Fucked up my diet/cut today But there's always tomorrow right....?
>>75815011It's bulking season.
>start cutting>have to fucking cut out all rice>had to cut meat in halfvery sad
>>75815011>'tomorrow'i know the old trope is 'tomorrow never comes' but it's true. Every time you say 'tomorrow' in regards to starting something or self-improvement just say 'never'.Also, you can't fuck up a diet unless you're doing nothing at all. There's nothing stopping you from increasing the deficit again. A 1 hour workout with an average HR of 140 can be between 600 and 1000 calories depending on your size.it's entirely up to you
>>75815011Yeah fuck it up tomorrow too
Are you based and schlonk pilled? >Nutrient dense>Maximum bioavailability >Fully digested in 20 minutes>Forces you to buy high quality eggs instead of eggs washed with bleach and injected with plastic
>>75818892If you weren't such a roid troon you'd know only women have eggs
>>75818911I usually swallow them whole shell and all. It's easy once you learn to relax your throat.
>>75818806>>Maximum bioavailabilityBlatant lie.>>75818911Enjoy hypercalcemia.
>>75818806raw eggs give me the runs
>>75818936I've seen the pictures. What is sperm if not eggs with tails?
i recently started walking to work back and forth i work a decently active job that requires a lot of fast physical movement if i show up to work 40 minutes early and sit between walking and work am i losing any benefits i might have gained? should i be walking and starting immediately afterward with no rest in between?
I don't know
I also don't know but learn how to use punctuation marks.
nu doom sucks ballsq
>>75818346Wait will this be like based doom 2016 with limited health and ammo so you have to play with tactics or like shit eternal where you get that shit for free on a 3 sec cooldown?
post em>gym owner asks me to participate in a group photoshoot for marketing>she lets me keep the lululemon clothes and new balances
>>75818275>OHP-ing 1pl8>some new boomer I've never seen says holy moly!
>>75818306Kek or they use you as the "before" pic
>>75818408West coast is best coast, sorry anon. I was actually raised outside Atlanta but I feel far more able to be myself in Northern California. Funny thing is that these days Atlanta is very LGBTQ+ friendly and I'm very comfortable visiting my parents.
met a girl from another state and said she couldn't believe my forearms were almost as big as her face
>>75818275dumb frog
>>75816655nah he just has latex added on to his other muscle groups on his upper body but not the forearms so they look smaller in comparison
>>75815752>follow a retarded cult>train to be a living sacrifice for an experiment x19
>>75816696your coach has latex added on top of his muscles? what a god lmao
>>75815967don't get mad at me just because you're a manlet
>>75815752that movie is really fking good.
Been missing this guy
didnt know shane gillis had a son
Oh man, I hope he's ok. Did he get to 55 benchpresses in a row, yet?He just disappeared from my feed.I miss his little hair flips and superior counting techniques.
I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Does heston mog you, /fit/?
>>75818746 this isnt a shoulder mog, its a height mog
>look giddy i posed it again
>>75818746>hestondamn I thought this was Ralph Fiennes in The Return
>>75818746I know he mogs you fsggot, otherwise you wouldnt be making these stupid threads all day long try to make you feel better about yourself because other people look as bad you do
>>75818901giddy is literally 5'7
I will take steroids because:i'm a 5ft8 manlet /130lbsI have ZERO CONFIDENCE, afraid to get a job and work around peopleI am afraid to look people in the eyesI have anxiety to leave the houseAfraid when teenagers walk around mePeople always say they get more confident so i will do a testosterone cycleWish me luck
>>75813718>Natty lifting is a memeBrown incel zoomer with body issues kek
>>75815238Turns out that most of the people who does martial arts are using roids, no all of them of course
I want to lose like 30 lbs of fat (Currently 210) and put on 10 lbs of muscle. Is there a minimum amount of roids I can take that will help me achieve this, if I stop juicing after I achieve this goal? IDGAF physique, I just want to be less fat and be stronger and take a short cut. I work in construction so being stronger would be nice.
>>75813832that's why you gotta think unrealisticallydo all the roids and be 250lb lean at 5'8
>>75818804steroids dont burn fat. Go on a diet, fatty. Take ozempic or DNP if you insist on drugs
What are the benefits of using goofy functional bro workout implements like clubs and maces (to a lesser extent kettlebells)? You can do c+js and snatches with a nice pair of dumbbells, or do Liu raises for shoulder mobility. Why swing these weird and expensive things around?
>>75816834does tacfit make an adjustable? adex does, onnit does not, and im not about to listen to an ausfag to find out
Got a pair of Indian clubs. Gonna see how well they work out for warmups and conditioning
>>75817527How heavy?
