>>75853239Yeah exactly that, lately ive just been doing pushups. Ive incorporated my routine in tekken 8. Was gonna buy some dumbbells but they are extremely expensive so ill hold off on that for now. A dip station sounds nice to have
>>75853411>>75853239Oh and i want to ask, whats a reasonable look i can get through just this method?
Opinions on mixed grip pullup? I was just messing around but it feels pretty good doing them like this.
Is someone bored enough to optimize my 2x week routine?>cossack squats>lunges (with sandbag weights)>hip-thrusts>leg curl (laying down)>calves raise (sitting)>Face pulls> (seated cable) rows>lat pulldowns>butterfly>chest press (machine)>lateral raise
If you have knee issues I can't recommend weightlifting shoes enough. I've had 3 ACL surgeries and constantly struggled with instability in my right leg. Now the only limiting factor is the power in my legs and I'm not distracted by the worry of injury
It's a vicious cycle and it's designed to make you fail.
>cycle>has an endpointAlthough are you suggesting that junk food is made from the bodies of the dead obeasts?
Good morning fit. Just grabbed my breakfast.What are you eating for breakfast?
>>75852781Yes. Want to lose another 5 kgs at least
>>75852776You'll make a fine proctologist one day son..
>>75852776Bacon, eggs, and coffee. Also had a banana earlier this morning.
I'm getting hunger headaches.Please pray for me.
>>75853552Yeah, I'm not praying for that. You pray for the strength to survive strife, yet have no mental callouses to find peace in chaos. When you realize we live in a destructive, physically chaotic and malicious environment, you can harden yourself knowing you will be stronger the closer you come to death, fighting tooth and nail until the flame blows out. Pray for your hunger headaches...pray yourself away from your own damnation. I mean, gyattskibiditoilet
>I can only lose weight when I eat so little that I get pathological symptomsWhy do people believe this?
>>75853625If I just do a 500 calorie deficit it'll take me a half year to get back to where I was before I gained it all back last time. By only eating 1000 calories per day I only have to go for 3 months, then I'm back down to 160, then another 3 months and I'm practically thin.
>>75853655Ok but are you hitting your fuckin protein and other macros or are you just aiming to look as skeletal as possible Fasting and crash diets are the most surefire ways to lose the most muscle mass and rebound so you gain it all back and then more because you literally starved yourself into having your body refuse to give up necessary fats for baseline organ function. I eat 3 meals a day for about 1300-1500, lost about 15lb of fat but my lifts went upCrazy what you can do when you eat right and train right
How can I stop gagging when eating this slop
>>75850617make it the ONLY processed sugar crap u ever eat and you'll love it
>>75850617Coconut butter is best.Pecan butter is goated too.
>>75851871I don't see the problem. Why don't you just eat something that has equal or more calories per unit of volume that tastes good? Nobody's forcing you to eat peanut butter.
>>75850617Buy this shit which is the same calorically but tastes like the inside of a reeses cup
Having issues increasing my strength. Whenever I increase weight, my reps go through the floor. Should I do drop sets until I can convert them to normal sets? I'm reading conflicting things online about whether or not drops sets are good for hypertrophy or just for endurance.
>>75853437It's not a great idea. It's fine if it's for diffent muscle groups though. It's not completely interrupting recovery or anything but there's something of recency bias in protein utilization. As in what was worked last is most likely to get fed more. It just gets messy to plan around and becomes one more point you can miss the mark on. If anything I'd just push simplicity or minimalism where complexity is added in exercise variety before it's added in volume or any other area.
>>75853469OK! Damn, thank you so much for the information! Hope you have a great weekend, fren!
>>75853371Do you take 90second breaks when walking 12 steps?Cuz it's not the reason to take breaks. On the contary, drop sets are way less load on your joints per the same muscle growth.
>>75853481Oh so basically just because cardio isn't fully stressing my leg muscles that's why it's ok? Never thought about that! So drop sets though fool the muscle into growing at the initial weight, even though you decrease the weight during the set?
>>75853334You should do all kinds of stuff. Do it all. Lifting isn't restrictive to anything but you. I mix it up sometimes. I'll do 5x12 curls same weight for example, then next week go heavier for less reps and sets, then sometimes I'll do a much lighter weight like 50% but slow way down so I can work within the tension zones throughout the whole ROM, and that's just curls. Mix it up!
>join hardcore powerlifting gym>bring 5/3/1 logbook first day>big dude snatches it, throws it in the trash>“We don’t do that pussy shit here. You do OUR program.”>try to re-rack my weights>“Nah, you rack ours too.”>unpaid laborer now>mention Starting Strength once>dead silence, someone cracks their knuckles>try 5/3/1 instead>gym nickname unlocked: B-Squared (Ballerina Boy) because I did lunges one time>co-owner Big Dwayne leans in>“You ever talk about a percentage-based program again, I’m making you run Smolov.”Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>75853005>>75852851Forgot to link the post, still kinda figuring out the website. I came over from Reddit.
>>75853022No problem. Remember, it’s “>” to greentext and “>>” to link posts. “>>>” may be used to x-link (cross link) but that’s a little more advanced.
>>75852633>kicks legs out from under them>soccer kick them in the headproblem solved
>>75852633Sounds like any /fit/ter shitter getting too full of themself>Wahh-Wahhhhh!!!! I'm gunna sue you!!!You fucking punks.
