>programming advice?post s/b/d@bw+height>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)https://pastebin.com/V84Y0J9Y>High Scoreshttps://pastebin.com/tMdLwJjZPrevious Thread: >>75721131
pic so good xe had to post it for the 3rd (THIRD) time
>>75729042i wish my rack had a built in one
When you realize Bobby interprets advice as a competition and all he knows how to do in a competition is cheat so he uses every trick in the argumentative book to convince himself he "won" when there was never a competition in the first place. It's like someone saying "go to the hospital man, you're hurt" and he says >Ackshually, I feel fine so fuck off and suck my cock; I'm not going to the hospital just to spite you :)Meanwhile you see literally blood pouring from his noggin while he needs stitches. There is an entire demographic that views social relations in this way, and it's fascinating that the blob gets all of her negativity while losing all the positivity like intelligence associated with his native demographic. I almost pity the foo'
>>75729283I'm not defining the rule, I'm simply stating that you can't assume that everyone would perform exactly the same way (in this case, optimally) given the same constraints. It's why there's so much allowed variance in competition, because different people are different.>>75729276Lmao someone's a little angry aren't they?
>>75729303>posting earlydo the needful BR
Just checking to make sure bobby and the dozens (1 person) are ruining this thread too. >>75723695Thanks.
>>75729322At least it's on topic this time
>>75729103If lifter A benches more weight legally, lifter A is stronger in the context of the sport. period. Lifter B can cry about it all they want, but strength sports have rules for a reason. Stop inventing hypothetical scenarios to cope with the fact that you got mogged lil bro.
As he sits here, terminally refreshing the thread to see if he "won", he smugly says "lmao you're angry" because lasting a mere 7 minutes to double post
>>75729276Bobby absolutely broke you, and it's obvious. You wrote an entire essay trying to psychoanalyze him like you're some kind of armchair therapist, but all you did was expose how much space he takes up in your head. You’re reaching so hard to justify your weird obsession that it’s honestly embarrassing. Just admit you got outplayed and move on, man. Bobby lives rent-free, and it’s killing you.
>>75729404>Had to make up ridiculous hypotheticals to try and get his point across>Fails miserablyNothing wrong with double posting if they're completely separate topics either.
>>75729431>how much space he takes up in your head.It's called being fat
>>7572943115 blobcoins have been deposited into your syrup hole. Blobby will now let you hit it. Good luck.
>>75729466>>75729469You're losing your edge.
How much roids do i need to punch robots to death
As a result of a balanced diet and sufficient fiber intake, I produced a reasonably large and solid stool today.
Muscle moves weight, not fat. Robert has far less muscle than anyone here. His lean body mass of muscle lifts more per pound of muscle than anyone here. He's the best. Acknowledge it.
9047 results for Bobby 7303 results for Robert ∞ results in my mind waiting to be posted itt
You're here for my entertainment
...I just came in, and I hate to say it, but nobody seems to be here. Are you hallucinating?
If you don't give them (You)s, their lifeforce slowly fades away
2x per week upper program that increases bench about every two weeks?
>>757302705/3/1 is monthly amd breddy gud
>>75730270Nothing directly fits that criteria that I'm aware of, at least not out of the box.
Theres my little bitch, 3 minutes or less as promised.
>>75730281What's the point of responding to a question only to say you don't know? Sanctimonious fat fuck.
>>75730438You really don't get it? Blobberu considers himself to have encyclopedic knowledge of every known document that has anything to do with powerlifting. He is the library of alexandria, in his own zoloft fueled brain. What he means when he says he doesn't know is that, in fact, no one knows, since it doesn't exist, because if it did exist, he would know, because he is bobby
>>75730438If he asked what could be modified to fit his criteria then I could have answered.>>75730502That's a whole lot of words to say "I prefer shitposting over attempting to help others"
>>757305141) go to archive2) locate 'worm holocaust'3) follow the protocol4) reread my post
right on schedule
You are here for my entertainment.
