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Does creatine cause hairloss?
Caffeine does tho
Current research does not support a link between creatine supplementation and hair loss. There are a couple of isolated studies that suggest it can accelerate hair thinning if you are already predisposed to hair loss. But nobody has been able to replicate them thus far. But this is /fit/, so if there is even a remote possibility of an anecdotal cope or extraordinarily weak evidence, or even a speculation, it will be posted about religiously as absolute truth and you will be called names if you say otherwise. So yes, creatine absolutely directly causes hair loss 100% of the time no matter what on the first dose, and you had better fall in line.
fpbp /thread
worrying about hairloss causes hairloss
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why do women always cover their delicious pits with their hair like that?
>taking a screenshot rather than saving the original image
for what purpose
She looks like a gal who ate lara croft
so DHT is a male aromatizing hormone that causes stuff like balding, body/facial hair, voice deepening etc depending on ur genetics and how fully expressed they are. higher levels = you will bald faster if u are predisposed to balding. Exercise or roids will increase your testosterone levels which will then increase your DHT levels because DHT is derived from testosterone. So if you started working out, and started taking creatine you would probably think you are balding because of creatine but its probably because of your increased testosterone levels from exercise. Creatine is not a magical chemical, its found in foods and made in your body. Its not a hormone either, so I don't see in any way how it could increase DHT levels higher than if you just regularly exercise.
>But nobody has been able to replicate them thus far.
There is no research period, not that they can't replicate them.
Those football players were already football players when the experiment begun so they already were used to exercise, and their dht went up after taking a big dose of creatine for days.
It s pretty obv creatine increases it, if it would not increase dht it would not increase energy to lift weights too.
>Dudes commonly start creatine around 25
>OMG It CaUsEs HaIrLoSs
Creatine increases energy by boosting ATP availability in the phosphagen systems. Your body can also do this threw glycolysis and oxidation which is why runners eat lots of carbs before a marathon and people talk about training their aerobic systems.
I would give her more bruises.
I've balded slowly since age 16. It has been so slow as to be unnoticeable except for a few periods of time. These times were when I got on creatine. These were also the times when I was gym max + diet max and looking for an extra edge. I have outside of these times taken 1g a day for nootropic benefits and had no hair loss so I can't really say either way. 1g a day + creatine from diet, no additional hairloss. 3g twice a day plus diet plus gymcel max. Seems like my hairloss is advancing.
Yes, and I have seen its effects on hyper responders in real time.
Medical science says no, a lot of random schizos on this board say yes. From personal experience, I would say no, but occasional singlet oxygen treatment seems to do more for hair gains than anything else I've tried.
its completely random
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what does this mean?
Science says it can raise DHT which in men who had androgenic alopecia will miniaturize their hair.
Creatine cause dicklose. Dont buy it.
>if it would not increase dht it would not increase energy to lift weights too
That's silly but everything else is correct. Creatine objectively increased DHT in college football players who were in their physical prime and training since childhood.

The good thing is that if you're not predisposed to balding it will not magically make you bald as far as we know.
If the was the case I’d be bald as fuck. It does cause magnify adrenal fatigue and stress though and cause greying of the hair at the temples especially
In my experience neither creatine nor prostate massage cause hair loss

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