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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

>High Scores

Previous Thread:>>75717821
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Good job to everyone that posted lifts in the last couple threads.
Hip thrusts (on your mom) 2x10x2pl8(your mom's bw)
RDLs 2x8x3pl8, 2x8x4pl8
Zombie squats 3x2pl8, 3x245lbs
Was feeling gassed since I had PT right before the gym. RDLs felt pretty good. Still taking it easy on squats. Not sure how I feel about zombie squats.
>hip thrusts

Can I get a hat wobble?
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Reminder that anyone who interrupts FIGGY is monkeypox ghey
THREADLY, RELEVANT, and HIGH QUALITY REMINDER for you unlifting ANON CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. Tripping is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:
>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs
>A LMAO4PLAET or greater row from the ground
>A Log "Press" of at least 240 lbs and 1.15 times bodyweight
>A front squat equal to or greater than LMAO4PLAET and 1.75x bodyweight
>A body that /fit/ won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)
If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder
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1.) Do not talk about cutting
2.) Do NOT talk about cutting
3.) An adult male is >190 lbs, and this is an 18+ board
4.) LOLfedders get out
5.) Every fed is a LOLfed
6.) There are no real rules about lifting (except that s*mo is ghey), half-rep all you like
7.) There are no real rules about judging either, enjoy your R E D L I G H T S
8.) You must have vids to prove your lifts
9.) POST LIFTS or GTFO – The choice is yours.
10.) EAT MOAR – It is never enough
11.) Your program is shit, no exceptions
12.) Powerlifting is not a sport.
13.) Pulling s*mo is an admission of fundamental weakness, ontological incompetence, and likely fatherlessness
14.) FIGGY is not a fraud
15.) FIGGY is not a felon
17.) Grow a beard
18.) Phoneposters get The Rope.
19.) Everyone stronger than you is on sterons. Everyone weaker than you isn’t trying hard enough.
20.) Try harder
21.) You must squat >2.67 times bodyweight AND have an unblemished boxing record to bully FIGGY
If dubs, Plootz has to stop rotating his webums to be right-side-up
UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMs (Arcane CipheRs Of Never Yielding Masculinity). Post, but don't spam, in every thread.

>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>OGD (Obese Genetic Dud)
A GDE that tried to cope by getting fat. Did not get stronger. Look at him and laugh.

>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.

>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>LARPER - Lamely Accessorizing Retard, Performance Essentially Rubbish
Wants to be a powerlifter without actually lifting or trying hard. Buys $800 in clothes and accessories to dress the part. Stuck at a 400 kg total. Widely loathed.

>FAGIT (Freakishly Adept Genetically, Incredible Total)
Strong from birth, never had to work for it. Still works at it, just to ULTRA MOG GDEs even harder. Hated by everyone, but they can't really do anything about it.

>JANITOR (Just ANother Ineffectual Twig, Obviously Retarded)
Complete assclown and permanent virgin.

>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

>TWIT (Third World Idjit Tard)
Smelly unAmerican FOREIGNER who lifts in the futile hopes it will make him matter like AMERICANS matter
>Perfect pasta in the first ten posts
Gonna be a good thread
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Deadlifts 10x215kg, 2x10x195kg
Log Carry 120kg x80m
SL Leg Press 3x12es
Deadhangs 3x25kgxMax
5kg 10RM PB with probably 2 left in the tank. Maybe this is the year I pull 300. Can't wait to get back on a deadlift bar and see what I can get later in the year.
how's the rehab going?
God i wish that was me
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>downloaded cuckols 28 free to look at x2 freq intermediate progressions I can throw in
>see this
Very hard to take him seriously in any capacity after seeing this. I ran his x2 beginner bench way back to bag my first lmao2pl8 bench, but I guess anything would've worked for that.

The x2 intermediate deadlift I am about to run now is from a 5 year old bromley vid and is different from what's in the most recent excel file on his site, that one is suggesting me to pull fuggin SUMO on the alternate day.
Bro hasnt been relevant for like 10 years
maybe not I'm running a TM like setup for my bench and press, I don't want that for deadlift where I just want a simple % wave
Gonna do the intermediate one except the rows on day 2 will be RDLs, he doesn't show it but the 6x3 is on the minute sets so I am essentially doing dynamic effort which will be fun
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>225 3x5 incline was easy
>235 3x3 was really hard
I can't believe my progress is flatlining this fast
>Decline is flat lining
>he doesn't do 230 first
your fault, just microload
If you don’t have a girlfriend you’re not allowed to post in /plg/
The strongest guy in here is a wizard
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Who has the highest numbers anyway
9 i think
>too weak to post lifts
>but I have a girlfriend
What if you're a widower?
of course it is. less than 20 or 30 people in the world that outlift him
I doubt that
saved tranime pics say otherwise
Where's the big man been?
Wasn't he stationed in an asian country for a long time? I have a hard time seeing a golden retriever looking 6'4" guy that benched 5pl8 while still lean not accidentally having sex with at least 1 person in the given environment. The autism required is too great.
are you talking about smiggy? i'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend (or had one at least)
no idea if 9 has or had thoughie
no clue
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has or had ONE*
He's talking about (9), but yeah pretty sure he's pounded plenty of Asians when he was stationed abroad
I am married
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And redpilled
Anybody seen Bromley's new A/B beginner program for building strength? Thoughts?
Workout A:
Bench 4x6+
Squat 4x6+
Upright Row 3xF (8-12)
Triceps Isolation 3xF (8-12)

