unconsciously
>>75847427You are so fucking late
>>75851937And yet no one else did it before
>>75846968>how do i actually fix this?fix your anterior pelvis tilt for starters
Is discussion on general appearance things like hair loss allowed here or just gym shit
>>75851918If you eat enough red meat you don't need creatine.
>>75852012I got some red meat for you right here lol
>>75852131$50 CAD.
>>75851333>general appearance thingsthese are more discussed on /fa/
Who is /fat/ for?For burger bandits working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/>What do I do first?1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).>Now what?Count calories, all of them.Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>75852163Keep doing your best
>>75852096I wish I could go back to not caring. I didn't care for 30 years why do I have to care now?
>>75851857>Why is being fat bad again?I don't get the disappointing results part. What were you hoping for?>Why is being fat bad again?When i look at my old pictures, i always want to go back and don't understand why i became a lazy glutton again.t. almost halfway back there, finally
Fatty Contestlooxmaxretard200689.6kg
Are you ready for summer /fit/?
>>75852143because you've been spamming it for like two months and get defensive anytime someone asks for a TS, which would be cringe in itself, but the alternative (and a lot more gay) is that youve saved this mans image to your device to larp as, sus fr
>>75852150Why would you ask for a transsexual?
>iphone 15 >old ios filenamekek. larp failed
>>75852150>because you've been spamming it for like two monthsNah, i'm >>75852086
For all the arm dyels like me, once you start strapping up and doing heavy curls (I do 4 sets of 5 twice a week, plus 4 sets of light @ 10-15 reps twice a week) this groove appears after like 2 months.This may not be news to most people, but I was trying to get forearm gains doing wrist curls etc. Only when I started doing heavy curls did I actually get forearm gains.That is all.
>>75850274>>75849758>Do you live here botanon?no bot, that is once again projection of yours - u "live" here, and nowhere else>search for a pussy HAHAHHAHAHAlooks nothing like it bot, i thought that's hamstring and very misshapen calf or fatceps >>75850485>What part of the forearm does cat girl cable curls work? Just started doing them and I feel like it works better than regular wrist cable curlsthis is better bot>>75849418>finger flexion:>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2oWz1fKgik [Embed]>awesomecontains finger flexion for mighty grip, doesn't injure your - your forearm is supinated instead of pronated as bot tries to talk u into >but what is wrong with pronated wrist curls? Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>75852061>feels bad (different muscles) and bot is saying u should do them over what this cloomber invented:>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2oWz1fKgik [Embed] [Embed]probably wants u to develop golfer's elbow :D Common Issues:Overactive/Short Wrist Flexors: The wrist flexors are prone to becoming overactive and short from overuse in repetitive activities involving wrist flexion, gripping or forearm pronation. Such activities are often athletics-related: any overhand throwing activity, golf swing, bowling, tennis forehand stroke, gripping a rock climbing hold or gripping a bar during weight training. The overactive these muscles become, the more tension they put on the common flexor tendon.Medial Epicondylitis: Medial epicondylitis, better known as golfer’s elbow, will develop if the common flexor tendon is put under too much stress from overuse and wrist flexor/pronator tightness. The excessive stress leads to chronic degeneration of the tendon and pain on the medial epicondyle. The pain is most intense during wrist flexion, forearm pronation, passive wrist extension, passive forearm supination and gripping activities. Other symptoms include reduced grip strength, in addition to weakness and limited range of motion during wrist flexion and forearm pronation. https://www.kingofthegym.com/wrist-flexors/right bot? >>75852061>meine second post here:>>>75849305 (You)
>>75848462upskirt pic of a chubby lady
>>75852067> n-nooo human, your post can't be visible in default non catalog view feed, i will talk about cunts it doesn't look like that in the slightest bot :D mine: >>75852064>>75852061>>75849418
