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>me, 26
>gf, 18

I can't keep up with her heat bros what do I do
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Don't come every time you have sex. My girlfriend is an absolute nympho, especially if we have a few drinks and smoke a bit she will want to fuck literally the entire night, like up to 6 hours with only short breaks every half hour or so. The breaks are for me though not her, every time we stop she is still crazy like with this glazed over look, she will just say 'want cock want cock want cock' over and over and keep trying to bury her face it my dick, I have to forcefully push her back and hold her down to get her off my dick.

For me at least the only way I can maintain that is to fuck her til she comes once or twice then either have a break or slow it right down, eat the pussy a while, something like that. The way I usually control it for myself is to only come once in the night, or maybe twice, otherwise I lose motivation. After I come I probably need like half an hour to recharge, whereas if I go until she comes then have a rest I can go again within 10 minutes or less. If you're about to come then slow down a bit and try to think about something totally different, like I sometimes try to imagine a song and 'listen' very intently in my head, something like that.
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Are you fucking retarded
Crazy that I will probably never have this in my life lmao
only crazy if you obsess over it. not everyone is meant to live the same life
>having less sex drive than your gf
low test af lmao

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>Being lean
>Lifting 2-3 times per week, focusing on your arms, shoulders and upper chest
>Eating 1-2 meals per day, around 2000-2500 cals per day
>10-15 sets per muscle
>Supersetting the majority of your exersises so you gain an insane amount of time
Is litteraly all you need to be above 99.9% of the people that live on this Earth
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Will walking on my tip toes all the time like an autistic retard give me better calves?
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besides that weighted thing at the gym where you sit and work on calves. the only thing that worked for me was running a lot. my calves suddenly got bigger by running long distances
Looks terrible and freakish
checked. running uphill a long hill of at least 30degrees will give u a good workout.
>besides that weighted thing at the gym where you sit and work on calves
that's soleus and nobody needs that shit

u need to push forward while u calf raise for gastrocnemius and for that u need toes-knees-pelvis-spine line to tilt forward as u push on wall with slightly bent knees (knee if u do it unilaterally)

this grows gastroc, if u just stand there and centre of gravity is behond toes u can load 200 kilos on machine and calves won't grow - u will feel failure in the back of the knee instead of the muscle belly of gastrocnemius

when u roon or walk your knee is bent and shin is tilted forward when calf works, then why the fuck are u standing straight trying to grow it?
Might as well wear high heels at that point

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How to be a male fitness influence
>abuse steroids
>work hard
>have exceptional physique

How to be a female gym influencer
>wear gymshark clothes

anyone else feel like we're giving these biitches too much of a pass?
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>be jewish
>get promoted cause you are jewish
>do vile things cause you can just say you are white
same with jewesses
that but with every facet of life.
you forgot
>be a narcissist
as the first requirement for both
You need a top 1% physique to even have a chance as a male. As a woman you have to wear a figure shaping “gym fit” and do some bodyweight squats now and again. Then you can have 1m instagram followers and earn 15k a month.
the good news its relatively easy to get that 1% cause everyone is obese now. Think about it if you are 10% body fat and white with hair who is mogging you you could probably amass a decent following if you cared about that stuff

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kpop edition

Old: >>75444305
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>roids increase muscles BIGLY but increased heart muscle
>Ozempic sheds fat BIGLY but decreases heart muscles

Tell me one reason why this isn't a miracle combination that cancels each other out?
Everyone makes their own narrative. I don't think there's really a legit study out there for roiding. Everything is bro science, which is why most docs avoid it like the plague, and why there are so many opinions. That and everyone responds differently, which makes it even more difficult to figure out. Nobody really has anything bad to say about test, but then there's that dude who took some baby trt dose, and it royally fucked him up. The constant tren good/bad arguments. The npp did x, and deca y, for one person, and the opposite for another. High e2 bad, except for those people who feel great with it high. Just gotta try and keep a level head about things, don't make hard/steadfast opinions/conclusions, and always keep learning. If you can do that, and you're comfortable with the risks, then go for it.... when you're older, anyway :) marathon, not a race
Aside from test e, what's the safest steroid? Deca?

