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There was a thread about PDP a few weeks ago, so I'll be That Guy and ask again.

Is this natty?
Obviously natty.
In your dreams
More like in your dreams this isn't natty. Try lifting weights.
OP must be the same guy who posts that DYEL video game character
This is intermediate natty. It’s not even peak what natty can attain. Just not a powershitter

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He has an almost twin brother that's natty or a minimal cycle, I'm gonna guess like that.
How would you look if you weren't a stupid fucking nigger?
The IQ of this board is scarily low.
>hyper optimized "science based" fitness sphere.
They have to make it complicated so you need their products to know how to train. On the other hand, some people don't know the most basic shit like muscles are made out of food. Whatever.

his videos are comfy
>common sense

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I jerked off after a week or so hiatus and my sperm was super bubbly and foamy. Came a shitload. Is this normal or do I have prostrate cancer
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You're fine. Prostate cancer can be checked by putting your finger up your ass. Have a professional physician do it for you once if you're unsure what to look for.

t. 47y boomer
ur sperm turned gey lik u
I'm trans btw
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>beat off into paper towel
>cum is yellow
No that’s just what I look like

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Is this true?
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Don’t eat more than 10 eggs a day
Don't know about the eggs but I'm inclined to believe he's natty. He's smaller than other fake natties of his time (John Grimek to name one) and one would assume his physique is possible for one who has dedicated his whole life to fitness. Don't forget he is 1.73 (5'8) and lived to 80.
woops mark ruffalo looks incredible in this pic
what is impressive he got big side delts and lats while purposefully and succesfully he kept traps small. wacko and genius in one person
>smaller than other fake natties of his time
>this means he's natty bros!
who's gonna tell him

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Is it true that bigger and heavier guys endure hot days worse than thinner and smaller ones?
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>is it true that a greater surface area to volume ratio is better for dissipating heat?
yes you fucking retard

Whenever I see a meme about hating summer I assume the person sharing them is fat and I'm never wrong
yeah fatter "people" cant stand hot weather as good as lean people
I didn't mean fat people. fat is an insulator and so makes people feel warm
I was more interested in people with high muscle mass and low body fat
Im buff and I love hot thailand weather.
35°C+ and 95% humidity.
Keeps my body really functional.

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Why this shit so expensive considering we are living in one of the worst periods of inflation of all time?
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You dumb nigger. The micronutirent profile is comparable to that of meat. There is no reason why you can't supplement with protein powders which are easy and convenient.
This board is full of retards
~$1 per serving isnt that expensive
It allows you to eat more interesting food (talking about nice dishes like souffle and carbonara, not muh cheeseburger) on a cut
Does protein powder have vitamin B6? B12? Riboflavin? FAT? ZiNC? FOLATE??? Is this hard for you guys to understand or am i being trolled? You dyels blindly follow the chicken and rice meme then wonder why you're yelling., WHOS THE RETARD TWINK BOi? WHOS THE FUKN RETARD HERE while your cash goes to fukn "protein powder" all the cash I save left over goes to PUSSY dude be smart with your life maybe then you wouldn't be such a virgin

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Let’s say you do 10 reps, and on the 11th you fail and can only lift it half way. The first 7 reps were cardio.
squats at 12+ and deads at 8+. i mean atg squats with no valsalva maneuver. this shit makes deads abov 5 reps fucking torture. good to have this stuff behind me. leg liftingvis meme. you are better off running, cycling or chasing sportsball
>i mean atg squats with no valsalva maneuver
Sounds like it would be bad for your back.
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I simply can't do high rep sets at the gym because I don't want to look DYEL, turning into a power shitter doing 3 rep sets and resting for 4 minutes

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Is this achievable natty? And why does soccer produce the most aesthetic bodies of all sports?
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I hate tumor quads with small upper bodies. Looks so stupid
Buddy, I can’t even squat 185
Shit thread
I mog this little manlet
Doesn't matter, you're not going to work for it regardless if it is natty.

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>OHP is not a functional lift
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that'll do pig
Spelunking is the stuff of nightmares, holy fuck. I hate the fact that Youtube recommends all kinds of these videos
Ways white guys die:
On a mountain.
In a cave.
Underwater in a cave.
Base jumping.
Sleeping peacefully in a bed.
Heartattack (most likley)
Prostate cancer
Are rape gangs a symbol of something? A loss of civilization or strong undesirable men? Maybe a fetishization of white women?

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Is Creatine really that good?
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hes like 150
Anadrol is just a brand of creatine
yeah he also lifted weights and ate protein and went to bed at bedtime.
Kek imagine
Just to throw something else out there beyond helping with your lifts.
Creatine has shown to increase IQ as well. It doesn't mean you will automatically just be smarter but you will be better equipped when it comes to cognitive abilities over someone who does not take creatine.

Just so we're clear, "science-based" lifters decided to follow the guy on the right...
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If size mattered then Ferrigno would've beaten Arnold cause he mogged him in height and mass
Based MentzCHADS making the Transnold Schwartzeniggerfags seethe

Arnold has swagger
Arnold wasn't a midget next to him like Mentzer and he had better arms, better pecs etc.
Post body.

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Are you a supremacist?
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Retard, it was because the dairy industry was struggling to sell to its capacity and the government had to whip up artificial demand to keep farmers from having to dump millions of gallons of rotten milk every week.
OK but please tell me who goat milk is for.
Me. My grandparents used to have goats on the farm. Goat milk is GOAT.
>no no you can't apply your reason to domesticated the plants and animals around you for beneficial use
>drinking that highly nutritious thing is le bad, chud, it's not for you
>t. bitch tits

How do Sam Bro’s even respond to this lol?
(pro tip: they can’t)
Holy hell Bumstead looks awful with a beard
Faggot photoshopped?

hes got to cover up his fucked up bite from GH abuse

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Powerlifting and its consequences has been a disaster for the gymbro race
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Way better than twinkceling
Maybe if he had put on some muscle. He just got fat.
its not even "luxury" food problem. its problem of species inappropiate food. ever seen horse getting fat on grass? only hibernators get fat. modern meat is so much fatter than game meat our ancenstors ate.
bulk of calories came from roots and tubers. not seeds. not lard. John McDougall and likes are mostly right, too bad they alloed themselves with vegan movement.
>now go over to /plg/ and find decent
a bunch of larpers not ranked anywhere aren't powerlifters. actual powerlifters need to stay within the weight class suitable for their build and carrying extra lard doesn't help with that
Hunter gatherers were lean yes, But he's correct about elite warriors having relatively high bf%.

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Hello Gamers.
I have gone 555 days without a single stroke of my penis.
I have turned real life into an RPG in which I am the protagonist.
Each completed day is an XP point. Each urgewave is a bossfight. Each milestone is a level up. Each involuntary emission is a death.
Eternal Nofap is Eternal Bliss.
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Fucking autists kek
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Greetings Samuel
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You should update my picture to this one
>Less need for sleep
This was clearly true on my 537 day streak
>Plato litterally wrote about jacking it he called it an abomination

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