5% of the year is already gone. You are making progress on your New Years resolutions…right, anon?
>>75738389Fuck resolutions, discipline is best. Fuck time and holidays and all that shit. Day in and out is a grind and I'm grinding my fuckin dick off.
>>75738389I've gotta a new job, now I need to >finish up my education >save up money >get 1.5+/2.5+/4/5
>>75738389didn't make any, but I'm gonna complete a week of successful dieting tomorrow for the first time in god knows how long, so I'm happy with that
>>75738413I agree, I don't do resolutions but I know /fit/ is filled with normies and I want them to feel included to bump my thread.
>>75739572/fit/ didn't always have normies lol....now it is
I've been sober all year so far and showing improvements in strength and math skills so yes, so far so good.
>>75738389I am, actually. I'm 20 pounds lighter than I thought I was and can see the striations in my pecs again already. I also sat down to sketch again after giving up months ago and it wasn't too bad (pic related). When the weather is better (I'm in Wisco), I'll take up walking again, too. Everything's lined up and I just have to execute.
>>75738389no resolutions but weight loss is fucked because i live with people who have chocolate laying around and my willpower is not the best
>>75739601Nice sketch anon.