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Do you get annoyed when people ask for a spot?
No, I'm always happy to spot. It's also the easiest way to make new gym buddies.
No, I always ask if I need one. Sometimes I'll ask the biggest, blackest, meanest looking guy and he'll be super supportive about it too. I failed one time on a PR and homie was like cmon bro wait 2 minutes and we're gonna hit this. What a bro.
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Yes. I’m scared they’re gonna smell my already-soiled shorts. Also they never tell me how they want to be spot plus I’m short so it’s not like I have good leverages to help them anyways.
Imagine getting annoyed when somebody trusts you enough to help them and you have an opportunity to help your fellow man to a path of success.
No. It's pretty rare. That anyone asks for a spot, but more often then not they ask me because I'm big and I'm always around and they've probably seen me do it before.

I'll also randomly offer to help like if I see someone trying to wedge their phone on something to film a pr.
I usually ignore them or just say no and keep my headphones in
People don't ask strangers to spot them anymore. The world has changed a lot in the last decade.
Typically no but I remember one time this guy who was at the gym a lot asked me to spot him on bench. Now he was actually in shape and fairly big but not on roids are anything. Guy has 315 loaded up on the bar. He doesn't look like he can bench 315, but whatever. He does one rep, doesn't get it. I have to lift it off his chest. HE KEEPS GOING. Guy does like 3 or 4 more reps to the point where on the last rep I can literally barely get it off him to rerack it. He then gets up and goes "Man that was easy." Like what the fuck you didn't get one rep. I didn't say anything I was just like "yea... sure."
I'm just glad for the interaction
When I went to public gym before home gym Masterrace-ing, I would always ask people much stronger than me for spots and if they had any tips. I learned a lot, and they always seemed happy for the socialization, even the scary looking roidmosters. Honestly the scary roidmosters are very nice in the gym, but unhinged in other environments like bars/clubs
You should have your gym squires spot you.
I decline if asked. Dudes - see this very thread - always take it as some weird chance to socialize. Always some rosacia-faced white dude or a never gonna make it Indian. I just want to lift and go home, not be your "buddy." I have friends.
only for bench because I hate when they exhale hard on the push and blow it all into my face.
thanks for the covid asshole
You're a faggot if you get annoyed at people asking for a spot. There was an autistic gook at my gym that would do partials while wearing a slingshot and need a spot on every set because they were all forced partials. That's all he would do and he'd have a super autistic specific way he'd require you to spot me. He was annoying and I'd go out of my way to ignore him.
I'm always happy to spot a brother.
2/10, too obvious
Leave people alone at the gym you lonely needy redditor. what the fuck
I've never been to a gym before but that's always something I wondered about. like do you ask an employee to do it or do you ask a random person. btw I'm talking about franchise gyms like planetfitness.
Ayo why dis nigga so sweaty?
Working out hard, maybe you should try it
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>not chatting shit with the lads before and after a bit of benchpress
Stop moping about the gym with your hood up pretending to be a sigmaligma-male you anti-social sad faggot
Just look around for the least retarded looking person you can find and ask them 2bh, also try to be specific about what kind of spot you want
I have to interact with people at work I hate it, if I’m not at work I’m not talking to you
Yes it's fucking retarded ego lifting fag shit. No one needs more than can be done with dumbells. I like being left alone & if you need help with you're workout you're either an egotistical faggot or a weak one.
A few weeks ago some jacked black guy asked me for a lift off on the decline bench. This guy was going for 275 and did at least two if not three reps. I didn't realize until the second set that he was recording, and I'm glad he didn't fail. There's 0 chance I'd be able to save him if he failed.
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No not at all. The fuck kind of question is that jesus christ.
that's not how spotting works.i t's not about bicep curling 300 pounds when someone fails a rep you just have to lift it as much as you can and the lifter should be able to finish the rep. if he can't, he was ego lifting.
True, but this guy was a stranger. It's not like I know his previous workouts.
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Yes, just leave me alone. I already got enough social contacts to deal with.
built to be picked up and carried off as a spoil of war

If you need a spot once sure, but if you repeatedly ask for one it becomes annoying as shit. Just lift your own weights, no need to hit a pr to flaunt your fragile ego and babydick
Honestly, kind of a smart move, trying to upright row 3pl8 would surely snap your shit up, since he wasn't quick enough to grab it while the guy was still applying force. Looks like that guy was benching way too much for him, and probably staged anyway.

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