>TPendlay: 8x3@215Press: 5x5@120 (mirin'?)Wide fat grip pullup: 4x12 + 1 arm Arnold: 4x10@40Half Kneeling 1 arm banded lat pulldown: 4x12@black + DB incline Ys: 4x15@20Lat raise: 4x12@20 + Banded face pull: 4x15@blackRussian twist: 4x12@53Prowler roon (within air assault standard, need to get back to C Team standard)>EFeasting>WThe raping of Saracenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBI44YWHn1E>Lhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioNng23DkIMMy son's new jam. I guess he does have the 'tism.
>>75730514>If you... Then I could have answeredBut you did answer.
>blobby doesn't understand the subjunctive mood Pottery
>>75730611Damn I miss surf and turf. Back when I was Kansas I would eat it all the time. Here in Italy the only time I had it I’d had to pay over 100 bucks for it and it was kinda mid
>tlegs up close grip spotos: 220, 240x2, NS 260, 170x8, 190x9lat pulldow wide: 4x8lat pulldow neutral close: 4x8slight incline guillotine smith press: 2pl8 2x8, 3pl8 2x8 & 2x10>feh
>start posting training logs in pounds but without specifying>attach 2D girl>people now think I am 9
>>757309579 uses acronyms instead of words because military dudes love doing that shit for some reason >>75730803fake
Found out I can't press 2pl8 today
>TBTN Strict 1x80kg, 0x100kgBTN SJ 4x1x130,140,150,160kg 30s restPush Press 5x115,120kg, 4x125kgAccessories
>>75731076>wrist wraps>belt>knee sleeves>elbow sleeves>lifting shoes>still wasn't even close
>>75731076tbf, behind the neck strict pressing is harder than in front from my experience atleast
>>75730781Those are my people awaiting for their prodigal son to return. Where were you and what for?>>75731076Ditto
>>75731104>used equipment>you did not lift the weight
>>75731104>barbell>manufactured plates>blocks>collar>socks>t-shirt and pants>diet that includes processed food>groomed hair>technique learned from the internet>lifting insideRight? Why can't they just life the weight without crutches?
>>75731111>checked and mirinYeah it definitely is. First time trying it so probably I could probably hit 90. I was doing a btn complex of>strict press>paused dip and drive>push press>split jerkas a warmup
>>75731104he probably forgot to use his salts
do you have to switch between squat and DL max effort variations or can you go on a squat or DL only adventure for several weeks without fucking your recovery?
>>75729042THREADLY, RELEVANT, and HIGH QUALITY REMINDER for you unlifting ANON CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. Tripping is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs>A LMAO4PLAET or greater row from the ground>A Log "Press" of at least 240 lbs and 1.15 times bodyweight>A front squat equal to or greater than LMAO4PLAET and 1.75x bodyweight>A body that /fit/ won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder
>>75731438OFFICIAL, AND CLEARLY ON-TOPIC, /PLG/ RULES (no bitching!):1.) Do not talk about cutting2.) Do NOT talk about cutting3.) An adult male is >190 lbs, and this is an 18+ board4.) LOLfedders get out5.) Every fed is a LOLfed6.) There are no real rules about lifting (except that s*mo is ghey), half-rep all you like7.) There are no real rules about judging either, enjoy your R E D L I G H T S8.) You must have vids to prove your lifts9.) POST LIFTS or GTFO – The choice is yours.10.) EAT MOAR – It is never enough11.) Your program is shit, no exceptions12.) Powerlifting is not a sport.13.) Pulling s*mo is an admission of fundamental weakness, ontological incompetence, and likely fatherlessness14.) FIGGY is not a fraud15.) FIGGY is not a felon16.) FIGGY IS NOT A JEW17.) Grow a beard18.) Phoneposters get The Rope.19.) Everyone stronger than you is on sterons. Everyone weaker than you isn’t trying hard enough.20.) Try harder21.) You must squat >2.67 times bodyweight AND have an unblemished boxing record to bully FIGGY
>>75731445UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMs (Arcane CipheRs Of Never Yielding Masculinity). Post, but don't spam, in every thread.>GDE (Genetic Dead End)Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.>OGD (Obese Genetic Dud)A GDE that tried to cope by getting fat. Did not get stronger. Look at him and laugh.>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.>UFO (Under Fed Organism)Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.>LARPER - Lamely Accessorizing Retard, Performance Essentially RubbishWants to be a powerlifter without actually lifting or trying hard. Buys $800 in clothes and accessories to dress the part. Stuck at a 400 kg total. Widely loathed.>FAGIT (Freakishly Adept Genetically, Incredible Total)Strong from birth, never had to work for it. Still works at it, just to ULTRA MOG GDEs even harder. Hated by everyone, but they can't really do anything about it.>JANITOR (Just ANother Ineffectual Twig, Obviously Retarded)Complete assclown and permanent virgin.>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.>TWIT (Third World Idjit Tard)Smelly unAmerican FOREIGNER who lifts in the futile hopes it will make him matter like AMERICANS matter
>>75731438>>75731445>>75731450Another clean win for FIGGY and all the FIGGY Faithful desu
Figgy is a jew
02raj got mad
>cutting>weight kinda stalled for the past 2 months>despite that feel way leaner>shoulder veins start popping>abs more definedwtf is this the infamous recomp happening right now? I'm losing fat but gaining muscles?
