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how the fuck do i eat healthy bros

i can only eat total lifting slop gruel mode
>chicken and broccoli
or total fatfuck mode
>cheesesteaks burgers pizza etc
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>doing what they're for
>you must be like me
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Zoomoid just kill yourself already jfc
Just eat plastic and you'll get the same amount of nutrition as any plant could provide

Fit i thought you said muscles were for brokies.

Were you faggots lying the whole time?
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The only one I know stays in shape so he can fuck the prostitutes he lives with.
thats why Im taking ozempic. Faking being rich has never been easier.
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This is mainly due to nature of fiat currency, it being relative to itself and other. We are in future where humans dont have any natural predators, in which only natural predator to humans is other humans (narcissists, psychopaths, serial killers or anxiety of them is on the rise), which is why socioeconomic situation was created to be "dog eat dog" world. Because otherwise humanity would shrivel up and lose momentum to reach the stars. (ie. google "rat utopia experiment")

It is natural progression of oversocialization. Don't worry, we will get ourselves broken again and in need of rebuilding. Truth is not created through comparison. There is objective truth in our reality.
>Why are a lot of rich old men in america jacked nowadays?
Because they can.
They want to impress others

He keeps highly processed garbage despite being terminally ill from that same food.

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/afg/ - Australian Fitness General
>why haven’t you cunts made a new thread edition
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Grats bro, come pick me up and we'll go do some mainys
>I just went and got a pizza
what kind of pizza?
Fuck bros I accidentally fucked my arm. Can't gym for two months.
Deep fisting is never a good idea.
Your mum didn't complain last night

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>Gives you tits
No refunds
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7 years, on and nothing happened.
Do people realize they can just use minox which basically has no side effects because it doesn't mess with hormones and still get good results
The efficacy of fin compared to minox is a bit overblown
>natural remedies
Lol. Lmao even.
Best proven drug to combat MPB(after dua) and operates as a eugenics programs for the donkeyDNA undesireables. Thank you fin.
>have very mild gyno from puberty, people can't tell
>normal test levels but not high, mid 600s
>start balding
>hop on fin
>sex drive which was already high explodes
>nips are constantly sore and gyno gets A LOT worse
>hairloss stops and hairline stabilises
I'm just going to spend like $3k on gyno surgery and I'll be all set, can't get gyno again because they'll remove the whole gland. Gives me a free pass to try blasting test as long as I keep taking fin. It beats going bald or getting a hair transplant.
Nothing good either?

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> Animal based diet
> Heavy lifts
> Daily THC + Black Coffee / Coke Zero
> Creatine
> Sun exposure
> 10k steps daily
> Have hobbies outside of lifting
> Sense of style
> Talks to women
> Mog sub 2s (easy test boost)
> Climb the sexual market mountain and win
> Good grades

What next bros? This is the most red pill shit you'll see btw
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shut up goatis
> Daily nicotine + Black Coffee / tea
ftfy dumb faggot
Why are Europeans all gross smokers?
>chud glasses
lol imagine not taking nic pouches

u got them peakz
cuz i do
only training i do at the moment is fat gripz extreme pullups, ring chinups and neck training
only noobs cut
bulk is for big arm good go ba ba

>*kills you*
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You can literally crush the shell to powder between your fingers.
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I've eaten quail eggs with the whole shell many times.
Just put them in your mouth and crush them, then swallow the whole thing.

Feels good man.
thats not true. The whole egg has nutrients. Thats why I eat the "inside" and wash the shell with hot water, to make pulver out of it and put it in my proteinshake
free calcium

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why do you lift manmade metal in a manmade building for no reason? only shortening your life?
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I don’t care about women
The eternal Jew fears the voluntary celibate Chad.
>NOOOOOOOOO you have to live naturally and enjoy the parasites and live to 92 instead of 89!!!!
>what do you mean I’m a hypocrite for making a living off of grifting on the internet, online isn’t made of metal!!
I’ll never listen to the advice of someone who’s forearms are smaller than mine
>I’ll never listen to the advice of someone who’s forearms are smaller than mine
explains why youre retarded
>dem nootrients
>gib me dat $200
Same and I’ll also never listen to anyone who’s nose is longer than mine

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what are your plans for today anons?
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gonna go for a bike ride and hit chest
going on a first date tomorrow
kinda nervous but fuck it, we ball
I'm a redpilled ULxULxx follower
So I will be going to swim in 2 hours, rest a little, and proceed to do my Leg day
nice man, from where do you know here
hell yeah man good luck
just keep relaxed everything will be aight don't forget to not be a bitch and try something
I'm going to go climbing here in about an hour, then get lunch with some friends, and get to work late because it's friday and I'm not really needed around there rn.

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>No dont take Test when you are old becauss uhuhn
Why not?
if you want to try it just try it
I've simply always had a natural aversion to the pharmaceutical jew.
I know, ugh I know... It's just that I'm not gonna take it is all lol

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Another one fell for the super hero movies lmao

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it takes me 2 weeks to recover 100% from a cold every time
is that normal? colds for me always feel very minor, and the coughing disappears in 3-4 days but the slimey throat and some minor nose issues persist for about one and a half weeks more. so i do not train until it is done because it's bad for the heart.
Take supplements to recover faster. Get a few different kinds of mushroom extracts, some vitamin C, and antioxidants. Go out and get some sunlight too. You will get better far faster.
thanks, i was lacking in sunlight i think cuz i'm a basement dweller

>not becoming one with nature and taking the /hike/pill
>gains, adventure & freedom for free
>free food if you know the fauna
you DO plan to hike eventually.. right anon?
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I don’t answer questions
Remove your hat nigga
Oh, any old well-trodden back route, usually crevasses and valleys are my favorite even if they can get a bit muddy. That's the beauty of it: up at the crack of dawn, then you just have to get stuck in and plough away until the end, and it's even better with a friend. The more the merrier! You end up sweaty and sore, but satisfied.
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Based OP. I also am /hike/pilled.
i'm considering moving cities just to be on a city close to more trails/mountains to run.
How can one like them?
the recent push for wmaf is a complete psyop btw

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>spend a whole year lifting hard and eating clean
>look worse than before
natty lifting is a fucking scam, i’m blasting roids
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bold of you to assume this is a genuine post and not another forced blackpill thread
You say you can't tolerate being small but if I tell you to eat a lb of ground beef and squat, bench, deadlift, or press every day then we'll what you're really more comfortable with.
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Its demotivational thread, don’t take anything too serious in here wagmi
post body
You need fat and meat and to cut all sugar/alcohol to get huge (and obviously eat more)
I assume you rekt your test with too much protein also
(0.8g per pound of LEAN mass absolutely max synthesis per day- everything beyond hurts your test either directly or indirectly)

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