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>My gym has one of these now
You jelly?
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No, I don't use machines.
You know the difference between jelly and jam?
Im the only guy in my gym who uses this
It's much more difficult for me to JELLY THIS COCK IN YOUR ASS, BITCH.
My gym has these, so sit the fuck down pleb.

How do I get rid of barbell blisters?
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Shit in the street and rub on hands. Drink cow urine day, bathe in the Ganges.
extra seasoning
What was his name?
File it with an emery board and lotion the shit out of it. Vaseline > CeraVe/Jergens > coco butter/ nice smelling shit. You can stack vaseline on top of lotion too. Olive oil and salt works as a scrub in a pinch.

As cool as it is to have the callouses, women absolutely fucking hate it. Give it a little whack every day and moisturize your palms a couple times a day.

Rows and deads are the biggest culprits for this.

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If there was a treatment that allowed you to get your dream body, voice and personality without effort nor cost.
Would you take it?
What's the catch, Dr. Shekelstein?

Depends if we're talking philosophy >>75853078 like if cost also meant no drawback. I'd probably take it. But I think any drawback for such an upside would be too much.

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What’s it called when you do one set of one exercise, then one set of another, and so on and so on until you’ve don’t one set of every exercise on your routine for the day and you then circle back and start from the beginning until you’ve done the total number of sets you want for each workout, usually 3?

And what’s it called when you just do all three sets one after another for one workout, and then just move down the list doing your full routine until you’re done?
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it's called being a prick at the gym
not really. i do one set for one exercise. gym goers appreciate it because they don’t have to wait very long for me to be done. super setting is prick status when you’re hogging up 3 things at once
Supersets make you a prick unless almost no one is there
Circuit means that unless there is barely anyone there your rhythm is going to get fucked.
when you have like 20 different exercises to get done it’s hard to fuck up the rhythm because, odds are, there’s always at least one that’s not being used
Stop hogging the equipment fatass.

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Looks obese by /fit/'s standards, but she's also performing physical acts no one on this board can
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It sure is, and good god is she fuckable
always has been
Tons of surgery and dumbfcks like you fall for it.

No fit at all.
This is called "she should jump like that and land on my dick ass first" if you catch my drift, hint hint.
Very nice

How do you fix long torso syndrome making you look like an overgrown child?
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grow up
Every second you spend obsessing about other peoples physique is one you could have spent actually lifting.
Long torso short legs here, I'm already at an advanced level on all legs exercise but novice on my upper lmao. I'm totally DYEL. Having legs as a strength is useless if you wanna lift for aesthetics
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why? There are advantages to long torso/short legs as well as short torso/long legs.

Long torsos distribute their fat over a greater surface area so it's easier for them to get 6-packs and have defined looking muscles. Their legs are shorter and thus look more muscular easier.

Shorter torsos have a harder time getting 6-packs, but their pecs and back muscles stick out further which makes them look bulkier with a shirt on. Long legs though means putting on visible muscle is an uphill battle
Wear high-waisted trousers

Just finished cut.
Am I ready for summer?
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>I've been going to the gym 4x a week for 17 years!!!
Those tiny lil forearms kek

I agree he could go a little leaner but depending on height an entire 3% is a lot

separately, the thread is of course filled with poojeets calling that body small, they should go ahead and post their pudgy brown frames for us to point and laugh at
Nah bro, I have the exact same fat distribution genetics as that guy, and I fucking hate how hard it is to get rid of love handles. He's legit at 15%bf
same, which is why I say that last bit of tire is absolutely not worth the pain, certainly not just to look good at the pool

little soft around the ribcage though

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Sup nerds, I have a home gym but it's not on a platform or anything, so got a barbell and 400lbs of weight was thinking I'd like to go out back in the grass and deadlift but I need a creative solution for what to lay down over the wet grass to protect the weights from moisture and shit. I'm thinking maybe a painters plastic drop cloth because I have a few sitting around. Any other ideas?
A towel
Your boyfriends anal lube

