Tell me why you lift
I don't. It gives girls the ick.
>>75730652it makes girls want to mire, and it intimidates guys
>>75730652Made too much progress, quitting now would be stupid and pointless
Want to engage in activities that require more strength and endurance than I currently have
At this point, I just hate myself when I don't. If I stopped now, I'd have wasted a decade in the gym learning about lifts, diet, supplements, injuries, etc. as well as those few years where I made all of that gym stuff my whole personality. I have some skills and hobbies outside of lifting and MMA, but nothing that makes anyone say "Oh yeah, my friend Anon does that too!" in conversations.
>>75730652To become pic related
>>75730652I get really angry when I don't and end up saying shit I shouldn't to my wife and work colleagues
Its fun
>>75730652I want to impress and have sex with muscular men.
Damn, I haven't seen anyone post Rainbow Dash or other ponies in quite a while
this is why I lift
>>75730652I want a gf.
>>75730652>Tell me why you liftSo, I can defend my tribe.
Being fat makes me hate myself
I was tired of being fat and ugly
>>75732433My greatest ally
Because I'm going to be picking up heavy shit for another 30 years at my job and I'd prefer to be strong enough to do so.
I lift for my future wife and kids
>>75732433I life to destroy his tribe.
>>75730652I WANT YOU DEAD
>>75730652I lift so I can be like her.
>>75730652Lifting is the only thing that really helps me stay sane, whenever I stop lifting for any extended period of time I start to fall apart.It's also fun.It's really the keystone to my life.
The brony shit here was like some weird drunken night I try to forget kek
>>75732433Based and same
>>75730652it's pretty fun
>>75730652I hated my mirror image.
>>75730652To not be fat
>>75730652I'm building for TAP
My friend told me to then he left without telling me to stop
where's the barneyfag
>>75734633He’s been on a permanent grippy sock vacation for years at this point. All you actually see any more are copycats from /qa/ and /qa/ lost, so it’s dying out.
>>75730652Feels good man.
>>75730652I don’t lift but I exercise to prove to myself I can become who I want to be
I lift for Billie Eilish
>>75730652It's the only sense of achievement I have in life.
>>75734352they were everywhere for 2 years and then disappeared
>>75730652I lift enough to pick up my 80lb lab over my head and put him on my shoulders >My goals are beyond your understanding
>>75732114based manlet doppo
>>75730652I lift so I can do the same rowdy shit I did at 20 when I’m 50. And the shit other people give up on in their 30s when I’m in my 70s. I want to listen to all the decrepit faggots complaining about being weak and how everything hurts and then tell them I’m carrying a weeks worth of gear and a canoe on my head into the woods and not coming back until I run out of food and the fish quit biting.
>>75730652Drink bleach
slit your throat
I fixed it
At the end of a shitty, hard day at work, nothing makes me feel as good as burning 40 minutes every day with dumbbells, swimming and calisthenics and clean eating makes me enjoy my sedentary hobbies even more. Trying to work for the swimmers body I had in my 20's, it's starting to come together and the sense of progression is addictive.Honestly though, I've got fat boy genetics and my face gets really puffy due to medication unless I get leaner. My maternal grandfathers family were accused by commissars of hoarding grain during the fucking holodomor.Plus I like it when girls look at me. I've got a wife so it isn't anything I'd act on, I wouldn't cheat in a million years but I do enjoy gentle flirting but as per Lemmy Kilmister, "the chase is better than the catch". I also enjoy playful physical displays of dominance with my less athletic male peers, (but I make sure to encourage them) etc. Also this >>75735285It's already happening to me and it is glorious.
>>75732433Get nuked
For princess celestia
>>75730652>I can lift more than youI'm <2yrs in
I <3ponies uwu
>>75734593Trans Asian pussy?