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Im so happy they replaced the individual 50k race walk with a mixed relay race walk event. Will be so much more interesting to see that.
why did he shart himself
he is france
the shart is probably the night before (they don't shower)

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Is this better than running?
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this is so hard cause it pumps the blood from the feet to the hands back and forth, flushing the whole body
sick ass gangstas do burpees everyday, i doubt you'd call them bunnies

No, they train different modalities. Just because your heart rate rises or you feel out of breath doesn't mean you're training your cardiovascular system efficiently.
I do the rocking chair type and variations because it's easier on my knees and makes it impossible to cheat on the jump after a bunch of reps.

Burpees are a very good and intense exercise that improve general fitness immensely. I'm in better shape than 99.5% of the people I know because I do hundreds a week.
If they can make Jason Genova semi lean then you know it legit works

Are there any varbies at your gym? The only women who go to mine are 50 years old and out of shape.
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>>74782394 # #
Damn, I >>74782735 forgot to post the picture I mentioned for proof.
you just posted this
I'm getting the ick now.
I replied to the wrong Anon

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What's the best way out of skinnyfat hell? High intensity long recovery or lower intensity everyday?
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HIIT is the #1 skinny fat destroyer and it's not close
How long does it take for skinnyfat to see real progress?
No I didn't I just had pants on this time, usually I just walk around naked
that pic isn't skinny fat, it's just skinny, bulk up.
for someone who's truly in the middle, recomp for like 6 months until you're leaner and then bulk.
depends what you mean by progress. you're notice gains after 2 months, you'll be pretty happy with your body after 6-8 months unless you have dysmorphia

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>poe new league released
rip gains
>hhha hhhaha *** gemnemticsms lol
lazy cunt lol D they hate to work yet thy love the athleticism look xD ***s man

don't tell me it roided for this lol D: did it get bitch roid tits?

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>got the preworkout shits
>in the middle of a set
>barely make it to the bathroom
>sounds like the Vietcong ambushing US troops in Vietnam in here
>its echoing
>pretty sure the entire gym knows im in here shittin my brains out
Do i need to go back out there and immediately bench atleast 225 to redeem myself or should i just kill myself and save the embarassment?
>1x shit your guts out x failure
they're laughing at you and your incel HIT ways
So the rope is my only option?
neck hangs x failure? You'll be laughed out of your corporeal shell.
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How hard will you push your child (preferably son) into sports?

It seems like one of the last few ways to ensure they have a good, prosperous life above the mire of trades and corporate life

I think if they have any kind of natural inclination towards athletics is basically a cheat code for getting into whatever university they want (ivy leagues would otherwise be inaccessible unless you're a legacy, DEI, or have shittons of money)

And if you have the money sending them somewhere like this school would ensure they have the best chance of succeeding


The window for which you get to actively compete against other people your own age in a sport is so small age-wise that it seems like a shame to not play at least one kind of sport
>kid accumulates injuries for life
>kid has a pretty good time & gets good people skills
>kid realizes he's poorly educated when he's not a kid anymore
You cant push them into anything. Pushing kids results in them rebelling against it at some point. You can do the best to influence them and show them whats good and what can be even better and hope it catches their interest.
This. I didn't play sports and my brain isn't fucked up. I think they're great for building young men but we literally make our boys retarded so our fat old men can have entertainment. Same thing for cheerleaders. Nothing like having your daughter open her legs for crowds as people as a "sport".

Military education for men would be better. Women shouldn't go to school once they bloom.

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Should I take a week off?
I've been lifting 4 days a week for 7 weeks now (I'm a beginner) and I'm experiencing a few things :
General fatigue/completely drained after my workout
Waking up at night and being unable to fall asleep
Lifts are a still progressing but I think at a slower rate
Generally feeling more anxious throughout the day (could be poor sleep)

I'm scared to take a week off though because I'm worried ill lose progress
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I'm eating at a 300 calorie surplus and I was sleeping 8+hours per night
The past week I've been averaging 6 hours a night due to the recent sleep disturbances
How much did your "weekly average weight" change from last week to this week? It's possible you need to readjust your goals for caloric intake.