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I feel so much better not working out. Crazy that you can achieve fitness by just eating raw meat and organs.
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He's a hero.
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You dont even need to eat, I started sun gazing and I get all necessary nutrients straight from the sun
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Goatis is right that overtraining can really screw your body up, but so does being sedentary. Total midwit take overall, he should start working out again, all the /sci/ence says he'll die early just sitting around.
This entire thread is samefagging

most buff good looking dudes at my local gym take some kind of roids, even the only "good looking" and muscular chick there takes them. i've been lifting for 2.5~3 years and i still look kinda like shit, chubby and big, like a fucking bear. there's one guy who trained for 10 years and he looks like a buffed version of zyzz, this is a fucking meme bruh. jay cutler, arnold, kai greene, etc, all did shit ton of roids and are 60 years old and fine, even jay cutler stills works out like a god, if you have the money, why not take that path?
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people that get fooled
deserve everything after
which results of it
>I don't get why roidmonkeys are so butthurt whenever other people don't do roids.
High estrogen. Women (and high E men) confuse consensus with logic.
We used to have a gunshop up front, gym in back place in our town. I miss going there with my Dad.
> jay cutler, arnold, kai greene, etc, all did shit ton of roids and are 60 years old and fine
yeah, let's look at the outliers and ignore all the people that aren't rich and die from steroid use
>if you have the money, why not take that path?
do it, faggot. do you need our permission?

why do you care if other people are natty?
Manlets hogging all the derringers

What does /fit/ wear to the gym? I usually wear a tight t shirt with either warmups or colored polyester shorts

Pic related, breath divinity sponsored athlete, been considering that brand because im an edgy zoomer
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>too retarded to read basic numbers
At this point how can you even write? Do you ask AI to read and write for you? AI become too good these days...
I want to see her cunt
>all of a sudden
welcome to /fit/, first day?
lol fag
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Ideally we'd all work out in colorful striped singlets. Gym fashion really peaked in the 90s.

Can I use a basketball court to practice sprints effectively? I can make it across in like 5 seconds. Would I be able to boost my effectiveness by sprinting around it at the corners?
Suicides. Same as you should do for posting this hideous shecoon.
Starts and accelerations across the diagonal (32m / 106 ft standard?) maybe. Not enough to get going flat out and you also need to decelerate.
Plenty of stuff on YouTube for acceleration and direction changing for court sports players but I only do track so can't recommend anyone.
you cant find 300 feeet to sprint in?
Yes. For extra effectiveness shout racial slurs and puncture the ball with a knife, and the local basketball Americans will give you encouragement to run faster.

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irony is these "signs" are just bait. if ahe is actually into you it will be subtle.
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WTH is going on here with her ear, is it stitched or some kind of piercing
Do you not know what hair is?
No, dumbass, you choke them out or break their arm.
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I can't really tell. looks too light and weirdly angles to be her hair and it looks like they go through her ear? But then later they disappear. Probably hair that she pushes away with her arm and looks weird because of video artifacts

Post exercises, diet for healing, and experiences

>hit by car 7 weeks ago
>Humerus fracture
>Damaged nerves
>Index, ring, and pinky have healed good
>Thumb is making progress
>Middle finger has stagnated
I'm starting to freak out.
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Lactate. Your answer is lactate.

Lactate is a by-product of the breakdown of glucose. Lactate in turn is converted into lactic acid, the buildup of which causes the sensation of "muscle burn" when one is working out.

Lactate itself, before it's converted into lactic acid, causes a chain reaction in the body leading all the way to the brain, resulting in the production and release of BDNF, Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor. If you've ever heard of the term "hypertrophy" for muscles, the term "neurotrophy" for brain cells should make sense to you. BDNF is pretty much HGH for the brain, it is the most potent molecule of all that our brains use for the maintenance of brain cells (neurons).

When most people think of the brain, they think of this blob that sits inside our skull, but our brain is actually this blob, plus the nervous system. The very nerves at the tips of your fingers and toes are as much your brain as that thing inside your head that is giving you weird thoughts about that twink always doing bulgarian squats with a Z-bar next to the power rack.

If you want to help your brain fix your nerves, you will want to pump up BDNF. When you exercise, try to maintain a 70-80% intensity, stimulate the "muscle burn" sensation, which indicates that you have high levels of lactate which is being turned into lactic acid. Forget about gains, focus on exercising in a certain way that maximizes the amount of muscle burn you experience.

I'm not saying it'll fix it, but this approach would be one of your best bets.

Dark chocolate (70%+) is also a potent stimulator of BDNF, but it doesn't come close to the effectiveness of lactate.
How is that relevant to anything that he just said?
Let them rest.
Let them rest.

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I was doing power shrugs last week and my right bicep tendon felt weird after, it still feels tight and a little painful when I do back/bicep exercises. Whats the deal? How to fix?
If you can still curl you didn't tear it. Just rest.
Power shrugs do nothing. You’re retarded. I hope the 0 gains were worth the injury
What is a power shrug?
A shrug is a tiny movement what can you even take out for q power variant?
Using momentum
How long
Because power shrugs are fucking retarded.

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