Workout B
Deadlift 4x6+
Row 4x6+
OHP 4x6+
Biceps Isolation 3xF (8-12)

Workout C (Once Recovery Suffers)
Front Squat 3xF (8-12)
Close-Grip Bench 3xF (8-12)
RDL 3xF (8-12)
Behind-The-Neck Press 3xF (8-12)
>Once Recovery Suffers
>Front Squat 3xF
>RDL 3xF
based noob crusher
Looks relatively fine but I'm not so sure that the inclusion of btn presses is a great idea for beginners. Their mobility is generally barely good enough to do the regular SBD + OHP, forget special variants like that. I know Bromley has talked about really enjoying btn presses in the past but that's definitely something that should be a case by case basis as morphology or general mobility demands can screw you over.
It's a retard filter. BTN is a good corrective lift IF you're not retarded and very gradually acclimate to a standardized ROM with slow loading. It has of course nothing to do in a program for day 1 beginners, but I support Bromley for ending their lifting careers before it even begun if they can't intuitively figure this out themselves.
>i don't know about the users on this board
Repeat after me. I do not know more than Bromley. I do not know as much as Bromley. I am unqualified to speak on the utility of Bromley's programming. Understand?
>Anybody seen?
>cared enough to post
i did
>decide to put BTN press back into my schedule as accessory to press
>shitfluencers are shilling it
now people at the gym will think I'm a fellow pleb, why does this keep happening to me?
>shitfluencers are shilling it
stop watching faggots on a screen
>now people at the gym will think I'm a fellow pleb
not if you lift more than them
>stop watching faggots on a screen
but I read your post tho?
be careful. it's going to post how quickly you responded
1:01 will be beat, we just need to rev up the bobbyengine
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It's going well. I'm going to the same PT I used for my shoulder but still to early to see any significant results. Coath also has a background in physical therapy, so I feel optimistic.
Ladyboys don't count.
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lmao gottem.
I wore my fat friend's belt yesterday, it was probably too big even on the smallest holes. That said, while wearing it on some light weight deadlifts my abs and glutes felt like they were on fire. Normally I feel deadlifts almost exclusively in my back and hamstrings.
Have I not been bracing right all along?
>that pic
>switch to atg oly wl squats
>Soleus hurts
I think this is related to bouncing off calves when performing atg, right? Is the issue ankle mobility? Ankle/calf Tightness?
Matched my 1rm deadlift without a belt showing off a little at a crossfit place
Good shit
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>methods of lifting weight suddenly stop working after a certain amount of years
The 531tard would like to have a word with you.
>a crossfit place
it's called a box
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I'm tired of all the sexual tension. Blobby needs to let Raj pump his bussy and get it over with.
Does nuckols 28 free advanced work for squat and deadlift? I heard the bench ones were solid but idk if the lower works
You're confusing raj for frank
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Bobby are the allegations true? are you really bi-curious?
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Day 2 of being a conjutard. Hit a 195 squat PR on ME, felt great. SLDLs @.....100 :( . Leg press, hanging leg raises, GHR. God my hamstrings are so fucking weak, it's a miracle I got this far


Hope you do better soon

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There is only one person in the entire thread who has run Nuckols 28 free for lower body and he said it is...bad.
More than curious. He's dated trannies.
Coach upped the price to $60/week because he’s now including 'mobility work for each session.' Honestly, I’ve skipped most of it, and I’m not sure it’s made any difference, but here’s the program so far. Thoughts?

