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What countries preffes bug muscular guy?

I’ve been to Kravmove X3 and numerous other please in Poland.

Also the same thing in the Czech Republic, girls seem to want heavily built guy?

A culture difference or what?
Is this a street walker
All of them. Crazy lady fuck the china dick. Go to the gym and have fun.
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Essentially the people east of Germany/Austria and west of China is going to have simply better inherent traits - and therefore higher standards - due to the harsher environment to which they were exposed more recently. For the same reasons, the further north you go, the better the people tend to be.
>Pic rel a bunch of random Chulyms who look better than the average model coming from the west, and have superior style.
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Fuck off jeet
H9w much bugger do you have to be to where you're fat as shitbbut you're just stronger than everyone
It’s a skin walker
Who is this semen demon
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lol look at this ugly bug, mongols are super lucky their traditional dresses are super flattering and they're backdoored into being able to use dreads to hide their shit hair
No, she's a cyclist, only faggots can't see her bicycle.

You CAN see it, r-right...?
I'm a super fat fuck 183cm 150kg but I have big shoulders and traps so in clothes I look builtfat and women here in Hungary seem to like it, I get compliments semi often although I'm pretty handsome with good hair. That being said tall skinny grimy looking handsome guys do the best here like everywhere else.

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