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Post your resting heart rate, criticize other people’s resting heart rates, discuss methods for optimizing heart rate
18-25, 48 BPM
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These numbers are way too generous.
Get it checked out. Its most likely nothing but can never be too careful. I have a stress disorder and this causes me to have one palpitation on average every 5 minutes (sometimes 1 per minute) apperently you should only be worried if you're having 6 per minute but still get it checked
To add: I've had all tests possible done, nothing wrong with my heart it's just caused gym the disorder
No refunds

if so, how long will it take to go from a twink tom holland spiderman physique to that
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BTW, is this achievable natty?
how the hell would you even train delts 'right' anyway? there's not a chance I'm doing them on push day because I'm too tired from benching and on pull day my arms are too tired to do much with them. leg day is exhausting in general, heavy squatting takes it out of me too much so I most certainly won't be doing any heavy overhead press after that. there so awkward to fit in your split, I think that's why most people's delts are shit
any suggestions anons?
Yeah, depending on your genetics
>how long will it take to go from a twink tom holland spiderman physique to that
Either years or never
If you genuinely do look like tom Holland then all you need to do is bulk and train hard, then the next time you cut you're there. Lean twink mode is the perfect point to bulk from because you don't really have to worry about fat gain, even at the end of your bulk you'll still probably be under 20% bf
>ingesting mutagens 3x for this

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What's a recipe for a cheap mass gainer I can make if I'm poor? By poor I mean I'm literally destitute. I live in a Vietnamese favella.
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Just go kill the jungle rats you gooks eat and eat those.
Peanut butter and flour. Bake it and eat it.
kino, also fyi do you genuinely expect proper advice from people here? how many of us are from the fucking vietnamese favela dog, figure it out yourself
Mass gainers are just cheap carbs that have been blended up into powders with flavor added. You can do oats, peanut butter, and milk shakes if you have a blender. If not then wheat flour mixed in milk I guess would work. .
Potatoes, quartered and lard fried :)
It's about $5 USD for 10 pounds of potatoes?
Lard is essentially free because it comes from the meat I eat

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Calisthenics is an abomination for esthetics. It's mass producing bottom heavy, pencil necked, victim weight physiques.
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Go on a cut my nigga
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Agreed. Calesthenics won't do shit for you as an esthetician and practioner of esthetics.
OP couldn't be guy on the left, guy on the left has a happy smile and just seems content to be lifting weight while OP doesn't lift at all
>bottom heavy
It's literally all fucking upper retard, you have to go out of your way to train lower through calisthenics.
clearly the point is to do with upper body mass distribution, ESL pajeet

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How do I achieve this level of masculinity?
Or any level of masculinity at all? I am such a rigid goalless, directionless loser niceboy. I want to feel good, to feel proud about myself, to not be ashamed of myself. To feel masculine.
How do I achieve masculinity? Martial arts? But I am so old, and my body is so sick.

When I look at Elliott's eyes on the screen, I feel ashamed and want to look down. He has so much life force and sense in the look of his eyes, meanwhile I am just a sad miserable being. I don't know what to do in my situation, and the most horrilbe thing is I am unmasculine, and that feels so fucking bad compared to the time when I was a healthy masculine as a kid.
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>he doesn't know
Damn sammy is looking better by the day
>deracinated muttoids
The fact that you think of "masculinity" as something that can have a measured "level" and something that can be "increased" is already the wrong approach. It says you're insecure, which is the total opposite of what you seem to understand as masculinity. No one who would be considered masculine by you sees it that way.

Unironically just fucking be yourself dude, be a man you want yourself to be, that's masculinity. If you consider some of your qualities and behaviors to be undesirable, work to change them. There's no "I don't know how". You do know how, or at least you know what you can try to do. Quit the self-pity.

>I want to feel good, to feel proud about myself, to not be ashamed of myself.
That's a choice. There's no magic activity that will make you feel that way, it's all internal, it's all on you. There's no shortcut, you have to choose to be happy, despite any external factors. Your attitude drives your actions, not the other way around. You can be nothing but fortunate in life, rich and ripped, and still be depressed. You can suffer failure after failure in life and still be happy.
The funny thing is that Elliott would be friendly to you

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I'm in a calorie deficit but when I leave the house I feel like people are judging me and im fat, so I cut my calories severely and end up binging in the end. I hate it and I don't know how to get out of this cycle. Today is a new day and im going to tell myself that there is no rush and that weight loss should be gradual. I feel so pathetic /fit/.
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You didn't gain the weight in one day, you won't lose the weight in one day. You'll have to consider you probably have multiple years of eating like shit, so you'll spend multiple years eating right to fix it
I dont get binging. anyway next time you go on a glutton bringe spree try to eat slower, then try to only eat until youre no longer hungry, instead of fully stuffed like degenerate human garbage
All these answers are wrong. Losing weight is just like doing progressive overload in the gym, slow and steady wins the race, but also doing a gay little -500 kc cut is for women.

Start with something easy you can do, that is manageable, like that gay -500 kc per day.

- Then every two weeks add on more mental weight as you get adjusted. Maybe do OMAD, then -1000 kc deficit, then no fast food, etc. until youve built up your mental muscle.

