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Post and discuss opinions that go against the normie mob or the /fit/ one. I want to see if I'm missing out on something. I'll start with some I have, from "sanest" to "insanest".

> Regular shoes deform the feet, negatively alter posture and hurt the knees.
> The fed state is as, if not more important than the fasted.
> High serum cholesterol levels are the biggest atherosclerosis risk factor.
> Carbohydrate, including sugar, doesn't cause type II diabetes.
> The condition of the galea aponeurotica likely is at the root of male-pattern baldness.
> Sunlight does not necessarily produce permanent photodamage.
> A diet should be as diverse as possible.
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So you admit it does deform your feet retard
I'm also a wormpilled. The back bends. I don't do rounded back deadlift since that's only stretching the spinal erectors, I basically do weighted toe touches
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Interesting. Makes sense. You may be right, at least somewhat.

>Legitimate schizo, if you have the appropriate width shoes do nothing to the feet.
Legitimate dimiwit. The forefoot in healthy human feet, even narrow ones, is significantly wider than the heel of the foot and REGULAR footwear is not foot-shaped; the toebox is much narrower than the heel area and normal feet are widest at that point when standing up.

Even if regular footwear were foot-shaped, there's at least another part of the foot their features deforms.

>Without sunlight, life cannot survive on Earth.
Obviously. I think we were talking about direct sun exposure.
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>the children we should be carrying
The vast majority of people shouldn't reproduce.

This. Physiognomy is real and that should be obvious.

Are these good for anything? I can get one cheap

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>muh humans naturally only would walk or sprint never anything in between

The literal blood warriors would have to jog an hour to get to water.

At 5:00 in video to see this.

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5 a day is a lot if you're also doing a serious lifting program.
I'm not related to them though
This is just assuming you've accounted for all the variables. You're not even thinking about peptides, are you?
Also, it's not a naturalist fallacy to point out what conditions we've adapted to.

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>Science based lifter vs broscience
notice who mogs who
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>The artist is obv some kind of leftie
This is obviously some randian objectivist comic. If it was a lefty comic the rational human wouldn't be some 1950s looking white guy. Fucking retard.
People like to ignore centuries of research and studies done by monks and priests
Bro splits are for roiders. For natties it's better to train a muscle 2-3 times a week. But when you're on roids the pump is better than frequency because you want to hit a muscle with 6 different exercises to get it as full of roided blood as possible.
>t.otally not a kike
thats not how roids work you retarded trannatty

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if the goal was to teach a teenager how to lift then the diagrams are somewhat useful. Lowbar isnt as good as high bar unless your goal is to compete in powerlifting.
The program is in general worse than 90% of middle school and highschool programs that have you lift 5 days out of the weak and train for football off and on season.

It is better than nothing
people lift weights because they want to look good and aesthetic.
following the advice in this book will just make you fat and gay.
What’s a better novice program?
You already need to be at a good fitness level to start with barbells. If you are then its good.

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>tfw you don't do hip trusts, squats, or deadlifts
not anymore, glutes maximus is muchos importande postural muscle
just like abs, but nothing but my abs isolation do abs, but i will type it out in few hours - lunchbrake is over
I do deadlifts and BSS
don't need more
What the dog doin

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>this was considered cartoonishly jacked in 2006
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He walked around with a stick out 6 pack at 6’2, 200lb. Still an anomaly and very rare.

Also he looked cartoonishly jacked due to the films promo
I recall seeing the trailer on Attack of the Show and thinking it was a videogame
Still is.

If you have abs, and aren't a complete twig, you're automatically considered jacked by anyone who doesn't lift/isn't into fitness.

The standard is ridiculously low to have a top 5% physique aesthetically speaking.

If you're 12% body fat while having some muscle mass you're already in that top 5% of college aged men.
post body with timestamp
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This was considered cartoonishly jacked in 300BC

At what age do you think you'll gracefully retire from lifting heavy weights?
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Imagine wasting your time on this shit at 90 when retirees in The Villages are having orgies that would make Caligula blush
That's the most based thing I've read all day.
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Lifting heavy is safe for oldfags and it's the best kind of physical training there is. Use good form ya dingus.
Im 32 and feel like it will take years to achieve my goal body. I like to stay active and while out hiking I'll sometimes see like 70 year olds jogging around. I'm determined to be a ripped old dude. Seeing those old people who can't hardly walk scared me to death.
That's the most cringe thing I've read all day.