Sleep disturbances is a sign of overtraining/under-recovering but overtraining usually take several months of daily intense 1.5-2hr workouts to reach which I wouldn't expect for a novice to attempt. Do you do any endurance training? If your run 50+ miles a week then I see overtraining as a bigger possibility.
>overtraining/under-recovering but overtraining usually take several months of daily intense 1.5-2hr workouts to reach which I wouldn't expect for a novice to attempt
It depends. I used to train to failure on every set whilst cutting as a beginner doing 3x per week and developed symptoms similar to OP within 2 months
Eat more
Take a rest week every 6-10 weeks if you struggle with recovery. For beginners its tendons and joints being overworked due to imperfect technique, lacking muscle activation. If you've been working very hard you will even make gains during the rest week when supercompensation sets in. You def won't lose any gains in just a single week and as a beginner probably not even weight on the bar.

It all depends on the intensity of your training. I start a new training block every 2-3 months with 6-10 rest days between for complete recovery and switch main lifts.

Is this achievable natty?
threads like should be binned instantly

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Post and discuss opinions that go against the normie mob or the /fit/ one. I want to see if I'm missing out on something. I'll start with some I have, from "sanest" to "insanest".

> Regular shoes deform the feet, negatively alter posture and hurt the knees.
> The fed state is as, if not more important than the fasted.
> High serum cholesterol levels are the biggest atherosclerosis risk factor.
> Carbohydrate, including sugar, doesn't cause type II diabetes.
> The condition of the galea aponeurotica likely is at the root of male-pattern baldness.
> Sunlight does not necessarily produce permanent photodamage.
> A diet should be as diverse as possible.
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So you admit it does deform your feet retard
I'm also a wormpilled. The back bends. I don't do rounded back deadlift since that's only stretching the spinal erectors, I basically do weighted toe touches
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Interesting. Makes sense. You may be right, at least somewhat.

>Legitimate schizo, if you have the appropriate width shoes do nothing to the feet.
Legitimate dimiwit. The forefoot in healthy human feet, even narrow ones, is significantly wider than the heel of the foot and REGULAR footwear is not foot-shaped; the toebox is much narrower than the heel area and normal feet are widest at that point when standing up.

Even if regular footwear were foot-shaped, there's at least another part of the foot their features deforms.

>Without sunlight, life cannot survive on Earth.
Obviously. I think we were talking about direct sun exposure.
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>the children we should be carrying
The vast majority of people shouldn't reproduce.

This. Physiognomy is real and that should be obvious.

Are these good for anything? I can get one cheap

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>muh humans naturally only would walk or sprint never anything in between

The literal blood warriors would have to jog an hour to get to water.

At 5:00 in video to see this.

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5 a day is a lot if you're also doing a serious lifting program.
I'm not related to them though
This is just assuming you've accounted for all the variables. You're not even thinking about peptides, are you?
Also, it's not a naturalist fallacy to point out what conditions we've adapted to.

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>Science based lifter vs broscience
notice who mogs who
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>The artist is obv some kind of leftie
This is obviously some randian objectivist comic. If it was a lefty comic the rational human wouldn't be some 1950s looking white guy. Fucking retard.
People like to ignore centuries of research and studies done by monks and priests
Bro splits are for roiders. For natties it's better to train a muscle 2-3 times a week. But when you're on roids the pump is better than frequency because you want to hit a muscle with 6 different exercises to get it as full of roided blood as possible.
>t.otally not a kike
thats not how roids work you retarded trannatty

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if the goal was to teach a teenager how to lift then the diagrams are somewhat useful. Lowbar isnt as good as high bar unless your goal is to compete in powerlifting.
The program is in general worse than 90% of middle school and highschool programs that have you lift 5 days out of the weak and train for football off and on season.

It is better than nothing
people lift weights because they want to look good and aesthetic.
following the advice in this book will just make you fat and gay.
What’s a better novice program?
You already need to be at a good fitness level to start with barbells. If you are then its good.

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>tfw you don't do hip trusts, squats, or deadlifts
not anymore, glutes maximus is muchos importande postural muscle
just like abs, but nothing but my abs isolation do abs, but i will type it out in few hours - lunchbrake is over
I do deadlifts and BSS
don't need more
What the dog doin

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