>Mon Heavy Squat and Bench
Squat 4x3@88-90%
Paused Squat 4x4@72-75%
Bench 5x5@80-82%
Spoto Press 3x4@75%
Face Pulls 4x15@moderate weight

>Tues Deadlift Focus
Deadlift 4x3@90-92% (missed the last 2 reps btw)
Deficit DL 3x4@65-68%
RDL 3x8@60%
Pull-ups 3xF
BB Shrugs 3x10@RPE 8

>Wed Recovery and Volume
Tempo Squat 4x4@67-70%
Incline DB Bench 4x8@RPE 7-8
CS Row 4x8@RPE 7-8
GHR 3x12
Abs 3x15

>Thur Secondary Bench and Squat
Pin Squats 3x3@75-77%
Paused Bench 5x3@82-85%
DB Row 3x10@RPE 7-8
OHP 3x8@RPE 8-9
Abs 3x15

>Fri Heavy Deadlift + Accessories
Deadlift 2x2@92-95%
Paused Squats 3x6@65%
Good Mornings 3x8@RPE 6-7
Pull-ups 3XF
Abs 3x15

So far it feels like I’m paying extra to do yoga stretches and hear the words 'open your hips' 10 times a week. Is this just how coaching works now? Or am I getting scammed? Would love to hear from people who’ve actually run a real program.
Are you getting stronger though? You aren't paying for no progress right?
whoever is the strongest throw pls post lifts with a timestamp.
thank you in advance
>coach upped the price
pls b b8
Are you the name thief?
Yeah I think so haven't tested my maxes since October.
I'm the original and '!mtPYigIFYw' we're just gonna call Number Two to avoid confusion.
I live in the United States and I'm talking about USD.
I think this kind of skinwalker character would work better if you were to steal the identity of a namefag. Everyone can check the archives and compare the trips. Honestly, you've been kinda missing the mark ever since you retired Shaman.
I checked the archive and you never posted lifts.
time to make a new name and trip bud
You should bring back Shaman. That was a pretty good one.
Almost sharted myself doing deadlifts up to knees
Thanks Sheiko
what weight?
It said 195kg 4x2 but i rounded to 200 because fuck it
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lrn2archive number two
Pls be kg
Do you think this is a game?
is that a WebM? didn't think so
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since you refuse to change name (wtf is a throw anyways) use this anime picture next time so I don't get you confused
This is why he always get so mad from norman khan posting.
I'm like a 2 on the Kinsey scale

You go on one date...

>(Wtf is a throw anyways)
If you'll please consult the image to the left
I'm in the hero registry, I've posted infrequent webms since about this time last year. If he's real he beat my bench, I beat his squat, equal deads
The mistake was admitting it online
I'm not ashamed, the exaggeration is a bit exhausting though
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There's a gay scale?
That's not cricket.
Just here to say that was a very deceptive thumbnail. At first glance I thought it was the ass of one of those my 600lb life people.
BtM Program Review.

Weight: 150 lbs -> 163 lbs (and body fat down 2% according to a scan!)
Squat: 121 lbs -> 176 lbs
Bench: 99 lbs -> 132 lbs
Deadlift: 143 lbs -> 187 lbs
OHP: 77 lbs -> 99 lbs
Pull-ups: 0 -> 3 (yes, really!)

Okay, I’ll admit, this program probably wasn’t the most "optimal" choice for a complete noob like me. A basic LP routine would’ve likely been better, but you know what? I had fun. For the first time in my life, I actually enjoyed lifting, made real progress, and even started liking how I look in the mirror.

I had to make some adjustments because, well, I’m weak. I swapped pull-ups and dips for assisted versions and threw in extra inverted rows and push-ups to help. Still, I pushed through and finished the program, and I feel amazing about it.

Now, I’ll be deloading this week and running it again because I genuinely liked it. This time, I’ll add a couple of extra sets of arm work (for the aesthetics, obviously) and throw in more conditioning to keep improving. Big thanks to Smiggy for hyping me up two months ago when I was whining like a baby about these "impossible" numbers. You were right, and I’m so glad I stuck with it.

Pathetic gains? Maybe. But for me, it’s life-changing progress, and I’m not stopping now!
>That bw increase
Did you follow Wendler's diet advice? Good shit and good on you for having fun. The most optimal program is the one you enjoy doing while still making progress.
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Been listening to the song “Rock me” fro bubblegum crisis 6 ost on repeat today. Shit is a total blast to workout to
>anime bullshit

