how is it possible to eat all this in one sitting without experiencing crazy high blood sugar or acid reflux? i don't get it. is the food just passing through them without being digested?
>>75737232Throwing up after.
>>75737232Why do you watch this?
>>75737232Probably edited
they throw 90% of it in the trash
>>75737631Do they actually make these videos with cuts? I figured they'd film the whole thing because people wouldn't believe it otherwise, and then just purge after they stop filming.
>>75737677Most have cuts, but if they actually it it then they have a special tube that goes straight to the stomach to make throwing it up more pleasant and easier
>>75737232asian food is fake as fucki bet that shit is mildly sweet at best
Most of them just spit it out. If you look closer, there are jump cuts all over those mukbang videos
>>75737232I eat like that
>>75737232I would eat her creampies
>>75737705Youre silly
>>75737232how do you know they dont have high blood sugar or acid reflux?how do you know they dont just throw it up later?what makes you think they eat like this daily?