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Hey /fit/, I’m looking for some advice from the more experienced lifters here. I’ve been going to the gym since February, following a bro split. While I’ve made some progress, I’ve read that it’s not the most efficient routine, so I’m looking to switch things up.

I usually hit the gym Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, and sometimes weekends, though I’ve been busier lately and occasionally miss a weekend or Friday session. I’m 6’4", 80kg, and bulking (trying to). My girlfriend recently joined the gym, and for reference, she’s 5’6" and around the same weight. She’s in a calorie deficit while I’m in a surplus. We’ve been doing my bro split, but she’s focused on glutes and legs, which my current plan doesn’t cover well.

I think a general strength/hypertrophy program could work for both of us, but her goals are more specific. Any suggestions for a plan that works for our different goals and still fits into my schedule?
“Day 1:
Chest and Calves
Day 2:
Back and Abs
Day 3:
Shoulders and Calves
Day 4:
Upper Body and Abs
Day 5:
Legs and Shoulders”
Excerpt From
Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body (it is easy to pirate a copy of this book)
Or you could do PPL, which is unpopular here but popular in the real world. I would not suggest you try to align your training plan with your girlfriends as men and women go to the gym for different reasons.
If you're a noob a generalized strength program only a few days a week would probably work best until you have some decent numbers. Bro splits can be good but they are better if you actually have a little size/strength before starting them.

My personal recommendation is stronglifts 5x5, and just swap the wednesday squats with some other accessory work that the program doesn't hit adequately enough for your liking.

/fit/ness dick in your mouth
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take it back you son of a bitch
Fucking A man

Clean it
I want to make threads like these but it gets you banned and i have a chanpass so i have to be a good little cuck

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Rich Piana's 8 hour arm workout birthday tribute.
Be there goddamit.

Is this the best a natty has ever looked?
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>implying olympic lifters are natty
Kek good sir. Just kek.
I was taller and heavier than this nigga when I was 13
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>71 kgs
>pro level athlete is natty

“lol,” said the scorpion.


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Why don't rich people like Elon, Trump, Warren Buffet, etc tend to workout?
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Seems he's just going on a roid power trip out of spite.
Does he work out? Looks like the same body as Elon. I'm sure he plays basketball since he owns a team, but looks like that's it.
Reminder only low IQ troons hate Elon
Musk tries but prob has a shit routine/diet
Elon blasted shit without working out, Zuck worked out without blasting shit. It's really fucking bizarre that Zuck out of all people somehow turned out to be the least reptilian of these billionaire techbros. He's still plenty weird, but it's the total sperg kind of weird rather than the "complete warping of the human psyche when exposed to immense wealth and influence" kind.
Reminder only bootlicker simp chuds like Elon

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What's the best tasting whey protein powder that's still relatively high quality? I've had picrel since I started lifting and it's starting to taste bad to me and leave a nasty artificially sweet taste in my mouth after having a shake. Things tasting good is the simplest way to make my adherence better so a slight loss in quality is negligible to me
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Imagine believing every conspiracy theory peddled by "health gurus" out there without evidence.
Hard to imagine, because I didnt do that.
I think there's several people in this conversation now. Are you the one that thinks sucralose is sonehow bad for your gut despite there being no evidence?
What do you consider evidence
I get flavorless protein from ProteinFactory, it’s cheaper without all the questionable ingredients

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Is there any link between ASMR and increased recovery? I feel so relaxed during and after a good one that it's almost like I felt my cortisol drop in real time
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Anything BETWEEN the "sexes" will be sexual. Women breathing becomes attractive. If there were a handsome dude making noises girls would listen and pretend they aren't masturbating to it just like you.
Dr Dmitri inbound
Nigga just get a cat or dog or something. Even a stuffed animal. I've had mine for nearly twenty years, still helps when nights are rough.
Watch fredsvoice hes kino and looks like thor.
I have a cat, she's great but a gf also would be nice

How do I reconcile trying to be /fit/ with the fact that I'm only attracted to chubby/fat women.
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fat women are disgusting.
Go jack off to attractive women for like a week and you'll fix it.
>le jerk off xD
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By finding the hot ones.