>>75852077>it doesn't look like that in the slightest bot :D>mine:>>>75852064 (You)>>>75852061 (You)>>>75849418 (You)it looks exactly like what it is: >>75849305>muscle doesn't taper, it's biceps tendon responsible for forearm supination by biceps, it goes atop muscles of forearm - "muscle" doesn't "taper" at all - they go all the way to elbow>jointed long and short head biceps tendon at elbow divides into part that goes into radial bone (the one on thumb side) and this thing>>Deep fascia of forearm (insertion of the bicipital aponeurosis)>https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/biceps-brachii-muscleI
Hi fit. I don't actually believe that Ozempic causes blindness, and I still think that Ozempic is worth the risks associated with taking it. However, it is rather expensive and there have been shortages in the past, so I would like you to spread this disinfo around your "get off my lawn" Facebook groups where you convince people that anything that comes out of a needle (other than anabolic steroids) is poison. The important part of this meme is to force the association of "NAION" and Ozempic, Wegovy, and semaglutide. AI slop: >Studies suggest that the diabetes and weight loss drug Ozempic (semaglutide) may increase the risk of developing non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), a rare eye condition that can cause vision loss. https://www.lawsuit-information-center.com/ozempic-gastroparesis-lawsuit.html>NEW: Sudden Vision Loss or NAION (nonarthritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy)>A new study found an association between semaglutide and nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), a type of eye stroke that causes sudden vision loss. Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, which includes Ozempic.4chan made at least a few thousand people die from COVID vaccine refusal so I am sure that you Anons can meme Ozempic into being refused by low info, obese pieces of shit in flyover states.
>>75850489>like,yes,woman, tranny or bothshow tits or gtfo
>>75848053I have literally smoked a pack a day, then stopped completely
>>75848053Look down at your fat belly. YOU HAVE FOOD stored beneath the skin. Tell yourself, out loud "before I take in any food through my mouth, I am first going to eat this food beneath my skin. I acknowledge that it will feel uncomfortable and will ignore that feeling".Ezpz
>>75850489>With food you need to eat SOME food. Not a lot, but not nothingPic rel >It's why fasting and OMAD are some of the most effective long term diets; you accept that if you eat you're going to eat a lot, so you minimize the number of times you eat so that your overall food intake is a reasonable level.So you agree there's no reason to use hormone-altering drugs.
>>75846779the other thing worth mentioning is the kind of sudden vision loss these people are experiencing is already associated with Diabetes, so there's a pretty decent chance that if these people are taking semaglutide for diabetes, they're at risk of this particular kind of vision loss, anyway.
>fuck around all day shitposting on /tv/ and /pol/>at 11pm get a surge of motivation>take preworkout>go to the gym>lift hard >cardio on rowing machine>super qt 9/10 girl comes in>only 2 of us in the gym>act indifferent and too autistic to make smalltalk>lift again a little to check her out some more in the mirrors>come back>eating rice and eggs like a chinese farmer and angry at how I can't even gather the courage to say hi>preworkout has too much caffeine and can't even sleepFuck this gay earth, what good does lifting do to you if you can't even talk to girls? Oh and I also let out a huge fart when I was doing squats, she had her headphones on but was pretty close and it wasn't just a blank shot it had some smell to it so maybe it was over before it even started.
>>75851469quit watching porn
>>75851575how do i talk to her when she looks like a pornstar
>>75851579just pretend she's your sister or your cousin or your mom. no reason to be nervous
ive read its ideal to have TSH below 2 so im pretty high but still in normal levels apparently. What do i need to do to lock in and get this lowered, i now eat plenty of zinc, selenium, calcium, vitamin D, sun, i heard meditation can help via reducing stress and fixing sleep pattern? any anons had success dealing with borderline hypothyroid?
my t3 was slightly high, no idea if thats a good thing or shows my thyroid is strained
>>75851564Heavy exertion can cause spikes in tsh, mine came up 8 or something on a heavy squat volume day, 5 ish about two days or so later and then down to 2 after some more days; clearly following an exponential decay reacting to an impulse stimulus.When you get tested for anything make sure you are in homeostasis, if your measurements are capturing some transient fluctuations then the tests are not representative.
I think u need rt3 tested to get a full picture