fucking embarrassing
makes sense
but did you post lifts in WebM form? didn't think so
get oinked lil brown zoomerito
Anon, stop trying to make but did you post lifts in WebM form happen. It's not going to happen.
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>spamcel is having a psychotic breakdown for two hours in /fph/
>/plg/ is unscathed
I think it's weird that you're phone posting and intentionally replacing the auto-capitalized letter at the start of sentences with a lowercase one.
Just checked that thread and it's clearly not the resident spamcel that you're thinking off. Stop congregrating every poster you dislike into a singular evil supreme being.
wtf is BTM
>Kinsey scale
>Dating a trap
There is no spectrum. You're either a faggot or not a faggot.
who said anything about dislike?
Jesus didn't watch anime bro.
Building the monolith
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I'm inclined to press today
you got baited
it happens
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you do know it's goblinx itself doing that right? it doesn't want you seeing it's progress even though it said it lost a lot of weight
>it doesn't want you seeing it's progress even though it said it lost a lot of weight
Based 531 user.
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Looks pretty good, seems like really beating it up on deadlift and squatting 4x/wk? How is that working out?
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Who is this Syruphole schizo you speak of?
Funny story, I've been accused of being a schizo/Simon/Sean/Hank/Raffy countless times but I in fact have not posted ITT
>I've been accused of being a schizo
never happened to me maybe stop posting like schizos lmao
silence schizo
Stupid schizo
Idk what that means I just post here sometimes lol
Also, I'm pretty sure I've been here longer than you
>got yelled at for deadlifting too loud when there was a guy dropping split jerks from overhead that got nothing
Tears streamed down your bright red cheeks as you typed this, didn't they?
Nope. The guy was also an absolute dyel that claimed he'd been in the gym for 20 years. Like doing what bro? Sitting around doing nothing?
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>Nope. The guy was also an absolute dyel that claimed he'd been in the gym for 20 years. Like doing what bro? Sitting around doing nothing?
You should find a hardcorer gym
you shouldve streamed it 2bh. thatd go viral on the internet
>be you
>deadlifting too loudly in gym
>slamming bitch weights for no reason instead of controlling them to the ground
>Chad tells me to stop
>fuckjng antisemitic asshole!
>do i fit in yet guys?
nah chill lil new bro
>controlling them to the ground
You don't lift.
Nah I think it was just a one off. Most people here seem pretty chill.
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I'd find any excuse to yell at a fat fuck, too
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>The guy was also an absolute dyel that claimed he'd been in the gym for 20 years. Like doing what bro? Sitting around doing nothing?
>1 min apart
So these are the same poster, right?
You’ve been at the gym for over a decade and are yet to have either abs or lmao400dots. Don’t try to punch down on your dyel-brothers
Apparently I had been doubling bands in the past but I like that it becomes straight weight at the top here. This was the only good movement of the day before my arms just gave out completely. Apparently stretching for front rack mobility and also strength training those muscles at the same time makes the whole limb just ache like crazy.
>Over a decade

>Punch down
Wouldn't unless they're being dumb as fuck, like they were in this instance. Imagine complaining about deadlifts being loud while ignoring the guy dropping weights from overhead.
You can safely lower the weight when deadlifting. You can't when jerking. How do you not understand this? When you strap up like a sumo lifting bitch and slam the weights down, you're infinitely more of an asshole than a guy jerking the weight.
You absolutely can put a jerk down quietly. Dyel?

Didn't strap up

>Slam the weight down
Didn't do that either. Did a "controlled" fall like usual as per PL rules.
>You can't when jerking.
wrong. you can you're just too weak and have to cope
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Putting quotes around a word to negate it's meaning is peak blob behavior. If you were putting it down quietly you wouldn't have been yelled at. You got told to knock it off because sumo is a way to inflate your numbers to a way you cannot control. A jerk looks cool, and so gets a pass for dropping the weight. It's also safe.
If you lift any appreciable weight for jerk you drop the weight. Have fun telling Olivia Reeves she's too weak and copes by dropping the weight.
dyel post
>Because sumo inflates your numbers to a way you cannot control
Bro, they were 2 pl8 banded deads, calm down. And even then, sumo lifters absolutely can do slow eccentrics with their weights to the same degree conventional lifters can. But it's a PL gym, so why would I control the eccentric anymore than I have to for PL rules? Make it make sense.

>It looks cool so it gets a pass
Oh so you have brain damage, got it

>Appreciable weight
It was like 2 pl8 and the guy must've weighed more than me by a significant margin. He easily could have controlled it down no problem. I'm sorry you're dyel and brain damaged to a significant degree.
this is why everyone hates powershitters at the gym. you show up wearing 10 kg of equipment and look like a doofus lifting weights for a mere 4 cm range of motion. you probably look fat, smell like BO and feel and act like a top dog because you have a lot of plates on the bar. i would yell at you too, revoke your gym membership and tell you to get out of my gym and never return.
PL gym, moron
I don't care about you making noise or slamming it, but why lie? We have the video. Your hands are even off the bar before it touches the ground. That was not a controlled descent. Mark (yes, that Mark - the Mark Rippetoe) would like to have a word with you.
>brain damage
>brain damage
Tell us more about the medications you're taking for your mental illness. As always, the blob is here with a masterclass in projection
>Let go of the bar ~1 cm before it hits the ground
It's basically the same shit. Want me to go frame by frame and find the exact point?