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Is 3x full body in 1.30 hour sessions enough to get big on a bulk assuming good diet and exercise selection? Or do you really need minimum your 4 days PPL splits
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I like to hit the same shit up to 3-4x a week so even chest if my bench is not where I want it to be just legs I would keep it to 1x/1-2wk so you can recover for upper body and learn to compartmentalize and specialize your training more than try to do everything 1:1.
Like I'll just stop in for 20-30 min since it's on my way back from work to finish off everything I was too tired to go 100% on then rest the next day if I'm going for heavy bench/ohp. Legs do like 3 sets of squat clean dl then upper to rest between then finish either hypertrophy or whatever else but I keep legs and heavy work away from my heavy bench or ohp day unless it's right after.
3-4x a week frequency for most stuff is too high. If you're too burnt out to finish your workouts and have to go do quick sets the next day that is a sign your program sucks
I like high frequency for lowering the weight but going for strict rep variations to target different shit. I got way bigger this way could be better though and I might have to try your style of training if it's really gonna put the lbs on the bar rather than what I seem to be doing which is mostly size gains.
I'm a very advanced lifter. So my routine would be kind of retarded for a beginner or even intermediate, but if you're curious about it this is what im currently doing while cutting because I am specializing in arms now since I used to be a powerlifter and have historically been very torso dominant


A - Chest/Forearms/abs

Incline Bench - 2 sets
Pec Deck - 2 sets
DB or Cable Pec Fly - 2 sets
Weighted decline crunch - 2 sets
COC Gripper - 2 sets

B - Arms

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It's picrel.
>watch any YouTube video on how supplements are made (multivitamin, creatine, etc)
>"ah yes our vitamin comes from such and such compound which we then finely grind into a ..."
>such and such compound origin is never revealed
Yes, creatine *is* sodium sarcosinate and cyanamide. Where sodium sarcosinate and cyanamide comes from? We'll never tell. (Hint: it's likely no better or may even be worse than what bologna is made out of, and isn't even a food.)

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(with the exception of picrel)

--get enough sleep
--drink a lot of water
--exercise at least a little
--avoid processed foods
--you need some protein

is there anything else? seems like just about anything else you could mention is disputed
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but le quote cant be wrong....r-right?
>dies at 68
>got an extra 1.5 months a year his entire adult life of 50 years
>75 extra months, 6.25 years
>meaning he died at 74.25, a completely normal age to die at
Ladies and Gentleman behold, a retarded nerd.
added sugar is bad for you
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>seems like just about anything else you could mention is disputed

The only disputes come from media grifters looking to confuse people so they have a new angle to sell something to you with. In the academic research sphere people have been consistent for almost 70 years.

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Month 2
60 kg (132.27 lbs)
Ok I do feel a difference strenght wise and my ribcage is not longer that visible, still I don't gain much weight in a month
Should I buy do weighted calisthenic or I'm still a stick?
thank god i go to the gym for mental health reasons and to not become weak when i'm old.
i kinda look like that and it's atrocious
if you don't have a nice face, it's over for you
Don't worry about weight that much at start, just keep getting stringer and don't bloat up too much. You can add weights to your cali if you do 3x8+ easy I guess
he looks alright, what the fuck are you talking about? you dismorphic roidtranny

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>be me
>hop back on /fit/ after benching 3pl8s
>Catalog has gone to crap
What happened? /fit/ is still gay as always, yet a new crop of women worshippers have flooded the board. Where did they come from?
post your bench vid instead of gay fanfic next time

but yes the board is being shitted up by Indians and teenage boys who think that skeleton mode is better than being strong because something something abs and hair loss
thinly veiled futa thread
I got fatter but when I flex I look thinner/better than before the bulk. If I did like 4-6wk bulks and cut on the deload I'd be thinner beer is too good.
How long to go from 225 to 315 its looking like 1yr for me 1rm closing in thanks to jail.
Unironically its indians, russians, and some cbt schizo and ketofag that shit the place up

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>want to add some protein to my homemade ice cream
>buy unflavored whey for first time ever
>hardly heard of anyone buying unflavored whey as everyone are just raving about their favorite flavor
>"ok, so it's probably going to suck taste-wise, gotta try it and see how bad it is and if I can fix it"
>mix it with half-fat milk as usual
>take a sip
>fluffy milk
>it tastes like FLUFFY MILK
>no weird after-taste at all
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>how gay are you
Come over and I'll show you
What is 'half fat' milk?

What country are you from?
Well whole fat milk is only 3.25% fat content by weight. So he probably means 2% milk instead of 1% or skim.
Pretty much this
It was 1.5% in my case.

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So for the past three or four months I've been on a diet plan of my own creation. I call it the Carnival Diet. I would like outline the food this diet consists and what I eat for every meal on this diet.
The Carnival Diet Plan:
Orange peanuts
Cotton Candy
Deep fried oreos
funnel cake
12 in corn dog or longer
Dark sodas or lemonade
mac n cheese waffle cone
deep fried candy bars
fried ice cream
deep fried twinkles
caramel apple
fried pickles

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