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I can't get enough of these lil niggas. Anyone else throw one of these on their night stack?
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stop that.
magnesium and meletonin is all you need. your fucking yourself eating all that acetaminophen
>Diabetes gives you diabetes. It's existed long before this corn syrup
but it feels so good bro
You are only supposed to take ~4 grams of acetaminophen a day, spread out.
There is 650mg in every one of the serving cups that come on the cap.
Yeah, you're right. Falling downstairs can't break your back because car crashes break your back.

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That first sip of the day
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Buy 3 for $7 at gas stations around me. People spend that much on one coffee at Starbucks every day so i don't feel too bad.
My dealer sells 10 for 8€.
Apparently it also applies sharpen filters.
>drink 8-10 cups of coffee everyday
>no one bats an eye
>drink one monster every once in a while for variety
>people think I'm drinking poison
What causes this?

i've been addicted to porn, the internet, and cannabis, all of which i've used daily for a decade. how do i help stop and recover with physical exercise but in a way my dopamine-destroyed retarded brain can be reasonably expected to comply with
just increase the cannabis. get so completely stoned, that you forget to eat. so you simply need MORE thc, not less.
and then go to the gym high and workout for like 4 hours everyday.
Start small. Like, just go for a 30-minute walk and don't bring your phone or music.

How can I stop gagging when eating this slop
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Fuck you, nigger. If you want to chew peanuts, buy peanuts.
Creamy is for Chads, chunky is for fags.
buy shit that is healthy actually? why are you adding sugar and bullshit.
you dumb as hell nigga
You don't understand, I hate the taste of peanut butter but it's good for bulking
So add it to stuff or stuff to it?
Cinnamon, cocoa, maple syrup, honey, apples, bananas, strawberry jam.
Asians use it in chicken and noodle dishes.

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fuck the discord degenerates edition
>post lifts
>post brekkie
>post benis circumference
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>he wasnt doing hummingbirds while laying in bed
Why does anyone drink that shit. For the same price and an extra minute you can get some grounds a French press and it's so much tastier.
I always see moccona at everyones house, maybe with an old nescafe tin stored somewhere ancient.
I've never seen the people who drink blend 43 or int roast at work (tradies, factory workers, military) drink it at home.
My first coffee of the day is moccona, but my pre-gym coffee with honey is blend43. I dunno, just watever is on special mostly. My favourite coffee is from my local coffeeplace, could buy their beans and try french press but I like to save that for a treat once in a while
What about Wagga Wagga, I was looking at places there

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What's the new meta?
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triangle makes no fucking sense because it doesn't follow the shape of his body at all LOL
Saaar we worked hard for this saar
Kek they gave the fatty neckbeard
Fucking bullshit

There are three variables: shoulder width, hip width, bodyfat %. Build muscle, lose fat, and put extra focus on delts and lats if you have wide hips. THATS ALL
Face is overtuned this patch as always

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I sprained my neck one month ago which makes it painful to move it at all. Every day it heals a little, but at nighttime while I'm sleeping my neck involuntary moves around undoing all the healing that occurred while conscious.

Here I am one month later back at stage one. How do I heal my neck?

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>that guy who wipes down the treadmill at the gym
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why do indians keep making anti-cleansing threads
Do you really need to wipe down a treadmill after all you did was press a button on the digital keypad?
You're indian, you don't get to laugh at anyone but yourself
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You are Indian
why would I, a white man, have so little respect for my fellows and for hygiene in general that I wouldn't wipe down my sweat from the treadmill?
stop normalising being indian

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I'm a dude and I'm built like this. Am I cooked? Should I just go down the femboy path?
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just wearing dresses, grow your hair out, and lift like a woman. it'll be easier that way.
You're probably a chubby DYEL. Try to be able to do 30 pull-ups in a row and 100 push-ups in a row. You'll probably look much more masculine once you reach that. I am 99.99% certain you currently can't do that.
WTF I just saw the pictures OP posted... So fucking fat... That's beyond chubby DYEL. Why do you think you could become a femboy more easily than an aesthetic male bodybuilder? Right now you are a blob of fat. If you tried to become a femboy and actually summoned the willpower to lose all of that fat, you would be covered in loose skin and empty fat cells. I would recommend that you try to gain as much muscle mass as possible. That way you can at least kind of fill out the loose skin once you lose some fat. Btw, you won't need to eat more food to gain muscle, you have so much fat that you could probably gain tons of muscle eating just like one or two 500 calorie protein rich meals per day.
You are fat
Yeah dude for fuck sake you're only woman shaped cause you're fat.
Your fat deposits are mostly below the waist, so you need to be very lean to look normal.

Even at 15% bodyfat you'd have more junk in the trunk, while being shredded up top, thats why so many retards think they have a disorder, they get visible abs but still have fat hips.