>>75729042What's your shoulder routine/programming>shoulders 2x/wk>shoulder based benchingI want to be at 405+ in 1yr and I might hit 315 on a good day.
>>75732107not sure why would you want to weight 405, but just do the Dave Tate diethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBE9s8ZpU88
>>75731112I did an exchange program back when I was in high school, was there for a year. I was in Wichita. Lovely place and people
>70 mod 72
What is the general opinion of the GZCL method of training here? Good, okay or bad?Pic relatedGZCLP and Jacked and Tan 2.0 in particularAnyone had success with them?
>>75732678The opinions I've seen are tl;dr and >>>leddit. I've seen anons run it on occasion but they usually weren't very strong. I doubt very much that there are people currently posting in this thread with experience with it.
>>75732678it's self programming for powerbuilding. the problem comes from how you break through a plateau once you reach it (inb4 eating your way out on 6000 calories per day) since you're setting all your own percentages/reps/setsi guess you could mesh it with 5/3/1: doing 5/3/1 sets for T1 and doing T2/T3 for accessory work instead of Jim's accessory plans like BBBwhy am i seriously responding to a shitpost
>>75731080I love push press so much bros ;-;
>>75732831Why shitpost? It was a legitimate question
>>75732831You got baited. It happens.
>>75732831Why do you people obsess over a specific number of reps/sets when literally all you have to do is a bunch of sets to failure on assistance making sure to get 10-15 reps and not burn out on main movement?
>>75732925Tell me youre vaxxed without telling me youre vaxxed.
u ever just poast in the wrong thread>>75732061
>>75733071it's the same OP simonchads eating today
>>75733071i'm doing it right now
>>75733133>eating today
>seated good mornings todayhow fun!
>>75733391>nooo I can't do an RDL or a weighted back extension... I must do the dumbest variation of an already dumb lift imaginable or otherwise my 180/100 BP westside baldie cred goes to shit
feeling injury prone therefore I will skip the gym and order burgers instead
just got paid (mailbox money, for those of you who are still figuring out life, it’s when your bank account suddenly has a way bigger number than usual. sorry to all the wagies reading this). coach made me drop $60 for this week’s program. it’s 3 days instead of 5 because he says i need to "shed fatigue" (his words, not mine). also includes mobility for each session, which i’m paying extra for, by the way.here’s the program. does this look worth it to you?>Mon Heavy Squat+BenchMobility Squat 4x3@88-90%Paused Squat 3x4@72-75%Bench 4x5@80-82%Spoto Press 3x4@75%Face Pulls 3x15@mod weightMobility>Wed Heavy Deadlift+AccessoriesMobilityDeadlift 4x3@90-92%Deficit DL 3x4@65-68%RDL 3x8@60%Good Mornings 3x8@6-7Pull-ups 3xF@8BB Shrugs 3x10@7-8Mobility>Fri Bench+Squat AccessoriesMobilityPin Squat 4x3@75-77%Paused Bench 4x3@82-85%Incline DB Bench 4x8@7-8DB Rows 3x10@7-8Abs 3x15Mobilityit’s my 4th week working with him, and honestly, i feel like it’s light for $60. i get that i need to recover, but does this actually look good, or am i getting scammed here? does anyone else pay this much for a program like this?