>It looks le cool so it's fine!
Trademark brain damage
What a repulsive looking creature.
Welcome to the real world, kiddo. Attractive people are smarter on average and receive much better treatment on average. Take this as a lesson that you're not a beneficiary of pretty privilege. That you call people brain damaged for promoting and recognizing pretty privilege indicates just how low in this hierarchy you are.
The guy doing jerks wasn't exactly pretty either. Did you miss the part where I said he probably weighed more than I do?
Officially signed up for my first meet. Anyone got any advice?

Also deadlift rules...can I "drop" with the weight or do I need to lower the fucking thing slowly?
>300 dots expert's thumbs rapidly tapping away
stop bobby
Hands need to be in contact with the bar all the way down to the floor but you don't actually have to control it.

Read the rules for the fed
Practice commands
Get a singlet and long socks
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>Did a "controlled" fall like usual as per PL rules.
>Let go of the bar ~1 cm before it hits the ground
>Hands need to be in contact with the bar all the way down to the floor but you don't actually have to control it.
What did he mean by this?
Lol gonna have to video call someone to help me with commands or something cause no one here knows shit.

Thanks for the advice.
I don't think they vary much between feds, should be easy enough to instruct someone.




Just gotta make sure they understand when to give you the various commands.
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Do not question the all-knowing sphere
>spamcel stopped posting in /fph/ and now /plg/ is active
thinking emoji
Repeat after me. Robbie is a better powerlifter than I am.
Wow excreting a giant pile of very stinky smelly Norman khan

Here to answer any questions for probably the next 5 minutes
That just isn’t true kek, for like anyone, 99% of the population

Blobby is and always will be fat and weak

Sorry to do you dirty like this Blobs, but it’s the truth
Well good on ya bud
Oinked that fatty
The two generals are effectively the same content.
Here you go Robert. See how these other fat fucks lost weight? Maybe you'll learn something.
Nah, I'm going (9) mode and nobody can stop me. I need to out bench April in comp after all
Yeah good luck outbenching 9 and me by April… kek
Not by April dummy, April the person. Strongest Female raw bench on open PL.
if Bobby gains 20lbs per year on a cut imagine what the Bobbulk will be like. He'll outweigh (9) by March easy. ROM easily cut in half right there.
You’ll never out bench me out 9, only women.. fucking kek, yet another btfo delivered to you from you truly
I mean, probably not. 611 lbs is a huge bench. 460 seems relatively reasonable though.
Might be natty benching 750 by then
Help me understand, please >>75725553
>will bulk to 400 lbs bw
>projected bench is 460 lbs
Can't make this shit up
What’s the context? Blobs couldn’t hold a deadlift and dropped it and said it was a controlled drop?
he'll lose weight?
Yeah don't you understand? I have to get it at all costs. Even if I die from being too fat.
my 600lb bobby
thats inevitable
At least it'll say on my gravestone "out benched April Mathis", worth it
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640 was my best
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were you the sexy Garfield poster this whole time?
Didn't know about that one. Thanks.
for the guy in the last thread that said "no vid no did" on my 365lb reverse band pull:

the band made it super easy so it's basically just an ego lift. but hopefully it does something for my actual DL max, idk
>sexy Garfield
go on...
girls are pulling 4pl8 in my gym
that's my goal! I started training powerlifting a year ago in February so I still have a long way to go before I can hit the numbers some of these ladies are hitting (if ever). plus I'm old lol
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Haven't tested 1rms in forever, just gonna post my best efforts
>bench 245x4 (months ago) or 205x13 (recent)
>squat 325x5 (months ago) or 285x11 (recent)
>deadlift 405x5 (months ago) or 335x11 (recent)
>5-11 235 fully grown male
Been doing 531 and 531-adjacent (mainly subbing ohp day for moar bench) stuff for over a year and kind of over it, any good SBD focused programs that aren't *just* those lifts?
Also I'm taking a shit rn and it smells like fish for some reason
>any good SBD focused programs that aren't *just* those lifts?
I'll drop you the program I just started which is an amalgamation of several different things. We have about the same lifts deadlift is better and I am ~40lbs lighter. 80/120/160/220 @ 90 (we don't talk about the squat)

>Upper 1
Bench 5RM/2x3/5x1
OHP 4x6
Bench accessory 4x10
Tri's 4x10
>Lower 1
Squat 3x6
Deadlift 4x5x80% -> 2x1x90%+3x3x85% -> 3x3x70% -> reset
Vertical pull 4x10
Horizontal pull 4x10
Bi's 4x10

