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How do you avoid getting the gymcel body type?
Is the secret just to not get too strong?
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Gymcel is all in your head, you could be a pudgy fuck who shittalks other people for not going to the gym and you'd be a gymbcel, or you could even be olympia-tier and not be a gymcel by having a personality
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Is this gay porn?
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Unrelated, this is my ideal back.
The lessons to be learned here:
1. Be tall
2. Have a pretty/handsome face. If you're going to have facial hair make sure it isn't shit.
3. Have a good haircut, do not be bald or balding.
BONUS: Take photos of yourself standing in front of aesthetic background in good lighting with a naturalistic pose and a seductive facial expression. Do not take photos of yourself glaring at the camera like a mortal enemy while hitting an anime power pose with clenched fists in front of cheap blinds.
>Is this gay porn?
Pretty much

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My body is fucked and I have scoliosis. It's not super severe but it's bad enough that when I try to do certain exercises I feel my spine pinching and it hurts for days. Anyone else have scoliosis? What exercises should I do? I don't really know how to even start even without scoliosis due to being a skeleton.
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Structural I think? It curves side to side and twists and is genetic unfortunately.
Tight and weak muscles can also pull and twist your body in fucked up positions so go to a doctor and get it checked.
I did a while ago, it's definitely structural
You might have slight scoliosis. I feel it on OHP and bench so I stopped benching desu and so dips and ring push ups.
I have it as well, but probably not as severely as you according to the pain you're describing. As the other anon suggested, try to stretch a lot. My hip flexors are indeed tight as hell which surely doesn't help. Try starting very very lightly. Ironically the exercises you're probably most afraid of like I was (back involved movements like deadlift, back squat, row) are what will strengthen your back to support your spine. Done with good form at weights you can control they will begin to alleviate your back pain, not worsen it.

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just drank 900ml of milk
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God I wish that were me
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I drink 3L milk every day.
Honestly, nutritious.
why can't I have this bros

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Is he fit?
Compared to avarage american? Yes.
Compared to avarage /fit/ poster? Also yes.
you can tell this is LA because they are hanging out in a parking lot. there's literally no nice public spaces in LA. everybody drives everywhere and meets up in parking lots outside of some business. everywhere nice is either too exclusive, too hard to get to and park, or filled with homeless drug addicts.
Because they are one and the same

Is it a big deal if your whey doesn't include tryptophan?
fancy kitty :3
classy kitty
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I love cat's eyebrow whiskers. So cute.
Yes cuz it's an amino acid anon. Ur powered is incomplete
this looks like an outfit dasha would wear

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best day of the week tombros, lfg!
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Artemis was an asexual lesbian anon
>Just stopping by to say I love you all, we are all gonna make it, and that (speaking from experience) the tomboys are still out there. Keep it pushing, hold onto the positivity in your heart, and you will make it. The demoralization shills stay eternally losing.
wagmi tombro
>Coming up on 10 years married to her. Weather's getting nicer so she's working out and doing some more cardio, so she's getting pretty jacked again. Life is good mang
absolutely based and blessed tombro, you are living the life. how did you meet your tomboy?
>Tombros, is there a better term than "Ogremode"? I want to talk about these women without unintentionally insulting them, in case I ever meet one.
i think the girls who are most ogre-mode would be the most chill with and even feel complimented by being called ogre-mode. the core of ogre-mode is trying to name the strong, powerful side of physical femininity that our culture has forgotten or repressed despite it being the natural ideal state for women. all these tombros in >>74136808 >>74137010 >>74137099 >>74137141 and >>74137196 make good points; i went back and re-read proverbs 31 and it exactly illustrates what i mean by understanding physical strength and fortitude as a part of the ideal of feminine beauty that our ancestors understood but we have forgotten.
She cuts herself?
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>She cuts herself?
there are a lot of girls, but really people in general, who get out of dark times in their lives with fitness. i think this phenomena is more noticeable and pronounced with women because even the tiniest natty t-boost from regular exercise+good lean mass/fat ratio has a relatively bigger impact on them.
Was a trend for a while.

Are chin ups the best bicep exercise?
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Most people who do anything are entry level.
Weighted, yes.
No. Too much back involved. A strict bicep lift is better, such as a curl and all the curl variations that exist. Chin ups are very good for you, but not the best bicep lift especially considering half this board can't even do a single one.
It's called a compound you philistine, and it's superior in every way that matters

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PPL on mondays, wednesdays and fridays, and kickboxing on tuesdays and thursdays. Does it worth?
full body 2x a week kickboxing 2x a week for more rest take it or leave it
Full body mwf then yeah
Add in a 30 min 5k on Tuesday morning, a fast 3k Thursday morning and a slow 10k on a Saturday and you'll be a geek god in a few months
will it work? maybe

>No evidence
>no studies
>no long term observations
>opposes all concrete nutritional science
>everyone shilling it is a non-practicing doctor or chiropractor selling supplements
>entire movement fueled by personal anecdotes of 40 year old yoga moms and roided out bodybuilders

Why is this a thing again?
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How do you get fiber?