You are binging because you are trying to do too much too soon. That sensation you get about people judging you is true, and everyone here is lying to you. But you have to submit to the process of building yourself up to that point where you can stand to do rolling 72s / massive deficit cuts or whatever you want to do. Its like trying to benchpress 300 pounds on your first day in the gym, you gotta build up to that.
Limit your deficit to 500 calories a day.
Learn to count calories and track those macros.
If you have insurance, nutritionalist visits should be free so take advantage of em. I go once a month and can email her with any questions I have. Helps to keep me motivated knowing I'll have to go explain what I did wrong. Also nice for someone to give a modicum of a fuck about your half-pound weight-loss.
They just hooked me up with a Cronometer membership and fuck, it is really nice. I hated the MyFitness interface so stopped tracking and kept fucking up.
Started tracking again recently and noticed my meals were often way too small so I was setting up to get hangry and make bad choices later in the day that put me over.
Find one you like enough to keep using and pace yourself.
Thank you. Today is going good so far. In 30-40 more minutes im going to be eating lunch. Im mostly consuming whole/high-protein/high-fiber foods and im feeling great. My mom left a package of cupcakes out, but instead of putting them away im going to leave them out next to the apples im eating. That way everytime I reach for an apple, I can praise myself for having the self-control and mental discipline to not eat the corn-syrup muffins. This makes me feel so much better, and im not hungry at all.

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>great source of protein
>low cal
>contains lots of fiber and other micronutrients
It seems like this should be /fit/‘s snack of choice?
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When you had so much onions that you can't even open up your onions

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If you worship apes, at least worship the right kind.
I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I think Indians are worse than niggers.
How often do you see black guys say they're White?

Do you have a selection of BIG exercises that are given priority in building strength and progressive overload that are not the classical BSD?
I'm thinking in creating a workout that focus on RDL / OHP / BB Row instead of BSD. I'll be still squatting and benching, but they will be not the focus.
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Neutral grip pull-ups
Sandbag to shoulder and carry
grope and runs
pants downs
dick pulls
I prefer pants pulls with heavy dumbbells for rear delts and groin ball squeezes for those adductors.
>when your fishdog is fucking a twink but it's leg day so you're too tired to participate or even watch
> Deadlift
> Squat
> Bench
> Weighted pull ups
> One arm rows
Optional tier: Good mornings.

Every other response you get in the thread is incorrect (unless they have barbell rows instead of db ones, I permit this).


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I only shit about once every other day, and everytime it's one gigantic turd that clogs the toilet, consistently without fail. I'm also lean and athletic. What does this mean about my body? Is this normal?
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This can't be real right? No way dogo had that much inside him. Imagine the relief though lmao
I shit like 3 times a day, but I'm a swimfag
>Is this normal?
Dunno, but fwiw, years ago my mate used to shit once a WEEK (seriously). Mind you he was also tired and lethargic constantly.
It was only when he collapsed at work, and was rushed to hospital that they discovered that his thyroid had pretty much completely stopped working.
Takes daily pills for it now (lifetime), and is completely normal, (including shitting daily).
Where are her boobs
unfortunately a sneaky indian opened her bobs...

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I was showering today and realized I had officially lost my thigh gap. My legs are too muscular.
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I haven't reached that point yet but when i work out my hamstrings my thighs start chafing too. I felt amazing the first time it happened
you don't want this bros trust me. stop now while you still can
Thigh gap is for women and fags
Welcome to the world of compression shorts/tights for cardio, king.
I've always had a thigh gap, no matter how skinny i am. years of living on the mountain and doing absurd hiking i guess.
I have very strong lateral walking patterns i guess.

I stretch daily and i attempt to not overwork the adductors, but it somehow always happens.

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itt we post our daydreams that give us a push through the last rep. ill start

>i'm chosen to defend humanity from enemies because of my massive strength and stamina
>enemies are otherworldly and are slowly overpowering me
>using tricks and magic to get past my normal human strength
>theres a scientific readout displaying my stats
>effort: 100% - danger-
>im being crushed beneath a giant attack
>everyone i know and also my gf and the president are watching somehow on TV like it was the cell games
>effort: 100% - danger-
>"hes done for, i cant believe we even thought this could work"
>effort: 100% - danger-
>"i guess all this was wasted"
>effort: 100% - danger-
>massive attack above me stops moving downward

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it's currently month 4. i see my chest shaping up and my chin being more "expressive". but they are very subtle changes. and i'm watching my diet religious and go to the gym every other day.
i asked some other gym bro's and some told me i probably need longer rest days inbetween. how true is that? do you need to rest few more days sometimes? how can you tell when you need to rest longer? how long is longer? would appreciate some input on this
If your muscles are often sore when you're scheduled to train them, too frequent. If your joints are sore, too heavy.

PPL is great for rest imo.
nice, that sounds like a good formula to keep in mind. thanks
but unfortunately none of these are the case. i don't feel anything anywhere and i'm really frequently upping the weights
If it ain't broke...

I've seen studies that show daily workouts are just as effective as 3x/week, as long as total volume is the same. It's not that hard to believe.
have you only been going 4 months total, or are you bulking/cutting for 4 months?
it sounds dumb but 4 months is nothing really. it’s good that you “dont feel anything anywhere” given you’re actually going hard. dont over think it OP, just oift heavier and heavier slowly and you’ll be OK
aight so i was just sweating over nothing. i guess progress takes time. thanks bro's.
also with 4 months i mean i started to frequent the gym 4 months ago.

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What can I flavour my protein shake with that has no sugar? I make mine with milk and whey isolate.
I have been using nesquick for flavour, but want to cut back on sugar.
What do you put in your shake?
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chicken broth
what is it like to be intolerant of lactose?
all of those are supposed to have health benefits, I haven't heard of anyone making a protein shake with them before, tho
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difficult. milk is in everything. and sometimes they just put lactose in medicine.
I've never met a fit person who had a big problem with sugar

it's always the struggling fatasses trying to cut out all sugar from their diet kek

Who mogs?
Left mogs right and it's not even close.
Toji ofc


Gojo does get jacked during his time in prison though
Toji mogged Gojo so hard the he even started dressing like him. kek

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