You need to get very lean, 10%. You're about 45% atm

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>run regularly 30 miles a week
>In great cardiovascular shape
>Stop running for 8 months
>Gain 20 lbs
>Get back into running
>Cardio shape is coming back pretty fast
>Lower legs hurt a lot each run like they never did when I was running regularly
How do I fix this shit? I'm not sure it's shin splints but hurts exactly like here and the achilles.
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Calf raises and tibia raises.
It's been 13 years and I've put on over 60 lbs. Started running on the treadmill again and after 2 weeks I'm not so hard of breathing, it's literally just my legs giving out.

Stretch your shins by pointing your toes down and up, and change shoes.
I want to get back into my previous shape as soon as possible. Heart and lungs are doing fine but dumb legs are holding me back
into what kind of shoes should us shinsplinted bastards change into? high drop, low drop, no pad, a lot of pad? do not reply with "idk just keep trying out different pairs until you find good ones" or i will brand you a shoe merchant
I would say low drop - medium to low stack height. Reasons: to minimize ankle pronation that biomechanically makes the force that goes through the interior shin larger (for me)

> I have been trying to heal the injuries but it has been difficult to focus on that in the last 3 years
Be sure to get enough sleep.
Also, do some respiratory exercises like Accumulation and Reinvigoration every day. Check the attached picture for a description of each.

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Hello /fit/, today, my friend wants to... "look more like a bottom", what should I recommend to my friend on where to start (besides cardio equipment) because they really want to try the gym.
Yeah "your friend"

You a fucking sissy anon
Your friend is catching, not pitching?

how cucked are you if you get a bad nights sleep after a hard lift. i got like 4-5 hours last night. are all my gains gone?
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>If not, supplement 4k-6k Vit D daily.
i live in fucking scotland so i need to supplement i guess. do you know of any quality brand/purveyor of vitamin D tablets?

I don't understand any of how muscle growth and repair works but why would lack of sleep stop it from happening? Is the muscle just gonna not repair itself? like why the fuck would it do that. It makes sense though that lack of sleep would hinder performance/energy levels for future lifting sessions though
>It makes sense though that lack of sleep would hinder performance/energy levels for future lifting sessions though
yep. youre correct
people always say "you grow in your sleep", but its not true at all, you grow muscle the least in your sleep. Muscle protein synthesis is highest after weight training and consuming a high protein meal.
the benefit of sleep is for hormonal health and energy levels. its still important.
They're all pretty much the same, drops are a bit better than tablets for absorption. Would recommend something like 8000IU a day for 2 weeks to get to baseline levels quickly, then 4000IU daily. Also, very important that you take in tandem with Vitamin K2.
Balls - it's only since electric light we've got the habit of 1 long sleep - we used to split in 2. Sleep for 3-4 hours then wake for another 2-3, then sleep another 3-4.
I sleep like this and my gains are fine.

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What kind of training or lifestyle choices are you doing to promote longevity?
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this but I wear sunblock. I will not be a non-sun block zoomer
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Could you do this but with a very big hat? I wanna sumbreromaxx and am curious if I'll still need sunblock for my skin.
Plastic surgery, skincare, fitness, botox, fillers, money and healthy diet are necessary to age well fun lady fuck fun china dick make sure to stay away from shit that ages you
>Plastic surgery... botox, fillers
is only really needed if you have some kind of severe deformity. unless you have serious skincare skill issues, other technology should more than suffice these days.
Woman detected

I have kidney stones and my doctor told me to limit protein intake, how am I meant to bulk now? I'm so fucked
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Kidney stones another gift of science, thank you science please pasteurize my soft tissue daddy science
lotta people would rather die than drink 3 liters of water a day
>Calcium oxalate are the most common, and are associated with high oxalate diets; spinach,nuts, legumes, etc.

Everyone should look up what the highest food sources of oxalates are. I always hear people saying things like beans or nuts are high, but most foods are nothing compared to spinach, kale, beets, chard etc. where as beans and nuts are incredibly good for you and have WAY less in comparison. Just don't eat chard, kale, spinach, beets etc. No reason to avoid nuts and beans like a dumbass because people don't know how to stop spreading disinfo.

Also you can get magnesium citrate powder that's lemonade flavored as a supplement, and also get citric acid (what makes lemons sour) and malic acid (what makes apples sour) as supplement powders and mix it with the magnesium and some stevia and a bunch of water and basically make a very acidic lemonade magnesium drink that flushes the hell out of your liver and kidneys. also start taking milk thistle and drinking more water.

drink the acidic drink with a stainless steel straw so you don't wear out your teeth with the acidic drink, and rinse your mouth with water after, and drink plain water after as well. Eat some food too so it's not too hard on your stomach.

I am NOT a doctor. This is NOT medical advice. do your own research. Ask your doctor before doing anything.
Eating cashews almost killed this woman.

as for beans, I eat tons of beans and have never had an issue with them. I think its because they have lots of fiber and are low in fat. I also get enough calcium and stay hydrated.

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