>Upper 2
OHP 5RM/2x3/5x1
Bench 4x6
OHP accessory 4x10
Tri's 4x10
>Lower 2
Squat 3x6
Deadlift 6x3x60%->6x3x65%->6x3x70%-> new 1RM, every set on the minute
RDL 3x6
Horizontal pull 4x10
Bi's 4x10

Squat is neglected here, the 3x6 isn't supposed to be pushed hard just not detrain you while you pump the DL.
You reset the 4x6 volume and bench/OHP intensity days like you would on TM.
If you have been running 5/3/1 as written this is a bump up in volume and intensity, you don't pussy foot the intensity or volume days you grind until you hard fail then reset the wave if it's volume or in the case of intensity day bump down the reps. When you fail 5x1 singles across you start back with 5RM's one or two increments behind where you failed last. The accessories except for the RDL and squat are also taken to or near failure every set with a dynamic double progression.
>ULx 6 day week
whatever you prefer
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FIGGY recalls he promise a BODYWEIGHTCOPEPAUSELENGTH MOGGING, or something to that effect, and FIGGY of course ALWAYS* delivers desu.

See here >>>/wsg/5787158, a >1.5x bodyweight, audible, LMAO4COUNT pause bench press, mogging Bloberto Blobby Blobriguez's 1.47x (assuming 270 lbs bodyweight) silent LMAO3COUNT pause benche press desu freunden
Thats supposed to be impressive? I can easily do 1.75x bw bench for like 10 second pause probably more. Once you pause its easy to hold it.
Very nice, lets see the video
Dont provoke me its DE day today im not warming up to 140
405/270 is 1.5 though?
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>You can safely lower the weight when deadlifting.
@blob see how quiet that was? That's how you deadlift.
>>757272 + (7*5)
hope she sees this lil brown simp
Don't forget the difference in arches as well
Laura is my favorite /plg/ poster and I want to breed her.
Same god shes so hot dont even care shes 40 i would call her mommy and cum inside
Oh wow almost forgot to mention I’m excreting Norman khan , yeah it’s a little watery / Norman khannarhea smelling but so far so good considering that Mexican hot pepper I ate

I haven’t felt it come out yet so I think that’s still to come..
Do you have IBS?
his intestines are fucked from years of alcohol abuse.
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something something cope about cube square law
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Complete newbie question. If I wanted to enter a Power Lift meet, what would my big three's minimum have to be to even compete?
Anyone else see a mass of swollen, roided out flesh in the thumbnail catalogue?
Did 9 ever write down how he runs conjugate?
He keeps the same variation for ME days until it stagnates, what does he do for DE?
20 kg Barbell + 5 kg collars for each lift. That's it.

I don't believe he did. He doesn't do DE for upper I think though based on irl convos. Sometimes he'll keep a movement for ME if he really wants to set a PR in it but no more than 3 weeks. But obviously you can just ask him, I don't see why he wouldn't reply on Instagram.
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I don't do that anymore, it doesn't work
I stopped doing conjugate and started doing HLM.
You keep a book of leaked trips?
Thanks. Gonna go on the conjugate train once I've ran a short cycle of squatting. Initially I will keep the same lifts in rotation for ~3 weeks at a time so I don't need so many variations.
I don't think that's current but that's a good overview for conjugate overall
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Np lil bro. Hey also check out that youtube video I linked. Basically forget everything you thought you knew about WSBB and Louie and base your entire training off the video with Dave Tate choking on an energy drink.
Holy fuck worst day ever im so fucking sore only 3 sets in im already out of strength.
Nah brosephimo I'm watching this
I don't need the exact current training regiment of someone who has all my stats including body weight multiplied by 2 fairly accurately except for DL (I can hold onto the bar). My current training already has the structure except that ME is % progressions on comp lifts and DE/RE is fahves with a healthy amount of bodybuilding on both days. Only change will be going for 1RMs with a variation, plugs in nicely
>tfw stronger with pause than touch n go.
I noticed you are female so I must make a sexual comment at you
>I can hold onto the bar
Savage, but can you hold it with 800lb?
Only 5 lb difference for me
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Based. Lil bro, if you're running westside conjugate without reading Simon Says Conjugate, you're basically lifting blindfolded. louie himself said this book makes Book of Methods obsolete. it's the ultimate guide to actually understanding conjugate in a practical way, not just throwing random max effort lifts at the wall like most people do.

