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I have access to gyms on military bases and i expected to see a million cut, shreadwd beasts in there.

Instead, im seeing alot of squat bodied runmaxxers with big butts and bellies and some hard faced women. Atleast the women are muscular.

Where are all of the hot military babes, there are honestly more fuckable women at Crunch gym or Publix.

Most of the dudes are fucking potatoes with unironic beer bellies.

Most of them barely touch the fucking bench.

Is it because it's the Air Force?

Wtf is happening?
is that underboob tattoo the new "tramp stamp"?
That picture is decades old.
Even if you found some SEAL tier group of people training cardio is more relevant to their routine than being bulky. The beer bellies are probably the military welfare queens who have that career to scratch their nuts doing nothing useful all day but like to larp as team 6 when others ask them about it (they'll also demand respect muh veterans even though they didn't do shit).
Women in the military are whores passed around the barracks or DEI hires 99% of the time
Sounds like an Army or Navy base gym. If you want jacked dudes, go find a Marine (air station) gym. If you want sluts in yoga-pants, go to an Air Force gym.
>joined the chairforce
>where all the hot wymuns at?
Many such cases.

Think about it, jackass. In this day and age, why the fuck would any woman (or man for that matter) of any quality join the America military?
men have all realized they are going to die for Israel and women realized being an e-whore is a better career choice
I never joined. I must skipped the line and contract for them.
I dont want hot girls to die in war only the uggos
So you've been out in the real world all this time and suddenly found yourself face to face with the reality that is the military. It's not like in the movies, that's for damn sure!

See >>75737201 lol.
My friend talks about the same thing e
That's true. I do appreciate the personalities though. I don't know my phonetic alphabet yet but I'm getting there lol.
can't you join to be some paper pusher just to benefit from the GI bill?
They train for sport. That sport being warfighting or at least passing PT. You'll notice the same with female athletes, just with different distributions depending on what they need to accomplish.
It's at least a decade old, so not even new. But, yes.
>Where are all of the hot military babes, there are honestly more fuckable women at Crunch gym or Publix.
they're in the officer program, or a different branch. I had a descendent of an old hollywood actress and she was a 10/10.
t. marine
So they are all hiding in centcom hq. Gotcha.
didnt the air force have a big rape problem about 20 years ago
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Yeah. I retired around that time.
I was typing something similar. Top kek
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King minds think like.
Not gonna lie chief Im joining just so I can go to the gym and get free food. How is Air Force food anyway?
Space Force has the best.

Gyms on military bases are always fucking awful, and it's because they're ALWAYS busy

>lower enlisted DYEL
>upper enlisted trying to lose pudge before weigh-ins
>retirees hogging up benches because they don't have anywhere else to be
You also missed
>full of Mexicans
You are a ZOGbot, rethink your life, before they sent your worthless ass to die in Iran.
Yes. The new current version of it though is a butterfly.
Just screams "I can't think for myself and basic as fuck"
built for bbc
Go lift more weights. Kind lady fuck the china dick. Lets do it.
Officers are people that went to university and shit
its marginally better than a public school cafeteria. the free gyms is a huge perk. the food situation is much better once you are allowed to get your own place and then the air force just gives you an extra $450 a month to buy your own food
Os this the "run through hoes" thread? Because that what army hoes are.
I'm in university now and I see so many dumb Instagram thots and 600 pound gorillas and they're all "veterans". I guess military is just all drone combat now I guess or maybe the military just wants more paper pushers and don't want any UHRAH military bros in the office causing trouble.
The American military is a glorified jobs program now. The whole things needs to be thrown out and started from scratch with no women, gays, or boomers.
100% fucks niggers
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I love sluts
Checks out
Unironically yes. Go to a devil dog gym and you'll see the beasts
Based MCAS knower
>"I can't think for myself and basic as fuck"
that's tattoos for you
the biggest jacked military dudes are usually EX military dudes
correct. they're all go to officer school where almost all ugly potential officers are weeded out. Only the hottest are let through unless they are the ultimate hardcase. Not a joke if you see a butter bar thats ugly that mother fucker is different.
HQ and Motor Tuh is where all hot women are. Fuggos are in comms.
Mentally stable women are not in the military though or are senior officers. Same with men but again I was in the Marine Corps and I know i'm fucked mentally so my perspective is skewed.
Motor Tuah
pit on that thang
The hot ones are working on cars buuull shit
I saw some really ugly and also some really pretty ones working on jets.
Oh that makes way more sense. They want pilot dick, they make 500k after service and shit. They are the modern day gundam pilots.
I despise women

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