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How I look at niggas Making excuses to why they got fat
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I was 280lbs (6'3") and I made every excuse.
>Work is crazy
>I don't have time
>Old injury is nagging
>I just don't like exercise
>I need quick meals
>I don't have the money for health food
I got into running and lost 90lbs. I eat right, exercise daily, and enjoy it.
It really only takes a few months of commitment to form a new habit/lifestyle
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>be me, dating QT latina
>she gains a little weight, as latinas do
>maybe it's my thyroid? Better go to the dr and get tested
>a week later
>anon, good news! My thyroid is fine!
>o good I'm glad your ok
>seethe internally because it means she just got fat on her own because that's what women do
Even just one day of intense cardio increases your metabolism for a week enough to lose like 1kg if you are eating at your regular maintenance

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You did not lift the weight
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You did not kill yourself
what the fuck is a diddly bar
..a bar, made for diddlys
Poojets are the ones not breaking parallel during squats and acting like hot shit thoughever
wouldnt normal bar just snap under 500kg of plates

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Is a gram of protein per pound of body weight really necessary?
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Masa and beans
See the issue with grains is that they're shit today. Masa flour isn't niscomel, it's additives and industrial bleaches. Bread as well isn't whole wheat flour, it's bleached sawdust powder with 15 different chemicals
Eat real food.
The biggest/cheapest brand is preservatives free.
That's just eggs, milk, chicken and beef

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I think you can reach the softcap in natural bodybuilding after a few years of training and most guys won't look too impressive at this point, basically like "hey, this guy might possibly work out from time to time". You are limited by your hormonal profile and stop adding any noticeable muscle mass, any extra calorie you consume just turns into fat and even though you get stronger (because of this extra fat mass), you don't build any new muscle tissue, no matter what you do. I'm not a roidtranny demoralizer, but from my observations I'm afraid it really all comes down to this. Getting autistic about your routine and diet might give you a tiny advantage, but won't impact the final result by a large margin. I think it's probably wiser to slow down after hitting a serious plateau in terms of adding mass and either juice or try to stay healthy by doing cardio/sports. Natty ceiling is painfully low.
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I always had big delts and high insertion traps that look big, i am not red nor i have high blood pressure, i am just tan cause i am on beach every day, and camera/light made me look redish.. but you dont have to believe me and undercover roider cracked me up nicely so thanks for that
>looks like Zyzz
>I'm not a roider lol
Die nigger
>its the same story when you mention how certain muscles (such as calves and forearms) are 99% genetics and just don't respond to exercise and can be increased by maybe 1% by effort that you might aswell put somewhere else.
I never seen a fatty with small calves

you are just a retard that trains every muscle group 3x12 without thinking about slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers
I was just shitposting
I mean this thread is about bodybuilding.
I'm not saying you look bad, but you said yourself you're 71kg - anyone with a casual interest in lifting and isn't a manlet should look like that at 71kg.
the fact that the people responding to you are questioning your natty status shows the state of this board - that's my point.

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How does one get such chest gains?
>t. smol chest
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>you don't use your chest to push things off of you
Happy to help friend
yeah you do
no you don't. You use your arms and shoulders
not really

>Clean and jerk? You mean the ideal wife?
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>if you jerk and forget to clean, you might be a redneck
>Nothing better than a 200 pound snatch, if you know what I mean
Kys op
hahah those were good

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How do people fall for this grifter Goatis?
Dude has zero credentials and not a single claim he has ever made has any proof whatsoever. He just says random shit and people believe him like sheep.

What is the cause of this insanity?
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just check what he says. that's what i did. he's 80% correct even just judging by established biology.
>just check what he says
>that's what i did.

>he's 80% correct even just judging by established biology.
Excellent exmaple of why some people shouldn't do their own research.
He parrots Aajonus mostly. He's wrong about salt and fasting but that's it.
Braindead leftist detected.
Not OP. You forgot the "and" that followed the credentials statement. He has nothing.

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What are some hobbies you do to decompress that are not lifting/running?
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favorite word of the zoomers, every single one does "projects"
what kind of projects do you think they do?
>I need to be good at something or else I'll never be worthy of love
This but unironically. Nobody wants to connect with you if you're a mediocre loser.

Should I even be taking creatine? I'm trying to cut my supplements down since the supp industry are being Jews. It seems there's creatine in red meat and fish, but I can't find any consistent sources as to how much. Some say there's only 1g in a pound of beef, some say there's 5g in a pound. How much is there and will I fuck myself up eating 1lb of beef everyday? I also eat salmon which has it. I don't wanna pay out the ass for Chinese mystery powder if I'm already getting what I need out of real food. My hair is also thinning.
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Lol proving it more with redditisms, weirdo.
That's a nice compliment. Anyway, I'm not the guy with a FWB and I personally don't like the idea of anything but a serious, monogamous, heterosexual relationship; I just despise your kind and felt compelled to reply.
he's a larping browncel pay no attention
I didn't mean it in the stupid sense, like "islamophobic" or "homophobic", moron.
There's still time to repent and change your ways anon

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Is pasteurized honey still healthy, or is it just sugar syrup?
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honey is a meme for bro science retards
>t. dyel bee
What does the E stand for?
The E stands for "entirely" and the B stands for "B.E.". So the expression expands to "B.E. entirely yourself, which then further expands to "B.E. entirely entirely yourself" ad infinitum.
We ARE all gonna make it.