How do you stay hydrated?
Oh boy are you in for some broscience
>I don't care if humans were carnivore for a million+ years and only omnivorous for a tiny fraction of that time, show me the studies! no not those studies, only studies funded by food corporations!
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>Oreo cookies lower cholesterol more than statins? Check-mate carnitards, science wins again. You're missing out on heart-healthy plant based oreo cookies. Listen to the experts they have it all figured out!

>what do you mean low cholesterol is unhealthy? why would every single food corporation and journalist lie to me? you're a conspiracy theorist. Modern plant based foods are cheaper and therefore better because that's PROGRESS AND SCIENCE chud.
You can only eat so much protein

Best lifts/routine for Lindemann mode?
Lift heavy and end every day with ten proper form beer-gulpdowns.
Eat a lot of sauerkraut and bratwurst
5x12 german fart sex
14x88 heil hitlers

I fell for the Starting Strength meme back in college and the most I got to show for it was a large ass and attention from fat gay boys. Getting back into weights now and I just want to brosplit.

Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls. What are objectively the most optimal variations to recruit the most muscle mass?
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3x a week legs is brutal 2x is way better.
Yet pensioners manage to do it and progress
>Its made for football players in middle and high school where legs matter the most.
It’s made for people who want to get stronger. Post your copies or Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training and Practical Programming For Strength Training with timestamp. Oh, you cannot, as you are just parroting bullshit from some other retard online who looked at a Google sheets document from someone who copied an example of warm up and work sets for the big lifts.
It is brutal youll get cns fatigue so fast once you find your actual working weight, squats and dls just do that. If youre always doing 2+ heavy days of squats and dls(cleans arent as bad or leg machines amd front squats) you wont be as able to push heavy weight you gotta cycle upper and lower body focus.
I got the gist of it, atg form definitely made me a lot stronger as a base and prevents injury from years ago.
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>Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls.
i'd recommend you pick a single body part or muscle group to hit 3x a week then do the rest 2x. if you really want to hit biceps every day then 4/7 days should be bullshit days where you're just trying to get a pump going with machines. Or even better, your bullshit days could be working on bicep focused skills.

What do I mean by skills? One of the things biceps do is help you balance on your hands, this is why gymnasts typically have nice arms. If you work towards something like a planche it's going to help grow your arms, work your abs and strengthen your rotator cuffs. Look up planche progressions if you're interested in this. I think if someone is trying to work in extra volume they should do something novel on the easy days for the sake of variety and fun. and if you want a list of random fun/feels good of exercises to bullshit with mine are
>farmer's walks
>pec deck and reverse pec deck
>cable bullshit
>rope climbs
>handstand bullshit
>going to failure on a machine related to the free weight movement I was doing during my real working sets
>taking a 10 minute intra workout shit
You cant fall for starting strength. Getting strong and being able to switch in 6 months to hitting db incline press with 40kg for 8-12 reps is not "falling for SS". Thats literally the best case scenario for hypertrophy. I swear to god there are so many fucking dyel zoomer retards in my gym who have been training for couple of years and "they dont care about strength" and after 2-3 years they are still stuck doing like 25kg for reps on incline and they are adamant about "mind muscle connection and bodybuilding and hypertrophy". Man they sure are gonna get fucking yoked benching 25kg dumbbells. Any day now. "The muscle doesnt know how much weight is on the bar". Yes it fucking does lmfao thats the only part in your body that does know it. Your eyes can just see the number what it says on the plate or the dumbbell but you have no idea if it would be accurate or not, its the muscle that does the lifting that can tell if its heavy for you or not.

There has never been a single natural EVER on this earth that was big and didnt lift heavy. Not a single one. Reg Park and Steve Reeves were anal about doing 8-12 reps and perfect form. Guess what, they also benched 500lbs. For muscle growth, being able to do hypertrophy range with heavy weight > being able to do hypertrophy range with light weight. Its literally that simple.

How many of you could do keep up with me? Not too many, I can tell you that.
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if you’re op, post literally any other data that reflects these metrics. you should be able to easily drill down on the heath app and show us more.
>w-well, you s-see…
>i c-can’t
only dyels do +15k
OP is a fag
>peasant toiling in the fields
get a load of this serf

Dumbbell incline bench, squats, pushups, and pullups are all I do. Anything else I should add to my routine?

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How strong was this man that he was able to overpower other men the way he did?
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being the unwilling assrape slave of a bunch of men sounds so fucking hot, I wish it happened outside of prison

t. 19-nor enjoyer
Wont happen. Im giant and fast.
>fucking hot
That wouldnt be unwilling anon...
Most /V/irgin fatties would enjoy the top part only the most deranged chinese would enjoy the bottom part of the story, not even a fatty, sounds like fun way to lose some fat. :^)
he could've done all that within that first hour instead of running around like an idiot,better yet it would be better to rearrange all the furniture in a way that she has to climb over everything in order to keep going around you.

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This is what true warriors thrive for
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Our enemies
>Glass of room temperature water
is all I need after I wake up.
I don't think you know how to use the word "thrive"
checked, satan
some of that sausage is fucking raw, you should cook that more thoroughly

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