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What is the male version of the cardio bunny?
Twinks? But they don't work out.
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you don't need stats, that's why you don't get it
hello sirs!
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I only have a bike
I think I get what you mean
Not Indian tho
good morning sir

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Digits Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Edition
>programs, stretching, bands, lift tutorials
>tripfag numbers
>conjugate pastebins
>The Squat with Alan Thrall
>The Bench Press with Alan Thrall
>The Deadlift with Alan Thrall
>The Overhead Press with Alan Thrall

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>following that advice

cringe spotted
Do I have to test my maxes or can I just increase my 1rm for the next cycle
What does your program say to do?
Can confirm, i have no calves

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I like the way my gf smells when she hasn't showered but she usually doesn't smell like anything at all unless she's been sweating, and even then not that much. I already got her to stop wearing deodorant most of the time, any other ways I can get her to smell worse in a good way?
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made up incel word
I am also intrigued by this idea...like do my own hormones dictate how good she smells to me? I need to plan out 2 different dates where she smells basically the same but wears totally different clothing and really pay attention to how she smells. I think it could work...
Yes every word is made up dingus
Post foreskin
The woman that cut my hair was a 40yo toastie that smelled kinda bad..
but weirdly enough I kinda liked her smell.

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Is there any point in trying to get /fit/ with as many stretch marks I have or will my body still look ugly even when lean?

I really don't want to waste my time getting in shape if I will still look fugly.

Note: I also have them all over my sides where my love handles are
I mean, your options are be fat with stretch marks or fit with stretch marks. Why wouldn't you want to get fit?

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For me, it’s Rachel McAdams
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Unironically Taylor Swift.

Yeah she’s had surgery but it’s been done well and she has kept her figure.

Captcha: G00NS
A dude that managed to give birth to a son 3 months ago.
The women (and men) that age well are the people who were already very attractive in their youth, and now they're just older/more mature versions of themselves

Obviously drugs/alcohol/stress can age you prematurely, but people largely look the same throughout their lives. That women who looks good at 45 probably looked twice as good at 25, there's no real aging secret other than don't destroy your health.
That sucks good sleep to you, nta
Im not a fan, but Gillian Anderson (Scully from X files) looks better now in her fifties than as a younger woman in early 20s. Not sure if its aging well or the surgery. Look it up.

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>See Mike Mentzer spammed on /fit/
>Pay him no mind
>Randomly come across this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzNpNl3zlP8
>Figure I'll give it a go
>Slow down my tricep pushdowns
>Triceps burn like fuck, get insane poomp

Mike, perhaps I judged you too harshly
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yeah his thoughts on training frequency are retarded
Daddy issues +2 rep advantage.
Hello lifting slave. Keep pumping, pumping, pumping in the gym for no gains
It’s been that way for decades
You are on the wrong side of history
>lifting slave
This is how the wicked devotees of Mentzer speak. They are enemies of the Iron, and they commit blasphemies in our Holy of Holies. Men without chests. Ignore their follies.

What are you reading between sets?
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TRUE. The letter is incapable of transfering sophia; it gives only the vain mimesis of her glory.
what about Steve Jobs (rip) or Bill Gates (soon to be rip)
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>thinking you're a big tough man because you won't read one of the funniest and most influential books ever written
Read Anna Karenina, it's all you need to understand the female brain.
i like flaubert, you are just a faggot

any cool ideas for high protein breakfast for work? eating cottage cheese is awful help
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3 hard boiled eggs
2 bananas
Scoop of protein powder added to coffee

I eat this every single morning
I do:
6 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
2 cups broccoli
1 stick of butter
imagine the brap smell
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I mix oats with milk and protein powder, sometimes sliced bananas. Is a good protein-heavy breakfast.

My ideal time to lift is immediately after waking up, don't need to get dressed or go anywhere or use clean clothes.

Wakes you up, then immediately leads into a shower and protein heavy breakfast.

Very streamlined routine and sets a good tone for the rest of the day.

Oats were also a Germanic Viking food so there's that.
>high protein
Fuck off dude, oats are carb filled peasant food.