it even has a foreword by andy baker. like, what more endorsement do you need? if you're serious about conjugate, this is REQUIRED training. no cap, this is the bible for modern conjugate lifters. if you don’t have this in your arsenal, don’t even bother saying you’re 'running westside.
You're losing your edge.
Its probably like 5kg difference as well but still stronger paused for sure. I cant get leg drive going with touch n go.
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Last night when I went to the gym I passed by an elderly couple that had recently joined and overheard the man tell his wife "Here comes the Graveyard" and they both snickered. What did they mean by that?
The only reason I watch women deadlift is because there's a chance they might pee themselves.
I miss sparrow
Coach has decided I'll take today off (slow bar speed on warm-ups) and start a three-day program next week. Once I get paid on Friday, he'll email me the updated plan. I asked if there was a discount since I'll be training fewer days, but he said his rates are weekly, not per session.
Not that the rate matters much to you, though, since you're so loaded. It's the value that matters.
>waiting for a pay day
Well 315/205 is 1.53 TURBO MOGGED
>Turbo mogged
You were saying?
>NOOO you can't just divide two numbers by each other and obtain a ratio... you NEED to use this specific fitted formula that says I am stronger
smells like cheeto dust fatty cope to me
>my arbitrary formula is... Le good!
>your arbitrary formula is... Le bad!
>responding to characters and their samefag replies in the year of our lord 2025
Bobby, we went over this. You can't directly compare no ROM vs actual ROM benches. You are not stronger. You'd also agree that 220 highbar ATG is a stronger squat than 230 lowbar barely breaking parallel despite the number being lower.

Please, have some self-respect for once.
>elemental arithmetic operations are arbitrary
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now input the real bodyweight
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Hey newfriend, that's not actually what people used to call Reddit spacing. Reddit spacing is habitually pressing enter twice to create a new line. You'd see them leaving multiple white lines between paragraphs, and greentext would always be followed by a white line.


>instead of

I understand that you want to fit in and that you found the ultimate image to do that with, but.. it just makes you look very dork-y when you use it in response to people just formatting their posts and using paragraphs.
Number bigger than other number, simple as. Otherwise you'd have to account for any individual ROM differences, both in physical proportion and chosen form. Coping by saying >muh rom does nothing productive. Also more or less ROM is not a guarantee of specific performance. There are many lifters stronger with a close grip in competition.

>220 atg high bar vs 230 low bar
Depends on the individual and how they train, what bar they use, etc. If you want to get real technical a dive bombed atg high bar abusing bar whip is probably not too much different to a low bar, just barely depth with controlled descent on a stiff bar

Using them as a method of comparison is completely arbitrary
How convenient that it's always ROM cheaters doing this "le higher number le better" thing. You won't mind me comparing my rack pull to your deadlift, will you? If it's weight pulled it's weight pulled.
mad faggot lmao
There's a big difference in execution. No matter the bench style, it's always shoulders and ass in contact with the bench with feet on the floor, while going from lockout to chest and back again. Just like squat it's always lock out to hip below knee joint to lock out, and with deadlift it's always floor to lock out. You gonna cry about someone with a +6 ape index out deadlifting you too, just because their ROM is lower?

Reminder that some of the best powerlifters don't even use the form you dictate as "allowing for most weight moved", like John Haack, Bryce Lewis and Julius Maddox.
>You won't mind me comparing my rack pull to your deadlift
ayo dis nigga dumb af
>dots posting
Figgy objectively mogs
>Reminder that some of the best powerlifters don't even use the form you dictate as "allowing for most weight moved", like John Haack, Bryce Lewis and Julius Maddox.
Great point.
Not with bench :)
>No matter the bench style, it's always shoulders and ass in contact with the bench with feet on the floor, while going from lockout to chest and back again.
oh, does IPF allow decline now?
total AND dots mogging
Number bigger than other number, simple as.
>You gonna cry about someone with a +6 ape index out deadlifting you too, just because their ROM is lower?
That's different. They'd still be doing the exact same lift and thus actually be stronger; it wouldn't be extra weight pulled because they cheat in the execution. We know that your choice in execution is (arguably) unfair since it's not legal in every federation, while Figgy's is, so you have an advantage
>Brings up fed that he doesn't even compete in (not that he competes at all)
Oh look I broke him
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You got him to double-reply in less than 5 min. You broke him kek someone gonna have to sew his ass back shut
In comp? Nice if so.
so the execution is the same?
Im too weak to compete
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no comp lift? doesn't count
>No, you don't understand, ROM changes are only bad when I say they are

Close enough, most feds don't abide by IPF rules

Then I win :)
Attention powershitting mathlets, buckle up because I'm going to fix your pathetic sport. Two simple rules:

1. ALL supporting equipment is banned. Every lift must be raw. That means no elevated heels, no belt, no wraps, no straps, no sleeves, no suits, etc.
2. Use whatever variant or extended arch you want. Literally lift the weight however the fuck you want. You can literally fucking lowest of low bar shart if you want, you can sumo it. I don't fucking care. This obviously means squat compared to squat, and not a deadlift vs a clean and jerk, aspie.

