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How do college frat bros stay so fit despite their lifestyles? Are they proof that the freshman 15 is avoidable?
>despite their lifestyles
frat bros live very active lifestyles, don't they? Sports and sex-having and stuff
> Peak physical performance
> Non dining hall food
I lost weight during college because the dining hall food was awful. Not everyone gets the freshmen 15 and I think it's much rarer than you're made to believe.
This, and while it may seem like they binge eat food, it's typically also the only thing they eat in a day. These are exactly the type of dudes who will say that eat a lot, but actually don't. They just eat bad stuff, but to the uneducated mind eating shit food equals eating food that makes you fat.
british uni seems so fucking boring compared to american colleges.
Fuck this gay thread
The only person with gay thoughts is you.
28 y/o oldfag who were big frat bros here
short answer = we dont really eat that much.
Breakfast was ciggy and redbull/monster whatevs before lecture and dinner were whey shake and random shit on my frat house fridge.
i eat properly nowadays though
It depends a lot on the frat and the culture they have. Pike is probably the most hardcore when it comes to this as it has a big gym culture. There are a lot of former athletes in Pike along with your average HS/College gym bros. Steroid usage is not going to be rare in those circles either. The school I went to a lot of pikes were either former athletes or highschool gym bros and most of them stayed in pretty good shape throughout college. The other frats that didn't collectively care about fitness as much there were a good amount of dudes who got pretty fat and lumpy even after a couple of years. A poor diet, lack of sleep, heavy drinking, smoking, and party lifestyle adds up quickly, even when you're in your prime.
Your very question of why guys in frats stay so fit is influenced a lot by survivorship bias. I'd bet your perception of them is influenced primarily by social media, and on there you're pretty much only going to see the ones who are in good shape as those are the dudes motivated to put themselves out there. You're seeing about the top 20% of guys in frats in the US, the elite who have the best genes, were good athletes during their time, and spent the most time maintaining a good body. Just like hot chicks, fit dudes stick together and that's who you see hanging out together. That's what warps your perception and makes you think they're all like that.
do they?
it looks like you posted a pic of freshmen, maybe even highschoolers
post a pic from an average senior class of frat boys and then we will talks
i remember seeing a lot of beer guts
Went K-12 and 4 years of College without ever seeing my abs
I'm this close to getting on clen or some shit, finally locked in on calorie restriction and it's cool until it's night time and I'm hungry as fuck
Most I know are bloated from beer and trash food. This is cherrypicked.
they dont look they just look malnourished
some people think it is the same thing because of le abs

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