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Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
thanks buddeh i'll get a glass after i finish my coffee

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what do you see that i should work on / ideas of improvement -? i am beginner
Just lift.
already looking very good, maybe some more abs and arms
Lift to failure loser
Beware the gyno
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Might as well just slay pussy x failure

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>u cant digest the protein of legumes


your welcome
enjoy your beans
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this nigga hating beans
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In my culture we have a saying about beans: they are the magical fruit. It probably doesn't translate to English.
I have read about the ancient bean scriptures, that took decades to translate, making reference to 'tooting' or some such
>In my culture we have a saying about beans: they are the magical fruit.

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I feel like I've cooked my brain cells vaping too much high THC weed over the years. After quitting, what roadmap to partial recovery is there? Can you fry your shit permanently?
cardio, water, lift, sleep
give it a year. i was smoking 1g carts in 2-3 days for like 4 years and it wasn’t until 8-9 months of sobriety that i felt ‘normal’ or at least what i remember to be normal
>road map
>covid era govt and msm buzzword
my god you are fucking brain fried cunt

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What routine was he running exactly?
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it's not though
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Boogie is actually ozempicmaxxing right now
At this rate I don't care if it's medically assisted, I want to see him reach 200 lb simply for the lulz
Niko was never spiritually obese.
Don’t tell me that’s what you’re motivated to do but it’s thinly masked by “for the luls”
I just think it'd be funny to see boogie lose weight
Better yet, he loses the weight, starts roiding, and then dies

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If aging brutalized my face due to a bad lifestyle, can I reverse it or do I have to get fat implanted on my face and other weird sociopathic Karen things like that.
Castor oil and vitamin E
Retinol and Tretinoin

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Does creatine cause hairloss?
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Science says it can raise DHT which in men who had androgenic alopecia will miniaturize their hair.
Creatine cause dicklose. Dont buy it.
>if it would not increase dht it would not increase energy to lift weights too
That's silly but everything else is correct. Creatine objectively increased DHT in college football players who were in their physical prime and training since childhood.

The good thing is that if you're not predisposed to balding it will not magically make you bald as far as we know.
If the was the case I’d be bald as fuck. It does cause magnify adrenal fatigue and stress though and cause greying of the hair at the temples especially
In my experience neither creatine nor prostate massage cause hair loss

Can anyone afford a rich person bulk? I make 102k and even if csnt afford to do whole foods unless I'm just buying basic shit.. over
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It's not the same thing, I can feel the difference in my stomach. I see all these posts, "oh I feel like shit when bulking". That's cuz theybare eating GMO slop. U really thinknu can genetically modify food and it won't change how it reacts in ur body?
>Women are boring post-nut
I don't get this. Literally everybody is boring. At least you can cuddle women and kiss them whether pre or post nut.
>canned seafood
Those are poison.
Expensive and full of sneed oil.
Why do poor people play with their food
maybe if you're a bugman

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you *do* have picture perfect nutrition, don't you anon?
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Yeah so this is a bait thread.
Talking about “carbs bad” and eating 115g of sugar per day is too obvious
that sugar is from fruit and milk
natural trans fats from ruminant meat and milk is healthy. industrial seed oil trans fats are toxic. just another reason this website is dogshit and retarded just like you
>your fats are atrocious
kill yourself seed oil tard
The vast majority of tranny fats are from artificial food
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>75g of saturated fat and 6g of trans fat
>10g of fiber
>1400mg of cholesterol
>4:1 omega 6:omega 3 ratio

Also a 22%/24%/54% protein/carb/fat macro split is fucking terrible roflmao

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Have any of you noticed a difference from jaw training
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Yes, but I don't do "exercises." I just chew hard gum.
I have noticed a huge difference in your mom with all the jaw training I've been giving her

>do pull ups
>everything is perfectly fine
>fast forward 15 minutes
>INSANE shoulder pain
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>have no warm up routine
>tendons and joints start to hurt after putting them through sudden high intensity stress
>pull-ups so difficult they stress joints
Put down the ice cream OP
>inb4 not fat
Uninstall league of legends OP
>inb4 not skelly mode
Raise yo grandkids gradpa
>inb4 not old
Either way warm-up retard

Can you truly outlift growing up the unpopular fat kid?
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I knew one in college, showed me pics of him going from sphere to greek god throughout HS

The w*men drooling over him never noticed, but we all could still see the fat kid in him and as fucked up as it sounds it made him great to be around and likely a "better" person over all.
He picked a nice plain gf over the hundreds of whores and they went on to get married, he never seemed tempted by them
Was always excited to take n00bs to the gym with him and talk about nutrition, valued having us skinnyfat nerds as friends because he could comfortably talk to us about life and vidya and anime and shit

Could tell the popularity was a bit much for him at times, so I hope he got over that and is living his best chad life
Yes, I did. Just lift, develop confidence (fake it til you make it if you need to) and you'll get there. Progress is non linear though.
It’s much worse being the unpopular skinny kid.
No offense but all the fat people I’ve seen turn into muscular guys were never down to earth and got swept up in being narcissistic. Maybe that’s just because they were defective from the start though and an insufferable person.
Think there's a difference in mindset between "fat people" and "fat kids", at least from what I've observed

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How do you exercise your vagus nerve? Evidently it can positively alter your mood when stimulated, so I would like to add it to my daily gym routine.
Yawn and dip my face in cold water
How many yawns in a set?
Get the juicehead bear at your gym to choke you out for 5 sets of 20 second choking

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What do you think about for that motivation?

My ex cheated on me with Chads who still bully me.
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>Cuckold getting bullied by the guys who fuck his girl.

Does it make ur peepee hard too?

>I have amazing genetics....
>im a short motherfucker.....

Choose one.
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I think about how (((they))) don't want us being fit.
It's the default "can't get any other girl" scenario for white guys.
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That's cope. Same with how white men rag on white women as compared to Asian women out of a misplaced aggression towards their braindead SEA wife. Same with how bottom of the barrel soon-to-troon Asian men say WMAF always produces fuckups, where somehow magically AMWF doesn't. Its pure cope all the way down and resentment towards SOMEBODY at some level.

Simply unreal how much sneethe is produced when the topic of a white man and Asian woman being together is brought up in a discussion context on the internet. Its very mention is a powerword that inspires people to turn off their brains and relegate all their thoughts toward absurdity.

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>finish workout
>get horny as hell
Is there a scientific explanation for this? It happened way too often to be a coincidence.
Your body thinks you just KILL MAIM BURNED an enemy village and now it's le raep tiem
This can't be right.
Come on man, I'm serious here.
Adrenaline, testosterone, growth hormone, lots of hormones that can boost libido spike. Your dopamine and endorphin levels also rise, which can increase libido temporarily, and if your body is used to lifting and exercising regularly, you don't get a cortisol spike anymore and just a cortisol reduction for a few hours. All combined make you wanna have sex. The other anon was being silly about it but that physical struggle would potentially call back to times in the past where we'd get a rush conquering an animal or another person physically or saved our own lives, which would be such a rewarding high that you'd want to have sex to keep the high going.

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