Can you truly outlift growing up the unpopular fat kid?
>>75731764people where already pretty fat when I was a kid, but I've been slim my whole life. As far as unpopularity goes, sanity died long ago, we're living in ways relativity new to humanity, no one in the civilised world is normal aside from off grid isolationist communities and the Amish. Even the "Popular" kids weren't sane or normal.
I only got fat after dropping out from university.Simply walking outside every day while never really working out has kept be 20kg lighter than I was at my peak fat.
you can do anything squirt
>>75731764my advice for being the unpopular fat kid upon getting /fit/? Drop the fucking chip on your shoulder, seriously. there is no point in wasting so much energy and effort on carrying this seething jealousy you may have on your back, it really is like drinking poison and expecting everyone else to die. it doesn't matter if you aren't a normie, some people aren't wired or destined to be and that's fine but just because you aren't everyone else, it doesnt mean you're better or worse or superior to them because you lift weights and don't watch television.
yes but you’ll never get there making endless threads on 4chan who am I kidding you’d rather stay a fat loser shitposting all day stay miserable and remember it’s all your fault
>>75731764>unpopularYa once you stop being 18 and in high school, popularity doesn't mean dick and anyone who thinks it does is eternally a child.
>>75732036I don’t think all of us were jealous. Some of us just want to get back at the people who hurt us.
>>75731764No because you're reinforcing the narrative of being or not being the fat kid in the first place by doing it. Just lift because you like going to the gym and drop the identity struggle.
Me and all my siblings were fat growing up, I was the fattest and still am, and it never really us back, mostly because we had really cool parents who knew how to socialize and be well liked and passed that on to us too. Despite being homeschooled on top of fat we all had a big group of friends growing up, held parties and sleepovers all the time, went on big camping trips, and once we were 16 we were allowed to take the minivan and went on 3x weeks long separate road trips with our closest buddies across the country, insane fun and some of the best memories of my life.We also had the party house in college, more fun was had. We've all settled down with pretty hot girls and life is much less fun as an adult than when we were younger, people have moved around but im still in touch with most of the buddies, we all went to Vegas last year and are all going to glacier national park this yearIve always been insecure about being fat but it hasn't held me back ig, im very grateful for the life I've had. I'd say having good parents is more important than looks
>>75732993ehh that's only sorta true, you still need to have a community that "accepts" you and friends and family who care about you, not quite the same as popularity but def not the opposite of it. lone wolf is a real dumb way to live life
>>75733034who cares? they won't. find higher purpose than that, get /fit/ for the fun of it.
I no longer do the shirt pull or put my shirt over my chin
>>75733806True, that’s what I’m trying to do now anyways. After I realized that those same types of people are gonna keep trying to pull me down is when I realized I needed to just reframe my mindset. Tell myself the nice things people don’t tell you past high school, etc. When someone is nice to you past high school, their actions speak louder than words anyways.
>>75731764yeah but the insecurities might still linger somewhere subconsciously unless you actually address them
>>75731764If you want to "get back" at the bullies and the stacies who rejected you, succeed to the point that they're irrelevant. That's true revenge.
>>75731764Just lift fatass.
>>75731764No. Just accept what you are and move on with it.
You're not still fat, are you?
>>75734093based mindset