For me breakfast is the same as all of my meals, low carb high protein, some steak or ground beef with some eggs, maybe a glass of milk in the morning. It's really all you need

How does one acquire crazy cobra lats like Bruce? Martial Arts?
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My technique, except I'm biologically weak and I get to do 1 at a time. Negatives help with the progress too.
roids and cocaine.

he mixed too many drugs, including tranquilizers with cocaine, which killed him.
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Right looks better
The only females who think left looks better would be 40-60 year old hambeasts. Show this to any 18-20 year old, none would pick that male version of fridge-mode with a pudgy hairy belly
I want to add, "broad shoulders" barely matter if it's combined with a waist barely smaller than your shoulder size. Small waist is almost as important as broad shoulders for a guy, otherwise no one would care about David Laid
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Absolutely false. Small traps is pencilneck territory,
Funny copes. Y’all actually believe that your gymcelling can bail out your inferior genetics
Fact of the matter is left is a 6’3 broad shouldered movie star and right is a gym maxed incel

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I've been pinning 100mg testosterone a day for a couple weeks now and I'm starting to feel like shit. I've never touched a weight. Should I stop or keep going?
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The dyel cannot comprehend the concept of "burden of proof". I've already stated accurate information backed by decades of research. Not surprised that the uninformed take offense to bringing evidence to support their counterpoint (they made it up)
Yeah I can't go to the gym and I'm tired of being a skinnyfat weakling.
And you’ll continue to be a skinny fat. You couldn’t even bother to find a way to go to a gym, but home gym equipment, or even follow a body weight routine. You just bought test and started injecting lol.

You are the absolute personification of a dyel.
>"burden of proof"
says person who provided original claim and no (((source)))
>You couldn’t even bother to find a way to go to a gym, but home gym equipment, or even follow a body weight routine
You don't know what my life/financial situation is like, and I do push ups.

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If food is energy, why does food make me so fucking tired, it's the worst shit ever. Every bite is a fucking slog.

Why is food making me tired?
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Are you a fucking retard for real?
You too? Unhealthy fatties are the ones that can eat this shit without issues, normal healthy people will get an upset stomach.
Its about immediate effects if you esl niggers could read.
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>I'm so healthy that a I have shitty digestion
>Unhealthy fatties are the ones that can eat this shit without issues
>Im not retarded, everyone else is
You are too stupid to troll. Maybe read a few books to do this before you try again. And don't do it tomorrow, wait a few weeks.
>normal healthy people will get an upset stomach
>upset stomachs are real health conditions!
Wowee, even surgery can't fix this!
huh, okay

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>ate over a kg of chocolate every week
Ketolards btfo
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But people do get fat from stuff like softdrinks and beer, which contain zero fat but lots of carbs.
concession accepted
people who drink that stuff usually also eat high fat food like >>74670265 mentions. You can't look at any one food in a diet and say that's what made someone fat, because it depends on everything else they eat in a day too
>Saying stupid shit is an invitation to be corrected
So explain tto me why you brought up dark chocolate
Sugar + fat is the problem. Alone each are okay

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>fit unironically eats this
>also fit: "wtf why am i binging?"

what sort of stupidity causes this?
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The headline alone should lead you on a logical train of though that shows that your statement is disingenuous
It's a doggy dog world and we don't have the time to get everything correct all the time, you get what we're saying it's not rocket appliances
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Am I the only one that would rather eat this than pizza or a burger? Literally just put some lemon on it and it instantly becomes delicious.
Maybe it's because I'm not an american obsessed with spice.
>I'm not an american obsessed with spice.
So which one is it? This entire thread has been about how americans don’t use spices.
Youre exactly correct. Even regular old salt and pepper make a huge difference w chicken breast, esp if youre aeating it with rice. Make that shit salty (that salt is unhealthy is a myth started because niggers all get kidney disease - look it up. its fine if youre white) and its delicious.

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if you found out you had low Testosterone what are the first steps you'd take to address it?
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Did you get your estrogen checked too, excess testosterone converts to it.
Almost no one on this board who thinks they're "low T" are actually low T.
They are just losers looking for something to blame their shitty lives on
Here's a guy who thinks estrogen is bad for you because "its for women and trannys".
I have all the problems that you guys do however, I am oversleeping I sleep like nine or 10 or more hours a night. I even tape my mouth shut and stuff like that, but I do not wake up rested and I’m tired throughout the day. My diet is very good. My weight is good. I just can’t find the time to get in the gym or the motivation. I also have brain fog and all that stuff. I am almost seeing doctor tomorrow. What should I ask him? I’m gonna try to get a blood test and that tells me my testosterone.
Sorry for bad English. I’m not esl just typing with Siri. Too low energy to type

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