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Every Session
>Back: Pull ups

Day A
>Shoulders: Seated Overhead Press 4x8
>Triceps: Tricep pull downs 4x10
>Legs: Leg Press 5x5
>Biceps: Hammer Curls 4x10
>Delts: Lateral raises 4x15
>Chest: Dips 5x5

Day B
>Shoulders: Seated Overhead Press 4x8
>Triceps: Dumbbell skull crushers 4x10
>Biceps: Seated Incline Bicep Dumbell curls 4x10

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those massive mammaries have my penis absolutely turgid!
you have a soft and stinky benis, shut up and stop lying
Most of these exercises are very taxing on your joints if you are a beginner, especially with 4-5 sets.

For hypertrophy add:
Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Extension and Hamstring Curls
Cable Row and Lat Pull instead of Pull Ups
Reverse Peck Deck or Rear Delt Rows every session
Calf Raises every session
Leg Raises every session

What are the best exercises for eliminating chronic lower back pain?
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Clam Shells
Glute Bridges
I’m gonna say RDLs because sometimes lower back pain is caused by weak glutes. Started adding them into my routine and my back pain has been getting better
Core work. Your core stabilisers are probably weak and so your lower back is overcompensating. Focus on deep core / transverse abdominals.
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Look into lower cross syndrome, it’s caused by spending multiple hours of the day sat on a chair. Really common reason people have lower back pain, that’s why everyone is telling you to train your abs and glutes.
If you can find back extension stand that's perpendicular to the ground.
Don't bother with the shitty retard design that sets you at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Fuck I hate those stupid fucking garbage retard holders.

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The only thread for discussion of australian health, diet and fitness

What's for brekkie lads?
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Snort a line of wizfiz, drink three long necks of VB @ 7:40am and be give a stranger a Vegemite sandwich, the pact will be sealed.
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four yummy eggs!
pooing rn
What's a cheap rowing machine?
I figure everfit is just an Australian branding of Chinese machines, are any of them good? Do we have concept 2 clones here?
Try out as many as you can, I seem to remember everfit being bigw's brand? Go used and get something a little nicer - heaps of people buy machines and never use them

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When do I get the gf
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Handsome young man! Go talk to girls. Even if you're short you probably have at least 3 who like like like you.
Your homosapien gf be getting tickled by her male gatherer coworkers while you’re out hunting mammoth
Oh dear.
Depends, how old are you?

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Is it the cardio bunny receptionist? Because it's unbearably bad. How can anyone lift to this
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holy shit some of you incels are legit deranged
Theres one zoomer that works the desk and when hes working he plays FFDP, Gojira, Behemoth, Sacred Reich, etc. All the rest are trashy zoomer whores and its nothing but shitty pop music and simple simian jungle beats. Atleast they play it quietly so anyone with their own ear buds doesnt have to listen to it but fucking hell w*men should not be allowed in public
I'd go
I don't mind most music but reggaeton really enrages me, I'd rather listen to Ice Spice or some other bottom of the barrel ghetto ditties.
race check?

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yeah, uh, Yeah......YEAH, uh
Yeah, don't get it twisted
This rap shit is MINE, motherFUCKER
FUCK what you heard
It's what you're hearing
DMX is my favourite nigger
good workout song:

this is gay lol
I ryhme well
I show my dick to ben
he sucks
I blast
His foking throat
with my liquid gold
fuck him in the ass
dick curved up
I hit g spot
Make him cum
no hands
spit on his mug

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accidentally got wendy's on the way home from work again
The Wendy’s cashier who looked familiar and gave you a receipt with angel numbers on it is an old friend from an alternate dimension and is subconsciously giving you a clue in order to complete The Mission. Notice the signs so you aren’t doomed to repeat the same fate.
whatd you get?
hows the chilly? havent been to a wendy’s in a while. I heard they got rid of the yellow cups.
ffs dude find a different route

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Do they just have a low IQ or are they secretly suicidal? Or maybe they see no other way to improve their physique because their genetics or their willpower/consistency in the gym is not good enough.

What do you guys think is the reason? I know, I know. Natty lifting is a meme and all that but taking steroids is even more of a joke because you shorten your life span and risk hair loss, age your face potentially, lower your testosterone permanently, etc.
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Then you’ll get basic low-dosage results and there’s really no point to taking them.
post nuts with timestamp
Yeah that's fine, still much better than not taking them.
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Keeping it FIT related, I did 80lb military bench shoulder press.
Dude you’re 5 foot 6 and quarter filipino, and I fucked your wife.

>Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products...
Is the Mongolian diet of fresh meats and fermented dairy actually healthier than a standard bodybuilding diet (balanced carbs, low fat, with the right amount of protein)?
some guy at some time said so, so it must be true
Also horse blood and horse milk alcohol
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He was comparing them to peasant soldiers who mostly ate hard gruel and berries/fruits
I'm trying to compare them to modern day athletes and bodybuilders
Pic rel is a chink LARPing with filters and make up. Central Asian (kyrgyz, kazakh, etc) > mongolian if you want a steppe gf
t. Taught English to mongolian students for a couple years

Any other /fit/izens do construction? How did being /fit help the job or how did your job help you get /fit? Got any good stories?

I'll share some of my own in a bit. I did flatwork from the time I was 15 until 25. I'm a SS teacher now in the straight up hood and, between how dogshit the pay is and my department head fucking me over by giving me the shittiest classes nobody else in my department wanted (econ and government is half this upcoming year), I'm considering just going back in. First story:
>Be me
>Dad says he's getting me a job
>Working on his concrete crew
>The rundown (names changed)
>Anthony: dad's best buddy and the nicest guy to me
>Allen: insane, 6'6, jacked ginger white supremacist, the funniest guy who never stopped busting balls
>Jeff: Anthony's brother, looked like Luigi with long, curly hair
>Roger: Dad's other best friend, complete and utter hard ass
>I'll mention other players as they come along but this was the crew when I started out
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First day on the job I watched a drywaller kick the absolute shit out of an electrician because he was accused of stealing a set of pliers. literally like 4 different crew witnessed it, next day no safety talk, no nothing. I heard they both kept their jobs
Masks don't work without a proper seal, which is why the Covid masks on men with giant beards was doublely comedic.
Soldiers required a clean shave for their gas masks, it's what did away with the giant bushy mustaches tradition.
Rubber/plastic to skin and get a proper mask with filters you can change out and read online how long their last, and actually replace them in a timely manner.
I've heard enough stories about silicosis from cutting granite and manufactured countertops to know to avoid manual labor. That's not even including all the other things associated with the jobs.
Working heavy machinery would probably be the best and easiest job.
pull up that fucking rebar, it does nothing on the ground
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the tradie shovels my shit for a penance of pay. hats off to you blue collar cuck!

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What is he running from?
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All the white women chasing him
>abusive father
Everyone has their demons but does overdoing cardio change the brain somehow so that you dont enjoy other things anymore?
this guy is clearly mentally ill and is suffering from trauma which he is failing to cope with. why do so many fags look up to him?

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My favorite part of lifting is when I almost blackout during a real bitch of a rep. What's yours?
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>hell yeah
dude same lmao I have to grip the fuckin rack to gain my ground again but God damnit that pump was sick as fuck
had that today with squats also
>those post workout endorphins that either make you fall in love or cry
nothing better in the world
Haha yes!!! Did this yesterday on bench. Was coming close to my max, threw on https://youtu.be/ezLw9bGrcCY?si=UgDjBYFM3WoFULcK
1:27 helped me push 10lb past my max for two. Almost cried when I got up but I cranked that mother fucker to 11 and gassed myself for everything I had in the tank
I like feeling like jelly

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previous: >>74773141
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MtF troons are just the same.
Does that ever do anything?
So sad. But his wife as he knew her is dead.
Extremely real

I had to call the FD for a lift assist yesterday. me, my partner, and 3 firefighters had to stairchair a patient down 6 flights of stairs. The pt was fine btw, just stated "shortness of breath"

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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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Killarney heights?
30M. Kind of in a similar place as you. Trying for a 24 min 5k before end of October. No special training, just breaking up my runs into faster intervals.

6 minute mile seems tough, though. That's pretty quick.
My first ever parkrun went well! Official results aren't out yet, but I counted 33:28.

I didn't finish quite as quickly as I wanted, but I dug pretty deep and I'm happy with my result.
I slightly regret trying to go on a "warm-up run" with a couple of the fastest runners, because it was faster than my race pace and tired me out a bit too much for the actual run.
Didn't know this was a thing, neat. Going to try it out once my foot heals
Thank you.

Good luck. We can do it I believe in us

Big obliques bros... How do we cope?
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Idk but I only do the most horizontal rows along with upright rows now and I think it's reduced my traps a little
>ok why the FUCK do my obliques blow up the way they do
gypsy curse. you are being punished for your transgressions.
confess, and seek redemption.
He is a demigod
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By attaining warlord mode
Your abs said
ight imma head out
Lol jk looking beefy as fuck my guy, nice

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