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/fit/ - Fitness

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Hey guys. I try to the gym about twice a week. I say "about" because I travel somewhat frequently, but whenever I am home, I attend the gym on regular basis, even though I fucking hate it. My goal is to do basic power exercises because otherwise I was fucking weak and the perspective of coming down with various diseases related to not going to the gym is more terrifying than the effort of having to go to the gym. At the gym I mostly do upper-body exercise.
>you need to focus more on legs
Shut the fuck up, I don't really do legs at the gym because I cycle a lot.

Anyway, about once, twice a month a friend of mine invites me to go bouldering with him. I have to say, I spend about an hour there, afterwards I'm exhausted, but it's genuinely fun. My question is:
Assuming that general health is my goal, is bouldering a valid replacement for gym? As in, if I go bouldering on given day when I was planning to go to the gym, can I say "fuck gym, I already did exercise" without lying to myself?
bouldering can make you very fit and agile. you're never going to get big though if thats your goal

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Im 30 and sitting slouched for over 20 years had deformed my chest inwards slightly and now my chest is always tight and my breathing feels superficial and impaired, which in turn increases my heart rate which I suspect also increases my anxiety just to breathe normally. Can this be corrected normally or do I need the same surgery Pectus excavatum niggas get?

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>Show someone you think looks good at that age
Tom Cruise was pulling it off for a long while, but it looks like it is finally catching up with him.
By lifting heavy metal up and down and running loads of drugs and powders through your body
Don’t be white
Whites age like dog shit. Especially the women.
He's 16 years younger.
Hope advanced nanotech comes out in the next few decades. Either that or completely realistic masks

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>watched seaspiracy to see if eating fish is actually unhealthy and if fish are cruelly mistreated like land animals on the factory farms
>3/4 of the movie is about thirdie shitskins being treated like slaves at sea and that's why eating fish is bad
so .. basically .. fish is the superior protein?
>always do the opposite of what the jews say

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What are your favorite /fit/ snacks? These lil shits are slowly becoming an addiction.
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>bumble chink
Probably seed oils in the crackers too
Avocado oil actually, stay mad chud
Buy your own tuna and ditch the seed oil crackers. By the way, when they say olive oil, it is 100% vegetable oil, maybe slightly cut with olive oil.
>seed oil is.. le bad!
Objectively. Why are you posting selfies, bro?

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On the left are all things you can buy with government assistance food stamps.
The government will pay for you to buy these foods and eat them.

On the right are things that the government will not allow you to buy with government assistance.

Are we wonder why people are obese.
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You're wrong. They will kick you out of the store if you try to buy produce or meat.
No, you can't. You cannot buy prepared food with EBT.
everything in that picture is shit, except top right
You can, I've done it. You can buy those shushi packs all day. You can buy the take and bake papa murphy's pizzas too.
You can't buy shit that's precooked like the chicken wings and shit from the deli.
Yea you can. Just can’t be hot. There are even places that will sell you “cold” prepared food like pizza through EBT then charge like a dollar to cook it, so they’re separate transactions and it’s legal

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Whats the best way to reach your calorie/protein goals without eggs and meat?
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how much did you weigh at the time before you jumped the protein, and how much do you weigh now and how much protein do you recommend nowadays?
stealth vegan thread.
fuck off
skyr, I eat 500g every single day
tuna milk cheese
>believing this shit
The birds get sick because sience nerd insist on feeding them plastic and kale chips
Just buy eggs from a local farm they don't engage with this CDC nerd crap

>only doing traditional weightlifting


You do functional exercises, right /fit/?
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Total meme for hyperthrophy. But looks fun.
>rotting your brain with TikTok videos
Everything on modern internet is designed to make you emote anger. It makes me angry.
He looks better than you

He looks better than you
You don't know what he did to get that body. That's like saying "he's a Dr. he knows better than you". Blatant appeal to authority just because he has a good body. Fuck your ragebait, sage.

Safe and effective
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the meme doesn’t work like that retardbro
>I have zero ability of abstraction so it doesn’t work like that
I’m beginning to think your retardation isn’t an act. My condolences
Another amazing zinger. Keep it up anon

From a completely objective standpoint, 16 has good legs right?
roid watery bloat doesn't count bot
mine are better already, and i am still w8ing for chink made diving shoes to really go for gastroc and biceps femoris and glutes maxes
in short - not impressed, ast all
Would you say his left leg is slightly bowed anon?

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Is anyone else interested in historical fitness? Stuff like Professor Attila's Light Dumbbell System, or Ling's Method of Callisthenics.
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>Also been interested in the LDS but the big worry is that it's just a meme
Sandow's system is basically a kind of muscle control where you use light weights to make the mind-muscle connection easier.

Attila's system is just lifting light weights afaik, never researched it much because his writings weren't available when I went through my strongman phase.
post body
>Sandow's system
yeah, cool story bot, i just don't buy it :D
they did do the very light stuff, but it was clearly meant for beginners. The next stage was to do very heavy strength training, working from light warm up sets up to one very heavy working set

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The thing about taking creatine is that it makes me incredibly dry. Every evening when I take it I also drink a bunch of liters of water so that I don't get incredibly thirsty before going to bed at night. But I've noticed a significant increase in strength.

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how is it possible to eat all this in one sitting without experiencing crazy high blood sugar or acid reflux? i don't get it. is the food just passing through them without being digested?
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I eat like that
I would eat her creampies
Youre silly
how do you know they dont have high blood sugar or acid reflux?
how do you know they dont just throw it up later?
what makes you think they eat like this daily?

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>dad is diabetic
>mom and her family side has a history of cancer and ibd
I'm scared bros...
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>Zero source or evidence except some people said so.
only grassroot efforts made pro-human changes in all of history
Concession accepted
>Family has a history of schizophrenia and Alzheimer's
I don't know how things even got this far

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Do I do push exercise like dips to heal my brachioradialis pain? or hammer curls to heal my brachioradioalis pain?

Is it push or pull?
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Not really, it's the muscle that is big in people who swing shit in their hands: Sledgehammer workers, kendo guys, fencers, blacksmiths and so on.
ya i injured it from boxing
she didn't even go down all the way.
>it's the muscle that is big in people who swing shit in their hands: Sledgehammer workers, kendo guys, fencers, blacksmiths and so on.
second strongest elbow flexor after brachialis (biceps is 3rd)
>The brachioradialis flexes the forearm at the elbow.[1][2] When the forearm is pronated, the brachioradialis tends to supinate as it flexes.[2] In a supinated position, it tends to pronate as it flexes.[2] This also assists the biceps brachii.[2], it also extends wrist
so u do circles with wrist with arm extended and arm flexed, supinated and flexed forearm - this will move it without any load and speed up process of healing
u can also try doing everything with left hand for a change, my posture improved immediately after i have tried this simple yet immensely annoying trick, it will get better, as i do the uniportant shit with left and switch to good arm as i do sth, sth that needs utmost precision for example

it happens because u grab shit with your hand from above and carry it around, it will also fuck your biceps because u're gonna aggravate radial nerve - google radial tunnel syndrome - u've got brachioradialis (usually right) strong but it's overworked and stiff and inflamed, that's why your left biceps looks mighty and healthy and right not so much when u flex it up, when your arms are down there is little difference, and u're stronger in right "biceps" because it's actually brachioradialis stealing your gains and trampling on radial nerve causing regional inflammation and such

it's just a probe, the topic has not been exhausted yet D:
You're not supposed to. Upper arm is to be parallel with the bar (horizontal). Im fact, she went slightly beyond that. Mirin

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