>>75733524that's cool and all but where are your lifts?
>>75733524>Squat 4x3@88-90%>"shed fatigue"lmao?
>>75733444someone's having a bad morning
>>75733534380/315/500 at 179 lbs gym tested in October>>75733545is shedding fatigue a meme?
>>75733657ah, so no lifts being posted AND a name thief?shame.
>>75733524You still haven't explained why you had to wait to get paid before you could pay your feeSeriously just go with Shaman at this point, it was way more entertaining
75733693>sorry to all the wagies reading this
>>75733693shaman? with those numbers? lol, lmao even
>>75733524You're losing your edge.
>>75733444good mornings are great, sir
>>75733699Ur mom is fat lol
>>75733657Shedding fatigue means resting and recovering so your body feels better and stronger again.
mak... 3 weeks of weeks and semen retentiondiet: pancakes and antipsychoticssometimes apples
>>75734334big lift, i lift infinite weights
Man I wanna train but I can't until tomorrow>>75734334>>75734353I thought you weren't gonna post here anymore?
>>75734353sup mark
>>75734421I thought you weren't gonna post here anymore?
>>75734436whats up i am doing fat gripz extreme pullups again my shoulder is healedhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/JThTukfXoo0
>>75734444The blob is eternal. Nice quads btw.
>>75734457Roberty Boberty
>>75734457Bobby Lobby
We don't talk about Bob-bo no no no...we don't talk about bob-o...
Finished Dutch exams 2 days ago, most likely failed. Stress eating and difficulty sleeping, it's pretty fucked up. Anyways, skipped 2 days of training, still keeping going with linear progression with diddlies and paused squats.
>>75734650Additionally finished my bash script to automatically convert my vids into best possible webm under 4chin's 4MB limit. How I just gotta throw it in a folder and start it up
>>75734650whyd you cut the vid b4 they started fukken
>>75734650awkward people behind you funny. Still sideways, why? Don't answer
>>75734663last set was me trying to do my best technique wise after I watched the tagged vid. Tell me if vids are looking too big, as I made it so that they are maximum 800pixels width or height while keeping the aspect ratio.>>75734670Possibly, it's a homie from the gym, not my place to stick my nose in as we got a 15ppl+ group chat that all come at around the same time
Getting real sick of this place.
>>75734692ok bob
>>75734650Even the girl understands how to use the platform.
Who's the strongest deadlifters here? I think only two obese superheavyweights here beat me - smg and 9k? but i've put on 40kg on my deadlift by specialization training and roiding in the last 6 months currently at 340kg raw conventional, i think i beat smg in a few months but the obese roider i think pulls +400kg? I think i could pull 400 in a few years but i don't want to be a fatty
>>75734836I pull 850
>>75734855Who are you?
>>75734836There is one... they call him Pony, sometimes Horse. He’s the gym's greatest myth, the guy every lifter swears they’ve seen but no one can prove exists. He’s huge, with traps that swallow his neck and thighs like tree trunks. The kind of guy who sumo deadlifts 700 pounds with chalk flying everywhere and doesn’t even flinch.The rumors are insane. Some say he’s on horse-grade PEDs, the kind of gear that would make a veterinarian blush. Others insist he’s a clean eater, living off raw oats and water. Nobody knows for sure because no one gets close enough to ask. He never speaks, just nods or stares through you with an intensity that makes you question your life choices.The sightings are always the same. “I saw him sumo 700 beltless and then just leave like it was nothing.” No videos, no pictures, just whispers and blurry memories. He’s the guy who shows up, leaves everyone questioning their natty status, and disappears like smoke.Pony/Horse might not even be real, but every gym has a story about him. Whether he’s a freak of nature or just a collective hallucination, one thing’s for sure. His legend keeps growing, and so do the weights.
throw me on a second screen during Nimi's debut, we're doing beltless deads somce that seems to be the meme lately
>>75734956You got too fat for your belt, didn't you, Sasquatch?