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Most couples balloon up like this and then wonder why their marriage becomes sexless

Yeah no shit
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People get complacent in long term relationships, OP.
You go from the "We fuck all the time and do all sorts of crazy adventures" to "Shit, we have to pay a mortgage, someone has to get the kids up and ready for school, and we have to figure out how we'll afford college for Little Billy in the next few years" shit. And what do most people do when they stress about normie shit? EAT, that's what.
And most people don't get fat overnight, they usually gain 5-10 lbs. a year, which isn't noticeable the first year or two. THEN, as soon as they notice, they think "Well, it's just a little fat, if I put on more, I'll work on it later", and end up putting on 20-40 lbs. more before they realize they had to buy all new fat clothes to fit into and now they're WAY out of bounds.
That's life, and why it's important to find someone of similar values who isn't going to just pile out into a troll as soon as you put a ring on their finger.
Because problems in life compound over time and as soon as being fit goes from easy to a little inconvenient most people decide there are more important things to focus on.
I call it "Goy cattle death"
Lmao no
Based wife lover

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>spend a shitload of money buying pic rel for my GF
>she doesn't lose a single pound

Are some people just immune to this shit?
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>basically just kills the appetite
is fucking useless. there's nothing easier than just no eating, I have to literally force myself to eat most of the time and was sometimes starving for days because I was too lazy to go to convenience store or to prepare food, but it didn't get me ripped. regular meals with intended macros did. proven things like clen, eca, cardarine, etc. are what actually works
No, I got on Saxenda when I was hitting a wall and feeling low after counting calories and hitting the gym.

But do tell me how you're better than me. Seems like that's what you mean.
And if you keep pushing past that instinct to where you puke every time, you'll retain excess calories and become obese. In fact that's how they became obese in the first place.
You need to buy more than one dose, anon.
I’ve seen people out-eat their gastric sleeve over time. Don’t underestimate mental illness.


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>decided to start working on my homegym 2 months ago
>bought barbells, dumbbells, bench, put a pullup bad on the wall
>look into machines, these start getting expensive
>can't decide if it's actually worth it
>be today
>not feeling 100%
>stomach is bubbling, making weird noises
>been farting vile farts the whole day
>shit myself
>like squeezing a bottle of water
>throw shart gym shorts in the corner next to the bench
>finish squats while releasing bursts of watery shit
>wipe it off, finish my workout
there's no place like home. imagine this happening in a public gym with Stacy filming her ass nearby, catching it all on camera

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OP here, I release my cat in the gym ever other day and he takes care of them. Ceiling is high but I put things around the wall helping him climb up there and reach the spiders. I expect soon they'll either leave or Tom is gonna genocide them.
I'm sick bro, been feeling under the weather for a few days and it caught up to me yesterday. Took a bunch of anti diarrhea meds and next shit i'm taking is gonna be next week
>Ceiling is too low for standing overhead stuff though.
It's the only problem I have with my current home gym. I had to get a short rack, and cannot do standing overhead press with the barbell. I can do it with my Ironmaster dumbbells though.

I fucking love standing overhead press with the barbell, so this really pains me, but I survive. The other benefits of a home gym are absolutely worth it.

My rack has been super customized, too. It has custom barbell storage for my Rogue Ohio Power Bar and my Rep Rackable Curl Bar, a speed bag mounted, and a custom jank cable system. It sits on a custom deadlift platform, too.
Rep Fitness makes some amazing benches at a good price.
Cannot go wrong with this one.
>Why do so many people shit themselves?
This board has pure concentrated pajeet hate but half the guys here shit themselves...PROUDLY lmfao. Is a pajeet sharting himself while squating with a barbell /SHIT/ cultural appropriation?
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>ozempic face
isnt this just from losing weight?
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>tfw inner monologue never stfu
i wish it was a blessing, but it's mostly rumination
The problem with inner monologue questions is it's difficult to word them in a way that prevents confusion. Some people are probably answering that they don't have one when they actually do, but are still kinda dumb and don't realize it isn't schizo tier voices.
You can also think with visual and emotional association, I do this and also have inner speech. I can see how someone with just visual-emotional thinking could have a moral compass
I think this is complete nonsense and just people getting confused what imaging things is like. No I don't close my eyes and get a perfect 4k projection of an apple on my eyelids, but I can see it in my mind.
Like when these people jerk off to a fantasy, do they imagine the sexual words in their heads?
>omg the word pussy is so hot
>no u
>I don't close my eyes and get a perfect 4k projection of an apple on my eyelids, but I can see it in my mind.
I do.

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>3000-4000 Calories/d
>still small
>can barely get food down

Is the bulking meme ever gonna die?
just smoke weed nigga
a human male who healthily weighs 160 pounds would be 6 feet and 1 inches tall

a female would be 6 feet and 5 inches -- impossible

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