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45 minutes on either the stairmaster or 15% incline treadmill walking a day is NON NEGOTIABLE for heart & lung health
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the only cardio dem bitches do is cock sucking
Everyone in that image needs to be sent to a camp
Why does she do the seal clap and tilt her head up like a penguin?
Okay but let's negotiate, What If instead of that I actually do physical activities such as Blue Collar work or sports?
how about I just beat off for an hour instead.
elevated heart rate = cardio

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What's the point of being /fit/ if you onlu attract fat women?
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they just want a man that can lift them
is this the power of the penguin? I kneel.

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Jack looked better than most people on /fit/ ever did or will
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He had a great physique for his time (born back in 1914!) and proved it with longevity of strength and application.
i was alive when the jews were in camps and blacks were slaves. so fucking jealous
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For the time he had decent pecs too as those early guys were sometimes lacking.

What looks off about my body?
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Also you need to bulk up, you're lean but you're small, small arms, little to no chest.
Looking solid bro. Don't listen to the body dysmorphic retards on here. They're as insane as anorexia encouragers on discord
Fuck the chest, you need more shoulders and back.
Nothing you look great, concentrate on improving athletic ability while staying lean and you're in for a long and healthy life.
way too skinny, you need to add another 20kg of muscle mass

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No matter the strategy I adopt (slow tempo with lighter weights for example), I only feel them on specific exercises (cable crossover, pec fly, leg extensions, seated leg curl) but not at all on compounds and barbells exercises? What am I doing wrong?
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if youre eating good and sleeping well then the latter is correct especially if you do low reps
if i lower the weight too much on the bench press then I can't activate the whole chain. meaning this: it i bench heavy i can push all the way from my feet, with low weights i just use my upper body. at any rate i never EVER feel my pecs
So I shouldn't lower it too much to feel the pump?
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wait im supposed to be utilising my legs when i benchpress?
Its because you have bad posture even if its just minor it'll make a big difference.
You want to feel the muscle you want to grow or you'll get injured eventually.

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I browse 4chan and even reddit during my workouts, in between sets.
Kills the 45s-1min, and if I see a post that pisses me off, I use that anger in the next set.
so does everyone here dummy
wow ur so cool, I want to be like you and do things you do
so does everyone here dummy wow ur so cool, I want to be like you and do things you do
I actually think its a shitty habit that distracts more than anything else.
I wish I didn’t have a crippling 4chan addiction.
To be honest, I think it's more of a distracting habit than anything else. I wish my addiction to 4chan wasn't so strong.

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Im 19 can i increase my height with exercise and gym
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just eat
I went from 53 to 67 (to 78 kg today, 180cm) by forcing myself to eat more and counting calorie. find something that is easy to eat and calorie dense and force it down after each meal and before going to sleep (I used 100 kcal biscuits cuz it's easier to keep tracks of calories that way).
You're gonna have stomach ache everyday for 2 weeks but a month from now you'll have considerably increased your stomach size and it get easier from there. (watch out from stretch marks)
Just scrape together 40k and go do leg lengthening in Turkey or Greece while it's still plausible that you grew naturally because gym and exercise are not going to make you taller unfortunately.
It feels like l've completely lost at being a man, I don't even really consider myself a real man just a male really. Men are supposed to be tall, strong, dominant, self sufficient, confident, outgoing, successful. The only thing I really have is self sufficiency but beyond that I have nothing, mostly because I'm a manlet (5'6). I can't really be strong, outgoing or even dominant/confident because of my height and getting checked by other men, so I just gave up on these aspects. I tried the whole gym cope but it changed nothing, people don't respect me anymore than when I was 120lbs even when I was 170lbs and lifting daily. I just don't think I can ever be a real man because of my height especially in current year where it's a make or brake in the dating department. l've never dated or had sex, l've never even really had friends at most I've had people who tolerate my existence or keep me around for entertainment since I tried the jestermax cope. I gave up the gym since it's basically pointless at this height, like a cripple training for a marathon and took the studycope path hoping I can at least get some decent money but beyond that there's nothing for me on this earth. I'm in the prime years of my life where most are out partying, meeting people, having sex/relationships etc but I gave up on socialising and honestly my life is a lot better not having to dump effort into people for zero return but at the same time it feels like I lost. I'm much more bitter and resentful now, but not really enough to hurt anyone. It's like I'm just stewing in shit constantly. Does it ever get better as a manlet or is this just it? How do you even stop being a loser? It feels like there's no hope of life ever improving since I am a manlet and just overall an undesirable person. The only reason I don’t kill myself is out of spite
Are you retarded? He's trying to get taller, not fatter

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