>>75733524Kek, you've gone from "mildly annoying" to "mildly entertaining">>75731111Checked and mirin. A goal of mine is to have ONE lift that can beat your bench. >>75734445Nice, welcome backFirst DE day since I made the switch to conjugate. Speed bench 8 x 3 @ 65. Weight felt so crazy light, even on the later sets. Started to feel a bit of fatigue, but not a huge amount of strain or even pump, and kept the bar speed fast. Does it feel harder ever? Maybe when I get better at putting more force in at lighter weight? It's just weird, never trained like this before.
>>75733524my coach is $100 in week for in person
>>75735056>DENo it never feels hard ime. Doing 40-60% straight weight + reds. Last time I did de bench I double banded the reds with a bit over 60% sw and it still wasn't hard at all
>>75732271Did you fuck my cousin?
>>75735233Very unlikely
>>75734994I'm actually down weight and waistline from last year. You didn't see my abs thread?
Excreting Norman khanFirst log came out very cleanly.. niceHoping the rest is like this
>>75735262Okay wow yes now this is an impressive physique
>>75734857That’s big shouse
>>75735262Cutbros we are so backA T H L E T E G E N E R A L
>>75735843>Beltless AND straplessOn a power bar next?
>>75735847nah I don't care about that. Thinking about an axle block soon though.
>>75735843>>75735877shaman is going to love this
>>75735843too bad you used knee sleeves or else it would've been a respectable raw lift
Man I really want to get a 2 ply band shirt, would be so sick. Need to focus on 1 goal at a time though.
>>75735056Advice I have heard is to simply not do DE or ME even before your 60% equals at least 1.5pl8. That would be a ~3pl8 bench. Mine is 2.5pl8 and I am only doing conjugate for lower body for the time being.
>>75735843did you try 7?
>>75735056>>75735171Part of it is bench is usually the easiest of the three movements for de. i usually try and get 10-12 sets on bench. the accommodating resistance needs to be ~10/15%, so you need to weigh the bands or chains. ROM and how its put on the barbell greatly effects bands, so it needs to be weighed in the working range and not just >this band says its 35lbs tension on the website, ill use that numberi usually work up to like an 8 on a heavy movement beforehand as a primer before going into de as extra workthe other thing is rest time. you should be able to get a full DE main movement done in like 10 to 12 minutes at most. if its too easy, cut rest time down. if youre at like 8x3 in 8 minutes, just do time limit like>i want to do as many sets as possible in 10 minutes with a minimum of 9 sets
>>75736197Yeah I do like 30-45 seconds of rest tops, I have a timer going>Weigh the bandsI'll get a luggage scale
>>75736184yeah failed at knees
>>75736206probably go a bit heavier too is possible. like 55-70 waves and same 10/15%. depends how me days feel>>75736213suprised. strength or something off?
>>75736312Maybe. What would the exact percentages be? (55-62.5-70)? I think it might be partially because my max is understated from what I'm actually capable of peaked but we'll see when I test in 6-7 weeks.
>>75736371How are you peaking while cutting?
>>75736401>He missed the post where I decided I'm going to try to break April Mathis' best bench in compNot cutting anymore. Full speed ahead to a 460 lb comp bench
>>75736312>suprised. strength or something off?it felt like my hips just went back and threw my position off but that's not what the video looks like. Probably just ran out of gas or something.
Someone stronger than me watched my deadlift and said i was using my lower back way too much and not engaging my posterior chain enough so I've sort of started from scratch with my technique here. Ive been feeling the lift way more in my hams and glutes since doing this but I'm struggling to get my positioning right on the first rep, but subsequent reps are much better for it. For example I was messing around with 4pl8 today and rep 1 feels like RPE 6 but rep 2 feels like RPE 3 or 4.Tl;dr does anyone have any good cues for optimising position during setup so i stop fucking my back up