Which steroid gives the most mass? I've only done test e and deca because I heard they were safe as far as side effects go. Once I start getting older and no longer have a full head of hair I'll try tren but for now that's off the table.
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For thigh inject
Is it 25g or 27g
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What’s a good price for a 6 week cycle of anavar? I’m in the US.

One site I use is like 80 bucks including shipping. But another is like 200.

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NNN Thread
Only 10 days to go.

Break your slavery to porn.

Low Tier:
No porn, but yes to sex with women, gf or wife.

High Tier:
No Porn, No Sex. Take total control of your mind and your body. break your need to coom totally.
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INCELS don't have women. NNN is like Pride Month to those faggots.
>in the bin she goes
your gay cult belongs exclusively on
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we got this
I cracked yesterday, I had a moment of weakness.
No worries tho, I refuse to roll back into a daily habit again and will continue as if nothing happened.

- no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol
- good cardio, you should be able to do a 5k in 45 minutes or even better 30
-daily lifting
-good nutrition, ghee, animal fats and coconut oil are androgenic
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Somewhat yes.
I've been trying to lose weight but I have shit metabolism.
Currently my weight loss has plateaued, even while doing sub 1000 cal.
>I'm smol
When I get blueballed or too horny I have to piss more frequently, I guess it's because the prostate is full
So yeah, a prostate issue is plausible
Nature has evolved through billions of years a warm wet hole that exhales addictive pheromones specifically designed to accommodate your cock and squeeze out your cum, yet you want to stick it in a literal shithole with literal shit in it and want to ruin a good relationship over that
Seek treatment
At what point does an activity, such as masturbation—which is almost universally practiced among men—become classified as an addiction? Can someone provide some clarity on this? Specifically, is masturbating once a day considered an addiction? I’m a bit confused and would appreciate insights.
>classified as an addiction?
It's the definition of made up out of nowhere, and it's not even consistent from one professional to another.

If you want amateur advice masturbation is the "vice" to have if you have one. No health downside unless you're doing it wrong, and if you can't get laid it's a good substitute. When it becomes a problem is when it becomes a problem. If you can't get it up for your ugly gf because you watch hotties 69ing each other every day, there you go, stop doing it.
That's lack of bladder conditioning.
You need to train your bladder.
I had this after being hospitalized for few months.

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>miracle weight loss drug shrinks heart muscle size
>Roids biggest risk is increased heart muscle size

Fellas did we just find a safe way to be thin and muscular with a normal sized heart?
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you can cure pheomelanin with melanotan and thats it. hair and skull shale is so much worse thing
You can fix a nigger's skull with a sledge hammer.
>losing weight makes your heart smaller, it needs to pump less blood
>gaining weight makes your heart bigger, it needs to pump more blood
All the research on semaglutide side effects basically boils down to the side effects of malnutrition, simply because that's what it causes. It makes you feel constantly full, so you eat very little. Since obeasts are too stupid to use that "very little" for the nutrients they need (especially protein and minerals), they start to suffer from the well-known symptoms of malnutrition. Then their heart muscle shrinks, they lose hair, their skin becomes loose etc.
So you're saying the answer would be ozempic plus carnivore plus tren?

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You fucking retards said recomping is a meme and yet I've found it incredibly easy to turn muscle into fat. Explain yourselves.
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every other week you come back and spam this image trying to make it happen
it's gonna happen, it's not organic like plapjak or amusing, it's just not gonna happen
leave this site you will just keep goin between fad shit, if you had no idea what to do before coming here you will leave more confused
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I did it the other way around. Lift your dick off.
it turns out that, if you just WORK, all these overoptimizations and buzzwords mean almost fucking nothing
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>bro is an alchemist

>must keep watching porn on a daily basis in order to retain motivation to lift

at least the weights are going up
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>i lift to attract the girls i see in porn
You can probably do better than that anon.
>guy finds something that works for him in a productive way
>noooo don't do this find something else that I would like to see more as a post
It would genuinely be less cringe to lift for an asuka daki
You don't have to watch porn to see attractive girls. Look at models, imagine them naked if you have to, that's infinitely healthier than watching porn on a daily basis.
And how do you keep yourself motivated then? At least now my brain thinks that I will get the real thing if I lift for 2 years or whatever

Models don't do it for me, I'm sex starved and a part of that motivation comes from sexual energy that gets released if I watch porn. It reminds me of what I really need and keeps me going, I guess. If I stop, I lose it.

