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File: pixlr_20250118134733242.jpg (587 KB, 3352x1878)
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On the left are all things you can buy with government assistance food stamps.
The government will pay for you to buy these foods and eat them.

On the right are things that the government will not allow you to buy with government assistance.

Are we wonder why people are obese.
misleading post and I don't want to explain why but I agree the gubment shouldn't be subsidizing sugar addiction
Eurofag here. How accurate is this? How does the US government monitor what people buy in the supermarket? I highly doubt this but would love to be informed if there's some truth here.
Of course you won't explain how it's misleading because it isn't.
The government issues people who apply for food stamps what is called an EBT card. The EBT card will not allow you to purchase certain items. If you attempt to purchase an unapproved item with the card, the payment will not go through and you will have to use your own money or put the item back on the shelf.
>because it isn't.
it is
I accept your concession
How does the government determine what's okay to buy and what's not allowed?
That's the point of the post.
Also a euro here. Can you live healthily off food stamps if you manage to resist the temptation of sugar? Or are these stamps mostly about not letting people die of starvation rather than quality nutrition.
You can live healthfully on them. You can buy potatoes and beans and rice and all kinds of stuff. But people generally go for the garbage food because heck, the government's paying for it, so why not? It's mostly about not dying of starvation. The government doesn't give any kind of care about nutrition.
ok saar
If the corporation can lovby the government to approve their products, it's allowed, if not, it's not allowed. Tyere is no big sushi or big sponach. While the junk food spend a fortune on lobbying.
You can buy all that stuff on the right with EBT tho
The things on the right would be eligible too. Precooked food you can't buy, but pre-prepared is fine.

Yes. You can buy perfectly healthy food, but they usually only give like $250/mo (as of like 6-7 years ago, its probably higher now) per person so if you're buying steak and other luxury shit you'll be out of money in a week or 2.
Most of the people on food stamps are low iq nigs, spics and drug addicts, so you can guess the type of shit that actually gets bought.

>t. former junkie and gibs exploiter
You're wrong. They will kick you out of the store if you try to buy produce or meat.
No, you can't. You cannot buy prepared food with EBT.
everything in that picture is shit, except top right
You can, I've done it. You can buy those shushi packs all day. You can buy the take and bake papa murphy's pizzas too.
You can't buy shit that's precooked like the chicken wings and shit from the deli.
Yea you can. Just can’t be hot. There are even places that will sell you “cold” prepared food like pizza through EBT then charge like a dollar to cook it, so they’re separate transactions and it’s legal

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