Determining winners:
1. There are two winners for each sex, who share the gold. No weight classes, full stop.
2. Whoever lifted the most weight for one rep wins absolute strength.
3. Whoever lifted the most allometrically scaled weight for one rep wins relative strength

Determining weight lifted:
1. The weight lifted is the average work done along the straight line path of movement from lowest point to highest point
2. These are found with sensitive video recordings that are analyzed either during meets or post meets, I don't fucking care

There you go. Your pathetic sport is saved thanks to physics, biology and math. In short
>No cheating with equipment
>Exploit whatever ROM you want, you're not going to win you fucking pussy
I will bench 160@78 and mog you mark my words
>it's not the same
thanks for playing
>No, you don't understand, ROM changes are only bad when I say they are
Yes, actually. My stance is one of utmost reason. A ROM advantage due to physiology can not be avoided and is thus acceptable, whereas pathetic cheating in execution isn't. You're acting as if I'm nitpicking and allowing some of the latter. You're comparing two different lifts set under two different rulesets.
>>7572901, 7
raj got mad
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>dots mentioned
Does it ever engage your little walnut brain that the (((motherfuckers))) running powerlifting keep changing the gay little formula they use to determine winners?

No legitimate competition perpetrates faggotry like this. Even exhibitional pseudo-sports like American Padtackle don't do this. Could you imagine?
>Well, we previously used THIS formula to determine how many points a touchdown was worth by plugging into it the yardage on the scoring play, the time taken by the scoring drive, and whether the scoring play was a run, pass, or the result of a turnover or special teams return play...

tl;dr If you seriously care about dots, you are the lowest form of faggot and should get triple vaccinated and die of blood clots while I give your mother a son who isn't such a GDE in the head.
>Akshually if you use this one super special fed then they're not the same
Lmaooo really grasping for straws here. I gave the things that are in common and you're desperately trying to get one over one me, despite not even addressing my point about some of the best powerlifters not using the form you dictate as "strongest"

Ability to arch more is a physiological difference and is unable to be avoided as there is no good way to regulate arch size, therefore it is nitpicking
>Ability to arch more is a physiological difference
Sure, but not reaching depth with elbows and decline benching with your head off the bench has nothing to do with that. That's actually part of the ruleset and the thing that makes it unfair to directly compare these two lifts pound for pound.
openpowerlifting.com uses DOTS
fuck i hate newfags
>If you use my one super special fed's ruleset then it doesn't count!!!
Cope, reminder that figgy probably wouldn't even compete in the IPF next time should he decide to, he competed USPA last time. And there is no head rule in either USPA or USAPL, nor elbow depth.
Is IPF the most legit fed? What is the most lolfed?
You know what? Let's turn the table around. Let's give this ole chessboard a 360 spin. Let's ignore fed rules and pretend that one lifter is actually just making it more difficult for himself for no good reason. We have an archmage decline bencher that benches in an ugly way that goes against the spirit of the movement and competition. And then we have lifter B doing flat back benching with minute long pauses at the bottom. Lifter A presses 100, lifter B 95. Is lifter A the stronger bencher because number higher and "lifter B didn't have to make it more difficult for himself"? Or can we realistically assume that lifter B is stronger if we were to have them lift under the same conditions?
>most lolfed
There are so many shitty lolfeds you probably wont even know the name of the most lol one. Ive seen a guy claiming he has a world record in deadlift with 240kgs becaue he competed in some no name lolfed no one knows.
If lifter A benches more weight legally, lifter A is stronger in the context of the sport. period. lifter B can cry about it all they want, but strength sports have rules for a reason. stop inventing hypothetical scenarios to cope with the fact that she found the dudewipes.
>Most legit
They're the most strict probably but USAPL is probably not much less strict.

>Most lolfed
Any of the feds westside competes in or that allow for unlimited ply equipment

You can't realistically assume anything because as you've seen in this very thread there is an anon stronger paused than tng. And it's fiction that any lifter is going to make it harder on themselves for no reason, counterfactual or not. Once again, John Haack squats high bar, benches with a moderate grip width, and pulls conventional because he is strongest that way. Bryce Lewis squats high bar because he is strongest that way. Julius Maddox benches with a narrow grip because he is strongest that way. You can only compare whoever's number is the biggest.


Depends on the individual and how they train, what bar they use, etc.

>Exceptions to the rule define the rule
Retard. Back to stats with you.
how many for
>fat fuck
>lunch box
I only count three plates
2 threads
gee billy
what are we lifting today?
You're losing your edge.
LOL thanks twiggy.

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