>>758178674lbsI may have gone too heavy, but I'm always working grips and rotation doing judo.
>>75815181Clubs are probably the single best exercise for rotator cuff health and for functional strengthfags the asymmetrical nature of the movements is good for core stabilization in a way you're more likely to encounter in real life than spamming heavy compounds over and over. You'll probably see a bit of posture gains as well.They're not life changing or anything but if you aren't poor it's a fun, easy addition to a home gym.
This man on the left was 5’6”. After killing a man in the ring at welterweight he decided to go up in weight and eventually ended up competing at heavyweight. Often defeating fighters well above six feet, and a massive underdog in most of his championship fights, he made 11 defenses of the world heavyweight crown. I ask you again manlets. What’s your excuse again?
>>75818654he lost to a farmer with like 2 fights behind him half his weight and twice his height.he just wasnt heightmogged enough
>>75818654Wtf I love "this man on the left" thank you for showing him here OP!
stupid fucking idiot how about you tell who the hell you're talking about
>>75818782Noah Brusso
My buddy is going to take me to his local gym tomorrow. Are gyms crowded or empty on friday night? I figure it could go either way.
Less crowded. A lot of casuals will cut off after-work or something instead of working out. I mean if there's chicks involved I might do the same.
>>75818767mine's dead on Fri/Sat/Sun nights, usually like 10 people or so in there
>>75818767pretty empty in the evening. more crowded at noon.
>has been trained by Jeff for years now>still looks like this
>>75817122What are you supposed to do then?
>>75814183didn't Jiff say this guy had back problems like legit scoliosis. More than likely he got injured and started slacking off then just went back to spinning his wheels in the gym instead of actually pushing himself.
>natties will say this looks fine
>>75813874dude looks like prey. what the fuck are those eyes
>>75814659>>75813874>He's an idiot.This, but no joke. There isn't an light behind those fish eyes.
Should women train upper body?
>>75816042Yes, women should actually exercise and not just do meme exercises
>>75816359This is what redditors say when they're intimidated lmao
>>75816565imagine if she sold her bodily fluids in a jar
>>75816042i miss indie sleaze so bad
>>75818576go listen to Is This It for the millionth time and accept that it's time to move on
What are some good exercises to throw into my simple routine?I currently do 120 push ups and 120 sit ups a day. I've been doing this for a year for push ups and 8 months for sit ups. My body has warped when it comes to my chest, shoulders, and upper abs. My arms are also bigger. What is something I can throw in to begin working on another muscle that will fit with my recent growth?
>>75818721I don't have a pull up bar. I need something that I can do at home. Squats would be a good lower body work out, but what else can I do to keep defining my upper body?
>>75818718Just look up home calisthenics workouts that don't require equipment.
>>75818725Get some gymnastic rings then, if you own your home then drill in some hooks on the structural beam. If you don't own your home, find a tree.
>>75818725Pullups. Get a tower, the pullup/captains chair combo. They don't take up much space. Or one of the pull up bars that hinges on a door frame. You need to do some pulls with your pushes
>>75818731Thanks, I've decided to add mountain climbers. Once I've incorporated that fully, I'll begin adding pull ups like the others suggested
Does practicing punching while holding a small 3-5lb weight actually improve punching speed or power, or is that just a tv meme?
>>75816628You'd be way better off just shadow boxing. If you want to add resistance your best bets would be to either throw punches in a pool or use resistance bands. That plus plenty of pushups will be good
>>75816628Ehh, it kinda does, but you're better off just using heavy gloves and striking a few inches above your head in 1 minute burnouts. It doesn't make you punch noticeably harder, it just keeps you fighting longer.
>>75816628>SpeedYes but there's a catch, you will only get a speed boost as your muscles are pumped and your speed will go back to normal once your muscles cool down, this is called post activation potentiation.To make sure the speed boost sticks you have to move weights as fast as possible and do plyometrics but there's still a benefit to weighted shadowboxing, do them until you get the speed boost, then without weights practice your boxing drills which will allow you to perform them faster, doing this regularly will get your body used to that speed and let you develop that speed more easily but you need to do this regularly on top of lifting weights fast and plyometrics, this is the only way to get the benefits, any other way is a waste of time.>Power Fuck no lol, only way to increase power is with good form, lifting heavy weights fast and plyometrics.
>>75816628if you are trying to get out of going to the boxing gym they usually have the option to just pay by class or a free trial and they will teach you how to punch
>>75816628I've done this but ultimately decided it was probably not worthwhile because having the weight will naturally make you punch harder because of the momentum.