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I'm afraid of benching till my failure. I don't want to make an ass of myself and beg someone to help me when I inevitably can't push it up, so I lift in my comfort zone at all times. Can I still make respectable gains like that?
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Only fat fucks do 1 set of 5 reps, I see big, lean guys in my gym doing more than that, fuck you
Yah, every pro bodybuilder does 3x8-12. Nobody cares about what Mark Rippetoe thinks, he's a blob and doesn't know shit about looking good. If you want to talk about 1x5, go to /fat/.
>I'm afraid of benching till my failure.

So don't? Lift until you feel yourself getting weaker, say you can lift weight X 8 times and then you feel yourself getting weaker. Ok, lift it 8 times. Then stop, rest, lift it 8 times again. Repeat again. Repeat later in the week.

Next week, shoot for 9 times. Repeat again. Once you can lift it 10 times, add 5 pounds and go back to 8. You won't be too close to failure, and as long as you're lifting it more than you did the previous week or lifting more weight, you're making progress. It's not that hard.
>add 5 pounds and go back to 8
>can only do 4 reps
what now,genius?
Do incline bench, it's much easier to fail safely by yourself than on flat bench and it's also better for gains.

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Rate my chud ass program. Alternating every other day. (AxBxAxB...)
Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x8
Curls 5x10
Leg raises 5x10

Workout B
Power clean 5x3
Pull up 5x5
Lying triceps extension 5x8
Lat raises 5x10
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this is like asking why are chads so handsome
I think what does it for me is not the expression of exertion because everyone has to start somewhere

it's that he build an entire deadlift platform to do 260 lbs.
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i am a true chud and my program looks nothing like this
How do I become a true chud lifter
be a lifelong virgin and get addicted to fitness for the dopamine hits it gives. develop an undying obsession with picking up objects and putting them down. one cannot teach these things.

You wake up tomorrow in this body with
>$60 to your name
>steroids don’t exist in this dystopian world
>Just under 6ft

what’s your plan of action getting into shape? Do you March on or kys?
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SARMs, HMB, bunch of lifting and cardio. Hell, probably Ozempic+metformin+T3+clen+meth too.
this guy has some chromosome issue
steroids wouldnt fix it anyways
if i had my own mind i would rope
I could live with all of it that but
it'd be real fascinating to see him start lifting and shooting up a bunch of Chinese roids. probably end up looking like the Juggernaut or something


I’ve been gaining some weight, but planning on staying at 170. Hit 5x75lbs on weighted chins.

TQ: What’s your favorite great ape?
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Give me your worst fit.
Nice larp but Americans don't use that term.
nice try, eurocel
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I saved your photos from a while ago and larp as you on reddit.
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>hair is mildly thinning
>jump on fin
>/fit/ swears by it
>start shedding even more hair
>libido dies. Absolutely 0 sex drive. Wife unhappy now
>poor urine retention
>feel like a sissy
>poor gym performance
>still shedding hair

What the fuck is this Jewish poison? I’m 6 weeks in also doing minoxidil and dermarolling. Does it ever get better? Biggest fucking scam ever. I can’t believe I fell for this meme
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ray peat
You deserve all of that if you're dumb enough to get married these days lol.
>On top of that, you can stop being retarded and just use a low dose 0.005 to 0.025% solution topical 1-2ml per day.
lol enjoy your hair loss you dumb retard
I've seen you posting the same study for a few weeks now, and the only thing you are able to talk about are meme results done on mice that don't translate into the real world, instead of posting actual results done on humans (that aren't also using min and fin on the side to shill their small time social media eceleb hair growth oil like that one guy that does anime hairstyles).
If fin and min didn't work for you, that's fine, but no need to showcase your desperation fueled by alternative treatments to save your wispy, thin hair.
you fuck with dht you pay the price

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