>>75852878underaged pajeet post.
Day 6 of the cut and I’m already having nightmares of myself in a McDonalds and obese people trying to steal my whipped cream and sticks of butter
>>75853581You have an eating disorder.
is jessica buettner natty?
>>75852914>is jessica buettner natty?i like that she pretends she was ever that trim with these lame photoshops - in every video her gut is way in front of her pecs cause roids took away tits looong time ago
>>75852914>>75852990>>75852994>i like that she pretends she was ever that trim with these lame photoshops - in every video her gut is way in front of her pecs cause roids took away tits looong time agoand was her long biceps head cut off, or is it the powah of powersharting - where the fuck is it? xD
>>75852914small tits
>>75852914insulin goblin
>>75852914she uses her diabetes to abuse insulin for lifting purposes
If you don't know: phenibut is a drug made in the USSR to combat anxiety (or ts sum shi dih). But it gives you a crazy amount of energy and focus, general cognitive ability, as well as crazy amounts of euphoria (to the point you get shirtless in your gym and DGAF!!!!! and start talking to randoms).However- I've been cutting since August and naturally your lifts go down, that is unless I take phenibut beforehand. Like seriously it feels like you simply do NOT get fatigued in the gym at all. My bench went from 225lbs for 8 reps to 5-6 during this cut cause I've lost quite a lot. With phenibut? It's straight back up to 8 reps and sometimes 9 despite continuously losing weight. And then your next lift? No fatigue at all so it's also fucking higher. Btw you only had 5 hours of sleep? (Which happens to me a lot), pop this fucking shit it's like you had a full 8 hours of rest and none of your lifts are affected negatively.Anyway there's not really a point to this post other than to glaze how amazing this shit has been for gym and just general mental health. Popped it after ending a 4 year relationship with false rape allegations and it's like I forgot about her and that shit entirely immediately. It's just also tricky because you can't take it more than 2x a week or you get heavy withdrawals and fucking die. But I have gone over that limit I think it's if you're a complete will-less loser and start taking it daily, or more than 2x a week for many weeks/months.
>>75852324Be careful with that shit. People get seriously addicted to it and the withdrawals are terrible.Also you sound like a fucking crack head.
>>75852743>>75852734>>75852706I take it twice a year. If you do this shit everyday you're a retarded faggot, I have zero rebound and a beautiful afterglow every time.
>>75852336Is it legal in the UK? They've been clamping down big time on darknet deliveries so I'm not keep unless it's legal.
>>75852324I took 1000mg before I went out drinking for my friend's 30th birthday in an attempt to have a better time with a bunch of acquaintances I don't really care for. It did absolutely nothing for me. I think I'm too strong willed for anything short hard drugs like meth or heroin.
>>75853537ur such a faggot bro royal mail its illegal to check ur mail domestically dumbass fagard.>>75853553just doesnt work on everyone simple as
the best way to build muscular endurance is to build strength because since the weight gets lighter you can do more reps of it
>>75853575is that a filter or... did Rich discover my secret teeth chemo for himself?
How do I manage to still look this fat at 163 pounds (74kg) at 5’8 (173cm) I’m an easy gainer
>173cm>74kgYou should aim for 65-66kg if you want to start seeing abs.
>>75853583I don’t really want to look like a fit person, I just want to look lean but I’m also not going for a full-blown six pack, what should my weight be?God I sound like Janoy
>>75853568I'm the same height as you, if you have no muscle you need to go below 65kg to look remotely lean
>>75853590Mate, you're skinnyfat, you need to cut and lose fat if you want to be lean.
i have awful insomnia, getting about 4 hours per nightdoes anybody know of any sleep meds that dont cause fat gain or inhibit muscle gain?
have i lost muscle during my rest week?i tried to line up my "deload" (just a week of nothing, not really a deload) with moving in to my new student housing. the problem is that during the past 5-6 days (during my rest week) ive been suffering a bad bout of insomnia, averaging about 4-5 hours of broken sleep per night.sleeping this badly + not lifting, have i lost a tangible amount of muscle? im kinda worried.
>>75852139- Look up sleep hygiene and follow all recommendations - Download the CBT-I coach app (logo is a moon in front of a purple sky) and read the recommendations, use the sleep journal - Take 0.3 mg melatonin (available as children's melatonin at walmart for example, or split a larger dose into near to 0.3 mg as possible) about 3 hours before bed- Wake up early and get the first 30 - 120 mins sunlight in your eyes, don't look directly at the sun but go outside or be somewhere bright in your house- Exercise - If none of this works, find a therapist who specializes in CBT for insomnia and follow their instructionst. shrink
>>75853424Pasteurized milk can't be absorbed.
>>75852205thanks for type 2 diabetes
>>75853535You have no evidence for that because you made it up. I accept your concession.
>>75853260I'll call you daddy, daddy
>>75853260>Played college ball, ya know
more than 12% of the year is already goneyou did start to workout as you promised, right?if you have been slacking off it's never late to begin, the best time was yesterday the second best time is now
I promised to brush my teeth every day instead of every week, and I have kept to that
>>75853478Mhm but I started last summer around May, it's been pretty sick desu
>>75853489not brushing your teeth lowers your IQ (literally, look it up), be careful anon
>>75853478workout is a noun, you mean work out